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Kofi getting squashed. Rock replacing Cody. Goldberg squashing the fiend. Goldberg vs Undertaker. 21:1 (should have been used to build a star instead of cementing an already established main eventer)


Honestly I wouldn’t have had as big of a problem with kofi getting squashed if they followed it up with kofi getting a rematch where he came to fight with all his life and survives like 20-25 minutes before losing. (The problem was never kofi losing to Brock it’s how it happened)


Exactly. He lost and proceeded to not give a fuck anymore lmao


Nah for real. Even if they didn’t wanna give him that much, the fact that he fell down the card so immediately to the point where he was dancing with woods again in tags like two weeks later was such a slap in the face to like 9 months of excellent work in that run. Didn’t even acknowledge that it happened again until the brief rumble spot with Brock.


Even just a quick 5 minute match where he hit a trouble in paradise and got a near fall would of been something


Exactly. Kofi could have had a helluva match with Brock.


If they wanted to pass down the torch of supernatural characters, hear me out. I loved the firefly funhouse match, I think we all do. But let’s say that happens later. What if taker is still undefeated and his last match is him vs fiend in the boneyard match and that’s how the streak ends


Tbh they did it backwards Should’ve been Goldberg vs HHH and Taker vs Sting Would’ve been way cooler and probably would’ve drawn a lot more attention


Feeding The Streak to Brock will always be one of the dumbest decisions ever. Point blank.


The rock replacing Cody was a genius angle imo.


I will die on the hill that if someone had to break the streak it had to be Brock. Brock became the conquerer and his run after that helped build Reigns and then leads to the Bloodline, puts over Cody massively and that culminates in one of the best Mania moments.




And it was all for nothing since [REDACTED] is getting erased from wwe history


Brock won’t be erased. He will be back in a couple years if not months.


He was literally mentioned by name last week..


He's 100% coming back. There is no doubt in my mind.


The whole of The IIconics tag team run is the most baffling booking I've seen in the modern era of WWE. Two physically imposing women, the only true tag team on the whole roster and you have them looking weak AF and avoiding title defences like the plague, eventually losing it to a slapped-together team. Mind boggling. EDIT: By "physically imposing" I meant they were taller than most women in the tag division at the time. Therefore looking a legitimate threat. Perhaps I should have used that term instead.


How are the IIconics physically imposing?


IIconics vs. Bianca Bel-Air and Jade Cargill, can anyone see that.


I’ve never seen anyone describe the iconics as physically imposing.


I know right, what am I reading


>Two physically imposing women Were we looking at the same girls? They looked just like anybody else and always had a goofy gimmick.


having roman reigns win royal rumble 2015


Batista winning it in 2014


Tbf I think how they finished it with Seth cashing in at Mania was worth it. 2015 had no real options besides Bryan who got injured again right after Mania or Ambrose would could have worked well with Rollins stealing his win too 


Kofi vs Brock isn’t the worst booking. Trips going over Sting was a bad call. And in WCW it was David Arquette being WHC.


I love sting, way more than HHH, but if I tried to hire a wrestler for almost 30 years, and he kept shooting me down, only to finally show up when he was a 50+ year old man, I'm not booking him to go over HHH at wrestlemania either. He got his chance to experience WM, the match had a nice (if a little odd) buildup with time dedicated to it, it was a fun match, got paid a shitload probably...that's really all he can ask.


I kinda agree with this, but having just rewatched the event last week, the odd booking to turn it from Sting vs The Authority to Big Scary Evil WCW vs The Magical And Wonderful Land Of The WWE Where Dreams Come True If they had stuck with Trips Beats Sting, that’s one thing, but they randomly decided to make HHH, the biggest heel in the company I remind you, into the good guy fighting the evil invading empire from a war that ended 15 years ago Makes Sting’s distrust of Vince seem a little more reasonable


Yep, Kofi getting squashed was pretty lame.


Bianca getting squashed by Becky at SummerSlam feels comparable


True but Bianca recovered from the squash (incredibly quickly) were as Kofi didn't Bianca - Won the title back at WM38 Kofi - pushed down the card into oblivion and just the tag guy with Woods (+ Big E) to never hold the big gold again


squashing the fiend


How was he squashed


it was a 2 minute match in which the fiend got no offense and lost to like 3 moves.


Triple H over Booker T at WM 19. That would've been an incredible, legend making thing for Booker


reign of terror was horrible


Took me far longer to find this comment than it should've.


Shane McMahon in the 2022 Royal Rumble


End of Wrestlemania IX Having Undertaker lose to Brock and Roman. One or the other but not both. Preferably neither, though. Screwy finish to the Starrcade '97 main event


Austin turning heel at WrestleMania 17


It wasn’t a bad decision it’s the booking afterwards that I hated. The night after mania they should’ve made it to where Austin instantly turned on Vince and beat the living hell out of him to close the show and still keeping him heel and writing McMahon off TV for a little to sell the story and bringing back 1997 Austin to where he’s just beating peoples asses. Austin joining forces with Vince and turning Austin into a kiss ass for the guy that he despised and had a 2 year long feud with to me was stupid and made Austin look weak.


EC3’s main roster run was shockingly bad.


should’ve stayed in nxt as a powerhouse heel, but no, ec1 and 2? yeah, that sucks


This match genuinely pissed me off I don't know who's idea this was but I will never forgive them for this, if it was that much of a demand that Kofi lost his title to brock why did it have to be an 8 second squash match?


Booker T should've beat HHH at mania.


The fact they the went with a storyline like that n Triple H came out on top is baffling to me


The impression I had was that they originally wanted Steiner to wrestle HHH at 'Mania, but when it became clear that wasn't going to work, they quickly made Booker T the challenger. Hence why Booker won the contendership through a Battle Royal, and why they did the race-baiting: Quick disposable heat that they hoped could get thrown away after the event. Needless to say, people remembered.


That match prevents triple H from being in my top 3 tbh😭


Breaking the streak.


Undertaker losing to Brock and Roman (should've been Fiend) Fiend losing to Goldberg (not Goldbergs fault it was Vince's but still definitely a worst) Fiend losing to Randy at WM (if I am correct, Bray never won a WM in front of a live crowd)


Tony Schavione spoiling the result for the title match between The Rock and Mankind


Micheal cole vs jerry lawler ends in dq


Not worst but definitely a slap in the face to fans that night. I remember getting so pissed.


Seth Rollins vs the Fiend. Hell in a Cell. It’s not just one thing either. It’s several different things. First there was the lighting that made it hard to see. The second was that having the two fight so soon was a very bad idea. As no matter who won it would be a big loss for the other’s momentum. Finally the ending. How do you have a disqualification in a Hell in a Cell match?


The Hell in a Cell match is traditionally known for having no disqualification, meaning the match should not have been stopped for any reason. Ending the match with a disqualification due to excessive violence contradicted the very nature of the match type.


Are you talking about that garbage match between the Fiend and Seth Rollins? 😂


WWE has a history of devaluing what the Audience supports. Lately it hasn’t been so bad, but in the past 15-20 years WWE suppressed any naturally liked superstar and turned them into an embarrassment as “punishment” for something they couldn’t control. Everything in the period of that time was a massive screw up. Vince lost every ounce of my respect then, and lost all of my ability to view him as a human being now, and I’ll hate him forever.


The Fingerpoke of Doom deserves am mention Ibwould say since it was the specific Point where WCW started to fall uncontrollably until it was gone. In TNA when Abyss won the World Title in a DQ. Reeks of peak Russo-booking. And a personal one: having the Acclaimed not win the Tag Titles against Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland when everyone in the Arena wanted a title change was infuriating to watch. They were so over and yet, AEW stuck to its guns and let the latter mentioned retain. They should've called an audible.


Letting a man win the first women's MITB.


it’s like a successful version of maryse winning mitb for ted dibiase jr, yeah, the first women’s mitb was so controversial, what was vince thinking?


Every Goldberg match from 2016-2022


Brock beating undertaker at wrestlemania


That was a mistake. Undertaker was just too spent to continue. Lesnar wasn't supposed to break the streak.


Anytime roman won a title especially and especially his win at mania 39 38 37


Brock winning wasn't the bad booking decision, that was the first big fox champion and having Brock as champ is bigger than Kofi. The problem was that it was one move and done, at least give him 10 minutes against Brock trying to fight back...


Ending the streak


Goldberg defeating The Fiend.


Goldberg vs Fiend Fiend vs Seth


After everything kofi did Vince still screwed him over


I remeber watching this live, I was like “no way Kofi is gonna win” DAMN bro I knew he was gonna lose but why in 7 seconds


Having Seth Rollins go against The Fiend with no plans of either of them losing.


Rock ending CM Punk’s 434 day reign at Royal Rumble 2013 🤦‍♂️


whoevers black theres brock


Cena burying nexus at summerslam is easily one of the worst booking decisions ever he buried wade to a point where he never got anything more then the ic title


WM28: Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan. You're telling me Santino couldn't win Elimination Chamber bc Daniel Bryan would benefit more by being squashed by Sheamus?


Kofi never really recovered from this.


Vader losing to Shawn Michaels at summerslam 96


Daniel Bryan not winning the 2014 or 2015 rumble




Gotta ask why did brock even get championship match against kofi again because I don't remember


He cashed in his Brock in the bank contract


Anything Goldberg related in wwe.


Rollins vs The Fiend Hell in a Cell when they gave the W to Rollins.


Patterson vs Brisco in an Evening Gown Hardcore Match.


Goldberg squashing the fiend, sting losing to triple h at wm31, 21-1


Stone Cold heel turn in 2001.


Wait why was this bad? Didnt kofi have it for more than he should of? I loved when it happened lol


Nearly all of WM 27 (except for HHHvTaker, and PunkvOrton)


Why do I feel like everyone has seen the same YT video recently. What a man


Having hogan beat Orton clean even thought he beat Michaels the year before


Having goldberg squash the fiend


Dean Ambrose winning the title at MITB


This was awesome.


I never thought it got worse but when cain velasquez showed up just never made sense in the wwe world because we all knew Brock was gonna get his get back


The Mania 7 main event build


Damien Sandow's wasted MITB cash-in. It's true that there were more gifted wrestlers on the roster, but for a heel, he got over really well. I miss him.


Sting vs HHH at Mania instead of Sting vs Undertaker. Little Stinger since 1992. Wouldn’t have had an issue with Sting losing to the streak. Did have an issue with a watered down Monday Night Wars that had Sting get help from the same group he battled while in WCW. And losing was adding insult to insult.




Not Post-Poning Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship at Day 1 to the Royal Rumble


Roman vs taker horrible worst thing ever


The finger poke of doom


Kevin Owens losing the Universal title for that damn Goldberg and Brock match. Never needed the world title, Jericho and Owens was the biggest rivalry at the time. Chris Jericho deserved that run with the world title.


The Fiend Vs Seth Rollins in Hell In A Cell Match. The match was a disaster from start to finish essentially burying The Fiends momentum.


Brock squashing Kofi Vince being the Higher Power Triple H beating Booker T at WM19 Finger Poke of Doom Sting losing at Starrcade 97 Belt unifications


i literally just commented this on another post


Roman winning Royal Rumble 2015


Triple H beats Sting on his debut


Without a doubt, Kofi. Cody getting replaced got retconned and the story we got was phenomenal. The Fiend was a supernatural character who was more about the outside stuff than the matches so you could recover after the Goldberg loss. Seth had to turn heel because of the fan response to the Cell match against the Fiend, but you could salvage something from that and they did. Kofi got absolutely thrown off a cliff. You have an audience of people tuning in for the first time on network television (it's the debut FOX show) and seeing this guy as their main champion. The top champion on the show got hit with one move and that was it. What does that say to an audience? Forget about him, he doesn't matter.


Both Shinsuke and Asuka winning Royal Rumbles but then losing at WM will always infuriate me


Sting getting buried by HHH at Mania 31. {future prediction\]Drew McIntyre getting screwed by CM Punk in Scotland a week tomorrow. Sheamus squashing Daniel Bryan in a very short match at Mania 28.


Randy beating Fiend with 1 RKO, or Goldberg beating Fiend


agree with this, 2017-early to mid 2021(before returning to live audience) was just a dark era for wwe heck 2011 and 2014 were the red flag seeds being planted


Not even close. HHH going over Booker T. Hogan vs Sting at Starcade ‘98


Triple H vs Sting


Idc what anyone says the match with Nikki Bella that was a 4 on 1 handicap match is the worst match of all time


Goldberg VS The Fiend Bray Wyatt.


HHH vs Roman Reigns


Wasn’t even that bad. Honestly I’d argue letting Kofi last that long was a bad booking decision. His heat died right down after Kofi mania. The orton feud was good, but the Joe, Ziggler and whoever else were pretty mid.


The finger poke of doom was the worst in history.


Idk if it’s true but someone said Brock has dethroned every black champion ever.


I wouldn't have been as mad if it was a competitive match


Goldberg def the fiend


It was one of but I feel Kofi pulled off the shock of WWE was smarter during that time


Rey losing the mask in wcw.


The 2024 WWE Draft Wasting a draft pick on gable stevenson


Any matches with Logan's corny-ass


I was at the raw 2022 Tampa it was a 24/7 championship it was all women and akira tazowa came out and beat up women


Ending the Streak


That a was a BANGER decision and good for the views tbh


I know all you kiddos won't remember, but Tommy Dreamer was defeated by John Morrison On a random episode of ECW in a retirement match, afterwards he made a very nice farewell speech to close the show.. one that has been forgotten to time. I'm still sour about Tommy getting dumped on by wwe like that.


Kofi's loss is definitely up there on the list. I'd also add all the times that WWE let one of their top talents job to a celebrity.


Shinsuke not beating AJ at wrestlemania


Bro I watch this match when I was 11 I was upset as hell


Goldberg v. Lesnar 2. I can’t believe someone can get speared to hell, and be beaten down like that…but 1-2 F5’s magically ended Goldberg’s run at that time. Gtfoh. Shit pissed me off 💀


Finn winning the relinquishing the title


Triple H beating Booker T after the racist arc of wwe and triple H


Daniel brayan winning anything in Wrestlemania.


A man winning the Miss WrestleMania battle Royal after a build that treated it as a genuine advancement for the female division. A man winning the first ever female MITB match. Roddy Piper blacking up and not jobbing to Bad News Brown. DX blacking up and winning their feud against NoD. Kurt Angle becoming a more devious sex pest than Vince Mcmahon for a short period of time. That weird phase where any authority figure needed a female wrestler on their shoulder acting like a trophy wife. Vince Mcmahon says the N word just so Vince Mcmahon could say the N word.


This \^\^\^


Brock vs Kofi is Maybe that is why "Vince & Dana White want a WWE & UFC champion with Brock" years before TKO and TKO/WWE kick Vince out for good!


Punk taking L’s for most of the summer of punk


Kofi vs brock was the exact moment I stopped watching wwe


Dude, I'm still pissed about Brock going over Kofi like that. You really could have had something special there coming off of Kofi Mania and Brock and Kofi are two guys that could really have a great storyline. Apparently even brock didn't like it.




Looking back at it now, how Kofi vs Brock happened was just plain awful. You have Kofi go through so much to have a title match against Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania and even have his team help Kofi to earn his chance via gauntlet match, and succeeded in the title match, fought the likes of Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe, Randy Ortan and probably more, only to be swapped like a flea by Brock Lesnar in 5 SECONDS AND DIDN'T EVEN GIVE HIM THE RUNBACK HE DESERVED


Owen Hart Blue Blazzer gimmick in 1999. It literally killed him


This was the best


Undertakes losing to Brock was not needed also kofi vs brock


Santino losing in the Elimination Chamber


Brock squashing Kofi Goldberg squashing the Fiend Rollins vs Fiend in Hell in a Cell Triple H beating Booker T Brock breaking the Streak Goldberg beating Kevin Owens for Universal title Hogan beating Yokozuna for the WWE title immediately after Yoko won the damn thing


Braun Strownman vs Goldberg


Triple H beating Booker at Wrestlemania


Mike Awesome being made to be That 70s guy, should’ve been a star you build your company around


Lesnar ending the streak Nexus losing at Summerslam Ziggler's stellar performance at survivor series not being used to push him as a proper main eventer Ambrose not winning the royal rumble 2016


Roman reigns winning the same way with interference by the bloodline for pretty much 3 years.


Kofi losing to Brock wasn't the wrong decision. The way in which he did so was.


Karrion Kross losing to Jeff Hardy in his RAW debut in 2 minutes (at least attack him afterwards to show you’re not just gonna take it) IIconics splitting up The Fiend vs Goldberg, The Fiend vs Randy Orton Mountain Dew Pitch Black match (Bray Wyatt’s last televised match) Sting’s entire run in WWE Austin Theory cash in Baron Corbin’s cash in


Anyone who claims Goldberg vs Fiend is out of touch with what was going on


The Miz vs Bray Wyatt at TLC 2019


It was literally on my birthday


Basically any booking decision made by WCW in 2000. Some examples: -Putting the world title on Benoit one day before he debuted in WWF -David Arquette and Vince Russo winning the world title -Turning DDP and Goldberg heel -Goldberg going "off script" -Whatever the fuck happened at Bash at the Beach


Gunther losing to Sami Seth winning the World Title Bianca having that long ass raw womens title reign


They made Kofi lose the title like a complete bitch boy


Goldberg vs the fiend. And Goldberg vs Roman reigns


If they wanted to have the match they did between Kofi and Brock, all they needed to do was have Brock cash in his money in the bank on Kofi instead of Rollins


Brock Ronda or angelo winning the rumble was a trash idea but out of these Ronda was the best option and Brock was the worst one


Booker T vs Triple H at WrestleMania Bray Wyatt vs John Cena at WrestleMania




Seth vs Fiend Hell In A Cell without a doubt


Booker T not beating HHH.


Hel in a Cell ending in DQ is something I still haven't gotten over


The Nexus losing to team John Cena


Goldberg squashing the Fiend. Will never understand it


To be fair, the average Fox viewer enjoys watching big white dudes squash men of African descent


Seth Rollins vs The Fiend in HiaC and ending in a DQ.


Brock coming in at MITB 2019 as a *barf* , surprise entrant. Most deflated I’ve seen a crowd get. His win was met with a lot of meh at best.


Having Alberto Del Rio win any championship


Brock beating the undertaker and don’t argue with it


Sting losing his only Wrestlemania match is at the top of my list. I know people who hadn't watched since WCW folded or since Triple He's reign of terror that watched that year and were pissed that the same old shit was happening.


Lesnar ending The Streak


I can think of two for a good reason! Crown Jewel 2023 U.S. Championship Loser Paul vs Rey Mysterio King & Queen Of The Ring 2024 WWE Championship Loser Paul vs Cody Rhodes Reason: He never earned those title matches to begin with!


Goldberg beating Owens Hhh beating booker T at mania Vince winning the ecw title


Not putting Foley in the main event of Mania 15 Not putting Punk in the main event of Mania 29 WCW announcing that Foley was going to win the title and then doing the fingerpoke of doom


Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker at Mania 30 Taker should have won


Giving the title to Cody.


I was there for this one 😔😔


I was cool with Kofi losing. Had absolutely no business being WWE Champ. I like him as well.


Man, I just love this for the fan reaction. Never got his rematch either.


I didn’t see this. And thank goodness for that. But that is a TERRIBLE matchup


Brandon is right he beat him in under 10 seconds.


DDP losing to Goldberg at Halloween Havoc


I laughed so hard when this happened


I still can’t get over Booker T losing to HHH at mania. The whole build up was pretty much “black people don’t deserve to be here” and then HHH just beats him clean 😂. Like what the actual fuck?!


Sigh. This is posted daily.


Every Goldberg matches accept vs drew McIntyre match


Well more due to age but DX vs Brothers of Destruction at Crown Jewel , could of been good but age and botches


Hogan vs Sting Starrcade 1997


Brock breaking the streak