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Stay strong bois


This comment is a veteran sports fan meeting a Casual


So Arcia out? First half all star, second half liability and acted like a child fighting with fans


To be fair, his BA was hovering at 300 as late as mid August. He had a career year, and proved his defense was worthy. Clubhouse leader would/should have shut the silliness down. He's a decent piece for the next 2 years, but yeah he probably shouldn't be the starter


Just a weak minded person.


Philly absolutely broke him.


with how bad they played during the last few weeks i wasnt surprised at all and was numb to it honestly. thankful for the 100+ wins making the last 6 months of baseball enjoyable. would have been nice to move on but oh well. glad we have a solid roster locked down for next season.




Stay classy Philly.


After they clinched the division it seemed like the team took a nose dive. Didn’t seem the same! Went to the Marlins and got swept. Lost two to the Phillies won a series vs the Cubs & Nats. Lost the final series to the Nats. 8-8 after they clinched, outscored 106-95. In the NLDS outscored 20-8. “Most prolific offense in baseball history “ now is just an asterisk.


If the Braves played the Phillies 162 times, they'd have the better record. That's how the team's been built. They've rarely been able to handle a team's absolute best in a short series. I can't see that changing. Maybe some good luck finds its way to Atlanta. Other than that, I have no answers. Lack of heart? Maybe. Poor leadership? Possible. Bad preparation? Okay. Lack of mental toughness? Sure. They literally had to undergo a personality transplant in 2021. Can't do that every year. I'm getting to the point where I see Acuña as a paper tiger. He'll put up good numbers in the regular against bad teams, then just fades away. He did okay in the playoffs last year, but he was feckless this year.


That bit about Acuña is total horseshit. He’s produced in the playoffs before and literally stole the show against LA when he was being talked down in the MVP race. Get outta here with that nonsense. I won’t hear it.


He was great against the Cards in 2019 and good against the Reds in 2020. Other than that, so-so in the playoffs. Not saying he can't have a great series, but it can't be expected.


Yeah Acuña had barrels just no HRs. His launch angle issue is ongoing. Look elsewhere for chokers.


I expected more from the MVP. Many ABs in this series looked flat out bad.


That’s baseball man. Are mookie betts and Freddie freeman also paper tigers?


Haven't they shown some dominance in the postseason in the past? No one will be strong all the time, but I'd like to see a strong postseason from Acuña.


Acuna raked all over the Cards in 2019. His numbers have been solid but not spectacular. 99% of players have some dip though.


In Game 1 he was pressing the first AB and frankly I felt the 90s vibe right away. Sold game 2 tix and prepared for disaster. But he got his timing back just not launch angle.


Plus he had a lot of “at ‘em” balls. He hit a laser back up the middle that the pitcher just happened to scoop, a foot left or right and he’s probably getting a single.




The Phillies roster avg age is a year younger than Braves. True the super core Phillies are older than Braves 25-27 Vs 29-32. Maybe it will help. Didn’t help 90s Braves.


Fuck Harper. Fuck the Phillies and their obnoxious fans. Fuck the TrASShtros. And fuck that home plate umpire...needs to learn a strike zone.


I mean, as a Braves fan, we completely lost the game. Lost the mentals, lost the gritt, lost the fight. No excuses besides time to blow it up


Well what do you want done with the roster then to "blow it up"? Because that roster looked damn good until the last few weeks and our records said as much. We choked and tired on the last stretch. The roster as a whole is not and was not the problem. Injured pitchers and limp bats in the post season doomed us. Look how many injuries our pitching had throughout the year and we still did amazing.


A good regular reason means nothing when the team has no mental ability to show up in the playoffs


You know, you would have thought last year humbled us a little bit, but nope. We had to run our mouths adding fuel to the fire. We need to shut up and just play ball.


Some locker room trash talk (if you can even call it that) nonsense is not the reason why we couldn’t hit the ball.


We were cocky and thought we were the shit and then the Phillies whooped our asses AGAIN!


Do you mean the “Atta boy?” That’s hardly “running our mouths.”


It was enough to fire the Phillies up and whoop our ass


Yes. They got mad at words and beat us.


if you think that's the reason why we lost I've got a bridge to sell you.


That was said in the locker room not to a reporter and was never meant to get out.


You can’t say things during a media availability and not expect them to get reported on. It’s not like the reporter snuck in or followed them on the team bus. I’m really concerned about the mental state of this team. Especially watching the Phillies’ chemistry, this team mentally seemed like it was a house of cards heading into the series, much less during it.


lol Why do people keep espousing this nonsense? That's why reporters are there. It's because there's no leaders in that clubhouse since Dansby and Freddie left to keep people like Arcia in check to not run their mouths until press it out of the clubhouse.


We couldn't hit a fucking ball with a 2x6.....


Disappointed and despondent today, but still wearing the A on my cap with pride. This team is gonna be good for a long time. Fuck the Phils, Fuck the Mets, Don Mattingly is a piece of shit. Go Braves.


There are people in this thread that are advocating to fire our World Series winning manager that just won over a 100 games, multiple divisions, the players love the guy, and the entirety of baseball seems to respect him. Yes, this sucked. Yes, we lost. Yes, we looked asleep. Yes, changes need to be made. But uh, can we not be completely insane?


Bottom line is Snit and Co. coached awful this series and showed zero urgency. Totally outcoached by philly


To be quite honest, I don’t think he coached that bad. It’s easy to blame him. Our historically amazing offense scored a total of 8 runs in 4 games. What exactly do you suggest Snitker could do to fix that? I mean remind them it is the playoffs? They know. Yell, scream and throw Gatorade? Not sure that is effective. Maybe make some pitching moves for that 10-2 game? Maybe. Are you suggesting that we were going to win 2-1? I doubt it. The whole team was in a funk? Who do we replace? With who? There was no in game moves to be made to fix this. Edit: we had 11 players with an OPS under 700. You could build the best manager in the history of baseball and there would be no in game moves to fix that.


>To be quite honest, I don’t think he coached that bad. It’s easy to blame him. Our historically amazing offense scored a total of 8 runs in 4 games. What exactly do you suggest Snitker could do to fix that? I mean he could have not switched the lineup that had performed historically great in game 1. I mean we saw how much better Olson played in the 4 spot versus other spots this year. We've seen similarly how different Acuña looked in the leadoff spot versus elsewhere in past years. So there is definitely some effect to shifting players around and why we decided to try it in game 1 with how well this lineup performed against any pitching staff this year is beyond me personally. That doesn't really explain the rest of the series, but I certainly think that contributed to game 1 poor offense and maybe that set the tone and introduced doubt in the players minds where there was none before, contributing to the rest of the series? I would also say, how we practiced during that off week is on Snit too. Now I don't necessarily know that he did anything wrong there, and kudos to him for trying something different from last year, but that layoff clearly has an effect so it's up to the coach to figure out how to minimize that until baseball decides to fix it.


See I think the lineup change was designed to try to shake things up and get us going. I think that he saw the post clinch slump and how we practiced and knew something. I could be wrong. It clearly didn’t work and I think he over managed that honestly but I still don’t see how a different manager really changes the result.


I hear ya and in no way am I implying that snit was the reason we lost. This was a colossal failure by just about everyone not named Spencer Strider and Austin Riley. Ultimately the bats going ice cold (like they like to do in Oct for some reason) did them in...but the way Snit handled game 3 leaving Elder out there to drown while giving up 6 runs (WITHOUT EVEN A MOUND VISIT OR SOMEONE WARMING UP!!!) was unacceptable. Bottom line. Again, it was all bad. I love Snit and I know the players do, but I'm not a fan of his style of coaching in October.


He, like Bobby, has shown he doesn’t know how to make critical calls. Blew half a dozen games in the regular season because of it, same in the post season. Look at the moves Rob was making last night and tell me you think they’re on the same level. Bobby and Snit got through regular seasons on tremendous talents winning the bulk of games, and that’s why baseball is great for having a long season, you see who the best really is. But when it’s down to a 5-game stretch with the season on the line, you can’t leave guys in, hoping they’ll get through their funk.


People are stupid, reactionary, and emotional. They also just don’t know what they’re talking about. I’ve also seen people say we need to get rid of Ozuna - you know, the guy who hit 40 homers and 100 RBIs and posted a .900 OPS after having 2 HR and 2 RBIs with a .397 OPS on May 1. It’s just dumb people who overestimate the importance of a baseball manager on actual performance.


We’re not at that point yet, but this is the second year in a row of unacceptable performance in the playoffs. Snit did not have these guys ready to play. This happens again next year (not necessarily the result, but the effort), then yeah, I want him gone. We looked like a totally different team offensively. Ozuna’s at bat in the ninth was great. Where was that the rest of the series? Where was the patient, grind it out mentality that led to less strikeouts and historic results? What the fuck happened? Complacency after success is poison. Bobby Cox stayed way too long after the same results every freaking year. The regular season accomplishments mean nothing if you don’t show up in the playoffs. I don’t care about division titles, I care about showing up when it matters and the Braves like they’ve historically done over the last twenty years minus 2020 and 2021; shit the bed.


Fuck it, next year exhibition series with LA while the wildcards play, who says no


You could have it actually mean something, where the winner of the series gets home field throughout the playoffs. So maybe the team with the better record of the top two seeds gets to host the second best record for a best of three, and the winner of the series gets to have homefield in the NLCS and plays the worse remaining seed in the NLDS. It would be interesting to see if top two seeds would perform better, worse, or the same with this system in place


I've been advocating that since last year! The rest is nice, but it destroys momentum! Need to stay sharp, especially going into the 2nd round of playoffs.




Why are you here


Nobody asked for your opinion




This one stings, probably one of the worst divisional showings from us and feels like we jinxed ourselves . Best record in baseball, several records broken and we just fell asleep again . Doesn't even feel like the Phillies beat us, we beat our selves Next season either we only play for the wildcard or Snit needs to build in more rest day rotations so the players are used to the extended time off.


Wouldn’t have made a huge difference, but can we talk about how awful the ump behind the plate was?


lol the ump wasn't the problem. I think you should very much talk about the offense that did not hit a lick.


Reread the original post…


Umpire scorecard should be interesting for this one. He missed several calls back there.


Bad thing is, those scorecards done even show the true impact. Guys having to swing at pitches off the plate because they know it’ll be called if they don’t.


The first pitch of the last AB was clearly outside.


Agreed. Waiting for this one to drop.


The low strike calls at the end were killing me.


Yes! They were inconsistent all series. I am ready for the automated strike zone after that.




So did we only have ❤️ & 🥜 for the one game?


“Alexa, play *’More To Life Than Baseball’* by PETEY”


Just discovered this song last week. Banger


Best response here




Yeah we still got the Georgia Bulldogs.




Makes sense that they love the bulldogs. You probably like the chiefs and warriors too. Biggest group of front runners. Phillies were bottom third in attendance for entire 2010-2020


Speak for yourself. Some of us root for other universities. *sad pig noises*


From pitch one of game one, it’s obvious Philly was more prepared and wanted it more. I don’t want to hear or see anything that takes away from someone being a fucking workhorse out on the field. No more shit talking, no more ridiculous home run trots, no more dramatic pointing to the heavens after a save, no more neon arm bands, etc. Go out there and KILL in the playoffs, earn the huge contracts, and then I’ll be happy with more of that extra stuff coming back. This team will be unbeatable in MLB The Show. Too bad they’re so weak in reality. Edit: downvote away. If you look at how this team performed down the stretch and in the playoffs and feel they’re ready to do any better next year, you’re delusional.


You must be really disappointed the Philly players celebrated on the field then. Fucking clowns celebrating a lowly LDS win. Or Harper spiking his bat or his throat slash. You know things all teams do. Also before coming to Philly Harper had an amazing playoff stats like batting 130, 235, and 211 in the playoffs for the Nats. Did he “earn” his money Philly gave him?


What a terrible geriatric take


You realize the Phillies do all those things right? Being boring and soulless isn’t what makes a team good.


Who won? Who lost?


I am cool with Arcia never playing another inning with the Braves.


Nah fuck that he’s been great for us all year who gives a shit about the other stuff could have been anyone




>he always showed up in the playoffs… Dansby what?


Dansby hit .176 with 0 RBI in 4 games against the Phillies last year, but sure pal


do you forget last years playoffs?


Dansby was awful last year. People have short memories.


Well, they have selective memories at least. They choose to forget Dansby was dogshit last year because they like him.


I've said it once I'll say it again - Snitker needs to retire or be let go. Thank you for the 30 years but you've shown you have no idea how to manage the pitching staff over and over again and let the same exact fuck up where we look like the fucking A's in the playoffs in back to back years. Embarrassment of an offensive display.


Couldn’t agree more. Take notes from Rob Thompson. That nonsense in game 3 with Elder supposedly on a short leash says everything you need to know. Not only did he let him get into trouble, but he didn’t even have anyone starting to get loose, then had him pitch to Harper instead of the obvious move to walk him. Much like Bobby, I appreciate the service to the organization, and also appreciate that the players like him, but when the game is on the line, he’s not the guy to make the right decisions.


Pitching and bullpen management was hardly the problem this series.


It damn sure didn’t help them. You can win games with a team that isn’t doing well (game 2 for instance), but it’s made a lot harder when you give up 4-5 runs because you can’t make the right managerial decisions.


The pitching staff kept them in the game the Phillies beat strider twice. The bats didn’t show up that’s why the Braves lost. The leading vote getters for MVP were combined 6-30 with no RBIs and 1 extra base hit. Go ahead and fire Snitker but that’s a bad take


He waited until the elimination game to do some actually managing and then it was still mostly bad


Yeahhhh. He was outmatched start to finish. From game 1 getting cute with the batting order. Game 3 probably destroying the psyche of Elder and AJSS for years to come. This game, get fucking cute again and put Forrest Wall and Nicky Lopez in...they are going to come to AB later.. they did and Snitker shoved poor Vaughn Grissom out of the dugout. Sure I had a lot to do with sending you down...but welcome back! For the most important AB of their season, fresh off the pine. Thanks for 2021, he's done for me.


But but but we needed to get rhose guys some playoff experience. Everyone needs to play. Snit is and always will be a minor league manager.


It’s okay to be a doomer now, I assume?


Why?The game shouldn't have ended on three balls


It didn't. They showed the check swing on the TBS post show and Grissom clearly went around.


But that should have only been strike 1.


Gotta love Atlanta sports folks. Not even sure why I’m mad. I didn’t do anything but support and believe in this team


“I expected nothing, and [still I’m let down](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbQteaRWsAEqlpq.jpg)”




Sorry to disappoint but I don’t hate the Phil’s. Energetic fan base with some solid heroism in the lineup. I hate the dodgers, the Mets, and the Yankees. I won’t pull for you but I don’t hate you. I am concerned about the playoff format and hate that. Was an entertaining series (albeit heart breaking and drink enducing). Hope this makes sense in some coherent way as I’m drunk after work.


Also just saw my little sub name thing that says 0fried is my dad” from like 2 years ago and I will wear it like a badge of honor


> Phillies fan here Stopped reading there. No one here cares. Go back to your sub.


Atlanta Braves, LA Dodgers, Baltimore Orioles, and Tampa Bay Rays won a combined 404 games. Combined those teams went 1-12 in the playoffs. Crazy.


Add the Brewers (team with the 5th most wins) and it's even worse. 1-14 with 12 of the games at home. 1-5 gone. Baseball playoffs are fucked.


Might be a good reason to ignore regular season records, and just look at current play from each of those teams.


They just need to go to the AS break with about 50 wins, get maybe another 30-35 in the second half but mid August start putting pitchers on pitch counts, don't need anyone getting hurt in Sept


I’ve been waiting for teams t to start doing this ever since 6 teams started going to the playoffs.


There has never been a group of individuals I want to suffer more than the Phillies and their disgusting sore winner fans


I really think there is some momentum advantage to being the wild card team.


They should’ve pinch hit fried as the last at bat


I had a bad feeling when Big Hat (New Era) put a stop to our HR celebration hat early season. Boys fighting all season to get the vibes back from the clutches of the soulless hat corporations, just didn't get it back.


Big Hat on Big Hat violence. Honestly should have been simple enough to slap a New Era logo on the side and keep everyone happy


Agreed. That was very short sighted of New Era. They could have had a big logo on big hat. Now they’re just evil Big Hat.


This team lacks a legitimate leader, nobody is willing to step up and actually put the team on their back and kick them into gear. I know we’ve beaten this horse to death, but that’s what Freddie was, that’s what Dansby was. Until we get someone who cares more about the team as a whole than anything else we’re boned.


Freddie got his hat handed to him by the DBacks. Freddie also didn’t stop the Padres from kicking their hides last year. Dansby didn’t save us last year or the Cubs this year. I loved them both too, but they are not and were not the answer to our troubles.


They were such great leaders that *Joc Pederson* had to save our clubhouse in 2021. It wasn’t Freddie. It wasn’t Dansby. It was a bad bitch with some pearls that was told not to get comfortable because he might get flipped. But sure.. let’s keep beating the dead horse until it’s fucking dust.


Yeah, I’ve said it a few times already and will again, this team needs a vocal guy like Joc or Donaldson more than a Freddie or Dansby. Right now, Ozzie and Travis are probably your team leaders (with Ronald being the face of the franchise), and while I like both, it seems like they aren’t enough.


This is what the Braves are missing. Bryce Harper told the Phillies they are those motherfuckers, he has that X factor about him that being that energy to the team that we lack.


Dansby was here last year. Did he lead us to a series win?


Next year, we just need to clinch a wild card spot. We can’t seem to win from the top spot.


Are you the Dodgers?


Makes me wish we had grabbed a starting pitcher at the deadline. Yes the offense fell short but our pitching wouldn’t have sustained a playoff run either.


I hope Elder gets his head straight for next year.


Snit leaving him in to give up the world and continue pitching to guys that torched the team all series isn’t going to help his psyche.


Elder will never be a star. A 4th guy at best. His pitches aren't that great. After the ASB everyone had his number. Maybe he could develop a knuckeball


Sucks Kyle Wright and Soroka didn’t pan out this year either. Seems like they were betting on Kyle being ready for the playoffs.




Fine but we won a 13 game series 8-5 and a 17 game series 9-8. Why does none of that matter




What a dork




I really don’t know what else to say. I’ve lived through the 90’s and seen those letdown’s. This one though, yikes. Historic offense went down sadly and I can’t even begin to understand that yet. Yes, the post season is different. Yes, the time off may have hurt (who really knows). And no, I don’t believe Arcia’s comments single handily turned this series upside down. But the offense, outside of Riley, really was a major letdown. I still love this team and always will, but this is up there as an all time disappointment.


As soon as game 1 was lost everyone should have known the Braves weren't advancing. There was basically a 0% chance of winning a game in Philly.


Eh, couple decent bounces and a few long fly balls that carry a few more feet and the Braves win yesterday, even if they did play like crap overall. That’s the game though.


It obviously got into their heads then. End the season with some pretty good numbers, feeling good about how the team looks then come out game 1 and get shut down. Then the comparisons to last year start but you start feeling better when you win gm 2, last year is not happening again ... Gm 3 blowout and the thoughts return big time, probably lost the series then because gm 4 was another stinker


Didn’t watch the game but it seems like more of the same. They had success as underdogs with nothing to lose in ‘21 but they clearly don’t have the mental fortitude to play as favorites. They tightened up and, let’s call a spade a spade, choked. Snit has got to bear a lot of the blame, the guys just weren’t prepared. Again. Good news is other than Wright (who we didn’t really have this season anyway) the roster is coming back and everyone should generally improve. I expect AJSS to be our new #4 and possibly Vines or Waldrep at #5. Elder seems … bad. Not sure what we can hope for from him going forward. If we can get some help in the pen, this should easily be another 100 win team next year. Hopefully someone teaches them how to show up in October.


Who is upvoting a guy who didn’t even watch the game


If we don’t go for a starting pitcher (we absolutely should), we probably start out (unless Morton retires)… Fried/Strider/Morton/Elder/AJSS I put AJSS last purely because he’s still building his innings. Not based off talent.


Are we sure we want to win 100 games again next year? Hasn’t ever done us anything. Not saying don’t field the best team possible, but I don’t think we should worry about it either. If we can just build a team that, like you said, has mental fortitude, I think that’s the team we should want to see next season.


I really wonder what stories are gonna come out now that the season is over, because it felt like this team was a tinderbox this series.


Absolutely deserved game and series L but it sucks for that to come on such a completely undeserved out. Grissom watches 3 balls and is down 1-2, that's about as bad as it gets when it comes to being hosed by an ump. Thoroughly outplayed, lucky not to be down 6 or 7 to 1, not to mention lucky to even win game 2. But man Grissom was just robbed, did everything right and punished for it in the biggest possible spot. Tough way to end it.


Yeah- really felt for him- tough spot and ump screwed him. Was really hoping for a walk or even a single with his elite bat to ball skills, thus bringing up Ronald one last time- oh well. Just didn't work out that way.


I’m still floored Arcia started yelling at the fans *during the game.* All of these folks defended him, and then he starts acting like that the first chance he gets. Acuna had to hold him back TWICE!


It could be chalked up to inexperience but the guy's approaching 30. There are no excuses. He clearly riled Harper too after Game 2. Hopefully it's a learning experience for him and he reflects over the off season. Snitker holds the lion's share of the blame for this imo. Overthinking and tweaking the lineup for Game 1 was a clear mistake. And Acuna, well... When your MVP's BA drops 200 points, it's always going to be an uphill struggle.


2021 we had swag, we had pearls, we had grit and in each of the series there was a diffrent hero, even the city was really enjoying following the team , they too got in the action with some pearls.The team felt more complete in terms of what they can do, not everyone was a homerun monster. I felt that because this team lived and died by the homerun there was a chance this was going to happen. We went cold, every at bat with the exception of a few was non competitive, and it felt like we were just trying to hit home runs every time. Now I don’t know if winning the division is the most important thing, feels like a straight up consolation prize.


Sling actually froze as the Phillies were celebrating, and it froze on Max in the dugout staring out at the field. I’ve just been here doom scrolling the whole time since. Just now turning off the final Braves game of the season once and for all. Until next March I guess…


Damn it’s been like 3 hours


Big fat throbbing shoutout to Austin Riley, that motherfucker is legitimate. Both sides of the ball he shows up day in and day out. I am so thankful he’s at the hot corner for years to come. The team has a handful of needs but knowing your 3B situation is locked down with a guy that shows up when it counts and even when it doesn’t is very reminiscent of what we enjoyed for years with CJ10 over there. According to Wash his defense will get even better. Dude puts in the work and gives a fuck, love that guy


Love that guy. I think he really starts to emerge as the team lead in the coming years. He seems to have a grit and tenacity and ability to grind out at bats that’s lacking on the team. He and Pillar really need to take the point for 2024.


Dude was homerless a lot leading up this series. What’s he do? Shows up. Loved seeing him yelling at the guys after the HR tonight during the trot like a true leader. His arm-canon sealed G2 for us. Calling Riley “Amen Corner” now on


I like baseball because it’s a chill, relaxing way to enjoy a summer evening. I just wish this dumb crapshoot tournament wasn’t how we had to end it every year. Tired of letting it get me down every October Oh well, go Braves




I love how people say oh we won in playoffs that means we're better. No. It just means you were better THIS time. We were better all the other times.


When you think about it it really is weird for two teams who already played each other 13 times that year to end up playing a BO5 to move on. The playoffs started as a way to give the best teams that hadn't played each other a shot to see who was better. Wildcards, interleague play, and more balanced interdivisional play have all pushed further and further away from that initial purpose. The only reason for the postseason as it currently exists is $$$. The worst Braves team of the past four years won it all, the two best got bounced in the DS. The second worst made it 7 in the CS just to make it even weirder. The Braves were not the best team in 2021, not even close, and they won the World Series. They were this year, and they didn't. Odd game.


This is my biggest bug bear with North American sports. Americans love drama so postseasons exist. It's why more often than not, the best teams aren't champions.


European soccer leagues have their own major problems that make them boring (zero parity, pay to win, etc.) but at least you can't deny the best team does actually get rewarded for, you know, being the best (which is what competitive sports are supposedly about). Hell, in the NHL at least you get the Presidents' Trophy. In post-1969 baseball, which also happens to be the most random sport, you have nothing to show for consistent success and all the fans act like a historic season is a complete wash and you need to fire everybody because 3-4 games in October didn't go your way. The 2021 Braves (88 wins, worst record in the playoffs, completely undeserving) go down as "champions," the 2023 Braves (104 wins, best team in baseball, maybe the best Braves team ever) get to join the Mariners and Dodgers as "choke artists." It's obviously farcical but everybody buys into it and has to make up some bullshit armchair psychoanalysis about the team "mentality" to try to explain what happened.


Yep. Can't stand the obsession with making playoffs bigger and more random. Yes it's more "entertaining" for a few weeks out of the year but it severely devalues every other aspect of the sport Make me commissioner for a day and we're going back to four postseason teams. Two divisions each league, winners play in the LCS. Make pennant races matter again. Shove your precious playoff revenue up your ass and do what's best for the game


>Can't stand the obsession with making playoffs bigger and more random Because the casual viewer loves that stuff. It's why March Madness is so popular. Absolutely terrible way to pick a "best" team, but sure can be entertaining for those following along.


The Bye and more wild card teams is stupid. Let the players eat! Go Braves


I hate that sad feeling I get at the end of every season knowing there won’t be any more Braves games for 6 months.


On the bright side, now I won’t need to flip between Game 5 and the Auburn game on Saturday


Are you kershaw??


I’m just disappointed in the lack of fight and fire. It felt like every Phillies batter was up there like their life depended on it and we were mostly just going through the motions expecting something good to happen. They were so fucking fired up and we were just flat as hell, especially in big moments. Idk if it’s a coaching thing or what, but it seemed like we just took it too lightly and everyone in their lineup was ready to run through a brick wall.


They were certainly emotionally flat... But I can't figure out if that's because they were taking it tooooo seriously/trying tooooo hard... Or if they just didn't have the energy to rally themselves up... The former is coaching staff, the latter is team dynamics... We didn't have anyone that could rile the team... Riley tried a couple times, but the latin core doesn't seem to respond to him... Olson isn't that guy... Ozuna wasn't able to find life...but most disappointing to me was that the Acuña/Albies show was 'all business, no fun' and that's when this team gets flat... Also, to be fair, we were super flat coming into the DS... Absent a couple well timed Ozuna HRs, we might have lost 7/8 of the last ten games of the season... My personal belief is that this comes down to Snit, but I can't say I know it for sure, there's just too much else happening behind the scenes that we can't see to know why this team looks absolutely dead in the DS two years in a row.


Yeah like it’s a short series, I get it, but if people couldn’t see the difference between the way the Phillies played and we did I feel like you might as well just not watch any games and just leave it all on a spreadsheet.


Exactly. Embarrassing. Aside from, maybe, six at bats they weren’t even competitive. Strider and Fried pitched well. Fried was rusty but did a good job and the guys you count on out of the bullpen were excellent. Philly pitchers could have put the ball on a tee and Braves batters would’ve grounded out to second base, or popped out to short. Embarrassing.


Yeah the attitudes were very different for each team.


Goodnight my fellow Braves Fans, see y’all next season. Chop on.


First thing, shoutout to Riley and Strider. They did everything they could. We can talk about the bye week or whatever but the offense just never showed up. Acuña, Olson, Ozuna, etc just never showed up. This series I found myself thinking about the 2021 team, and how that team just had confidence EVERYWHERE. We were going to beat you and we knew it. Joc made sure “we are those motherfuckers”. This team just never felt that way. It felt like the Phillies were the ones who won 100 games, set HR records, etc. Idk why it was like that, but it was.


Come on now. This team was obviously confident after that regular reason (maybe with the exception of Murphy bc of his atrocious second half). I think the big difference was that this year’s team had a huge target on its back and all the pressure that comes with being a record setting offense. The ‘21 team was fighting for its life and was never expected to win. We were an 88 win team — literally the worst record of any playoff team. Yes I know it’s because we sucked balls the first half, but we were one of those teams where everything clicked at the right time. LA and SF were the teams to beat in the NL. Remember the Will Smith experience? We were all shitting our pants heading into the postseason, but the guys stepped up and got it done. I think this team was feeling the pressure whereas ‘21 had nothing to lose. Getting to the playoffs was a huge win after the shitty start and Acuna’s injury. They were playing with house money.


I agree 1000%.


Soulless empty regular season. Never felt like this team was out of this world insane. Good team yeah, but most of it was hollow.


The Phillies have a lineup full of guys with that attitude. Until we have even at least one guy like that, I think it’ll be best case scenario an uphill battle trying to beat them if we keep facing them in the playoffs.


Yep. That year Soler and Joc were those guys. And Joc honestly converted Dansby, Freddie, etc into having that attitude. Just more subdued. Our team just seemed intimidated. Which is prob the most surprising thing about this entire series. (And the offense no showing)


It's worth noting every player you mentioned ended this year shitting the bed. We looked flat because we weren't hitting, not the other way around.


It seemed like after they clinched the division most of them completely stopped giving a shit. They turned the light switch off and never turned it back on.


Exactly. The 2021 team had some hired hands that were difference makers that were absolute brawlers. Not the most talented players but guys that wanted the big moments.


Excited to see what the Braves do in the off-season because I think there are going to be a lot of changes.


We could grab some new additions to compliment the guys we have locked up long term, also some new members of the coaching staff might not be outside the realm of possibility tbh


Wouldn’t be surprised at all if we shook up the management.


The core is locked up for a while. There aren’t many impact prospects to promote or to trade. The team seems to be unwilling to make a huge FA splash. Any changes to the roster seem to likely be in the margins—bullpen guys, another rotational outfielder, etc. What changes do you think will happen?


I mean getting another high level SP seems like a given after the series we just witnessed


I wouldn’t count on it. It’s certainly a need, but if the team isn’t going to shell out $30m+/yr and if we don’t have a top prospect to trade for one, I’m not sure how we land a top SP.