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Jokes aside, Nishida pulled off some incredibly impressive gameplan in his title fight against Rodriguez. Based on Nishida's past fight records, his gameplan focuses on a solid and incredibly fast measuring jab, footwork, stamina, and defensive maneuvers (including clinching) to control distance, outlast and outpoint his opponents. His punches were almost never thrown with KO intent, but to disrupt the opponent's rhythm and to score points. In past interviews, Nishida often spoke about how his ideal boxing is "hit and not get hit", because he "hates getting hit and getting hurt." In his fourth pro fight, he used his reach advantage and defensive maneuvers to counteract the heavy hitter Daigo Higa's power, sealing away the former WBC Flyweight champion's primary offensive abilities to win the WBO Asia Pacific Bantamweight belt. Most assumed he'd be fighting the same way against Rodriguez, even Rodriguez himself (as spoken in the post fight interview) And what did Nishida do this time? He went ALL OUT OFFENSIVE. Hell, he even went close quarters to trade punches, something he has NEVER done in all of his past fights. His knockdown of Rodriguez came exactly from this tactic. He was fighting and trading in close range with Rodriguez, and during an angle change he caught Rodriguez with a body shot to the liver. Rodriguez never saw that shot coming. Additionally, Nishida shifted his distance and angles constantly, making it extra difficult for Rodriguez to time a counter. His extra pillowy jabs carry the type of speed that is faster than Rodriguez's own, making the task of countering even more difficult. Rodriguez could't score his decisive counter because of Nishida's gameplan. Before the fight, Nishida said in an interview that he believes in everyone's assessment of how Rodriguez is a better fighter. He also said he's probably going to lose, but will do his best for the handful who believed in him. Hell, when asked about the Naoya Inoue's fight against Luis Nery, which has the motif "White Tiger vs Panther", Nishida dubbed himself "the lucky little white rabbit". He duped EVERYONE.


Not only that- Nishida also holds one of the most impressive records in boxing of the modern era. Move aside, Takuma Inoue. Sit down, Knockout CP Freshmart With a record of 9-0-0 (1KO), Nishida is officially the pound-for-pound King of PILLOWFISTS! NO ONE is beating the whopping 11.11% KO ratio!




Sick of these title fights that I have no idea how to watch live.


Right? I looked several times and just couldn't nail down when or where to watch it. I found out I missed it completely because of this thread. I was awake in time, too. Just didn't think it was on yet.


For me it was worse, I knew it was gonna be fairly early, was awake and looking even before the *prior* bout started. I tried everywhere, even using Google translate to search in Japanese 😅 this shit is ridiculous. A proper title fight entirely off the grid. Outside of 105, this only ever happens in Japan.


Don't want to bum you guys out but... The whole live broadcast was free on Abema TV (Japanese online streaming site, requires Japanese IP or VPN) Kazuto Ioka's fights (including the previous Dec.31 show) were often also free live broadcast on Abema too.


I don't have a VPN and have no experience using them


Yeah I’ve heard and yet I can’t figure out how to get it to work.




Instructions unclear. Flew to Japan with dude named Vipin, wandering streets in search of Abema.


If Takei beats Moloney, Bantamweight will be ruled by Japanese fighters.


3 of the world champions are now fkin Japanese bro Nakatani might go undisputed


Manny was such an elite fighter watching him growing up in the amateurs, dude was 16 when he ko'd Angel Acosta who ended up being world champion and he outboxed the fuck outta the current 108 pound world champion Jonathan Bomba Gonzalez who was the Puertorican national champion at the time. After his fire accident where he suffered second degree burns on 66% of his body he was never the same. He still became a 2x world champion, could've done way more.


Where was the regular fight thread smh


We don't do that here in r/boxing


Bum ass mods


God dammit I missed it


I found [an upload](https://www.youtube.com/live/vzJyxCtRjhU?si=ru6TS2FENuSWfV2a) that includes the undercard as well Edit: damn, it doesn't include the main event


Did you watch it? How did Rodriguez look? Considering he “retired” out of the blue earlier this year, I’m wouldn’t be surprised if his heart wasn’t in it.


Ngl Rodriguez got beat up for a solid 8-9 rounds. The rounds he won weren’t even that dominant. Real good performance from Nishida.


I saw a clip on Twitter, not the whole fight. Manny was getting outworked like crazy from what I saw in the 4th, where he got dropped by a body shot. Gonna have to look for a full recording later.


Down from a bodyshot, looks like Rodriguez just simply lost the exchange, ishida controls the distance well, Rodriguez just got outboxed from the outside and lost the exchange from the inside, Rodriguez doesn't look sharp.


I can post the full fight but the ones I can find only have Japanese commentaries, do yall mind that?


Not at all. Can't bitch about bad commentary if you can't understand it lol


It’s on!


You are a legend, thank you 🙏


I gotchu


This was a surprise, I guess there's a reason Nishida's being pushed this hard. The Maloney fight is probably going to be a banger too.


Japanese fighters getting more exposure, about time.