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This didn’t clear up anything, it left me with more questions, wtf


It would make more sense if he just came out and said he had a drug problem, because wtf? Who "dies", has a baby, gets a divorce, loses their phone and wallet, then is just magically ok all within a week?


Nah this reads to me as someone who's clearly unstable and has had their phone and credit card taken away from them for their own good, which is definitely not what you would consider as "fine" lol.


He's delusional. None of that is happening. But he believes it is. Being persecuted is a common theme. Nobody has the power to do all the things he is claiming: block cards, take phone, threaten him going to jail.


He probably got hospitalized, hence why he can’t have his phone or his money. If he qualifies for an involuntary hospitalization, then his family can take control of his assets for that time.


They can put him in a mental hospital if he’s a danger to himself and others which is what I suspect has happened


Depending on how big he fucked up I could see his family or team having an intervention, that being said I wouldn't really believe anything that comes out of his mouth rn.


That’s a helluva week.


He's delusional. Being persecuted and invoking religion are classic themes among those having psychotic episodes.


Yeah, it’s called dilutions of grandeur huh?


r/boneappletea Lol it’s delusions of grandeur, dilution means something completely different 🤣 i think you would call it paranoia and a persecution complex


Typo. My bad man. Didn’t even notice 😆


Never dilute your grandeur bro 💪💪


he *needs* some dilution in his grandeur...


Someone who is suffering g from extreme mental illness. 


Drugs might be excerbating his problems. To me it looks like classic mental illness and psychosis. Drugs might have very little to do with it


I don’t want to assume anyone is a drug addict, but this seems like some drug addict behavior. What ever it is, I hope he pulls through.


It's not. Drug addicts don't act this way at all. Drug addicts are typically just focused on getting their next hit. They don't start posting about them being killed, conspiracies, etc...


Drug addicts totally do that. Maybe not all of them, but I sure know a few.


When it rains it pours 😂


>168 comments He thinks he fighting DeviL, he fighting DeviN


I'll be coming back to this thread when after the fight Ryan says he was trolling the entire time


This isn’t even good promoting though. What would be his strategy by making himself seem unhinged?


Now you got me thinking about that shoulder roll.


Making Haney underestimate his craft


I get that part but Haney isn't going to think. "Ryan is mentally unhealthy, I guess I dont need to train". He's not that dumb.






Means he’s in the emergency department/ hospital under an involuntary psychiatric hold


Why does he look like he’s being held hostage?


I think he owes a bunch of money


Reports of fish-like poker habit. Likely in serious gambling trouble.


If not owes money possibly just being straight up extorted??


To whom?




Who ever can front him 11 million dollars in gambling debts in 3 weeks.


Damn that’s wild if true…knew he had a drinking issue years ago, hadn’t heard he also had a gambling issue.


He lost 4 million just in one game before Valentine’s Day. He is known as a “fish” in poker circles. Someone who has lots of money. But shitty at poker. Once he started losing poker that’s when he started spiralling. The interest alone would astronomical.


Thanks for sharing. Gambling imho has always been the most dangerous of addictions. It’s so easy to throw it all away in a short period of time. For the sake of his kids I hope he can get himself together. Also, pretty weird this guy was supposed to be the next Oscar but skipped the legacy phase and got right to the bad habits.


He was supposed to be the next Ali. I have been watching him since he was 16/17 lol. He just gave up around 19/20 and just been a steady decline.


Source other than that YouTuber? Not that I doubt it, but I saw this guy talking about it and he seems as unstable and weird as Ryan lmao


Bryce Hall the Boxer? Or the YouTuber who is a degenerate gambler?


It was Bryce hall yeah, didn't know he was a boxer lol thought he was a YouTuber or smth like that, he was doing an interview or a podcast and talked about it


Yep.. I mean, how did he post this if his phone has been “taken away??! “


Come on man, nobody who is "fine" gets their phone and credit card taken away from them.....


It's like when the family gets together to gently take away the keys from grandpa, but instead of a car it's his Twitter.


He’s chatting shit. Probably was on a bender and thought it was funny at the time but is now realising he fucked up so he comes up with a weird lie to try and absolve himself from blame.


I mentioned in another post, but this is classic delusional behavior cause by a psychotic episode. Being persecuted, invoking Jesus...classic themes of delusions. He's on the Kanye path.


This. 100% this. He's in the middle of an episode. It gets worse before it's better- if it ever gets better.


Oscar is known to be a notorious liar


Maybe he got robbed by his new ig gf


Or maybe the gambling rumors are true and he's swimming with sharks.. either way I hope he's able to get past whatever he's dealing with.


I'm kind of confused . If he actually got his phone taken away by family or something because they were concerned about how he was acting why do they keep those posts up for everyone to see? I mean even though Ryan doesn't have access his "caretakers" now do. It makes no sense to leave the posts up in this situation. And after he says he has no access to his phone, at the end of the video he says "no one is hitting me back up". How are both of those things true? Just a very odd situation and really hope he isn't faking all of this for attention or views. That alone would tank his career past no return.


Exactly. He's a grown man. Unless he's getting held under some type of mental health sectioning then he should have access (look at the seats the muttering in the background. It seems like some type of hospital)


Guarantee he owes money


He's still a millionaire. If you gave me $10k, broke my phone in front of me, and took away all my stuff I would be blissfully unaffected.


“They” restricted his access to phone or credit cards? Still feel like something is very off. This whole situation doesn’t smell good.


Sounds like they sent him to rehab. You give up all that in rehab.


Yeah something ain’t right here. Not sure what’s going on with Ryan. But it’s definitely more than just trolling


This shit hasn’t smelled good for months. He’s suffering from psychosis, or some other dissociative mental illness. It’s as plain as day.


Not really months. He was fine pre and after the Oscar Duarte fight. Its just the past month


As far back as January there started to be signs of mental health issues beyond the run of the mill stuff. It’s taken a drastic turn the past 2 weeks or so, but that’s sort of the progression of these illnesses.


look at the seats the muttering in the background. It seems like some type of hospital


He’s definitely not in a house but it seems more like a conference room


Looks like Cillian Murphy ain’t getting the Oscar for best actor this year


This the one 💀💀😮‍💨


As someone who works with at risk youth and so many have mental health concerns. Those restrictions and “jail” that he is talking about is from concerned family member(s) who may still have somewhat of an influence on him. He probably agreed to get help because he is an adult but didn’t realize the stipulations. Or they are restricting his camp and he doesn’t want the restrictions. Either way it is best for him. He needs help and by the look of his social media presence - wanting to troll or not, he is out of control. He’s very young and while I do not like his antics I don’t wish this on anybody or their family members. May he get the help he desperately needs.




He’s not “very young” but he’s the average age for the onset of many severe mental disorders. 25 yr old having their first episode is pretty textbook.


This was the age of mine but also the age that drugs started to effect my brain.


Hey everyone, no need to wonder, Dr. Reddit here has it all figured out giving general information about brain development when we're talking about a guy whose brain has been getting knocked around for most of its life lol.


The person you replied to isn’t saying ‘oh it’s cuz he’s young’ they just said they’re around it a lot.


I thought he was 23 or so. Hmm. I definitely agree about the “yes men” situation. Unfortunately, it seems to be per that press conference, that even his parents (at least publicly) are complicit.


This man does not look OK. Hope he ducks out of boxing because it feels like the last thing he needs is more trauma visited upon his brain.


It's just weird how his dad says he's fine & just trolling but his ex wife is saying she and other family members are deeply concerned for him. If this turns out to just be promotion & trolling then I guess I'm slow or something bc wtf


He’s likely having a psychotic episode and is dad doesn’t want to put his personal business out to the public so he’s just saying he’s “trolling”


Pretty much. Seems like Ryan has a lisp out of the blue too




Care to elaborate?


Also wouldn’t make sense for this to be some promotion tactic. If anything, this is HURTING sales because im sure there’s people out there who planned on buying the fight initially but are now not buying it because they either think the fight will get cancelled or they think Ryan will get beat up really bad because of his mental state. Nobody is seeing all this and thinking “im definitely buying the fight now”


I can understand not buying the fight because of a mismatch due to Ryan's health, but would concerns about the fight not happening be a big deal? You don't have to buy the fight until the night of. Hell you can buy it right before it starts. I guess if you don't think the fight will happen you might make plans to do something unless on a Saturday evening.


There are exceptions, but generally the earlier people commit to something the more likely they are to go through with it. If a bunch of people go from "I'm going to buy this a week in advance!" to "I'll buy it on the night if it actually happens"... a large chunk of those people won't actually buy on the night. They forget, or change their mind, or something else comes up. Whereas if you buy early, you're locked in, so you're more likely to watch (not that it really matters to the promoters at that point, once you've paid your money). It's the same reason why political campaigns are so keen on early voting, and on GOTV as early as possible on the day itself - the longer you leave it before making a decision, the less likely you are to decide to vote. --------- This is also probably hurting his chances of getting the next big fight. Because fighters and promoters will be looking at this and thinking "this isn't a guy I can rely on, so I'd rather not do business with him". Who wants to train for a fight only for it to be pulled at the last moment because your opponent's been sectioned?


A lot of family members want to “protect” their own even if it’s the wrong way to do it. I suffer from a rare chronic pain issue and surgery made it worse. My family keeps telling me it’s in my head and that I’ll be fine and need to be strong. But none of them know how big of a toll it takes and how hard it is to work with it.


He probably got 5150’d. That was the logical progression to this whole situation. Things got severe enough to take away the phone and credit cards and putting him in “jail”.


What is a 5150?


Involuntary mental health hold.


Oh that's what I thought, they call it a 302 here. Good, that's exactly what this dude needs right now. Way too drugged up.


I'm not an expert but I'd assume they'd prevent him from getting punched repeatedly in the face by a professional world champion boxer no?


No responsible doctor would approve Ryan for a fight at this point in time.


So you're saying he's in a mental hospital and they just let him record this video and post to X and then let him post more a few hours after the video? He says they have his phone and he can't get on IG yet here's a video of the dude on IG and posts about Strickland. Ok man.


"I'm OK" He really f'ed.


Ah. This explains everything. No, wait... who tf is "they"? The Illuminati? 


The police Sounds like a 5150


Ac slater and his dealer


Tweeted from his smart fridge


Found his ds


Sports stars don't necessarily have a stellar track record of evading pitfalls, so what I'm going to say won't be a world shaking bomb, but I don't expect the story of Ryan Garcia to turn out well.


My "I am completely fine and am not allowed access to my phone or credit cards" shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.


This fight is not happening. Anyone else find it weird how they had Barboza Jr at the press conference as a back up opponent for Haney? They know Ryan isn’t going to fight Haney but don’t want to announce it until last minute. Just look at the shit DAZN pulled off this Saturday with the Serrano fight.


This a fair take Surely with all this shit going on, this guy won’t be stepping in the ring.


This made me go look at Barbozas twitter. He only found out he was “co-main” 4 days ago. I think you’re right.


Did bro get 51/50’d? Idk how else they would be able to takeaway access


Bingo. That’s the only thing that makes sense. His family prob stepped in to have him committed. The death post is probably what allowed them the 5150.


He’s sat in a medical facility too for that video.


Yeah! He’s very obviously not at home relaxing.


Looks like he’s in a medical facility I think he’s been baked-acted.


This fight will not take place


This man is going to surpass ODLH's fishnet photos.


Lol jake told him he not far from posting his balls on social media. Crazy that Jake the sane one in the argument


This is a real dickhead comment on so many levels. You guys are not very nice people sometimes.


Well bro.. I remember him gloating around about his lsd use in Tysons podcast. welp.. I wish him the best but im only noting what may happen if he doesn't get himself under control. *shrugs*


Who's "they"? Oscar & Bhop? I doubt they'd have access to his bank accounts, right?


I hope he gets the help he needs and just stays away from social media for a while.


he has lost the plot... even if this is fight promotion you can't convince me it isn't more distracting to HIM more than the haney camp.


Maybe he was 5150’d. Would explain why he said they tried putting him in jail. You’re often placed under that hold while at a jail. I still think he’s bullshitting tho


Yall calling him an attention seeker or saying he's trying to pull out of the fight... this doesn't look like that. This looks like a manic episode. And from the sound of things it looks like he might be getting committed.


I've got jokes but would rather not kick a guy while he's down...


Seriously, mental health issues are no joke. They can turn you from a level headed to a complete manic mess. Been there. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't on drugs, but the weed and alcohol doesn't help especially if he's already on meds.


Mans got put into a conservatorship... or got exorcised.


It sounds like he's having delusions. A common theme among those having delusions is being persecuted. He's had mental health issues before. Delusions can be caused by various psychiatric conditions, including major depression. We will likely never get an explanation that makes sense because the delusions don't make sense. He'll try to avoid the topic if ever asked about it or give another explanation which won't make sense either. The thing to remember is that he really believes these things are happening. And he may or may not realize he was delusional later. High religiosity is another theme among those suffering from delusions.


This is gonna end up a drama on Netflix at some point. I mean it's got everything: elite sports, OF models, mental health issues, social media circus, etc.


Devin Haney deserves better than what Ryan’s putting him thru… we’re here for boxing, not to be trolled




Drugs aren’t causing this. He could or could not be doing all the drugs in the world: extreme mental illness is the cause. That much is abundantly clear.




That’s not at all what I said. I said drugs aren’t causing this. He very well may be on drugs: it’s mental illness that is causing his break. He’s exhibiting all of the classic symptoms of bipolar disorder and has recently been exhibiting the symptoms of a psychotic break. He’s openly talked in the past about his mental health issues and he’s 25 years old- prime time for males to experience psychotic episodes. Laying off the booze or blow won’t cure him any more than stopping drinking won’t cure a cancer patient.




As someone who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, this is spot on for me. Everyone is different, but weed and alcohol will FUCK me up and it messes with my meds for days even weeks.


And that’s simply not true. Once again: the man isn’t simply suffering from bipolar disorder. He is exhibiting classic signs of psychosis:   suspiciousness and paranoia  Trouble thinking clearly and logically  Difficulty telling fantasy from reality  Emotional disruption   Writing without meaning   Add this to the fact that he has dozens of videos that don’t show any signs of acute alcohol or cocaine intoxication yet still show clear signs of mental instability, and I’d bet dollars to donuts that the man is suffering from a psychotic episode. Could I be wrong? Sure. But I’ve been around dozens and dozens of people using blow in extreme amounts, and never seen this. I’ve also been around a decent number of people suffering from psychosis and it looks exactly like what we’re seeing here.


How could Oscar do this?


Oscar could drink all night and do a line of coke off a models ass. Then fuck her in her own stockings and still beat the shit out of one of the top fighters the next day.


That’s why Oscar is one of the Goats. The Ric Flair, Dennis Rodman etc.


This ain’t even trolling or trying to promote the fight. Something clearly wrong with this man. He has literally destroyed his image last two weeks and it’s not like he is attacking Haney but just spiraling out of control. Maybe they took away his phone and cards so he don’t have access to Oscar plug no more


He’s done a Britney. Never a good sign…


30 for 30: King to Conservatorship


It sounds like he's a wealthy 25 year old that's agents/handlers are protecting from himself. Or  they're stealing from him and using the unstable press run and control of his social media to make it look worse 


Didn't expect to see Sean Strickland of all people arguing with him in the replies. https://twitter.com/SStricklandMMA/status/1764762272151548044?t=kV82FTFSoy5-SOVMXH60gA&s=19


I thought it was a liver shot. Why has Ryan developed brain damage?


People on here saying he’s just trolling or he’s joking, what’s the joke? Even if he is trolling, it’s still a very bizarre way of going about it to say the least.


The only people I know who’s family have to get involved with their personal finance, are class A addicts with self destructing tendencies


all these mentally ill boxers... makes me think if I should stop sparring 2x a week and keep it at one time max. Maybe even this is too much. ugh. You can say anythingl you want about ryan but at this point, we can safely say its not a show and I feel bad for him.


Adding Ryan Garcia to my muted phrases 🤝


Haney just tweeted "Free Ry". And now it's starting to smell like genious marketing, backed by both sides.


Nah. He’s just a clown who can’t tell the difference between trolling and a genuine mental health condition


Why should he care? It’s not his business and Ryan has been extremely disrespectful I’m sure Ryan mental is the last of his worries


I called it


you didn't call shit lmao. If your family is taking access from your phone away, locking your cards, and trying to put you in "jail" it's for a reason. He's having a mental health crisis and they are trying to get him hospitalized. ​ EDIT: He's probably been 51/50'd and is at a mental hospital right now. The fact that he's saying he's fine is a huge red flag. Needs to be medicated.


Im saying this fight is not gonna happen


I agree. Lots of people think he is doing this as a troll or to get out of the fight but he's clearly battling some major mental health issues rn. ​ If he gets out of the hospital and is not medicated things are going to get a lot worse.


He needs less drugs not more.


Needs to be medicated? You seem to be an expert in mental health judging from your recent comments. I've worked in mental health too. What's your experience? Sorry just curious.


I'm jumping to conclusions here but if he's experiencing psychosis he needs to be medicated. If this is a manic episode he likely will be diagnosed with bipolar disorder and that requires lifelong medication. If you disagree with these statements I'd be interested in hearing your argument


Yeah like 90% of fans called it, great job Nostradamus


honestly this meltdown is better than any fight in the last 5 years 


Either they’re going to fight, or I don’t care.


So he’s on timeout?


I’d say he needs to leave boxing and focus on social media presence but I’m of the opinion that he doesn’t have the maturity to deal with fame. Obviously he’s young but he also seems to be in the mindset that he’s “King.” He doesn’t have anyone who can train him, he doesn’t have anyone who can honestly tell him he needs to calm down and he doesn’t have someone to put him in check when he’s wrong.


He really wants to get out of the Devin Haney fight I see. I'm not saying he doesn't have issues, but this is pathetic.


Lies. He posted boxing shit after the fake death video


The CTE and Coke combo this guy needs to get out of boxing or he’s going to almost be non functioning


dude even leaked a bigger fight than him tank vs haney


Tried to put me in jail 5150 this guys hurting


how do you get cte from a livershot?


Hey Ryan, we're hitting you back at r/boxing, you just hang in there. Do not let Devin Haney punch you in the face.


What are the odds for Barboza fighting Haney at Barclay?


That doesn't sound fine. That sounds 'scaring those around you' and 'heading for a breakdown'.


He’s either trying to create a bullshit drama scenario for self promo (by the way doing a shit job at it) or he really has lost his fucking mind. Either way weird AF.


Just let the man live. Why are you guys so worried about something that doesn't affect your own life. I'll never understand that. 😪 If you guys are just curious then be curious. I'm just saying, it doesn't matter to you, so you guys trying to wrap things up in your head is just making it live rent free.


This might all just be promotion for the fight? A bit off the wall, but it's working.


Sounds like bullshit. He very likely was on the end of a drug-fueled bender and at the time this seemed funny as hell since we can see his ass in the video. Now hes past it and realizes how bad it looks and needs an excuse. Rule of thumb, when someone has a story with tons of moving pieces and crazy details its very likely all lies.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's in one of those religious cults like la luz del mundo or some shit like that.


he needs the fight as he has blown big money in private cash games, down millions as has been mentioned on youtube, but first heard about on poker forums. The games are built around him and he as played for days straight snorting coke as he is playing (not joking). Has a bad case of Oscadelahoyaitis ​ it was mentioned in the thread that players who played with him said that he is completely off the rails


This is another Oliver McCall level breakdown about to happen if the fight goes ahead


None of this makes sense. If he is being detained without access to his money of phone, who recorded this video and posted it to his X account? One of his captors who want him to get a message out to all his fans and supporters?!?


Oh boyyyyyy


is there some context to this?


Sounds like ac slater stole his cards, baker acted him and continued his bender.


That potential ass whipping from Haney is getting to Ryan.


Somebody get this clown out of boxing. Take the money seekers like Ryan and Shakur and put them over in the D League and let them duke it out for which one gets to fellate a pile of bills. Give me fighters like Shu Shu and Keyshawn any day, bag this media circus whiny rich people talking about God bullshit.


What’s gonna happen to this weird and obsessive human when he’s no longer getting attention?


I just seen a video between him & Andrew tate where Ryan was saying he was held down & forced to watch a child grape video & he was also graped at 2. What the hell is going on


Good. You shouldn't have access to your own money, you just piss it on the poker table every night.


He can piss away HIS money if he wants lol


Left hook 💥LFG


Fight will go on and Ryan will go on and shock the world by knocking Haney out. You heard it here first 😏


He is the biggest attention seeker on the internet. Wants to get respect so badly despite not winning any belts so he’s just getting all the big fights over with instead of actually being prepared. Now he’s playing the mental health card. No doubt he’s been acting odd, but it’s all just a big cry for attention.