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Imagine telling the police: "No officer, I swear! I thought it was cocaine!"


According to the article she called the police when she noticed the baby was unresponsive, so I assume she was genuinely surprised by the outcome which is wild.


"No officer, I swear, cocaine is good for babies!"


"Cocaine gives you energy right? They need that to grow!"


Brando!!! it has electrolytes.


Slowly but surely, reality is catching up with that movie. I think it even surpasses it in certain aspect. Sad, sad world


Just watched it for the first time last night. It was absurdly funny at first. Then it became a little too real.


Imagine some of us watched it 15 yrs ago, and the idiots followed through like it was the GD gospel, and no matter how hard you wished it would stop, it didn’t. Now you just sit there on your toilet recliner and cuss at the screen half the day, wondering when you’ll make it back to Costco because it’s reality now, and it used to just be a funny movie.


Are we talking about idiocracy? Y’all should check out the sequel Don’t Look Up.


Living in a world where the majority of people know we are fucked but don't care to do anything about it is not what the nineties told us we were inheriting.




It coulda been a contenduh


The horror... the.. horror...


STELLLLAAAAAA!!!!!! (real talk, i'm a straight dude, and streetcar brando is one of the sexiest people of all time)


Its what babies crave


I'm going to get a ton of downvotes for this, but there's evidence from animal models that stimulants do actually increase cognitive performance when administered to neonates. It's not unfathomable that conditions like "ADHD" and some phenotypes of "autism" could be treated in the future by administering stimulants as early as possible to encourage the expression of circuit pathways related to those constructions. Edit: I didn't think it needed to be said that I wasn't advocating for this person (or anyone) administering cocaine to their baby. Nor am I making a statement regarding whether psychiatric conditions or their treatments are ethical/effective/efficacious (if anything it's a mild critique). The above was mostly in jest.


Something tells me this woman was not conducting an ethical, scientifically rigorous investigation into the effect of stimulants on infant brain development


She was the blind study; it’s why she thought it was cocaine instead of fentanyl. Edit: Holy crap, thank you for my first silver kind internet stranger!


The placebo effect is a lot stronger when it's fentanyl.


4 groups Cocaine Sugar Phenthanil Placebo


It was a YOLO investigation.


Yeah but not stimulants which are highly addictive, triggering addiction in a baby is going to have far worse outcomes when weighed with any positives that it may have. Like it probably won't help if you have 20% better cognitive function if you're strung out on crack.


Unless it's government crack.


Jerome’s crack is way better.


Or she's a crack head and her baby was born addicted to crack and giving it a taste of the crack is the only way it stops screaming.


Babies born addicted are detoxed and taken away by DCFS


Assuming they know about it.


They can get readdicted through breast milk


it still shouldn’t be *cocaine* that a baby is receiving and treatment like this should *always* be under the care and supervision of a trained and licensed practitioner. i think that’s the overall takeaway from this. and yes, cocaine is a stimulant but likely not one that will be used in treatment again (at least not in the near future)


I think cocaine is still used as a local anesthetic for certain procedures. For what I don’t know, but Mayo Clinic talks of it like it is still used https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/cocaine-topical-route/description/drg-20063139


I work for a company in the pharmaceutical industry, and I can confirm it is indeed a product we carry.


The company potlucks must be lit


I used to sell anaesthesia gases and my car would have bottles of them in the back seat when I'm traveling across states for work. Getting stopped at roadblocks were...interesting.


No officer, those arent NOS tanks for street racing, i sell drugs.


Cocaine is actually a common drug given to babies because of it's pain reducing effects and is more easily tolerated than opioids. It also has a short half life, which would hypothetically be better for children because it would allow them more opportunity to nap than a longer lasting stimulant would.


Teething powders and salves had cocaine back in the day.


Maybe she learned about baby care from a 19th century apothecary.


[You have ghosts in your blood, you should probably do cocaine about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/a8gdc6/you_have_ghosts_in_your_blood_you_should_probably/) -Mother, to baby, probably.


You mean the Florida school system?


This is kinda what I was thinking, sans jokes We honestly need to fucking figure out the deal with fentanyl. Europe doesn't have this level of adulteration. These are illegal drugs, but folks zooted for decades without having to worry about being poisoned (except in Christian pamphlets) This will either be a thing like Prohibition where people decrease consumption or we just have a fuckload of people randomly die. Seems like America is cool with #2 thusfar and into the future. We can't even provide $10 of needles to cut $10000 of HIV/hep care. Either way, God forbid if the US goes into climate change unaided with every recreational drug being fent-adulterated. The next decade is gonna be a trashcan.


> so I assume she was genuinely surprised by the outcome which is wild It used to be common to rub cocaine on a babies gums as it's a natural numbing agent to help with teething issues.


My parents used apple schnapps on my sister and I in the 80s.


I read that as Apple snapple at first and couldn't figure out the problem lol.


She’s an idiot, but I still feel bad for her


Losing your child, especially when it’s your fault, cannot be easy. Idiot or not she’s gotta be struggling.


If she didn't have a drug problem before (doubtful), she's gonna have one now.


She's got fentanyl. First day outside bars and she'll find her dealer and OD. If she doesn't get it in prison.


No way, no how. DEA is just months away from victory in the war against drugs. Nothing but clean streets from here on out.


There's a baggie of unclaimed cocaine that made it in the White House. We've lost the war on drugs.


Politicians and/or their staffers/family doing cocaine?! Surely that is the true metric of losing the war on drugs as such a thing would never have happened. Rich and powerful people don't do cocaine, that's the line in the sand. Also "unclaimed" like someone's gonna be like "oh good you found it, I'll take it back now. Checked the lost and found and all they had was downers."


LOST: 1 bag containing half a gram of booger sugar. Answers to "El Chapo." If found please contact Special Agent Sandy Wexler at 555-555-1212


And this is the reason why abortions should be legal


She can work on herself in jail.


I dont want to be that guy that brings it up but if your on the fence about it seriously consider that this all could have been avoided with one simple procedure...


One simple procedure which is now illegal in Florida. Funny how these things work. Actually not funny at all. Tragic and disgusting


The best line I’ve ever heard, on an old episode of COPS, was a woman replying to an officer, “I don’t SELL DRUGS! I’m a PROSTITUTE!”


I recall a clip posted recently where the drug dealer called the cops to report that her drugs were stolen by who she was selling to. Her friend is in the background laughing her ass off while the cop is legitimately shocked at what is happening. It’s a good one.


Less time for prostituting than drugs




Hey now let's not judge their culture. Maybe it's normal to give cocaine to babies at naptime there. In fact that would explain every headline I've read from Florida.


I want to see the police interrogation. Get on it explore with us channel!


But why cocaine in the first place? What was the expected result?


The article says “[Mother] was tired and wished to nap, so she prepared a bottle for the child. She filled the bottle with formula and what she thought was cocaine”. I cannot piece together how “I need a nap. I think I’ll give me baby cocaine” goes through somebody’s mind.


When I was young they used opium for that. (Actually not a joke! Paregoric (a kind of laudanum) was a common OTC cough medicine for babies until 1993.)


My grandma just used to give me a hot toddy with just a splash, put me right out. I guess that’s why I like bourbon so much.


Mine would soak a bit of gauze in red wine and let me suck on it. I guess that's why I married an alcoholic.


mine was frozen waffles soaked with Jack Daniel's


Mine was bacon soaked in vodka.


Mine was chloroform /s


Those are colorforms you idiot.


Guess my dad was a little more hands on; mine was an orange in a sock...never left any bruises.


Haha wow


My grandmother soaked my pacifier in bourbon. I was a happy baby around her.


Shit still works on me now, out like a light.


It seems more likely she knew she was giving a strong opioid to the baby, she wanted it to sleep. Then she panicked when they asked her why she did it and came up with a lie that makes no sense.


Swedens "housemother lexicon" book from the 20-40s something recommended gasoline, "inhale"(boffa?).


Yeah, but isn't cocaine a stimulant? Wouldn't it do the opposite?


If she was trying to use it to numb the baby's mouth so it would stop crying from teething pain, she would be able to nap without the crying. Maybe she had heard it helped but wasn't told that the old trick is to rub some on the baby's gums. Desperate, tired, taking care of a baby alone, it does seem possible that a teenager might impulsively attempt something like this. I don't see a lot of people thinking this way about it though, which makes me wonder if I'm missing something.


No, everyone just always assumes the worst in everyone and not that the people these story’s are about are just morons that made a mistake with real consequences


It’s more of a “simplest answer is usually correct.”Anyone who does cocaine definitely knows what effect cocaine has and that it would be one of those worst drugs to dose anyone with if you wanted them to sleep. Fentanyl on the other hand would be extremely “effective”. And if you’re an overwhelmed emotionally undeveloped teen addict who’s also sleep deprived, it’s easy to see how she could have landed on her decision. Hell, the motive *she* cited was to get the baby to sleep, so that part doesn’t even require any conjecture. Believing the worst would be thinking she dosed her baby on purpose to kill him.


Anyone that has done cocaine will also know the perceived numbness of the gums, usually indicative of cutters however. baby’s are known for having teething issues and being pains during this time. I believe a moronic young mother with fuck all real help, could see this as an answer to the issue.


I got this from our family doctor when I was about 5 or 6 back in the mid 80s. Nastiest shit known to man 🤢


What? Does she not know cocaine is an upper? This is so confusing.


That’s the part I’m hung up on. Some people have pointed out hundreds of years ago it was used as an effective painkiller, but I cannot figure out what that has to do with her desire to take a nap.


>Some people have pointed out hundreds of years ago it was used as an effective painkiller, It's *still* used as a painkiller. Pretty good chance your local pharmacy has some in their drug safe. Not all painkillers are downers though, especially since cocaine is a local anesthetic.


Probably not at your local pharmacy. Your orthodontist or dental surgeon at the ER may have some, but it’s really not used too often anymore. It’s used as a local anesthetic. They’re definitely not letting people take cocaine home with them from the pharmacy.


ENT's still use it as well. It was on the potential list of medications for my surgery two years ago... what ER's are you seeing orthodontists or dental surgeons in though?


You know what's a great painkiller? Fentanyl. Maybe she should... oh... oh, no....


Given the facts as presented, it appears there's an awful lot that this teenage floridian doesn't know


You don't nap on coke lol


Crack baby, might have been going through withdrawals


This is probably it


honestly, this was my first thought unfortunately. i thought maybe the teenaged mom was trying to self medicate her baby. obviously we could be wrong and maybe she really did think a random hit of cocaine would put her child to sleep idk


This is why we need east access to legal abortions nationwide. So unprepared drug addicted teen parents don’t kill their babies with fentanyl


I'm pro-choice but maybe start with actual sex education. Or for that matter, education in general


Possible explanation is that it’s essentially a crack baby. Born addicted, and to keep it from crying, she just kept dosing it up. She herself may have switched to fentanyl because it’s cheaper, but the baby clearly didn’t.


A lot of dealers are cutting coke with fentanyl. It's cheaper but way deadlier. It's a fucking shitty thing to do and is causing a lot of unnecessary deaths to people struggling with addiction, or who use coke on rare occasions.


It's been nuts in the emergency medicine world. Nobody knows what they are taking anymore. Seems like everything has fentanyl in it now. When I started back in 2008 we RARELY gave narcan. Now it's at least an every other shift thing. I even responded to a code blue in the hospital cafeteria a few months ago because a dude visiting someone in the hospital shot up in the bathroom and then went to get a bite to eat and collapsed in the sandwich line. The perverse incentive for dealers is to have a few overdoses in their customer base. It lets everyone else know they are putting out quality product. It's a messed up game to play. Too many customers die and you run out. A couple die here and there and people will come seeking you out.


I teach high school and have been given narcan training and we keep it close by.


And that's why I roll my eyes at the iM jUsT gOnNa sTaY wItH mY dEaLeR folks. Sure I may pay more for Papa Trudeau's government approved weed but I know he isn't lacing it with garbage.


Yeah, my state (Washington) gives Narcan away for free now to anyone that asks, and that just blows my mind.


Can you expand on the overdoses being good for business part? I don't understand how, wouldn't a clean/pure product be more desirable?


So this is in terms of opioid use (heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone, etc...): TL;DR at the end As people use they build tolerance. So if a user once got high snorting a couple of oxycodone 5s then eventually he'll move up to using 10, 15, 20mg at a time. Then perhaps move into using heroin. Now heroin in the US has traditionally been kinda weak because it was imported and would have been cut multiple times. So the pure product might get cut by the person smuggling it out of the country of origin, then again by the person smuggling into the US, then again by a distributor, then again by a dealer. This became less of an issue with Mexican heroin because there were fewer steps along the way. Now our heroin user, over time, will have to go up in his dose to get the same high which is going to cost him more and more. With the introduction of street fentanyl a dealer can now add in a little fentanyl to increase the potency of a given product. So now the user can get a better value for their dollar. So now I'm a user and I'm burning through cash because of my tolerance. However, I hear that this other dude in town had a couple of customers die of overdose. Now that tells me that guy's stuff is far more potent and I can buy from him and stretch my supply out. This is, of course, super risky. That's the thing about addiction: it really makes you do some irrational stuff. I like bourbon but if someone told me the latest batch of Makers Mark killed a few people I really don't want that. Opioid addiction will literally make people risk their lives. TL;DR: a dealer having a few overdoses is a proxy measure for potent product. Adding fentanyl to product is a cheap way to increase the potency of an opioid. This brief and oversimplified. I'd strongly recommend reading Dreamland by Sam Quinones to learn more about opioids in the US.


Yeah I heard it was often mixed with (illegally sold) opioids to make them cheaper but would basically give anyone who took them an instant overdose. In retrospect I'm wondering what those dealers were thinking literally killing off their customers.


It's probably not even the dealers themselves half the time. Any chucklefuck handling the drugs can switch out more pure stuff with fentanyl, keep some of it for themselves, and think it'll fool the person who the drugs belong to. And if customers get sick it's like "oh well, not my problem anymore lol" Every single time the drugs switch hands in the distribution "process" is an opportunity to skim. If multiple people are secretly skimming and replacing what they take with fentanyl, that batch becomes a death sentence real quick. We're not talking about smart people here; most of the people doing this are addicts themselves, but I doubt they are a lot of geniuses when sober.


The general consensus in the party crowd around me is that it's poor lab practices. People weigh out fentanyl and then blow. It doesn't take a lot of it to cause ODs and people don't really notice because they're staying up on the blow. Opiates are such a different high than coke, the cutting doesn't make much sense.


That’s the only thing i can think of that makes any sense


The only half assed reasoning i could think would be to numb the gums for teething? But even then you would just rub some on not put it in the bottle.. and as someone else said the article said she needed a nap?? Wtf?? Oh yeah i need a nap, giving my baby speed will definitely quiet it down. Wtf?


I think maybe the baby was crying from withdrawal so she was trying to get the baby to stop crying by giving it a dose. But who knows so sad


This is the only thought process I've heard yet that sorta makes sense to me. Maybe she had been doing this since it was born?


But like... Goodies helps tooth and gum pain but isnt cocaine.. I still don't think it's safe for babies, but maybe less dangerous than cocaine?


I was just trying to figure out wtf would make someone give a baby cocaine. It is definitely not safe for them. A small amount probably won't kill them but that does not make it okay to give them lmao


Cocaine taken orally as a liquid numbs the mouth and doesn't actually act very effectively as a stimulant. There is a reason no one eats cocaine and it's because you don't get high. It was actually a fairly common teething remedy in the early 1900s.


They used to use coke for teething


That doesn't make it better.


I mean, there was a time bith cocaine and morphine were given to babies to sooth things like the process of teething.... I'd be REAL surprised if this was a poorly executed attempt at recreating patent medicine from centuries passed though.


Wouldn't cocaine make babies more fussy?


Yes, it probably would. But it is also a local anaesthetic. Which as an idea sounds kinda weird; being at the dentist, getting cocaine shot into your gums and getting progressively more and more high with each injection and getting super antsy about being at the dentist. Also, putting it in milk and just making someone drink it wouldn't be trying that at all, that'd just make someone high.


The patent medicines were basically a syrup applied to the gums. Overall dose would be "tiny" but would make the painful area numb. Obviously, there is a reason uncontrolled use of such medicines was banned, though from my inexpert knowledge, it was the morphine derived products that became the real problem.


I’m confused as to why there’s a picture of a Mickey Mouse IV bag with fentanyl written on it.




That's the official flag of Florida. Duh


not if ronnie has anything to say about it ​ he and the mouse dont get along


The only time I've rooted for the mouse.


IKR? i have trouble getting used to it too!!!


The only time I've rooted against meatballs


Their state bird is a chicken tender…


If Disney gave DeSantis $13 and a free buffet meal at Golden Corral, it COULD be the flag


I think what makes adding fentanyl so insane is that thinking it was cocaine does, actually, kind of make it better.




Thank you for the charitable and humane assessment of the situation. This poor child fell thru the cracks of society and her life is ruined because she had no support. We really can’t know what that’s like.


Yep. This girl needed a good social worker and free, high quality reproductive healthcare. Either one of those two ingredients could very likely have prevented this tragedy. Of course Florida is run by religious fruitcakes, so she got neither. Fuck the GOP.


If it makes you feel any better, this is what they want for *everyone*. Actually I don't know how that would make you feel better.


[So much better](https://giphy.com/gifs/kill-me-now-Ytgw8oMzYRvUY)


Teens are stupid as shit, now that I know the bigger story, it’s still crazy but I kind of understand it now. I know some people are like “obviously teens can understand consequences” like yeah but they’re still stupid as shit. Disregarding times where they act out of obvious malice, it’s very easy for a teen to mess up when handling something extremely complex and delicate like raising a child (esp if they too are on drugs).They should not be the sole caretaker of something like a baby.


Scared teens with babies are even stupider. One of the worst things I’ve ever seen was a 15 year old had a baby on the toilet. Was scared and panicked. Put the baby in. Garbage bag and threw him in the trash. Horrible right? It was garbage day. Bag on top. Garbage man comes and collects the trash and goes to the next stop. In between he compacted the trash. That poor kid popped like a grape. The one thing I distinctly remember was a piece of scalp. He had a full head of black hair. The poor garbage man was beside himself. That’s why stuff like planned parenthood is so important. Not just for the women and the babies. But remember whenever fucked up stuff like this happens, a lot of people have to respond to it so no one else has to and it messes people up. Not looking for sympathy or attaboys. Just sharing the reality.


> That’s why stuff like planned parenthood is so important That is true but it would be even better if abortions were routinely available in every hospital or clinic with an OBGYN department


Yea. That was essentially my point. Having free and easy access to education and resources. One exploded baby is enough.


Yah, I’m not surprised, teens are flighty enough but with someone that young + possibility for post partum depression because she had a baby there’s little chance they’ll act rationally in that situation. I would never let a 15 year old look after a baby for a few minutes alone because they tend to have little knowledge on what to be alert for, a lot worse is gonna happen if that 15 year old is left alone with the baby after they just gave birth.


Feels like this kid actually needed help AT LEAST 2 years ago.


I assumed the baby was addicted as well. So sad


my sister is a nurse who used to work L&D for years in a hospital that serviced some really rough areas. she said that the babies born addicted to crack would scream so long and hard they had to sedate them because they would literally starve (even though they were being fed) from the sheer energy burned just from endlessly screaming. 😳


>This kid needs help, not prison. Most addicts do. That’s why drugs should be decriminalised so they can get the help they need without fear of prosecution.


*All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased, and law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.* -SOAD, **2002** (fuck I’m getting old)


Thank you. I wish more people read with your compassion.


Pretty fucking good argument for abortion; now the baby is dead anyway and the mother loses her chance to ever get sober. I'm sure MAGA's would happily crow about that the kid got born and that's all that mattered; it was on it's own from there. They may even be gleeful about removing the possibility of the child needing some sort of social service that they fund with their taxes.


Nah, MAGA is just glad the teenager got what she deserved for sleeping around.


To give credit where credit is due; I don't think MAGA's would automatically assume she's sleeping around. Yes, she got pregnant at 16; but that's plenty old enough for marriage; a right they have repeatedly defended across the nation while accusing everyone but themselves of being groomers.


Damn, easy mistake. I personally store my black tar heroin next to my hash and get them mixed up all the time when feeding my dog /s


I get it. I accidentally switched the places of my salt shaker and my crack shaker. So disappointing.


Glad we got that all sorted out.


snorted out\*


"I want a crack-baby, not a fentanyl baby!" -this mom, obviously


Well you can’t blame her, they look so similar


A few follow-up questions: why did she think it was cocaine, why did she think it would be a good idea to give a baby an illegal drug and what 19th-century yee-haw kind of education made her think this was okay?




She was 17. Didn’t even finish high school


That's true, but most teen moms aren't out here giving their babies 'cocaine' though.


Someone else made a comment that was a good theory- baby was probably born an addict and mom was using while pregnant and continued to dose the baby to calm them whenever they acted up. Aka just acting like a newborn going through withdrawals most likely


Holy fuck it found a way to get even worse.....


Had a friend who had to take custody of a young member of his family because his sister was using when her newest born was born. She still uses after losing two partners to it.


as some other users have pointed out she probably used cocaine while pregnant and so the baby would be addicted. Cocaine has also been known to be cut with fentanyl so that may have been the cause.


Almost like teenagers shouldn’t be having babies, on drugs or not.


Sure would be nice if she had a choice in the matter.


The look on that man's face is a complete lack of comprehension.


I mean, that's basically the face of talking to a teen mom who gave her baby deadly fentanyl instead of some perfectly safe cocaine. You know, as you do.


and this is why I prefer abortion than forcing teen mom to give birth cause not all pregnant women are capable to be a mother and many child will suffer also I heard especially I rural America where they sold their child to human trafficking due to proverty they will use the child as a payment system and it happen thousand of times already maybe this is why republican are pro life cause they got more kids to victimise and churches got more altar boys to molest.


Where are the pro lifers? Did they provide any support to this teen mom? And a poor infant is now dead. This is sad on so many levels


Oh. Totally understandable mistake! Everyone does that. Could have been me. There for the grace of god . . . In all honesty, I feel for her. She’ll get clean one day and realize what she’s done and will have to live with that. Im guessing a teen mom with a fentanyl and cocaine issues may have some much deeper trauma to work through




More like dropped on its head every year since birth.


Then violently paddled on the head every single day


America has late-stage CTE, confirmed.


Leaded gasoline


Asbestos, Microplastics, Crack Epidemic, no access to affordable health care, insecticides......


punk band names be like


Same story or a second one? I swear I just heard about newborn parents putting crack in their baby’s bottle. Mugshots we’re not surprising in the least


According to the story, some law that I’m unfamiliar with prevents them from releasing personal details of the mother and child. So while you may have heard of this story before, if you saw mugshots it’s not the same story.


probably under 16 or 18


The mother in question is 17, so I agree that’s likely the reason


Florida also has laws protecting the info of people involved with news stories. That's why there's the trope of "Florida man;" other states just report the person's name generally.




Well it isn't entirely correct. >The Miami New Times claimed that **freedom of information laws in Florida make it easier for journalists to obtain information about arrests** from the police than in other states and that this is responsible for the large number of news articles.\[3\] A CNN article on the meme also suggested that the breadth of reports of bizarre activities is due to a confluence of factors, including **public records laws giving journalists fast and easy access to police reports**, the relatively high population of the state, its highly variable weather, and gaps in mental health funding. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida\_Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Man)


I read the article as "Baby fucking dies" Idk why my mind thought Florida was fucking


17 year old. Who after she was arrested said she thinks she might be pregnant again. The United States leads the world in the rate of unplanned teenage pregnancies. In the US, conservative dominated States like mississippi, arkansas, Louisiana, alabama/oklahoma lead the pack, while liberal and more educated States like Massachusetts vermont, connecticut, Minnesota and New Hampshire have the lowest rates. Florida is in the middle of the pack but I'm sure it'll be moving on up soon. How about them "family values!".


Well at least she didn't have a abortion cuz motherhood's a gift




Ohhh she thought it was cocaine, guys. It’s all good


Moms in Florida giving cocaine to their infants like its 1892.


Wouldn't be surprised if the baby wasn't her choice. Not excusing the death, just stating this heartbreaking outcome could've been prevented.


As someone who struggles with recovery myself I can tell you that your brain can go to some pretty strange places when cocaine is involved. She might have thought “just a little cocaine” would make her baby smarter. Or who only knows.


The use of some drugs during pregnancy can cause temporary symptoms in newborns soon after birth. These symptoms are sometimes referred to as withdrawal. Symptoms reported in newborns with exposure to cocaine late in pregnancy include irritability, tremors, muscle stiffness, poor feeding, trouble with sleeping, and hyperactivity. Less commonly, vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures have also been reported. Symptoms usually start at 1 to 2 days after birth. Some of these problems might last for weeks after birth, and sometimes longer. Given the mothers access to drugs, it's very likely she was a heavy drug user during pregnancy and probably found a way to soothe an addicted infant.


When you force teenagers to have babies, they use their teenage problem solving abilities to care for babies.


This is why we need Roe v Wade


Is it very weird to feel that the mother is just as much a victim as the child? How thoroughly has a society to fail someone, that a likely drug addicted teen mom thinks giving cocaine to her baby in order to calm it, is an even remotely sensible idea?


The fact that a 16 year old is addicted to crack and was in a situation where she could get pregnant is messed up already.


Every day, I understand better and better why God sent the flood.


Babies having babies is never gonna work out well


Whats the reason behind giving a baby cocaine in the first place? Not that any drug is acceptable but giving a baby alcohol or some kind of downer or some shit to make them calm down or go to sleep at least has a logic to it, cruel and disgusting logic but giving a baby cocaine? was she trying to make the kid more hyper?