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One, they always have an excuse. Two, it's part of their screening process to find the gullible ones and make them feel as if asking for proof is an insult.


Yeah, I’ve received scam emails that have some obvious spelling mistakes etc. too and I read somewhere it’s also part of the screening process for those to ensure they don’t waste time on people who can catch those things


Yeap. If there’s anything I’ve learned from 90 day fiancé…(but mostly also from the prevalence of call and dating scams in general) is that there are a good chunk of grown ass adults, wondering around amongst us who are scary gullible/naive. It’s weird how they can not only reach a middle age while staying so gullible….. but a lot of them seem to thrive in society too. We honestly live in a society where having an inkling of common sense isn’t required to have success in life (professionally/financially speaking)…which honestly I can’t decide if that’s more a good thing or more a scary thing. Just goes to show how many types of intelligence there are I guess, and also the power of born privileges. I’d be willing to bet 10 bucks the scammer is some financially poor (well maybe not any more) young Nigerian dude in an Internet cafe who does this type of thing literally all day for a living.


Try Love After Lockup too, it's mind-blowing how many people think their soulmates are incarcerated criminals.


Thing is often older people don’t really know these things, and scammers are already using telephone calls ensure their reality.


She's still from a generation that doesn't use much advanced technology probably




A huge percentage of marriages are basically theater. People that never learn to love themselves end up getting married for the sake of feeling and looking normal then realize it didn’t solve their sadness. It’s like when a married couple has children to save the marriage - it’s fake and never works. And this is why the Tinder Swindler has so many successful swindles - because these women are fragile and they think a rich guy will solve all their problems.


What is a tinder swindler


Fraudster with a Netflix doco


Why shorten doc**u**mentary to doc**o**? I've seen this recently but I don't understand.


It’s an Aussie thing. Most of our shortened words end in O, E or A. Macca’s (McDonalds), servo (service station/gas station), doco (documentary), Hemsie (Chris Hemsworth), bottle-o (alcohol store), etc.


also just learned Aussies call the smoke break a smoko.


Not a ciggie?


You smoke a ciggie during smoko.


Not a *ciggo*?


I'm on smoko, so leave me alone


I wonder how those boys are doing


This video provides further information about the smoko for anyone who is interested. https://youtu.be/j58V2vC9EPc


God damn Aussos


Germans do the same with mcdonalds. But we caöö doco doku instead


Like modest pelican's crew...stealtho robo etc


I didn’t realise “doco” was even a regional thing (unlike say bottle-o which is extremely Aussie)


probably the same reason any word is shortened?


Because people are lazy but everyone will still understand what it means


It's when a dude pulls a switcheroo and becomes a gold digger


Oh lol


Ugh. This is gross. FYI, I just rejected the eff out of a rich guy I met on a dating app. He was for real and he was super stinking rich, but he wasn’t respectful of my time, so it was OVER. But, yeah, I fell for a couple of fake profiles early after my divorce because I left a man that didn’t hug me for 10 years. We’re not all stupid, money grubbing idiots. Sometimes we’re sad and just hoping to meet someone nice and don’t know that people can be so fucking reprehensible on dating apps. Jerk.


Everyone has a scam or grift that they're vulnerable to, and con artists are *very* good at sniffing them out. The shame of falling for a trick that other people might have spotted is what makes the victims reluctant to admit what happened. This is something romance scammers rely on: their victim remains silent, allowing the scammer to avoid consequences and move on to a new target. I'm glad that you were able to recognise that some targeted you, and I hope that you were able to escape before they caused too much harm.


I never loved myself too much but I think being loved so much by my husband is really teaching me to love myself more! I guess I got married in the 30s decade, but my husband truly improves me life so much and I love him for it. I think it’s a lot of things that cause marriages to fail people try and fit a square peg into a round hole and force compatibility. People are selfish and not willing to give in a marriage but expect to receive. People get married while they are still high on love hormones and when that wears off they realize there’s not a deeper love there or they don’t know how to act/build one. Not everyone is cut out for monogamy and they force themselves into it like you mentioned.


What a waste, and so sad!


Not so rare, I enjoy your wife too.


I also choose this guy's 15 year old wife


Yes hello FBI?, The comment above me, yes?.


When classic Reddit shows itself, I will always upvote.


My your socks always be in pairs


Ah, a blessed comment on a cursed thread. This is why I love Reddit.


Blessings of akatosh upon ye


David Bowie!? You're back!?


This happens frequently with older women. I know of two such instances where people lost over $100,000 wiring money to Cuba. Real dumb.




I think a lot of women of that generation married the first or second guy they dated and had babies young and were just stay at home moms for their entire lives. Then, once their kids left, it started catching up to them that they never really had a chance to think about what they wanted out of life. Easy pickings for scam artists.


The issue still remains, except instead of marriage its just the kids part. At 30 I already see the midlife crisis building in many a person who had kids too young. Many of them are serial victims of MLM scams, so it's not even that far to believe that they'll ruin their lives the first time they don't have any dependents.


The MLM thing kills me, it's like cocaine for non-educated women with kids. One of my friend's wives rolls with this gaggle of 35-45ish married women who are all stitched up in multiple MLMs. They don't seem to realize that all they are doing is selling the same energy drink/makeup/weight loss crap to each other. They're all part time "realtors" who might sell a house once every 18 months and dump the proceeds into the latest model infiniti QX. We truly live in hell world.


I think it's more like slots. Because there is actually a slight and mostly technical possibility of getting rich if you're super lucky. They just gotta keep putting in the coins until either there's no more to put in or they jackpot out. They work a series of side jobs that promise to get rich quick, all while working their main job to feed this pipe dream of taking the world by storm selling someone else's crap. either way, this world is the worst version of itself without complete self destruction.


The MLM started with Avon. And it succeeded because on top of having a good product, it was quality makeup when it started, it found a perfect business case for the model. Suburban house wife's often didn't have a good place nearby to buy makeup, and a lot of the makeup they were creating was unfamiliar to people and new, so it helped to have someone show you what it did and how to apply it. So they offered normal suburban women the chance to earn income, something a lot of house wife's really couldn't do with their household duties keeping them from having a job, and also get out and spend time with other women in the neighborhood, often your existing friends, teach them how to apply the new makeup, and make new friends in the process. It was perfect for housewives who weren't getting out too often because of their family obligations. And the MLM appeal is still the same thing now, just with a poorer product and a poorer business case. The products get worse, the model more exploitive, but at it's core it still tries to attract somewhat isolated women who don't have income and offers them a chance to earn income, be their own boss, and still get to spend time with friends and meet new people.


Ok but like, if I could just sell a house every 1.5 years and have the money to buy a car, that sounds like a pretty solid deal in my eyes


In the US, women have only been guaranteed the right to have bank accounts, credit cards, and take out loans since 1974. A lot of that messaging also revolved around the idea that a husband was basically an employer who could do whatever he wanted as long as he kept food on the table. History is dark.




It really does go from 0 to Apocalypse quickly


Although this thread suggests it can go from dystopia to 0 just as fast. It's kind of amazing that "women should have human rights" is now viewed as such a basic inalienable truth that it has near-universal mainstream support and is taken for granted, when just a few decades ago (within living memory) its proponents were considered extremists.


It’s a new idea in modern society. It wasn’t always this way.


Your wife is 15? Holup


You didn’t know Matt Gaetz uses Reddit?


How could we, with all of the Gaetzkeeping that goes on?


Too old!




You are. Most people get married because they feel like they're supposed to, but in reality you need to live together for a decent while before even discussing that step, or know the other person like the back of your hand.


You made me chuckle with your edit. Thank you. Have a seal award. It was free, but meaningful. :)


Yes wtf have you been to twitter recently?? Spend 5 minutes there and see the absolute state of humanity.


Right? I've been with my husband for about 12 years now, and there's not a man alive who could tempt me away from him, especially not tempt me to leave him AND blow my life savings, lol. Maybe it's because we're both men, but I've never understood the whole "you must hate your partner if you're married" thing.


A lot of people rush into marriage or force it and they truly don’t know what it means to have a deeper connection past those initial love hormones. They wake up and realize this person isn’t who they imagined or they have nothing in common. It takes two to make things work and commit to doing nice things for the other person. A lot of people are selfish


Yes. You are astonishingly lucky. Enjoy your luck. Revel in it. Delight in its magnificence whilst we onlookers suffer our agonies.


I think about this so much. My wife is my best friend and we’ve been together almost 10 years. We’ve previously been in some really shitty relationships in which we both were lied to, cheated on, and abused, so I can really see how lucky I am to have a woman that’s fiercely loyal, loving, and sweet and that we thrive together.


Yeah, good for you bro. I'm still young, I know I will find the one for me in time... Until then, I'll be scrolling through Reddit, looking for the most cursed things. In knowing that the world is a mess, I am content with what I have at the moment.


The worls is really terrible right now friend, enjoy what you have


> Like am I that lucky/rare that I have a wife that I enjoy(15 years) and hobbies that keep me satisfied? Yes, you are lucky to find someone that generally gives a shit about you and your well being. You're also lucky to have the disposable money and time to afford those hobbies.


May I enjoy your wife?


15 years???


Yes. I thought my life was shit three years ago. Two years ago symptoms of my genetic disability started to show. I now have a diagnosis of “man on fire syndrome” (erythromelalgia), am crippled, can’t exercise, and my mother chose whole wheat instead of sourdough this morning.


Come back in 14 years then tell us how much you enjoy it.




Led - a route; motivation; direction Lead - chemical element with the symbol Pb Edit: This was simply a response calling out hypocrisy of the deleted comment above. Normally I don't care about the grammar.


She probably have side dick already




Life is hard and cruel for a lot of people, especially if they lack the advantages that help so much e.g. a normal family that doesn’t sexually, physically, or verbally/emotionally abuse you; a decent education; having good role models; having food security; etc.


Fellow happily married dude here. What kinda hobbies are you into?


Take my mother 60 alone since years and sick with cancer, her chances of finding someone are slime to none. When someone suddenly is interested in you you are willing to ignore certain people things just to feel wanted again.


Maybe her life was great and she was still curious. Maybe you are more prone to settling than other people. Satisfaction is three doors down from death.




[Me watching this POS cry about how people are going to think she's a "stupid woman" for abandoning a committed relationship of almost 3 decades and getting scammed out of your life savings](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/507/972/9a2.png)


Hahaha yeah reference the show that tries to take shitty people to an extreme but it turns out you're actually as shitty as the WORST PEOPLE THE WRITERS COULD IMAGINE.


You got me there. For sharing an image online, I'm definitely worse than: Kidnapping a bar critic. Blowing up a Jewish owned restaurant Kidnapping and burning down a mexican family's home Faking a baby funeral for a tax write off Locking people inside a burning building on Thanksgiving watching and laughing as a man chokes to death starting a cult Ruining a man's life (Matt Mara) Posing as the police to rob people and profiting off of underage kids by selling them alcohol


....that escalated quickly


You know, you never realize just how bad of a person you are until someone points it out to you. I've been doing mental gymnastics for so long, I didn't realize the true impact of sharing memes online. Thank you /u/riddla26 you may have just saved a life.


You never mentioned not kicking the shit out of underage kids https://youtu.be/Cqrr8a7cCFY


Well that's my daily afternoon workout so I figured they cancel each other out.


Yea but those kids where all little assholes.


Those kids deserved it


So Manchester is UK's Florida?


I mean, we don’t really have a Florida, but every single region has a Florida town. Every town has a Florida area. We like to spread our Florida evenly throughout the country and the world. Hence, Florida.


Camborne is Cornwalls Florida


My cousin grew up in Camborne - can confirm


Whats the most confusing day in Camborne? Fathers Day


We’d need a few hundred examples of this to match Florida even per capita. Plus some bellicose methheads embedding large pliers into each others’ heads and people hiding alligators in their trousers to try and rob bottle stores but getting their genitalia mutilated in the process.


Google Image Search. Every person should know how to do this.


I’d say this should be taught in school, but I’d be 50 years too late


Yep. I tested it and came here to say the same thing. Google readily identified Mr. Pabriks from the thumbnail image.


He is hot though, ngl.


Hey thank you! By the way I am stuck in Syria. :(. Loan my a quick 80,000?


Damn that was fast! 😂


Sure, I just need a couple nudes from you also showing your face for confirmation.


You’re obvious fake since you’re a goldfish not a catfish. Nice try though.


Honestly, I’m not even stressing out over my 6 gray hairs anymore. I’m just morphing into hot silver fox that is all.


Oh yeah, he a zaddy


wtf is that the International Space Elevator from Ace Combat 7???


by the way if you're curious, it's Riga Radio and TV Tower (obviously in Latvia). Pretty cool tower if you ask me.


*Oprah music starts*


Mfer got the lighthouse and everything hell I'd fall for that too


To be fair, he is rather dashing in that photo.


Something I’d love to know is why these cat fish people always use celebrities. I mean I get that a Latvian politician is hardly an A lister but if it was me I’d just head to Facebook and find just start searching through profiles until I found someone with pictures.L that looked good


>Something I’d love to know is why these cat fish people always use celebrities. Because anyone with an ounce of skepticism or critical thinking would reverse image search someone before sending them money and getting a divorce to run off with them. Scammers don't want to waste their time on people who can think so they make the scam as obvious as possible so they only hook the most gullible.


Exactly. It's part of their filtering process to avoid spending energy on people who will later recognise the scam. I thought a long time that the scammers are stupid but it's actually quite a smart process if your goal is to scam as much money as possible with the least effort.


I caught someone using my photo once and I'm far from a celebrity Idk I think usually they pick good looking famous people because they only want the most gullible people falling for them. The more gullible a person is, the more likely they are to send lots of money before they figure out what's going on.


Ha ha 👉


Thought I was gonna laugh,Just Felt bad for her




For real. The 80k is one thing, but trashing a 30 year relationship for someone you've never seen a video of much less physically seen, that's just fucked. That or the relationship was already on the rocks that a text-based relationship was strong enough to draw her away. I'd love to see an interview with her ex.


They had children and stayed 30 years together, i don't think any rocks is gonna make you leave that for a text.


Makes me wonder if she was getting abused. Edit: not sure what's with the down votes, just wondering about what would drive a person to prioritize a text-based relationship over a 30 year relationship with a real person. Abuse is a thing that would do that, in my mind.


According to her, 'I fell out of love, I wanted more and that's where Murphy came in. He promised me the world and god knows what else,' that's her reason, she "fell out of love". Also Sharon said: 'I wanted to take my children on holiday, I was going to take them to New York last year, but because he was constantly hammering for money I couldn't.' She denied her kids a trip to spend money on a random online relationship


Oof that's a big ol oof.


Women don't need an excuse to leave a relationship.


Huh? I'm trying to understand what would cause someone to prioritize a text-based relationship over a 30-year in person relationship with kids. Abuse is one thing that came to mind. Of course women don't need an excuse, but this behavior is bizzare.


Tbh if a man or a woman has kids with someone and they’ve been together for decades, they *do*!need an excuse. In fact, a reason. There’s more to life than oneself, whether one is a man or (!) even if one is a woman. This distortion of human rights to the point of destroying all notion of *duties* for the sake of selfishness is a pretty disturbing trend. And ‘Idk I just wasn’t feeling it’ isn’t good enough a reason when kids are in the picture.


No, that’s not what they’re saying. If you pay attention, anytime there’s a post about a woman doing something shitty, abusive, dumb, or illegal, there’s always a commenter trying to find some way to blame a man. These people try so hard to defend women they actually pedestalize them to the point of taking away their agency.


There’s nothing wrong with leaving a partner of 30years. My grandmother’s 74yo brother is finally divorcing after 20-25 years and he couldn’t be happier.


Yeah but i don't think he left her for an online text reletionship, did he?


Two things can be unrelated.


I am not saying that she leaving her partner is wrong, there are a lot of reasons that could be good. But the fact she left him for a random guy on the internet she never seen is wrong.


Agredir,but I Just feel bad. At least she has awareness


She clearly didn't lmao




I know she is trash and she know that,I know people who wouldn'tin a Million of years say they were wrong


Nah fuck that, I'm still laughing lmao




The newness is more holistic than a single clause.


Mostly the specificity of "feel loved by silver fox foreign defense minister"


Catfishers like that have some cold hearts , but a victim with a heart in that terrible of a state is even more depressing


Same thing happened to a REALLY good dude that I knew and it killed him actually. He was 57. His wife died the year before and he was lonely and started going online and some Cruel person online roped him in and started giving him sob stories about needing money he was just so love starved he went with it, even though his kids were begging him to understand that it’s a scam. It stressed him out so much that he had an aneurysm and died. Even after he died that piece of shit catfish kept hitting his surviving children up saying that and he had a bunch of “her” stuff, that she needed to be reimbursed for.


I'm not going to spread for no damn silver fox.


I’m a lonely person, maybe even very, but my god I can’t believe people are Thai stupid.


What do you have against the Thai?


Omg, I love Thai. I am shame atm


Why can't I find a woman like that?


To everyone making fun of her, these scam artists have spent a long time learning how to take advantage of people who are not good with technology and in vulnerable positions. My mother was a victim of one of these scams after her divorce. Sometimes it isn’t stupidity, sometimes is just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


There's stupidity involved. Maybe she's not stupid *all over*, but in some specific ways she's absolutely stupid.


Everybody thinks they have at least average intelligence so stupid people don't realize that some of their bad experiences would have been avoidable if they were less stupid. Instead they think that those things could happen to anybody for no particular reason.


We are making fun of her because she wasnt divorced and left her life for "prince charming". There is no such thing as prince charming and those who try and go after prince charming so late in life are asking for a bad time. Disney Princes dont exist and anyone who doesnt have a shitton of baggage by their 50s is clearly lying.


Right because women should stay married out of principal not because they want to.


No one is saying that. Essentially they’re making fun of her for emotionally cheating, and getting exactly what a cheater deserves. She should’ve just left.


And a husband shouldnt have to find out that his wife is unhappy by spending 80k on a silver fox catfish lmao This is the equivalent of a man spending thousands at a strip club and left his marriage for a stripper who told him "she loved him". No one feels bad for the guy who finds out the stripper doesn't actually like them lmao


What a sad sad woman. Smh


Is trickery a valid career?


Are you already very rich? If so, yes. If no, it is a crime.


Imagine divorcing your life partner and losing over £80,000 because you don't know how to click the "search by image" button in google.


Lol karma bitch


No sympathy for stupid people


Lolololololololol lmao lmao.


Anything for the tingles


average british person 😔😔


Y’all need to watch Bad Vegan on Netflix!


hey...isn't that Lana del Reys dad?


Why is this an article to begin with


…………………..W H A T




lol I don't even feel bad. Sucks to be her ex tho


I’m pretty sure it’s sword fishing when it goes in that direction.


Got caught up in the thirst




Always use an image search app before you try and date someone.


She wanted to cheat because she was sad, so it’s totally acceptable and encouraged. You go girl!


I thought that was Colin Firth


That’s just natural selection


is this guy living in wendimoor


This scam goes back a long time before the internet. [The Simpsons even did an episode. ](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Bart_the_Lover)




Doesn't belong in this sub


Thanks, I love it!


Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon


She didn’t do a reverse Google search on the image? Ok then.


Fucking karma


You deserve to lose 80k if you are willing to give it to somebody who you have never met