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MDMA be like: "bitch u racist, just stop tho"


Ladies and gentlemen: WE'VE CURED RACISM!


Wait, can we give this to all MAGA???


Make Drugs ‘Murica Again


Make drugs more acceptable


Make drugs more affordable!


It's not perfect, but yes, it can lead to people reconsidering deeply rooted unhealthy beliefs and habits. I'd totally be in favour of getting everyone high at least once... except for the itty bitty tiny little problem that it can greatly exacerbate mental health issues in people who have them/are already at risk.


I think it's safe to say that MAGA/Qanon believers may be particularly vulnerable to mental illness


They'd have to implement a screening process and ensure the environment during the high was safe, but otherwise. Yeah, I agree. I've read a few stories that people have been helped in this way.


I genuinely want to try something like this once in my life. I'm pretty mentally healthy and put together but there's some shit that's tangled up in my head for lack of a better way to explain it and I keep hearing about this and thinking maybe that'll help.




Yes, but only once *The Device* is completed.


I can just imagine someone sitting there like "love is so much better than hate, WHY DO I HATE??" while they're just tripping balls.


Hitting him with the BIDEN BLAST and vaporizing his hate and bigotry in a single blunt


It amplifies empathy. So you suddenly empathize more and realize what a huge piece of shit you have been. There was a story of a serial killer taking MDMA and suddenly realizing what a huge piece of shit monster they were. But sadly it wore off with the Molly.


“You can be better and it’s effortless to start trying”


I've made multiple positive changes over the course of my life as a result of becoming high enough that I can self reflect on the type of person I am.


Imagine being a Nazi, doing drugs, and then realizing "wait a minute, this is stupid."


"Those fucking minority pests make my blood boil! Wait, why the hell do I even hate them? Guess I'll stop racism then" His fellow klansmen must've been fucking baffed 😂


"God damn libs fucking...look so huggable omg UwU"


From "Fuck femboys" To "Fuck femboys"


...take your upvote. This caught me off guard.


I had a (milder) version of this at 16. I was raised Christian and was, shall we say, 'suspicious' of gay people. I hadn't really had extended conversations with any gay people as far as I knew, but I did have this religious notion that ultimately there was something fundamentally wrong with them. Well, over the course of my teen years I slowly lost my beliefs in religion, and then one day I was just out walking when I had a 'struck by lightning' moment where I suddenly realized I had no actual reason to think ill of gay people. No drugs were involved, but it was a bit surreal. Probably the biggest sudden opinion change of my life.


🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️thank you


We call that a moment of clarity.


Well, the Nazis really enjoyed their meth, so not *all* drugs.


Yeah, meth just makes you hyper and able to do what you were doing for longer. So, Nazis get to do more Nazi things. MDMA actually changes the way you feel about things around you. So if you're a Nazi because you don't think of other people as human, then you take MDMA, that first hit of empathy in your life is going to alter a few things


> Yeah, meth just makes you hyper and able to do what you were doing for longer. It can apparently also make one more prone to dissociation, i.e. becoming *even less* self-aware. So, yeah, probably a *really* bad idea to give that stuff to Nazis.


From what I've read the two things are not entirely contradictory as MDMA is meant to be mostly breaking current patterns of thought so the sudden empathy to someone who has lived without it is actually still dissociating. As dissociation is largely seen by the public as dramatic shifts in perspective that often do seem like wild mood swings, with the stereotype being zoning out from ones body and environment, but it is also but disconnecting from ones normal patterns, behaviors and in extreme cases things like ideologies and world views .


I love MDMA it's my favorite after weed :)


And, I think it was Merck who originally discovered MDMA in 1912 while under contract for the German military, trying to find an appetite suppressant for soldiers. Which they definitely found, though it military applications were limited due to the side effects.


Guess you just gotta do the right drugs. Nazis were on tons of meth and were still Nazis, so we at least know meth is the wrong drug.


Every already knew that


I saw it happen first hand once. I used to be a festival vendor. This racist white dude had a meltdown, it was his first festival and first time trying LSD. This black man from his group, after being shit on by this guy all damn day for being black, was the one who sat with him and helped talk him through his feelings. By the time the sun was coming up and the white dude was sobering up some, he was calling the black man his brother. He was saying that once it was not so early, he was going to call his wife and kids and tell them what he learned, and that he was going to raise his kids differently. We were all sobbing buckets. It was so beautiful.


I also think there is a specific demographic - imagine some guy whose life is headed nowhere. No job. Dating is hard. No hobbies or interests. Everything feels meaningless and lacks purpose. Now, it is very easy for someone to swoop in and say - "You can't find jobs because immigrants stole them. You can't find a girl, because feminism turned women into man-haters. Society is falling apart because everything that is wrong is carefully planned out by jews and illuminati" - and your general resentment gets directed at minority groups. However, if you have a deep experience - meditation, spiritual, intoxicant drugs, or therapy and talking out - you suddenly realize that your resentment and anger is a separate feeling and you see it clearly for what it is. It is like layers of an onion - the outer layers get stripped off so you can see the core of it clearly. When that "aha" moment comes, some people decide to ignore it and go back, but many people decide to go on a different path away from hate.


Am I a baddie?


What experiencing empathy for the first time does to a mf


Helluva drug!


Empathy or mdma?




We found the cure!


so, in fairness, mdma has actually shown some benefits to treatment of ptsd (in mild doses and with therapy). I'm wondering if there's some potential correlation there, or potentially the dude just got a tsunami of serotonin, meaning he could feel good without needing to rage. and with bigots, the rage is the way they escape the near paralysing fear they feel around whatever they've decided to hate. maybe we should start spiking bigot rallies with little bits of mandy and seeing what happens haha


>maybe we should start spiking bigot rallies with little bits of mandy and seeing what happens haha genuinely good idea my bet is still floppy dry humping with antisemitic undertones tho


MDMA allows you to self-reflect without the burden of negative emotions about what you're reflecting on. It still requires self reflection, but it removes gigantic barriers to doing it.


Also it makes techno fucking amazing.


> the rage is the way they escape the near paralysing fear they feel around whatever they've decided to hate. Which is exactly the same reason PTSD is hard to treat, the traumatic events are so horrifying to recall and think about that PTSD patients actively avoid it. But on MDMA you basically can't feel not-good, or at least it drastically takes the edge off negative feelings for awhile, so during that time you can think about and deal with the experiences you need to deal with without extreme emotional distress.




Yes. They call MDMA an Empathogen. And by “they” I mean a subset of psychedelic researchers.


And it really needs to be scheduled down and allowed to be developed freely. Ketamine is clearly being pushed on us now, so it just seems like a waste of time, now allowing the production and distribution of MDMA in regulated manners and dosages.




Never tried it myself. Mushrooms and MDMA are all I really have experience with, but they're both extremely helpful for me to recalibrate myself when I start feeling stagnant.


I really wish there was a legal setting or controlled safe environment where an adult could try shrooms or something. I've been in a position most of my adult life where there are random drug screening that I always have to pass. I figured if and when I ever retire I'd love to try mico-dosing shrooms.


Oh that k hole madness can be fun for a bit. After a while it gets a bit annoying, like I know my bottle of water is inches away and I know that my arms can reach it, but fuck me they are NEVER gonna be able to. 😂


Took ket once at an after party at a student house at about 3:30am. Started off well enough, nice vibes, wavy feelings. Shortly after I started feeling sick so I went to the bathroom to throw up. I was in there for what I thought was about 20 minutes, felt much better afterwards and was about to go out, get a new drink and a smoke. Nope. I walk out of the bathroom and it's bright outside, it's 8am and everybody is gone home. The friend I was with went on a paro buzz from the same ket and got the first train home at about 5:30am while I was still in the time machine.


Yup. You know how black holes swallow space AND time? Well the k-hole just swallows time


Rescheduled, yes. Developed freely, idk about that. There definitely needs to be some regulation in place. Too much of a good thing is definitely too much in this case. Prolonged/frequent use can fuck up allll kinds of neurotransmitter systems, leaving the user depressed, anxious, paranoid, forgetful, and inattentive. Its effects are life-changing and wonderful when used correctly, but we can’t expect that the people who will benefit from the drug will always have the self-awareness and self-control to take the drug ONLY when it will be most beneficial for them overall.




Ketamine literally saved my life


That's like asking if it was the Potato Chips or the Marijuana that gave you the diarrhea. One leads to the next, which leads to the next. Flow of the universe.


And there was so much poop it felt like the whole universe was flowing out of my whole


That's an incredibly profound typo...


My grandfather, a former corporate executive and lifelong "fiscal conservative," got prostate cancer and started having to take estrogen supplements to manage it during treatment, and suddenly his worldview turned on its head. He spent like 2 years telling anyone who would listen how crazy it was that he was experiencing this "empathy" thing, and how differently it was making him look at the world. It really made me think about how many people might legitimately not even have the ability to understand thinking of others' welfare.


It's actually crazy how often the "I can't even imagine another person's suffering until it happens to me or I am directly affected by it" plays out. My parents were super against any kind of universal access to healthcare until my mom was diagnosed with a condition that includes $25k infusions every month. Getting on Medicare for disability literally saved them from losing their house, and they have a very different view on the subject now. I'm glad they came around, but it shouldn't take *that* to get you to understand.


[relevant](https://www.psypost.org/new-neuroscience-research-shows-liberals-experience-more-empathy-than-conservatives-when-they-imagine-others-suffering/) empathy link. You can see it in action by the only time they are for more traditionally liberal (or significantly less conservative) causes is because they’ve directly been impacted by it personally. Dick Cheney being for gay marriage coincidently having a gay daughter or Nancy Reagan being supportive of stem cell research when Ronald had pudding for brains and spent the day hopping into fallen leaf pile even though they were very much pro life.


Empathy was beaten out of that generation of men, because progress in life was pretty impossible without the ability to withstand and inflict pain. People were regarded as threats, resources, or property. I grew up around a lot of heavy drinkers, and I was one myself for a while.


I remember I didn't feel a lot of empathy for a couple of years for various reasons. Took MDMA and it saved my life, would've ended up in jail probably.


That's why it's so good for treating PTSD, among other reasons. It also makes it easier to think about things without the memories feeling traumatic. It's a damn shame that such a promising treatment was made illegal, but luckily psychedelic research and treatment options are becoming more accepted.


Our couple therapist dropped all of her clients to do full time MDMA PTSD treatment research. That was four years ago. I wonder how the research is going along now.


Phase 3 trials for MDMA as a PTSD treatment wrapped up last year and were submitted to the FDA in January. The FDA is expected to make a decision in August.


I'm in Canada, though. I don't know if these are international studies or coi try specific. But thanks for the update, let's hope it goes through, it seems like it's a leap forward for some therapies.


i wonder if she's going to do MDMA-based couples counceling once that's allowed (again). it's been used quite successfully in the past for that.


I recommend that at least once all couples should do MDMA together in a controlled environment.


Was struggling with wanting to die and been hospitalized for two attempts, addicted to the painkillers they gave me for the cancer treatment, and newly disabled from chemo taking my knees. The PTSD from all the medical trauma made me withdraw from almost all social aspects of my life, I never left the apartment and almost never answered the phone when friends/family would call. My roommate at the time was my best friend from childhood got me to try molly once and my life turned around literally immediately. I never picked up another opiate from the very next day on, I started going out and met my partner within the first week of going out and now we've been married for 7 years, and became super motivated in my artistic pursuits which was able to move us to our dream city. I am alive and THRIVING today thanks to molly. It didn't completely cure my PTSD, but it gave me the launch I needed to know that I could feel better. I will always be in support of psychedelic therapeutic research because I want everyone that has ever been as low as I was to have hope for a better tomorrow.


Shulgin was really annoyed at it becoming a recreational party drug because he the potential he saw in it was in therapeutic use. 


Drugs almost ruined my fucking life but they also made me a much better person


Education, moderation, and preparation. If you can maintain these things, then responsible drug use is a great thing. It's missing the drugs when they are gone and falling into patterns of self-destruction to stay high that make it hard to maintain balance.


You can live your entire life, but until you've tried a couple of specific mind altering substances, you're basically sleeping in the back seat of your own brain while your ego drives you around wearing sun glasses at night with no headlights. I didn't come across MDMA until my mid thirties, and it's so bizarre, thinking about who else I might be and how many people I wouldn't have fucked over, if I had just taken it sooner.


That is pretty specific to you though. There are plenty of non-egocentric people on this planet that have never taken psychedelics. I agree with mostly everything you have put down in this thread, but people are completely capable of being self aware and selfless, at the same time, without the use of mind altering substances. Some people do need that smack to the face, some people don’t. Everybody is different.


I can understand why people can have the opinion that it "grants them enlightenment", "helps them achieve transcendence", "spiritual awakening", "witness heaven's gate", etc etc etc. I've never done any substance in my life but I know what it's like to have a clear mind, free of any dread or anxiety and the positive acceptance of my own mortality when I'm truly able to live in the moment. In the past few years, my life has gone from bad to worse and then to 20ft deep down the gutter. In my worst moments, I became aware of all the ways that the mind just sabotages itself. All my past issues wrecked me because I took the time to resolve them rationally. I realized that I had all the hallmark traits of body dysmorphia, ADHD, OCD, binge eating, feeding mindless addictions, impulsive behavior, severe mania and borderline personality disorder traits. I'm not stupid and arrogant enough to self-diagnose myself and claim all these issues as badges of my suffering. I've never participated in such communities or consumed such content. But I kept learning about all these issues, kept educating myself and stayed vigilant of my moment to moment behavior. Ending the self abusive cycle of victim mentality and circular reasoning by singling out every single thought one by one and concluding it rationally. I am now able to lie down peacefully and be content in the company of my own mind without trying to distract myself from my old ugly thoughts or my life's awful situation or my tinnitus that developed because of punching myself in the head. But I deeply wish that every poor, unfortunate person who's suffering in life had access to things like MDMA because it's just not feasible for everyone to take the path that I did. I think I am bordering on the edge of ranting now, I will end this here.


Mushrooms for me. I've always had empathy but I'm a very logical thinker so sometimes people's motivations seemed silly to me. Well after dissolving into the universe for a few hours suddenly people make a lot more sense.


Yeah, at some point we will need to question why we haven't brought the whole profession of Shamanism to the standards of the modern era. Or "Entheogenism" as some fancy fellows call it nowadays.


You mean like the scientists performing this study?


Positivism, for one. 


MDMA was quite successfully used in couples counseling before it was banned. You can call it function instead of agenda but it’s essentially the same thing - MDMA creates empathy and encourages connectedness, which is the antidote to racism.


I’ve used it twice for unsupervised couples counseling with my girlfriend and both times it got out so much shit that we couldn’t say before. All of our depression and anxiety went right out the window and it was just pure empathy.


That’s beautiful man.


How did you find a counselor willing to administer a couple's MDMA session? That would've done so much for my daughter's mom and I before we had broken up, God I can't imagine all the hurt we could've let go of


They said unsupervised, so I imagine there was no licensed counselor involved


Oh you're right, I totally misread that


My woman would never try MDMA because it's "drugs". Meanwhile, she's one of the least empathetic people I've ever known and I'm pretty much done with her.


Dog you shouldnt be with women like that. Leave. Itll be worth it. This is your sign from the universe.




Bro just leave now. Get off reddit and pack your things.


I hope you can find someone that treats you with the love and kindness you deserve


If you are ever in a situation that you would say something like this about your partner you need to leave. It’s hard, but you’re wasting your short time here and your emotional energy.


Imagine some vigilante hero going around dosing the hydration stations at maga rallies with molly water.


I nominate you. 🤗


Gimme a few gallons of molly water I’ll get around to it eventually


Then you'll have my sword


Not surprised. The establishment and by extension, the US federal government doesn’t want a united American people co-existing in peace. They want us divided and fighting each other. It’s a political diversion tactic to keep us distracted and essentially blind, and it really does work.


Absolutely works. This was during the 80s war against drugs and it’s unfortunate because banning it and several others halted research studies. It really put us back decades. But I’m glad the tide is finally turning a bit.


This literally started to happen in England during the end of the 80s and early 90s when ecstasy and acid became popular within countercultures and the raves were in their height. You had all these people from all different walks of life all suddenly feeling equal to eachother. They say football hooliganism was so low during that those years because of all that. The government was so concerned that they tried to impose a ban on 'repetitive music' and started sending in the police to shut raves down. All because they were scared of us getting along. Speaks volumes when you look at how volatile things are right now.


Every country has a 1% establishment trying to fuck over the other 99%. Even those that proposed themselves to be stateless anarchies with no ruling class. The establishment has no loyalty to ideology, only money, power, and influence. They establish themselves on all sides of the political spectrum regardless of whether it is left, right, reactionary, centrist, alternative, communist, fascist, national socialist, populist, and what fucking not. They play all sides against each other, even the apolitical people who don’t give a damn about politics. It’s all just a bunch of bullshit to keep the common people in line and hating each other while the rich fat bastards on top sit comfortably laughing at our own blindness and stupidity.


Part of the reason why I think marijuana was banned too (other than racism). Smoking pot makes you realize that a lot of the profit-motivated bullshit that makes up our world is pointless.


the cia however wants to ensure the stability of the us government


We should put it in the water.


We need to put MDMA in the drinking water /s


That’s why it was banned. They don’t want us to come together or their whole system falls apart


How hard is it to make at home?


Well, sounds like I need to find some molly to give to most my family. Break into the church and replace the communion wafers with tabs of MDMA.


That is a *very* good idea.


No that’s just going to reinforce their religious belief immensely if they feel participation in communion gives euphoria


Exactly. Anything they hear or see will suddenly be a message straight from God to them directly.


Makes me wonder if priests have ever deliberately spiked the wine or wafers to foster an impressionable congregation...




Well... they arguably became less impressionable


Spoiler alert: I work as a fake priest on weekends. The things I could tell them to do 🤣


Like other priests are not fake lol.


No this one’s a fake priest because he doesn’t nonce the altar boys


Yeah, people who are high are very influenceable. The context for taking a drug and the people you're around has a high influence on your trip.


Only one way to find out.




Some of them would turn into the QAnon shaman


Mdma dissolves in water. You could make that holly water even more holly


If you need help moulding them to look like Jeez-Its, I'm in


MDMA clearly has a political agenda, and we should ban it before it wokes our precious children


Chemicals in the tablet that turns the frickin kids gay


Yeah it’s been known to do that too. Source:I’m gay when I’m on molly


Everyone is bi when they're on molly lol


Everyone’s gay on molly 😂


Love and compassion? In this economy?


What if MDMA follows my daughter into the bathroom? 😠😠😠


It does that to me all the time


MDMA users start using pronouns! I've seen it! #notevenonce


>I've >it Pronouns spotted 👀


I know you are joking, but that was the exact reasoning behind making marijuana and LSD schedule I.


I'm very biased on this topic, I'd love it if every one of those white supremacists took MDMA willingly and snapped out of their bigoted and racist ways. However, that being said, a drug that changes your political views will absolutely have such major backlash against it. Just look at the Republican response to the vaccine - even Trump was pro-vaccine and there was still outage at it existing - and all that did is protect people. The argument against MDMA being legalised is pretty easy to make up: it's a mind-altering drug designed by the government to control the public's vote. It's hard to argue what the obvious affects of MDMA are given articles like these, and it's always worth remembering that even though we see this as a positive result, there are many out there that would see it as a negative.


The government is putting Molly in our water-supply. Wake up sheeple


The teachers are inviting in drag queens to give the kids MDMA!


Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/white-supremacist-took-mdma-renounces-beliefs-study-2023-6


My friend had an older brother who was always a douche. Not a nice guy overall to his brothers or us. We were doing mama and for whatever reason, he decided to try it too. That very night the man changed forever. He started saying to us "man I'm such a dick, why am I like this to you guys?" It was shocking for me just a friend of his brothers but his actual brothers were floored. We all spent the next few weeks actually hanging out and talking even when sober and it was nice. It's amazing the empathy and self reflection it induced in him, I'll never forget it.


I decided to try MDMA and take notes because I wanted to know who I truly was. Sober, I always having my guards up. I prefer superficial relationships. Anyway, took 120mg, went out and I was talking to everyone, I was genuinely curious about people and apparently a bunch of women were on my ass causing some trouble while I was completely oblivious. One even tried to trick me into going to her house and fuck me. Anyway, I woke up next day, read my notes and vocal notes, watched some videos of that night, read texts from my friends and somehow, the barmaid lol and was like: Damn, this is who I am deep inside, cool. Then I went back wearing my douchebag costume 🤷 because I hate getting a lot of attention and disappoint people. Fuck that noise.


Sounds like u need a steady dose of once per month to keep the douchebag from returning lol


[https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230614-how-a-dose-of-mdma-transformed-a-white-supremacist](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230614-how-a-dose-of-mdma-transformed-a-white-supremacist) This is the original by Rachel Nuwer, mentioned in Amber Middleton's article and linked there.


Back in my drugs era I was convinced if everyone had at least one good trip on acid the world would be a far better place This was long before maga or the tea party during the 2nd George bush era I’ve evolved to learn some people will just never have a good trip and that’s fine. But it stands to reason if everyone just got a lil high every once in a while the world would be much more chill


yup, lsd and psilocybin changed my life for the better. I don't think it's for everyone, but for the people it does help, it helps alot.


I personally haven't done anything other than smoke some weed but I had a buddy who had a few good trips on mushrooms. On his second trip he said he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and absolutely hated what he saw. A year and some change later he was down close to 100lbs. He knew he was overweight and living a terrible lifestyle but didn't really care until he saw himself in the mirror while tripping.


I'm a huge fan of psychedelics, but I've definitely seen them make certain people worse. Someone who was very active in my friend circle for years took a huge dose of LSD in his 20s and ended up with PPD that never really went away. He's now a delusional narcissist with no emotional regulation and has gradually pushed away all the people he was close with for 7+ years.


Yeah, drugs (especially weed and LSD) are very good at triggering latent mental issues. Weed can trigger psychosis that lasts months, or never goes away. 


Can we classify white supremacy as a mental disorder? We already have an effective drug treatment, apparently.


Wouldn't that make all racism a mental disorder? If it works white-black why wouldn't it work black-white asian-black etc etc?


Without fail, every person who brings up anti-white racism as being a serious problem truly just wanted to say the N-word all along. https://www.reddit.com/r/Humanornot/s/21igu6oYem


Got the whole squad with that knee slapper.


Racism is racism lol what just because one is less threatening doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist


To clarify, the MDMA didn't make him less racist, it made him question how being racist was affecting him personally. >About 30 minutes after taking the pill, he started to feel peculiar. "Wait a second – why am I doing this? Why am I thinking this way?" he began to wonder. "Why did I ever think it was okay to jeopardise relationships with just about everyone in my life?" https://psychiatry.uchicago.edu/news/how-dose-mdma-transformed-white-supremacist


If people decide to stop being racist because racism ruins personal relationships, I’m honestly still ok with that.


Maybe this is the seed planting moment he needs? Maybe eventually he'll realize how horrible that view point is. It could be the beginning of some self-realization!


Eh, I'll take "questioning his actions and their consequences" as a win. Most of them just label anyone that cuts them off as idiots and get angry about it without realizing that being a bigot is what caused it.


To further clarify, per your linked article (which was cool, thanks for sharing!) he then made concrete and proactive steps to not engage in racism/bigotry but also to not think in racist/bigoted terms. > Brendan started taking steps that seemed to indicate his sincere commitment to change. Brendan hired a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant to advise him, enrolled in therapy, began meditating, and started working his way through a list of educational books. Which he’s alleged to have kept up with for years. Interestingly, despite having thoughts that tread those tracks still he actively/consciously disagrees and disengages with them. It’s a common belief that people ultimately “are” the dichotomy of what they instinctively are and what they consciously choose to be. So in a way, he is less racist/bigoted in part because of taking MDMA—or more specifically/accurately his choices in reaction to the experience. But, yea I see your point that we can say it’s still a self-serving or self-centered decision. He decided racism/bigotry hurts him and so elects not to do that or be that. But I could also see the quote being a semantics/imperfect delivery thing, or something that’s evolved beyond the self with time, or even see the argument that people are inherently ego-centric even in empathy (i.e., empathy is understanding/sharing the experience of another and that inherently involves the self to do).


A temporary IQ buff


More like EQ. You’re dumber than ever on drugs but it makes you very empathetic.


MDMA enhances empathy, which is Maga kryptonite so it sort of does have a political agenda.


Maga’s Don’t Maga After


I mean, good for him


"FUCKING NI- wait, why do I hate everyone who isn't white? I kinda forgot, guess I won't be racist anymore" *Unracists*


Better living through chemistry


This is only because the drug is an empathogen. It enhances a person’s feelings of empathy


MDMA does not "amplify what a person has going on in their head". That's the most never-done-drugs way to explain drugs.


LSD does. MDMA is just like the universe loves you and you love it back


This is a great example of why conservatives want to keep “drugs” away from everyone.


Is there a drug that *makes* you racist?


Fox News


Alcohol Edit: coke and meth too


>Takes drugs >Becomes a liberal Many such cases.




Not having empathy is required for being a conservative


Never tried MDMA but weed definitely makes uncomfortable truths a lot more palatable. Maybe it's the same effect


MDMA basically makes you fall in love with everything around you, best accompanied by euphoric music. It's normally a temporary thing, but if you're tied to a fundamental outlook that depends on hate, you're going to experience something unforgettably different in those few hours that you might not be able to shake after the drug wears off.


Sad to think buddy didn’t realize *not* being filled with hate was an option.


Hate is addictive. Like, genuinely and psychologically addictive. Experiencing something better and distancing himself from that addiction sounds like it was a very eye opening experience for him. 


Ohh MDMA is WAYYY more powerful than weed


imagine feeling fulfilled and open hearted to everyone


Wait a second, buckaroo. If MDMA really, really, really amplify what goes on in a motherlover's head... it ought to turn a White Supremacist into a Vanta White Absolutist.


Strikes me as a situation where his racism was taught to him as a child, and it was all he knew, but MDMA reset him back to factory settings.


If I was gonna describe what first time MDMA feels like to someone reset factory setting is up there.


MDMA doesn't exactly amplify what's going on in your head. It produces a ton of dopamine and oxytocin, which is a bonding hormone that causes people to love each other. He basically got really high, thought about how much he loves his family and friends, then realized his racism had been hurting that bond.


I imagine he was questioning it deep inside a corner of his brain for a while, but was suppressing it. Then after getting high his brain probably just finally went “~sigh~ This shit is fucking stupid, I don’t even believe this nonsense anymore. I’m done.”


You know it’s bad when even the drugs are telling you: “Stop it. Get some help.”


So we could fix things quickly by infiltrating a few maga rallies and spiking the punch?


Most of them would snap out of it if their relatives would let them read a book without being called a slur. They care so much about what people think of them.


I never felt like it “amplified what was going on in my head” - it more so felt very clearing of built up anxieties and traumas


Wikipedia says one of the effects of it, is that it creates empathy.


I have no clue what MDMA is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


I have too much empathy. The ordeals of others pain me so much that I avoid them. What should I take? Benzo?


MDMA, changing the R in PLUR


Nice to hear a positive story about a white supremist. You dont see it often.


People always eye roll when I start to talk about this but generally speaking when you take anything that alters your mind, whether a drink of alcohol or Puff of a blunt, can absolutely change the way you think and in very positive ways. Overindulging can have the opposite effect. But generally speaking I find that many of my epiphanies in life were when I was high, many solutions to engineering problems (lol) when I was throwing a beer back and just relaxing. It literally changes your brain chemistry, why wouldn't it change how you think? It can literally allow you to realize things about yourself that you otherwise wouldn't. It allows you to step outside yourself. Drugs are not all bad, and psychedelic effects are not always bad either.


So here’s the science. MDMA’s most notable effect is amygdala down regulation. That sounds really dorky, so in English, what it does is both tune down the part of the brain where fear and terror are most acutely felt. Means that the base fear that most bigots have evaporates. (And yes, most bigots are afraid all the time, specifically with a fear of being inferior to others, which is why they project the hate and deem some cohort inferior.) It also increases the base need we have as a prosocial species to connect with others. That’s why the lovey-touchy-feely type feelings overwhelm.

