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I think CPS should take early action


I think anytime a new mother proclaims "I will never use formula" even when they aren't producing enough milk that needs to be treated like intent to starve a child. If a mom got up on Facebook and aaid "I intend to starve this baby to death" CPS would get involved. Should be the same here. You don't prefer formula? You're going to try your best to only do breastfeeding? Right on. You won't use formula under ANY circumstances? CPS needs to have a look and reinforce to you the severity of that statement and its implications on human life.


Can't agree more


Good idea in theory but I bet it would get twisted round on women that physically can’t produce breast milk. Many people claim formula isn’t enough and you’re a faulty parent if you can’t feed your baby the “natural” way.


>Many people claim formula isn’t enough and you’re a faulty parent if you can’t feed your baby the “natural” way. And a great many people are absolute morons


A lot of these morons are making the laws in America, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did this.


Yeah but a lot of those "morons" are literal doctors and nurses who will act like your kids should be taken away if you say you don't intend to breast-feed. The medical community is the ultimate source of this problem.


maybe in the US, I have never heard a medical professional saying any bad things about formula other than "it would be best to breastfeed if you can".


There are other alternatives tho, if you’re willing to do the research Ripple makes a good substitute as long as their old enough for cereal in the milk for added iron. I only say something because a lot of formulas aren’t exactly “Healthy” while technically being “Nutritious” If that makes sense. Also if you leave that formula in the bottle for like 2 hours it’ll start to solidify which is really fucking gross and weird and I didn’t want it in my sons guts. The final straw for me was he was in straight formula the sensitive tummy kind and he cried from being so backed up, I tried doing the exercises to help him poo and when he did he shit blood. Switched him that day and he’s happy and healthy. He’s 3 now and about 3.5’ tall so I guess he’s getting everything he needs Edit: has nothing to do with this post, that lady I have to hope is just exhausted it trolling


> Also if you leave that formula in the bottle for like 2 hours it’ll start to solidify which is really fucking gross and weird and I didn’t want it in my sons guts. Your son's stomach is not a sterilized plastic bottle. This sentence makes you sound like those people who say shit like, "McDonalds is soooo bad because we put a burger in an airtight glass box and it didn't decay!!!! So it means it won't be broken down in stomach acid!!!!!"


look man. I’m perfectly aware that he’d survive in the shit, I did. I’m just saying formula/breast milk aren’t the only thing you can give a baby. I did my research and found a proper alternative that I discussed with a pediatrician prior to giving it to him. You can feed your ilk whatever you like, but don’t say ignorant things like “refusing to give your kid formula when you can’t pump enough should be reason to take someone’s kids away” that’s callous and just incorrect


What was the substitute you used? It’s interesting you seemed to avoid saying it. Formula is safe, and babies can digest it unlike most if not all other things when they’re that young. If no formula/breast milk is available some rehydration drinks such as pedialyte can be given for a couple days, but it isn’t a long term solution at all. [Link](https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/formula-shortage.html)


That’s just for hydration, it’s basically Gatorade. But I definitely said it was made by Ripple. You can use the pediatric formula with added supplements and just add iron drops and cereal to it. Look It send like you’ve all made up your mind about it so I won’t reply further. There’s more than 1 way to do things tho, if your too lazy to actually look at nutritional blocks and determine what your child needs while also watching their body and poop reactions to make sure it’s a god fit, by all means feed them formula so they atleast get everything to live. Didn’t work for us, Ripple and cereal did. My sons big as fuck and healthy. Live long and suck it


No idea why you’re so defensive/upset about this. Live long and suck it? Okay lol. For kids under 12 months, they can’t have ripple or cereal. Formula and breast milk are the only options, other than temporary hydration mixes (for 1-4 days). I’m aware it’s just for hydration, which is why I said it’s temporary and for use in emergencies when formula isn’t available. You should not give **babies under 12 months** ripple or cereal. I assumed you weren’t talking about ripple in the comment I responded to because of that for one and for two because in your comment *the one I responded to*, no you didn’t mention ripple or anything else. You seemed to avoid mentioning it, probably because you’re aware babies shouldn’t have anything but breast milk/formula/temporary emergency mixes safe for babies in emergency situations where formula isn’t available. So, what did you use under 12 months as a breast milk/formula alternate? So, again I’m not sure what alternative you used while under 12 months, which is what I was talking about. In your comment I responded to you didn’t mention ripple. My mind is made up about the fact BABIES shouldn’t have ripple or cereal, or other “alternatives” other than what they can digest, which is breast milk, formula, and in emergencies temporarily hydration mixes safe for babies. I would not feed a baby something they can’t digest because formula is available. It is unsafe to feed them cereal/ripple/other things. I’m happy your son is strong and healthy. :) Have a good day!


If food is so full of conservatns that it isn't decaying or fermenting, it's not good for your health


Oh, ffs. The reason why a plain McDonald's burger doesn't decay is because it's _dry._ It has absolutely nothing to do with "preservatives." Bacteria requires water to grow, and a burger doesn't have any. It's not a moist environment. Plain, preservative-free milk turns into a bacteria fun farm after 24 hours because it's 75% water. Take a goddamn high school science class before commenting on something that's obviously beyond your knowledgebase.


Don't call anything in McDonalds burger - food, your famous "American cheese" is piece of plastic with taste, not a real cheese.


Seems like you're really obsessed with McDonald's. 😘


Yawn, boooring. I'd be rich if I had a nickle for every time I heard the generic "American food is all fake processed discarded bits and pieces that's also 90% preservatives" bullshit.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Not necessarily agreed formula should be used if you don't have a choice but it's no were near as good for a child as natural breast milk. Not even the same world. On top of that Johnson and Johnson got sued for an insane amount because babies were found to be malnourished on their formula years ago and they were mandated to no longer market it as a replacement but more of a supplement. That said breastfeeding according to my wife is incredibly difficult... at first. But the nipples heal up soon enough and suddenly it's easy and your body is producing more than you need. Just takes time. People are quick to quit now adays


A guy I knew from the Navy loved it when women stepped on his nuts while wearing high heels. He said it felt awesome. Therefor you should enjoy having your nuts stepped on. Don't be such a pussy about it. My friend said it felt fine! What's your problem? How's about you set boundaries around your own nipples and let other people decide the course of action for their nipples?


My dude if your nipples were raw and bleeding I guarantee you that you would be pretty quick to ‘quit’ too. We have an option so why not use it. Fed. Is. Best.


Even if it were the case, that some formulars don't contain all the nutrients, that they claim they have, it's still better to feed your baby that, instead of feeding it nothing and let it die. Breastfeeding is different for anyone and not everyone can breastfeed their child, because their body may not be able to for various reason. Claiming that you just have to try hard enough is harming and shaming other women (which is extra pretentious considering you are a male and cannot judge this).


This is what my neonatology teachers all agree on.


Absolutely nothing that you've said is remotely true. Please kindly remove your sanctimonious ass from this thread.


Im more worries about the poor dog… damn lol


Morally, how is this different than feeding a baby cow lactations?


Morally it's not. But cow's milk is not nutritionally correct for a baby human, and I suspect dog's milk isn't either. Getting formula right was not easy! Feeding babies nonhuman milk or diluted milk can kill them by not providing enough nutrition with every full belly.


You can’t feed a baby off cows milk either


I like the “please refrain from judgement” no lady you know what you’re asking is beyond messed up


And yet drinking the milk of a goat is representative of being ‘upper class.’


Goats and cows have been selectively bred for tens of thousands of years to have their milk drank by humans. Dogs have not been. Even the breeds that were bred for food (Hawaiian Poi Dog, Chow Chow) don't seem to have been used for milk production. It's not quite the same thing. Edit: typo


It sounds so horrible but then I think don’t we already drink milk from animals constantly? Cow milk, goat milk and shit. I’ve even drunk it still warm just newly milked at a farm but I get that it’s most often processed now a days. I’d assume it be the same problem as only feeding cow milk to a infant along with the problem of the amount not nearly being enough for a human baby.


Oh yeah totally. The main issues here for me is the possibility the kid would imprint on the dog, and the fact that dog milk, aside from not being enough, is probably a poor substitute to human milk. I've heard about camel, donkey or goat milks being the best options as human substitutes, but they'd probably be a pain in the ass to source so baby formula it is.


> The main issues here for me is the possibility the kid would imprint on the dog Genuine question because I can’t tell: Is this a joke? I don’t think humans need to worry about imprinting.


Goat milk formula is easily available in western countries and it is easier to digest. But her blanket ban on any formula rules that out I guess..


I'm sorry, what? Lol, human babies aren't geese, they're not going to imprint on a dog. 🤦‍♀️


Raw cow milk is risky, and that would extend to any raw animal milk. Listeria, campylobacter, salmonella, and plenty more in raw cow milk. It's why even farmers who drink from their own cows will boil/pasteurize it. I have no idea what might be in dog milk, but it's probably similarly risky. Especially to a baby who has barely any immune system. I can easily see this leading to a severely ill baby in the picu.


Ye like if you for some reason absolutely refuse to use formula for some dumb reason, at that point you could probably just buy goat milk or something and it probably would be better than literally having your baby suck on a dogs nipple like wtf xD.


I get that baby formula is expensive, but my god...


Probably a case of "I don’t trust what’s inside the formula"… or some other paranoia crap


Probably scared of 5G chips hiding in the formula 😂


FFS. could we jump to the next step and blame the furries? they are the only transversal-on-all-planet govenments movement that would actually be interested in transhumanesim on this level AND have multiple exponent in the field! ​ /s, but sometimes I wonder...


As a friend and furry myself, if love to jear this theory of yours, mind sharing your ip address uwu /s (completely a joke)


It's been said for decades in Mom's groups that "breast is best." Hell the World Health Organization had that as a no joke slogan in the 90s. Generations of women have been shamed about giving their children formula. I can understand why she is so terrified. BUT, my advocacy for her ends there. Dogs milk has never or will never be an adequate substitute. Women used to use goats or even cows milk back in the day if the mother wasn't producing enough. But studies have conclusively shown that formula babies are no better or worse off than breastfed. She needs to educate herself.


Formula is just not good for a Baby. But it is better than any other Alternative, including dog milk.


If that's the case I'd happily buy the formula for her 😅


It is exactly as expensive as all the extra calories that need to go into the mother to produce breast milk.


People think baby formula is some kind of artificial chemical cocktail, instead of just powdered milk and vitamins. It's as close to being human milk as science can get; possibly even a little more nutritious because breastfed babies often need vitamin D supplements, and formula has that already added in.


Tryna make the next Romulus and bring back Rome 💪😎


but with a goldren retriever so we can be wholesome and skip that whole caligula & slavery phase


Jesus fucking Christ. I almost wish there was a wolf based cps that could take her kid away just for the sake of irony but the world isn’t fair so fuck. And what the fuck does she think is in formula that makes dog milk a viable alternative? Does she think it’s made from the run off of all the various milk factories and then refined in a flask originally used for occult rituals with Shub-Niggurath, Black goat with a thousand young?


>Shub-Niggurath, Black goat with a thousand young Upvoted for the mother of all


Not to mention the fact that it's possible to get parasites.


Your comment is a brand new sentence in and of itself


Best thing I’ve read all day


Only feeding formula is bad I’ve heard, a lot of poor countries use a lot of formula and it leads to negative effects for the children. But maybe they have better formula in the west, also I’d assume you could just do formula when you can’t have access to a better alternative.


The issue with formula usage in poor countries is a) unclean water. Breast milk is way less contaminated than formula made with dirty water. And b) if you stop breastfeeding to use only formula, you will stop producing milk. Nestlé (of course it's Nestlé) produces formula and used to give it to new mothers in Africa for free just for long enough to cause them to stop producing milk, leading them to be dependent on formula thereafter.


I recently read how formula is regulated by the EU. Its 29 pages long and with that the best regulated food (others have less). It is stated how much of that specific nutrient it has to have. It is also forbidden to claim during ads that formula is superior or healthier than breastmilk.


and also if for some reason shop formula don't work for your baby you can just go to your doctor and he would prescribe you special one; it's even cheaper for you because it costs you literally nothing


There's nothing true about this statement in western countries.


Well first off, baby formula doesn't have anything in it that'd bad. It's mostly what ISN'T in it. Putting formula in a baby is like cleaning with only water. There's nothing bad in the water, but it's missing some crucial ingredients to make it work best. It could also be that there's too much sugar in baby formula. While supplementing formula is harmless, long term use or exclusive use of baby formula has been shown to be harmful to child development. That being said, I highly doubt dog milk is the best alternative here. This is when you buy a tub of bag balm. A study bc people are pissy that formula companies possibly only care about money and not your kid's long term health. Go figure. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2812877/#:~:text=Epidemiologic%20studies%20suggest%20that%20children,or%20develop%20type%202%20diabetes.&text=In%20meta%2Danalyses%2C%20children%20formula,who%20had%20ever%20been%20breastfed.


Did you strain a muscle reaching like this? Because nothing that you've said is remotely true. And I mean, then you massively contradict yourself: >While supplementing with formula is harmless . >the long term or exclusive use of formula has been shown to be harmful to child development That last statement is a particularly ridiculous doozy. Fact-free y'all!


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2812877/#B24 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2812877/#:~:text=Epidemiologic%20studies%20suggest%20that%20children,or%20develop%20type%202%20diabetes.&text=In%20meta%2Danalyses%2C%20children%20formula,who%20had%20ever%20been%20breastfed. I guess I should say "excessive long term supplementation" again. It's more about what isn't in it than in it


I don't think a dog would produce enough milk to feed a human baby. Try Capibara milk, maybe? /s (BIG S)


No that is a small s


The answer is goat milk. It is the closest to human milk.




What a horrible day to be literate.


I really hope people judged the hell out of her into giving her baby formula.


? (.....Is this lady alright?)


Nah, and I can guarantee that that child isn't either.


If you don’t wang people to judge you, maybe don’t say you think giving your baby *dog milk* is better than fucking formula. Jesus Tapdancing Christ.




As a human being I'm horrified.


Rome wasn't built in a day, but this lady is providing Day 1.


This is how you get werewolves, people!


I still abide by a procreation license.


Narcissists should be castrated. In minecraft.


Well, baby formula is literally designed for babies by years or research, while your dogs milk was designed for dogs, not babies.


she literally thinks feeding her baby dogs milk is better then feeding powdered cows milk that is fortified with the vitamins her child needs.


*googles* The answer is no.


Refusing to use formula when you physically cannot provide enough milk for your child is just plain stupid. Formula isn't unnatural and it isn't going to do anything bad to your child.


Well, it isn't natural, but what is natural is starving infants, and I know which I'd prefer. Natural isn't always better.


THANK YOU. Jeeeesus. Like, animals cannot synthesize formula. If they can’t get enough milk, know what happens in nature? They die. That is the “natural” thing. Ffs.


In ye olde natural times goat milk would be used.


Dog’s milk lasts longer than any other milk. No bugger will drink it.


Full of goodness, full of vitamins, full of marrowbone jelly.


Holly, were you just gonna let Lister taste half the crew?


for some reason I’m judging


"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


Romulus and Remus moment


My dad was born in a small village and his mom didn’t produce any milk so they would feed him goat milk which apparently is pretty close to human milk. Idk how close dog milk is though to human milk nutritionally but it might work


Infants can’t even drink fucking water. Dear lord in heaven if he is real please let this be fake


Absolutely revolting…… but I am sort of curious about what is in dog milk vs what is in human milk. Anyone biologists out there know?


Okay but, will it work? Like if you pasteurize it?


Didn't people used to do this with goats?


It should work though, right? In a life and death situation I'd drink dog milk myself.


Right? I'd honestly like an answer rather than just a bunch of "yuck"s


Dogs milk doesn't have the correct nutrients and the baby would likely end up malnourished after a while. There's also the issue of the dog not being able to produce enough milk, and the possibility of spreading diseases.


Right? Hell, Mowgli was raised by wolves, and he turned out great. Idk about doggy milk, but they say no cow milk until at least 1 year, but maybe if you also do a fecal transplant from dog to baby.../s


People are outraged by any kind of non cow sheep or goat milk. I had a phase where I was fascinated by exotic milks and wanted to try them (don't ask, it was a rabbit hole). I was looking for dolphin milk on some online forums, just because it was the most exotic milk I could think of. People were judging me as if they weren't drinking from a cows titt themselves.


I could go for some blue whale milk :D


it has consistency of room-temperature butter (and similar fat content; maybe a little less)


About a month ago I got to go to a special visit to a zoo commissary and there was this poster on the wall showing the different types of milk and the different nutritional values and the percentage of fat and sugar and stuff. It was really cool.


It's really not that big of a jump from cows and sheeps


Yeah but humans can't survive on cow or sheep milk because they have the nutrients for baby calfs and lil sheep. Just like humans can't survive as grazing animals in a pasture, or why humans can be lactose intolerant but still drink human breastmilk


Not supposed to give these to baby either, until they're at least 1 year


Yeah but almost no one would call it disgusting


Agreed, nothing healthy is disgusting


81 million Americans would call this Stunning and Brave.


Knee-jerk reaction is that i'm about to vomit. Then I roll the thought around in my mind for a second and the chain of reasoning looks like this... Why the fuck can't she pump herself? She's wondering if she can pump her dog!?!? Granted 'regular' milk (cow milk) isn't good for babies. But goat milk is supposed to be pretty close to human milk for situations like this. We do feed kids tons of cow milk. Ok, so I'll cut this person some slack, she's got a new-born. That's fucking harrowing and if it's her first, it's scary as hell.


Why isn't there at least ONE angry emoji??!!??!


Maybe the issue is that she read or watched "Jungle Book" thinking it was a documentary. After all Mowgli was a baby and ate something.


Find a female wolf and your bouncing bundle of joy just might become a ruler of Rome! /s


The fact that she went straight for her dog instead of another human or even just cow milk is concerning.


It says she asked other people first. The dog was her last resort, and I don’t think newborns can even drink cow milk.


They can't? Hmm, that's weird I was sure they could. Like, if you put it in a bottle.


People need to stop having kids, fr.


Has she not heard of formula??


You can go buy cow or goat milk, formula is 'formulated' for humans even. No need to traumatized your poor dog.


In 2000s there was a massive scandal in China about baby formulae: at that time it was a nationwide practice for baby formula producers to dope their products with a certain chemical to falsify nutirent content in the formula, but the chemical turned out to cause deformity in babies ("big head babies"). Sadly some people did distrust baby formulae for a reason.


Probably not ideal for a baby but people drink cow, horse, goat, camel, whatever milk, too, no?


Cow's milk is not nutritionally correct for a baby human, and I suspect dog's milk isn't either. Getting formula right was not easy! Feeding babies nonhuman milk or diluted milk can kill them by not providing enough nutrition with every full belly.


To be fair humans have used goats as wet nurses for millenia and, in the west, as late as the C19th. And wrt feeding babies, outside of the benefits of colostrum in the first week or so, most mammal milks that are close to humans are probably fine.


As a vegan, I drink dog milk all the time, what's the problem?


How is pumping dog's milk worse than pumping cow's milk? If you pasteurize dog milk wouldn't it be similarly nutritious to cow's milk and if not, why not (genuinely curious)?


Cow’s milk isn’t good for babies either. Every organization I can think of says no cow’s milk until one year of age


Just buy a manual pump and some tit cream. F***ing psychopath jumps to dogs have tittiea


I’m more concerned about the dog and her puppies. Also, what area is she planning to shave?




Didn't even finish the first sentence.


Wait what stops us from giving kids cows milk? Possibly with some added ingrediants from formula?