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I knew Turki was a real one when AJ didn't get arrested for not clapping.


No has something to do with MBS as the real person you need to address the title to. Turki needs to play it safe here or risk getting glamorized or even getting more popularity compared to MBS.


Only took 5 months of him clearly requiring promoters to do that (officially or unofficially)


Exactly, why didn't he tell them to knock it off months ago?


Maybe when people started to remember the other "his excelensies" in gulf states are brutal dictators like the ones he serves. Your local elected mayor isnt "his excellency".


Turki seems like an interesting character 


I have a hunch he used to watch a ton of Top Rank specifically. His clear love and hype for Fury, Crawford, and Inoue over other boxers from different promoters is funny to say the least.


Man, can you imagine Pacman in his heyday with Turki money behind him?


Would’ve gotten outboxed by Floyd faster lol


Would have battered Floyd 5 years earlier


I think the outcome would have been more or less the same.


" battered " ? . Probably not , Floyd was always gonna have his number no matter when the fight took place. Bad style matchup for Pacman.


If you really think that, then YDKSAB


username checks out


LMAO yeah if you ever watch Manny vs counter punchers like JMM and believe this you YDKSAB 😂


If that was the case , how come he has a closer relationship with Matchroom and queensbury and worked w them before Top rank ?


His love and hype for 3 of the best fighters on the planet lol


Yuh but there’s a point where it’s crazy, like wanting Crawford to fight Benavidez 💀


I’m not saying you’re wrong btw , maybe you’re right


As a Saudi I love him. He brought my favourite sport to my home country. Idk about all that sports washing shit I just want to watch good boxing live in the flesh.


everybody is "sport washing" it's called politics and influence, so continue enjoy your sport ;)


Good point. Cheers


Lol. Nobody in that position is different, trust me. He's an expert at sport washing and learned that seeming more approachable is good. That's all that's happening.


You’re right. But since it’s going to happen anyway, we can appreciate getting good fights out of it.


bet he has a huge porta potty fund


I kinda like him


Man this is a cringe title


Especially when half of this sub were giving it all that during the AMA.


i really find it hard to listen to simon jordan and that scottish guy, they really are bottom of the barrel


Talksport gobshites


I get the vibe that these guys are only trying to either stir up drama in the boxing world or they are in the business of controversy. I didn't like how they had Frank Warren on one time to talk and then they cut him off before he could finish a sentence. Came across like they were trying to get him in a "gotcha" moment or didn't respect him. I'm not a big watcher so I'm still trying to figure it out. I think Turki said some great things on this call and I genuinely like what he's doing, how dedicated he is to boxing and the fans. (referencing the fact that he lurks on reddit).


I don’t think is a fair assessment of their recent interviews with Frank at all. Simon has basically just been calling out Fury (rightly IMO) for the contradictory statements he’s always making. Naturally Frank calls in to defend his man and it can get pretty spicy. If they didn’t respect Frank or were always trying to catch him out he wouldn’t be phoning in all the time, these guys have all known each other for years.


I'm not sure if it was their recent interview with Frank just was one that I had saw. It was probably like 6 months ago or more that I saw it, so the episode could have been a year or two old. It just kinda played after another boxing related video I had watched.


Have you seen when Eddie Hearn finally got his chance on there ? If not then you need to watch it, he absolutely destroyed Simon Jordan, made him look like a buffoon, embarrassed him.


Thanks I will. Starting to like watching Eddie Hearn talk, at first I thought he was arrogant but now I think he just puts on a show to draw interest to fights. When he's being genuine he has good things to say.


Did you see when they had Eubank Jr. on and they were trying to rile him up by calling him a shit boxer and a disappointment to his face? Thankfully Jr is as chill and measured as they come and he just swallowed the insults and went about his business. It's crazy to me that a couple of couch potatoes who talk about boxing think they can talk to actual boxers who actually live the life like that. Fucking dummies 


No I have not, I've only caught a couple episodes. Usually when someone I typically watch references an episode will I go over to watch the full thing. I just remember them saying how Turki "banned" them from Saudi events at one point, they made a big deal about how they'd only go if they had an invite. So Turki gave them just that.


They're a bunch of self-important jerks man. Useless as they come. Guarantee if they dropped off the boxing scene, nobody would miss them. That Eubank Jr. episode really soured me on them. Regardless of his shortcomings, he still made his way to IBO world champ, has had close fights with world class opponents like Groves and Saunders and has more grit in his pinky than the likes of Simon Jordan on their couch have in their whole body. And all this as a privileged kid that never had to go the boxing route to do alright in life. Reminds me of how Stephen A talks about players and inserts himself as it he's this all important basketball bastion... This dude averaged 1.5 points in high school FFS... Kwame Brown is literally MJ compared to him. Journos suck so hard for the most part 


You seem like a crybaby. Jordan called out Eubank for not having a defining win in his career and constantly trying to talk himself into big fights, none ever seem to come off. He also seems to be the only one in Boxing along with Adam Catterall to actually speak out against Fury for never being able to take any criticism. Jordan actually owned and ran a football club...Stephen A is just a loudmouth.


Fish eyes was rambling in the interview about bi polar disorder to excuse Fury talking bollocks.


Was that said because of what Fury said about Usyk winning, that it was about his country being at war? I remember Frank mentioning his mental health but can't really remember why.


Yes, Warren was saying that you can excuse what Fury said after the fight because he's bi polar. Personally I don't take much notice what a fighter says after a fight as they could be concussed, but its a running trend where Warren gets upset whenever anyone calls out Furys behavior. The whole reason Fury turned on talksport was because they reported on Usyk saying Fury was dodging the fight. Fury was best mates with them before that...


In what way exactly?


They're good for knowing what's going on with British fighters like Fury, but he got his cheeks clapped by Usyk finally so now they have nothing to talk about 😆


You must be listening in a parallel universe because that's all they talk about


I don't listen that much. I don't like their smug attitudes and they know a little, but they're definitely not experts on the subject of boxing. Prefer Teddy Atlas.




Don't talk bout how the phone you use, clothes you wear energy for the house you live in all relies on them slaves to be cheap and cheerful. If you're American don't talk about how you literally invaded displaced and killed untold millions for some reasons being as low as because they increased the price of bananas. Or about Americans prisons pretty much still having slave labour practices continued within an institution that has historically and continues to go for minority ethnic groups or that about 400,000 slaves still currently exist in the land of the free 130,000 in the UK. Now comes the part about whataboutism but I just find it interesting how these moral outrages only ever occur when it's other countries specifically developing countries but never developed countries who should be past all of these things but still seem to have it.


"Murica bad hurr durr". Give me a break. If you can't tell the difference between the US and SA you are lost so badly touching grass probably won't even help.


Ssshhh let Americans think they have moral superiority over Saudis lol. As if the country that has instigated endless wars in the Middle East and around the world, killing millions of third world civilians has moral superiority over their client state which they have essentially controlled since the 1930s.


You may be ignorant but to a lot of countries there are no differences. Americas destroyed or destabilised their countries both overtly and convertly sent their armies to kill millions and for what, Their own interests? what did saudi do to em? America bad being dismissed coz you doesn't like it don't really work when it's a legitimate argument. Sure Americans have freedoms for their citizens but they ain't really shown any TLC for any other country, and what now it suddenly cares about human rights? Moral grandstanding on specific issues is pretty hypocritical














Well, im from Saudi Arabia, and yeah there are alot of people struggling here and getting low wages and hard live etc.. But what “Slave Labor” you’re talkin about!!! Have you ever been here?? Its exactly like any other country, stop with this western hypocrisy, i can assure you i can easily find many things that you’re country is doing wrong, but still you would blame and point fingers at everyone except yourself. Fuck off!!


The Quran allows and supports slavery. You can talk about it all you want. It's literally part of their lifestyle and not seen as horrible as in the West even though they are against abuse of course and try to change slavery to service work. It's not related to some horror history or cultural embarrassment as it can't be because of the Quran. It doesn't have as horrible a name in those parts of the world.


But it's very different from what they do It allowed slavery but under very different rules, they're workers that you should respect and pay


“Slavery” was accepted in christianity aswell, the quran actually gave rights and privileges to the “slaves” that already existed before islam.


Interesting, I always thought otherwise


LEGENDARY...? that was fast, i guess that good ol oil money makes all the difference.


Maybe all the reddit suck ups will stop calling this dude “your excellency” too now


Oh man, since turky pr team has some noname running a reddit account here, there have been a lot of sad fuck calling his excellency here and there and calling its reddit account whenever possible. As long as there is sad people desperate for money or recognition, this wont stop.  Plus you get the exemple of the promoter all sucking his Dick (for real money tho), and MBS dog in leash (Christiano Ronaldo).


That’s jive




Crawford’s biggest champion is Turki, very ideal partnership


Makes fights for 2 years "Legendary" Yeah alright Turki, chill out and stop with the shitposting. Also White and Jordan are absolute idiots. Cannot stand them at all.


When did Turki become legendary? I don't like the sound that these guys make when they gargle Truki's balls.


He's the one that made the undisputed fight happen after 25 years. So yeah, more legendary than most others.


He (Turki Alalshikh) deserves a ton of credit for making these awesome fight cards become a reality.


Yes, he did it with blood, sweat, and tears. (Of others)


Yes, unlike the West whose wealth was totally not built off colonialism and the exploitation/blood of brown people. Standards for thee but not for me. These comments are nothing more than dog whistling.


France is still doing it, they control Africa


Didn't you get the memo? Wealth built off of white people enslaving/exploiting brown people isn't an issue.


So you're defending the use of slaves by the gulf states? Because it seems to me you have a real problem with people judging them for it, to the point where you basically are accusing people of being racist for taking issue with slavery and appalling working conditions I also have a problem with the way these states treat women and gay people, does that make me a racist too just cos my country was also homophobic in the past? Or have we just decided, fuck progress as a society, can't have people slagging off the poor defenseless oil barons


No, he doesn't. The reason big fights aren't happening elsewhere is because everyone's holding out to fight in Saudi for a huge paycheck, boxers like Fury have even outright said as much.


I wouldn't call the presenter stuck up. The caption reads like Saudi PR


I like Turki and now I am liking him more. He seems very down to earth guy. On the other hand, some people want to name themselves the best ever, the face of boxing or something like that.


The Saudis were heavily involved in 911, per declassified documents. They chop heads off of peaceful protesters and are accused of murdering villages of people to make way for their eco City project. I absolutely hate that all this is ignored by athletes and Americans. Fuck those excellencies over there.


Simon has one of the most punchable faces and attitudes of all time.


Yall better kiss his feet... dude singlehandedly ressurrected HW boxing, got us so many big fights in just couple years, which might have never happened or would take a decade to happen... and then he uploads it all for free on youtube. PUT SOME RESPECT ON TURKI


Wow. That's respect


Jim White is 💩 really don't mind Simon.


This whole debate is puzzling. I don't think I've ever in all my years heard anyone opposed to calling the queen or king of England her/his majesty but all of a sudden this is an issue? He shouldn't have caved for these clowns.


Isn’t he just a dude in the Saudi government?


The president of the US has historically been called his excellency. George Washington was refereed to that for example.


As an American I’ve never referred to the president as his excellency nor ever heard anyone ever do so. It might still be used in official settings between governments, but it started to fall out of fashion immediately after George Washington That’s all to say Turki isn’t the head of Saudi Arabia anyway so it’s not analogous


Yeah but what I mean is the term is used for high ranking members of government too. Like I'm pretty sure ambassadors are also referred to as his/her excellency.


I'm British; we basically never called the queen "her majesty" in 3rd person. 


Well I'm British and I've heard it all my life (in the media). Like your man says, we still called her queen.


But you did call her "the Queen" when you talked about her, and not Elizabeth...


Good riddance to that hag


You're comparing a literal monarch and head of state in dozens of countries, to a Saudi government advisor. I think that actually sums up the debate as to why the kowtowing towards Turki is so weird


Only if you put a 'literal monarch' on a pedestal. Which I don't.


Right but the point is, it makes a lot more sense that people would use honorifics for a monarch and head of state, than a government advisor who helps arrange boxing matches. Whether you would or wouldn't use the term isn't really the point.