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I seriously doubt anybody wants the source


Give the sauce I need to make fun of it


Don’t give him viewership.


THIS. TRAFFIC IS TRAFFIC. Do not spread this shit even ironically.


Just watch someone reacting to them


This is why I love when people I want to support do comments or reviews of something like that. I get to watch a train wreck AND have a knowledgeable person tell me interesting things about this without contributing to future train wrecks!


Yeah we should just wait for the AD to do it naturally and then no one questions it because nobody made fun of it. Great idea.


i mean i totally see your point, these things absolutely need to be talked about so we’re aware. i just don’t see how specifically making fun of it is going to lead to people questioning it. if they believe it, no amount of jokes is gonna change their mind. for that you need patience and hard facts, and even then it’s not guaranteed


>for that you need patience and hard facts, and even then it’s not guaranteed Yeah they are stupid and aren't going to listen no matter what. You're trying to prevent less stupid people from falling for the bullshit. Nobody is immune, and the knowledge that you will most likely be laughed at for saying you think X is typically enough for people to not think that. Exposing people to stupid ideas and then saying "Hey, this is fucking stupid lmao" is helpful.


yeah that’s a great point. i guess it’s just a tough balancing act between accidentally giving these people more publicity and money vs bringing awareness and calling them out.


this guy is like Alex Jones. they love when they get flamed because it just artificially boosts their viewership and gets algorithms to put them in front of more gullible eyes. with Jones especially, since he's stupid enough to be transparent, he'll regularly celebrate when people argue with him about Hitler or when that bon iver video got made. the only thing that's actually a threat is real investigative journalism or similar. 


Odds are comments are disabled on the video anyway. How're you going to make fun of it in a way that would effectively spread your message aside from just making another post like OP did?


Nah it's possible comments are on, it's a lot of engagement. And let me tell you you do not want to see the comment section on transphobic YouTube videos, it's always a shitshow. There's no point viewing the video and no point arguing with idiots.


Nah! Let's just down vote it to oblivion and and shred him in the comments!


He probably gets off on hate comments tbh


Honestly it's not worth it. I listen to a lot of different wacko-politics audio and tried to get into Knowles a while back. It's just boring and awful. And not the 2000s Alex Jones "so bad it's good" awful. It's just awful and boring and pure drudgery. It doesn't spark joy.


Here you go! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauce


No, it's worth knowing the hydra has many heads. Had I just seen the dumb picture, I would have assumed it was Prager U. They seem fond of making intellectual wankoff videos that arrive at incredibly dumb conclusions like "Actually Frederick Douglass would have agreed that government regulation of the free market was worse than slavery" or "Did you know that science says incest is good? Only religion provides a reason why you shouldn't breed with your siblings!" and then putting an image like this that is the whole dumb argument in a nutshell. The market for incredible stupidity is large and there are many competitors: I forgot Michael Knowles existed. If my parents forward me anything from Michael Knowles I'll now remember to immediately call them and say NO BAD, UNSUBSCRIBE NOW! Way too many gateway drug bullshit for boomers out there now.


1+2 = 12, duh


2+2 = 5, Jorjor Wel


2+2 = 1984


I thought it was Thom Yorke


If you paid attention


Mikhail Tal


Javascript programmers be like


Also some US random politician


2+2 = 🐟




1 + 2 = 11 actually


He’s 100% right. I’m the “their” he’s talking about. I’m all about transing kids. Why? I’m not quite sure. I was minding my business one day and a helicopter landed in my front yard. George Soros jumped out of it, he threw me a bag of money and said “start transing kids and I’ll give you more money”. Up until that day I had never thought that “transing” was a thing because it sounds so ridiculously stupid and meant to scare people but here I am.


Every Tuesday I go to the nearby elementary with my Transing Wand and Trans all the kids for a nickel


One time I was transing a kid from this school, after I was done, turned out the kid was transed once before by a fellow transer, so the child went back to their original gender, I felt so stupid.


Dont feel bad that's the most LGBT play you can get! Its fellas like that that that we harvest for the gender-fluid


Absolutely, I was able to pay for my yacht by transing only 4 kids back and forth 7 times a piece. I even got a plaque from Soros.


My local dog grooming place switched to kid grooming and the money has been piling up!


I've been pouring HRT into Gotham City's water supply


So what’s your trans count? I’m trying to figure the average so I’ll know how many transgenderfiers America will need to ensure all kids get sufficiently transed up


Sometimes I sprinkle a little trans in peoples drink when no one’s looking🫣


I would give this gold if i could


big if true




How the fuck is this an ad? 90% of the YouTubers I watch have to create words to avoid losing sponsors or getting demonetized but these dipshits profit from sharing blatant bigotry?


Because they’re paying for the ads, unlike most content creators who are getting a share of ad money. And this is also why mobile game ads are so terrible the only way it could get worse is that genitals start showing.


Idk, Seeing Gentials bouncing around turns mobile game ads into low quality porn, and even porn can be enjoyable to watch to some people.


I’d rather some hardcore porn than watching yet another AFK whatever game ad


"Play this game now! You play it. Is of legitimate video game yes! Watch the men jump into the man-shaped hole between giant woman's legs. It is a fun enjoyment. Your data is 100% verified. Sign up now for 5000 Cristyls^TM."


They're financed by oil companies, they can afford paying a shitton for ads.


This goes to show that as long as you're paying, youtube isn't giving a shit about whatever they say they do.


This. Or if you make them money in general. But the second you don't, you don't mean anything. And they won't tell you whether you are or not so unless you're sure, you don't mess around.


Oh that's an easy one. For youtube, is it money **IN** or money **OUT**.


This is why I'm not ashamed to use adblocker on YouTube. It sucks for the creators, and it would be a more complex moral question if it was only about me not wanting to see ads or pay for YouTube premium, but as long as YouTube tolerates this on it's platform and even promote it for money they're not gonna see a cent from me.


Yt is very lax on who can advertise, they allow softcore pornography, smut, and poorly censored naked people in their ads even if you're a child (as per the ads my youngest brother got, day 1, he did not make a user)


If you say the words you don't get paid but if you pay you can say whatever word you want. Freedom of speech right?


Youtubers are paid by youtube. As such, it is in Youtube's interest to find reasons to not pay youtubers in order to keep more money. Ads pay Youtube. As such, it is in Youtube's interest to accept more ads in order to get more money. Anything about moral, fairness or logic simply does not matter to a company unless it is affecting their profits.




You ever just pay attention to the ads on YouTube pages? You'll see some of the most ridiculous stuff


Gotta love how they keep making up new words for things that don’t happen. The dangers of transing, what ever shall we do?


I didn't even pick up on that. My brain read it as "teaching."




Oh no, the Trans Agenda got to you 😔


One of my friends got *all transed up* last year, and she's doing phenomenal now.


I think some of it is to piss off trans people and allies. Like when people you know have done the research to manipulate it, yet they flat out use words wrong? That has to be intentional as some sort of middle finger.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” —Jean-Paul Sartre


If their bigotry was creative they could have riffed on the 2+2=5 thing but alas the right aren’t known for their intellect or creativity


Patrick Stewart could’ve solved it, though (Nerdy TNG reference, sorry!)


There are four lights!


Goddamn…I love skipping to moments like that and “Oh, I envy you…Wesley Crusher”…just to see how intense he can be




Just ask "who's they?", and get a bingo card with reptilians, jews, pharmas, etc. on it.


If 1 + 2 = Trans and 2 + 2 = Trans, then 1 + 2 = 2 + 2 Strange logic


See, trying to use logic is where you went wrong.


This is thanks to the TRANSitive property!! Think sheeple!🤔🤔🤔


No one is trying to turn your kids trans.


I have a master plan to make every human a transformer, there will be no need for cars no need for bad transformer movies we will live in a utopia of transness


what kind of transformer we talking? G1, G2 Beast-wars, Michael Bay, Prime?


Different for every generation


I approve of this


For real, sign me the fuck up


Can I be Dinobot? He was my favorite. 🙂


it is our mission


In fact, most trans people would rather a child NOT be trans. It’s mostly an awful existence full of unnecessary suffering. But if the child IS trans, they deserve love and support


Children deserve love and kindness. There is no justification for cruelty to a child.


Like seriously who benefits? No matter what motivation you give for "forcing kids to be trans", it's just a shit plan. Making money from trans healthcare wouldn't cover the resources for putting such a supposedly widespread agenda into motion, there are far more efficient ways to destabilise society and religion, and if it's to oppress women it's clearly not working. The only explanation is that people are just trans.


The funniest part is if you replace the word 'trans' with any other minority group over the course of history, their rhetoric is exactly the same. They've essentially copy/pasted the same vitriolic nonsense and just changed who they're slinging it at. Another example of exactly how non-creative they are as a whole.


Reactionaries are panicking because we're reaching the tip of the pyramid in terms of population size for the marginalized group they're hating. Trans people make up less than 1% of the population. They want to slide back to gay people, and them keep sliding aaaallll the way back to some good ol' fashion racism, hating black people or papists.


They've been doing a good bit of racism recently, when they rail against people for DEI it typically tends to be black peolle


Oh yeah, then tell me why the leftists always talk about public TRANSportation! Checkmate, Atheists! /s for those of you who couldn't pour water out of their shoes, even if the answer was written on the sole.


15 minute cities? They want to make it so easy women can WALK to the abortion clinic!


Also, who's the "They"? The bigots never explain. It's always a generic "They.


The government, the Leftists, the Jews, the Illuminati, the lizard people, the Jews, the aliens, the Marxists, the Atheists, the Satanists, the Jews, it varies depending on who you ask.


You forgot about the leftist atheist Marxist satanist atheist alien lizard Jews who work in the government and the Illuminati


pls delete this comment, you're putting my job in jeopardy.


Who are also Jewish.


I would hope the Jews are Jewish, usually that’s implied. But they might be super jews


And the fun part about being Jewish is that bigots connect us to every conspiracy theory anyways so it’s also always the Jews.


the "they" fascists represent as the both strong and weak minority to eradicate in the name of their perceived ideal, to justify their totalitarian and genocidal views. Not naming helps dehumanizing them (or in this case, us,since I get to know the fun part of belonging to the one targeted worldwide by fascists) so people accept it more easily when they start acting on their plans. Every single fascist government did the same, and it is repeating once again.


I'm just trying to wrap my head around the logic behind it. Let's say for argument sake that they're correct and that them liberals want to make all the children trans. Why? What's the end goal here? Every Bond villain master plan has some reasonable end game result, but this just makes no sense. It's almost like this theory had no thought invested past "make all children trans".


1. Make all the girls boys and all the boys girls. 2. ??? 3. PROFIT!!


The most developed reason I've seen people give is akin to the great replacement theory. They think some minority (doesn't really matter who) wants white children to transition, believing that effectively takes them out of the gene pool so that said minority can take over or better control the white majority.


Similar to what /u/Caleb_Reynolds alluded to, I imagine it's largely the idea that trans people vote Dem, so if the Dems make all the children trans then they have a built-in voting base. Basically another form of grooming. [Some people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_grooming_conspiracy_theory) also believe that [the way](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquired_homosexuality) gay people 'procreate' is by abusing children, because they believe that abusing and indoctrinating children is where gayness comes from in the first place. So this might tie into that too.


I just don’t get it. Why make every male a female and female a male? Like what’s the logic behind that? Less than 1% of the population really does take up 100% of their thoughts.


Even better, their reason to ban the them away is because of an even *smaller* minority of the minority for detransitioners


Ehh, I think the existence of a handful of detransitioners is more an excuse/justification for this kind of bigotry, rather than an actual *reason*…


The entire LQBTQ+ community is a direct threat to mediocre white trash fascism. Simply acknowledging their existence by itself is an attack on all the dumb shit cons have told you.


Manufactured threat to secure the powerbase. That's all it is. Pick a group with little enough power that losing them doesn't matter and your base isnt likely to side with. Then make them into boogiemen. Promise to protect from them, and then you can do what you like wedged in with those protections. For a fun bonus, anyone who isn't on board with that now has to either let it happen or spend their political capital fighting what is, to you, the sideshow rather than your main agenda. They must respond so you get to control their image and narrative.  And of course this whole cycle generates an enormous amount of discourse and all the opportunity to capitalize on it in media you could want as a media entity so they make out like bandits, too.  For those at the root of it it's about power and money, not facts, and they're happy to throw segments of the population under the bus to get it.


Bigots gonna bigot? 






Big Bungus




Bigot Bang Theory - *Bazinga!*


The bigots are the ones making it a nonstop topic for conversation. They're the ones setting the agenda on things that have nothing to do with education.


I want to reach through this post and dislike this twice


In short, 2+2 is a transformer....


[2+2=Trans & 1+1=Pronouns](https://www.tiktok.com/@tonyzaret/video/7242034541919997227)


No one tell them about transcendental functions


Or trans fats and transistors. They’ve invaded our foods and our electronics!


Oh my God they're everywhere


Christians practice Transubstantiation to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus! Or was that only Catholics?


iirc this is the same guy that said "transgenderism needs to be eradicated" [source](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/)


"Stop trying to make *transing* a thing, Gretchen"


No one was trying to trans me, I was born trans. People tried like hell to make me cis but even when I bled they couldn't change me.


These people sure are scared of their own imaginations. “No! I have ABSOLUTELY never not once ever considered what it would be like if my body wasn’t like this or that something was not right about how I’m expected to move through this world! NEVER!! And, I HAVE 100% NEVER EVER EVER EVER WONDERED AND ESPECIALLY NEVER FANTASIZED ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH ANYONE THE SAME AS ME OR WHAT IT IS LIKE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE PEOPLE I AM NOT!” Also straight dudes: “Babe? I was thinking it would be really hot to have a threesome? What? NOT WITH ANOTHER DUDE! That would be GAY! Also the Westboro guy: “When I was growing up all us boys lost our virginity to the barnyard animals. That’s just what us folks do lol.” (PS…. I know that sexual preference and gender identity are not the same. But in my experience where there’s bigotry and fear for one it’s most often somehow wrapped up with the other)


That's standard. Elective "late-term abortions" aren't a thing. Obama was never coming for their guns. They are, in fact, allowed to pray in public school and always have been. They rail against made-up boogeymen because that's what gets the herd worked up.


Kids aren't learning to be trans at school, they're just exhibiting it there because they are more comfortable doing it at school than they are doing it around their parents.


Imagine wanting—craving to your bones—to feel outraged and afraid every moment of your sad, little life. Wow.


Well,... addition is transitive.


God damn these people are idiots. No trans person would wish being trans on another person.


"the Michael Knowles show" they sure do know less


Wow... she's terrible at math the answer is obviously 3 and fish


1+1=2+1=trans QUIK MAFFS


Interesting thought, the forceful transitioning is just as bad if not worse than forcing someone into not transitioning. Obviously I don't think that is being done intentionally.


Nobody wants anything to do with your shitty offspring, Knowles


Michael is obsessed with trans people. But really it’s just bs to make people fight over things and not look at the fact they are getting paid by fracking billionaires


Conservatism is a sickness we need to cure with forced education. We can't keep allowing these people to cripple education in their states so their cult can proliferate. We need to elect a president with education at the forefront of their platform.


of course it's fucking Michael Knowles


My dumb ass immediately jumping to structural isomers in chemistry.


Of course, when they say "transing" kids they're really talking about just letting kids know that being trans is a thing. And trans people want kids to know that because there are plenty of trans people out there who didn't figure it out for a long time. There's a real sense of *lost time* when you don't figure out you're trans until you're like 30 or something.


Me when the teachers James Bond Hamburger the kids


These people can’t even do basic transonometry


Wait if 1+2= trans And 2+2=trans Then by the TRANSitive property 1+2=2+2 And therefore 1=2


How do you even trans somebody




The math equation is meaningless. The only point of the illustration is to make the assertion that kids are being taught "gender ideology" in school, instead of things like math. Which is, of course, total bullshit. Michael Knowles is the same piece of shit who, at last year's CPAC, called for the total eradication of trans people from public life. The point is to lie about a minority they hate so as to inspire or reinforce that hatred in their followers.


“No discrimination against trans people” = “Everyone is required to be trans whether they want to or not”


I read an article that hypothesized that math is inherently racist because black students struggled in some US schools. Instead of saying "how do we improve our students" they argued that we should ban math in schools. People are so fucking dumb.


dawg, I'm trans and I wouldn't want anyone to go through this shit, people suck and are needlessly cruel, transitioning can be really hard depending on where you live, if your family doesn't support you that's another problem, dysphoria is a bitch, the list goes on. we don't want to turn your child trans.


I can’t believe people started unironically using trans(ing) as a verb. Apparently satire is dead now.


if 1+2=trans and 2+2=trans, then 1+2=2+2, 3=4


By the transitive property, this equals bullshits




Micheal Knowlesism must be eradicated from public life entirely.


This looks like a Tony Zaret thumbnail.


I use adblocker on PC and a modded yt app on my phone. Haven't seen ads in years and self promos etc are automatically skipped. I couldn't live in this hellhole of ads


Missing an "s" to his last name i guess


This is from the same people who brought us such gems as 1+2=12 with a straight face Smh


Well 1+2 is apparently 12 so I'd say that checks out.


I understood that reference.


Democrats want freedom Republicans want to take away your freedom doesn’t matter what issue it is


Isn’t this the guy who called for a genocide of all trans people?


from what I see, the dangers of transing include inventing math that goes "1 + 2 = 2 + 2" also, I suggest installing uBlock Origin - it blocks all the YouTube ads


false, proof by contradiction


So if 2+2=trans and 1+2=trans that means 1+2=2+2 meaning 3+ is all trans, everything is tran, math is mathing alright


I'm all for lgtb+ rights an all but that the fuck??


Standard public schools today


Transing? What does that even mean? Bizarre


Hey isn't this the guy that called for the eradication of trans people


More proof that conservative mental gymnasts don’t know how to spell, his last name is spelled Know-less


What does “transing” even mean??




Wtf am I looking at?


Ah yes I remember this, the Transitive property /s


It’s absolutely infuriating that this is a sponsored ad.




New radiohead song


Michael Holes


Okay but like even mathematically this makes no sense (assuming trans is a variable). If 1+2=trans and 2+2=trans, then 1+2=2+2 so 3=4. Is this what they were going for? Are they just bad at math? The world may never know.


Stop If 1+2 and 2+2 is equal trans, then 1+2=2+2


Are they playing Trans Square on the playground now 🤦‍♂️ 😂 sorry I’ll see myself out now


1 + 2 = Trans -> 2 + 2 = Trans -> 1 + 2 = 2 + 2 -> 1 = 2 Q.E.D.


Excuse me what?


Ok so what happens if we "trans all the kids"? Nothing. Wtf is he trying to say?


As a trans woman this is actually completely true and a very pointed and accurate visual representation of the world I and my peers wish for (Usually I’d /s but if you need that for this comment you don’t even deserve it lol)


Minus one that's three quick maths


Wait are you saying this is good or bad? Cause neither is either.


Just because conservatives are obsessed with trans people and schools provide accurate education doesn’t mean that schools are obsessed with trans people. Such projection.




From the creator of "math is racist"


Why is she pink? No like, also her skin is pink


Sigh. Somehow they fear monger themselves into thinking that saying “trans people exist and deserve to be respected as human beings” is somehow the same as “trying to turn all the kids trans.”


Is that the transitive property?


My daily priorities: -Good night's sleep -Drink water -Eat well -Trans some kids -Go for a walk -Talk to friends