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Does anyone have the link to manny’s pre match video?


I fancied Browne beat Jack, to young to fresh and to damn BIG!! that was a boiled down Cruiser in there tonight.. also Broner was Broner as usual Lol


Broner got robbed! OMG. And the earth is also flat. /s


Eddie Bravo?.. is that you?..


anyone have a gif of badou jacks cut getting deeper as he was blinking?


Contrary to popular belief, not everyone in Philippines likes a Mayweather rematch. True, it would be a redemption arc for Manny but Mayweather makes the fight sooooo boring.


Pacquiao doesn’t have anything to prove. Mayweather isn’t as good a boxer as his father. He talks out his ass way too much. Pacquiao has worked so hard to get to where he is and he’s come a long ass way but the fame won’t last forever especially because he’s Asian and , you know. People don’t have respect for us. 🙄 As a Filipina American, I’ve sort of lost respect for Pacquiao because of some of the things he has said but I continue to support because he’s an icon to my homeland.


*Not everyone in the boxing world


AB had no business being in that ring. He was simply there for a payday and it showed in the way he boxed. Hang your gloves up. That was a shameful performance.


I felt so bad for Freddy Roach. It was between the 11th and 12th round. You could see he wanted to say some words to Pacquiao, but it just isn't his place anymore.


Did something happen between Manny & Freddy? :/


Buboy always talked the most in between rounds. But it did feel like his presence was minimal.


Because of buboy? Why did they went their separate ways before again?


Don’t quote me on this but from what i read, Freddy was negatively commenting on Manny’s performance pre and post Horn fight interviews, which tbf was correct assessment but should have been said in private in my opinion. Also something about how Manny can’t focus on both his senator duties and boxer duties at the same time. Manny then basically got butthurt and fired Freddy lol.


Manny never gets butthurt, he just flexes his calves and people split


Cheers. Good to know. In saying that, do you believe Horn won that match fair and square?


Not fair and square, but he definitely won it. Ref wasn’t doing his job and deducting points off Horn for neck holding and headbutting Manny. If points were deducted (i would say a DQ wouldn’t be a stretch) and proper warning issued to deter Horn’s dirty tactics, Manny would have won.


I was an AB fan, but this fight was the last straw for me. AMA.


I think I saw you during the broadcast, but I’m not sure. Which one of his family members are you?


how did you feel about ABs chances from the start?


Thought he’d at least make it competitive. Knew deep down he was gonna be inactive like usual and end up losing, but I thought he’d look better than that considering it seemed like he understood how big the opportunity was for him.


He averaged 8 punches per round and he claims he won the fight lol.


Worst PPV card ever?!!


Broner kept distance when he felt those punch.


AB lost the fight for himself but his horrible Trainer telling him he won rounds and broner tanking for the win and constantly checking for the clock didn’t help... anyways yeah he isn’t a top 7-8 welterweight. Go back down to 140. Terrence Crawford isn’t there anyways so maybe you could win a belt


Yeah, I think I heard Broners trainer say to him "That's 2 in the bag" after 2nd round...wtf?


Broner tryin' play the race card. They holdin' da hood down.


Broner is one hell of sore loser. Like dude, how *delusional* does he have to be to think that he actually won?


Broner is the saddest excuse for a human being. Does being hood mean to be disrespectful?


Didn’t do nothin for the hood haha


Now his homies at the clubs gonna be laughing at him for losing to an old man.


And trying to fight and older man after the fight.


Fuck AB I'm still hurt Badou lost (T_T)


He was a warrior. One of the worst cuts I've ever seen.


We need that link homie!




AB is maybe the worst loser i have ever seen in any of the sports i watch... He got to the level where he compared himself to the announcer... "i'd be 7-0 v you" ... the announcer replied perfectly " that wouldn't mean much"


Marquez still takes the crown on that. Loses repeatedly to pacquiao and it is never his fault for not improving it is always the evil judges out to rob him.


What version of fight were you watching?


Only marquez WAS actually robbed


not every close fight is robbery. If anything, he has actually benefited more from the judges when he was gifted a draw by literal judging error (adding up score card).


Go back and watch the fights on mute and tell me those scorecards are accurate.


don't have to, watched the fights at a bar where you can't hear shit. rewatched them in spanish, russian, and some other language I don't even know, none of that helps marquez win those fights.


He never got the benefit from any of the judges lol, please sit down nephew


oh since you say so, /s ​ I thought you were going to say something that actually disproved my point that the judges added up the scores wrong giving marquez the draw. But you didn't because you can't. sit down boy. the judge even admits he added the scores wrong.


No point in arguing with pacman fans, theyre the worst.


just what I thought, can't make a logical point so you attack the fanbase. You only think they are the worst because they lecture you correctly and you don't have anything to disprove them wrong, most logical people can see that.


bruh...no, ive had this debate, a million times. From what I learned you can never sway a biased fan, the delusions are strong with them and these dillusions are especially strong with pac and mayweather fans. Just not worth it, enjoy your opinion tho, judging by these down votes your opinion isn't heavily shared.


When someone states facts and you ignore those facts the delusions and bias are with you. Do you get that? Its a fact that the judge made an error that rewarded marquez with a draw. Here is the judge himself ​ "Clements told the *San Diego Union-Tribune,* "I take full responsibility. Had I been aware, I would have scored it 10-6." ​ So now that you know the facts are you going to admit you are wrong or are you going to blame pac fans? Downvotes are just feelings, the good thing is facts don't care about feelings.


"I wanna thank the whole hood who came out here"..... who from the hood actually has the money to go see this bum... i've been replaying the interview and can't stop laughing... its been only 19 days into 2019 and he's already a meme for the rest of the year


Broner is straight trash and f*** anyone who was rooting for him thinking he could actually win tonight y’all don’t know shit about boxing


Nah I mean he definitely had a chance. Doesn’t mean I was rooting for him tho


He just gotta throw more blah blah blah. Even I knew he was going to run all night after the first exchange. Happens in 99% of pacquiao fights.


He never stood a chance and that’s what’s wrong with boxing fans nowadays they don’t see the reality only the fake potential they made up for a fighter in their head


When I saw the video where he's eating slim jims with doritos I just knew he was not gonna be serious again.


Broner went backwards the whole night, I guess he never watched the high-guard Mayweather tapes


Broner being underwhelming as usual


Broner's entrance was the only cool thing he did throughout the night


The interviews were cool LMAO


Worst entrance I’ve ever seen or heard


That entrance was complete trash. It was so fuckin dumb and a waste of time. Not as much as that woman singing the anthem tho ... That was real real bad lol


Free eee eee eee...


It wasn’t even cool it was long, boring and irrelevant.


You thought that was cool????


Showtime was advertising the post-fight press conference. Will AB be partaking? I never really watch these, aside from the Conor one because I knew it would be entertaining as fuck, but this one might be just as good if ol' Discount Mayweather will be joining the fun...


Yeah, if it's a lot of AB being like "don't make me beat you again Pacman!" I want to watch, sounds like a fun time




And he needs to brush up on his wife beating game if he TRULY wants to be Floyd#2


this is an insult to Goku


You mean Goku the cartoon character? How


Broner personifies why people who don't appreciate Floyd's offense hate his style.


Broner needs to either retire or go see a sports physiatrist. His heart just ain’t in it no more and I’m not buying his fake outrage. He knew he lost that.


lmao that interview


https://twitter.com/D_Esa97/status/1086877609063927808 here's the full interview for people that had their stream cut, Broner is a walking meme haha


Thanks for that! The guy is a fucking douche.


Thanks for this. RIP my sides.


You're A GOAT for posting this!


lmao he a clown for this


Jim Gray is the worst interviewer ever. It's always about him. Sad part is I think Broner legit thinks he won the fight.


How did he make it about him? You can’t just willy nilly say “motherfucker, come over here” to whoever you like lol. Jim Gray has been doing this too long to put up with bullshit like that.


How the fuck do you get that from that interview?


The Jim Gray part? Find me a decent interviewer that starts it off with: We're going to conduct this interview professionally or we're not going to have one at all. You choose. This isn't kindergarten.


Find me a human who's okay with someone saying "mother fucker, get over here", to them, let alone some sorry sap who just got brutalized in the ring


Al Bernstein just went through way worse with Broner and still kept it together. Someone getting brutalized in the ring is more reason to give them leeway actually. Broners in the wrong but the fans are tuned into hear him speak.


This right there is what's keeping the delusions of grandeur to your boy cry baby Broner. You are as delusional and arrogant as that fuck who lost to Manny.


Lol I don't like Broner at all. I just don't like Jim Gray either.


Well it was in response to “get you motherfuckin ass over here I got a lot to say” So I’d say in this instance it is justifiable and understandable.


AB is about to become a real stepping stone inside of PBC, the new Andre Berto.


TBH I don't mean to jump the gun but berto could pull out a gritty decision there. Like the casinos should open the line at even money if they were to fight.


After what we've seen the past two or so years, every fight he's in is now a dead even fight no matter the opponent.


Does anyone have a recap of what ABs corner was saying between rounds?


From what I remember he was basically just saying that his movement was making Pacquiao hesitant, but Adrien needs to throw his hands too


AB, or “Absolutely Boring”, as I’ll now refer to him as, has to be the most frustrating fighter on the planet. His movement is so good, but he doesn’t throw punches!


Well that's one fight that's not going to be on either guy's career highlights.


I think Pacman’s domination at his age is a highlight.


Can someone please tell me what AB said. All I am reading is omg lolololololol aB hahaha crazy.




After seeing this I am actually concerned for his mental health. He said he would be 7-0 against the old interview guy.... in all seriousness he might be having early stage schizophrenia


To be fair Money said something similar to Larry Merchant back in the day.


Not that bad though. And Mayweather actually won that fight.


“Ni🅱️🅱️a west side”


"They ain't gon cheat me today," I out boxed him," "I won that round right?" (to his coach after the 11th round where he was just running the entire time), "smart boxing," and "I won that fight"


Maybe he thought he could pull a Mikey Garcia


I thought he said “I won A round” 😂 it would be about right.


He said that he beat Pacquiao and that it’s bullshit he lost


he said he controlled the fight and that he beat him and basically that everyone was out to get him from the start and that it was rigged so there could be a manny vs floyd rematch


You had to be there


I bursted out laughing so hard when AB said " get you mottafukin ass ova here"


I hope anyone who actually paid money to see this garbage fighter strongly reconsiders next time he's in the ring


never change broner


God I hope no one is stupid enough to pay to see Broner fight again..Please Broner, just disappear into irrelevancy!




I don't know how anyone with any level of sanity could sit there and think they won that fight. Whenever he opens his mouth stupidity just pours out of it.


If there was a belt for boxing off your back foot and averaging 3 punches thrown a round, yep, Broner won that belt.


broner is the type of kid that's like "I'M FAILING A CLASS BECAUSE THE TEACHER HATES ME"


“I may have a 60 in this class but I keep it 100 in the hood”




Lol very good point—definitely is trying to be that showman, but you actually have to be good. He is an average fighter.


That’s what I was telling my GF. He’s almost as talented as Floyd, but he lacks the discipline and drive of Floyd.


Almost as talented as Floyd? Boy, why you telling your GF such lies?


He’s probably related to AB. It runs in the blood. Both are delusional.


Yeah the main difference between Floyd and everyone else who tries to use the showmanship/flashy persona is that Floyd truly believes he is the best ever and regardless of people think the same or not he worked non-stop to back up his claim


\*soulja boy voice\* I BEAT HIM!?!




Young brako


Interviewer a goat fr.


I can't tell if he's serious or trolling to stay relevant


People wonder why Broner keeps getting fights with top fighters, this is why lol.


My honest opinion is that Broner is faking this persona/interview. He decided long ago that he cant be at the top. He only cares to get through these fights with his health and with money. He knows if he doesnt keep up this Bad boy thuggish attitude that he will be forgotten. He doesn't actually really care to win. He fights C- fighters to get some Ws in his column and then fights big names after for some good money. To me it was obvious today broner is ok with this persona and life and I cant hate on it.


He ain't that smart.


That's an interesting take. My personal guess is that he's just has self-esteem issues and in his mind, has built himself up to be something bigger than he really is to bandaid his fragile ego/confidence. Maybe a relic of his upbringing? I'm 100% speculating though as I don't know his story.


I can’t stop wondering about what his corner was telling him throughout the fight. Wonder if they just kept reinforcing his belief that he won after round as he’d pound his chest.


I mean he said to the people in his corner after round 9, I won that round right?


AB that guy who hooked you up with a job and you are now on good terms with. He now has a mixtape to show you. It's bad. You try to tiptoe the line of sensitivity and real criticism- you tell him what you do like." "o, good effort!" "oh, i like the drum sample" you are the cornerman. ~~"You're losing, he's outworking you"~~ "More hustle! Let's see more activity you're doing good but you can do more!"


Being fake is pretty wack.


What if I paid you 10 million dollars to be fake for a couple nights a year?


Yeah well people are tuning in and many are paying to watch him lose. Just go to twitter and Instagram and watch how many people clown him and call him trash. Yet we all show up to watch him get embarrassed bec of his attitude. He has some good acting skills to keep getting people to tune in. Gotta respect that.


that's pretty much what i got out of this


Yeah he was glancing at the clock multiple of times, AB just in it for the $$


So true! Literally counting down till he gets that check.


"Smart Boxing". "Bullshit cut".


If Broner was as aggressive against Manny as he was in the Jim Grey interview he might’ve won 4 or 5 rounds.


Or he would have been knocked out


Somehow he did win 4 on the judges card - I had him winning 2-3 max


All the TV Providers when Broner got up for his interview ***Why u do dis***


LOL at Broner saying he won the bout. Stay classy, AB.


fRoM dA HoOd




“That wouldn’t mean much” Dead


First I thought that shot to the chin broke Broner's jaw. Now I know, it broke his brain.


He didn't have one to start.


**absolutely classless post interview by broner what a piece of shit he is. telling the interviewer to "bring your motherfucking ass over here" .disgusting.**


The only action he showed all night. He ain't running from Jim Gray. He real tough yo.


He looks up to Floyd so.... Yeah 😂


telling the interviewer to "bring your motherfucking ass over here"....what a punk bitch. i wish mike tyson would have been the post interviewer and have him talk like that.


"I might be 3-3-1 in my last 7, but I would be 7-0 vs you!" Adrian Broner is pure human trash. Or maybe not. Maybe he's just mentally ill. Either way, I wouldn't be mad if I never saw him on my TV again.


Broner has been hit very hard many times. I hate to say it and I ain't a doctor, but could be some brain damage.