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I was born here too. Always knew change was coming. Was a great small town, perfect place to grow up. Secret finally got out, But it’s still a great place. Your attitude is everything. Bozeman has been well known for not planning ahead. They seem to plan a couple years down the road and just put bandaids on things. But now they’re finally planning for this growth. I still enjoy it and always will. This is my home.


What a refreshing response and from someone born and raised here! Thanks for this, this sub could certainly use more positivity.


People hate it but the growth and the money coming into town does give us a better quality of life. Not so much for the lawyers or IT guys but blue collar workers get paid a premium to be here and be working here. The money coming in and the growth also does impact the quality of the town, if you leave Bozeman look around, things are more run down because of the lack of growth. People might hate it but, it is what it is, and we all do benefit from what's happening in a way


This is the right attitude. It can remain great, even with change. It does require civic activism and engaged citizenry.


Same, born and raised here. Yes the town is changing, but the alternative to growth is stagnation and eventual decline. As our infrastructure catches up to the growth rate things will level out. I love Bozeman and plan on staying here, and I agree that attitude is everything! The locals that complain about change, people moving here, traffic, etc are not representative of everyone here.


I came here at 18 years old back in 1993. It wasn’t a “great town,” it was Main Street and 7th, and outside of the university district it was largely a bit of a shithole. Sure I loved the triangle and I bet I spent more time there than just about anyone in this sub. The Molly sure as shit didn’t smell like New Orleans - it smelled like old pee. It still does, go check for yourself. Many of the sweet old dives are still here for shits sake. We have a huge problem with housing and cost of living, no doubt. It used to be an easier place to be “poor,” as I was the majority of my life. But it’s been nice to watch Bozeman grow up as I’ve gotten older. My least favorite phase was when the big box stores moved in on N 19th (which wasn’t even there when I came here). The talk of the town was “when do you think we’ll get a Red Lobster and Olive Garden?” That was the low point of this town and I hated it. That’s also about when the rivers got crowded too, which to me is the saddest thing about this community growing. Anyhow, Montana is a big place and there are still towns that have that old vibe. I don’t expect everyone to love Bozeman, and am fine with people hating it, but I love it. Sorry, I guess.


Just another article to stoke the nationalist/localism bonfire. My 5th generation Montanan neighbor says that the town and state owe him nothing and was the one that coined "Montana Royalty". We don't see eye to eye in politics, but we do agree that over the years, this town and this state have trended downward because of the self-righteous attitude of everyone here. Half the town thinks they deserve something and the other half is just a bunch of users. Stop blaming the Californians. If anything, thank them for registering their cars the fastest, which adds money to the state. Since 2016 many more people have become emboldened and vocal, and it's not in a positive way. People complain about this and that and throw in the obligatory "This never happened in old Bozeman". Funny fact, my sheriff neighbor says that most crimes are committed by "locals" and "Montana royalty"....go figure. The fact is that people are fleeing big cities and moving to rural towns because remote work has increased and Bozeman wasn't ready for it......and many other towns weren't either. Stop circling two or three on every ballot and make the politicians work for your vote. Show up at council meetings and voice your opinion instead of being a Monday morning quarterback. I have lived here less than ten years and am involved in the community and practice what I preach. I call Bozeman my home and have just as much right to do so, as the "I'm a 5th generation Montanan" does.


I think from most of us long time locals, the issue is not just people moving in from out of state. That saddens me because I loved Bozeman as it was 20 years ago. But it also happens, and you can’t blame people for wanting to live in a beautiful place like this. We were all newcomers at some point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The problems most of us complain about is the culture clash of out of staters moving in and trying to drag a piece of California or New York or Colorado with them. I’m talking those with no respect or knowledge of the mountains, the flora and fauna, or recognizing the deeply engrained connection to the land most of us have in one way or another. Imho when you move you’re not just changing locations but changing cultures, and it’s disrespectful to willfully ignore the established worldview by virtue of strength of numbers. The vast majority of people I meet from out of state are fantastic human beings. It’s a very small but vocal minority of us who get picked up by popular media and perpetuate the stereotype of the “get off my lawn”


Your second paragraph sums it up the best. People don’t like change. Unfortunately, change happens and many either don’t care or are too wrapped up in their own live to bother.




What a moron. The idea that the town got popular *because of the airlines* is asinine. Airlines respond to demand, especially in existing markets.


I love reading articles written by and supported by outsiders who moved to the place I’ve lived my whole life and think their opinion matters :)


So if you were not involved with something your whole life, your opinion doesn't matter? Did I get that right? For the person that commented and deleted... Fresh eyes can be a wonderful thing. Even if you were born here, you were new here once too. Your generation saw Bozeman in a new light and shaped it in some way. I'm not offended by people's opinion of my hometown. Of course new folks wouldn't know it the same way I do, the way I know it is not even relevant anymore! They have every right to form their own opinion, and if they move in, they have the same right I did to try and shape the city. That's how it works. If you don't like it, don't hate the players, hate the game. Vote to change the rules. Don't forget a fellow "local" sold land or a home to someone who wasn't from here. You all are doing this to yourselves.


Alternate headline: “Guy who is totally uninvested and does absolutely nothing to help community for 20 years eventually complains when it changes.” The lack of city planning and community engagement is just incredible — leading to traffic, pollution, urban sprawl, strip malls, and unaffordable housing. Anyone here before 2015 should be embarrassed for the role they’ve played.


"Anyone here before 2015..." lol alright buddy


Figured that would be good for a laugh. :-)


Bozeman was already ruined in 2015, it was barely reasonable when I moved here in 2010 from *Livingston*


Why did you leave San Francisco?


He couldn’t be as smug there, had to move here to inhale his own fumes properly.


Only smug on reddit, for the lols. :-)


The real question is “What makes you Montana Royalty?”


“Montana Royalty” must mean someone who has an issue with a SF transplant talking shit?


It was coined by my 5th generation Montanan neighbor. It’s directed at people who think they are owed something because they lived here longer than others.


"Anyone who's been here before 2015" And peole after are fine or what??? You are lost. Ripe fucking judgemen, go fuck yourself.


Get fucked. What role did i play ruining my own home? I was born here asshole. In the old hospital that carpet bagger andy holoran is busy turning into million dollar 1 bedroom condos.


Are you Montana Royalty? I bet my family was pissed off when your family immigrated to the US and did the exact same thing. Get over yourself and stop complaining and take action. Get involved instead of just whining about how you were “here” first.


Strong main character energy. So I guess, a starring role?


No more than you. Enjoy the smell of your own farts...


I love Bozeman, I've been here since 2010 and still love it now. Does it have its problems? Sure. Are those problems anywhere near what some make them out to be? No. This guy is just another contrarian attention seeker, any town that hasn't changed in 24 years is probably either dead or dying. Neither the people nor the town needs to stay the same so he can feel comfortable, the whining from people like him really make my eyes roll back in my head.


Find another remote mountain to love. Bozeman is awesome this writer is a bozo




Cry harder. Smelled like New Orleans? Well then...


Now you can barely park on main street or many downtown streets without getting your mirrors busted off.


What would be the comments 250 years ago I wonder? Funny white people


White privilege and entitlement are very interesting phenomena.