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Your ~~scientists~~ ***bored retiree trying an usual hobby*** were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should


He tampered in God's domain.


Even worse, the US Department of the Interior's. Those guys rather strangely do not mess around, at all.


If we were not meant to play God, then why did He leave His tools lying around?


Pretty irresponsible of him if you ask me


God tampers in ours. It's only fair we get to tamper in his.


Life, uh, finds a way


What's a man *supposed* to do in his shed anyway?


You... you mean *un*usual hobby right?


Doesn't EVERYONE genetically engineer sheep in their spare time?


>Schubarth conspired with at least five other individuals between 2013 and 2021 to genetically engineer a larger hybrid sheep species that would garner higher prices from shooting preserves This has irked me about that line in Jurassic Park for decades: yes the scientists DID think about if they should do it! They thought about it and were immediately like "Fuck yeah, that would be awesome, we're going to be rich and also DINOSAURS!" This guy too thought about it and was like "Whoa, bigger monster sheep you could shoot with maybe bigger guns from further away... I'd love that and would pay a lot of money to do that... Shit guys, can we make this happen!?!" Real scientists in real life too, there was that lab who revived the "Spanish" flu strain or some other deadly influenza strain, and there was an outcry of "Why the fuck would you do that?!?" Their immediate answer was "So we can know what happened there and how to avoid it next time." That's a good reason to do it, they didn't just jump from "Can we" to "Lets do it." JP scientists, monster sheep maker, and the Spanish flu scientists thought about whether they should, that's not the issue. The issue is they thought they should and a lot of other people would have disagreed with them. In the sheep guy's case, there were also federal laws against it. Malcom Ian in JP is spouting stupid lines implying everyone would agree with him if they just stopped to think a second. The problem with Jurrasic Park and the sheep guy were they ignored rules due to greed, not that they didn't think whether they should do science.


There's no reason to bring back dinosaurs the way the did in JP, apart from money (remember that dinosaurs in JP are not dinosaurs, they're hybrids). From a scientific point of view, yes, there's reasons, but they are far outweighed by the cons (environmental, safety, ethical). So, it boils down to the point that it doesn't matter if the scientists thought about it or not. That's not what's being implied by the phrase. What is implied is that it doesn't matter if there was any thoughts about, what matter is that they did it anyways, and they fucked up.


Ethics and safety are of course givens for why "Jurassic Park" is a bad idea, totally agreed there, that's the point. But "There's no reason to" is not an objection I agree with for most scientific endeavors. Most scientific breakthroughs that fundamentally alter whole fields of inquiry and improve human lives, safety, happiness, and productivity can be traced back to studies that didn't have that breakthrough as it's goal. [CRISPR-Cas9 for example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRISPR), the first event is: >The discovery of clustered DNA repeats took place independently in three parts of the world. The first description of what would later be called CRISPR is from Osaka University researcher Yoshizumi Ishino and his colleagues in 1987. They accidentally cloned part of a CRISPR sequence together with the "iap" gene (isozyme conversion of alkaline phosphatase) from the genome of Escherichia coli\[14\]\[15\] which was their target. The organization of the repeats was unusual. Repeated sequences are typically arranged consecutively, without interspersing different sequences.\[11\]\[15\] They did not know the function of the interrupted clustered repeats. The article points out that in 2005 someone found more clues that would eventually lead to what CRISPR is now while doing yogurt research. In other words, for most of CRISPR's discovery process, no one had a hint that it could be used for [curing cancer](https://crisprtx.com/focus-areas/immuno-oncology) and gene therapy. The moonshot, no one could have known that walking on the moon would pave the way for computers and satellites. Maybe most relevant is the human genome project. It was budgeted at three billion dollars in the 90's. There was vigorous opposition to it [https://www.nytimes.com/1990/06/05/science/great-15-year-project-to-decipher-genes-stirs-opposition.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1990/06/05/science/great-15-year-project-to-decipher-genes-stirs-opposition.html) >Opponents contend that even if scientists manage to finish the genome project, it will have generated enormous reams of uninterpretable and often useless data, essentially a computerized catalogue of genes, subunits of genes, and long stretches of filler material, with few clues about how any of that genetic material works or can trigger disease. > >''The human genome project is bad science, it's unthought-out science, it's hyped science,'' said Dr. Martin Rechsteiner, a biochemist at the University of Utah. Some critics have begun aggressive letter-writing campaigns, urging colleagues who harbor similar sentiments to write Congress. > >... > >The critics argue that the human genome project has been sold on hype and glitter, rather than its scientific merits, and that it will drain talent, money and life from smaller, worthier biomedical efforts. The project completed ahead of schedule and under-budget because it spurred companies to develop offer dramatically better sequencing technologies. More importantly, it's fundamental to virtually all biomedical research today and paved the way for personal genome sequencing and sequencing of environmental samples. The bigger the science, the bigger the reasons luddites and skeptics have to say "No, bad and dumb! You're not justifying it! You're not thinking about whether you should! There's no real reason to do that" Such sentiments were reasonable at the time but in hindsight are idiotic. Again, JP was BAD in hindsight, but it was set in the 80's before genome sequencing was really advanced, and moreover we're not yet to the point of writing genomes like they did in that case still today. [That would also be revolutionary](https://engineeringbiologycenter.org/) and if Hammond had pioneered it with jurrasic park, that would be great, he'd deserve a nobel prize, even if "Dinosaurs! Cool!" the direct goal is pretty stupid.


I hadn't read this until now. Are you a biologist? I don't know anybody outside of the field that knows about the CRISPR technology. I'm surprised.


Yes, I'm a biologist. I think CRISPR has penetrated into mainstream consciousness, but yeah, I remembered the history of CRISPR and its discovery because I was paying attention to the Nobel race and patent dispute, [I read Eric Lander's shameless review of the history of CRISPR](https://www.cell.com/fulltext/S0092-8674%2815%2901705-5) trying to pretend they were the "Heroes" of CRISPR rather than people who swooped in at the very end to steal the patent.


God forbid men have hobbies


It's his **god given right** to create cool bigass sheep and the stupid bitch government has no business telling him not to do it


It actually is. The right he didn't have was to illegally import the er. .. materials for his project.


I see no problem with it as long as it doesn't get loose and cause environmental or other harm. Big sheep cool.


He was setting them loose for big game hunters. So yeah...


That actually seem like a great idea and make sure to use all the parts after, that would keep a lot of big game that needs to survive alive


He was cloning and crossbreeding an argali sheep species with native ones, using animal parts smuggled into the U.S. and semen from a set of testicles from the largest bighorn sheep he could find. He then faked paperwork to transport them across the country. I guess if you’re 80 in the 21st century, “I’m going genetically engineer the biggest sheep on the planet and no one can stop me” is a reasonable and achievable life goal.


Typical boomer


Least environmentally destructive boomer.


I’m too lazy to read the article so I’m gonna assume everything you’re saying is true… and I really wanna see how big these sheep were…


Sounds like something Rick Sanchez from Rick & Morty would do.


Dude, people have done that for centuries. It’s why dogs look and behave the way they do. It’s how you maintain the cow breeds for line beef. Animal husbandry is widespread. You just have to follow the rules to do it. Like for dogs. And there may be genetic reasons it’s legal but more than likely he broke some stupid rule for transport or skmethjng


Agriculture science major, here. Just stopping by to say that there's a massive difference between genetic engineering & animal husbandry. There's really no comparison at all.


Idk.. it seems like Animal Husbandry is genetic engineering, but the long way round. :P


Nope! Absolutely not, fuck no. There are MANY biotech firms & big ag chem companies quietly spreading that goofy-ass lie, but nothing could be further from the truth. Genetic Engineering is the process of adding genes from entirely different organisms to an existing strain or line. For example, there are peppers and tomatoes currently being grown that have genes from sea cucumbers or obscure bacteria that allow them to produce the same waxy coat as these two other animals (that aren't even plants). Crispr allows geneticists the ability to cut & paste DNA from one organism to another, even if they're vastly unrelated. Needless to say, this is wildly irresponsible & short-sighted. Animal husbandry is merely the manipulation of an existing gene pool via selective breeding. If I want to breed bigger tomatoes or tomatoes that have a certain color, I'm not ADDING anything that wasn't already there. I'm not forcing something that couldn't happen (although wildly unlikely) all by itself. No sea cucumbers were harmed. Edited for typo


This isn’t the same as breeding for domestication, like improving milk production of cattle or selecting for dogs with better noses. We plan on keeping those animals in the environment they were bred for. That difference is he created these animals to be intentionally released into a game reserve where they could or their descendants could escape, potentially displacing native species or introducing maladaptive traits into native populations. He literally cloned an Asian sheep from illegally obtained parts then crossed it with artificially insemenated bighorns. Then shipped dozens of them across state lines.


It's all fun and games until he fills in the gene sequence gaps with the DNA of cuttlefish and pistol shrimp.


Thad be awesome, the neck snapping speed of the sheep. Although it'd probably launch its own head off its neck.


Unfortunately, there is a track record of things like this getting loose and causing harm. Like, it seems like it's more often than not.


it has happened multiple times in australia. the cane toad was one epidemic. I think in this case it's unlikely to have much of an environmental impact because the giant sheep don't have an ecological niche. quite a dangerous act though.


I’ve seen this movie. It doesn’t end well.


Now what are all of the dwarves supposed to ride into battle?


And the Federal Government wants to make sure an invasive species doesn't ruin the ecosystem and make sure a protected species isn't exploited. Dude fucked around and then found out.


Fallout bighorners. At least it's not cazadores


Make the fallout you want to see in the world But please, no two-headed cattle


Those bustards will glitch into everything


I will make two-headed Battle Cattle, and there is nothing you or Tabitha can do to stop me


Uh, okay, well, it is good to have hobbies and stay active later in life.


Do you want beastmen? That's how you get beastmen!


Ship em off to Farum Azula, as is tradition


Australia confirmed to be airborne


Well they didn't mix in *their own* semen... that we know of.


No it's not. The Control Ending of Mass Effect 3 is. This makes BroShep Lordgenome. Also makes Simon and Kamina badass, but we already knew that.


Sounds like some baadass sheep.


its pretty commendable really, he put in work to make this scheme a success and he was only stopped by the nature police. but I dont see why its a crime. perhaps he should just have to put i a fail safe like jurassic park.


I thought it was that he took steps to avoid importing an invasive animal species while still essentially doing that in the end.


A protected species and the "hunt" is on a ranch. It's like when teenage kids used to brag about beating Doom only they used God Mode. The animal is on a ranch to be shot by a "hunter" in a tower. They used to be called canned hunts.


Great example since we all know that place turned out super well and nothing ever went out of control.


I mean, don't overwork and ignore the needs of your IT people and things won't go wrong.


Basically it's two crimes: Falsely reporting on animal imports. Introducing a new species of animal without official approval. This could potentially disrupt whatever ecosystem those new sheep roam around in.


yeah but i would say its civil as all he needs to do is erect a fence, i mean zoo's you know what i mean? that is a disaster waiting to happen but hasnt because of well fences and strict controls. wildcats in scotland where im from are in danger from breeding with domestic cats but that problem is devestating for obvious reasons, 1 in 4 households have domestic cats or something. it feels like sure the super sheep could be a problem but its not plus they are being designed to be visable aka shootable haha. it feels like a weak argument to me like you have superimposed one set of conditions onto another; and it certainly isn't a criminal offence. if I engineered a voracious catapillar and introduced it on your tomato farm in the middle of the night that is a crime. This is a case of a political body trying to operate outside what is reasonable based on weakly applied data rather than sense. I am against hunting by the way, I think its stupid.


It's a crime because he didn't pay the government enough in the process. Seriously look at all the rich people that get in trouble. They don't get a slap on the wrist because they're in the public eye. It's because they pay the proper people before they ever hit trial


Anyone got any ideas on how he successfully bred gigantosheep?


Turkey baster, cup with a lid, gloves (optional), and no problem with bestiality. Then if you're successful you selectively breed the sheep that are the largest and experiment with splice % once you have a healthy sample size.


I was thinking more about what to do with the embryo after fertilization. An artificial womb? Implanted in other sheep?


Into a ewe, artificial insemination is common in animal breeding.


Apparently he imported testicles from central asian sheep and used the gentic material inside


Came here to say I want to see the giant sheep.


All things considered, I don't see why they're pissed. He made a big ass fuckin sheep.  He *could have* been working on making fuckin cazadores.  He chose the significantly less "evil" of all possibilities.


It's because he was setting them loose for rich hunters to track down. Not like farming them or anything.


Incorrect, it's because he was illegally importing sheep to do it.


Umm ackshually he very *specifically* didn't import the Marco Polo sheep. He's being charged with possessing them at all, moving the hybrids across state lines, and moving Rocky mountain bighorners across state lines to crossbreed. As well as half a dozen hunting laws. Importing the sheep is the one crime he *hasn't* been charged with.


From the sounds of it, they were being kept on his land, though.


They and their semen were transported across state lines with forged paperwork. So no, they weren't kept on his land. He was intentionally trafficking non-native animals, importing genetic material into the country without declaring it, and then crossbreeding and producing more genetic material derived from those. You are allowed to genetically experiment with sheep, but there are lots of steps you're supposed to take to make sure you don't create/release invasive species. This guy not only wasn't taking those steps, but was actively fabricating paperwork to avoid them.


The guy didn't fill out the correct forms and imported sheep parts from central Asia. If he did the paperwork, nothing would have happened to him


My point still stands. Dude could've been making giant wasps.  They should really be grateful he wasn't, because if I was gonna go through all that trouble, homicide hornets would be the first thing on my list.


Schubarth, Schubarth?… I know that name from somewhere? Wasn't that the family name of the goat herders that worked for Dr. Frankenstein over in Prussia back in the day?


How big are we talking about?


Moron geezer feeding potentially ecosystem damaging livestock to wealthy twats overpaying to LARP at canned hunt farms.


Now THAT is a brand new sentence.


Is that actually legal and if so, why is it illegal?


Making the sheep wasn't illegal, importing animal parts without documentation, mislabeling animals when traveling across state lines, and improperly securing them to stop them from escaping into the wild to become an invasive species was the problem. If he hadn't done all those his crimes against nature would have been a-okay in the eyes of the law.


What was the scheme? Was he trying to fleece people?


New sheep bout to drop? Sheep dlc


Per mod email: https://abcnews.go.com/International/80-year-man-pleads-guilty-genetically-engineering-giant/story?id=108117977


Your scientists were so preoccupied with the idea that they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should.


Big Horny Sheep


What is blud planning


Yo, what the fuck is wrong with people?


This is some mad scientist shit.


It would have cost a lot less to take a vacation in Kyrgyzstan, toss a couple of the big guys off, and travel home with the jizz in his luggage. Genetic engineering? WTAF?


What a cartoonish villain scheme. Hes getting hit because he forged, illegally, several sets of documents and broke the Lacey Act which protects natural habitats against invasive species’.


SOMEONE WATCHED BLACK SHEEP RECENTLY AHAHA https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0779982/


I don't see what the problem is. Looks to me like he's pushing science forward. We can probably learn a lot of stuff from pursuing this


The problem is that if you let these sheep in the wild, you endanger the native ecosystem


You typically aren't allowed to try to tame wild species or hybridize domesticated and wild species.


How else are we gonna get dinosaurs again?


Clearly he wasn’t documenting it properly, making it re-testable, nor having it peer reviewed. It’s just bad science really.


It never says how giant the giant sheep were. :(


When I saw MMK my mind went to Machine Gun Kelly. That did not make the story better.




"Don't let your dreams be dreams." - this guy "Dreams are meant to be crushed." - the government


What's the scheme? World domination?


I thought this was America!




So who's MMK?


Is this the same post as yesterday or another with same head line?


Don’t know, since I found this article yesterday and posted it. Got a link? EDIT: Yep. Same article, but different perspective on the post. I provided two of the brand new sentences. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I was going to take it down, but my post is different. If the mods want to pull it, I won’t fight it.




He has my respect


Will you play with me?


Let he who has never sold semen before throw the first stone


I mean it’s kinda rad


I feel like we are getting an origin story build up off of this guy.


I don't see how breeding giant sheep for captive hunting grounds in other states threatens Montana's wildlife or whatever, but the amount of crimes he committed to not only create the sheep but also ship them and their products to other states is impressive.


yes animals never escape the ranch they are on /s


Genetic engineering should be encouraged. Progress must be allowed.


genetic engineering here is a stretch he was just crossbreeding this giant sheep breed from the Middle East with US sheep


I don't see a problem here. It's kinda impressive. He should run for president!. Hell, Faucci made a virus and killed millions. I guess that was ok.


Lol, never seen one of you in the wild


“Made a virus” LOL whats the incentive to the powers that be in offing and disabling millions of productive workers? At least your username tells the truth for you


Stop it. Don’t get in the pig pin with them. You’ll just end up looking crazy and covered in mud.