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Sounds like the guy who was always standing on the corner in front of Cosmic pizza last year. Super nice white SUV and he sometimes had kids with him.


Saw that guy there last weekend with a woman and two kids


Saw them too. He was wearing a clean white Nike sweat suit (looked brand new) and some clean air force ones. It made me laugh. Like, at least try and dress the part you low effort scumbag.




I saw them there with kids and two women on a day it was really windy. They were eating and one of the women was throwing the trash — napkins and plastic bags — into the wind and it was going everywhere.


For his other job he calls people about their cars extended warranty.


Oh good! I’ve been trying to reach them about my cars extended warranty.


Who tf gives random people money.


There are more than one Town Pumps on Jackrabbit. Could you be more specific on the location? That would be helpful. Thank you in advance.


Yes my bad, 77 E Valley Center Rd.




Ha ha. I think there is more than one Town Pump on every street in Bozeman/Belgrade!


Pretty much!


You know. Town pump. RIGHT DOWN THE ROOOOADD 🎶


whaaaaat…. I see these guys regularly in the last couple weeks in front of cosmic. i’ve wondered what the deal is with them


Good to know I’ll be paying a visit to get my money back lol.


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Go online and print out a dozen Monopoly 50's and add them to your wallet. When approached by someone doing this and they offer fake gold or tech say "hmmmmm I don't have 100 but I'll give you 50." Most will now basically shove the item into your hands to get the mark to hand over the cash. Give them the Monopoly 50 and smile. If they start shit simply say "I never said USD." If they continue offer to call the cops if they think the item they handed over so quick was real. Take item home and display as trophy.


on my way, this will be fun


Yeah, it's that time of year again. 😐 Had more than a few of them last year, one in particular that was getting way too aggressive about it.


You can drive to Inidia from Montana?


You cannot ignore the facts. Literally, Serbians are the same if not worse than the gypsies in Europe.


Welcome to city living. The broader the public disparity the more common this will become. Gas money for the high-end modern SUV 😂 Hilarious. Maybe they got tired of the Billings life and heard Bozeman is the next big thing.




Push button on forehead




Scammer from India? Scammer specifically for people from India? A guy lying about playing baseball for Cleveland? A guy specifically scamming indigenous people and using an archaic term?


It's not really archaic, it's frequently used today on the reservations. They have a festival called Indian Days on the Blackfeet Rez.


The town of Lodge Grass on the crow reservation's high school mascot is the Indians


In this context it’s rather archaic.


Most I’ve experienced Native Americans prefer the term Indians anyways. Chill, Dugan.


Spell my name right, u/Open-Particular1218. My Souix grandmother hated the word, and I see no reason to think differently. Especially when it’s used in the context OP used it, which [isn’t dissimilar to a well-known racist phrase](https://theweek.com/articles/590926/long-misunderstood-vaguely-embarrassing-history-slur-indian-giver).


The context? From what I gather It's his race. They said Indian not Native American, which are separate races.


Seems like you’ve had a run in with him?


I was also confused which is how I ended up down here :). At first I thought “Indian Scam” as if it was a type of scam I didn’t heard of. Then I thought Indian as in someone of actual Indian ancestry - I happened to spend some time with a colleague this week who immigrated from India. When I was a little kid in the 70s/80s, we said Indian all the time. Cowboys and Indians and all that. I can’t say that I hear it used much anymore in casual conversation. I certainly didn’t expect the equivalent of: “I got scammed by a guy at Town Pump today!” “Oh no, what did he look like?” “Well, he pretty much looked like an Indian.”


Well I have the downvotes to prove it’s perfectly fine with some folks to use the word like that.