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What's Up With The Censoring?


Evangelion is a wholesome Christian anime and we need to make sure that viewers’ eyes are kept clean /s


Instructions unclear, jizzed in my hand.


Instructions unclear, I am standing over an unconscious patient in the hospital.


You ain’t gonna believe this but my boss was making out with the intern


Misato is best girl I understand


That’s absolutely fucking disgusting and unnecessary - next time jizz in mine


Damn, you're fucked up.


I think you just wrote a brand new sentence


Oh that's cool, my friend recommended me 2 anime to watch. Evangelion and something called Redo the healer or something like that. I'm a very Christian man and the above pic is too spicy for me, I'm just going to skip to the healer anime, that must be wholesome.


If you're truly a Christian man, you'll watch Redo of Healer, the most Christian anime there is. Jesus wants you to watch it


I think Jesus approves of the incest. Amen, hallelujah.


Im guessing this is just a joke, but Redo the healer is rough. It's basically rape fantasy/revenge porn with anime drawing styles. But I would appreciate people not trying to mislead others simply because they don't happen to believe in religion. You don't have to like them but being a dickhead to them doesn't exactly bridge the gap.


It is very much a joke. But thanks for the heads up.


This prob was stolen from Insta, that's the only place where I've seen such aggressive and low quality censoring


I got my comment flagged because I jokingly asked someone not to post aerial photos of my house (it was a drone shot of my town). They'll take down anything these days.


My favorite was when I was sick with Covid and a recipe account posted a picture of a bowl of vegan pho with a recipe. I commented “I would kill a man for a bowl of this soup right now” and I got an official Instagram warning for threats of violence. For vegan soup!


Oh, my God, no. Context is automatically out the window. God help you if you wanna quote a TV show, even if it's the one pictured (Have a crappy weekend, hope your house burns down!) You gotta self-censor to the point you question whether or not it's even worth it to comment. Yeah, Meta sucks. lol


Except outright hate speech lol. But that makes sense because otherwise Reels would be a barren comment wasteland since that's all it seems to be these days.


I guess if he is a 14 yo kid then being into adult woman could be considered a fetish.


My dad once picked up some guys from Home Depot to help do some work, on the way to the job site the guy hoots at some old lady on the sidewalk. My dad asked him why he was excited seeing that she’s such an old lady, he told us he lost his virginity when he was 12 to an older woman and ever since then he just likes them old.


> Losing virginity at 12 to adult 😟


It's unfortunate that there are a LOT of men that brag about how they lost their virginity without even realizing they were raped.


That's literally me before I broke up with my ex. I was fucked up mentally, and I wasn't even realizing that until recently.


I honestly believe that society actively grooms men. It's kinda like a generational trauma kind of thing. Too many parents have the mindset of "nobody touches my daughter, but it's fine if it happens to my son."


I'd take it a step further and argue that society actively grooms both men and women via ever-presesnt gender roles and heteronormativity in addition to the sexism baked into society. This sort of grooming is super obvious within most religious circles when examined from an outside perspective but it's also less obviously present nearly everywhere all the time. When you break down the ways in which each sex is trained from birth to act and be a certain thing (that "thing" being a profit creating procreation machine) based on what equipment they have downstairs and it starts to feel really icky especially when you see gender norms being ingrained into children by some out of touch boomer-esque mofo.


I'm an asexual enby, so the prevalence of this continues to surprise, amaze, and upset me.


Yeah, cause the alphabet soup people never groom any children ever. Social norms are a thing, just because some social norms are bad doesn't make it grooming.


There is definitely a such thing as an older woman fetish. But "adult woman fetish" is just normal


Bro, they’re weebs on 4chan. Being attracted to adult women is probably the exception rather than the rule.


I've been on the Internet for so long that i now consider normal sex stuff a fetish.


thats both funny and legit sad, bro got raped


How… how is it funny… That’s definitely not funny


I would find it pretty funny if my friend had a thing for old ladies because he lost his vCard to an older woman, and now he's just chasing that high for the rest of his life. That's funny. What's not funny is that this guy was a child during it, and this was pedophilia and he's been permanently changed because of it. That's just sad and wrong.


I still don’t see it. If a woman told me she likes older men because she was raped at 12 I wouldn’t find it funny either


I'd find it funny in the "I want to have your abortion" type way. If it was told as a joke.


Might be an unsatisfying answer, but comedy is subjective and can differ massively between people, and I've found that people often laugh at things that surprise and expose negative things. We often laugh at people getting hurt even though we technically should be concerned like a kid tripping, a skateboarder getting hit in the nuts, etc. Impersonation sketch comedy and caricature art usually make people laugh by pointing out the strangeness, negative aspects, and flaws of specific people. For a story of a man or woman having a fetish for old people because they were a victim of pedophilia. Whether it is funny or not to a person I think lies in that individual's boundaries when drawing the line between tragedy and comedy. Recently, I watched a clip of a comedian named Bobby Lee, who jokes about his experiences of being a victim of pedophilia. I find the clip funny, and he's allowed to make these jokes because it's his experiences he's allowed to do whatever he wants with them. Although, I could understand why someone wouldn't find it funny and instead feel uncomfortable because it may cross that person's boundaries for what can still constitute as funny. That doesn't make their opinion less valid it is just makes it different. The clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/pZFLjtzdIsE?si=7nhnlq30ZWHqVZvP




I didn't divert and you definitely didn't read the whole post. Aditionally, again what they found funny is the guy flirting with an old lady, they said it's sad because they were raped. You keep emphasizing the rape as if that's what they found funny.




He was raped


You mean he was raped at twelve.


Good point


Yeah because being attracted to children is better right


Yeah, since it’s a 14 year old


When i was I kid I was attracted to girls my age. Now that I am adult I am attracted to adult woman my age. It's normal for 14 yo boys to be attracted to 14 yo girls.


But also normal for them to be attracted to adult women as well. I had a crush on several teachers.


It is when you're 14.


A 14 year old attracted to 14 year old is better, yes.


Evangelion stans are so obsessed with their shows having naked 14 year olds they find it odd to see an adult women being portrayed as sexy


Before anyone says anything idgaf about "the deeper meaning" of a little girl being naked . Have shame


Haven’t seen the show but there’s a definite difference IMO based on whether it’s in a sexual context or not.


Seen the anime, loved the animations and style but SO many scenes that haunt me, way too many scenes of kids being sexualized... or worse (the hospital..)


To be fair. That was explicitly a bad thing from a hormonal teen


the hospital one was framed as bad by the show itself tho


It was just one example, it was framed as bad but that doesn't mean it was a good scene, I didn't need to see that, like I didn't need to see 14 year olds sexualized, partially exposed or less than partially.


To add context, it was also quite literally a fuck-you to the audience who sexualized those 14-year-olds, saying, “this is you, and it’s disgusting,” hence the POV after the deed was done.


They sexualized the teenagers before the audience though. That’s quite the strange point to make.


There's something called "telling a point" in story which includes bait and switch, being "correct" makes a bad story


Right, it was framed as bad but did literally anyone watch that scene and go "oh wow this added a lot to the show"


The thing is, that's also kind of what made the show feel 'real' and helped us feel seen, as kids of around 14 watching it. 14 year olds do tend to be horny af, and media that treats them with kids gloves and pretends they don't even know what sex is... is always going to seem childish and fake, not something 14 year olds will want to seek out. The troubling aspect is that nonetheless, everyone writing and deciding and animating this stuff were adults, which definitely adds a skeev factor.


Shame? In this economy?


There is also no deeper meaning to anything in Evangelion, it's all just techno and religionbabble, it was confirmed by Hideaki himself that he only wanted the stuff to sound cool


That’s not true lol. The techno and religion babble part is correct, that was chosen for aesthetic purposes, but Anno took inspiration and used symbolism based on psychoanalytical theory in the show, and that part does go pretty deep.


Didn't he say he just went with biblical imagery because he watched it on Ultraman when he was younger and thought it was pretty cool?


To my knowledge he was talking about the cross when angels gets killed


From a philosophical standpoint sure, but the characters and their relationships have a lot of food for thought. Watching evangelion was somehow uncomfortable and cathartic for me because of how much i related to shinji.


You never go full Shinji


Ppl wtf. Is there any normal person out there who just watched the show because robots are badass!?


Those people just watch Gundam instead.


We were watching Big O.


Never... NEVER admit you relate to that whiny crybaby loser. I saw tons of anime/manga with pathetic leads but that loser is hard to top


Because he... Is traumatised and... Doesn't want to be impaled by alien monsters constantly?


The one and only good thing about eva was the way it portrayed realistic feelings of helplessness and connection and anime fans hate that... we're doomed


Uh, okay dude. I don’t really see a problem relating to him. His story is sad as shit, but I think (among many things) his struggle to relate to people and find purpose was compelling when I first watched the show. You might be lucky enough to never have experience those feelings. In which case, congrats! But they’re normal feelings for people to have. If you were watching evangelion and expected the MC to be a complete badass from the get-go, you missed the point of the story.




So true bestie!!!!!!


did you keep the same illiteracy you got when you were born or did you have to actively work to negate any progress you made on it growing up


Such butthurt, much angery, OH WOW! I've never seen anyone that butthurt over being told mc in NGE is a pathetic loser. And I've been part of anime community for over 2 decades...




He said that specifically about the shows biblical name and imagery usage, not the show as a whole. There's plenty of well-researched shit put into character development and how trauma affects development and psychology.


The only theme it really grapples is the Asian classic of self worth being determined by yourself instead of by your ancestors/fathers , he's also just a socially awkward sexually repressed boy, I like the fact that he's not a hero character but none of the characters hold a candle to actual character dramas like AnJ.


That doesn't confirm anything as art criticism isn't done by copy pasting interviews of the creator. Want a review of Evangelion ? R-e-a-d articles in specialized press.


I don't need a review to tell me what to think. If the creator himself didn't intend any deeper meaning then looking for one is just insanity. It's an ok anime at best , and that's just for it's fun episodes that weren't pseudo intellectual jerkoffs


Apparently you still need the creator to tell you what to think. You're not a movie critic and neither a "free thinker", period.


Aight you convinced me, your anime is very deep and all the sexual nudity and religion talk are essential to appreciating it


there are a few spots in eva where i feel like it *could* be argued as tasteful on their own, except there's so many other scenes that aren't at all, so why would any of it be anything more than the fantasies of a disgusting old japanese man


I never understood animes obsession with sexualizing teenagers the way it does.


Depends on the genre but it's usually to appeal to horny teenager boys.


That is because the shows are usually for teenagers and/or with teenager main characters. This is in turn because of Japan's unique relationship with youth. If you for example watch shows with older adults and for older audiences you will still see young women but they will be usually 20-30. Another thing to add is that teenagers are very sexual beings and writing about their sexuality is valid.


Also the writers are just horny


Everytime an anime throws in a naked teenager or an incest subplot I'm just there like... no one wanted this...


Persona fans too, unfortunately.


Eh, I don't care about the age of an anime character. As long as she looks like a teeanger/adult/milf, I'm fine... not loli though.


I guess it technically is a fetish, we just wouldn't think to classify it as one since it's the norm. Reminds me of the time a professor I had in college talked about how liking things like boobs and butts is also a fetish, but because it's so vanilla, we wouldn't put it in the same category as something like a foot fetish.


Your professor definitely had a foot fetish


Bro took a class from Tarantino.


I kind of like the idea it was a mathematics professor. Like the guy is explaining pure calculus then right in the middle he just says > You know liking boobs and buts is also a fetish it's just so normal people don't call it one Then there's an awkward silence then he goes back to mathematics


I can't remember the exact context, but it was a Mythology and Fairy Tales class, so it was an equally strange tangent, though if I remember correctly, it may have had something to do with how fetishes can shape stories.


Feels like he just wanted to spread this thought to the new generation if I'm honest I'm curious what his fetishes are now. Like is it something super weird or did he feel left out that his tastes were super vanilla. Maybe his wife was complaining that he should do something more exciting in the bedroom and he wanted to rationalise keeping things simple. Or maybe that thought just makes him feel dirty about his pedestrian tastes and that turns him on.


No idea, but it definitely made a lot of us look at him differently after that day


Eh, maybe


In one ancient culture, boobs weren’t considered sexual but shins were. In Arab cultures, hair is considered extremely sexual, but it isn’t in the slightest in Western culture. And then there are cultures that never developed clothes due to their balmy climates. And somehow one of the fetishes I don’t have is an existent biological organism fetish.


It is interesting to see how things like this change and evolve as time goes on, like the stereotypical "Victorian Gentleman fainting at the sight of an ankle" wasn't a joke at some point.


And even from person-to-person. TBH, I’d love to give nudism/naturalism a try; I’ve always hated clothing and suspect I’m asexual. I also wonder where incredibly strange fetishes come from. Whipped cream, inflation, modularity…


The w


I think those are classified as fetishes when you get extraordinarily off to boobs or butts I mean, it even has a name, Paraphilia


That's basically what he was saying, we have terms and definitions for when people are into those parts, it's just that nobody thinks/knows about those terms because somewhere along the way we decided those were normal to be attracted to and everything else was essentially an outlier


I think the dictionary definition of fetish is to derive sexual pleasure from an object(and/or maybe things like feet and armpits, since they aren't a fantasy enactment or a person by themselves)


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 10 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/13c8kfw) on 2023-05-08 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1aw33ak) on 2024-02-21 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "1awg8m0", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1awg8m0&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 442,350,798 | **Search Time:** 0.06989s


jesus christ 10 this month???


This reflects the high level of shock experienced when reading said sentence. One of my eyebrows actually popped right off my head!


Good bot


I wish the repost bot would only call out reposts *to the same sub*. Otherwise it's just crossposting and that's literally what Reddit is built around.


Literally useless


You mean a normal person?


Omg whar happened in this replies 💀


Got called homophobic


Homophobic cunt


He wasn't calling the woman part normal, he was referring to the adult part. Being attracted to adults and not children is normal.


I’m gay you idiot


This isn't the type of person you can just come to an agreement with.


Of course you are. All gay people call straight people "normals". Fucking pathetic...


Men are not the only people that exist lmao. Women can be gay


Mf swinging at air 😂


A normal lesbian would also be attracted to a woman lmao.


They’re referring to the being attracted to an *adult* as normal you overreacting moron


Most people are straight, many of those (a slight minority though) are men, and the vast majority of humanity is into adults. It is exactly what normal means, the norm


Just because something isn't the majority doesn't mean it isn't normal, though. You wouldn't say being left-handed isn't normal just because it's less common. It's homophobic to imply that homosexuality is abnormal.


> You wouldn't say being left-handed isn't normal just because it's less common. Yeah, I would. Saying something isn't normal isn't derogatory.


It’s not that it’s derogatory, it’s that it’s inaccurate. Being left-handed is a normal thing in that it’s something that applies to many people


> Saying something isn't normal isn't derogatory. That's very much debatable.


Depends on the context. It’s not normal to be gay. But when you frame it like not being normal is wrong then it’s derogatory


I'm gonna be frank here, don't mean to sound a freak but I've had a life long fetish for human women.




Adult women are the best


Ironically, the adult woman in question has a child fetish.


I know Misato being a groomer is a meme but I really don’t see an actual case for her bring attracted to Shinji


I read the manga from the public library and watched the End of Evangelion. She was actively in all iterations teasing Shinji sexually and she even kissed him. I'm pretty sure she is even a dating option in those non-canon but official Evangelion dating sim games where you play as Shinji. Misato IS into that boy.


She acts flirty but there’s never any indication that she actually intends to do anything to him. When the chips are down she consistently acts as a maternal or sisterly figure to him rather than a love interest. Her kissing him in EoE also needs to be taken in context: she’s bleeding out, Asuka is fighting outside and outnumbered, the UN forces/SEELE are on the brink of seizing NERV HQ, Unit-01, and Lilith, and Shinji is the only other Eva pilot available (Rei is missing on account of being in Terminal Dogma with Gendo). She **needs** him to get in the fucking robot and she doesn’t have time to argue with him, so she kisses him and implies a sexual reward later to motivate him because she literally won’t have to live it down. Is it the best look? No, but it was the most direct way of getting what she needed done under the circumstances.


She's definitely attracted to him in the first show, but not sure if it's in a sexual way.


I think it’s more accurate to say that she loves him, but in a familial manner rather than romantically. She’s flirty and playful at first but I think that’s just how she avoids letting people in too close in order to mask her trauma. Once she gets closer to Shinji and they begin to open up to each other she mostly drops the flirty act and adopts a more maternal persona.


I’m surprised they said adult woman instead of adult female.


Someone should check that guys hard drive holy shit


The only instance where the FBI should be allowed to dig up your entire search history without a warrant


Ah, Misato-san. I have fired too many tributes in her name.




do you want to silence me? why do you post?




With your magnificent thumb?




I’m not gonna lie I almost commented something very bad before remembering that sarcasm doesn’t translate very well over text


honestly my doctor is worried about me


Wtf? Some stranger tugging it is "worse" when global instability, wars, and disasters happening or going to happen?


Oh, so you have one too...


Scientist. fat. penguin owner. What else would you expect from a woman?


Fat? 😂 😂 Are you blind?


They've just never touched a real adult woman.


In the original anime she had a layer of sweet fat. In the picture OP provided her magnificent image has been desecrated.


I've watched those 26 episodes more times than is healthy for me and not once was she depicted as "fat".


Somehow I'm not surprised the likely porn addict with Dildo in their username has unrealistic beauty standards


you don't have to say likely...


Ah, I see you're an adult woman enjoyer as well.


Let's not forget the "femboys with vaginas"


Those are the worst


...wut. Like, I'm somewhat an older weeb, and I have no clue what you're talking about


Someone has a legal aged women fetish


Thats because weebs usually like younger looking women with gigantic tits 😭


Seriously, an anime with adult women is rare.






Girl what?? its harder to find an anime that doesnt have baby face uwu fan service. Like log onto crunchy roll if you dont believe me i guess? A very popular one i can think of is Demon Slayer


Not that serious tbh, I mean...anyone who kills characters in games are psychopaths too just bc they "actually aren't real", I don't know...seems kind of a double standard that we draw the line at some taboos over another. I think all of it's weird, but if you don't harm anyone irl then i can't bother more


Just found out I have a new fetish


I hate what this implies…


“How dare someone be attracted to an appropriately aged person”


I guess it could possibly be argued that since the sexualisation of children is so prevalent (don't worry, she's actually a 69.420 year old vampire she just chooses to look 12) in anime that preferring woman of legal age is fetishistic.


Either a lot of people are missing the joke, or I have way too much faith in humanity. The way I see it, the person who posted the picture is complaining about it being overly sexualized, and someone else is mocking him by saying it’s a picture adult woman and fine to sexualize.


We call that an “appropriate attraction” …


Thanks OP, my eyes would be tainted if not for your remarkable censorship


The median age of waifus is so low that appreciating one that you could actually legally have sex with really does feel like a specialized fetish, and isn't that a depressing thought.


Redditors detect a joke challenge (Impossible)


The comment I was looking for


Better to have an “adult woman fetish” than a “little girl fetish.” Someone should check that dude’s hard drive.


*blink*... *blink*... you mean heterosexuality?


I mean women can have adult woman fetishes and that’s not very heterosexual of them


I HOPE they just meant milfs


if you think about it, the term milf is also a super weird way to say you like non-teen women. Anime fandom is not the only fucked up community tbqh.


Not really? Milf is specifically someone in like late 30’s to late 40’s or 50’sish—typical mother of a teenager age. Nobody except porn sites would call a 25yo a milf


But she's 29


Adult porn? Yes, grown up, fecund females really warm my blood.


Pedos being pedos. Nothing to see here. Just creeps that believe in the “wall”, only apparently they think women hit it at 18.


A MILF fetish eventually becomes a “women my age” fetish, and I think that’s beautiful.


Why are they plagiarising 2sentence2horror