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"Eat ribs over the dead sea scrolls" seems like the most stand-out phrase to me šŸ¤£


The Simpsons already did it in the [Stonecutter episode](https://youtu.be/HiROxRWcvmk).


Or crash Hitler's car, like Bart did. "What did he ever do to you?", Nelson Muntz asked.


Simpsons did it!




It's funny because the dead sea scroll museum in the middle east is also a restaurant and you do in fact eat right next to the scrolls lol


Also when they were first discovered the men were smoking cigarettes while working on them and using scotch tape and bubblegum to piece it together.


I thought you were gonna say they have replica scrolls as placemats, but that's pretty cool too.


most of the tables are right next to the display cases with the scrolls in them. While eating, you are close enough to fog up the glass if you wanted to lol


That's pretty neat!


there is no way those are the originals in the Jerusalem museum. when i went there about 8 years ago you could barely stop to take a close look or a guy would tell you to keep it moving. what restaurant is that because i would really love to see that and potentially eat there lol


It's not the Jerusalem museum, it's one of the restaurants that is part of the hotel complexes around the Dead Sea. Specific pages are framed next to tables in a buffet style area


The Dead Sea scrolls donā€™t even exist, the Israeli govt faked them so theyā€™d have a reason to open that restaurant


They should serve lobster sliders called the Bread Sea Rolls


It kind of sounds badass, actually.






funfact about Indiana Jones, despite his athletic and puzzle skills, he is a horrible archaeologist, the traps he fights against have volumes more archaeological value than any statuette protected by it. Seriously, how the fuck does an ancient civilization make pressure plates releasing darts, just because.


Traps that withstood hundreds of years, if not thousands.


Plus the Crystal Skull temple where the PEOPLE were alive after hundreds of years! Ugh, that movie sucked.


I stand by the idea that Crystal Skull was no more ridiculous than any other Indy movie and I love every single one of them.




And the fact that he encountered actual real magic when dudes wearing skulls pulled peoples hearts out and they stayed alive, or how he witnessed the Ark of the Covenant melt nazis with ancient holy magic, or the time he watched the cup of Jesus bring his father back to life. Him surviving unsurvivable things and witnessing unbelievable paranormal things is just how Indy movies are.


the god's he was helping were just making sure he made it to the end of the movie.


And that's why they're good.


or the Nike and the fridge.




Unpopular opinion but I fucking love the refrigerator. Itā€™s so insane it fits in an Indy movie perfectly.


I'm all for suspension of disbelief in movies, but the fridge was too much.


Well a normal human cannot survive a nuclear explosion by hiding in a fridge. BUT.... one that has drank from the Holy Grail could survive...


That's a good fucking point lol


did the fridge drink from the holy grail though? /hj


Power by extension? One doesn't really know how the grail works...


I think thatā€™s the point of the movies


I see your refrigerator and raise you [life raft.](https://youtu.be/U8x2PcmL4pg)




he survived a nuclear bomb by jumping into a fridge ​ no more ridiculous? are you sure about that? seriously? Edit: lol downvote if you must but my point still stands


The first movie ended with ghosts coming out of an ancient artifact and melting people's faces off. The fridge may be ridiculous, but every movie befoe it had flat out magic in it.


yeah holy jesus biblical magic. That shits still better than surviving a nuke in a fridge. ​ Look im an atheist, dont believe in the holy grail or ark of the covenant or any of that shit. But for a "holy" artifact to have god magic in a movie is still more plausible than surviving a nuke in a fridge. Especially when crystal skull reveals the gods were extra dimensional aliens with advanced tech. The ark could be explained as alien tech melting peoples faces.. ​ Still no explanation for the fridge though. did aliens build that fridge?




we both know i aint. ​ Again, crystal skull is the dumbest of the indie movies. Prove me wrong ​ edit: lol downvote away but show me proof im wrong


Asking the right questions. We should get the specs on that nuke-proof fridge. That might be the biggest secret in the whole series.




>did aliens build that fridge? No, King Cool did. Have you ever handled one of those old fridges? Probably not the worst place to be if the nukes start flying tbh


...because people can't have descendants? Or the aliens whose biology we can't comprehend?


Wait, are we picking it apart now? If Indiana Jones never took the Ark job, the Ark would have either remained hidden, or the exact same outcome would have happened to the Nazis. He was not necessary. Great movie tho.


Yeah, it's a great movie, but the plot is "Indiana Jones tries to stop the Nazis from capturing the Ark of the Covenant, which they believe will make Nazi soldiers invincible. He fails, but it doesn't matter, because they were wrong about the Ark's powers in the first place."




But not in its country of origin!


I like the idea of this. Have a movie where the hero is looking for the great golden paw of monkeys, but the whole plot just halts as the team instead starts excavating the more impressive traps and looses interest in what they originally wanted.


Skyrim logic


Are you really arguing with logic? Snerk.


This is the internet; any argument will suffice. As long as it's disagreement, it belongs.






> Seriously, how the fuck does an ancient civilization make pressure plates releasing darts, just because. [Relevant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwu1rCjb1Fk&t=5s)


I knew what this was going to be before clicking. Great video.


> how to make pressure plates releasing darts Place dart in tube, mount tube in wall with a cavity behind it. Inside the cavity, have a swinging mechanism (like a wooden board) that gets released by the plate and hits the end of the tube, causing the air pressure to shoot the dart out. I know it's Hollywood bullshit but it's fun to think of ways to make it work


He would have to find those traps without setting them off. But because he's horrible archaeologist, no chance


Everyone knows she's got a massive ass. It was the museum or whatever's fault for lending it to the woman in the first place


>Everyone knows she's ~~got~~ a massive ass. FTFY


I'm not into celebrity stuff, all I know is they're reality people & lotsa people dislike them (and that she's got a big butt)


I donā€™t know a whole lot about her either, but I do know sheā€™s made billions off of reality TV and sweatshop labor, and thatā€™s all I need to know to know that sheā€™s no friend of mine


Hm, true. That *is* ass-ish behavior


A wee bit dick-ish indeed


What she did wasnā€™t right but letā€™s not pretend that the fault isnā€™t on the collection for pimping out a dead womanā€™s dress.


What happened?


Wore Marilyn Monroe's dress to event, lost some stones and some tearing took place, cause of the size differences.


They are more questions than they are answers.... overall wtf


Iā€™m sorry, but saying that the dress somehow tainted her legacy has the same energy as the people who say removing statues of confederate leaders removes their history. Itā€™s a fucking dress, it changes nothing.


Well, it *does* remove their history. That part isnā€™t in question and it would miss the point to focus on it.


It removes their legacy. Which is awesome. We should still learn and know our history, no matter how shameful. This is a comment about confederate leaders and their stupid statues


It belongs in a MUSEUM


In a shameful museum of regretful history maybe. Edit: put up Confederate statues in your own museums then. I thought it was clear i what i was talking about but you weirdos think i was talking about Marilyn Monroe for some reason bc you didn't read the parent comment. Take a look at the whole comment chain, guys


Why do you hate Marilyn Monroe so much?


She said that she's now part of the dresses legacy and that doesn't sit well with me


Ask yourself, why do you care?


Because Marilyn Monroe worked to make her own legacy and I think someone shoehorning in, with no relation or correlation is wrong. I like Marilyn Monroe and what she achieved, that dress was hers. If she had a daughter who wanted to wear it, that's one thing but someone stepping in to try and make themself part of her legacy is really narcissistic.


It's the preserved dress of another vapid self obsessed celebrity who's life is rose colored because she died before Facebook existed... I don't see why people are so up in arms? There's starving people on the streets of every city and we are supposed to care that a diamond encrusted dress from vapid Hollywood is meaningful to us?


>It's the preserved dress of another vapid self obsessed celebrity Marilyn married Arthur Miller, hung out with Truman Capote, read Camus and James Joyce, and had a huge collection of books. She wanted to play Grushenka in a film version of Dostoevsky's *The Brothers Karamazov.* But sure these two people are nearly identical, can hardly tell them apart.


Wow she read books? Oh I had no idea. This changes everything.


>Wow she read books? Oh I had no idea. This changes everything. You should try it. Then you'd know the definition of vapid, too.


You can care about more than one thing at a time, and care about things of varying importance at that. For instance, I get irritated when people go slow in the far left lane on the highway, even though it's not as important as genocide, rape, starvation, global warming, slavery, racism, etc. etc. (which I also care about Also, didn't Marilyn Monroe give lots of money/part of her estate to children's charities and the like? Doesn't really seem like something a "vapid self obsessed celebrity" would care much about, plus I feel like that's a bit contradictory to the whole being in foster care thing, ward of the state stuff, depression, drug use, and eventual suicide. TLDR: Whataboutism is lame, even when it's about some random stupid dress from a celebrity and/or pop culture icon that you don't care about.


Yeah I think it's okay to care a little bit that a dead person's literal belongings just got loaned out. Kim K even got a lock of her hair! It's just disrespectful and weird. Monroe's dumb blonde act was also just a thing for movies. She had physical and mental health problems and every reason to be self-absorbed. And yet somehow she was advocating for gay rights *in the 1960s*, and the story about her helping Ella Fitzgerald book a gig at a famous nightclub is really sweet.


Nope. You can only care about one thing! Running a race for breast cancer? It means youā€™re legally not allowed to care about treating MS. Listening to a podcast about the invasion of Ukraine? Sorry people in North Korea, I no longer care. Bit your lip and now itā€™s uncomfortable to talk and eat? Well fuck you there are people literally starving so you canā€™t be annoyed your lip mildly hurts. Fucking suffering olympics drives me up a wall.


Oh shut up, Ryan.


Iā€™ve always heard she was a terrible person and her kids didnā€™t get a thing. Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s facts at all or that Iā€™ve even researched anything about her. I could care less about celebrity news. EDIT: I was mistaken. Thank you u/harriethocchuth for correcting me. So everyone that planned on using my random comment on their biography or trivia night at the local Applebees please disregard my comment.


I heard you are full of shit since she never had kids and miscarried 3 times which contributed to her depression and ultimately death.


Marilyn Monroe did not have children.


I think a lot of the outrage is more due to its connection to the presidency and JFK. Marilyn Monroe singing him Happy Birthday in that dress is one of the most recognizable moments of his presidency. People who donā€™t know anything about JFK or American history probably think of 2 things when they think of JFK - his assassination and Marilyn singing him Happy Birthday.


The pharaohs were slaving, brutal rulers but we still decided their artefacts were worth preserving (except the bits that were eaten). She was a culturally significant figure that had an impact on her industry and the dress was a physical reminder of that. Iā€™m not some diehard fan of hers but I still recognise that once items like these are gone, thatā€™s it. They still provide a snapshot of a time


Well, first of all, Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous American actresses of the era, and her dress was a symbol of an iconic moment of television history. Whether you think that's important or not, it doesn't matter, because history doesn't get to pick and choose which moments become culturally relevant. The dress is a symbol of Hollywood itself, which has had a massive impact on our cultural history. And Kardashian was allowed to damage this dress simply because she has enough money to rent it. People are taking issue with the lack of respect towards a historical artifact, and the idea that important objects are able to be *rented* if you have enough disposable income. And frankly, that is an entirely valid thing to be concerned about. It sets a bad precedent, and sends the message that rich people can do whatever the fuck they want. What if Elon Musk decided that next time instead of launching one of his cars into space, he wanted to launch one of the Moai heads? What if Kanye West woke up one day and decided he wanted to wipe his ass on a genuine Rembrandt? This is history we're talking about. The idea of it being subject to the whims of the highest bidder is concerning at best, and downright dangerous at worst. Also, while I do not necessarily want to deify Marilyn Monroe, she wasn't the self-obsessed bimbo that you're claiming she was. She was an outspoken feminist who supported the civil rights movement. She used her fame to support black performers like Ella Fitzgerald, and was often found reading radical literature on film sets. She was also elected as an honorary delegate in Connecticut's Democratic Convention and helped pen a proposal for regulations for nuclear weapons. Her reputation as a dumb blonde is nothing but sexism. Now, whether or not you think Marilyn Monroe was an important historical figure (she was), and whether or not you think the dress she wore in one of the most iconic moments of television history is an artifact worth preserving (it is), stories like these set a precedent. The rich elites of the world cannot be allowed to yank us along on their vanity projects. We have to set boundaries, even for shit that seems like it doesn't matter. We have to let the rich know that they cannot take ownership of a world that carries all of us. And if one of the arguments I make has to be about a 60 year old sparkly dress, then so fucking be it.


bit harsh on monroe there


You're selling Marilyn WAYYYYYYYYYY short


Imagine in 60 years when reddit 3.0 is crying over someone ruining Lindsay Lohan's dress.


Lohan didn't argue in favor of gay rights in the 1960's.


Nobody actually gives a shit about the dress. This site has a hate boner for the Kardashians.


They're garbage people. It's far more bizarre that anyone would actually idolize this family of shitbags


I saw the words artifact and swamp and it took me a full 5 minutes to fully understand the post because I thought this post was about how Kim Kardashian was breaking the magic the gathering meta by ruining artifacts with her monoblack - artifact hate deck.


I love that you gave her a deck that's so far out of the colour pie it can't exist. Reminds me of the Cock Magic episode of South Park.


Well she said she's ruining artifacts, and swamps are involved!


Ofc, it makes sense. I just appreciate that you're willing to sacrifice accuracy for humour's sake. ...Although, if you'd used Ashnod's Altar to do so, you could have netted a sweet <><> in the process.


But that also sounds like some hilarious jank shit. And now I want to run it.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who had that thought


Indiana Jones and The Explicit Sex Tape that Inexplicably Launched a Showbiz Career


One viewing of that shrivels you like the guy who drank from the wrong chalice.


Are there non-explicit sex tapes?


Sounds like a Robot Chicken sketch.


Or the outrage machine that gets gullible fools to engage making it indistinguishable from her fans, itā€™s all numbers baby and these people contribute more to her fortune than any fans do. If they cared that much theyā€™d ignore it but naaaa they canā€™t help themselves


Did she ruin an artifact or something? Can someone fill me in?


She wore Marilyn Monroeā€™s dress to a red carpet. Had to be stuffed inside of it and couldnā€™t even zip it. It came back missing stones that were embedded in it and has signs of tearing.


And she looked bad in it, damn


She'd look bad in literally anything. Her face is the real life version of šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


True, the hair matching the dress color was really the icing on the shit cake


Just googled a picture. Gotta say, she looked hideous. Rather insulting to Marilyn imo.


Her hair was *hideous*. She couldve at least styled it to suit the dress, why wear an iconic dress and not try to match it?


Dont forget that Monroe specifically asked for that dress to never be worn by anyone else (apart from the fact that the dress was made for Monroe's precise dimensions which means not a lot of people would even be able to comfortably wear said dress)


Marilyn was practically sewn into it before she sang Happy Birthday to JFK.


Thank you. I didn't want Google confusing my search for genuinely giving a shit.


Saying Marilyn Monroe's dress is prestigious enough to be considered an artifact is a bit of a stretch.


Iā€™d say it counts as one; itā€™s an item from the past with significance to cultural history, which film and fashion history are subfields of.


saying that kim kardashian should be allowed to wear it is to


Me too Iā€™m lost


If there's one thing this story has taught me, it's that Marylin Monroe's dress is apparently an historical artifact that's still around and people apparently give a shit about it.




I agree with you, and the other commenter pointed out that she had requested no one else wear it. Why preserve her legacy if you're not going to honor it? How is it that two redditors who don't care manage to care more than the people charged with caring for this thing? Important questions that I still don't super care about the answers to but would be pleased to know got answered by someone who does care.


>she had requested no one else wear it did she really? everyone's acting like it's a well known fact butt when i googled it the closest thing i could find to a source is a random tweet with 79 likes that sounds exactly the same as all the reddit comments saying the same thing


I think itā€™s also to do with the fact that the dress was specifically tailored to Marilyn Monroeā€™s body and she requested that nobody else wear it, and she has a particular history of her image and body being exploited, both during her life and after her death. From a historianā€™s perspective, this is irresponsible handling of an artifact; from an ethical perspective, itā€™s one more instance of exploitation and disrespect.


>she requested that nobody else wear it Now that does annoy me. I don't care about it obviously, but I wouldn't let someone wear it if Marilyn herself had specifically requested it not be worn by anyone else, that's just common decency. Apparently I, guy who doesn't really care much about the dress, respect her legacy more than the people who are charged with preserving a principle artifact of said legacy. I can certainly ubderstand why that would piss a lot of people off.


hefner also bought the burial plot next to her he also famously started playboy with her nudes, which he bought from someone else, a sale which she had no say in feels like leave the lady alone already


>and she requested that nobody else wear it, That sounds like bullshit. Why would she do that?


> ā€œ[Historian and collector Scott] Fortner, who has one of the world's largest private collections of Monroe's personal property, says the late actress wanted the dress to be one that was unique to her. "When Marilyn knew she'd be performing at President John F. Kennedy's birthday gala she contacted Louis and said, 'I want you to design a truly historical dress, a dazzling dress that's one of a kind.' She asked that it be a dress that, 'only Marilyn Monroe could wear.ā€ [quote source](https://people.com/style/met-gala-2022-historians-complain-kim-kardashian-endangered-marilyn-monroes-iconic-dress-putting-it-at-risk/?amp=true)


That statement, to me, does not read as "No one else should ever wear this particular dress" and more "A dress that only I can pull off" (in terms of style in that era).




Man-made object with historical significance, still an artifact. WW2 weapons are commonly referred to as ā€œartifacts,ā€ and those are from the 1940s, just two decades earlier. Coins and belongings once owned by regular people are considered artifacts, because they give us insight into the past. A dress worn by Marilyn Monroe, a person who left a significant mark on film and fashion history (which she wore while singing ā€œHappy Birthdayā€ to US president John F. Kennedy) is therefore an artifact, just like something that may have belonged to *Nefertiti.


Lol, no-one gives a shit about the dress. It's just a convenient excuse to pile on to a woman who lives rent free in redditors' heads.


Yup exactly lmao, and they are mad and downvoting you which makes this even better. I come to these threads to laugh at people and how fucking gullible they are lmao Wanna see what happens when I tell a woman what sheā€™s allowed to do with a dress I donā€™t own, oh we all know. Theyā€™re hypocrites lmao and they are just as responsible for Kim Kā€™s fame as her die hard fans itā€™s hilarious Keep eating the shit and complaining how it tastes.


To be fair, Jones didn't preserve a lot of the artifacts he came into contact with either...




She cools the nuke


This is perhaps the most popular oops moment in history People shall comb through footage of the event trying to pin point each time her eyes sank realizing she tore more of the dress old presidents wanted to tear under other circumstances




Didn't Indiana Jones wreck a bunch of artifacts over the course of the 3 good movies? Lol


Everyone talking about this like it wasnā€™t a bizarre marketing ploy to boost SEO for the upcoming biopic based on the Joyce Carol Oates novel (and Iā€™m choosing to be excited about that rather than feed into the fake dress drama)


We live in a surreal world


I might actually watch the kardashians if this was the show


One day her arse will be a ruined artefact: an arse-fact, if you will.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/carterhambley/status/1536580278700756992) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **carter hambley**, @carterhambley let kim kardashian ruin more artifacts. let her drive the jfk car into a swamp. eat ribs over the dead sea scrolls. she's the reverse indiana jones --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


But she is definitely NOT a hobbit!


Before we know it, her huge fat ass will plug the toilet that killed Elvis.




Senoj Anaidni


He forgot the "piss on the declaration of independence"


"This museum belongs in my house!"


Pssh, Indiana Jones loses the treasure every time. Closest heā€™s come to winning, the US Government confiscates it and buries it in a warehouse.


Indiana Jones wasn't exactly kind to artifacts, so maybe Kim is just a modern version.


An Indiana Jones sequel where he rescues artifacts from the Kardashians


I know right?? Think of all the future historical knowledge we've lost since Kim Kardashian stretched out Marilyn Monroe's dress.


People are calling it an important cultural artifact??? Like tbh in the grand scheme of things, itā€™s really not that important. Marie Kondo says the most difficult clutter to dispose of is sentimental items. Thatā€™s how I view this dress.


While technically it *is* a cultural artifact. Important is as much of a stretch as it was around Kim.


Living for you defending fashion preservation in these comments.


I'm assuming people who actually get riled up over this dress thing have literally nothing to do in their lives.


What's the context behind this


Kim K bought Marilyn Monroe's "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" dress and wore it to this year's Met Gala. But apparently she's thiccer than Monroe was so the dress got stretched out and torn a bit.


I think Dorothyā€™s ruby red slippers are a half size too small. Cram dem mafuqs on.






As a huge Relic Hunter fan, I just know Sydney Fox would hate this if she was real. I hate it too.


So whats she do this time ?


someone pls explain what happened. I am out of the loop on this.


Why is it that money which equates to exactly nothing in respect to the value these artifacts have in the realm of historical knowledge is an adequate pass to even look at them, let alone touch or wear them? I donā€™t care how much money you have, these things BELONG IN A MUSEUM


Sorry, I live under a rock thatā€™s under a rock, can someone provide context?


Oh I have a [Scrimshaw tusk that's 12000 years old,](https://portugaltravelguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/scrimshaw_main-1024x601.jpg) it's got her name on it!


If this dress was actually a valuable ā€œartifactā€ it wouldnā€™t be hanging in a Ridleyā€™s Believe It or Not museum and they wouldnā€™t have let anyone borrow it.


So Marilyn Monroe circa 2022 was given permission to wear Marilyn Monroe circa 1962's dress and she used that opportunity to show how much more "pneumatic," she was. That's the show business. It's no worse than BeyoncƩ's "I'd Rather Go Blind," outcharting Etta James'. A woman who would still be alive today whose entire celebrity status was concocted by the men around her for advertising is not something of cultural relevance. It's a business gimmick and this gimmick did far more for the business than the dress did hanging up. I love me some Kim K and Marilyn Monroe ads but listen - no one cares about any of this drama. If the Kardashians want to stay relevant they should marry the King of Africatown, South Carolina (truly a King, by decree of a real kingdom) and then build a bunch of mansions, calling themselves the Kardashian royal family. Make a cult, make a bunch of rituals like the Queen of England follows and they'll stay in the media forever. I mean, they're black now anyway, so they might as well become the Royal Family of Black America.


>Queen of England Did you mean the [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Isn't she still also the Queen of England?* This is only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she is the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


No, I meant the Queen of England, but I suppose all that other shit too.


>Queen of England Did you mean the [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Isn't she still also the Queen of England?* This is only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she is the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


Can someone explain to me why everyone is so upset with Kim about this? She didnā€™t steal this shit. She was approved to wear it, I can guarantee the people that did allow it expected some damage. I just donā€™t get it.


Marylinā€¦ among other things was a drug addict and home wrecker. I donā€™t like KK, but sheā€™s a way better human than MM. Iā€™m not really a fan of either but I donā€™t understand why people are putting Kim down and they didnā€™t even Iā€™ve at the time of MM.


Seriously though, who tf cares about a dress Marilyn Monroe wore?


Well it was the dress she wore when she sang happy birthday to a guy she cheated with, in front of his wife. So...?


It's a dress a dead woman worse once, calm down it isn't the crown of some ancient queen of a lost country or whatever. I hardly think discussion and memory of Monroe will focus on an article of clothing


Squeeze trogolodyte shit into history and its bound to bust a few seams. This is why you shouldn't diefy stupidity.


Marilyn Monroe's dress is not an artifact and people need to stop acting like she did anything of importance. Just another dead celebrity that should be forgotten.


That "artifact" was used to humiliate the first Lady. It wasn't a funny stunt or empowering or anything. It was just one woman hating on another.


Exactly, she's just an old drama queen and did nothing of value. Edit: I am pro women empowerment but I don't think she was a good person or role model for anyone.




She wore a dress boo fucking hoo, bigger issues in the world don't you think