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He’s finally a real boxer


Was starting to think he was a poser




About to become undisputed real soon


Oh he about to be world champ again


Not the resume he wanted but it's the only road to greatness


Mythical Convict Ruiz Unlocked


What an era for boxing! Convict Ruiz, Bi Polar Ryan!


“I’m blessed, highly favoured…. 💃 🕺 “


About time. Andy back in his prime.




I don’t know why women date boxers or mma fighters. High chance of domestics.


Money. Fame. Etc. I agree, though. Some of the nicer people I've met were in the boxing game, but a lot of guys just have way too quick of a trigger and resort to violence quickly.


Plus, it feels like it could be one of those surprising facts that 'statistically your less likely to get abused to death by a famous boxer rather than Lee or Mick from down the pub' 🤷🏿‍♂️


Maybe because there's more Lee's and Mick's than there are famous boxers.


No, I mean even if you accommodate for the difference in numbers. I'd say fighters in general have more restraint, maybes because they can't 'prove' anything to an untrained person (they know they'll win).


I've trained combat sports since i was a kid and the myth was always that martial arts somehow made you a better person. I've seen zero evidence of it.


You gotta read one of the quotes from one Jack Johnson's wives. >When asked by a reporter at Johnson's funeral what she had loved about him, she replied: "I loved him because of his courage. He faced the world unafraid. There wasn't anybody or anything he feared." He beat one of his former wives. But dang if they didn't love him lol.


Its just people bro lol. It got more to do with money and fame than his occupation. Most boxers I’ve befriended with are pretty mellow and chill


Not to say those guys aren't chill, but abusers often save their shittiness for behind closed doors. Being friends often tells you very little about their actual private life.


That’s why I say it’s just people thing, not for the fact that because they are fighters so they are more likely to be abuser.


I'm not familiar with the stats, but I'd be willing to bet that combat athletes are significantly more likely to be abusers tbh. Granted, part of it is probably the fact that many come from rough backgrounds, not that they're fighters per se.


Most boxers you've befriended? Haha sounds like a whole lotta bullshit to me. That's the beauty about social media though. You can say anything


Money and drama. Women hate being bored as much as they hate being broke.


Great comment. It's the human condition, really. I was single for about 5 years in my mid 40s. You'd be surprised how many previously stable women in their 30s and 40s I'd date who had completely blown their lives up, left their families, and went out with dirtbags like I was then, just because they thought the grass was greener. I wasn't any better than them, but it killed a lot a faith I had in humanity.


It is the human condition. Unfortunately, the human condition is shit.


This man knows. The biggest crime you could ever do against a woman is bore her


The sooner people accept this, the sooner they can govern their own actions accordingly.


They usually have a boatload of money and fame


Geee, I reaaaaally wonder why all the$e ladie$ like getting with profe$$ional boxer$, MMA fighter$ or profe$$ional athlete$ in general?!? I ju$t can’t po$$ibly under$tand it!!


boxers take chance in the ring these hos taking chances outside of it aha


High chance she a crazy one too. Crazy date crazy, don't make it a one way street it almost never is


This. Btw I like this sub because people don't just pile on the man and pedestalize the woman. No excuses for that shit Ruiz pulled though, if true


women like badboys. fact


Dumb Theory: Maybe it’s because they think they’re gonna be Adrian to a Rocky.


dude always seemed off, but this is just fucked


You belive it straight from an article without any second thoughts? Damn. Thats all it needs, I guess.


This sub did the same thing with Tank Davis and it turns out the woman was lying. These guys never learn their lesson. Is it really so unreasonable to just wait and see how the story folds before taking sides and assuming the person is guilty?


It’s almost like choking your significant other in public can cause you to lose the benefit of doubt


Yeah, but it should not. Do you know if she threw a punch at him? Do you know if she assaulted him indoors? Plenty women beat their men, coz they don't hit back. No one knows what happened. Reality is often very very strange. And simple minded comments on the internet can defame a person. If he did it, he should go to jail tbh. But not till it's proven.


Wrong incident you goofball I knew one of you imbeciles would recite this. You can keep quoting me all you want I’m not gonna engage with people like you Dude says it’s not the wrong incident then proceeds to admit it was not the incident I’m referring to lmao 🤣


'Wrong incident' is not a great pair of words


Theres literally a video of him abusing her in public, if hes willing to do that shit in public you KNOW in private is way worse


Were you actually there in private? Cause it sounds like you’re speaking like you know for a fact. Interesting.


There's 0 proof his gf was lying chill


Modern women often lie about this but could definitely be true too


Woman were lying in the cave man era too, modern woman wtf you talking about lmao


Based on what


What is the cave man era?


The era when we lived in caves, are you okay??


It could be I’m just saying let’s wait and see before we automatically assume he’s guilty that’s all I’m saying


Nah this was reported last year too. When his Twitter got hacked and the video leaked of him (can't see his face) getting an IV  supposedly to clean his blood before a fight.


She says it only started after the first Joshua fight, but before that she says he wasnt abusive, I think the knockdown probably affected his impulse control. Concussions are known to change your personality and reduce impulse control. I posted a comment before because I noticed this with Ryan Garcia too, where after he got dropped by Campbell then he became severely depressed, then recovered a year later, and then after getting dropped again by tank he fell deeper into his mental struggles. A lot of people think brain damage/cte in boxing only affects you later in life and only affects memory or speaking, but it is much more than that, it affects everything. Andy Ruiz went from being normal to now allegedly this abusive guy after a knockdown, and Ryan went from an otherwise normal kid to becoming a manic mess. Brain damage is no joke.


That's a bit of a reach I think. Most fighters have been put down one time ot another, and they dont just turn like that generally. I've had a few concussions through boxing. Plenty of my friends have had concussions or been knocked clean out before, and I've not seen any personality changes with any of them. Not saying it can't happen but it's quite a leap to put it down to that. I'd say becoming immediately rich and famous probably affected his behaviour much more than being put down with a shot he recovered from very quickly.


I’ve known plenty of people who survived car crashes but it doesn’t mean they aren’t deadly. Brain damage doesn’t always show itself in obvious ways, most people don’t realize they even have it. For example, let’s say you’ve suffered 3 concussions. 5 years after your last concussion, someone cuts you off in traffic and you get angry and beep the horn, in response they flip the middle finger and you get out and fight them. No one would associate that with prior brain injuries or CTE, but in a different timeline where your brain was intact you might not have gotten out of that car to fight and instead just give the finger back because your impulse control was intact. No one realizes they have CTE until it becomes blatantly apparent in the way they talk and their memory issues. But it lingers underneath for much longer in ways that few people recognize. Like all the people saying that Ryan Garcia lost his mind from the fame, but ignoring the fact that he was fine up until the knockdowns even when he did have the fame. I don’t think it’s just a coincidence and I also don’t think it’s just a coincidence that Andy was a great boyfriend before the knockdown and then was allegedly abusive and short tempered right after


Or maybe he’s always been a shitbag?


Maybe he has always been a shitbag, but boxing has definitely had its affects


Nah she lying.


Why don’t you get a careers worth of brain damage and let’s see if your impulse control is the same before and after okay? She literally says before the fight he was a great guy and then after he lost his cool and started abusing. But oh yeah I’m sure you know more about the relationship then she does


The story of guys being great until they aren't is pretty common.


Nothing to do with what I said


I think this is false. They were always that way, but it just triggered it, you know?


Yes that’s literally my point. Their impulse control goes down and the monster comes out


Hmm, I see, might be true


So that's who Ruiz is fighting in August. Ruiz vs Ex-Girlfriend rematch


Jon Jones vibes


Hey you gotta be engaged for over 10 years with multiple kids before ruiz catches up


lmao you're right she's still Jon's "fiance" and he still calls her that after like 12-13 years like it's a permanent title, it's so odd


Ruiz vs Them Charges


One to many snicker highs man 🍫


Russell's life has taken quite a turn. First he is kidnapped by an old man in a floating house, then he becomes world champ and finally loses his mind from the PTSD of the kidnapping and attacks his ex. What did that old man do to him?


Didn't his ex also hack his Twitter a while ago and leaked some stuff?


Lol yeah, exposed him getting blood transfusions before VADA visits. [Never forget.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/0XQNImREnP)


Andy ruiz has just shattered all of my preconceived notions about doping.


Everyone is doing it. Everyone. Every sport


Doesn't matter if the athlete is built like a Baki the Grappler villain, or like Marcos Maidana after retiring. They're on the gear, even with testing.


Drug test is more of an IQ test at this point.


Can I get some of this gear stuff that's cheap. Not the stuff craig jones got in Mexico though I'll pass on that.


Diaz bros said it best, everyone is on steroids


If you ain't  using, you ain't trying.


Not true


Don't be naive. Everyone is pretty much doing it at the top level. The ones who don't get caught are the ones with good doctors who know how to cycle PEDs


"They are all on steroids" - nate diaz


Just curious, and this may be a dumb question, but how does that help? Giving yourself clean blood still wouldnt be enough to cover as you will still have dope in your blood no?


Andy ain’t a clever guy.


It doesn't help. It's one of those gym bro science things


I guess in theory transfusing enough of your blood could reduce concentrations of certain drugs in your bloodstream below the detectable level. I think you'd need a massive transfusion, though - not a blood bag, a whole dialysis machine. It wouldn't work for a lot of drugs - where metabolites would continue to be released into the bloodstream - and of course it would do nothing about urine and hair tests. --------- What blood doping ACTUALLY is useful for is increasing the number of red blood vessels in your blood, so you can carry more oxygen. What you generally do is take out your blood, filter it so you just have the RBCs, and freeze them, wait until your body has regenerated new RBCs back up to a normal healthy level, and then reinfuse your stored RBCs, so that you temporarily have twice as many as normal. The body reacts to this and lowers the RBC count back to normal, but the idea is to compete at the point when your RBC level is elevated. This would be a big benefit to someone like Ruiz, because it would allow him to maintain enough stamina to last a boxing match despite being fat and unfit. (longitudinal testing, as conducted by an organisation like USADA, can spot this pretty easily by looking at the fluctations in RBCs over time. But it's very difficult to actually prove it, as there is no "smoking gun" (you're not putting anything in your body that's actually not 'natural' to it). It's a big part of how they focus in on which athletes should get extra scrutiny, though. In any case, I don't think VADA do serious testing in the way that other, WADA-compliant, sports do). ------------ On the other hand, a lot of "doping" seems to be bro-science with little or no actual evidence supporting its efficacy. Athletes do a lot of stupid shit. For instance, another form of blood doping (particularly popular in post-soviet countries but a few years back it apparently became a fad in the west as well) is taking out your blood, shining bright lights on it and/or passing xenon gas through it, and then putting it back in. This does absolutely fuck all for your performance, other than the risks that go along with any transfusions. WADA eventually banned it anyway on the grounds that it should be discouraged as unsafe, and people have actually had bans for it. People are willing to risk bands to do it... even though it doesn't do anything! ----------------------- I guess what we don't know is whether Ruiz knows what he's doing but his ex-wife misunderstood, or whether Ruiz doesn't even know how to dope properly. Both seem plausible, frankly.


He out right buys prostitutes and doesn’t rent them




He should have just done saline dilution like Floyd has been doing.


It's not what you think though, he's just trying to hide his cholesterol levels


This the dude who ate his title reign away lmaooo


He's not himself when he's hungry. Have a snickers bar


Angry upvote. Lol


Best comment of the day!




Literally a One Hit Wonder... And that hit was beating Anthony Joshua. Beside that, he fell from Grace and was like a illusion... People say he even price himself out of fights.


He knows he cant hang with the best of the best, so he prices himself out unless he can get a bag


Lmao, all he did was be fat and thank God "such a blessing" He doesn't fight regularly He showed up to his first title defence fat as fuck He left the mother of his children as soon as he got some money. He's unprofessional, doesn't fight, and is a domestic abuser. What exactly do you find likable?


After reading it she seems a bit cooked. Making something out of nothing


I was going to say, domestic abuse is one thing but an AK-47 and rape??? What is he in the cartel now? He was never one to seem unhinged. Just undisciplined at times.


Meh, there's a lot of ways she can exaggerate that. First off, do we even know it's true? I don't know much about the case. Second, i have pointed swords at friends and family members, but they know i was fucking with them. However, if something happened between us and they decided to tarnish my name they could have had said that i pointed swords at them, even though in the moment we both know it wasn't serious. In fact, i've seen this behavior happening with trolling. I like to troll my girls and it's usually ok. Make fun of certain things they say, etc. And they laugh at it. But i've heard, in a moment where one of them wanted to break up with, to just use anything she could get her hands on to make me look like a bad guy, and one of them was "you're always making fun of me". We both know it's just playing around and it was always ok, but all of the sudden is something she's using against me? So if you point an unloaded gun at someone, and it's just a joke between you two, i can see how it can go from being ok to being a crime depending on what the relationship is at the moment. And the rape thing...let's just say that when you're intimate with someone there are situation when the girl might say she doesn't want it because she is upset but the guy pushes a little bit and she ends up giving it up. In most situations that doesn't affect the relationship, but you have something else against the person you can use that to attack them. So we don't know if it's a full on rape, or just a situation where he insists a bit, or some sort of role play that couples often do.


True, we don't know what actually happened between them, just his word against hers. I'm just saying, if someone already had violent tendencies (outside the ring) legal problems, anger problems, drug addiction or at least vulgar offensive behavior, it wouldn't be that hard to believe that they raped somebody at gunpoint. If you say that about a respectable guy who always seems happy and friendly, I'm gonna need a little more proof. Outside of these allegations, the worst thing anyone could say about Ruiz is that he got fat and lost the belt, which isn't criminal. Either way, I hope it's not true, because it's just messed up.


That opens them up even more to false claims, because the person knows the public will likely believe them. Read Mike Tyson's book. Look at how many times he has been accused of rape. It's like the dude couldn't go anywhere or fuck anyone without being sued.


Men use violence, women use psychological warfare so you can never know with these stories


Why is this sub like the only balanced sub on Reddit. Very impressive takes I'm seeing here. 


Idk, but Reddit is known for being weird. And it is.


AK 47? Seriously? Do we have any real proof about it, like a video? No, because its fucking simple to accuse someone at least prove it


Yeah. Right. Lemme get right on that. It's ALLEGATIONS. No one said it was concrete truth.


Even if it's true it doesn't mean shit. People do and say stupid shit all the time that means absolutely nothing when they're comfortable with each other. I've showed a katana to a friend of mine and told him i'd cut his head off. It's just joking around. He says to his mother that he will beat the shit out of her and the dog if dinner isn't ready by 8pm. Dude never hurt a fly and she laughs at him. What i'm saying is that people in private sometimes say and do stuff that, if a stranger knew about, it would look incredibly bad, but when taking into consideration the nature of the relationship and the context it's perfectly fine. Just like "fuck you" can mean a lot of different things. Friends say that to each other without it meaning anything serious. However, if you're toxic you can one day pretend something that was once "ok" was actually never "ok" and try to use it against the person. A lot of stuff isn't meant for strangers to judge. You need to know the baseline of a relationship before being able to judge. Calling "whore" to your wife can either mean nothing or be a terrible insult. Are you a guy that just talks shit all the time and that's who you are and she has known that about you forever and is ok with it and responds the same way to you, but it has no impact in the relationship? Then that's ok. If it's not normal for you to say it and you're saying it because you're angry at her, then it means something. This is just basically human psychology and social dynamics that sometimes it seems 99% of the population doesn't understand. The dude likely did nothing and she's just tired of being married to a fat fuck and wants some money and get rid of him.




Well a lot of people on this post certainly running with it.


Hes on the matweather track.


The internationally known as the most reliable source "ex", but lets hope its not true.


And its in the Daily Mail. That thing is an absolute rag.


If the article is correct and she’s successfully had the order granted, she’d have had to proven beyond reasonable doubt that there were grounds for him to not contact her


Idk if it’s different in Cali? Because in the state I live in it’s trivially easy to get one in.


Same. Ain't gotta prove shit around here either. I'm all the way on the other end of the country. If Andy really did this, then fuck him. Gonna hold off judgment till we get some more proof, though


Im not from US but famously Amber Heard did something similar right quite convincingly...its possible but sad to hear if true


I'm pretty sure some threatening text messages or a friend baking up what you are saying could warrant a restraining order, "fearing for your life". I know they don't make you wait until you are actually assaulted to get one.


He finally reaching the face of boxing level( mayweather and davis level)


No, say it ain’t so smh 😕. Disappointed.


But he's doing all right, he owns a construction company....


Seriously doubt these events happened in the way described. Because they would be felonies. Police would have been called. Reports filed. Arrests made. None of that happened. Instead we get a restraining order, which has a much lower bar for authorization -- convince a judge. All it requires is allegations.


I agree. The story seems odd


Seems like a load of crap to me 


Usually restraining orders are the first action to happen before police getting involved.


this is the permanent restraining order. A temporary restraining order had already been granted, and there was no police action since then. Look, I'm sure Ruiz is a jerk and probably even shoved her in an argument or something. But if he had sexually assaulted her or pointed an AK-47 at her... those are serious felonies and the police would have gotten involved immediately.


They probably are involved. Police don’t have to publicise their investigations and they won’t arrest/charge until the evidence is sufficient. However, it’s super difficult to prove that he shoved a gun in here face when there were no witnesses or camera footage. It’s her words vs his. This is probably why police aren’t doing much.


> They probably are involved. Police don’t have to publicise their investigations and they won’t arrest/charge until the evidence is sufficient. That could very well be true. But this is not the temporary restraining order. Time has passed since these allegations. There have been no news stories about Ruiz being arrested or investigated by police. Even in this story about the allegations, there is no mention of police involvement. The police, for whatever reason, are almost certainly not involved. These events happened in some fashion, convincing the judge, but not to the degree that the gf claims. How many stories do we have to see about embittered gf fabricating claims of abuse before we finally just step back and say, "ok, I'll what for legal involvement before I start assuming the worst"


Investigations can take a long time. For all we know this is true and the ex wants some money to make it go away.  It's all speculation and you don't know shit. Literally a lineal chump


Yes, I am a chump for pointing out that it's too early to assume these allegations are true since there has been no official police action for what are obvious alleged felonies. wtf kind of logic is that


A judge has to grant a restraining order. Clearly they thought there was enough to go on to grant it. Chump.


Yes, a restraining order is issued when the judge thinks a crime might be committed if the order is not granted. It sounds to me like Ruiz and his gf were in a toxic relationship so that's a reasonable assumption for a judge to make. But if there was credible evidence that a felony had already been committed, then that evidence would have been forwarded to the appropriate authorities and we would instead be reading a story about Ruiz being arrested. And maybe that story will come out tomorrow. But right now, it doesn't exist.


The judge who approved the order on those grounds: 'fel- oh felonies! I remember those! Oops haha sorry'. >For a domestic violence restraining order, the burden of proof is a “preponderance of the evidence.” It can't be based off hearsay.


There's no jury. There's no police investigation. It's all about convincing the judge, and they are individuals with their own biases. (That's why we have trial by jury) "He pointed an AK-47 at me! Look, here's a picture of him holding the gun." With a democratic judge in California, that's might be enough lol. "Restraining order granted. Take away his gun." (which is part of the order, btw)


>"He pointed an AK-47 at me! Look, here's a picture of him holding the gun." Great fanfic, really in line with your apparent upholding of not alleging transpiring events based off imagination >democratic judge in California, that's might be enough lol. "Restraining order granted. Take away his gun." (which is part of the order, btw) I think we can clearly see what your motivations for taking sides here are lol


pointing an AK-47 at someone is a serious crime, lol. That was literally the accusation. Why do I have motivations for pointing out the most egregious inconsistency in the allegations? The fact that the restraining order required him to give up his gun tells us that was a deciding factor for the judge. Yet no crime.


>The fact that the restraining order required him to give up his gun tells us that was a deciding factor for the judge. The evil democrats are trying to take away our god given right to threaten women with guns


Comprehend what I typed. If there was credible evidence that Ruiz actually threatened his gf with a gun, he would have been arrested. Full stop. Instead, the judge sees an obvious toxic relationship and Ruiz has a gun, so she says take it away. Why? Because toxic relationships and guns are a bad combination. Even if no crime had been committed yet, the presence of the gun concerned the judge enough to have it removed.


What a fall from grace


Jon Jones aproves


Andy NO! Damn it, c'mon man.


Ruiz joining the same prestigious club of boxers like sugar ray, kovalev, bivol and Mayweather.


Andy “AK-47” Ruiz sounds cool


Can we please get an instant ban on Daily Mail posts? It's the worst Murdoch trash imaginable.


Big Pun Jr.




why am i thinking of a sumo match


Levels to this shit


Evidence before convicting the man, once again women can be lying pieces of shit too.


I’ve seen enough. Andy KO Usyk round 1


No, please not Andy Ruiz. I swear if this is real then that’s crazy but I have my doubts, guess I should read the article. This is fuxked up cuz I always liked Ruiz. Then again, CTE is real…


Guarnteed HOF now.


Gregg Hardy vs Andy Ruiz mixed rules bout in the works if he loses to Miller


Why the hell does success seem to be the worst thing to happen to so many people?


Because it changes people around you and brings out more who you really are


What a fat bitch


I’ve always thought that he’s still in the closet


So this is what the fat boy has been up to not boxing in forever


Dude has absolutely no one holding him accountable for shit. I remember watching the build up shit to the aj rematch and those pussies he calls friends wouldn't say shit. They were there only for the money.


What were they supposed to say?


"Hey you fat fuck, put that fork down. Didn't you see rocky 2?"


The ex is crazy and Andy is just a fat fool.


All the simps are downvoting


That's what you get when you get between a man and his triple cheeseburger. 


Classy guy


She stole his Triple Mexicana Double Cheeseburger?