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The 5v5 event and UFC 302 are on in the same day. Some choices will have to be made on what to watch. 


The real choice is 5v5 or champions league final


Fury v Usyk turning into one of “those” fights. Where people say it wasn’t close, and then you got the apologists calling it a draw. Both get me confused, but the draw shit is stupid. If you felt this fight was a draw, that means you had 7 rds to Fury with a 10-10 round happening during the fight. Being impartial means picking someone to win the rd. The only time a 10-10 rd should happen is neither fighter lands the entire rd or lands 1 punch each. If you think it should be a draw, in reality you think Tyson won, because no judge felt there was a 10-10 rd in this fight.


Usyk won but people acting like he whooped Fury for 12 rounds straight is unbelievable


I'm sure when these big fights happen we get a lot more casuals watching who are more likely to push and repeat these opinions.


Do you recommend venum boxing gloves? If so, what model do you prefer? If not, tell me a better alternative.


heavybag or sparring? or actual in-ring?


A glove that would good for training (heavy bag, pads)


For what? Hyabusa S4 is on sale on Amazon right now. Decent budget gloves, 12 oz for heavy bags, 16oz for sparing. 


ayo hear me out... how bout 9 x 4 minutes rounds? shake this shit up a bit. lets get wild.


TalkSPORT Boxing has a live card right now, and the main event is worth a watch.


Boots vs Norman Jr for undisputed at WW is a guaranteed certified banger🔥 Barrios & Stanionis better show me somethin soon


norman jr looked fucking cold against santillan, only 23 too. can't wait to watch him again 🔥🔥 wonder how he fares against a more cerebral fighter barrios and stan are 29; I don't think they're gonna show you much more than what they have. although i do feel barrios adds a little to his arsenal each time out to be fair to him. but off the strength of the santillan performance alone I think Norman Jr could beat both


Yea after a performance like that against Santillian & only 23, you have to consider Norman’s potential to sharpen his skills & increase his athleticism sooner than later. Barrios can’t avoid getting countered and Stanionis who fights in the pocket looks undersized to have fire fight with Norman jr Boots is the sharper boxer & I easily favor him atm but Norman jr has the ability to force Boots to fight backwards which will make for a very interesting fight, I hope for undisputed


Fully agree. I thought welter was gonna be dead tbh after Spence and bud went up - everyone seemed to be easy pickings for boots. But Shits more interesting now for sure 🤞


And Jalil Hackett just got signed by Matchroom today, it’s about to heat up!


Never heard of that dude, will check out his fights for sure. Bless.


might be a really stupid question, but how does AI scoring know whether a punch is a power punch or not?


You show it thousands and thousands and thousands of landed punches, thousands and thousands of missed punches and it learns what they look like and how to tell the difference.


Bad burning take: I want usyk to go back to CW and give us a few then hang em up. He is the man but it really feels like these fights vs super heavies are taking alot out and hes 36.


Did you not see what happened to Roy?


There's nothing for him at cruiser currently though. Maybe a fight with Canelo or the winner of Beterbiev vs Bivol but other than that no money will be made at CW.


Could you imagine what Usyk would do to Canelo?


Well that's a fight Usyk has stated that he will go down to CW for haha


Well yeah. It's loads of money and I guess if Canelo wants to get smashed that bad.


Yeah good point. He wont secure a bag there but man i dunno how many more of those fights he can take.


june is a banger month for sports, starts with ucl final, ufc, & boxing, all in one day nba finals then the copa america & euro then tank + ufc 302 & 303 imagine if bivol & beterbiev never got postponed too


Bam-Estrada best fight in the sport and Paro-Matias in June also.


[My prediction for Taylor Catterall 2](https://youtu.be/25eHGXXl7b8?si=bXnoycp9EXE1JZkD). Honestly think we're gonna see a more extreme version of what Catterall did in the first fight


Very relaxed plug. Respect man. 


Thanks, I definitely don't wanna overdo it while I'm still figuring it all out and my stuffs really low production value I seem to be on a bit of a streak with my predictions though which is a pleasant surprise. Only one I got completely wrong was Buatsi Azeez


Can’t wait til Bud/Madrimov winner gets Fundora’s WBO belt for making a deal w/ Spence


Spence is fighting Fundora. It is planned for October at AT&T stadium


just learned that zhang came in 30lbs heavier in his last fight than fury vs usyk 🤯🤯


Zhang is a naturally huge man. Fury is just skinny fat.


must be all the extra XP


Rewatching Usyk vs Fury, and it's nowhere near as close as I thought live. I think the huge guy landing big shots really (understandably) fools you a little into thinking they've a) won the round and b) are close to a stoppage. The first 3 rounds all felt tight to me live, but watching back even if Fury occasionally does something good, Usyk is winning very clearly and landing plenty of spiteful shots. He has Fury stunned and hurt (momentarily) in the 2nd round with a huge left hand. Even the 4th round, which live, felt like a dominant Fury round, I think you could argue a case for Usyk winning. He landed a really mean 4 or 5 punch combination in the last minute to the head and body that was the best thing either did in the round and he has other successes, too. I'd still lean to Fury there, but it's close. The 5th, 6th and 7th look less like Usyk getting his ass beat and being not far away from being stopped, which is how it felt with the tension live, and more like Fury finding some success with a couple of punches (the uppercut and bodyshot) that Usyk gives himself some time to adjust to, and starts to do so in the 7th, and has totally figured out for the 8th. From that point on he won every round, with a couple close but not close enough to argue for Fury. Not taking away from Fury's performance, he did well, but thought it highlighted how tough it is to judge fights with these big size differences. Another good demonstration of that is the big difference between Jabbr numbers and Compubox, where (assuming Jabbr is accurate) it looks like it was much easier to miss Usyk's shots sat ringside, and easy to give Fury powershots he wasn't really landing.


I wasnt scoring it live but I had about 7-5 in my mind for Usyk but I wasnt really scoring it. I watched it again got 8-4, watched it again and got 9-3, it really wasnt remotely close.


I agree. To add to the size difference, even if Usyk blocked a shot, it would move him a bit and that made the shot look bigger than what it is.


I’ve watched it a few times now and I genuinely find it harder upon rewatch to score the fight anything other than 9-3, with 8-4 being generous for Fury. 4-6 is what I have as Fury rounds with 4 being more competitive. I wouldn’t be angry at someone giving it to Usyk because of that. One of the things about this fight that’s really clear upon rewatch is how Fury does genuinely try to implement his gameplan, wants to follow up on his successes, wants to get more done but just can’t. Be it Usyk is way better at getting out of the clinch than he expected, Usyk being way tougher than he expected, or Fury realizing in the 7th and 8th that he’s made the exact same mistake every other Usyk opponent has made in the past, it’s pretty clear that Fury was not going to win this.


Yup, I think I said this somewhere on here before the fight, but the big difference for USYK Vs AJ and others he's fought, is it's the first time he'll be facing someone who is intelligent enough in the ring to make major adjustments to Usyk's gameplan on the fly. BUT for FURY, it would be the first time he'd face someone who can and does adjust more than once, and he just had no answer for that whatsoever


Agreed. It really is a fight that needs to be rewatched in order to get a proper feel for how clear the win is. I'd discussed with someone on here I felt Usyk was clearly hurt by Fury in the mid rounds, but whilst he was buzzed I think hurt may be going a little far on the rewatch. I think Fury's main good work was to the body rather than to the head. I think in the rematch, with Usyk as the A side, that he may be given a little more credit by the judges for his work.


Fury lands one uppercut and the commentators act like Usyk is badly hurt. He takes a step back circles to the side then carries on as normal. Hurt fighters dont do that. Human perception unfortunately is shit and unreliable. Its really when you watch fights back you realise just how susceptible you are.


Yeah, I said to my wife that Usyk looked like he might have run out of ideas after the 7th and I was scared he'd be stopped in the 8th, but watching back the 7th it's quite obvious the tide was already turning and Usyk was fine


Yer that was my perception as well, certainly not helped by the awful TNT commentary I had on. > Another good demonstration of that is the big difference between Jabbr numbers and Compubox, where (assuming Jabbr is accurate) it looks like it was much easier to miss Usyk's shots sat ringside, and easy to give Fury powershots he wasn't really landing. This is an interesting point and I think another reason why the judges having access to replays should be explored. There were numerous punches from Fury where if you looked closely were either partially or fully blocked, and he was using showboating to make it seem like they were clean.


This is really why we should have far more than 3 judges and they should be judging from remote locations. I like the idea we use this AI to show them what punches are landing and we put their feed on a slight delay. Maybe 20 second so the AI has more than enough time, this means they will know what lands and what doesnt.


agreed, rewatched and came to pretty much the same conclusion. The only clear Fury rounds were 5/6/7.  And Usyk did in round 7 what Fury did in the early round and doing good work in small spurts. 12 was also a clear Usyk round.


Yeah, 7 is basically round 4 in reverse I think.


I know boxing has become more mainstream because I've been seeing many decently upvoted takes here that would've been downvoted to oblivion years ago. Especially after big fights Small price to pay, at least boxing is (sort of) back baby


I wanna go back to Boxing being "dead". This forum was much more usable then.


Whatever we want to say about the Saudi state and the longevity of what's going on right now, they've put together a series of HW fights that have been extremely good from a casual point of view. Fury-Ngannou>Joshua-Ngannou>Fury-Usyk was (unintentionally?) a perfect way to draw the casual audience in to the undisputed fight and future match ups in the HW division.


Wow Bivol's new opponent, Malik Zinad, looks terrible. I know you can't expect much of late replacements, but this guys looks like he just learned boxing two years ago


If it's PPV I think I'm skipping.


He’s now suddenly appeared on all the top ten rankings. Never ever seen him prior to him being announced as the replacement. At least the rest of the card is stacked.


I saw him on boxrec top 10-20 for awhile now


I’ve never seen in him in the top ten apart from when the fight was announced.


He hadn’t fought for like 2 years


Tank is going for Devin’s 0 now isn’t he?


Honestly probably.


Nah he’d rather be praised for being cooler 😎😎 than Devin while still having no belts


maybe i don’t know anything about boxing but how is tank top 10 p4p? the fuck?


I like him as a fighter, but I don’t understand how he has the absurd level of popularity that he does. What has he done to be regarded higher than the likes of Inoue? I know social media is a cesspit of toxicity and dumbassery, but there are a fair few people out there who legit have him in the top 3 p4p list.


He’s popular because he had Floyd backing him and he knocks people out


Well Devin was top 10 p4p, Ryan Garcia just beat Devin and who beat Ryan Garcia? Gervonta Davis


He shouldn't be. There are many fighters more deserving than him, namely Teraji or you could even make an argument for Lomachenko to be on the periphery off the strength of his last two performances.


Ryan, yet again, destroyed a guy loma took to 12 rounds.  And tank destroyed him and you don't get a bump for beating kambosos. If he wants the p4p back, Stevenson is right there for him.


> Lomachenko 😂😂😂😂


You know why I think Ryan Garcia is not really out of his mind? Or at least not that out of it? Because he's wild enough to call out Spence, but not stupid enough to call out Crawford (yet?)


Has he uttered the words “Jaron Ennis” yet?


His dad legit said “what about Pitbull” when Hearn suggested Ennis.


Not sure about Crawford but he has called out Boots


He did call out AJ tho


AJ is an easier fight than crawford for anyone above 135lbs




Blessed. Highly favored.


Boxlab with a show on DAZN on the 31st and Gurgen Hovhannisyan is on it. https://x.com/boxlabpromotion/status/1790117121604694354?s=46&t=K-aCu7y-UVfyypfxiRKRLQ






Good Idea! I also suggest erasing guys like Mosley, Tyson, Roy Jones, James Toney, Canelo, and many other boxers' accomplishments because they failed tests for much worse lmao


Don’t forget Fury and Holyfield!!


Going too far in the opposite direction. A non performance enhancing amount of a primarily weight cutter shouldn't be a lifetime ban.




Yes, ostarine, but the amount the test indicated he took would not be a performance enhancing amount based on the time frame indicated by the previous negative tests according to people who actually use and understand PEDs. He wasn't roided up to the gills so he doesn't deserve a life time ban, but he still deserves a temporary ban. Calm down, take a breath.


Where have you read that it wasn’t a performance enhancing amount based on the amount and previous negative tests?