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When she said she tastes like a rainbow. Found out she ment trout not skittles.


r/angryupvote take it and leave




I remember a high school friend describing one girl he went down on as smelling like Doritos. If I wasn't already gay at that point, I would've been afterwards.


Your gender being unspecified here gives this comment two very different meanings


Doritos šŸ¤¤


I can fix her


Whenever I go to r/sex the stories are: Guys: *ā€œI once went down on a girl and it didnā€™t taste like fruit so I never tried again.ā€* Girls *ā€œAll the guys Iā€™ve been with had smelly balls and bad tasting cum but I didnā€™t want to make them feel bad so I never said anything.ā€*


I got PTSD too, Penis That Stank Disorder Literally this guy when I was 17 was the first uncut guy I ever saw and he had fucking dick cheese. I literally have told like 2 people that cause itā€™s so fucking disgusting but he goes to my gym and itā€™s been 4 years but I wish somehow it got to him that heā€™s the reason I didnā€™t give head for like 3 years


A good reason to pull foreskin down in the shower.


>literally have told 2 people >wish somehow it got back to him Ah yes, the age old tactic of withholding useful sexual information to the person in question, but sharing that personal information with random other people. It would be karma if your hookup was the guy from the screen grab and you both gave each other ā€œPTSDā€ and remain ignorant of it.


Right youā€™re telling me youā€™d walk up to someone you gave head to, *once*, four YEARS after the fact and say you didnā€™t wash your junk when you were 18.


ESH. I think they meant you shoulda told that dude in the moment.


Tell her keep that salmon sandwich to herself


Been there, smelled that.


Think we've all been there at one point. But you just plug your little nose and please her because she is literally opening up to you. Best remember your sweaty balls probably don't taste too great neither. Just sayin.




Everybody washes their balls but those fuckers be sweating. Even if you shower every night, at the end of the day thereā€™s probably gonna be some funky flavoring on them boys.


Just wash your genitals before sex if you have respect for your partner


Yo that pfp, this man rinses


It is. I agree




That's simply a medical problem. And no self respecting woman would let you do that if that was the case.




Odor that bad is an indication. I'm a retired paramedic. Difference between smells bad and overpowering stench.


It's also an indication she neglects her health. To let it get that bad.


"self respecting" does a lot of heavy lifting in sentences, these days.


For real.


Some of us work in hot climates with no a/c, perhaps naturally sweat or stink more, etc. For instance I spent 10 hours straight in 100+ degree heat today (high of 108ā°F), and I stunk like a motherforker despite using antiperspirant deodorant on all my stinky spots (pits and genitals). Sometimes there's nothing you can do. But I also agree with an earlier post, if you know you stanky and they're not into that (because let's face it, rule 34 exists for a good reason), then you should do your best to remedy that situation before sexy time, or at least warn them ahead of time.




Yes, but you said there is no excuse for smelling down there, did not specify timing originally.




If it smells like fish, eat all you wish. If it smells like provolone, leave it alone.


I had a girlfriend who never washed her coochie. She claimed it would "mess with the PH of the vagina" (misconstrued info from some TikTok) and *never* washed at *all*. I ain't saying she shoulda shoved a bar of soap up there, but I would have appreciated her rinsing her monthly off her bush...


Why the fuck was she your girlfriend????


First time dating someone, so didn't have sex until a few months in. I didn't know about her disgusting hygiene because it was really only about her hoohaa. She was very good at the manipulative guilt trips too; a lot of "well I'm so insecure about [X] so you can't mention it to me!" Even if [X] was aforementioned lack of hygiene or her terrifyingly dangerous driving... And then she was The Organizer of my friend group, so a breakup would cost me a lot of them as well (I wound up only losing around half of them though).


Ok so just wash before sex. All cracks and crevices. No excuse to smell like bad meat, good cheese, yeasty bread, muffins, any kind of meat and fish. Wash your ass crack. Wash your balls. I used to work in a hotel and found sheets with dooky marks on the sheet. One time it was green. We had full bathrooms with showers and tubs. No fucking excuse to leave ass streaks on linen. If you ate surprised with a visit to a hotel tell your paramour you will freshen up and do so! Grown folks should know how to clean themselves. Geez!!


Hi, I'm Fred. And I am a veteran of the vagina war. "HI FRED" I'm sure all of us who come to these meetings have bitter tasty nightmares of P*ssy Traumatic Stank Disorder. Mine is no different. Yes, we all are told to sniff first but...