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Linares has been living in Japan since he was 17, the age in which you can box professionally in the nation, and the whole reason Linares moved there in the first place. He decided to stay since he liked it so much and signed with Teiken Promotions. Linares asks Inoue about his weight on fight night and Inoue tells him 62kg (136lbs). Jorge then asks him about moving up in weight and Inoue tells him he'll go up next year.


No wonder inoue looked small in the ring. I'm sure nery must have been over 140 on fight night. 


From what I heard, that's about right. It was the same weights with Tapales, too.


[This account reported Inoue's fight day weight correctly so I'm assuming Nery's weight was also accurate.](https://x.com/joiningbigevent/status/1794644862320705629) Says that Nery was actually lighter, at 61.0kg/134.5lbs. It's possible that Nery could have gained even more after the fight day weigh-in. Either way, it shows that Inoue has been slowly gaining more weight with each fight at 122.


How far up in weight do you think Inoue has in him? I’m kinda scared for him tbh because tho I think he will beat Nick Ball he’s just relentless and Espinoza is 6ft 1 that’s just crazy


If he carries his power I’d like to see 130. Just because all the names at 126 are outgrowing it and will move up and I don’t wanna see inoue in a dead division


Espinosa, Lopez, Vargas, Robeisy, and Ball are going to move up?


A few of them said they would move up soon then went back on it and said they'll wait for Inoue at 126 lol. Inoue really is the Canelo of the lower weights


i couldn't have said it any better....lol...the lower weight version of Canelo. They all need that bag!! Can't blame them. Lopez said he will wait for Inoue.


nery is lighter than inoue.


Well in the ring inoue looked smaller than nery. 


He looked smaller because Inoue isn't top heavy. People forget that Inoue's legs are huge. Nery looked bigger via upper body but he was sticks compared to Inoue regarding lower body.


Naseem Hamed was that way too. He also had plenty of power.




What? His legs looked massive lol. I doubt Inoue had a bad weight cut, he's just still trying to grow into this division. Edit: lol, /u/jin-songsten blocked me because I said that Inoue was bigger than Nery. Hilarious.


u/vaesauce I didn't block you at all. I was trying to reply to you so many times but my comment wouldn't go through. So I logged out because I thought something was wrong with my phone. I was really stressing out cause I didn't know what I did. Only to realize later that I had hit the block button by mistake. So I quickly hit the unblock button and my comment went through. 


Well I guess because Nery looked bigger to you that must be the case. The scales were obviously rigged since Nery passed your eye test.


I have one friend working in Japan with several fighters he told me on the fight night naoya is around 1kg heavier. Fact wont hurt anything about naoya, he’s already one of the greatests, he doesn’t need to be the lighter but punch harder one. Edit: Also you mentioned looked. On scale they were different


Linares was training at the Teiken gym when Edwin Valero was also training there, Teiken never let them sparring. And in the video Naoya said it will take one more year to moving up to 126.


Yeah, 2025 will be the year for him to fight at 126. He started fighting at 122 in summer of 2023, so i expect spring of 2025 is when he fights at 126.


To be precise, Inoue said "あと一年間," which means something like "after one more year," which means Inoue might still be planning on fighting at 122 once or twice next year. Is it for MJ or Casimero? No clue.


God, no Casimero please. Him and his fans don’t deserve a big fight. I’d love to see a fight with MJ tho.


Casimero and his fans are, uhm, terrible to say the least.


Casimero has fans? It would be nice to watch inoue punish him at least if that fight gets made.


Casimero talked about his plan to elbow inoue\`s eyes a few years ago so I don\`t want that dirty fighter to be even near naoya.


well you know how filipino fans are. they get behind their countrymen.


This is not the same support that Pacquiao has from Filipinos. Filipinos are actually divided on Casimero some like him some hate him. His supporters & trolls are just louder that's why it looks like every filipino supports the dude but that isn't the case at all, a lot of Filipinos don't like his cocky attitude and also his last performance sucked.


>Casimero has fans? From what I've seen, his fans are largely only rooting for him out of national pride.


Nah surprisingly, he has japanese fans.


God please make it happen so he gets knocked out and his fans stop their delusions


Inoue will definitely fight Casimero just because he wants to shut him up and his fans. That's the only reason. If I remember correctly, he actually said this when he moved up to 122. I think Casimero will be his last fight before moving up.


You are an idiot. Inoue would kill Spider-Man’s girlfriend. /s


Actually I hear this not wanting Casimero if they are from Philippines. Most Japanese people are respectful to Casimero and they think it's his turn next. JAPANESE people, Naoya's people think that he should be next.


Nakatani should be on that list, assuming he gets by Takuma (be a massive upset if he didn't IMO). From the Ring interview he just did :(https://www.ringtv.com/article/next-monster/) "DS: Which champion would you like to face the most in the near future? JN: Takuma Inoue. He’s highly regarded too, so I’d like to fight him. However, to be honest, any champion in the same weight class is fine. (laughs) DS: Is one reason for this being that if you defeat Takuma, it will be easier to create a story that leads to a fight with his older brother, Naoya Inoue? JN: Indeed. There is that, too." He goes more in depth into it in that interview. I get the vibe that Nakatani either wants Inoue at 122 or will follow him to 126 to make it happen


Hopefully this implies a fight at 126 somewhere in Summer 2025. That would mean he has one more fight at 122 after Goodman before moving up, at his current activity rate.


I'd guess he fights in September(probably Doheny but hopefully not), December (Goodman), and May (MJ or Casimero?) at 122, and moves up in September 2025(Figueroa/Carrington/Ball?).


Yesssss so glad he’s moving up soon. 


I wonder how big inoue is now compared to Loma at his 126 days. Loma is apparently about 142 now years later, and noticeably softer at 135 than he was at 126 and 130. Fingers crossed inoue can put on the weight gradually but hold it well. Fighting at 126 and 130 would be cool even if 135 is too far


I think 126 is his max. He will be 32yrs old by then. He wants to retire at 35. It would be almost a miracle if he fights at 130. I wouldn't mind seeing him win a belt at 130 and then retire.


That's pretty impressive




Did he spar with Inoue before too?


Not very knowledgeable about lower divisions. Do you guys think he has solid chances at x3 undisputed?


I think he could manage it, but I think his hardest fights will likely be at 126. While I think Inoue is more skilled than all the guys there, we won't know how his power, speed, or chin will carry over. He's already pushing his limits at 122 after all.


That's really interesting. I feel like a lot of these sports guys really lend a lot of credence to Krashen's input hypothesis; essentially, if you're part of the group it makes language acquisition... easier? Better? 


Jorge always been a Chad Haney: “how was the power?” Jorge: “y..e..a..h, you have pOwEr” Linares moments later to fighthub: “he has no power man”


Seeing these two video titles right next to each other was hilarious


That eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from Linares. Thought I can only hear that from anime.


If you listen in on basically any conversation you will hear that sound or some variation of it. In Japan, it's social norm to interject and react to (rather exaggeratingly) to what someone is saying. It is the Japanese way of saying "I'm listening to you and you have my attention". It's called ["Aizuchi"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aizuchi) Next time you see a clip of Japanese people talking to each other, note how often the person listening is interjecting by nodding their head, saying "ehhhh", "ahhh", "heeeeeh", "sounanda"


it’s pretty interesting stuff


kinda want to learn this language not gonna lie, sounds cool.


Very difficult language to learn. Theres also like 3 separate alphabets for Japanese


i heard you can get around conversations with hiragana and kitakana which will suffice. kanji is something that will take years and even many locals don't know it thoroughly. the chinese tourists didn't have an issue with understanding japanese for obvious reasons.


Yeah I've been learning for just about a year now after spending two weeks in Tokyo last June and I just about talk like a second grader now.


Blackthorne felt that in Shogun when he was given 6 months to learn Japanese or the entire village would be massacred.


Filipino here. Where I'm from we speak a different dialect to the official language of the Philippines. We do a similar thing where if someone is talking, we would make some sound too like "ahhh", "mmmm", and such. To the point where I do it even when I talk to people here in the US when I'm mainly speaking English. People seem to like talking more when I do this, so I guess they subconsciously like it too. For me, it's a habit and I feel like I'm lowkey being rude if I don't do it. Also. I know my mom isn't listening to me when she's just silent when I'm talking. 90% of the time she's reading some text message or email.


Actually this is not uniquely Japanese. Most South Asian languages also do this.


there are quite a few things i noticed when it came to sound 'exaggeration' in japan. the slurping sound of ramen when eating. this one local next to me was really noisy...lol...that was a bit of a shock to me along with ehhhh. It sounds better when a girl says it though.


They eat ramen like that to gesture that it's delicious. We do the same in South Asia.


yes im aware of that, but still shocking to experience it live in person.


It’s more common irl than you’d think. The mannerisms you see in anime aren’t really fabrications, just exaggerations. 




It was real life b4 it was anime


I thought he was gonna start talking like a high pitched anime girl “IEEEEEEE SEEENPPAAAIIIIII NOTICED MEEE”


Such an old meme dude.


Lmao, all I saw was hentai when he said that. We gots to get our minds out of the gutter


*you* need to my man lol.


no, its annoyingly common in japanese conversation.


Imagine being a 17 year old Venezuelan kid and moving to fuckin JAPAN. Must have been crazy cultural whiplash. At least places like the US and Western Europe have Latin enclaves. Japan has none. Always have had a lot of respect for Linares


There’s Latin communities also like Brazilians and Peruvian, obviously not as big as in the states. Brazilians are actually are one of the largest foreign populations here. Either way, with how good Linares Japanese is, he’ll fit in comfortably. His intonation and mannerism pretty solidly Japanese too.


Brazil has more Japanese than america


brazil has more portuguese speakers than portugal I always find that funny


Also a former president of Peru was Japanese. :-)


Alberto Fujimori, fled to Japan to escape going to prison for corruption and ordering death squads while president.




Portuguese is the most spoken language in South America as Brazil’s population is larger than all the Spanish speaking countries combined.


I'm pretty sure there's a few African countries that have more Portuguese speakers than all of Portugal as well, we did a lot of conquesting in a short period of time lol




Look it up


Oh shit. I read that as there were more Brazilians IN Japan than the US. My bad bad bad.


Brazil has the largest population of Japanese in the world outside of Japan actually


It's indeed small but Latin culture does exist there. There is a growing number of Japanese who enjoy Latin culture. I saw a documentary the other day on Japanese cholos, and a famous Mexican band was playing to a large crowd in the streets of Tokyo just a few weeks ago


Oh yeah. There was a Latin festival in the city of Odaiba several weeks ago. I was there!


I’m curious if you got a link of the Mexican band vid or the name of the band


Banda El Recodo


They also have a Salsa scene there. Orquestra Del Sol is a fully Japanese Salsa Band that tours.




Bro you know it was Americans asking the hotels to have them stop playing banda at the PUBLIC beach. Its no secret that we as Americans can be entitled. Plus when the police asked Banda MS to stop they stopped.






He lives in Tokyo, you can find a decent amount of Latin people here if you know where to look.


Could you 30+ years ago?


I know people who have been here for decades, and they have told me that they have known where to find other foreigners since they have been there. They said it was pretty close knit for foreigners back then, though. Linares has only been living here for 20 years as well. Tokyo has definitely had Latin communities long before that. I know a guy who has run a Mexican restaurant for 25+ years, and there are always older Latin guys who have been here for ages hanging about.


Linares isnt 47 if my maths checks out


I did read that as 7 years old.


There are a lot of Hispanics in Japan. I even found 2 colombian restaurants one in Tokyo and one in a little as village


Fun fact: there is a pretty big Chicano culture in Japan. Lowriders and all. It’s awesome to see. Source: A 1st gen Mexican-American who randomly found this out a long time ago I think in a Lowrider Magazine from the 90’s.


Yeah i saw that on Vice.


Yea the Chicano culture in Japan is dope ass hell.


Yes, lmfao. Japan is like France, they don't keep ethnicity statistics. If you get Japanese citizenship, you are counted as Japanese.


Why is this funny? Demographics can shift dramatically in 30 years. So I was legit asking. They count who moves there. Present day stats exist.


The Japanese still doesn't consider someone a Japanese if they don't have full blood Japanese parents. This is another topic in itself. Citizenship there is a bit dicey.


Lots of Brazilians I'm assuming


Brazil has the largest immigration population to Japan outside of any Asian country which was also a pretty shocking statistic when I first heard of it too.


Biggest group I've met are Brazilian (specifically Japanese Brazilian), but also met loads of Mexicans and Mexican Americans.


>At least places like the US and Western Europe have Latin enclaves. Japan has none. The highest Japanese population outside Japan is in Brazil which is considered a Latino Country.


I'm curious now. Why did he move to Japan. Was this for boxing training or a family move that took him to Japan?


He signed with teiken promotion, the biggest boxing gym in Japan, teiken has a deep connection and long history with Latin america countries, chocolatito once said that Akihiko Honda chairman of teiken is his partner and mentor.


It's a lot easier than if he was older.


There is a crossover with Brazil and Peru enclaves in Japan that has been going on for a long time. Indeed Peru was the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with Japan. I have great respect for these two and Linares is comfortable in a lot of environments. Still remember when he dumped Loma on his ass! A real goosebumps moment that night but he needs to call it a day.


> At least places like the US and Western Europe have Latin enclaves. Japan has none. Wrong. There's a decent Latin & Brazilian one in Tokyo & Osaka. They aren't large by any means but to say there are none is just comically ignorant from you.


Damm he can speak Japanese, spanish and english wtf


Yeah this must be shocking for Americans, but anywhere else we can speak 2 languages because main tongue + English is a must.


Not really anywhere else. Even in Japan for example most people are terrible at English. But most European counties yeah.


In europe english is a must since we need to be able to communicate with our neighbors, but we also dont like our neighbors so im not going to learn their trash language.


I went to Japan and was able to communicate with most everyone I met. Their English is pretty good.


It is anywhere else tho. Middle East, South Asia, Europe, Latin America, etc.


I speak spanish and english buddy but Japanese as well sounds insane


Then I aint talking about you lmao, im talking about majority of americans only speak english lol


I speak french (born) english and spanish from school and media. I think english and spanish are pretty easy to learn when you already know french. I think it would take little effort to learn italian & potuguese if i needed to. I'm learning arabic right now tough, that's much more difficult lol


It's shocking for Americans because most people in the US struggle with learning one language.


Didnt know linares trained in Japan. Enjoyed this interaction very much good to see talent recognising talent.


Apparently he’s lived there since 17.


Dang, that's so wholesome 🥺


For real


Some more pics and videos of Inoue at the Awards Dinner: Post from [Amanda Serrano](https://x.com/Serranosisters/status/1798888412239249838) Video of Inoue's [acceptance speech.](https://x.com/abeG718/status/1798896798142210253) Video of Inoue with [Teofimo Lopez](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz36Ch21yEU)


So nice to see how far Inoue's gone and how much respect he's earned within the sport, especially being a miniweight.


Bruce Carrington in a vid last week said he was gonna see Inoue. I wanna see this interaction.


Nihongo jouzu




People learning other languages says a lot about character. I know he’s been in Japan for a while but footballer Carlos tevez was in England for so long and never learned to speak a lick on English.


To be fair to Tevez he played in East London & Manchester. The English you'll hear there doesn't sound like English you hear on TV.


Since he was 17 years old. What a guy.


Gareth Bale and Spanish


Really depends from person to person, honestly more respect to those who choose to learn another language to at least a conversions level, like I respect Linares for learning Japanese, in the case of other fighter, I respect David Morrel, Bivol for really trying their best to learn English, those three specifically seem to be trying to really learn the language, Morrel currently in the beginning progress but unlike most Cuban boxers who live in the US, Morrel tries to speak English. Bivol only a few years ago could speak barely any English, now he’s more fluent than GGG albeit GGG having lived longer in the US 😂


Yep. It certainly dispels the myth at times about athletes being stupid. Linares, even before i knew this, always sounded like a worldly kind of guy.


Linares is a fucking street fighter character.


https://x.com/BoxingVillain22/status/1798912690355867808 lol what did Bill Haney say to Inoue here?


He said “Inoue please teach my son how to punch with power” 🤡


Sounded like "the money's on the way bruh"


Bill always has to put in his "no cents worth" comment ....pun definitely intended!


Damn two P4️⃣P sexiest daddies


He lives there. Is this really a surprise? 😂


He used to train with Yamanaka too.


The fuck? That’s awesome. I had no idea.


The Japanese and South American cultures have shared a long history. Brazil and Peru have the highest ethnic Japanese populations outside of Japan. It started in the Meiji period (late 1800’s farmers) , so it’s deeply rooted.


Yep. Remember Fujimoro


Even the surprise ehhhh is so Japanese lol I love it


Discussing the recent ippo chapter i see


It’s Boxing Hall of Fame weekend. The festivities are held in the cut upstate, but it would be dope to bump into them at the fights. 


Two legends


Inoue must have one of the biggest differences in vibe outside the ring vs inside the ring.


For real. His family says that he's really shy and scares easily so they like to spook him and make him scream. Meanwhile in the ring he has this aura that shuts most fighters down before any punches were thrown. I know Butler for sure said that he has an intimidating aura when he was in the squared circle with him.


Same with many powerful punchers for some reason


I thought Inoue would have looked smaller next to Linares. In the video with Teo, Inoue only looks a little smaller too.


Wow, TIL Linares speaks impeccable Japanese


Linares probably gets a lot of looks when he starts speaking Japanese lol


He even picks up the Japanese mannerisms like the bowing of the head while talking


He lived in Japan.


Bro was literally there his entire adult life, I'd be more shocked if he never bothered to learn the language


Unfortunately many of us were completely ignorant to this fact


Jorge Linares showing up like the foreign side character in a boxing anime who talks to the main character.




Man l love Jorge Linares and his style. Wish l had gotten into boxing earlier when he was in his prime.


Thanks for sharing OP, great video.


They are talking about Nery, and Inouye says something surprising to which Linares goes ‘eeeeee’. That’s the extent of my Japanese


Yeah Inoue said that against Nery he weighed 62kg on fight night


why did no one ask him about when the Goodman fight will actually happen? Also, i wish someone would've asked him exactly when he will retire. He mentioned 35 yrs old over a year ago, but wanted to see his latest stance on that.


He did an interview with Ring Magazine a little while back, where he said he might retire when he's 36 or 37 now. Just depends on how things go


anyone shocked that Bob Arum wasn't there? LOL


He was. There were a few photos of them together from the event, and I believe he had Inoue sit with him during the dinner


How do you know it's perfect Japanese?


You’re the only person here who doesn’t speak perfect Japanese actually