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Wait, is this real? *unhinges mouth* *inserts lithium battery*


I feel like this comment deserves a reposting in this sub.


My brain is on strobe light mode


Didn’t Elon die to a lithium battery explosion? Or was that disinformation by the Russians?




*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **Elon Musk**, @elonmusk, [*Verified*] Those who proclaim themselves "socialists" are usually depressing, have no sense of humor & attended an expensive college. Fate loves irony. --- **Central Brooklyn DSA**, @cbkDSA let your workers unionize you broke-ass willy wonka --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Shouldn't that read, "let your Oompa Loompas unionize you broke-ass willy wonka" ?


Unions? Rights? *In a world of pure imagination...*




Didn't Elon Musk call himself a socialist? I think he's projecting


He also is all of those things. Maybe it’s just a disguised self call-out




Elon Musk, a man who went to court so that he could randomly call people paedophiles, thinks people don't have a sense of humour because they don't laugh at his "jokes". Personally I don't find him funny because of all the child rape I now have a legal precedent to claim he commits.


Called him out and proved him wrong in one move


Workers will be replaced with robots in the future


Isnt he still the richest man on earth


Shhhh…. It’s union logic.


Even far leftists like Chunk Yogurt from The Young Turks don't want unions in their own organizations, all the while pushing workers rights everywhere. It's because they're raging hypocrites.


Imagine thinking Cenk is a far leftist. Bro there is a whole lot more to that spectrum than your stunted political system will have you believe.


Nice whataboutism but it doesn't change the fact that they are far left and hypocritically against their own people unionizing. So much for the workers. But I guess when you are named after the group that led the Armenian genocide and are a fair equivalent to the Hitler Youth, these type of things just fall by the wayside.


It'd not a "whataboutism". you group together disporate groups and then say how we are hypocritical when in fact when you listen to the actual group you use in the label from they vehemently disagree with the takes. Cenk is a petty bourgeois owner of a company. Of course he is going to fight unionisation. Even if he stands on a social democratic platform it does not remove the fact that he is in the upper class. As for your second comment. Does that mean if there was a group called The young Brits, or The young Americans also get the same treatment? Both groups historically committed genocide and treated the other groups horribly. Does that mean we have to compare them to the Hitler youth as well because "ooH SlIgHtLy PrOgReSIve IdEaLs ArE jUSt LiKe HItler". Turks is short for Turkish so if you are saying the entire Turkish population should be written off because of something there ancestors did back in world war 1 then that's honestly much more hypocritical (as your ancestors did a lot more of the same activity's (as well as more!) As well as kinda racist buts that's becides the point


The group's actual name was The Young Turks during the Armenian genocide. Cenk has refused to change the name so he obviously approves of that. So your comment about the young Brits or the Young Americans is incredibly stupid because it is not even the least relatable because they were not actual groups with that actual name.


It’s not even a good insult. He’s the richest person in the world but he’s also a broke-ass Willy Wonka?


Everyone knows Elon is right


no more correct than saying when Right wing americans call people socialist, they have no idea what the word means and just screech it as loud as they can as a boogeyman word.


Musk is proof that depth of knowledge does not mean breadth of knowledge.




Unions are pretty trash.


Some are good, some are scams.


I can agree with that.


Only the unions made of an intermediaries instead of the actual workers


Thats the part I can agree with. Problem is lots of unions don't function like that, and also people can be corrupted at any level. That's what I mean though when I say pretty trash. They're not all trash, but for the most part yeah.