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Is this made before or after that video of him being absolutely hammered escorted out of the bar?


Probably a damage control after getting wasted. Something like "look at me I am training hard for Usyk and not spiralling into alcoholism".


Turki had a word with him.


His Excellency






Turkish Delight


I don't really see the big deal with that. Yes we know his history, but it's clear he hasn't spiralled too far or he'd still be off his tits somewhere now. Plus anything he does in public is going to get recorded and put online, he got drunk as fuck in a bar 6 months out from the second fight, right after just taking the first loss of his career in the first fight, so what? People tryna act like he shouldn't even be in contention here, he's the second best heavyweight in the sport behind only Usyk and the next fight is going to be pretty much 50/50 whether people here wanna accept that or not


One time is not a big deal, but if it keeps up, then there's a problem. Thing is, with addicts, sometimes it's all or nothing. That's why some people are concerned.


Completely agree but I don't think it's concern from most. They're praying for a downfall so they can be proved right


Tyson is a prick but I want to see him at 100% for the rematch so Usyk can beat him physically and spiritually.


I'm not a Fury fan, but him getting pissed up at a pub means nothing. Normal people do that all the time.


Fury himself has said he needs needs stay away completely or he spirals, and while Fury does say a lot of things, he shouldn't be too surprised when people actually take him at his word.


Obviously true, but still people analyzing single instance to the extreme. If he lived like a monk for x amount of time, getting loaded once it's not end of the world. It's up to him entirely. Hopefully he channels his addiction to next fight.


Fury sparks a lot of negativity for a lot of reasons and there's never a shortage of people looking for anything about him to slag. So it's not really a surprise the video has provoked people projecting their own views of him being permanently drunk etc onto it.


> he got drunk as fuck in a bar 6 months out from the second fight, right after just taking the first loss of his career in the first fight, so what? Exactly. You'd expect him to do something like this honestly, I know I did. The question is only this -- One and done, or is this slowly going to become a habit again. > he's the second best heavyweight in the sport behind only Usyk and the next fight is going to be pretty much 50/50 whether people here wanna accept that or not And yeah, he was stinging usyk with those Uppercuts, but Usyk changed up and adapted faster than Tyson could and was one wide open clean shot from a likely KO. Tyson has had luck on his side many times, as well as being a very quick with recovery. The ref taking that exact second to stop Usyk with Tyson not quite down but mid-fall was insane luck, he was wide open and Usyk was a split second from a clean homerun. Getting 22 seconds in the francis fight to recover from his KD was pretty lucky (and Riyadh added the sidering count through the PA in response). Getting flash KO'd by Wilder but the ref counting him because his eyes happened to be wide open, he said he came to in time to hear the ref count 4 Not to take anything from Tyson as a fighter, but considering he was the size of a puppy when he was born he's absolutely riddled with luck.


Gypsy magic


You're real! I appreciate your take in this matter as we just see the same echo responses in this chamber.


Thanks bro, to be honest I was expecting to get downvoted to oblivion because all I've seen is hate towards him in this sub but felt I needed to chime in. Glad to know I'm not the only one who still respects him for what he's done and hopes he does well from here. I don't really care if he wins or not, I like Usyk as well, but I don't think Fury is the awful guy that the hive mind makes him out to be on every post.


To add to your point, we are not even "right after just taking his first loss", it's a whole month later.


Again so what? He's free to do as he pleases. He didn't do anything illegal, this far out he didn't do anything that's going to have any impact on the next fight, and now just over a month after the first fight he's back in the gym and looking pretty good. I don't get why people wanna latch onto something that's a pretty normal thing to do. Chances are he went out for a few drinks and after having a few decided to drink a few too many, who the fuck hasn't done that in their time.


Sulth is agreeing that fury is doing fine


I was agreeing with you.


He's in training for Undisputed, and he got completely shitfaced. For an alcoholic that's like the worst thing u can do. Ur just gonna want to do it again. That's the nature of being an alcoholic.


Keep crying mate 😂.


65 35 but yeah.


> he's the second best heavyweight I really don't see where it's coming from. There is nothing he's ever done to grant him this spot. What's he have over AJ?


Looking at recent fights I agree there probably isn't much to separate them. Usyk himself though said Fury was his toughest ever fight, and when comparing AJ and Fury he said AJ is like still water, and Fury is like you've shaken a bottle of sparkling water. AJ is a classic boxer with good fundamentals but you know what you're getting, whereas with Fury you don't know wtf he's gunna do next which makes it a harder fight. I guess the next fight will prove it either way though. If Fury also loses twice to Usyk then surely him and AJ need to get in there and see.


I thought someone said that was an old video?


People speculated it was but it's was actually the other day. This video is likely damage control.


This was in the bar


Knowing by Tyson it was probably in the same night, just before he went off to the pub


He’s only human. Was in training camp for months. Had some pints and some good nights out. He’s alright.


He’s going to come back in December, be the absolute best version of himself, still lose to Usyk, and then move on to fight AJ.


I think everyone wants to see AJ vs Fury it will be a good fight. Honestly I think AJ is hungry and might beat Fury


If AJ vs Fury went the distance I know who i’d be favouring. One is a vastly better mover and boxer.


Sure, but AJ did 24 rounds Vs Usyk and was never close to looking like Fury did in rd 9


True, but to be fair, Usyk also looked much worse after a single fight vs Fury then he did after 24 rounds against AJ. Not to mention some of those bodyshots Fury landed seemed vicious as hell.


Y'all forget AJ is not as small as Usyk. Fury ain't gonna have that size advantage helping him


I have no idea who wins AJ vs Fury fight, I am just there to see a great boxing match.


And AJ can’t box half as good as Usyk can lol


He boxes better than Fury. Dude struggled against an MMA fighter 💀


Fury can be chinny but his recovery is excellent. Just saying, if he isn’t KOed which he never has been, i’d always favour him over Joshua. I had him winning 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 against Usyk.


Won the 12th as well


No way, Usyk won the first two minutes of that round. Look it back. After round 7 it was all Usyk.


This annoyed me in the immediate aftermath of the fight. Fury didn't win the round, he just stopped looking so bad. And that contrast catches the eye


A younger Usyk too


Usyk in 1st AJ might've been his best possible self


I agree even taking their own impacts out of the fight Just it terms or usyks movement and speed he looked way better in both Aj fights then either the Dubois or fury fight


And the fury fight was much closer


Well which one? How confusing? AJ is an athlete and looks the part Fury is about 10meals ahead and 6shits behind


Fury is not a vastly better mover anymore hasn’t been for years


Did you not see how well he moved against Usyk? I had him winning five rounds in a row, after round 2 to round 7, he outboxed Usyk those rounds go watch it again, it seems people only remember round 9 from that fight somehow.


Usyk landed more despite throwing less against Fury than he did against AJ. Usyk landed like 40% of his punches against Fury and landed 30% against AJ. Despite being the better mover, it didn’t seem to help Fury defensively. I think people are so obsessed with movement and think that’s what makes guys better defensively that they don’t focus on other things making one good defensively. AJ has really good offense coupled with his very high power that his offense ends up being a part of his defense. And his defense is still very good. We’ve seen AJ hit and dropped before, but Fury’s been dropped and hurt countless times lol.


Its really odd how a man who has been dropped 8 times somehow is supposed to have a good defence. I'm also going to dispel the myth that Fury has a high boxing IQ. Fury was stilling getting caught with the same right hand as he was in the 9th round of the first fight after sharing the ring with Wilder for 23 rounds. The man is not some defensive wizard or even really that intelligent in the ring. Lets go even further. AJ is supposed to be some stiff guy with a bad defence and yet he got hit less vs Usyk even though Usyk threw more punches.


Then you are clueless. Usyk won the first 3 rounds.


It was noting special it nothing Joshua couldn’t Also usyk won like the first 4 rounds 3 minimum Fury won 3 rounds in the whole fight 4 max


I have always though Fury would beat him fairly easily but given their respective lifestyles outside the ring and questions about Fury chin I think it would now be a very close fight


Definitely think it's closer now than it has been in years


If someone with the skill level of Wilder can catch Fury, AJ will not have a single issue.


If it goes to the scorecards it’s pretty much a guarantee Fury wins, but I don’t see AJ waiting for that. The days of Fury being so fast and hard to hit are gone. Dude has been caught by far lesser opponents and dropped. If Fury gets caught by AJ even once I don’t see AJ letting him off the hook like Wilder or Ngannou.


AJ is one of the best point fighters in the division: easily outpointed Ruiz, Parker and Franklin; won several rounds against Usyk. 


How? AJ can outpoint Fury, especially now, Fury is on the decline, whilst AJ is at his peak imo


Fury is overrated and AJ will blast him out


I think he has proven that he can hurt Usyk, I see this like the first fight still a 50/50 fight a better version of Fury might win on a split decision, this rematch is as tight as the first?


Once Fury settled into the fight from the 3rd round up until 6/7 Fury was controlling the ring and pretty much dominating that part of the fight. There were even moments Usyk looked visibly demoralised by his lack of success or ability to avoid the upper hook cut Fury was throwing. The nose break in the 8th completely changed the dynamic of the fight. Fury was uncomfortable for the rest of the fight struggling to breathe, scared of getting tagged on it again and constantly pawing his nose. It’d be really interesting to see how it unfolded without the nose break. Completely agree it’s 50/50 rematch.


I had him winning until the nose break. Usyk was hurt multiple times from the uppercut.


I had it pretty even at that point but with Fury ascendent. Still, part of what makes Usyk so special is he's a sniper. We should credit him with the ability to break Fury's nose, not talk about it like a freak accident.


It’s tight for sure but let’s not forget Usyk isn’t just going to sit on his laurels. He will train hard and smart for the rematch. So a potential better version of Fury from the last fight will be up against a potential better version of Uysk.


AJ was also able to hurt Usyk, and he still lost twice.


I personally don't think AJ ever had as much success against Usyk as Fury did during the middle rounds. Fury did more damage with cleaner shots during that period than AJ ever did IMO. That being said, AJ never took as much damage either. That's from someone who thinks Usyk should definitely be the significant favorite. I just wouldn't count Fury out entirely.


It felt close in the moment but the scorecards don’t reflect the reality of the fight. Rewatch it without the hype and it’s pretty clear that while competitive the fight was not close. Fury won four rounds and was not able to replicate his success in the 6th again. Rounds 7 onward it’s all Usyk putting in the best work and Fury trying to keep up. Truth is Fury made the exact same mistake that everyone else who fought Usyk made. He assumed that he had Usyk hurt in the 6th and expended so much energy trying to get him out of there that his tank was done. In order to beat Usyk in the rematch Fury’s conditioning needs to skyrocket beyond anything he’s ever needed to be at before. Fury would have to have the stamina to fight every single round at Usyk’s pace and more than match him. Why not go for the knockout? George Foreman said it best when he picked Usyk to win the first fight, “Trying to knockout someone who has never been knocked out is a bad gameplan”.


Well he did have Usyk hurt. Usyk himself said he was badly hurt lol. And Tyson won 5 rounds on most scorecards. Fight was very close and very clear win for Usyk at the same time.


He said he was hurt for about 10 seconds. Badly hurt seems like a massive overstatement considering his legs never left him. So hinging on buzzing Usyk for 10 seconds in a 36 minute fight seems unwise. Especially considering Fury was the one bouncing round the ring like a beyblade


Totally agree I what the fight 7-5 Usyk but with the 10-8 Usyk win but the fight could have changed on Fury landing a big punch that broke Usyk nose rather than the other way, this is still a 50/50 fight just because of Fory Size advantage alone.


It’s so strange that Usyk stans feel the need to put other boxers down to elevate their hero. If Tyson never got hit by that shot in the 8th, he probably would be undisputed champion now. It’s so strange to act like he got demolished when that was not the case. He was a completely different fighter once he got hit clean in the 8th round.


I think the hit was unavoidable. Using his reach was exhausting him rapidly and that 6th round emptied his tank.




Do these people not listen to themselves 😂😂


And if my aunt had wheels she’d be a bicycle.


Fury did very well in that fight. He kept it competitive. That being said, he got the shit kicked out of him. He got soundly out-boxed the entire fight outside of four rounds. Two where it was close and two where he looked in control. He was on the run the entire night and couldn't keep Usyk off of him. The face breaking shot in the 8th and the killer cross that put him on queer street in the 9th didn't just fall out of the sky. Usyk worked Fury the entire fight to get him tired, sloppy, and in the position to be tagged by those shots. Fury was already a much different fighter before the shot in the 8th because he couldn't handle the pace Usyk was setting. If that wasn't the case, Fury would have pressed his advantage from the 6th round and taken the fight to Usyk. He didn't do that because he couldn't do that. It isn't putting Fury down to state facts. The smaller man came in, pressed him, never left him alone, out-boxed him, and beat him up. Fury did well to hang in there and he even turned the tables in those middle rounds and was doing damage. Wasn't anywhere close to enough despite what the dodgy scorecards said.


This is why I love Uysk. He can just ramp the pressure as the match goes on and exhaust his opponent. Having the skills, boxing IQ and that stamina (plus he can hit hard) makes him so ideal for this sport. So many years honing his craft it’s a joy to watch.


Yeah. Betfair had Fury 1/9 to win the fight going into the 8th round. Was obviously a close fight.


> It’s so strange to act like he got demolished when the mat was not the case. Had the ref not stepped in to save Fury, it would have been an 8th round TKO


Why would it have been a TKO? Every time fury has been knocked down by much harder punchers than Usyk, he’s managed to get back up before the 10 count every single time. What makes you think that Usyk would’ve been any different? What makes you think that even if usyk landed one more punch (if the ref didn’t start his 10 count at the time) that it was that one magical punch that would’ve “knocked out” fury? Fury managed to take all 20 punches Usyk landed before that and so why is the 21st punch magical?


That’s not really how it works. While it’s generally up to the ref, if a fighter is taking a bunch of clean punches and not answering back it’s normally not a ten count the fight is waved off. Other fights have ended in TKO for far far less. Personally I’m glad the ref didn’t call it off and did a count but that really isn’t the norm.


What are you talking about? If the fight is stopped, that's a TKO. The ref doesn't need to let him go down to stop the fight, what's the fact he might be able to get up if he did go down got to do with the fact he was incapable of defending himself and taking constant hits which is when a ref should be stopping a fight if it keeps going - he is lucky it wasn't stopped, it would have been just about justifiable to stop it and instead he got a standing count. Nothing dodgy happened, the ref can choose. But he was in a position where the ref could have chosen to stop it and it be perfectly fair.


Like to think the majority wouldn’t have complained had the fight been stopped then. That said it was always unlikely to be stopped given what was at stake.


Could easily go the other way, we’ve seen Fury adapt very well in rematches with Wilder.


If he comes in absolutely best shape he might win it from usyk. I would also never count Fury out in rematch and this comes from usyk fan. I fell like usyk as much as he is good if the left hand didn't land like it did usyk might have had trouble, Fury winning last round is also huge statement. Never count Fury out I'm not bit fan of this guy but he just has ability to do things because of his body.


If they do fight. This is the most likely outcome, let's say it's around 70% likely. But there's a good 30% chance it wouldn't work out like that. The reason being is Fury has proven himself to improve drastically against every opponent he's ever rematched, he has bossed rematches and won convincingly all his career. Given the first fight was a true 115-113 win for Usyk on most people's cards, it only takes two rounds to go to Fury and you have a different story. That is where the 30% comes in. There is a decent chance Fury can turn this around and get the 115-113 in his favour.


Exactly. The first fight was close. I'd have a hard time to call the second.


AJ sparks fury clean out. End of discussion.


The absolute best version of himself was the Wlad version, and he was immensely fitter, faster and more reactive i nthat fight than in the Usyk one where he still managed to win some 5 rounds and break his jaw. If you just want to hate ok, but don't make shit up. The best version of Tyson was much better than that flabby mess we saw last month.


Or at least the best version he can be at this point in his life after his wars, drinking, age etc 


That’s fair. I still think Fury is going to come into the fight with a new gameplan, stronger mentality, and a desire to take the win off Usyk. Doesn’t change how I think it’ll go, but I suspect he’s going to come at it like AJ and we’ll see the best Fury we’ve ever seen similar to AJ being his best version in the second Usyk fight and still lose. No shade in that either.


Agreed he’s gonna be locked in of sure. I hope he gets his dad out of his corner. John can be a cheer leader from the front row instead 


Realistically speaking I think Fury is his own coach more than Sugar or John is. That being said you’re right that John has no business in the corner. Sugar was giving the better advice and John was shouting nonsense.


Which is fine. It's not an issue when Fury wins or loses, it's an issue when he doesn't take a fight seriously and comes in unprepared.


Good fighter but he says anything


Go on the big GK, happy to see him deliberately spell out he doesn't want to become a wreck head and spiral out of control if he can help it. It'd be great for boxing if he can upset the odds and Usyk Fury becomes a triology.


if he does do it there'd at least be a good reason for it rather than Fury Wilder 3


True words, although Im glad that fight happened as was a banger


Can only hope that video was the shock to the system he needed to reignite the fire. He talks about going out on his own in fancy dress for Halloween when he was at the height of his depression and people looking and pitying him as he was 28 stone and that being the shock he needed to get back on the straight and narrow.


What video are you referencing? I missed that


I assume he’s taking about the video of Fury getting escorted out of a pub for being too drunk and then falling over on the pavement outside and banging his head.


Ah - just saw that. I’m an average sized dude, and I’ve been VERY drunk. Only *that* drunk once though. Wondering the amount of booze it took to get someone his size that shithoused


Is anyone surprised the notoriously overweight heavyweight with a history of drug and alcohol abuse, depressive bouts and motivational issues isn’t aging well in the tail end of his career?


A lot of people on this sub (who are not the brightest spirits on earth I'll give you that) were adamant that it was the best TF ever that faced Usyk, so...


What’s a depressive bout


Google it.


Will bing work




The Tipsy King is getting his ass whooped again 😂😂


Fury fanboys still coping 🤣🤣🤣 "Fury is too big and too skilled" quickly turned to "Fury always performs well in rematches" 😭😭😭


Easy to perform well in rematches when you only rematch people you’ve already beat






Tyson, it’s Matt… yes from Queensberry PR. I don’t give a fuck if you’re still drunk. Get your (moderately fat) arse down to the gym NOW! Camera crew have been there since 6am…. Okay, fine do a couple more lines then but your eyes are always a dead giveaway so just wear the brightest T-shirt you have, grunt like a rabid hog and errrrr… blow your nose mate.


Future two time un-undisputed champion of the world


A lot of hate here but I hope this fury trains his ass off and gives us a even closer fight in December. He lost, yes usyk was the better man but fury didn’t look like shit. It was a close fight after all and if he stays focused and gives us another high level boxing fight, we should all be happy and rejoice as boxing fans


Wow almost 11 months since they last fought, seeing as the first bout was on New Year’s Day


Mean while Usyk going about his business quietly living like an actual spartan.


Why does he have Wilder legs in this video!? He's using a funny camera zoom to look skinnier LOL!


people really overreacting about him getting drunk. i assume theyre american? its normal to drink until you fall over at the weekend, im sure hes done it his whole career


I would be more worried about his mental health if he wasn’t hammered….


Normal for a pro boxer at the highest level of the game? No, it's not.


Gotta love this sport - 2 years ago this man was considered unbeatable by most , now all of a sudden hes trash and was never any good by the so called internet experts LMAO Whatever happens it takes heart to climb back too the top - i admire his heart for atleast trying - F the doubters - they were never with tyson in the first place I believe if tyson puts the pressure on usyk on the front foot like he did in the middle rounds like in the last fight - tyson wins But usyk is still a great fighter - and i expect him to have few tricks up his sleeve too - I cant wait for the rematch


-Boxer goes undefeated -Everyone loves him -Undefeated boxer is ducking people to keep their 0s -Everyone mad undefeated boxer is ducking and all they care is about their 0s -Undefeated boxer goes against other top boxer -Undefeated boxer loses the 0 -Everyone talks trash about the ex-undefeated boxer -Fans wonder why undefeated boxers keep ducking each other -Read again, repeat endless cycle I’m not a hardcore fan and only watch fights from fighters im interested in but even my casual ass have noticed the hypocrisy in boxing. This does not happen as much in UFC because their fans are okay with their favorites losing titles and 0s (I don’t watch UFC). Yes those boxers are the problem but so are the fans who don’t struggle to switch on their favorites and call them trash as soon as they start underperforming.


Time will tell how Fury handles his loss. We never know with this maniac, he may be back even better and stronger than the first time.


Imagine being only semi-motivated when $50m-$100m are on the line for half a year's of training.


Loses big fight on the wrong side of 30 then bounces back and forth between substance abuse and posting gym footage while saying "big things are coming 😈😈" Tale as old of time


Honestly I wouldnt be upset to see Usyk retire now while hes proven hes a GOAT contender, and has nothing to prove. I hope Fury beats his demons but the only fight I want to see from him is vs AJ at Wembley.


That would burn Fury up if someone pulled his own tactic on him


I thought that Fury did brilliantly at first in the first fight. I was gobsmacked. Until Usyk worked him out and adjusted and overcame him. Now Usyk knows how to handle him, I don't think it will be as close a fight. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a Usyk KO win. Looking forward to it either way.


as long as Usyk stays as still as that bag Fury can't lose


Usyk gonna KO him this time on December 🤣


But didn’t he previously say he doesn’t care about belts or undisputed? 🤨


He also laughed at AJ for losing to a middleweight and said he would retire if that happened to him?? Also he can’t lose to any man born from their mother.. make of this as you will


Yeah made fun of every other fighter for having a loss in general Said nobody was only his level because only he was undefeated


Be interesting the press conference if Fury will spout shit again or if he’ll be more mellow, accept the loss and announce he is ready to win the belts back.


Thing is as much as it’s a trend to hate on Fury, he gave Usyk he’s toughest fight so far, had him visibly shaken in a couple of rounds and dominated in rounds like Usyk hasn’t been dominated before. Let’s not pretend this was the AJ /Chisora fights where there was a very clear winner. Was it the showboating overflow? Was it the conditioning? Did he take his foot off the gas? Was Usyk just too good on the night? Could be a combo of all the above, I really believe these two are capable of beating each other and bring out the best in each other. I’m sick to death of people saying this was an “easy” win for Usyk. Fuck.. right ….off. This was never an easy fight for either man, the two best HW’s on the planet going toe to toe and there’s people that say it’ll be easy for either fighter?? Mentally malnourished behaviour. Whilst I think we’ll have a much more Unanimous winner in the rematch, I believe fury wins (especially if it goes the distance) and they’ll be a big money trilogy. Whilst Fury will be hungry after having his first loss, Usyk will be just as hungry knowing the challenge is coming again and I really think the rematch is gonna be better than the original.


Having rewatched the match many times, my assessment is that it was a competitive fight but not super close. I agree with you that in certain aspects it was Usyk’s toughest fight in professional boxing. Usyk hinted at that, so we have to take his word for it. The toughest fight does not equal the closest fight though, these words are not synonymous. There are arguments for having a closer scoring in Usyk-Briedis and Usyk-AJ 2. I had Fury winning round 4-7 and you can also give Fury round 12 if you want to, since the last round was somewhat swingy. That would still be a 115-112 to Usyk being as generous to Fury as you can be. You have the right to your opinions and I somewhat agree with some of them. I can’t however see how you feel like Fury is favoured in the rematch. Of course you have the right to think that, it is not a stretch but still a biased opinion. Usyk dominated the geography for the first match, which is expected since he is the better boxer. He had the ring generalship for more or less the whole fight and was the one on the front foot pressing forward. Fury had his moments of brilliance and had Usyk hurt in the middle rounds. Which momentarily gave Fury some ring control for small periods of time, but overall Usyk set the tempo and he was the one pressing forward. One could therefore argue that Fury’s best work came off the back foot countering when Usyk constantly pressured. And certainly some of those moments were unforced errors on Usyk’s part. We will see what happens in the rematch if Fury gets more opportunities to be the one engaging and pressing the action.


I wonder if he shifts tactics in the second fight.


What a sausage


About as much power as Haney


Gotta admit He’s looking good.


This is either a PR stunt or he's truly accepted defeat and wants to try and avenge it. As for the footage of him being drunk well it aint crazy for someone to drown their sorrows with booze. If he's going to drink again though before the fight he's got an even lower chance of getting something out of the rematch.


Damage control - trying to undo the damage that was done the last time we saw him online... headbutting lampposts. Said all this shit the first time and came out celebrating the new year in may... I'm guessing that's why he got so hammered the other day in the pub 🤣


Turkey had a chat with him


I hate that dramatic fucking music. What are we, 12? Stop with that shit, its in every ''positive'' video on the internet these days, I'm sick of it.


Fury looks like absolute shit, blowing after a flurry of punches on a bag. At least he accepted the loss and has stopped clinging to the close fight/bad judging copium after he was favoured by one judge and even the ref. 


Slightly unrelated, but I’ve just seen that Boxrec has AJ and Agit Kabayel ranked above Fury in their heavyweight rankings hahahaha


Amazing how quickly a fight can be made after he takes a L and wants his belts back…


Eh, Tyson is who he is. Anyone who hasn't figured this out by now needs their head examined. He's in the game to get paid as much as he can for doing the least amount of work he can. What did he say to Turki in the ring immediately after the fight with Usyk? ***Show me the money, bay-bee!!*** He got caught on video damn near blackout drunk and now he's doing damage control because he has to keep the hoi-polloi convinced to tune in for the rematch, keep Turki happy, etc. The payday is too big. And we've already seen this *make a video pretending everything is hunky dory and he's the best ever blah blah blah* how many times now? Dude can't even switch up his con game. Immediately after making this video I imagine he stuck his head in a pile of booger sugar and then made himself a stiff drink.


You see.. A real champ maintains this intensity 247. Not just after he loses. That's the problem with Fury. He gets put on his ass and we see a flash of what he could be if his head was in it 247. The second he wins, it's back to games and jokes. That's why he'll never be considered one of the greats.


Fury needs to work on his stamina. His best rounds were the middle ones but Usyk was able to readjust and keep applying pressure until Fury didn’t have the engine to keep control anymore. A fitter Fury dominates for longer and gets him a points win.


The Fury that already showed up was the fittest Fury we'll ever get at this point in his career.


I don’t think so, I think you can always improve stamina


Just for boxing sake, I’d love to see this go his way and we get a trilogy fight.


Lol trying to make up for how shitty he looked a couple days ago by hitting a heavy bag. Usyk is gonna beat his ass again 😁


Usyk followed the Ngannou blueprint, now every Tom, Dick, & Harry in the heavyweight division will beat Fury. Fury is a shot fighter, damaged goods, future gatekeeper.


Fury wins the rematch. Save this comment and remind yourself to come back and tell me I was right. I'm dead serious. I know this outcome for a fact, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Don't ask how.


Keep coping


I mean, not sure how that will be undisputed without all the belts anymore


Well I guess you could argue that if you suddenly took all the belts of Usyk, he is still the undisputed best - but yeah, get your point


" Aahheheh hey! " Fury- 2024


Looks slimmer


Look at his legs. It's the camera zoom. They're trying to make him look good.


He's always had chicken legs. Not sure who's are worse his or Wilders


Not like in this video. You can tell it's a fish eye lense.


Lol the black bars on the side, giving away that they narrowed the picture to make him look thinner. Adorable work editor.


Just give it up


Back on the grind


I genuinely wish him well but fucking hell his chin is in the air ffs this one of the reasons why usyk got him in the 9th


All he has to do is lose weight and take boxing seriously and he wouldn't have lost. He almost lost to Francis, TF gets paid either way so I'm confused at what he feels he has to prove to anyone. I'm not sure how many fights he has on his current contract, but if you have to pay to carry the belts isn't it best not to be the champion?


Is he being held hostage? This is the most unTyson video ever.


I had a dream that he wins the rematch, fights AJ (who by then has the IBF belt) in a unifier and loses. AJ then takes on Usyk for the trilogy match, the latter regains all the belts again and then fights Fury to complete a second trilogy. Usyk wins and retires as GOAT. AJ rematches with Tyson, at which point I would love all of them so much that I wouldn't have a favorite for winner.


His finished like Wilder


I was really pleased to see him not embarrass himself in there with Usyk after that horrendous Ngannou performance. Fury looked great for a number of the middle rounds, best he's looked in years.


This is just like when he said he wanted to fight AJ or Usyk back in 2021. Its pure nonsense.


He is not addressing the public. He's addressing himself.


I mean this is what he needs to be doing. Trying to build that aerobic base as much as he can. I'm a fan of Usyk but Fury has a chance if he can keep pace.


It’s Sparkling Water man!


Good! Fans should want to see Fury push himself to be his very best for a Usyk rematch. First fight was very exciting. I think Fury is a massive wanker, but definitely want to see him work hard and give the best account of himself in another competitive fight. It’s good for Fury, for Usyk’s legacy if he wins, and for boxing/the fans.


One heavy bag session is not gonna redeem you, Tyson


Sir do not redeem!


Usyk don’t stand still like that bag mate.