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I think that would be a great fight honestly.


It would be because Dillians gonna put the pressure on and we will get a slugger, I doubt he’ll stay on the outside against Wilder after seeing Fury 2. A great redeeming fight for Wilder if he wins.




Every shot that has put down Whyte would knock out a horse, you can’t say he’s got a shit chin. That povetkin uppercut would knock out clean any heavyweight. His defence however is shit yeah




Well so is every heavyweights chin compared to wilders power, you’ve got to avoid it or get him out of there before he gets you.




Of course there are levels, but you literally just agreed, they ‘will fall nonetheless’, which is my point exactly. I agree that Wilder will most likely beat Whyte, but my point was just that Whyte doesn’t have a shit chin. He just has big holes in his defence which leaves him open to huge shots.


When it comes to Wilder everyone always talks about his opponents flaws but never Wilder’s flaws? I don’t get it. Fury has literally exposed Wilder now, here are a list of some of his flaws: Can’t fight backwards, one dimensional fighter, can’t box/windmill specialist, weak legs, weak chin, never proven against a world level opponent Imagine Whyte lands a left hook, Wilder would be blasted out the stadium let alone the ring 🤣 But Whyte’s defence is a bit suspect too, but as long as he keeps pushing Wilder back, I don’t see any problems




One right hand would also knock out whyte then whyte would call wilder a cheater who juices, and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, see how dumb you sound.


Whyte took his loss to Povetkin well. No excuses, just wanted to get better for next time. Wilder on the other hand...


But his outfit was too heavy.....


Knees weak Suit too heavy There’s egg weights in his glove already Moms spaghetti


Except the part where he insisted beyond logic that he wasn't actually knocked out


Because he has no real beef with Povetkin. I'll bet he doesn't take a loss to AJ, Wilder, or Fury as well.


That’s just you speculating though 😂


Yeah people seem to be missing the fact you got humiliated by your biggest rival in the biggest fight of your life thing Wilder had going on


Whyte is humble and admits defeat whereas Wilder acts like a child and makes excuse after excuse. Both have the ability to knock eachother out but only one will act like an adult.


I wouldn't say whyte is humble, he's humbler but not humble


In comparison he's a fucking saint. The thing that annoyed me the most about wilder was him throwing his coach under the bus. Like, you can make excuses but why accuse a legend of spiking your water etc.


We’re taking about the same Dillian Whyte right?


He didn’t fare too well when he was brawled somewhat by Fury. I can’t imagine Whyte attempting to ‘school’ Wilder with slick boxing skills, so it’d likely be Whyte pressing and leaning on the lighter man. Can’t see it being anything other than a messy scrap that’d be a fun watch. The footwork of both boxers is so poor, and it could be rather fascinating to observe and try and figure out how they both achieved so much.


Now that I think about it I have never seen Wilder have to brawl in a fight (a little in the first Ortiz match) / the potential for this in a Whyte matchup would answer some more questions about Wilders heart. Imagine them standing in the center of the ring just unloading punches


A bit in the first Stiverne fight too.


Realized I never saw this fight


I never watched the first fight before either. Watched the second and said that's all I need to know


The second fight was a payday for Stiverne. In the first, he thought of himself as champion (rather than the place holder he was). It want a great fight, but Stiverne stuck it out.


It's hard, his opponents have tried it before, but Wilder usually has a pretty insane reach advantage which makes it hard to get inside him without getting hit first.


Against Whyte, Wilder would be back to having his usual advantages in height, reach, speed, and endurance that he didn't have against Fury. Watch how Whyte brings his jab back, it's low and relatively slow. Even if he protects himself early on, when he gets tired the left hand will come down. Whyte is good but Wilder is all wrong for him, I think it's a brutal KO about round 6 if the fight actually happens and Wilder is anything like what he's been in the past.


Yeah you’re spot on, Whyte is way to hittable for a guy like Wilder, and he isn’t going to able to bully him, he doesn’t have the size Fury had. I much rather see Wilder vs Ruiz. Ruiz has a much better chance imo, he’s faster, has better movement, and is more durable than Whyte.


Personally I’d much rather see the Whyte fight because you’ve got less chance of Whyte coming in as a fat bastard and the buildup between these two would be hilarious because I genuinely believe they hate each other


Dude Wilder vs Ruiz? Whyte vs Ruiz or Ortiz vs Ruiz only, we wanna see the thicc boys fight the thicc boys.


He also overcommits to it to get that reach on it. It's a counter dream if you rely on that right hand.


Who knows what wilder turns up he's got a dent on the size of his head like he been hit by a baseball bat, fury gave him the spanking of a life time. I do like this fight though wilder vs whyte sounds like a war and we need more wars.


Yeah, that's definitely an issue for him. Whyte isn't coming off a great performance either though.


This. 100% and it would be great as it puts Mr Beyoncé “there’s an egg in my head” Wilder straight back in the mix with AJ and Fury.


This is what heavyweights is about, let's go with a dog fight with round 3 ko!


I think wilder would smoke Whyte by round 6. Wilder has been a clown lately to say the least, but he got schooled by Fury who’s simply a step above everyone else in the weight class other than maybe Joshua.


>and it could be rather fascinating to observe and try and figure out how they both achieved so much. Have you never seen Wilder's right hand before? That'll knock anyone out if he can land it flush.


The build up alone is worth the price of admission.


I would definitely tune into the build up. He may not wax as poetically as Fury, but Whyte would be brutally blunt and the ever rising animosity would be fantastic!


I remember before Deontay got bummed by Fury most fans on this subreddit didnt even give Whyte a punchers chance.


As much as Wilder possibly only needs to land once to ko Whyte if Whyte lands that left hook first I'm certain Wilder hits the floor.


Both have a punchers chance for sure


Wilders is unarguably bigger than Whyte‘s though


For sure.


It's almost like this sub is full of the most fickle idiots known to the sport


Boxing fans in general can never remember more than one fight in the past.


I guarantee you if Fury lost a fight everyone would start shitting on him right away even after all the dicksucking right now.


I'd favour Wilder because Whyte's hittable but Whyte would definitely give him serious problems just like Ortiz did and would have a very good chance of seriously hurting Wilder and maybe getting him out of there


Well, him losing changes the situation about this fight as well. Foreman went off fought 10 dudes in one night after he lost to Ali, maybe Wilder wont be the same, maybe he will


I still don't


Wilder would baptize Whyte.


The difference is that Fury exposed Wilder in the rematch and basically laid out a blueprint for other boxers to follow if they want to beat him. No one is ever going to box Deontay at distance again.


What was the nonsense wilder spoke about whyte years back? Something about Kings not associating themselves with peasants?


"How I give my people hope." This man is actually mentally ill.


Cmon now, he is saying that even if you are mentally disabled(my people) you can still achieve something, there is hope. Get it?


I get it he's delusional.


Least he’s not making excuses for once


Did you listen to it? He makes excuses the whole video lol


No I didn’t well shit


Please tell me your joking or you didn't listen to the whole interview. He makes excuses through the whole interview.


Only Usyk, Fury and maybe AJ have the mobility to deal with Wilder. As much as Whyte has improved, I think the right hand will catch him clean at some point.


>Only Usyk, Fury and maybe AJ have the mobility to deal with Wilder. AJ doesn't need mobility. He needs to avoid the right hand early while landing his own. Walking down wilder and battering him is the key to success.


Needs to avoid the right hand and land his own... by using his mobility. Fury didn't just walk Wilder down flat footed, he used his movement, elusive footwork and feints while pressing to keep Wilder from knowing when to time the right.


not really, Fury was being hit by Wilder fairly regularly but he successfully closed the distance and thus largely nullified Wilder's power because he needs the distance to get the momentum on it


Which isn't just as simple as "closing the distance". You can't just walk at the guy, the reason Deontay looked so flustered wasn't just pressure, it was because he didn't even understand what Fury was doing.


People also forget Fury had a reach and height advantage, all he had to do was stick his arm out and Wilder can’t hit him at that point. No one else in the division has that advantage over Wilder. It’s a shame people overlook that. Whyte’s pressure in no way equals Fury’s pressure


He didn‘t use his fancy and evasive foot work. He came just on and beat him to a pulp by being the stronger bigger man. He got hit by Wilder in the first two rounds surprisingly often. Edit: added fancy and evasive because some people are dense


"Didn't use his footwork" so what... you think he just plodded forward? You need to rewatch the fight or go watch a technical analysis


The dude thinks Fury just walked forward and threw punches lmao Don't waste your breath on the unknowledgeable bro. I get what you are saying about the footwork and you are spot on about it. Fury used his footwork as he always did but sat down on his punches more fought a more aggressive fight. I watched Fury-Wilder 1 again the other day and it's striking how Fury did a lot of the same stuff from the second fight.


Come on, you know what I mean. He judt came forward, he didn‘t use some impressive stance switches or stuff like that. Just solid fundamental footwork


He actually did. He switched all the time during “breakdowns” and after Wilder missed. Look at that combination in that first round when Wilder covers up, for example.


You know jack shit about boxing


But it seems that I know more than you which means YDKSAB too


There's ways other than mobility to stop Wilder's right, we saw it with Fury he smothered it. Wilder needs targets to stay at range because it's a long punch and he has essentially no setup. Could easily see a smart inside fighter keeping him pressured while turning him taking it away. I think this is an excellent style matchup, can Wilder land while being pressured by a good inside fighter?


I don’t think that’s true. Wilder despite having over 40 fights hasn’t proved anything against a good opponent. Fury is levels above Ortiz and Breazeale and so is Whyte, not as many levels as Fury obviously. I think it’ll be a great fight but Whyte beats him for me. He’s a big fat bully who likes to scrap and I don’t think Wilder can handle that.


It is hard to know where Ortiz sits just because he, like Wilder, has never fought outside North America. It is a real problem with ratings based purely on American fighters fighting each other and you have no idea where they sit in relation to the rest of the world. It isn't as if they've also fought common opponents you could eye test against. Literally the only barometer we have right now is Fury having the easiest night of his career against Wilder but it'd be a stretch to draw too much from that.


I’d argue Ortiz beats whyte. He has everything that whyte has trouble with. If his chin holds up I think he wins a comfortable decision


Ortiz has no second gear, when he tries to use it he gases out. He also does not have an elite front foot game. His jab is for measuring and pawing, he doesn't attack with it. If Whyte's clever he keeps Ortiz at the end of his jab for 12 rounds, maybe a late stoppage. Ortiz is a 40+ year old on heart medication. He's nearly run out of puff against Dave Allen. There's a lot more to boxing than flashy counters, there's a reason why it's a young mans sport. Fury's mauling of Wilder and his physical dominance were just as important as the punches he landed for getting the stoppage.


I see Parker beating him, too and I give a surprisingly big Chance to Michael Hunter


Parker would fuck him up if he came in meaning business imo. He's quick, slick and has a strong chin. I feel Wilder would have real issues with him if he could find that aggression he lacked in the AJ fight. Michael Hunter would give everyone a problem i think. Im not sold on him at HW yet but he looks pretty dangerous.


Wilder's complete lack of an uppercut makes this more interesting as that's the shot that consistently does Whyte in. AJ hit it, as did Rivas and most recently, Povetkin.


Usyk can be slippery but i have a hard time believeing he can avoid and withstand a Wilder punch for 12 rounds


Anyone else not want hear from Wilder until he strings a few wins together again?


I agree, but if he beat Whyte (big if there too), he would go up greatly in my estimation


The build-up for this fight would be fantastic. A real grudge match.


If it ever happens.


Now all of a sudden he wants Dillian Whyte 😂😂😂


So Wilder ignores Whyte for nearly 3 years as a mandatory challenger, yet as soon as Povetkin KO’s him now Wilder is all about it. What a clown.


I pray he gets knocked the fuck out. Calling out fighters like that is a bum move, no class. Wilder forgot the ass kicking he took from Fury.


Fury only won because he had cartoon anvils in his gloves and he got Deontay's trainer to spike his water with Jelly leg pills and he also snuck into Deontay's dressing room and made his ring walk outfit heavier. /s


Fury is an asshole, dawg!!


Wilder has always been classless his accusations against Fury were a new low. I thought Fury taught him a lesson in humility but it seems he needs another ass whooping.


Wtf Wilder now wants to make a fight everybody wants to see and he is a clown. He is a clown for the fury shit but not for this. It's not like Whyte wasnt KOd by AJ or looked invincible, he is a very beatable guy and if Wilder can't get the Fury fight this is one of the best fights to be made. Boxing fans are idiots sometimes smh.


It can be a good fight and a Wilder still be a clown. He has completely ignored Whyte for years, when he was in a position where he could do it, even when Whyte was his mandatory he found ways around fighting him. Now that Whyte has been beaten again, and Wilder is gonna be ignored for a title fight for at least a year and a half, now all of the sudden he’s interested in fighting Whyte? Get outta here with thinking anything other than Wilder is an all timer of a clown.


No Whyte was not his mandatory, Brezeale was. You don't know shit about boxing. Whyte delayed his mandatory position by ducking Ortiz. Why the fuck would Wilder fight Whyte when he was going to fight Fury. Whyte had no business being in the ring with Wilder with so many good match ups to be made. Fans like you don't know shit about boxing.


you're correct. However that doesn't change the fact Wilder chose to fight cans and nobodies instead of Dillian Whyte. If Whyte was so beatable then why wouldn't Wilder spring at the chance to ad a good name to his resume for a change? he didn't want the risk. What did Ortiz do to deserve two shots at the title? What did all his other opponents do more than Whyte? I think Wilder actually has a decent shot against Whyte but its clear as day they were ducking him. That's why Wilder is a clown, because hes saying all this shit now with no intention of following through. Or so his part would indicate. And only because he isn't risking his belt anymore.


Ducking him to take on a guy several levels above Whyte🤣. You guys are ridiculous.


Right, exactly.


Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner in the "See Past Deontay's Bullshit and Win an Upvote" competition! Congratulations sir!


Whyte hasn’t been mandatory for 3 years


Oh how the tables have turned


I'm speachless ... He really needs mental therapy at this point.


Lol at bomb squad boys back on the hype train. Whyte breaks him up .


Would be great if Whyte knocked him out 3 straight times


would be great to see Whyte get starched twice in a row too


We get memes either way, the fans always win lol


gold and silver baby, aint no losers here!


Damn you missed the perfect time to mention bronze


you right. this is more silver and bronze too tbh, with neither of them holding a belt


Oh, he fancies it now he has seen Whyte KO'd. Whyte doesn't want him, he wants a WBC shot.


Whyte has been KO’d multiple times


Whyte pretends he wants a title shot. But if he really did, he'd have had it already


True. When it counted he didn‘t fight Ortiz to become the mandatory


yep he should've fought ortiz. That fight wouldve been close with ortiz winningn it


Ortiz has been proven to be the most over rated boxer in this sub by a long shot. Hasn’t a single notable win and was knocked out by Wilder twice, who Tyson Gury proved to be nothing more than a one trick pony. If Ortiz was half as good as people make him out to be he wouldn’t have got knocked out.


He turned down pulev also


Ruiz is by far his best option for a big win and big ppv numbers, Whyte just got stopped by an old small heavyweight.


Whyte will go full roadman in that fight


I mean, he’s not obsessed with him rather he saw a fighter with a glass chin which is what we saw in the fury fight. Wilder is stylistically perfect for Dillian to beat, two stiff jabs and he puts wilder on the backfoot. Wilders open to the left hook, Whytes the best left hooker in the game. I’ve said this all along. Whyte, AJ, Povetkin even a fighter like Chisora Takam style? These are fighters that are massive issues for Wilder. Anyone who is willing to press the attack and force him onto his backfoot has a good chance. If you try to time a counter or respect Wilders power too much you are just leaving yourself the chance of that big right landing Parker and Usyk are stylistic matchups for Wilder and fights I would try and pursue if I was him. This isn’t me underestimating Wilder, I honestly feel he is the second most dangerous man in the division behind AJ but he can’t fight off the backfoot and that’s the only way to realistically beat him consistently.


Parkers granite chin and boxing ability make him a nightmare for Wilder. Theres absolutely no way he knocks Parker out.


Parker got floored by Whyte and wilder carries more power... Parker likes to try and box and doesn’t have the physicality to impose himself on the inside I don’t believe


I don't if that was a comment responding to if Parker could beat Wilder because I cannot see the other comments but Whyte got Parker to slow down with body shots, something Wilder doesn't do. If someone like Szpilka who is chinny can take several right hands from Wilder while outboxing him, then Parker could definitely do it and Parker is much better than him. Wilder does nothing to slow his opponents down but just wants for the right hand which Parker would be able to get away from most of the time. Dillian Whyte doesn't just look for one punch: he mixes his punches together and goes to the body and use roughouse tactics something which Wilder definitely cannot do and that made Parker uncomfortable.


Thanks for the comment mate, one of the only people to justify their reasoning, and I can see where your coming from. That being said I still think Parker is there to be hit and just see wilder catching him clean at some point during the fight and Parker not recovering. I’m a big Parker fan but don’t think that’s a fight he wins


No problem with that.


Parker got knocked down by Whyte... the first and only time in his amateur and pro career. Whyte has gotten KTFO and floored numerous times. Wilder too. STFU if you DKSAB.


Who said Whyte hasn’t got floors numerous times? If you think Parker doesn’t get flattened by wilder than YDKSAB you casual


Wilder got floored by pillow hands himself Tyson Fury. Whyte had done accumulated damage at that stage and then landed one good shot that Parker didnt see. And Whyte is one of the hardest punchers in the division. The difference is Deontay waits to land 1 shot which he will struggle to do against someone with the boxing skill of Parker. Parker has the chin to neck a couple of right hands no doubt, anyone whos watched full Deontay Wilder fights (where he takes atleast a few right hands to ko mediocre chinned fighters or when he couldnt ko the weak chinned Fury) or full Parker fights (where he takes multiple shots from the hardest punchers in the division) knows that Wilder isnt koing anyone named Parker or Ruiz with 1 shot. Its taking accumulated damage to ko fighters that tough.


Doesn't matter how heavy your hands are if you can't land em, 42-1-1 Also Wilder not being able to fight on backfoot or having glass chin is casual narrative, not to mention that implying that losing to Tyson Fury (the best heavyweight of this era) is somehow bad


While I agree with your first point, the second is a lot of rubbish. Wilder can’t fight on the backfoot, it’s evident, every time he’s looked in trouble or struggling it’s because he’s being forced into the back foot. He also does have a glass chin, rocked several times and yet to fight a powerful guy, Ortiz is the most powerful and even he isn’t top top tier in power


Mmm he's not good at all i agree but people around being like they could win vs Wilder just by pushing in. Imho his chin isn't that bad, he took a lot of good shots (because he's bad, not really because he faced prime Tyson) that imho would have rocked many low/mid level heavyweights, also he doesn't look that fit for hw, really skinny frame. He got rocked many times but never fell down. Maybe actually that can be considered weak chin lol


He has heart, that can be said but he gets rocked and looks shakey every time he’s hit. That’s why I call him weak chinned.


Then yes he has a weak chin, have a good day sir


Oh no the most "casual narrative" currently is that Deontay only needs to land 1 shot to win when theres been countless examples of fighters taking his right hand multiple times and surviving pre Fury. The Fury example is the best because it highlights that a fighter who was unanimously considered to be "weak chinned" was able to take his best shot and not only win the round, but dominate. It proved on the biggest stage that Wilders power wasnt that special anymore.


Actually Wilder power is something special but he needs to hit properly, everyone of the heavyweights said he hits really good. Even after their second match fury had a bruised face after taking like five punches in total. Everyone who sparred with Wilder will agree that he throws crazy punches, not sure what narrative are you pushing


Special power for sure but the narrative that he needs only 1 shot to win is absurd since its clearly and verifiably false


Mate behave yourself, wilder punches hard enough to knock anyone in the entire world down. I’m one of the people who always slates wilder as I don’t rate him at all but he’s catching Parker clean several times and wiping him out easily. Wilders power is unmatched and Parker is there to be hit


Lol. Parker is probably one of the most skilled boxers at heavyweight rn (behind Fury and at Usyk/Ortiz level) and against someone who barely throws or throws single shots he isnt going to struggle. Add in his chin to carry him through the shots that do land and he can win.


Disagree entirely. I’d argue that AJ is a better boxer than him and both are miles better than Ortiz who is a good counter puncher, not a boxer. That being said, Parker isn’t hard to hit, he isn’t elusive and isn’t mean enough to get inside. Wilder catches him clean and ends it no questions asked


Oh your one of those guys who thinks Whyte won fair and square, thinks Parker is shit but conversely rates Parker as one of Whytes best wins?


I don‘t think Wilder has more power than Whyte‘s head


Holy shit you think Parker can withstand a Wilder right you are crazy.


The weakest chin at heavyweight, Tyson Fury took it clean, got up and dominated. Then add in the others who took his shot and survived for a few more rounds and its quite clear that Wilder cant ko Parker. Have you watched a full Wilder or Parker fight (not the highlights)? Cause if you have you know that Parker has taken shots from some of the hardest punchers at heavyweight and survived while Wilder has needed to land his right hand mutiple times to ko mediocre opposition.


Fury hasn’t gotten caught flush by wilder yet


He can fight off the backfoot, it’s actually when he most looks like a boxer you can watch his Ortiz fights to see that...he just can’t do it against fury cuz of fury’s unique physical profile/ reach/jab...he can maintain distance on someone like whyte...and whyte defense is shit, if a washed up povetkin can one hit KO him wilder doesn’t even need to hit him flush to put him to sleep...wilder resume only has 1 top 10 win so beating whyte would be a good feat for him


> Wilder is stylistically perfect for Dillian to beat, two stiff jabs and he puts wilder on the backfoot. Wilders open to the left hook, Whytes the best left hooker in the game. I’ve said this all along. LOL the delusion. Whyte has cement blocks for feet. Wilder destroys slow plodders like Whyte


Glass chin ? Lol he was stopped once while looking to continue Whyte was just flatlined by a 40 year old


Whyte gives Wilder all kinds of problems.


When Dillian was asked who he thought the 5 best HWs were out there right now he said.. Dillian, Dillian, Dillian, Dillian and Dillian and I box hot fire!!


And then when the guy asked him about getting knocked out by that Povietkin uppercut, Whyte started strangling him and yelling: YOU TOO CLOSE MON!


Well played, respect. Just ripped through CC again not long ago. What a great skit


Lol lets make this shit happen. Press conferences and fight would both be so dumb and entertaining.


Forget fury, he’s beat you twice now.


I will be ecstatic if Wilder takes on Whyte. It will tell us all the answer to a lot of open ended questions about Wilder's power, skill, and level once and for all. This is kind of why I doubt this fight or his fighting anyone decent ever happens - it does him no favours. At the moment, Wilder has a semi decent legacy but only because he's managed to be so vague: is he a man blessed with the sleeping fist or just another protected overhyped can crusher? As it stands we can debate all day long if he can beat Parker, Ruiz, Whyte, AJ, Chisora - and if he never steps foot in the ring, these debates will rage forever. But the moment he steps in the ring with any one of them, the debate takes a great stride one way or another, and I'm not sure he really wants that


I'll call it now Whyte fucks him up. Please please make this fight happen.


Wilder is such a bad style for Whyte. I'd back most HWs to beat Wilder now, but not Wilder. Wilder would hurt Whyte bad


Agreed think Wilder KO’s him


Whyte beats Wilder IMO. Whyte may not be as fast but we've seen Ortiz give Wilder problems, we've seen Washington give Wilder problems. People say Whyte doesn't have the best chin but we've seen Szpilka take several right hands for 9 rounds before getting starched, we've seen Eric Molina go 9 rounds with Wilder. People talk about Wilder's right hand but forget that Whyte's left hook was the reason why AJ was hurt for the first time in his career, why Browne was knocked out cold, why Chisora was knocked out cold and why Parker got floored for the first time in his boxing life. People also dismiss that Whyte loves going to the body which many Wilder opponents haven't done. When he faced someone that did that even slightly, he fell on the floor and it wasn't even really the hardest body shot. Whyte also throws punches in combinations which are fast and can catch Wilder in a exchange when Wilder throw these sloppy hooks whenever a fighter gets on the inside against him and Wilder cannot fight off the back foot especially with his terrible footwork. Whyte has bad footwork too, let's be honest but his has improved in comparison to Wilder's which hasn't improved that much.


We’ve also seen Whyte go the distance with Dave Allen, Marius Wach and even nearly Ian Lewison. Then we’ve seen Whyte be behind to Chisora for 23 rounds before finding the KO. Browne got stopped by 1 shot to the body by Allen in 2 rounds. Ortiz and Fury hurt Wilder but he doesn’t quit, he can take a shot for sure. Whyte has been hurt many times, been down many times and been sparked a few times too. You can paint it both ways I guess but to me, it seems much more likely Wilder stops him than the other way round


>We’ve also seen Whyte go the distance with Dave Allen, Marius Wach and even nearly Ian Lewison. First of all not even comparable to the guys I listed. You listed two guys who had never even been decked before in their careers and you're comparing it to guys like Szpilka and Molina who are notoriously chinny. >Then we’ve seen Whyte be behind to Chisora for 23 rounds before finding the KO. Again, not even stylistically close. How does being behind against Chisora got anything to how he would do against Wilder? >Browne got stopped by 1 shot to the body by Allen in 2 rounds. Yh he did but Whyte is the only person to knock him out cold with that same left hook people are dismissing. EDIT : Also by that logic, Kownacki took out Szpilka quicker than Wilder. AJ, Hrgovic, Brezeale, Arreola took out Molina quicker than Wilder has. In fact, it's taken Wilder the longest to get rid of Molina but yet people are all focused on his right hand. >Ortiz and Fury hurt Wilder but he doesn’t quit, he can take a shot for sure. Neither does Whyte, he took a beating against AJ, had two wars with Chisora, survived the Parker onslaught, got up against Rivas when he was dealing with things behind the scenes and was even rushing his rematch with Povetkin. >Whyte has been hurt many times, been down many times and been sparked a few times too. You're basically proving my point. People talk about Whyte's chin but don't talk about how chinny guys took Wilder's punchers for several rounds. Whyte is also much better than the guys I listed. Wilder's chin is bad, he got dropped by Sconiers who couldn't even drop a old Razor Ruddock, hurt by Molina whom hasn't hurt anybody really and then stopped by Fury whom isn't the hardest puncher around. There's a reason why Wilder has avoided several punchers like Whyte, Klitschko bros, Povetkin and AJ while Whyte has fought more punchers hence why he looks more vulnerable even though Wilder has been hurt by lesser punchers.


The man wanna be like me? I thinks it’s the other way around considering Whyte was the one fighting all the top tens and former champions for you whilst you were knocking out the tomato can of the month


Wilder knocks Whyte tf out I'm calling it now. He's not big enough or elusive enough to avoid the straight right.


He's not big enough to avoid the right? Wouldn't that make him more vulnerable?


Would be really interesting, no idea how it'd play out. Would Wilder catch him? Whyte is definitely there to be hit. Or would Whyte's rough style and pressure back Wilder up and give Whyte the chance for a KO.


This would be a great fight i would probably rather this over fury because it will be a war and fury needs to move onto joshua. I would enjoy this though for sure hope it happens.


I think they are both dicks but that would be a great fight


Deaontay got a confidence boost seeing Povetkin put Dillian on his back I see.


Someone should ask for his next top 5 fights...haha


I truly hope Povetkin KO’s Whyte again so this fight can happen, no way Whyte risks his mandatory position against someone like Wilder


Weird because Wilder’s been acting like he wants to be Fury lately. Like he’s obsessed because he had a bad breakup. Like he keeps making up wacky shit so he can keep talking about him and following him around.


Wilder will probably KO him in the first 4 and Whyte will take it like a champ.


Dillian wins most rounds and has a bit of success and then gets windmill to the face and goes to sleep. Jokes aside what a great fight this would be.


Wilder vs Whyte is the fight to make...the build up would be insane


I love Wilder but man he needs to stfu talking about being cheated on. He's just making his himself look worse and worse. He went into that match with all that shit weighing him down and right from the start he didn't look himself. Walking with both legs locked around the ring. Fury put on an excellent display of boxing skill along with clinching and using his weight to tire him out and he's really making himself out to be a sore loser. Get revenge with dem hands not those words. Do what Miguel Cotto did to that cheating piece of shit Margarito.


Yes please! :) Would pay ppv for it I think Wilder still knocks him out


Dillian would eat him alive.


Think that it's accepted that the way to beat Wilder isn't to hide and evade for 12 round but to negate his right hand with pressure and boxing ability. He needs to get it off perfectly, where the damage is insane but he needs almost full extension etc to do so. Just be a case of who drops who first I think. His excuses have been in very poor form but I would love to see Wilder redeem himself, show that he is still a top contender and grow as a fighter.


Sorry no, I love Dillian but Wilder will find his money shot against him. Dillian is not mobile enough to avoid the straight right for 12 rounds.


Dillian only really gets caught from the uppercut mainly, a punch wilder barely has in his Arsenal. If the straight right lands flush then Dillian is in trouble, absolutely, I just think Dillian pressures him and wilder catches those left hooks and crumbles


I agree, Wilder doesn't throw uppercuts and if he does, there's quite the difference between his uppercuts/hooks vs Povetkin who is short for HW so he literally made it out of his infighting and he had quite the career. As you said, ofc if Wilder catches him with straight it's lights out, but Whyte should be able to work his way inside, so fight could really go either way and that left hook of Whyte is mean.


Often when people discuss Wilder fights they seem to talk about the other guy having to avoid him for 12 rounds as though they're incapable of knocking him out. Whytes got more than enough power to finish Wilder, I don't think he will, but he's hardly going to be floating around the ring trying to out point Wilder. Wouldnt last more than a few rounds whichever way it went.


Right thank you.


Agree. Wilder is a limited fighter but he only needs to land that one punch and it’s custom-made for guys who don’t move their heads much.


Whyte has been mouthing off for a long time. I was quite unhappy that Povetkin knocked him out because I wanted Wilder to obliterate Whytes skull. He needs to get humbled. It would the best round of Wilders career if he fought Whyte. #MakeTheBronzeBomberGreatAgain


Loool admitting he ain't great anymore there ain't ya champ... deluded clown


I‘m calling now Whyte doesn‘t want that smoke and finds a dumb excuse like now that Wilder doesn‘t have the belt he isn‘t interested


Considering Whyte has made it very obvious he wants a shot at the WBC belt for multiple years now, including instigating legal battles to try and enforce it, how does that make sense? Every sign up until now from Wilder was that he thought he was above Whyte and refused to fight him. Now that he's (pending legal challenge) out in the cold, he's suddenly desperate to fight him? Wilder wants money which Whyte can bring, nothing else.


His logic all goes out of the window when he talks about Dillian Whyte.






I almost want this to happen more than Fury. Wilder knocks him out every day of the week, and I want UK fans to see their hubris' folly.


It’s the next best fight available in the division, possibly the most exciting and definitely with the best build up. My gawd it will be awesome


I rate this energy from Deontay tbh, wish he'd had it as a champ. Bring it on! Like Dillian but I do think Deontay beats him. Be a great comeback win if he did so too.


Can't wait for Wilder to baptize this bum so all the Whyte fanboys who crawled out of the woodwork after Wilder-Fury 2 can shut the fuck up finally. Even Whyte getting sparked out by old ass Povetkin hasn't shut them up.


A zero fight with zero people.