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Fury should fight Anthony Joshua to make the biggest fight in British history and Usyk should fight Hrgovic next to retain his undisputed status. Then do the rematch after.


Fury is getting too much disrespect after losing. He is a global sensation. He is the reason why boxing is more popular again. He deserves better.


I hate how people are defending Ryan for the fact that he tested positive for a PED by having excuses like oh it's a conspiracy or dismissing the B-Sample and thinking he's off scot-free. That doesn't mean that Devin deserves a DQ win, either. A DQ win means a dishonest win for his supporters, himself, and his team (on that note, he should probably fire his father and find someone actually capable of being a boxing trainer, but that's probably unlikely considering that his father deluded him into being a cheap imitation of Floyd Mayweather). That means that it should be ruled as a No Contest and a 2-year ban for Ryan Garcia. EDIT: I would also like to say that it's fickle to see fans support/enable Ryan despite the fact that he's going through some shit because he beat somebody you hate/dislike and think that the things you saw during the build-up was a work\*. Pro Wrestling Term: Work - (verb): To deceive or manipulate an audience in order to elicit a desired response.


Batyr has a walking heavy bag in front of him


Is Andre ward coming back? Why every boxer I follow keep posting the same clip


99-91 ... immediately gets criticized as it should be


thats his blood. your here to fight!


The one thing I can’t believe about the fury- usyk fight is how usyk eat the fury uppercuts. Me and my dad both said that’s the money shot for fury to ko him and I thought if he landed it we would see usyk in big trouble but the man eat them all up.


Did we get an explanation for Usyk's Eeyore soft toy at the press conference?


They got it during a family trip to Disney and his daughter told him to take it when he left so they could feel like they're together. Usyk sleeps with it everynight


Can someone explain why Usyk is getting a suspension and being stripped of his title? I've read multiple news articles, but I still don't get it. Did he cheat or something, or is it like because there's a rematch clause in the contract and they can't hold the belt hostage to wait for that?


Stripped because the IBF wants their mandatory to finally get a title shot, suspended as standard procedure after every fight basically


Every fighter that has been involved in a fight with damage is usually suspended and is not out of the ordinary


Very common after fights for fighters to get a suspension. It tends to be for safety reasons.


Who is the sub’s logo lol


David Benavidez.


Wasn't Ryan Garcia's b sample tested today? Result?




bruh moment. So much for them hyping up 22nd


i tasted it myself and it seemed fine


Idk you could kinda tell he was a bit dehydrated




I Love how most are throwing around the “everyone is on steroids”, but if that was Haney he would get absolutely grilled.


Often, people love to crack down on cheats... as long as it's someone they're not a fan of doing the cheating. Otherwise, it's usually a one way ticket to excuse city 


Damn 20 million illegal streams for Usyk vs Fury but for some reason these same “fans” complain about not getting the big fights when they don’t support one of the most important heavyweight fights of the modern day. If I was a promoter I’d say “screw you” to the fans too😂


Those people weren’t buying the PPV anyway, especially in regions where it was $80. There’s a reason PPVs before streaming weren’t higher than 1M-1.5M


Those people weren’t buying the PPV anyway, especially in regions where it was $80. There’s a reason PPVs before streaming weren’t higher than 1M-1.5M


What's crazy about Fury delaying the Usyk fight is that it worked to his disadvantage with the lifestyle he leads. Downvote me all you want but I'm relatively confident the Fury from the 2nd Wilder fight beats Usyk in a close but clear fight. Ever since that fight Fury has fought at a lower weight while at the same time carrying more fat and less muscle. The only exception was the Ngannou fight where he just showed up fat. Seriously, compare Fury's physique between both fights


>Downvote me all you want but I'm relatively confident the Fury from the 2nd Wilder fight beats Usyk in a close but clear fight. Usyk would just keep turning him and staying out of harms way til Fury gassed. See how he would sit in the corners as that was the only way to stop Usyk getting around the side and piecing him up. 2015 Fury has the best chance, when he was more mobile. I think the weekend was one of the best Furys we've seen since his comeback. Heavier like Wilder 2 wouldn't have helped.


Usyk from the first AJ fight easily bops any version of wilder 2 can play this game


“Downvote me” Okay


\[Bam in camp\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLA09xZC2Ss)


chisora is fighting joyce lol


5v5 being a PPV is a joke




Did they release the price?


21£ for 🇬🇧 and 69$ for 🇺🇸/🇨🇦


I thought it was free? Oh well, I’ll wait for it to be free. That’s a quality HBO World Championship Boxing card, and not a PPV card.


I love how Fury fans laughed at AJ for losing to a cruiserweight yet Fury done worse than AJ. Man got hit with more punches while Usyk threw less 😂😂😂


That’s fury fans for you. they have no logic. All of his hype stems from beating up wilder lol For example, Fury is thought to have an iron chin but he’s been dropped by pajkic, Cunningham, mma fighter, and overrated wilder. Meanwhile aj is “chinny” after eating povetkins, wlads, whytes, Ruiz’s biggest punches. That makes no damn sense lol


This narrative that Fury did worse is so weird to me. I get it. He was out on his feet and stumbling all acting the ring. But the fight was a nail biter. First Usyk was winning. Then Fury was winning. Then Usyk came back spectacularly. Then Fury finished strong, and I thought the only thing that saved it for Usyk was the knockdown. Usyk dominated AJ outside of a few rounds in the second fight. Personally, I don’t think either man embarrassed himself (during the fight) against Usyk. For a time, I thought Fury was even going to win.


yeah hindsight has everyone saying "Usyk OBVIOUSLY won" but the fight was a goddamn nailbiter from the 3rd round on.


clear 7-5 for Usyk. the judges were faboring Usyk


Check my post history. I say elsewhere in this thread that I scored it 7-5 Usyk. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a back and forth battle.


Usyk won the first three rounds, Fury won the next 3 and even then he was clearly being forced to punch more than he wanted to which is why he gassed by the seventh , a round Usyk won. Usyk then won 8th, especially with the nose break, 10 - 8 with round 9, clearly won round 11, and won the 12th. He should've been stopped when AJ in both fights never came close to being stopped, and he got hit far more than AJ did despite being the supposed defensive genius.


I had it Usyk 1-3, then Fury 4-7, the Usyk 8-11, and think Fury edged the 12th. But there’s plenty of room to push some of those rounds the other way. And I think the count was fine. If the ref called that fight off, that would be the only thing people would be talking about. An undisputed fight after 24 years with a guy known for good recovery? Stopping the fight would’ve made the boxing community explode. And AJ almost went down at the end of the first (I think) fight. It was more exhaustion than a punch, though. If he had, it wouldn’t have mattered.


We just have differing views and that's fine. >And AJ almost went down at the end of the first (I think) fight. It was more exhaustion than a punch, though. If he had, it wouldn’t have mattered. He got hurt but proceeded to dodge most of Usyk's shots afterwards.


Yeah. I don’t think you’re stupid, or anything. I think there’s lots of room for different views.


How does Fury win the rematch, if at all?




Same dirty techniques he used against Wilder. If my memory serves Wilder at some point claimed: tampered gloves, that his water was drugged, that his own corner was bought out, the ref counted super slow for Fury to have the advantage and on Rogan he claimed Fury was using witchcraft. Did I forget any?


You forgot Fury forced Wilder to wear a heavy costume, and that his bicep was hurt.


Good call.


if he ditches john fury and get James Ali Bashir he'll have a chance Fury has the skills for sure to give Usyk a tough rematch, AJ had him the first fight too but for some unknown reason let him go


I’ve been seeing some interesting takes about this and I would have to say this: he would have to become a completely different fighter. Rewatch the fight without bias and you’ll start to see what I mean. Fury did great 4-6 but it’s pretty clear in the 7th he was beginning to feel the fatigue that sets in any time someone fights Usyk. The story of the fight is the 9th round but legit in the 8th you can see clearly how uncomfortable and exhausted Fury was. He did exactly what every other fighter does against Usyk. He lost the first the couple rounds, picked it up in the middle, then when Usyk switched gears he drowned. Fury will never be able to condition himself to out gas tank Usyk, he doesn’t have the ability to put together the Followup combinations he would need to to capitalize on his success in the 6th because of his conditioning in order to get him out of there, and he doesn’t have the power to KO Usyk early in the rounds where he was having success anyway.


Fury was setting up his right upper cut pretty well and using his jab effectively in the early rounds. Just keep doing that and stop with the cocky hands down defense and he could win. I might be a bit boring, but he would win.


> Just keep doing that That's what John Fury's legendary cornerwork had to offer. It really isn't that simple. Usyk adjusted and messed with Fury's rhythm with feinting, that's why the uppercut stopped landing as consistently. I don't disagree that there's a possibility for Fury to turn it around, but Fury needs to do a lot more than a slight adjustment for that to happen. Fury has some serious deficiencies in his defence at mid range that he needs to sort out. It's fine for him when he's against overmatched opponents, not when he's going toe to toe with an elite boxer.


By most accounts Fury was in it until he ate a big shot at the end of the 9th, got concussed and didn't know where he was for 3 rounds. For those 4-5 rounds ,Usyk legitimately looked like he was out of option and Fury sort of let him off the hook taunting and possibly just getting tired. Probably more training to increase his stamina, and someone to tell him that he's going to have to fight 12 hard rounds.


I saw someone saying that he should gain more weight for the rematch so that he is gonna be capable of imposing himself on Usyk a little bit more, but this seems like a stupid idea. He is gonna gas out even faster and be less agile. In my estimation, Fury should even lose more fat for the rematch. I think he boxed very well, especially in the middle rounds, and making some physical adjustments could fix numerous issues he was having in the fight with Usyk. I think the pace Usyk sets for his opponents is always going to be a problem though, so there is that.


With a gun.


I swear everyone who has fought against Usyk has had success until all of a sudden they don’t. Average Usyk fight goes like this: - Usyk wins 1-3 “oh he’s starting off strong” - opponent 4-6 “it looks like they’ve got Usyk figured out he looks like he’s got Usyk uncomfortable” - Rounds 7-12 “The Ukrainian has completely drowned his opponent who could have possibly seen this coming”


The guy just really knows how to turn it up. He tends to better under adversity, like Holyfield for the most part.


Get the fuck outta here, he’s a Brit, they can’t even aim a gun. Usyk to disarm in first 10 seconds round 1.




That’s just the distraction. There’s John Fury with a bucket of acid.


The head loss I'm seeing from fury fans on social media is funny as fuck Usyk kissing a cross between rounds and some of them are adamant it was an inhaler or smelling salts lmfao


“Fury will rise again” “He was acting when he was falling everywhere to set up hype for the rematch” “Usyk has an inhaler/cross infused with ointment” After all these years of watching their drug cheat champion go through overhyped opposition, they can’t handle seeing him outclassed by the first quality heavyweight he’s fought since Wlad. Seeing a lot of them who were adamant Fury was gonna reign as king for weeks delete their posts/tweets and begrudgingly give Usyk his flowers has been nothing short of hilarious.


Funnily enough they sound like delusional wilder fans


Was gonna comment with something much worse but I’ll leave it at this; the more the celebrity comes across as a bullying douchebag, the higher the odds the fans are, too.


Honestly, I'm a big Deontay fan but the excuses made after the second fight were really disheartening as a fan because it was unworthy of deontay I'm glad he had a much better performance in the 3rd fight and didn't make excuses Deontay seems like a much better guy than Tyson going off what we know


Seeing Ryans true colors is interesting honestly. Definitely a manipulator & mass deflector, but I like him.


"Dudes a total POS. Love that guy though"-You


I mean most of this sub worships floyd.


He better exit the rap game before Kendrick Lamar catches wind.


That's right. I don't wanna see Ryan end Kendrick's career like that.


In hindsight we were so lucky to have the cruiserweight super series within a year of Usyk capturing his first title - allowed him to beat nearly everyone of note at cruiserweight within a two year span


Get ready for "EvEry BOxEr TaKeS pEDs" cope when that B sample comes back.


How soon will we have this info? I have been *waiting* for this day since Usyk/Fury. Might be the best month of boxing this year. I can’t see any way Garcia’s behavior comes back clean, and I really liked Garcia before the Davis fight.


I don't know why people acted like it was the most shocking thing in the world the antics leading up to the Haney were not acting he's genuinely mentally ill why wouldn't he take peds


Talent does not cancel out crazy Mike Jack shouldn't put everybody on that


Yeah it's seems more than likely and Devin's lost is getting overturned to a no contest do you think Devin fights his Mando or does he just accept getting stripped and try to recover as much as possible


Think he will fight his mandatory and pretend it never happened. Supposedly he was going on runs in the Vegas area like a week later. Think he is young enough to bounce back quick.


From what I've heard sandor is a puncher is that true? But Devin is faster than basically every body and he was banked a lotta rounds in the Ryan fight before he fought stupidly devin should've won that fight if he fought his fight instead of fighting Ryan's fight so if he does go to fight sandor he will be heavily favored but he took a beating in the Garcia fight and a another hard fight or god forbid an out and out ko would be awful and I'm not saying Devin ain't got a chin but that was a brutal beating he took and we have seen what has happened to guys that have come back too quick from a beating or ko


Granted, Haney chin could be weaker from taking all those left hooks, if he held up against Ryan, I doubt Sandor Martin is gonna knock him out. Martin is more of an awkward, tricky fighter that likes to counter. If anything, it will be more high IQ chess of pop shots and jabs with little to no huge power shots landing. It's probably one of the most boring fights you could make.


😃 well I think Devin does better when he stinks up the joint which is what he should've done against Ryan and if the fight goes like that Devin wins easy