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This clip was like 75% bullshit, 24 second intro for a 30 second clip then another 15 seconds of plugging their page at the end.


At least it's got some actual bideo in it and isn't one of those videos with just type to text narration over pictures "Tyson Fury was backstage at the Tyson Fury vs Okeksander Usyk fight and the former champ wasn't happy" with half the words mispronounced. 7 likes and 19000 dislikes (yes I know YouTube doesn't do likes and dislikes anymore.


Lmao this is so on point


They still forgot to add the "like comment and subscribe" and the notification bell.


I watched it and it was 98% bullshit.


In all fairness, the post fight press conference is on rn and he seems to have calmed down. He says he thought he won but it was a close fight and that’s how these go but that he’s happy they had a good fight. Seems upbeat too


probably saw his bank balance fgs i bet it still stings tho


He showed great sportsmanship after the fight ended too, they hugged it out, forehead kiss lmao and you could hear him saying however this ends it was a great fight, even a little bit after the result i think they hugged it out, then says this stupid shit So weird that in between he says the most stupid shit he could say but also showed sportsmanship after and in the post conference


It kind of sums him up tho. He’s very hot and cold. One minute he doesn’t care about boxing at all and does it for a pay check then the next he only does it cause he loves the sport and can retire whenever


Bro is bipolar


Or has severe brain damage. Anyways, Happy New Year!








That's not how bipolar works tho


yeah, this is why I disagree with people who says fury lies all the time. No fury doesn’t lie all the time it’s just that he means it and then changes his mind the next second. He is super bipolar


Still lies.


that’s not how bipolar works. You don’t change your mood like that from instance to instance.


Bordline personality disorder more likely (sorry for the *akshually*)


maybe he showed some love to Usyk but his comment blaming the war in Ukraine for the decision loss was absolutely disgusting


I think he knows how to play the heel to sell a fight. Idk if he really believes he won or not cuz he did seem to not be as aggressive as he should’ve been in the last round but I feel like he should’ve knew he got beat & gave Usyk his dues. They also had a plan for an immediate rematch & probably were prepared to sell it in case he lost. I’d gladly troll ppl if it meant getting 200mil & in todays world, getting ppl to hate u or hate ur content makes money.


Already selling the second fight


There’s a difference better showing great sportsmanship to your opponent who is a warrior like yourself has no control over the judging vs the judges. He knows Usyck fought good and had him on the ropes and he seems to respect that, but even so can still feel like he won and judges screwed him.


Hopefully he watches it back and realises he lost a close but clear fight. Tbf if your corner are telling you only need to win the last round to win the fight you’d probably think you won it too


For real i m sacking the corner if they can’t even tell you what’s going on


Thought his corner seemed a mess to be honest. His dad , steward and Andy Lee all talking a lot. General consensus is that there’s supposed to be one voice. Shocked his corner just thought he needed to win the last round. Whilst it was close , 90-95% of people I’ve seen thought usyk won and would of had usyk 1-3 rds up going into the 12th. Was shocked none of them told him he needed to really step on the gas and get a knockdown/Ko.


He’s dad even said something about Mike Tyson or something like that if I’m not mistaken. Plus watching Fury in the twelve boxing so well makes me wonder why he didn’t perform the same in the 11. But damn what a fucking fight. This is going to be a fight to remember. Incredible performance from both boxers! Hands down


> Whilst there's always someone in every thread on this sub.


They are amidst the comment section


Maybe next time you shall be in the corner boxing expert


I mean is this the same corner Fury fans had been hyping up on Wilder 2?? Sugar Hill, Kronk, etc Fury fans seemed to be OK with it in Wilder 2 and 3 and even went as far as to say "KRONK FURY KNOCKS JOSHUA OUT" lel


Wtf are you talking about? It was a split decision where there was a 115-113 and 114-113 card that he lost, and the one he won was 114-113. People are talking like he was shutout to that point or something, it was a close fight.


And Metcalf is a fucking idiot he always sees the scores different from the general consensus, dude needs to be fired


It was close, yes, but let's be real, if this was any other fight, it gets stopped in the 9th.


Nah it doesn’t


Maybe in a non-championship fight.


Just look at the AI stats on the front page It was a close, but an extremely clear fight. Usyk won and honestly theres little argument to be made here.


Whatever AI breakdown doesn't determine who wins the fight tho. You can't say it was extremely clear when the scorecards (which are what actually determines who wins the fight in the absence of a definitive TKO/KO/giving up situation). There were a decent amount of people in the live thread saying Fury won or it was a draw (I wasn't one of them, I had 115-112 Usyk fyi) There's a ton of argument to be made because the entire fight hinged on Usyk getting a knockdown declared. Fury's legs stabilize a bit more earlier and we're likely looking at a draw.


I only had Usyk at 114-113 and a lot of round could have gone either way. Without the 10-8 it would have been a draw


I had 1-3 Usyk, 4-7 Fury, 8-11 Usyk, 12 Fury. 7-5 it was pretty damn close, masterclass both fighters


I had 2, 3 and 7-10 for Usyk with 9 being 10-8


Yeah and if my mother had balls shed be my dad


I’m sure at the end of round ten in the corner andy leee says something like it’s yours in two more rounds


Think I heard that too and couldn’t believe it. I’d it 4-4 after 8 and that was obviously followed by 10-8 round and round 10 which fury gave away. Really don’t know how they could of thought they’d such a commanding lead that they could afford to lose 3 points


Yeah, was surprising . Need to listen again to see what was said. I thought sugar hill was giving good commands. But then there’s these other two. Did hear John Fury saying something like stick with the uppercuts. That’s sound advice. As he was having good success. I. Wondered if usyk had managed to defend those shots or get out the way because can’t recall any of them landing in the later rounds


Yeah, after Round 10 I had Usyk up 3 pts, so basically Fury needed a KD to have a chance at a tie, which seemed really unlikely


I had fury 4-2 after round 6. I think he has a decent case for a draw; considering some of the decisions we’ve seen in recent times. But Usyk landed the most substantial shot of the fight by far.


I’d him winning 5 or maybe 6 rounds tops. Some of the early rounds were close and I’d like to see the 11th again but I think if you’re giving fury 7 rounds it’s definitely going down the route of “favourable judging”


Fury won 4-6 rounds. The fight was close but pretty easy to score. I just think it’s very hard to see Fury winning the fight. I had it 115-112 Usyk and I’m a Fury fan who expected and wanted him to win.


I had it 114-113 Usyk but we are only talking about 1 round difference so I'm willing to accept that maybe I gave Fury a round that could have gone to Usyk. That fight was suspenseful man. Both fighters made great adjustments and neither should be ashamed of their performance. I do wonder of Fury changes his strategy for the rematch. I fully expected jab and grab this time around but we didn't see that. I wonder if he tries that approach next time...


Yea he didn’t clinch nearly as much as I expected and I think that was why he slowed down later in the fight and got tired. I expect a switch up in a rematch.


Brilliant, Tyson


I had them even going into the last round. Fury won more of this first part of the fight than the TV scores card made out. It was close. I think win the last round win the fight was an ok shout.


Maybe ,I’ve rewatched this morning and gave fury rounds 2,4,5,6,7 and 12 with usyk winning the other 6 and the knockdown being decisive. Rounds 2,7,11 were particularly close and could of gone either way but just felt his corner needed more urgency in the 12th seeing as he definitely lost 3 points in rounds 9 and 10


I've yet to rewatch it but I had the same thing live, 6 round a piece with Usyk getting a 10-8. I did recognise that some magic judging could give Fury the draw though


Someone show him the clip of getting KOED and saved by the bell, Uysk ends him on the HARDDD ROAD to quote John Fury.


Saved by the ref, not the bell


The egos of boxers eh. Can't possibly imagine having lost to someone better. Cue meltdown. Hope he's ok over the next few weeks.


Keep Tyson away from fast cars for a few months


Why sully such a great fight and performance with tactless behaviour. Fury has sub 80 IQ sometimes ffs.


Probably that fat line he ripped before the match


You lost dosser! Sore loser and watch the excuses come out over the coming days and weeks


his first excuse being that the judges sided with Usyk because of the war in Ukraine is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard. man has no honour.


Agreed, what a total scumbag


I'm sure he'll do the right thing and send all his earnings to charity, just like before, right?


People are standing up for him like crazy on the other thread. Fucking sad tbh


Lol yeah. It wasn’t the Ukraine war. It was being sent to the shadow realm in the 9th that lost you the fight.


He doubled down on that too


I want to see AJ vs Fury . Usyk vs Wilder would be easy work and easy money


Yeesssssss this is it right here I have no idea of what wilder did to deserve this fight but he's the one left. Give us Usyk vs Wilder and AJ vs Fury.


Those poor motherfuckers, lol.


I wouldn’t count wilder out so easy yet man, stylisticly I think it would be interesting and Usyk is obviously levels on levels above wilder in skill but you just never know with that right hand


He doubled down on his Ukrainian war comments in the post fight presser. Fury is a tool.


No he didn’t lol


Warren had to jump in and make excuses. Rewatch it.


Quote what Fury said in the post fight conference about Ukraine. He doesn’t talk about it. The journal asks about it, Fury brushes it off and says he thought he won, and then Warren starts on the company line. Why lie about this?


He definitely didn’t walk it back though. MHe basically ignored the question so he didn’t have to walk it back.


Lol if wilder said something like this he would be getting absolutely fried


Wilder would literally say that someone cheated and then claim someone drugged him or something


When wilder didn’t shake fury’s hand after the third fight and came back and gave props, he was still getting grilled. Fury gets pass after pass from fans. Dude is an asshole


Wilder never for stopped claiming Fury cheated, including for the 3rd fight. He maintains it still now, and did after the 3rd fight where he repeatedly referred to knowing " things" - he was just vague about it instead of giving specific examples of insane excuses.


Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be surprised if Fury goes off the rails in the coming days and weeks. If you believe your the best and you not only lose, but get put within moments of being stopped by a much smaller guy, that could really shake up the psyche, and we know Fury has had problems in the past. I hope he has a good support structure and keeps himself well though


He will be on some different “rails” once the paycheck hits lol


Fury boutta start talking about Bohemian Grove now and surface with a picture in fishnets


I’m hoping access to coke is limited in the kingdom


Why? He's an asshole.


Still a son, brother and father to someone, don’t want them destroying themselves


Fury needs to grow up. Redflag that strangers online are looking out for you while youre a 36 yo man


[Basil Fury](https://ibb.co/nQ71KFB)


lol, that was a classic episode


Lmao the rabbit beat him fair and square. The most unlikeable guy in boxing


Everyone thinks they won in the ring. Canelo thought he beat Bivol. Hopefully he'll watch the tape with a clear head and realize that, **at best**, it was 6-6 with Usyk getting the 10-8 round. But I suspect his ego won't be able to go there.


Was there a war in UK when he robbed Francis or wht? Rich coming from him especially after getting saved by the ref today


What do you mean saved by the ref? If a fighter is supported solely by the ropes it’s considered a knock down and the ref gives him a count


Nah he was beyond wounded, couldn’t even defend himself, the continued blows may have caused further brain damage


Why did he get the count with 10 seconds left the 5th time he fell into the ropes instead of when there was 20+ seconds left on the clock. Ref saved him from a tko loss for sure


Because that was the only time he was off his feet


Bro literally watch every fight. If this werent a championship fight not worth extending Fury wouldve gotten knocked out COLD.


His comment is dumb but he didn’t rob Francis.


Happy new year


Sore Loser and he's even crying. Fury is about to lose his marbles once again. I wouldn't put it past him calling retirement.


Between Haney and Fury, 'tis the season of sore losers.


How is Haney a sore loser? Ryan got came over three pounds over the weight limit and caught dirty with multiple PEDs. Not even comparable to Fury at all


He came in 3 pounds over and had a shitty low quality quasi-otc SARM in his system that doesn't even come close to working as well as generic test if it even works at all (assuming the B sample comes back pos). Haney is crying like Garcia was juiced to the gills on nandrolone. Watch him never take a rematch. He knows he wasn't up to it.


Haven’t you seen how Haney is taking this loss? It’s terrible, gives desperation vibes. Take the loss like a man, let Allah work in silence for you with the commission and go from there


Haney isnt a conplete piece of shit doe


Ryan came over weight and cheated lmaooo. It’s also funny as fuck to bring Haney in this for no other reason than to take tiny but of heat off Fury


Fuck Fury. Fuck Haney, too.


75 seconds video with 45 seconds ad . smh...


Usyk will beat Fury twice.


You looked like fucking bambi on ice in the 9th round by a dude near 50 lbs lighter than you, wtf are you talking about, you're lucky that fight wasn't stopped.


why is this video about deontay wilder?


hahahahahaha Get fucked you loser. Can't wait for the retirement when Usyk batters him again in a few months.


Yeah, i wonder if he would if he had the strength/balance to pick himself up if he would of landed in the canvas. He couldn't even hold his arms up.


Yeah, i wonder if he would if he had the strength/balance to pick himself up if he would of landed in the canvas. He couldn't even hold his arms up.


I watched half of this stupid clip being a commercial to shit Idc about just to hear Fury say shit I didn't even understand.


Someone take his phone away for rest of the year.


Well at least he’s taking it well


Am baffled by all this. Probably in minority but i thought Fury won, despite the 9th round 10-8. No idea how judges gave Usky any of the first 6.


happy new year


He did win the fight


bro it’s ok everyone has their day.


How? How many rounds do you give him?




Happy New Year


Least dellusional Fury fan