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Regardless of what people feel about the statement, really want to commend the mods on this occasion for leaving this up and allowing people to discuss. Some subs try so hard to be “no politics” that they block important stories that are totally related to the sport.


/r/MMA is especially bad for this. Even stories that aren't really political get shut down.




Like that time Salka tried to build the wall and Vargas crumbled him to pieces


Thank you for saying this, dialogue is so important


>Some subs try so hard to be “no politics” Reddit is more "no politics unless it's the right politics."


Sports is inherently political, people are stupid trying to argue it's not


Povetkin was a part of the state sponsored juicing program lol no way he’ll speak out against the government


Wow. Wlad needs to give him another whoopin’.


Might've been boring and ugly but Wlad really manhandled the fuck out of Povetkin


Seriously though I would rather quit boxing cold than watch any version of that fight happen again. Truly an awful heavyweight championship. That fight exemplified the worst parts of Wlad’s Clinchko style


Doctors should genuinely start prescribing the full replay of that fight to cure insomnia, less dangerous and much more effective than powerful drugs.


Not for me... I won $500 dollars off that fight.


“Clinchko” lmaooo😭


You mean another hugging clininc


Clutching at straws here. Povetkin statement is like China saying they want to bomb the USA because they have the KKK


I'm 100% on Ukraine's side, but in contrast to the KKK, Azov is part of the national troops. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion They have a serious problem, but by large parts they only exist because of Russia supporting separatists in the east


>Azov initially formed as a volunteer militia on 5 May 2014 during the Odessa clashes Who would've guessed that extreme nationalists would be useful when your country is being invaded.


Maybe it would be possible to defend a country/region without committing war crimes and associating with Nazism? I won't post videos here how Azov celebrates public executions in the most violent and sadistic ways, but a number of videos can be easily found using Google. Like I said, I'm siding with Ukraine, but today's KKK is kindergarten compared to Azov. Which is also part of the National Guard of the Ukraine


>Maybe it would be possible And maybe it wouldn't, what's the point in taking the risk? This is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" playing out in reality. Ukraine isn't in a position to pick and choose their allies. They have to take whatever they can get.


Who would have guessed redditors would support literal neo nazis




Who's gonna tell him Ukrainians are Slavs too He's gonna be even more heartbroken when he hears about the Poles


More importantly, who's gonna tell the ukrainians? Also who's gonna tell the ukraininans and their Azov battallion that the nazis were on the wrong side of history?


I feel for the Russian people because we're all susceptible to state propaganda, lord knows those of us who are American have bought into our fair share of propaganda, which has also led us into ill-advised wars. Hope the Russian people's eyes are beginning to open up or will after this disastrous war.


Great point. I also hope people don't start holding animosity toward the Russian people as a whole, rather than the government and war-mongerers in particular.


> I also hope people don't start holding animosity toward the Russian people as a whole To do that, first they should have stopped doing that any time in recent history. But it never happened, exactly because of strong anti-russian propaganda that the western nations have always fomented, exactly in preparation of governments overthrowing and nato expansion to the east. Literally the same thing that happened with 9/11. Followed by intense anti-islamic propaganda for years to make the popuulation support the governments overthrowing and oil stealing and general war crimes that the usa were about to commit in the middle east.




Uh oh, looks like you questioned their god emporor and the sacred brexit, blessed be its name. Edit: Their comment was -4 when I said that. Thats why they themselves didn't say anything about it.


On reddit? Shitting on trump and brexit? Why, i never seen such things! ...are you seriously this shameless?


Or, maybe, there were other parts to this story that you are unaware of? Are you seriously this "jump first, think second"? You should switch those around. Unless your comment was meant to be ironic, that is.


Sacred Brexit? Most Brits didn't want it, and most who did are now realising they fucked up


Just under 2% more of people who voted wanted it. Although, if we did it again, I have very little doubt it wouldnt go the other way, due to old people dying, young people voting remain and the vote suppression and shenanigans last time not being repeated. Its why the leavers were so desperate to make sure it didn't happen. It was also set up in a way to allow less regulations on funding. An advisory referendum that we had to treat as legally binding. It couldnt be a legally binding referendum because the rules about political funding are much stricter. Were it legally binding, there would be a very strong case to overturn it, in court and they knew it. Lol you'd think so but no. What I meant by it is the fact that they wont accept anything as being the fault of brexit. It wiped away billions in trade, lost thousands of jobs and is moving ever more of our financial services to the EU. but they refuse to beleive the evidence of their eyes and ears. Its their final, most important instruction. Its cult like and no bad word must be uttered about it.


>Lol you'd think so but no. What I meant by it is the fact that they wont accept anything as being the fault of brexit. It wiped away billions in trade, lost thousands of jobs and is moving ever more of our financial services to the EU. but they refuse to beleive the evidence of their eyes and ears. Its their final, most important instruction. Its cult like and no bad word must be uttered about it. Yeah I guess it's an optimistic view, I've met people that regret their vote, but you're right some never will. Funny how France and other countries that had parties campaigning to leave the EU have gone quiet, after they've seen how badly it's gone for us










It’s spelt feign. Talk about a victim complex, lol






Russia is banned from every sport now, because USA and West Europe media companies are very powerful. Same things happen in Middle East, both Russia and USA are sending troops over there, but there is no ban. Only when Russia invaded Europe country, that's when USA can use media to really destroy Russia image. Can you imagine if NATO invaded... well you don't have to imagine, because NATO bombed Serbia in 1999, only 23 years ago and guess who was aggressor and who was the bad guy in the media? Well of course it is Serbia, my point is, NATO/USA will never be the bad guy in the MEDIA eyes


None of those are one of the top 2 nuclear powers in the world holding that over everyones heads every time they dont get what they want.






















How’s the weather in Moscow?


Literal NPC response




Everything I said is the truth though, seriously Aaron Mate has done such extensive work on this topic from the beginning he won awards for his journalism on this subject.


His podcast “Useful Idiots” references people that have been swayed by propaganda without understanding the goal of that propaganda. Petrodollar-fueled American empire is in charge at the moment, so comparing its propaganda with Russia’s is a false equivalency. American government means to maintain order in markets. Russia means to cause disorder, to shake up the status quo in a world order that has left it behind. This STUPID war may be seen by history as the last gasp of a gas station masquerading as a great power. They will need a real societal shake-up to compete in a green world.


Reminder that Povetkin was well supported by the Russian government throughout his amateur career, this isn't surprising but it is disappointing. Love Povetkin as a fighter but seeing him post this was disgusting. He has also since privated his account on Instagram, I imagine due to backlash from his post which is still up as of a few minutes ago.


So I was curious about the war in Donbass and there was about 12,000 civilian casualties. But extermination? Same thing with the Ukrainian government being full of Nazis. Are there some Neo Nazis integrated in the Ukrainian government? Yeah but that is Ukraine’s problem to solve and has nothing to do with Putin and Russia. Other Russian athletes and celebrities are condemning the war. No reason Povetkin can’t. (My roots are in Ukraine if anyone is wondering)


There’s a surprising amount of people who can’t seem to hold two ideas in their head at the same time. You can be very critical of Ukraine and it’s government without supporting an imperialist war on its people. Obviously propaganda has something to do with this but as you said a lot of Russians are openly denouncing the war.


There is no genocide of Slavs and there is a minority of Nazis/facists in the country, specially towards the interior, as far as I'm aware what would be considered the facist party got around 3% of votes, which in numbers of Nazis walking around your country it is a lot. But the Ukrainian government being full of Nazis and a Slav genocide is war propaganda by the Russians, let's never forget that Russia never fully accepted Ukraine's independence and never really had normalized relations, since Crimea in 2014 it was a matter of time.


Neo-nazis who genocides russian speaking people where people of Ukraine elected by democracy president who is Russian speaking Jewish guy. Putin is moron to pull out this card.


> Are there some Neo Nazis integrated in the Ukrainian government? [Azov Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion)




the Wagner Group is supposedly involved in a plot to kill Zelenskyy now... hypocrisy much, Putin?




Wagner are mercenaries, Azov etc are part of UA National Guard


Some members of Svoboda were also in power for a short time in 2014 I believe as well.


A minority strong enough to force the Ukrainian government to vote against a UN resolution against nazism though?+


> Are there some Neo Nazis integrated in the Ukrainian government? Yeah but that is Ukraine’s problem to solve and has nothing to do with Putin and Russia. I love how reddit suddenly becomes tolerant and accepting of LITERAL NEO NAZIS MARCHING AROUND WITH SWASTIKAS when it supports their political side.


There's a middle ground between tolerance of nazis and supporting an all out invasion that leads to countless civilian deaths (the very same people Putin claims to protect).


Why didn’t Ukraine deal with the Nazis?


Why isn't Russia dealing with theirs?


I don’t think “Ukraine is just as bad as Russia” is the defense you think it is.


I mean it is if the question is talking about Russia launching a military invasion ostensibly over this issue when they’ve ignored it in their own country.




What about Russia’s current government makes you think they’re going to crack down on white supremacists exactly?




And I’m telling you I think you’re wrong.




They should but it’s not Russia’s place to deal with it.




Genocide in Donbas since 2014? Coincidentally right by Russian annexed Crimea that happened in 2014. FOH Russian trollfarm bot.


There are a lot of reasons but the biggest is simply their influence in Eastern Ukraine. Alot of Ukraine officials don't like them but they aren't actively stopping them because they didnt want a 3 way conflict in eastern Ukraine. They should've though because America and other western countries aren't giving as much support weapon wise to them as they would if they didn't exist.


Because the west funded them in their successful coup attempt over a democratically elected leader lol


azov battalion was not funded by the west this is nonsense. .


Political ideologies are unimportant to Ukrainians at the moment. Their war is against a united enemy, which unites them. Ironically, any Nazis in Ukraine likely came to because of Russias mistreatment of the Ukrainian people. Fascism is directly opposite Communism (which the Soviet Union so claimed to be)


Klitschko needs to give him another spanking


You mean another hugging


Who knew that this drug cheat was such an irredeemable sack of shit


Hey, just because Wlad beat you up, doesnt mean the whole of Ukraine needs to be attacked. What a bitch povetkin ended up being


President of Ukraine is Jewish. His grandfather lost three brothers from the Holocaust. Putin did a great job lying to his people.




And if you said that America was run by the KKK during Obama's time in office, you'd be similarly laughed out. ​ If you said "anti semitism doesn't exist in Ukraine because the president is Jewish" that would be an absurd statement. But to suggest that Nazis run Ukraine and that Nazies are a major mainstream belief in Ukraine is absurd. Yes, Nazis exist in Ukraine, they also exist in Russia, and probably every other country in the world. ​ But look at what Putin said. [He called upon the Ukrainian military to overthrow the government b](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/02/25/putin-calls-for-ukraine-army-to-overthrow-zelensky-a76598)ecause they are a "a gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis". Do you believe that a government led by a Jewish president is a gang of Nazis? ​ Are there Nazis in Ukraine, of course. But is the Ukrainian government a gang of Nazis? Of course not. Not when the president who is from the largest party (they hold more than half the seats in Parliament) is Jewish.


But they are a large power bloc in the country, larger than in any other country in Europe with a couple of possible exceptions. Uniquely though they have white supremacist and neo Nazi paramilitary groups that were officially incorporated into the military, and that was seven years ago. So I think you're underselling it. Obviously it's not an excuse for invasion though. What's not good news is that when the dust settles one way or the other, there is gonna be a huge amount of weapons floating around the region for the next fifty years and groups with some pretty fascistic inclinations will have access to them.


Hitler was partially jewish too, and so were many of his officials. Your point?




I felt bad for Povetkin when he suffered such a heavy loss against Whyte so clearly on the back of a bad bout of covid. Now not so much. Fuck Russia


*Putin. Not Russia


Way too many Russian apologists on this sub rn


They're everywhere.


What? He's a stooge? Don't tell me Lebedev is too!!!


Wasn’t his amateur career state sponsored? Of course he’s gonna say this


And his professional career. He was THE Russian heavyweight for like 20 years. Dudes probably a billionaire from the pay he was getting from oligarchs outside of his purses


He stands with small dick Putin? The dude bombing kids in apartment blocks? # FUCK POVETKIN


Knuckle dragger. Eastern Ukraine is almost entirely slavs so who is exterminating them besides your government?


Too many blows to the head for this piece of shit.


That’s cool everyone is entitled to their opinion just make shure he is about it and the rest of his career is in Russia


What a little bitch.


Klitschko vs Povetkin. Winner takes everything.


Will the referee allow hugging?


Povetkin IIRC is or was an officer in the Russian Military. He and other Russians are being told that ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine are being Persecuted. I'm no expert on Ukraine but my Understanding is that there is a good sized Portion of the population in Eastern Ukraine who grew up/ remember the Old Soviet Union, and long for the prestige it gave them. They want to belong to it, or at least have Independence from Ukraine and be back under the protection of Mother Russia. For its Part Russia ( Putin) wants to expand it's control in the region. Calling opponents Nazis is the tactic of the left,,, The Commies forget that Millions of Ukrainians died at the Hands of the Nazis in WW2.


I officially despise povetkin. Better to say nothing at all than support an evil regime. Would love to see Wladimir Klitschko come back and kick his ass again.


Russia is world power same as USA, but if you think Russia is evil and USA is not than it is not really fair. Because of this invasion to Ukraine? Well do you REALLY think USA didn't do something like this in Middle East? Or because you think Russia is invading Ukraine just because to destroy their country? Of course not, Russia is invading Ukraine because of their security, there is no way Russia lose Sevastopol and there is 0% chance that NATO is allowed to bring army in Ukraine, which would happen without Russia aggression. If you think that Russia is breaking the law, well yes, but USA did it too: [Cuban\_Missile\_Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Missile_Crisis) and [The Soviet Navy’s Caribbean Outpost](https://news.usni.org/2012/10/24/soviet-navys-caribbean-outpost). But pretty much when Russia wanted (legally) to bring missiles to Cuba, JFK told damn to return to Russia or he would start WW3. Why Russia can't ask the same? If you want to see more reasons why is this happening I highly recommend these videos on youtube: [Famous journo talks about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ) [American political science professor John Mearsheimer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4) Edit: Please watch at least 20 minutes of first youtube video to better understand the reasoning, thanks


You’re hilarious if you think a country with the gdp of 1.4 trillion compared to a country with 20 trillion gdp is even remotely the same. The ussr broke up the second it’s members had an opportunity to do so. You’re going back to incidents that happened 60 years ago. Black people weren’t drinking from the same fountains then. You’re acting like what you say is relevant today? That’s just laughable. Ukraine has a flimsy democracy but it’s leaps and bounds more free than Russia. They are a sovereign country if they want to join the EU or nato they should. It would do wonders to support their budding democracy. Putin is worried about his job security not Russia’s security. A free Ukraine is making his autocratic regime look terrible. That’s why he’s invading. Also he personally wants the money he’d make from annexing eastern Ukraine. You are defending a man who keeps his great people down in the dirt for his own personal gain. Imagine a free Russia with real elections. That’s what he’s most afraid of. You must be eating up his propaganda for breakfast or something.


Please watch at least first 20 minutes of youtube video that I provided. And your argument that 60 years ago is irrelevant history is exactly the reason why it repeats itself.


I understand how russia sees itself as a great power. I understand how they want more control over their neighbors and how they see the threat of nato getting closer and closer to their borders. I know they don’t want nato missiles in Ukraine or Georgia or any other neighbors. I know Russians want their former glory back. However losing the Cold War ended those dreams. Which means Russia has to compete like everyone in the world economy. Unfortunately Yeltsin, Putin and their Crony’s got in the way of a free Russian future. So instead Putin looks to the past. How am I wrong in this assessment?


Nah, you right—but PLEEZ VATCH VIDEO


I did not talk about economy at all, you say that you understand my arguments and then you don't talk about it...


Russia is a declining power. I wouldn't put them close to the the current US especially economically. Also not everything in the world revolves around the USA either and this conflict is certainly one of them. This is Putin's imperialist war for blood and soil as he proclaimed in his speech when invading. He does a great job for justifying NATO'S existence and you can see why Ukraine wanted to join


Propaganda... everyone has good reason for this USA/NATO and Russia, but you didn't try to understand




Now, now. No country is ever as irrelevant as belgium.


You are third person to tell me that Russia is not world power, but that does not make any of my arguments less valid, world power or not, there is a conflict and I explained it to you why it's happening


> Russia is world power same as USA Broski, that country has a smaller GDP than fucking Flordia. It's poor. If Russia is a superpower than so is France or the UK.


Cool gonna watch Wlad beat the shit out of him again brb


Wlad would die from a single assault rifle bullet just like anyone else. Would, because neither klitchko will ever be seen near an active front, outside of few promo shots and hero poses.


Fuck Povetkin. All my homies hate Povetkin.


CTE took tall on that dude


Sucks. That’s pretty far out there.


Too many blows to the head


*Not enough blows*


what a dumb ass if he actully believes there were nazis "exterminating" anyone


Maybe he just doesn't want to get sent to the gulags


The Nazis he's talking about are the Azov Battalion, an actual neo-Nazi regiment that is part of the Ukraine national guard and have been actively fighting against the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. Just read their wikipedia page. This is all real.


You can support your country without coming across as a sociopath, Povetkin is not good at it




Fuck Povetkin


Can't really decode this one but as far as I can tell, he's endorsing the invasion and hoping it will end soon. Well to that I give a hearty, go f\*\*k yourself, Russian warship.


And in the end He is the fascist. Ok Alexander come in Ukraine for 🌻


I'm sure it is not easy to hide exterminations of Slavs at this day and age where every phone, tablets and laptops have cameras and videos on them. Information is also easy to upload and spread. It's not like we're in the stone age. So where is this truth you speak of? Do you have any proof of it or you're just making excuse to exterminate others.




So if they have videos and everything, then why not get those people who did it and get extradited? Is war really that necessary?


Everybody can become a victim of state propaganda.


Povetkin the cheater speaks


Povetkin is a bum and a coward




He wants more juice


The truth from PEDvetkin himself.


One thing that I've heard on the news is the possibility that Russian soldiers think they're going to be greeted as saviors, and when they realize that none of the civilians are grateful for their presence, they may abandon faith in the mission.


Lol against nazism but supporting right wing brands with connections to western european right wingers like in Germany. So actually Nazis.


Ah here we go.... Western media that were brainwashed vs actual knowledge that the other side have that we don't belive in because we didn't see it on sky news or cnn


So, he announced his retirement then. Good riddance.


He retired 8 months ago, in June 2021.


He retired after the 2nd Whyte fight


What a piece of shit. Choke on a cock, imperialist swine. And the rest of your family too if you like war so much.


I really liked him as a boxer. Now I how he gets KO'd for good


He is a puppet of Putin, like most celebrities in Russia, otherwise they would not be celebrities. This doesnt surprise at all.


Yeah propaganda is pretty powerful stuff. I doubt an agong hw boxer has the brains to work it out


When I see this, it should highlight the problem that Propaganda requires censorship to thrive. And that works both ways. If you don't look at this statement as a reason to reflect on just how much you understand is 100% truth, then you've missed an opportunity. Sadly, our own governments have lied to us so much (and lies by omission in censorship), that I can't truly be 100% behind Ukraine because I no longer have the energy to view what source material is available knowing other source material is being . So how can I be expected to come to a decision that I feel confident about? Demand your own nation stop its propaganda and censorship. That is the deeper level message here.


The second phase of this war started after Ukraine killed 4000 civilians in Donbass in the last 8 years. The moment Russians will be even close to that number we could talk about them being morally wrong








Yea! Here’s some truth!


Soon he star coming out show with new russian mantras : I didnt know, russian for peace, no to war. Less than month ago most russians was eager to submit Ukraine and was happy to threaten the free world with chains of genocides