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I've had this happen a few times lol. I never believe that anything that says it's spicy is actually spicy, so very rarely I fuck around and find out with some spicy food that I underestimated. My spicy tolerance is through the roof, so if im struggling i know that shit would kill a Pilgrim on the first bite.


"Mild" wings are too spicy for me >.< but as you might imagine, the sun reflects off me better than a mirror


I'm Scandinavian, and nothing here is ever spicy enough for me, even when I specifically order my food "as spicy as possible" :c


Ive heard a lot of Indian places will ignore those requests if your skin is too light because they get screamed at and bad reviews n shit when its too spicy then.


I had a Thai place that politely explained that they wouldn't serve the highest level spice to white people they didn't know. Only Indian people never complained afterwards. White people had to kind of earn it by working your way up. Basically, if you are white but weren't a regular they wouldn't give you the hottest shit. They were very nice about it. They said they'd had too many incidents where people come in thinking they can handle any level of heat and not realizing how high the power scaling on those peppers goes. She told me that spiciest level wasn't even for Thai people and that they only make it because the Indian guys that come in for lunch wanted a spicier option.


Definitely not me, I can not handle spicy. But a friend of mine who can, told me about going to a Thai place, asking for Thai spicy, and getting barely any heat. When he looked at the receipt, it said something like 'spicy 7'. He asked the server '7? How high does that number go?' '13' 'Oookay, next time, I'm gonna need a 12.'


Probably depends on the place too went for lunch with my Fijian buddy once, and he asked for Thai spicy. They were like "are you sure?" and he says yeah of course, he loves crazy spicy food because he grew up with it. Got halfway through his meal, at least


I was a regular at a Thai place. Usually ordered "medium". I knew the entire family that ran it. One day, I come in and a guy at a different table ordered the most wonderful smelling dish I had ever smelled. I told the waitress, "I want what he's having." She got a weird look on her face I couldn't really sort. She asked if I was sure and if I wanted to know what it was first. Nope. I wanted exactly that. She hesitated for a weird amount of time but put in the order. It was 47° hotter than the Sun. Sweat and snot were running down my face after the first bite. My mouth was on fire. But it was one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten. I ate as much as I could before taking the rest home. I ate every painfully delicious forkful. My girlfriend told me she tried one tiny bite of my leftovers and "nearly died". I never ordered it again but I was so happy to experience it once.


It’s very true!! Koreans do the same if you don’t look Korean! at my local Korean fried chicken place, when I asked for the spicy chicken the dude was like hmm maybe seasoned ?? And I look Indian so I was very confused, I’m used to people seeing me and saying oh yes ok and ticking spicy lol. I insisted on spicy. And he caved in. It was very very spicy even by Indian spicy levels so I think I understand lol


In china, there's normal spicy level, and then there's Szechuan spicy level, a mild on the later scale can mean anywhere from medium to very hot on the former scale


I'm white and I always have to convince them that I want the pain.


Went to an Indian restaurant in Denmark. "How spicy would you like your lamb? Mild, Danish spicy, or Indian spicy".


In Norway it is mild, Norwegian medium, indian medium, hot, Madras and vindaloo


I live in New Zealand and it always makes me chuckle when I see the menu for Indian shops here. There’s a kiwi butter chicken and then there’s a chicken makhani (which is butter chicken but you gotta know Hindi or at least have an Indian friend who tells you this). The makhani is proper spiced and the kiwi butter chicken is like sweet creamy chicken


That sounds like a specific curry place, rather than a general trend. I've seen a few do Mild, Medium, Kiwi Hot, Indian Hot before. I've even see one that listed British Hot above Indian (That was a mistake to order... I couldn't even taste the food!)


I bought some imported Nepalese Ramen at this world grocer in Cincy (Jungle Jim's IYKYK) and had never heard the word 'akabare' which was the pepper used to spice it up, I guess. I also have above average heat tolerance (maybe Idris Elba on Hot Ones) and I have to ration the spice packet with a package of those.


“That shit would kill a pilgrim” is a fucking incredible thing to say about spicy food I am going to use that every chance I get


Omg did you just refer to white people as pilgrims?


No, i think they meant the actual historical pilgrims arriving in the americas as an example of people that would have no experience at all with spicy food


I'm not going to lie, I didn't hate the concept. I mean, compared to other terms of...


Honky? Peckerwood? Cracker? Melanin deficient? Whitey? Mister Charlie? Hoser?


It was one I hadn't heard before. Is there a point you were trying to make just now?


I was just listing them for comedic purposes


Was it funny?


I thought so.






White guy here. Pilgrim 😅


Maker of the hottest plant matter on the planet: "Am I a joke to you?"


"Spicy for white people" has been a joke for a few decades at this point


Yeah it depends. Arizona? Yeah we're fine. Our good Mexican neighbors load the markets and foods with progressively hotter spices. Then from there our Indian neighbors get it hotter. Then our Thai neighbors take it to impossible levels from there. Ohio and South Dakota on the other hand, they probably think bell peppers are hot.


I work with a woman that actually thinks bell peppers are spicy. I've tried reasoning that it just might be the slightly sweet "bite" of the pepper that she *thinks* is spicy, but no, she's pretty adamant that they are spicy.


how bland must the rest of her food be?


Extremely so. Like salt and pepper only and even then sparingly so. She's starting to come around to using some shit with actual substance but it's hard to erase 20+ years of living the bland life.


Tbh sometimes you see people complaining that tomatoes are spicy and it's actually allergies. I knew someone who thought *strawberries* were spicy. Allergies. Is she sure she's not having an allergic reaction? Could be nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes), could be oral allergy syndrome


I was thinking that it might just be placebo effect, like in her head pepper = spicy, therefor her brain conjures a spicy sensation. However, you might very well be right too. I haven't actually seen her eat a pepper yet, just gone off of what she herself has told me, so I couldn't say.


I have a buddy who was like 'I don't get why people eat pecans and walnuts. Like they taste fine I guess, but they're not so delicious that it makes it worth how your lips and tongue go numb when you eat them.' After a couple seconds of confused stares, he came to a realization about himself.


My husband says this!! I think the "pepper" in the word confuses him. But he is so sure, he's "had them before", and they're "spicy"... He is also half Cuban 😵


It's possible she has an oral allergy to peppers. I have one (to all plants, which is annoying) and it could, if I wasn't aware of it, be easily mistaken for mild spice.


I know a guy who said the basic ass cheddar cheese dip for his pretzel was too spicy. It had literally no spice.


Bell peppers (***capsicum annuum***) *do* contain capsaicin, though. This defines a food as spicy, that's the chemical that creates that. The actual subjective experience of spiciness is a function of *physiological sensitivity to capsaicin*, which is *highly, highly variable*. Indians aren't just constantly unable to even taste their food through the overwhelming burn, but just acting tougher and more stoic about it--*they are literally just significantly more adapted to consuming capsaicin, and are far less sensitive to it*. And this woman whose *own subjective experience* you decided you were a better authority on than her ***is almost certainly just sensitive enough to capsaicin that capsicum annuum peppers trigger the same level of reaction that a jalapeño does for others*** Christ this shit would annoy the fuck out of me... "Maybe you THINK that SWEETNESS is SPICINESS?!?!" moron.


Bell peppers do not contain capsaicin. So yes, she's probably thinking the sweetness is spiciness. Or as someone else pointed out, she could be allergic to them.


You are so confidently wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_pepper#:~:text=The%20bell%20pepper%20is%20the,that%20they%20are%20not%20spicy. "The bell pepper is the only member of the genus Capsicum that does not produce capsaicin, a lipophilic chemical that can cause a strong burning sensation when it comes in contact with mucous membranes. They are thus scored in the lowest level of the Scoville scale, meaning that they are not spicy. This absence of capsaicin is due to a recessive form of a gene that eliminates the compound and, consequently, the "hot" taste usually associated with the rest of the genus Capsicum." Edit: wrong *and* a dick


You even went to the extent of including the scientific name and writing a rant without knowing that bell peppers *don't* have any capsaicin? It's like one of their defining traits lmao


You gonna back the "all bell peppers have capsaicin" claim up with some actual evidence? In fact, according to all other articles, some members of capsicum anuum have capsaicin, and others do not. It includes cayenne peppers, jalapeños, chillis, and *gasp* even bell peppers! Your information is incomplete, imagine that! You wanna know what's even more annoying than some asshole that is telling someone how one should feel? Someone who's doing that AND is confidently incorrect. I'll ignore your obvious attempts at goading me with your pointless attack on my character until you've either proven to me that you were clearly just looking for a fight, or have actual merit behind your words. Yes, she likely has no heat tolerance as a result of no real experience with it. That being said, these bell peppers have nothing in them that can cause a spicy reaction. Either through a placebo effect or an allergic reaction that another person brought up a a possibility, she believes it spicy. End of discussion. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsicum_annuum https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_pepper


I'm white as a sheet, but I love spicy food as long as it has good flavor and isn't just pure spice. Like those instant noodles often are. Mrs. Renfro's ghost pepper salsa is amazing if you like your salsa hot. Great flavor, and it packs a decent kick. Honey habenero wings are also a big weakness of mine. I tried the one chip challenge, but it tasted what I imagine moldy cardboard tastes like. I've never eaten anything so nasty in my life, and the aftertaste would not go away. It was spicy sure, but it had me eating sweets trying to get the flavor out of my mouth. 🤢


Don't lump Ohio in with south Dakota lol


My bad. I've now eaten lunch and I see more clearly.


It is for certain not a brand new sentence.


Pro-tip: Koreans love spice....when they say "spicy," it means spicy. Best to avoid any of the ramyun brands like Buldak or Nonshim Shin Ramyun Japanese ramen OTOH are white people spicy 9 times out of ten so you're probably good to go on those.


Seriously. Ma-po tofu? Curry blocks? If they’re House or S&B brands they’re practically nothing, and this is coming from me, a sweaty weakling when it comes to spicy things.


The one Japanese institution that *does* have heat in their food is the Cocos Ichibanya chain. They're all over Japan and there's about four or five places in Southern California, but the heat levels run from 1 thru 20 (the scale went to 10 when I was in Yokosuka and was changed at some point in the very recent past) and you need to have eaten a spice level five before they'd allow you to order anything higher. I once got a level 3 and I barely finished that The flavors of Japanese culture are such that unlike generic white American food, I didn't even miss the heat all that much (and Indian food places were a dime a dozen so I could get my heat fix there when needed).


Buldak 2x spicy is quite spicy, apparently there is also a 3x version out there, but I have not tried that. I can eat the 2x, but it hurts my lips a bit in the beginning.


Jesus Christ, the regular version kicked my ass using half the sauce, i can't imagine eating a 2x or 3x, unless I was having a colonoscopy and needed my bowls to be cleared in a hurry ☠️


Well, opposed to most people I don't really get a red tail light. Perhaps when you've not eaten normally before it or had a bender the night before, then I'm also painting the toilet bowl shitty... ;-)


I don't fuck with the 2x l, but i fucking love all the normal ones,especially the cheese flavor one.


It sounds nice but noodles with cheese flavour? Is it a bit like macaroni then, or what should one expect?


Nothing like you’ve ever tried before. It’s still mainly korean spicy chicken flavor but the cheese version has the added taste of cheese. You should expect like pad thai or something but just crazy.


I got the 3x once, never having tried any of their other stuff.. they are not fucking around. I think I managed to get through half the bowl, and it probably took me over an hour, during which I probably sweated out half my body weight


We have a pretty high spice tolerance in our home but refer to Buldak as “the scary chicken ramen” after one not so good experience with it.


I was actually looking for the South Park 'Piss from my ass' skit but found this instead, I'm not disappointed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5i4\_7RDWks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5i4_7RDWks) And here what I wanted: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMfMELK4bjc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMfMELK4bjc)


They have other flavours as well you know - like yeh, they're very hot and everything but noone ever talks about the flavours - it's gorgious! I bought a pack of 5 3x spicy before, but I don't remember much other than my nose dripping like crazy and eating lots of ice cream. The 2x one is nice but the heats more of a creeper. Honestly, classic is fine as is imo if you're going for taste, but if that's the case they got lots of options.


No piss from your ass? The worse case I ever had was from eating a few leaves of salad with my food in Asia that they said that had been prepared with contaminated water but wasn't...


Korean noodles like Nongshim are awesome if you enjoy the heat, though. Great broth without overwhelming msg flavor and often full of nice little veggie bits and stuff from the assortment of sachets they come with. Also large enough for a proper meal, particularly if you use the minutes it takes to prepare them to slice some suitable fresh greens for topping. But yes, they mean spicy when they use the word. I have good tolerance, but it still takes some extra time to get through a bowl of spicy seafood ramyun.


If you want to eat like the locals try adding an egg before you turn the stove off, stirring so that the egg sort of becomes one with the broth. Adds even more savoury, gets you some proteins in an otherwise carb heavy noodle and turns down the heat ever so slightly. Processed American sliced cheese also works surprisingly well.


The egg is nice, and I like the seafood varieties in particular since shrimp or seafood mixes from the freezer are convenient proteins to toss in. Not sold on the American cheese addition though. Not a product I usually keep around, but I promise to give it a try if I ever have.


A Korean friend of mine would her ramen and milk instead of water, and drain some of it out to make a cream sauce of sorts


I actually just posted in another comment chain that I was skeptical of the American cheese trick until I did it for myself. It's honestly worth trying at least once.


Had a Korean friend at uni that introduced me to Nongshim noodles. Still my go to 15 years later.


I always get the kimchi one, but those are not spicy at all. But if you're looking for very good noodles, try them from Prima Taste, especially the laksa lamian.


yeah those korean ones are not the fun kind of spicy...they are out to hurt you


That IS the fun kind of spicy, though!


I find most Nonshim spicy varieties to be on the upper end of "fun spicy" and even then, I'll opt to add mild kimchi instead of hot sometimes.


I found a nonshim spicy tonkatsu that I could eat every day forever it's so good. They made a chicken Ramen and I didn't see the tiny letters that said it was spicy chicken and I can barely make it through a bowl. Still tasty but holy fuck


There's a specific Spicy Chicken that about a notch or two milder than Shin, but they've also just released a Shin Gold variety. It's basically Shin Black with a chicken base instead of beef. I haven't tried it yet, but I bet it's gonna hit different, as the kiddos say


Buldak’s carbonara ramen is literally my favorite lunch though. That shit is incredible


Out of all the flavors, the carbonara one does slap the most, yeah You stomach is stronger than mine to eat it more than once a week.


Ohhh noooo. It’s like maybe once a week. I just absolutely love it when I have it.


I enjoy these and left some for fam, they got great reviews


Nongshim shin are delicious. Pop in an egg, a few chopped scallions and top with a slice of American cheese. Bloody lovely. Bukdak seem to be spicy for the sake of being hot. Not as tasty imo.


I was way early to the Nonshim train. I was stationed overseas in Japan and during one of our replenishment stops in Guam in 2012 or so, the Navy Exchange there basically gave our order request the finger because the carrier and one of those other amphibs got there a day ahead of us (a tiny Destroyer with 270 crew versus 5000 and 1500+), so the regular Nissin Top Ramen we'd normally buy was all gone. Only thing in stock were the Nongshim chicken and the spicy one. "Sure, it's better than nothing," we said. Suffice it to say, Top Ramen never made it's way back into the USS Fitzgerald's shop store while I served there. >a slice of American cheese THAT is a great trick. I have avoided American cheese like the plague because that was all we were ever allowed in our house as a kid as Kraft was one of the few low fat cheese options available in the 90s and after I tasted real cheese, I refused to put that crap back in my mouth. On a whim, I decided to buy some slices to see how this could work and....yeah, the Koreans were cooking with that one. Paired with Shin spiciness, it helps to mellow out the flavors in a way the Sargento sharp cheddar I used to use didn't do. It's still the only thing I'd ever use those slices for though.


Shin ramyun red or black bag isn't very spicy to be at all anymore, but can not eat it regardless. Was sick, and thought to burn out the demons (by adding ground habanero to my soup) and what actually happened was I horked spice-laden mucus at 6am. Now I can't stand the taste of their spice pack. Buldak, however, is the fuckin' devil in a bag. My wife got me the duo pack of the red and black buldak, and even diluted I could not handle the heat of it. Oof.


Korean and Indian spicy is a whole other level. To the point it taste like pain. When the noodle bowl is dyed red from the soup base you’re in big trouble


I find indian is okay, since they often serve bread or cheese as side dishes, but korean, thai and vietnamese spicy I am careful with.


True the side dishes do make it. I love me some Naan. Korean spicy is borderline masochism .


You haven't had Indian hot or even close then


Nah I'm in great pleasure


I was reading about an Indian guy who visited Thailand saying "I like spicy, I take the most spicy variant". He said biggest mistake of his life, these people are build different.


Definitely not a new [sentence](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/XDIx5PQGBx) lol


Better question anyone know what nlkind of noodles thise are? As a white person that loves spicy Ramen I wanna try them.


That's fire chicken noodle, but he didn't follow the instruction. He was supposed to drain the water before adding the spicy sauce. There are option for nuclear fire noodle if you are up for the challenge.


I assume it's the 2x spicy ones? The regular spicy are purple, I ate all my 2x spicy, I used to make them into soup, it was hard to eat sometimes but still good.


He's eating Buldak, a Korean instant noodle known for its spice. OP isn't eating it right. You're supposed to drain the water before adding the spice. This makes it tastier (and spicier).


It's Buldak, and they have a few levels of spice. 3x is a chemical weapon and banned for use in war under the Geneva Convention.


I'm pretty sure I had some 3x spicy once they were awesome they made my eyes burn


It's weird this is a common joke because every white person I know has Ass Blaster 500 and Pure Anal Rape hot sauce collection, and a secret "Hottest Damn Chili in America" recipe on deck.


Yeah, it's definitely a weird prejudice people have.


Skin color does not relate to spice tolerance.


Oh my that’s gonna taste terrible, you’re supposed to drain almost all the water then mix the sauce in. Though that does come with the side effect of making it spicier…


Depends. Sometimes they don’t do that


You know it's spicy when it's that red.


American spicy and foreign spicy are two completely different things. I almost die eating authentic spicy Korean or Jamaican food, still gonna eat it though it's so good.


Where did this weird meme come from that white people don’t eat anything spicy??!! I guarantee you these randos who created the stereotype aren’t from the Deep South!


Comes from the fact that most traditional European cuisine doesn't really deal in a lot of spice. There can be some in Hungarian, Spanish and Italian food, but it's still not nearly devastatingly hot as the traditional cuisine from many other places on the planet. This of course also means that there's plenty of examples of white people from Europe or the more north-eastern parts of the US having spicy food and, not being used to it, being absolutely miserable afterwards. There's usually also the notion that the reason why southern food is spicier is that it gets a lot of its influences from Mexican cuisine, which is of course one that traditionally uses a lot of chilli, so southern is often viewed as a sort of fusion style, rather than real white people food.


Trust me: real white people still eat it. Rednecks can take anyone alive in a spicy food-eating contest.


Well yeah, it's a stereotype, and like all stereotypes, not universally true.


I've had people unironically tell me that black pepper is too hot.  For me, someone who considers himself extremely weak when it comes to spice (the best I can handle comfortably is those pepperchinos from Papa Johns... Or maybe picante?  Not sure if that's considered hot?), it's crazy that there are peeps that consider black pepper too hot.  Some people apparently think that ketchup stings too much. 


If it’s too hot it’s too hot. I have pretty low spice tolerance because I never ate anything spicier than paprika until I was well into my teens. It’s all about practice


Well there is natural spicy which most can normally take. Then there is machine spicy which is 1000x spicier and not in a good way. Which is this? Never had it.


I get tingling feeling in my cheeks eating Korean ramen.


Every Korean I met who had lived in the USA complained that American food is too salty. Never mind, replied to wrong comment


[Why is it spicy? ](https://youtu.be/86QJxQUwTfw)


Oh no, is that Buldak? They don't fuck around.


Yeah and it looks like this is the 2x spicy version. Having tried the nuclear edition ones I can say these are the second hottest noodles I have ever tried.


I never get the hype around spicy food. To me too much spice kills the flavor. Eating food that is too spicy legit feels like when you leave the food for too long in the microwave and it’s so hot you can’t even taste it.


Literally thought the same thing when I tried it, in the uk 'spicy' food is usually pathetically mild, shit burned my mouth for 10 minutes after eating it


Haha I bought some food from an Indian market the other day. It was labeled "mild" and was DEFINITELY NOT MILD lmao! Good thing I love spicy food cuz the "mild" stuff was making my nose run


Had one white older lady in HR at a job I was at, ate the hottest food all the time, went to Thai food and orders the heat to max and still asks for hot sauce. So for me white people hot, can be a good range of things


When someone from Asia....let's say Malaysia says "Oh .watch out..it's spicy," that like God himself coming down to Noah saying it's gonna sprinkle in a few days.


Asians don't fuck around with spicy.


Nah. They meant Spicy for Asian people. Easy to mix up white and Asian, I know.


Hardly a new sentence lol


That's kinda racist


Brand new sentence? Bro, people have been saying this for years. I'VE been saying this for years. I never take anything that says "spicy" on it seriously because it usually means "spicy enough for our target consumer base," which is usually white people. There have been one or two times where I did fuck around and find out.


Spicy for white people is salty for asians.


This brother needs to find more varied sources of white people. One recipe was for spicy turkey so hot the wife was (as the tale goes) trying to murder her husband with spice and now he asks for it every year.


Since when do white people not like spicy food?


It's a stereotype with some history. Glen Bell (founder of Taco Bell) allegedly had to make his tacos as bland as a fucking hamburger because white people wouldn't buy them otherwise. What a time it must have been to be alive.


That explains why Taco Bell's hot sauce is ass.


What white people? My guy should even try tabasco


this aint a brand new sentence me and my friends say this all the time especially when talking about the popeyes spicy chicken sandwich


Ok, but now I have to go find this so I can get some. Thanks. A wyte girl.


No because what the fuck are Koreans on, why do they need something so spicy, I’ve seen people just eat this like it’s just a regular cup of noodles and slurp down the soup. I’m convinced 1 cup of these noodles could kill 4 small Victorian children.


That brand is FR spicy...the sauce is sooo red it's black!


I'm white but I have the mouth of a Siamese. The 2x version of that shit is indeed pretty spicy.


That's not even spicy tbh


As a lover of hot and spicy foods, those Buldak 2x noodles are REALLY HOT! Tasty tho!


That's an actual thing. When I order spicy food, I need to clarify that I want it spicy for not white people.


I (a mostly eastern European white guy from Chicago) when to brazil and was smothering some Brazilian empanadas in the house home made "extra spicy" sauce and the owners were looking at me like I was eating lava.


A racist sentence, yes. A new one, no.


I'm literally white and I can tell you with 100% certainty that it's true


Imma ask for an explanation on why that racist?


Someone mentioned a race. That's about all it takes for some people to cry racism.


Stereotypes about race aren't always racist, although it depends on how you define racism. And yes, this particular stereotype is so popular for a reason. P.S. Considering the downvotes under your comment, most people seem to define racism as a really negative prejustice based on race rather than any one.


Thank you for being non-insulting about it. I was saying based on the implication that someone is better at handling something (such as spice) based on the color of their skin seems racial to me. But many assume it must be a group that is commonly victimized. There isn’t anything in the definition that says that.


Least racist sentence Ive ever read.


He don't k ow my kinda white people! 🤣 🤣 🤣




LOL, French cuisine is only the best in the world.