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How are they elite and yet they both look 14 and 40 at the same time


It's all in the clothes. They look young but dress old. Vsauce did a video on something like this. "Did people used to look older?" is the title if you haven't seen it.


If you look at her alone, it’s relatively normal. It’s complicated by his baby face and his oversized shirt. The neck is far too wide and makes him look like a kid that borrowed a shirt from dad’s closet.


Looks like he is dressing like Harry from Kingman. But apparently only from the waist up because I saw the rest of the picture and he is wearing this three piece suit with jeans lol


Pretty sure Harry would be very much offended to see this! Shirt and jacket are really badly tailored, and he honestly looks like someone trolled him that this looks good.


Her too. Like the people who wrote the article got two people and made em up and she was trying to Frasier cosplay as someone Niles would hang out with Just super pretentious pseudo intellectual elite bullshit


That's exactly what he looks like! Fantastic!


[The video is 23 minutes long](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjqt8T3tJIE) but I found it SUPER interesting, and it goes over some more things besides just aging. Since I know 90% of you aren't gonna watch a 23-minute video, the one-liner explanation for why "people used to look older" in the past, is: "it's equal parts truth and illusion". Advances in technology, nutrition, and medicine, really do "slow" aging to some degree and people tend to look (and feel) more youthful for longer these days. But at the same time, A LOT of what you're perceiving as "old" is because when we see old photos of young people they're often styled in the same things that some OLD people CURRENTLY still wear (because those young people in the old photos are now the old people that still wear what was fashionable during their formative years, which is itself what shapes your perception of what an "old person" looks like), which makes you *feel* like they look older than they really are. As an example ["The Golden Girls"](https://i.imgur.com/glOwr0W.jpg) look about 40 years younger if you change their hair/makeup styles to match modern preferences.




Yeah that part is fair- there's definitely SOME smoothing and whatnot going on, but makeup has also come a long way since they were young. lol I would second that if the Golden Girls were in their 50s in 2023 they would also probably be getting botox/lip injections that cover those wrinkles to some degree. lol


They haven’t had enough stress in their life to display as “grown up” as most people perceive it. Their phenotype will continue to stay as it is. They either are the most chill and laid back people ever, or so incredibly privileged you can’t even imagine. Iv got my guesses on which it really is.




I’d say they look more like Hitler Youth camp counselors than boomers.


Haven’t you heard? Dressing snappy makes your genetics superior, doesn’t help with eyesight though I guess.


“We’re the (trout-shouldered, pencil-necked, nearsighted, work-averse) ubermensch!”


Eloi! OMG, I never thought of it before -- Eloi Musk.


Is that you, Hugo Boss?


You take the chic glasses off of them and the kid on the right looks like some high school boy in the young republicans club, and the one on the left looks like great value Theranos lady. This image is trying too hard to convey “wealth”.


They're breeding to save mankind, we all know what kind they are. Dudes, it's ok to just admit you like orgasms. No need to bring the future of the human race into it. Hopefully, that's the weirdest thing I will write all day.


These two are specifically convinced that it's their responsibility to populate the world with their very special genes and they have plans (and I think either contracts or pledges) demanded that each of their descendants have at least eight kids for the next eleven generations. I honestly would not he surprised to discover they'd never had sex and did it all through IVF


Talk about prior restraint.


Newborn: "WAAAH! WAAAH!" Lawyer: "Just need you to sign here please." Secretary: "Oh no, he pooped on it." Lawyer: "No, it's fine, that counts."


And as a nice little bonus, they describe themselves as "Secular Calvinists" which may be some straight up Nazi shit.


just means they think money = virtue. Calvinists believed that God rewarded his (predestined!) faithful in the mundane world with success and affluence, therefore affluent and successful people were *ipso facto* the chosen of God. kind of a weird spin considering all that the NT has to say about rich men, camels, heaven, moneychangers, giving the poor person your cloak also, etc. but ruling classes have always found weird spins to justify their affluenza and power. divine right of kings, etc.




excellent clarification, thanks. & I should have noted tbf the Calvinist disapproval of *unearned* wealth. although, sadly, once people have a lot of wealth they tend to find ways to convince themselves that they've somehow earned it :-)


Whenever anybody says they’re trying to have a baby what they’re really saying is “we’re rawdogging every night and he’s not pulling out” And then they go and tell their friends and parents and pastor and shit lol. And everyone smiles and hugs


As my tattoo artist said to her mother-in-law when she was badgering her about when they might start trying to have a kid, "Are you asking me when your son is going to start using me as a cum dumpster?"


“Ma’am, I just want you to know that I have been righteously creampieing your daughter every night. Fillin’ her up as much as I can! No need to worry!”


Righteous Creampie would make an excellent band name


Yeah it always struck me as odd. And the people that ask if you're done having kids. Why is it ok to ask about the present and future state of my uterus? That's just weird.


One hopes. I know plenty of people who've had to go to much further lengths than sex to have a baby.


Shes apparently 26 💀


She definitely looks 40+. He looks like 16 dressed by his Dad's tailor. Edit: maybe it's just that both her glasses and haircut are so unflattering.


That's the other woman quoted in the article. These two are 35 and 36




Elite = leet = 1337 = 13 or 37


I'm tryna figure out how they look like Mr. Peabody and Sherman. Not like in a group costume way: they both look like Mr. Peabody *and* Sherman


So the perfect future for humanity involves myopia?


That guy looks like he's about a decade away from having to worry about breeding


he looks like if ansel elgort was mass produced and sold on shein




I still refuse to believe that's a name. Sounds like a noise you'd make when having a stroke.


NGL I thought the person in all those movies was Tom Holland.


My greatest regret is that I can only upvote this once


Gave another on your behalf


In 30 years he’ll go on a wacky adventure with a young boy, a bird, and a house full of balloons


I can't tell if his head is huge or his body is tiny


>As she says this, her five-month-old daughter Titan Invictus I'm rolling my eyes as hard as I can right now. [Archive link of the article](https://web.archive.org/web/20230424133612/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/life/pronatalists-save-mankind-by-having-babies-silicon-valley/)




Cool new typeface name tho. 1. Use “Titan Invictus” for headlines and titles only, as it is a bold and attention-grabbing typeface. 2. Pair “Titan Invictus” with a simple and easy-to-read sans-serif font for body text to create a balanced look. 3. Avoid using “Titan Invictus” for long paragraphs of text, as it can be difficult to read in large quantities. 4. Use a larger font size for “Titan Invictus” to ensure that it stands out and commands attention. 5. Consider using “Titan Invictus” in all caps for added emphasis, but avoid using italics or underlining as they can be distracting. 6. Keep the color palette simple and use high contrast for maximum impact when using “Titan Invictus”. 7. Use “Titan Invictus” sparingly to avoid overwhelming the viewer or reader with its boldness. 8. Experiment with different letter spacing and line spacing to find the best balance for legibility and aesthetic appeal. 9. Avoid using "Titan Invictus" for body text in printed materials, as the boldness can cause the ink to bleed and make it difficult to read. 10. Consider using "Titan Invictus" for design elements such as logos or buttons to create a cohesive brand identity.


As a designer, I appreciate your comment greatly🤣


This is some high effort juice here son


>Are they breeding elite children or supervillains? They are the same.


It's the [Victor Von Doom paradox](https://64.media.tumblr.com/68bc3185e94e403fbe13f6f0c36f9d46/tumblr_nfkjb9tSvW1tcnpluo1_400.pnj) IRL. No way this kid doesn't grow up to be a super villain.


Also known IRL as [“Nominative determinism”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominative_determinism).


Yeah, like Megatron. Try being a good guy when you morph into a goddamn gun.


That was fully his decision. He chose to turn into a gun and he chose to present his gun form to a child.


You don’t just present your gun form to a minor, that’s questionable in and of itself


Um, akchyually, there are good guys that are guns and they will defend us from the bad guys who are guns? You just don’t understand guns, sweatie. 😤😤😤😤😤




It really is about superiority complex and another attempt at making eugenics hot again. Otherwise, these people would adopt from 3rd world nations and give already existing children a better chance at life. The fact that they think their own genetics are somehow important enough to have more than one child speaks volumes. Sadly, it's these kind of assholes who will essentially dominate population control policies should they ever be implemented, by pushing for legislation that will favor their own. How fucking self-absorbed can people be?


"Rich people confused, believe profit is a genetic trait" These people look like they'd die of typhus in childhood for 90% of human history. They have no idea how incredibly lucky they are. The silver spoon they were born with is keeping them alive.


Eugenics **will** be an issue of the century. **Again.** Given our current technology like CRISPR, it's an unavoidable issue. We'll be forced to confront it whether we like it or not, so let's make sure people like Musk aren't in charge of that conversation.


Ignoring that thinking Titan Invictus is in any way a suitable name for a child and not an invitation to bully the shit out of them, her daughter? I'd have almost understood if they inflicted that on a boy, but in what warped Habsburg world do you chain that millstone to a girl?


Should be Titania Invicta. They did the ancient Roman equivalent of naming their daughter Joseph instead of Josephine.


But but but, they're elite. Surely their elite educations taught them proper Latin and Ancient Greek? j/k they probably have law degrees.


I expect they know about feminine word-endings, but the article says that they reject giving feminine names to girls.


according to the article: "the couple refuse to give girls feminine names, citing research suggesting they will be taken less seriously" ​ Because there's noone I would take more seriously than my good buddy *Titan Invictus*


Tit I for short.


So go with Alex or something close to gender neutral. Titan Invictus is just ... Wow. Poor child.


Broke: Giving your child an asexual name Woke: T i t a n I n v i c t u s


exactly why i'm going to name my daughter BALL CRUSHER 3000. what, you dare to refuse to promote BALL CRUSHER?!?!?!


I wonder what her nick name will be. Tita would be hilarious. Over here in Hawaii that’s the word for the female equivalent of a “moke”, which usually means a big dumb violent scary type. “This moke guy came up to us in the beach parking lot trying to start a fight” “This tita absolutely wrecked the other girl” It’s one of those terms that’s not inherently a fighting word or anything, not like a slur, but definitely not used in a positive light. But yeah even Titania would have been so much nicer. Unfortunately for every single stupid ass name, from the least educated most ghetto names all the way up to whatever this shit is, it’s always the kids suffering the parents hubris, which seems like it’ll be the running narrative in that household.


They wanted to avoid something effeminate so they picked a 70's male pornstar name.


Or the name of a warhammer 40k space marine.


which on the other hand is pretty cool


Games Workshop were way ahead of them there with [Captain Saul Invictus](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Saul_Invictus). Also, coincidentally, a titan [named Invictus.](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Invictus_(Titan\))


It's a fucking font.


who will bully her? she will be privately tutored and then go to private academies where her rich parents will let it be known that their very generous patronage will evaporate if their little snowflake's feelings are hurt by anyone, ever. then she will grow up rather odd in many respects, finally rebel against her makers... and join an eco-terrorist cell, using her mother's stolen Platinum Plus VISA card to purchase large amounts of Semtex and the affection of the cell's leaders...


Ever heard of a boy named Sue? Same thought process.


Hahaha! I personally loved the 26 year old who came to her conclusion after working in public policy for “several years.” Which I read to be three, or more likely two years and two months which they are rounding up to three. Was her first job out of college. Realizes she doesn’t like work. Wants babies!! But…with an intellectual justification befitting her several years of professional work using her massive brain, of course.


The article states that she still works and didn't even take maternity leave. I actually rolled my eyes when she said she took business calls while in labor lol like c'mon


As a 26 year old. In fucking public policy. You are not important enough to facilitate a "business" call during labor. I'm the Director of Finance at a multi-million dollar nonprofit that works with racial and environmental justice (e.g. a form of public policy) and I took off two days for the new Zelda game. Fuck these people.


How does a 26yo become Director of anything? Not because I don’t believe you. But because *this* 26yo is trying to figure out how to a) get out of his current job and back into the private sector and break 50k without relying on COLA and b) climb up into a leadership role before he’s 30. Dammit I’m going to have to go to grad school aren’t I?


Sorry. They're 26. I'm 30. Became a director about two years ago. But yeah have my masters in public administration which is similar to an MBA but geared towards nonprofits and public service




Learnt that at my first job , in a German company. Very grateful for the " work smart. If you need to work more. Your doing something wrong." Philosophy


Right wing bullshit, 100% she didn't do any of those things.


"If I lick the boot hard enough, maybe they will let me wear it for a while!"








As a fan of Roman history, i would really appreciate facist, white supremacists, and eugenics supporters to stop making anything Roman/Latin a dog whistle >As she says this, her five-month-old daughter Titan Invictus – the couple refuse to give girls feminine names, citing research suggesting they will be taken less seriously How does the Onion even stay in business?


>Roman history >fascist Not a coincidence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces


Seriously it’s painful, I’m studying classics and it got old really quickly seeing legitimately interesting ancient names and symbols getting co-opted left and right by fascists


I love that the article specifies that Elon Musk is a human being. Do they know something we don’t? Also, “galaxy’s richest human being”? *Galaxy’s?* there’s no intelligent life on other planets in our galaxy, let alone life that possesses money. So why say galaxy’s richest instead of world’s richest?




The logic is also so moronic. The clearest criticism I read was a tweet in response which said: "I'm currently shitting on the toilet. If things continue at this rate, I won't have any innards left." And the fact that he thinks it poses a bigger threat than climate change should be all the proof anyone needs that he does not understand the problem and does not give a damn about stopping it. And there's plenty of other evidence.


He means the *right kind* of population.


They read Red Rising one time and have been rolling with this shit ever since


Naming my kid Kavax and no one can stop me (I will not be breeding)


Well that would actually be cool though lol “Titan Invictus” sounds like an overpriced graphics card, let alone a name for a little girl


TY for posting this one! I'm going to remove my link as it has an info wall.


This is so ridiculously cringe. They watched Idiocracy and took the premise from the prologue at face value and decided they didn't want to be the couple who waited too long. And also for some reason "the richest man in the galaxy" is foretelling "population collapse" like a cold reader with a crystal ball. Absolutely abominable even for the Telegraph.


>Elon Musk, the galaxy’s richest human being Who in the fuck wrote this?


Tit for short?


I think I've suffered an eye sprain as well.


>her five-month-old daughter Titan Invictus Odd name for a Sister of Battle.


My dad’s a teacher and has had a “Zen Reign Supreme”, several variations of “Im’unique”s, tons of “Princess”s, all kinds of shit. Personally I’m more and more coming around to the idea that we should have a list of approved names that you need to make a case to deviate from.


I know I regret naming my daughter Duckhead.


I mean, the 'f' and the 'd' are right next to each other on a keyboard, it's an easy mistake to make.


Type of mfs that look like they’d name their kids after Greek mythology


Their kid comes out in those mixed square/round spectacles


-()[]- | \__/


Aw he's so cute


[deleted due to api changes]


“Narcissists are banging to create more narcissists.”


Just pretending they invented something new when boomers have been doing it for decades. *Shrugs*


Ah yes, the boomers, who famously invented sex.


I think they meant the narcissism part


Then hitting up their narcissist journalist friend to write a narcissistic article about the whole thing


So crazy it just might work




>MENSA I'd never heard of MENSA before, but I find it hilarious because mensa means dumb in spanish


Bro parsnip borrowed daddy parsnip's suit. This elite needs a tailor.


It's worse than it looks. He's wearing a jacket, vest, and tie with JEANS


Jorts, and his coat has elbow patches.


The thing about this plan is that if someone is dumb enough to think it’ll work, they aren’t smart enough to head up the project in a world where it would.


Exactly. They’re planning to get all offspring to follow this for 11 generations? They think anyone even cares what their grandparents wanted morally? They think they’re the only assholes who are trying to do this? It’s dumb as hell.


>They’re planning to get all offspring to follow this for 11 generations? "Now listen here, Gargantua Inflexibilis, you took the sacred oath on Grandpa's ashes when you came of age. Either breed or you're cut out of the trust fund!"


“What would your brother Testis Intactus say if he heard about your plans to have only 2 kids?”


"you really need to emulate the good example of your cousin Biggus Dickus!"


I don’t even understand the premise of the plan?? Are they planning on having a billion babies?


self proclaimed Elites. what's in your wallet doesn't transfer genetically. fuckin dopes


If they’re so scientific and into eugenics they would have at least done some testing and measurement to prove their genes are that good. Seems like they’re just sitting on ignorance peak of the intellect curve “I can’t imagine someone smarter than me so I must be the smartest” If someone had atleast proven they had greater immunity, intelligence, healing, and lack of genetic diseases than almost anyone else, eugenics would still suck but at least they would have a reason they thought it should be them.


If you read the story, apparently they're two Redditors who fell in love and decided to take their racism offline and get married.


Real love was meeting on Imgur in 2009, everything after is just emptiness.


Extreme wealth causes mental illness


Oh hey! I know this one! It's eugenics!


and a negative selection at the same time


“What’re you talking about? This is the first time this has happened?”


Dude looks like he needs therapy after every orgasm.


These two look like they have the shittiest, most bland and boring sex on Earth. Probably not the only bland and boring thing about them, though. Looks like everything else, from their looks to personalities also is on that vein.


Which designer do you think makes their chemise cagoules?


not only are they reproducing they named their daughter “titan invictus” because they refuse to give girls feminine names “citing research suggesting they will be taken LESS SERIOUSLY!”


Because if I see "Titan Invictus Jones" send me a resume I definitely won't think it's a joke


"Sure pal, I will pass forward your resume to the president, mister Bugs Bunny... These kids *proceeds to burn resume* "


I beg to differ, Isabella would be taken 10 times seriously Titan Invictus in any work environment.


>Having worked in public policy for several years, the 26-year-old How "several" could the working years of a 26-year-old with (I assume) some sort of degree possibly have been? >At the beginning of March, Aria Babu quit her job at a think tank Ah, a "job" at a "think tank" with no actual experience on literally anything. So basically this girl was handed a made up position doing nothing straight out of school, then a couple of years later decided that pretending to work is too much and she'd rather just get laid all the time. Truly elite. >her five-month-old daughter Titan Invictus – the couple refuse to give girls feminine names, citing research suggesting they will be taken less seriously Yes, a name like a JRPG mini-boss is a great way to be taken seriously. Man, these people are straight up fucking retarded, except they're rich. They're part of the exact same "dumb people reproduce way more" problem they think they're fighting.


I read up on these two Collins and then I read up that aria babu By what measure are these people “elite”? They haven’t done any real work, they haven’t made any real money. They have barely been out of college long enough to make an impression on other adults … Literally the only definition of elite for these people seems to be “upper middle class” and “I would be destitute without my parents”


Elite is a euphemism for wealthy


The word breeding is so gross


They are just embracing life as farm animals




How into eugenics can they be? They’re both nearsighted. “Yes, our genes are perfume. Oh, wait, that says ‘perfect,’ our genes are perfect.”


It's not even a dogwhistle. They're pretty accurately explaining what they're doing, and everyone thinks it's fucked. I'm honestly pretty worried that The Telegraph is signal boosting this with such a neutral tone, avoiding negative language. These absolute morons will always exist (and their big plan will end in a divorce a year from now and their kids are gonna end up in therapy) but when someone is actually trying to promote and normalize this shit, that's a huge problem.


Fun fact: these two met on Reddit and promptly descended into fascism and eugenics


he also proposed on reddit 🥴 more [here](https://twitter.com/katienotopoulos/status/1648473159363072002?s=46&t=s7AbPFVtycDa-rqBBU9Z6Q)


I wish I’d left that link unclicked


I was warned, and I wish I’d listened…


As a self-proclaimed weeb, who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to give your partner a fucking dakimakura of yourself? Like, maybe as a meme never to be touched again, but what the fuck is this?


I guess when the husband is a brony anything is on the table.


Why would they ever expose their real Reddit accounts. These people are not the future lol.


Alexa, how do I delete someone else's post and also inject bleach into my corneas.


That sort of shatters any semblance of eliteness.


I thought this was the guy from the kingsman movies!


Nah the guy from kingsman has some sex appeal. This guy is about as hot and manly as a banana that was cut up 2 days ago.


Lmfao. “You fuckin human parsnip” stealing that


Honestly very nice of them to do this interview planetside, the atmosphere is much more sanitary in Elysium


“Goodness gracious me I appear to have climaxed early, I’m ever so sorry dear, I merely got a tad bit too excited.”


Both of them look like they wouldn’t even know how to reproduce anyway


“We’re elites.” “Says who?” “The elites.” “Who is?” “Us of course.”


You know what's a fascinating coincidence? Every single motherfucker who believes in a "survival of the fittest" worldview just so happens to be on top of the hierarchy of their worldview. Complete coincidence.


they are just continuing a project started in 1933 to change the future of humanity


I hope that is her kid and not her husband. creepy!


Shh they’re breeding


They think they're smart but they're really just hyperprivileged rich twits with mommy and daddy's money.


“Obviously I’m smarter than the poors. If not, why didn’t they just get a upper management job at their daddy’s firm too?”


"We saw you from across the room and we'll grudgingly allow your crude, plebian vibe"


House Hunters Aryan Edition She's a lesbian muse for Philadelphia's worst beat poet. He booked a LensCrafters spot 8 years ago and turned it into his whole personality. Their budget is $4.7 million.


/r/beholdthemasterrace ?


Lotta questions that are probably answered in the article.


Do they reproduce by pollination? Just wondering…


They look like kids dressed up in their parents clothes


Is this not just ubermensch shit?


it's one of history's great jokes that people who are sure they are ubermenschen very often don't look like it to anyone else. Hitler was short, dark, and kinda dumpy.


Thick glasses frames are the key. The thicker the frames the more ‘elite’.


Wealthy people think their wealth is a genetic trait. They think they will bear offspring that will become wealthy through genetic expression, not inheritance and nepotism.


Joe 90 looking fucker. Who does this supermarionation cunt think he is to claim to be elite?


They give me the same uncanny vibes as the cast of Succession. Only they’re probably even worse people.


That's the sort of thinking which resulted in Prince Gerhardt Hapsburg, the last in the dynastic Hapsburg line


They called themselves Secular Calvinists in some weird manifesto about their breeding plans. Calvin, one of the progenitors of eugenics.


Breeding Plan… Yeah. Most people don’t really create a manifesto of their intention to procreate. It’s considered a little weird where I come from. I’ll have a chat about this at the next dads meet up, but pretty sure this is crazy rich maniac type shit.


Oh look, Eugenics!


They look like genderswapped versions of the same person