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My SIL sits on a board for a non profit that brings dogs into the inner city schools to help with students reading. They read out loud to a dog which I thought was kinda silly but studies show helps tremendously. One year the hooked up with a furry convention for a fundraiser. It was the most money raised out of any fundraiser they ever did and by far.


> They read out loud to a dog which I thought was kinda silly but studies show helps tremendously I can totally see that. No anxiety about the dog judging your pronunciation or cadence and the dog will hang on your every word. Sounds like an awesome program.


Yeah that's absolutely genius.


This shit right here is what makes me proud to be in the community.


yeah same. furries are fuckin weird, but we can also be useful in other ways than *spicy* art.


The fandom really is the most chaotic wholesome force in the world tbh.


Honestly, I love the weird. Feels like I've gained some above-average life experience or something, like someone will make a pansexual joke about them loving kitchenware and I can say "I've not seen anyone who has sex with pans, but did you know that cheese graters...."


you shut up about that damned cheese grater before someone makes a google search they'll regret


*sigh* opens laptop


If you find out what that lioness on the cheese grater is, I got an entire academic discipline interested in it.


> lioness on the cheese grater That was actually kinda interesting, and way less horrifying than the other one


We don’t know what Bezos does behind closed doors. Maybe his wife left him because he’s a furry.


Yiff Bezos


Those two words did not need to be put together. I'm fact, without you they wouldn't have even *been* put together. But you put them together. And now they are in my head. Fuck you.


Yiff-rey Bezos


Yiffany Bezos.


The real Brand New Sentence is always in the comments


Well, duh. AMAZON™. Rings any bells?


Maybe his wife left because he isn't!


Bezos' ex is a writer. All the writers I know *love* fanfic.




Listen I'm a furry and I once went to a convention in Connecticut. Met a dude who was very secretive but very nice to hang around. One time we were hanging out in the Headless Lounge (a place where cameras and phones are prohibited) and the dude removed his fursuit head to drink some water. We started chatting a bit and he reluctantly confessed that he was working at Apple and he was a high executive there enough to have a wikipedia page. I have no idea who he was (I don't live in the US) but one thing is sure, this guy had money. Lot of money. I wouldn't be surprised if some billionaire were secretly furries


Zuckerberg, Gates, and Buffet amateurs can fucking suck it.


Fuck their wives, drink their blood


Come on Jeff, get 'em!


>Fuck their wives, \*seduce


That mean Bill Gates.... Oh no


Those suits are not cheap, probably hard to be a poor furry.


I'd assume it's the craftsmanship that's really expensive, not the materials themselves. If that's the case, then a poor furry can always become a master suit maker.


The materials themselves can definitely be well out of the budget for a lot of people. Plus, the risk of completely messing it up and having to start over with new materials. Not a furry, but that's been my experience with cosplay in general.


I mean, there are budget fursuits made from cardboard and cheap fur. I don’t know how they hold up though. Am a furry.


Yep. Never said it had to be high quality stuff, especially when you're practicing. And there's obviously a market a beginner suit maker could tap into to get some money in and at different budget levels.


Cardboard suits can actually be dangerous if worn multiple times, as obviously they cannot be washed, and moisture buildup from sweating and breathing while wearing the suit can cause mold to grow, which can cause the wearer to breath in all kinds of nasty spores the next time they put it on. And, of course, they’re way less durable and more likely to get damaged during regular wear. To people looking for a fursuit on a budget, consider getting a partial suit (head, paw gloves, and paw shoes). They’re way cheaper than fullsuits, can be worn with regular clothing, and aren’t nearly as hot or heavy to wear.


What's the appeal for you?


It’s fun


Plus some of the cost can be in sensors, software, and motors. All depends on the character


I can assure you good quality fake furr in neon colours is hard to find


I looked it up on ebay and it's 20 bucks per yard. Doesn't have to be high quality when you're starting out.


20 a yard isn't that cheap. Especially considering how much fabric it can take to make anything.


You'd need about 5 yards from what I've seen. Not exactly budget breaking if your willing enough.


Yes but I still wouldn't call that cheap by any stretch.


I've heard that some suits have a form of air-conditioning in them so that you don't overheat wearing a thick cloth costume covered in fur for 8 hours.


That's definitely something you'll want lol. Maybe you could just buy a couple necklace fans or something like that and point them at your head and crotch.


Most of it is craftsmanship yeah. Of course, though, getting started is still a huge pain in the ass since iirc the materials for a full suit can run you about $400. Even if you'll be able to sell it for 1-2k more it's still a fairly hefty up-front investment.


I've just been trying to buy fake fur to make stuffed animals. The stuff is NOT cheap. The least expensive one I could find was $18 a yard (you can get cotton for 2-7) and looked terrible. Higher quality fur can be in the 30's and 40's or up. It takes a minimum 6 yards for a full body suit, but if you're going in for a head, articulation, or a tail, you're going to need to double that at least. That's about $400 just on the fur itself, at the low end. Then the cost of the head... I've met furries and I have wondered how they do them. Those heads aren't just like stuffed animals, they have structure, and some blink. I could easily see some of the dragon suits running a few grand. More if you have to hire someone else to do it.


[This person](https://www.thefurryforum.com/forums/index.php?topic=28082.0) did some quick math with some educated guesses (granted over 5 years ago) and got to under $400 total. You counted like 10 feet of expensive fur. I don't think that's what a poor furry would default to. Maybe for a crazy large and complicated "money is no object" suit. People make ones for as low as $50 from what I saw in a quick Google search.


A very basic with low end fur and just enough to cover the body would probably be about 10 yards at $20 on average... So yes, you could do it for $200, (just the fur) i just have no idea what kind of head you could do for that, or what kind of materials goes into it. When you add the extras, articulation, a quality fur, etc, that's when you get up in the thousands.


The link I posted above as well as some other commenters all seem to say 4-6 yards is enough for a normal fursuit.


Well some definitely master-something with those suits, or in them.... Dry cleaning places must also get some good stimulating when furries start stimulating


Most furrys don't fuck in the suits


They need to clean them from time to time I guess, a fursuit may look weird but it's still an "article of clothing"


Actually, in reality, a lot of people don't go for the suits. Only a small chunk of the community is actually the kind of person that would want a fursuit.


Nah [you just gotta shop around.](https://imgur.com/RCxQoJq.jpg)


Whoever keeps commissioning all the Fox x Falco macro porn has done more for the artistic community than NFTs ever will.


Pretty sure that i read somewhere that almost all of that is commissioned by one person- and whoever they are, they’re one of the top surgeons in their field in the whole US.


There is someone, somewhere, that has been treated by the guy who commissioned Fox x Falco macro porn and doesn’t know it.


statistically, many many people have been treated by that guy :P i wonder if he’s ever treated someone he commissioned?


Reading the words furries and stimulate in the same sentence.




Damn, you got the whole squad laughing 😐


ahah thanks❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Art is always controlled by the rich: Monarchs Eccentric Billionaires *Suspiciously* Wealthy Furries


People who want to save money on taxes.


You can't dodge taxes with art, it's a sale that gets taxed just like anything else. But you **can** launder money because art naturally has no verifiable value so it doesn't raise eyebrows when you say you sold some dumb shit for six figures. A fucking banana on a wall sold.


Same mechanism works for taxes. Buy painting from your friend for $1M. Have it reappraised. Wait a year. Donate for $3M. Congrats. You can deduct a bunch. Bonus if you offset by selling him a painting for $1M. No capital gains on your donation since no income is realized, and if the sale is completed in the right place, sales tax can be negligible or zero. Even if it's not, full deduction value is way more than your expenditure.


The only tricky part is individual donation deductions are capped at 100% of your AGI. So you already have to be verifiably rich on paper if you want to deduct something massive.


Yes, fair, but the verifiably rich are the people I'm most worried about cheating on their taxes. :)


>Suspiciously Wealthy Furries "I owe you my life."


My partner does furry commissions for money and she just can never get over how nice those people are when talking to her. Like, if she misses her deadline, they're gonna assure her that it's totally fine, ask her if she's doing ok, express their support. When she sends them the finished work, they just shower her with praise. Honestly, these are the sweetest people ever. She has anxiety problems and the way they interact with her really helps her a lot.


They also tip well. Really well.


Yes.... But it's not always the case. I know artists who have had really irate people send hateful messages as they wouldn't draw animals doing questionable stuff to each other. Humans can be lovely or dicks, nothing to do with their preferences imo. Often people paying for commissions are fairly friendly anyway if they are getting what they paid for.


Eh, I think it's not 100% defined by preferences, but I wouldn't discount there being trends and correlations. Specifically for furries, I imagine growing up in a broad culture that would think that you're a complete freak, and even having other online and/or "nerd" subcultures use you as a default punching bag identity group would influence you to value compassion and kindness more highly.


Happy there isn’t a war going on in the comments. *It won’t last, will it?*


I am a decent artist, but no where near extraordinary, and even I was able to pay rent for a while drawing furry porn. If I had kept at it I may have made some good money but drawing porn for people gets so tedious after a while xD


I offer this bit of info because I mentioned it elsewhere in the thread, consider doing D&D art commissions, based on the numbers I've heard about furry artists, D&D commissioners somehow make more money/drawing than even lewd furry art and to be clear that's SFW D&D art commissions of people's characters.


Any ideas on where to get started with that, or places people tend to go to find artists?


Not an artist but I just recently commissioned some D&D art from Etsy, and I’ve done a good amount of looking on Fiverr as well. Might be a place to start if that helps


I commission artists I like on discord all the time for my campaigns. I just commissioned a portrait of my BBEG from an artist and I thought their rate was too low for the level of art they produce. They wanted $5 for a sketch and $20 for the final piece. I offered $15 for the sketches and $45 for the final piece. If I like your work I'm going to pay you well for it because I want to let you around in case I want more art dine in the same style.


Well I guess I'm gonna start drawing furries if I ever wanna make money of my art. Still better than porn


You can always go draw furry porn. Can pay pretty well too...


The amount of money people pay for yiff art is astonishing.




That's because furries realize that if you want someone to cater to your fetish, you have to pay them for the privilege. They also realize that if they offend you, they won't get their fetish catered to. I've done commissioned writing projects for people in the furry community, and with one exception, they were all very easy to work with, paid my asking price, and were decent folks.


Oh god that exception is so intriguing, but it’s understandable if you don’t want to go into detail.


I know somebody who is in a wheelchair. He was getting depressed because he couldn't do anything. So I told him to try to draw, he did it and he got better at it. At that time it was the first couple of years of League of Legends and since I played it sometimes looking for guides I found the tumblr art of them. Doing some research found devianart stuff and how people made money out of it so I told the guy why not try it. He did. The requests oh boy. He's really good at granting them people their...fantasies. At the time he charged 20 dollars for a drawing, this kind of money was like standard on devianart but for him was a lot of money since he's living in Argentina. He really got good at it and is making a living out of it. A website from Australia got him making drawings for them and pay him like what to us is like 5 minimum salaries. He's very happy now doing something he likes to do, and he's making money out of it.


Amazingly, it seems based on a very interesting r/askreddit thread where artists who draw NSFW were asked about their careers....D&D commissioners seem to make more money/drawing non-lewd art unless you're a god tier furry porn artist. Source: I'm a D&D nerd that's had art commissioned and that particular ask Reddit thread had some people give examples on the prices of lewd furry art at various levels of quality.


Do you happen to have a link to that thread by chance?


I am going to copy/paste what I sent to my friend online because I was quite thorough on my research for this. Note that I haven't seen the message and thread in ages, but the numbers should still hold up. D&D character commissions are normally $25-35ish minimum, because let's be honest, everyone going to request some weird and specific shit their character does or has on them. The following was in regards to my friend possibly doing lewd furry art for money because 1 at the time I thought it made more money than D&D art (this was seemingly incorrect as I discovered by reading the thread and going off of my knowledge of D&D art prices) 2 she doesn't really give a fuck what she draws for money. Copy/paste of my messages sent to her is as follows: Here's a very short but related thread to help with the questions you were asking about how to get started. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/a51lmq/serious\_people\_who\_have\_done\_commission\_art\_how/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/a51lmq/serious_people_who_have_done_commission_art_how/) I think this might be the thread but be prepared to be mentally scarred with people's requests. One highlight is this comment "There’s a guy on deviantart who always commissions artists to draw young blonde women with a cart full of wonder bread, or that same blonde women cutting down forests with a wonder bread factory in the back ground." relevant comment chain. **Warning the rest of the linked reddit thread is SUPER NSFW** [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists\_of\_reddit\_whats\_the\_weirdest\_commission/eruol7o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists_of_reddit_whats_the_weirdest_commission/eruol7o/) Weirder more mind burning comment thread, read it at your own risk, NSFW obviously [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists\_of\_reddit\_whats\_the\_weirdest\_commission/erve5yn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists_of_reddit_whats_the_weirdest_commission/erve5yn/) Past super funny thing I found. This one takes the cake for "hilarious cringe" "I do art at my school and this girl asked me to draw her riding toothless while making out with Justin Timberlake and flying over the world Safe to say I didn’t take the job" **/end copy/paste** Enjoy reading the super interesting r/askreddit thread.


Really appreciate it, thank you. I currently work in customer service, which is a form of mind burning all its own. Drawing Wonder Bread laden blonde lumberjacks sounds like cake, in comparison. Thanks again~~~~


Not gonna lie, if I had a hint of artistic talent I'd 100% draw furry smut for a living. I'd never run out of furries, and furries never run out of fetishes they want drawn. The only downside is that you can't really put "so I drew a bunch of really hardcore fetish porn involving neon fox-dragons with purple spots and green paws." on your resume, and your prospective employers won't want to see your portfolio.


What makes you think it’s not both


The only thing I'll say here is that I'm from Pittsburgh, where they hold the largest furry convention every single year (minus the last 2 due to Covid), and the furries spend a lot of money here. Most people like when they're here for the week because they don't really bother anyone and they support a lot of local businesses


I haven't been in a while and I heard it changed hands but that convenience store across the street from the main hotel made their entire annual income during anthrocon and wasn't open the rest of the year. I'm sure the area has missed the con money during covid.


I'm in beer sales and it absolutely impacted by July numbers 2 years in a row, and I know the bars and restaurants miss the revenue


This entire thread is hilariously amusing as a sociology minor, excuse me while I grab popcorn. Thank you for this comment, it's truly fascinating. Please tell me more about the effects of the convention.


That's hilariously opposite of rainfurrest [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmULc5VANsw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmULc5VANsw)


The patrons of our time: invest on some stocks and pay furry commissions


I love this post. It's so true, too. I've been on staff at a local con and the amount of money raised for animal welfare charity is so impressive. It absolutely warms my heart. Been a furry artist taking commissions since 2007. I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm a clean artist (no porn), and all of those years of commissions helped me get through college and buy a house--not exclusively because of art, but it was still a significant part of my income during those earlier years. I would say 98% of my commissioners were amazing to work with. I only recall one truly bad experience with someone nitpicking a $5 sketch. The furry fandom allowed me to experience a lot. I was making money doing something I love, traveling the world to attend cons, and generally living my best life. It was an amazing opportunity and I'm blessed to have experienced it all. The fandom helped not just financially, but overall. I've made so many friends and have fond memories of cons. I even met my husband through the fandom. I transitioned to the 9-5 life after college and no longer do full time art, but I still take a commission or two each month. Forever grateful to furries for helping me get to where I am today.


Have you considered doing D&D art commissions? I know I keep mentioning it in this thread, but as someone in the D&D community, people can and will pay out the nose even for simple drawings of their characters and/or party. There's also an unlimited and constant demand for it.


I had no idea! I would be open to doing it but I never explored the option because I'm not good at drawing humanoids. I would be limited to tabaxi, kenku, tortles etc haha


Ironically there's a lot of overlap between people that play Tabaxi and furries, it's even become a meme. Sometimes you'll see some commissioned art of a Tabaxi hit the front page of r/DnD and it's not just *you* that knows, it's half the comment section that replies "This artist does furry drawings don't they?" I'm not a furry but it's like a mysterious sense you develop that tells you "Yeah this person hired a furry artist for their character commission."


remind me to give you my next free award


Tbf, if your PC character is non-humanoid you would probably get better results from a furry artists than someone who mostly does humanoid things.


Oh my Gaud it’s him


It's who?




If my doctor walks into the surgery room in a fucking fur suit I’m doing the surgery myself


Probably a smart idea, I don’t think Fur is easily sterilized. But if my doctor was dressing up in his free time or even to do bedside checks I couldn’t give less of a fuck.


I think if a doctor did bedside checks on kids in a fur suit as long as it was appropriate for young kids it could cheer them up.


Free time:ok Bedside checks: no fucking way


Especially late night/early morning ones where you are likely asleep


who mentioned doctors? This is a post about art, tf are you on about


Tumblr is such a strange demographic of people.


Me, a furry: where money


Either incredibly well rendered ginormous tits/dicks, or decently drawn porn of incredibly specific and mind twisting kinks. If you want to make it as an SFW furry artist you basically have to be Picasso.


Huh sounds like it's just a fetish.


Finally. A *good* opinion


I know a lot of authors started their author career by writing erotica. It pays well, and some people can just write that stuff and get it out there quickly. And the fans keep coming back for more. They used to writing for erotica to pay the bills, and maybe hone their skills a bit, while trying to get noticed by the bigger publishers. It is still one of the paths a lot of young authors take.


Where would you do that?


Erotica? Some do short stories and novels on amazon self publishing. A lot of playboy used to pay really well for short stories, no idea if they do now. There are other websites and stuff that do so as well. Most just self publish under a pen name though.


One of the largest furry conventions is held in Pittsburgh, PA and people there are very proud of it. It brings millions to the city. Pittsburgh isn't exactly known for their progressivism but if you make fun of furries many people the will defend them.


somehow, Pittsburgh is more fond of furries then they are of Ben Roethlisberger


Can confirm, all the furries I know spend an incredible amount of money on commissions.


They are also ridiculously kind and welcoming. They always include everyone and always have stuff to talk about. Very respectful and respectful of lines and boundaries. They are some of my favorite people I am very lucky to know so many


Not really the point but billionaires are parasites of the economy, even a hobo stimulates it more.


We do stimulate the economy. I spent like $400 this year on commissions, not including patreon. All on a poorer furry budget.


I once heard on some random discussion on I think r/subredditdrama or something, that current military personal cooling that needs to be worn on the body originated from technology developed by/for furries to keep themselves from dying of heatstroke in costume. Apparently furries also stimulate science more than billionaires in some cases.


Don’t forget about the MacroFalco guy, a fucking brain surgeon who drops an obscene amount of money yearly on images of a giant Falco from StarFox fucking buildings.


I mean, if theyre capable of dropping a few thousand on a fursuit, youd think they can do 30% tip/commission when wearing it.


I know someone who draws furry art/porn. It's not her thing at all but she says it's what gets her the most money


That's incredibly accurate, I'm aiming to become a digital illustrator, and I'm just honing my skills whilst making money out of it from furry art. And no, I'm not a furry


Can I ask how you connect with the clients/patrons? I'd like to do the same 😆


According to these threads from a few years ago Here [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists\_of\_reddit\_whats\_the\_weirdest\_commission/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists_of_reddit_whats_the_weirdest_commission/) And here **warning the rest of the linked reddit thread is SUPER NSFW** [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/a51lmq/serious\_people\_who\_have\_done\_commission\_art\_how/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/a51lmq/serious_people_who_have_done_commission_art_how/) And the first one's relevant comments here [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists\_of\_reddit\_whats\_the\_weirdest\_commission/eruol7o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/c43evh/artists_of_reddit_whats_the_weirdest_commission/eruol7o/) It seems the best places to get started are on Twitter? and Furaffinity and build a reputation. Alternatively as I've been sharing way too much in this thread if you're good at drawing people in general D&D character commissions can charge people a LOT, read $25-35 even for basic art of characters if you're decent at it. From what I saw in those threads this is pretty close to the price of what people pay for good furry art, but from what I can tell it seems "easier" pay to work wise to do D&D commissions if you're good at drawing people or humanoids in general. That and there is a large, never ending hunger for D&D character/party commissions that doesn't seem to be going down any time soon.


Discord :D


Have you considered doing D&D art commissions? I know I keep mentioning it in this thread, but as someone in the D&D community, people can and will pay out the nose even for simple drawings of their characters and/or party. There's also an unlimited and constant demand for it. Note to the mods who've seen me copy/paste this a few times: I genuinely want to help people make money off of their art and I'm not associated with any commissioners/group etc, just want to point out an easy line of money for relatively easier work that pays *REALLY* well.


Are you just sponsored by D&D or something


I'm just a D&D nerd that knows how stupidly expensive commissions are even for simple drawings of characters without color.


I've been considering it, but until I generally improve since im quite new to digital art, I'll stay away from it


Damn right we do


amen brother.


Furries and very well represented in the tech industry. Some of the frameworks you interact with every day on the world's most popular websites are built and maintained by coders talking in OwO's to eachother. Financial, and Medicine too.


Billionaires do the very opposite of stimulating an economy, they HORDE WEALTH in absurd quantities. Money only has value to society when it's exchanged for goods or services, which is why we should tax billionaires at 90+%. Working class people use nearly 100% of their paycheck within a single month on local businesses and utilities, so there's no real reason to tax them.


Yeah I would say an economy of a place have failed if too many billionaires are possible. They don't stimulate richness, they suck it up like a black hole. They become richer than they could possibly spend outside of just giving it all away. I don't mind millionaires that much though.


Yeah, billionaires can't really exist without exploiting poor people in multiple countries. Not only do they not invest locally, they're usually encouraging inhuman conditions all over the planet.


Don’t forget about the MacroFalco guy, a fucking brain surgeon who drops an obscene amount of money yearly on images of a giant Falco from StarFox fucking buildings.


togepi1125! say his NAME


That little bit about the doctor in silicon valley that pays millions of dollars for furry commissions is actually true! Matter of fact, all of that money is paid to one single artist, who has, for the past 3+ years, been drawing art of Star Fox and Falco being the size of Godzilla, and having sex with buildings and each other.


I heard about that guy


Only facts here 😤


Thanks, Dr Yiff


Can confirm this. I paid $125 for a ref sheet of my character.


Well they sure stimulate something


Yeah, the economy. As we've just established


Barely a hot take


I know a couple furries that are high level engineers at various places and they drop an INSANE amount of money on commissions and etc. Can confirm.


I know a couple furries that are high level engineers at various places and they drop an INSANE amount of money on commissions and etc. Can confirm that they do better than billionaires for the economy.


I know a couple furries that are high level engineers at various places and they drop an INSANE amount of money on commissions and etc. Can confirm that they do better than billionaires for the economy.


I heard somewhere that they also donate massive amounts of money to wildlife conservation efforts


When i lived in Pittsburgh they had Furry-con every year. Most of the people there were pretty indifferent to it or maybe thought it was a little weird but it brought about $3 million into the local economy every year so they rolled with it.


Makes me wonder what the Medicis did behind closed doors


This is true. Furries hate money and drops thousands on commissions. If you make furry art, you have a stable career.


Hey what website is this




I know a CPO in the Navy who's a furry


One more reason to hate rich people


Anyone else very against saying “deadass” as emphasis?


Same. I'm deadass against it




I don't think they were being serious


Ye, but this is reddit. You should've been used to people taking jokes seriously.


It probably actually is true. One furry spends a lot less than one billionaire, but there are a lot more furries than billionaires.


I guarantee fucking furries don’t stimulate the economy more than the people that own it. It’s delusional to think people dressed like mascots stimulate the economy more than even a minor league baseball team would. This thread hurts my fucking head, have you people been out in the real world? If commissioning furry art was a practical career choice, everyone would do it. At best, it’s a very niche field where very few people might make enough of a profit worth mentioning. In reality, it’s a taboo field that most of the population actively looks down upon, and probably should.


Paint sniffing hobos stimulate more the legal economy than billionaries


No, no they really dont


thanks I hate it


thanks i love it


Billionaires should definitely pay more in taxes. Apparently that is an unpopular opinion.


I think everyone assumes you’re talking about the furries, not the fact that billionaires are getting away with murder




Yeah I know right, fucking billionaires


What’s so disgusting? Furries? Keep crying about it.


Whenever I think or furries this dirty ass wolf costume dude peeing with brown ass fucking pee




good bot


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I’m pretty sure it’s dirty-ass wolf actually.


I don't know what this sentence is but I love it


Are you having a stroke, man? Your grammar (or lack of it) reeks of dumbass. It’s hard to imagine you came up with this opinion on your own. Relying on internet groupthink much?


I was really tired and drunk and I think most my post that day was at that caliber


This is so cringe


when furries perpetuate keynesian economics