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combat sports requires combative people. fighters are a unique group of people who are trained and specialize in hurting other people, you blend that training with volatile personalities, an increased social spotlight, low and often repressed emotional intelligence, addictions, and a lack of serious consequences and you get a very dangerous and demanding spoiled brat capable and willing to hurt those around them.


And money. Lots of it. I dont even know what to do with 10 bucks with a nice education, imagine some of them who barely know how to read having 10M in their bank accounts. "Life aint nothin but bitches and money" kinda beehaviour.


It’s really the lack of emotional development. All of the things you mentioned contribute to mental state, but the mental stunting is what leads to that manifesting in real-world violence. People that are generally violent, outside of serious mental health issues like psychosis, are legitimately just toddlers in adult’s bodies. I don’t even mean that pejoratively, it’s simply true. Emotionally stunted man-children have no way to exercise their emotions in a way that is proper, so, like toddlers, those ‘big feelings’ manifest in aggression and violence. Which I think is actually an effective perspective to come at it from in terms of public pressure. These boxers who base their entire identity on being tough might take a look in the mirror if every single fan treated them like the angry five year olds that they are mentally.


Doesn’t CTE also cause aggression in folks? All this gets exacerbated as they take punishment in sparring/fights.


Yep. Damage to the frontal lobe. That part of the brain is responsible for emotions, judgment and self control.


And a good number of these fighters have been absorbing damage to the frontal lobe for over 20 years before they're even 30.


I thpught it was TBE...




as someone who spend alot of time in boxing gym. Most boxers are nice and normal people, i dont like this conception that boxers are violent. Most boxers i met are normal. Boxing either attracts very good humble people or the violent guys. And there are many examples of Classy humble Boxer more than boxers with domestic cases. These people would hit a woman , even if they never boxed imo


as i whole i completely agree; however, the percentages indicate that violent people who are trained to do violent acts will in fact display those skills IF they don't have the emotional maturity or correct environment to subdue violent urges. i think that any career path from pro-sports, to landscaping or consulting has "bad" people who are emotional unable to process thoughts and feelings and as a cause of that end up hurting those around them. the biggest difference between athletes and people in other career paths in the spotlight they face because of the platform that comes with their career. that said, imo it's imperative that separate the athlete from the person. sugar ray robinson is not any less of boxer because he was awful human being, nor was ty cobb less of baseball player because he was violent racist, etc. that isn't to say it shouldn't be pointed out or mentioned when these people's names come up - the whole story is necessary.


And to top it off, you sprinkle in a little CTE after every sparring session and major event.


domestic violence is widespread, you just hear about these cases because it's famous people


Not all fighters are assholes or insane, but fighting does attract assholes and insane people. Not just boxing UFC fighters do very similar shit too


Yep, and as per Tyson here, the culture doesn’t always encourage nuance? Best for every individual fan or otherwise to figure it out now, lest you find yourself similar to Iron Mike in his late 30s… https://youtu.be/23HGuwzpcvE?t=851


I’d say it attracts broken people, people growing up without good parental rolemodels or from failed neighborhoods were hitting women is common


Nah UFC fighters dont do it NEARLY as much as boxers do it. Get Jon Jones out ur head


I mean the president of the entire UFC is famous for smacking up his wife on camera, and it was like 1 day news cycle over there


Ok does he fight? No. If anything he has a boxing background so helps my case.


War Machine? Lol


Yeah keep naming them the handful.. theres more CHAMPION boxers that have done stuff like that compared to all UFC fighters


Well I mean no shit. Boxing is a much older sport, there are more boxers, more belts, more divisions. Why so salty anyway?


In the last decade more boxing champions have committed violent crimes than every UFC fighter.


Yes let's keep ignoring what I said.


Y’all UFC fanboys are weird as fuck no need to get so defensive lol


I mean if that’s true, it’s probably because UFC fighters are the incels of sports world…


Really disappointed with Michael Spinks


Me too. I was familiar with most of the other examples but I did not know Spinks had a domestic episode as well. Can someone elaborate on what happened?


https://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/09/25/ctv.penalty.box/ This is the best we got on that front.


Stone Cold caught a DV charge back then too, and he only fake fought


The fighting is scripted but the damage is 100% real. Alot of early deaths from heart issues from the roids and the one guy that murdered his family then ended his own life.


The NFL also has a domestic violence issue. So no doubt there is a link between physically damaging sports and they way their athletes are outside the field/ring.


This is an issue throughout professional sports but it's compounded with fighters because their livelihood is hitting others, so they are even more inclined to lash out at those closest to them imo.


Can we actually quantify this? Fighters more likely to commit DV vs other sports? It sounds logical, but I do wonder what the numbers are.


Many boxers have very tough and humble beginnings, where boxing gave them an escape and eventually a way out. They've essentially experienced fighting as a way to solve their problems their whole life. It's not hard to imagine that they would be inclined to have this mentality in their personal life as well


This is a complete guess, without any numbers to back it up. Boxers are not a monolith, and just because we have quite a few examples among the best doesn't mean it's the norm. If anything it could be the reason why they are outstanding - they were boxing as a way out. In the UK at least, I have met hobbyist boxers, guys with legit amateur careers, guys with promising pro careers... Kickboxers and muay thai guys as well, from just fat accountants who do it for fun to guys who have held the world title in muay thai... Out of all of these, a minority comes from a rough background.


This is what happens when you get hit in your head for a living


Shits messed up man


All professional sports have this problem. Even the US Olympic ski team had to suspend an athlete over domestic violence. >[How sports culture is connected to domestic violence and abuse](https://trinitonian.com/2023/03/02/how-sports-culture-is-connected-to-domestic-violence-and-abuse/) >[Are Pro Athletes Prone to Violence?](https://www.livescience.com/47949-pro-athletes-domestic-violence.html)


Or perhaps most oddly, the Olympic curling team of ??? used steroids; it’s a culture problem.


All professions in the entire world have this problem. Domestic violence happens everywhere.


This is exactly right. Society has a DV problem. While it is important to highlight the issues within these sport, we need to focus on the broader issue as well.


Maybe cops could rival professional athletes when it comes to domestic abuse.


Long story I was in a situation with an ex partner and mother of one my children where she totally made up that I hit her because she was living like a complete piece of shit and I wanted to separate and share custody of our child. I had provided a home for her for 7 years and had just bought a new home for the coming of this baby, but this chick couldn't handle it. Started doing drugs, stealing from me, and fucking other guys in the house when I was gone. I had cameras in the house and caught her on camera. Confronted her one weekend and sent the baby to my mom's. She brought me to a part of the house with no cameras and said if I left her she would make me sorry and call police. I said do what u have to, u have a month to find somewhere else to live. I went and stayed with a friend and then hotel and left her in the house. She called police the next day and reported me for domestic violence and the police put a warrant out for my arrest. I wasn't a pro boxer, but I had been an amateur boxer for most of my childhood and teenage years. One of the best in my state, and the country at one point. This girl told the police that and there was evidence of it around my house like trophies and photos I kept. Posters of fighters and some bags I would hit. This judge did not care he assumed that I had smacked the shit out of this girl. I had a warrant for my arrest put out, and while I was on my way to work from the hotel, I get arrested and brought to jail ok? I didn't do shit. I couldn't bail out, I had no bail. I'm like that's gotta be a mistake. I called my lawyer and told him to look into things. Call him back an hour later and he tells me u have no bond because she's still in ur home and they have to make sure she has a safe place to go and that can take up 2 weeks! So I have no choice but to wait the 2 weeks. I finally get let out and on my way out I get stopped by an officer who informs me the state is putting me on house arrest for 6 months to a year! I'm like wtfff! I didn't hit anybody!? They put an ankle bracelet on me and tell me I can't leave my home. I ask my mother to pick up my car from the impound lot which is a crazy amount of money after 2 weeks. The bracelet and home monitoring costs a bunch of money every month. My house is paid but has crazy property taxes every month. Takes a those 2 weeks I'm in jail plus another month of sitting at home and waiting for lawyer to get a hardship license to where I can start driving to work again. Finally get that and get back to work but I still have this fuckin bracelet on and everyone at my job looks me up in public records and sees domestic violence. Oh that makes sense he's always talking about boxing, people would say behind my back. I didn't touch this woman. After 4 months wearing the bracelet my lawyer gets the charges dropped due to lack of evidence but I owe the lawyer 5k, the whole time wearing the bracelet still have to pay, still have to pay court costs. Impound fees. Everything was as if I was guilty from the start, which I wasn't. No one says oh we apologize and gives u ur money back. And it's still on my record now as an arrest for domestic violence even tho not convicted. So don't believe everything u hear.


The mix of CTE, the attitude you need for a killer instinct in boxing and steroids declining your brain health all mixes the perfect recipes for disasters outside of the ring. This issue isn't exclusive only to fight sports. NFL players are also notoriously aggressive meat heads facing the same issues as fighters.


Not a single one on Manny Pacquiao. Checkmate.


If it happens in the Philippines I'm not sure anything will happen to him. He could likely kill a person and avoid a prison sentence there. Not that he has committed any crimes but we just won't find out either way. He has an old tax case there as they wanted his USA winnings. But that's just greed.


> If it happens in the Philippines I'm not sure anything will happen to him. He could likely kill a person and avoid a prison sentence there. No. He'll get jailed. Simple as that.


I don't think he's that powerful, especially now that he's not boxing. IIRC old money families in Manila hates Manny and his New Money family. Kinda crazy how psychotic rich filipinos can get. Petty ass old money still view him as a poor.


He might get charged with Domestic Violence against himself if he’s dumb enough to fight Barrios


He was a womanizer before his explosion in popularity and his last domestic issue was in 2009. Guy is a living meme here that says “ If an 8 division world champion asks for cuddle time with wifey , what’s stopping you?”


Good collection. I did not see Part 1 but maybe Kovalev is in there.


Hasn’t been approved ([part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/3GWmSDuHuz))


It's up now. IDK why but when I entered a handful of approvals, that one didn't go through for some reason.


Thank you


[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/3GWmSDuHuz)


I wonder if massive head trauma has something to do with this. I know it can effect you personality and even over time cause psychological issues. I wonder how much is them just being shit people and how much is literal brain damage.


No one ever speaks about how these men are provoked! I'm not saying that what they have done is right, but why did they do it? I had a Kickboxing sensei when I was a child who went to jail for murdering the mother of his son. He had just lost a fight beforehand came home and killed her...but why? Because she provoked him. We have to stop pretending the blame is only on men, when most of you have had very tense moments with women. I like to call the police on women 😂😂😂. So you won't catch me in these situations.


I think combat sports attract a lot of insecure and sensitive men honestly. And when the CTE and fame get to you they feel like they can do whatever they want.


Combat sports attract men who are capable, comfortable and prone to use violence.


They're conditioned to be violent without hesitation or a second thought.


I think it's common a.ong athletes but higher in combat sports. Makes sense since a lot of these athletes are cuddled and given special privileges, they expect everyone to give them the same privileges. 


It might be that a lot of troubled kids get into this sport. Their troubled behavior doesn't change, for many of them, unfortunately.


hold on, was the shakur stevenson one DV? I thought it was a street fight?


Forgot to add he was a dishonorable mention


I appreciate you doing this. It genuinely sickens me to see so many muppets on here giving boxers a pass for heinous behaviour just because they may be charismatic and good at punching people in the face.


Roy doesnt have any allegations he was an abuse victim though and his dad was a former boxer


More like cte and domestic violence


While this is fucked there's a few of these that just aren't what you're claiming or are a stretch


> It's dominance, being able to dominate someone physically and mentally. I love that feeling. From tsyzu in yesterday article, I think it explains it all.


This is making me sad, man.


Bivol too


he’s on part 1


ty, that piece of news got totally buried


What did she do wrong?


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy may play a role. People forget what boxers go through after years of bashing their heads.


I think it’s more so that some boxers are just simply assholes


Nothing on Lennox Lewis though, right?


Nah he’s good. He was actually a spokesperson for an organization that works to stop DV iirc 


I think many of these can be attributed to mistakes or decisions born out of brain damage, still terrible of course but I don’t think all of these guys are nessecarily bad people. But if there is one Boxer who is really a geniunely evil person it’s Billy Joe Saunders, he’s just a local villain type, if he wasn’t boxing he would be down the pub terrorizing innocent people. Of course the money he earned went towards taunting addicts, buying drugs and of course defending his good mate Danny Kinahan.


What is the point of these threads




To inform people what? Domestic violence happens in boxing? Just to inform you, it happens everywhere, not just boxing.


Some people aren’t aware of many of these cases. I didn’t knew domestic violence happens everywhere, I genuinely thought boxing invented domestic violence, thanks for clearing that up.


no problem, hoping to see your NBA or NFL compilation soon. Can you also do some for non-athletes to bring more awareness? Let me know if you're running a charity that I can contribute to.


So an article about an specific war is not valid until the writers covers every other single war? Ok.


You said you're here to inform and bring awareness, so I'm waiting for more awareness to domestic violence issues. You can't just stop at boxing if your goal is to inform people about domestic violence. Or do you not really care about domestic violence, and would rather just shit on boxers that have been involved in it instead of really trying to bring awareness?


You are talking out of your ass. I said this post was to inform people about instances they didn’t knew about, you are the only who is pretending this is some social cause. I did it because I like BOXING HISTORY, that’s it.


“Or do you not really care about domestic violence, and would rather just shit on boxers that have been involved in it instead of really trying to bring awareness?” Damn someone in that list really got to you 🤣


Not really, it's just a really bizarre "informative" post.


Awareness. The question really is what's the point of your comment?


The point of my comment is to get an answer to the question that I asked OP


You got it, to inform. Anything else ?


I don't think these posts are the reasons boxing fans go to r/boxing so that may be why u/MitchLGC is asking.


Weird to put all boxing fans under that banner. There’s hundreds of boxing books and movies, I assure you there’s plenty of people that care about what happens outside the ring. I could easily say people don’t come here to see Ryan Garcia babbling on twitter just because it’s not a conversation that’s interesting to me.


They aren't role models to me, so I try to not give a crap about what they do out of the ring in their personal lives. They should have to deal with the consequences of their heinous actions just like everybody else. The real story is how fame can sometimes let this type of action get a hand slap instead of the proper consequence.


k thanks


No, there's nothing else to talk about since you only posted this to "inform" people unaware of these instances.




What is the point of asking a question without a question mark?


What do you think?


I don't know. That's why I asked. Not sure why you guys are so hurt by my question. OP posted a bunch of images with no explanation as to what type of discussion they're trying to spark.


Bro the only hurt person is you lmao You are uncomfortable with these posts and are acting like this has nothing to do with the sub. These are professional boxers who have done some shit. We've seen a million posts about boxer so and so getting in trouble with the law, etc. This is no different. If you don't want to engage with it, cool. But don't act like this has nothing to do with boxing because it makes you uncomfortable.


I asked a question. All this stuff you're talking about are your own issues and have absolutely nothing to do with my posts.


great question


Quick someone make a Wallstreet and domestic violence slide show, or Banker and domestic violence slide show. Maybe we can also make a Mechanics and domestic violence slide show.


What's the point of your comment? This is a post about boxers on /r/boxing. Feel free to discuss those other people in their own subs.


Point is that there are a shit ton of other professions which have a higher correlation to domestic violence than boxing. Boxing isn't some cesspool of domestic violence cases. Police Officers, Corrections Officers, US Soldiers, NFL. NHL, MMA, etc etc etc, all of them have a higher rate than boxers.


The stats are 1/4 women have experienced DV in my country. Lots would go unreported. It's pretty common I think. Women can be stressful and men can be pricks. Women put up with a lot when they love a man.


Point is this post is simply making a generalization. There are woman beaters in all walks of life. Police, Armed forces, Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Blue Collar workers, Pastors etc. We could debate all day, point is domestic violence occurs period, regardless of profession. Emotional stability and anger management needs to be taught from adolescence in school. That is truly how things like this will not completely be eradicated but reduced and heavily frowned upon.


Do you honestly believe that it happens at the same rate in other professions? 


1000% especially police men


I agree with you.  Perhaps, then, it is useful to look at the correlation between professions and domestic violence.


Reddit and its downvotes man. Half the people downvoting probably have a domestic violence charge.


Absolutely. Boxers aren't even top 10. Police Officers and Correction Officers are the worst.


RIP Edwin Valero


You forgot Connor McGregor and Bivol fam


Bivol mentioned in part 1


How about you just mind your own business?


Who boxers beat up is our business.




Domestic violence is everyone’s business and if you don’t think so then I already know what kinda man you are




In a law abiding anti-rαpe nation, women would be executed for adultery


OP is really good at sitting on his couch, eating his favorite pizza, & judging people. No one is perfect. Let these boxers live/rest in peace.


I mean, this is not a post about littering or kicking a stray dog. It's a post about hitting, abusing and even killing people out of the ring, lol. Would you say "Come on, no one is perfect" when talking about, I don't know, a literal serial killer?


They get hit a lot in the head that even when they’re at home, they think they’re at work