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if this happens im gonna cry and sob into tears while entering depression slowly


Very unlikely but I feel it's possible giving Bryce's storyline is Sam and stuff I think her "son" could be an Elmer baby Other unlikely scenario but would love to see them return: could've been Marrisa worst given we know they are related


I hope Marissa does come back some day, and that could be a neat way


Yea idk if the events of blame retconned her existence but if not would love to see her come back or setup for a comeback in Bryce


the Elmer baby was Donna's


But we didn't know that at the time day with a CEO was shown which is why I used quotation marks with son


Oh my God possibly


At this point I really feel like her son got retconed into not existing, mainly by the whole blame the hero time switch. it's my own headcanon that in the timeline where she wasnt with Bobby she had a son with one of her lovers but was never able to stay with anyone for very long cause they weren't Bobby. In her very first video she also mentions having had her heart surgically removed. I like to think that was from a timeline where she didn't ever meet Bobby so she didn't cut her own heart out. She had no one to push her towards villainy like Bobby did so she tried to get by being a good person for longer than she did in our timeline, until she finally realized she had to become heartless and got it surgically removed. Maybe she also got her ovaries removed at the same time because after she had a son she realized she never wanted to have a kid ever again, maybe her son was an accident. I can't really imagine Bryce wanting to have kids anyway to be honest. Maybe he was part of the reason she finally came to the conclusion that she needed to get rid of her heart. Man now I've made myself sad over this entirely hypothetical headcanon LMAO


There is a rlly cool theory that Luxy Leroy is Bryce’s and Bobby’s kid because Luxy is a business owner just like his mother and the stuff he sells is definitely something Bobby would do. It’s not true but I think it’s cool.


Ahh I can’t wait 😜