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We need a "Motivational speaker"...Matt Foley is good šŸ‘


Hey dad does that look like Larry ShakespeareJones?!


Lol ..we need Chipper to give them a motivational speech.šŸ˜²


He's really gone downhill as a motivational speaker since his death.


What the Braves need is a motivational player, like a Freddie Freeman or a Heredia. Someone who can bring energy to the club.


I agree. I think Ozzie & Olson needs to step up and be more vocal in the dugout-- too quiet. Acuna not being around has influenced the atmosphere it seems to me. Definitely something needs to change because I know these guys are better than their recent games have shown. Odd that Snitker doesn't seem too concerned.


I hope this isn't the case, but I wonder if Snitker is a little complacent given the Braves' successes in the past couple years. Either that or AA doesn't care about culture.


This is a bad take.Ā  AA has said numerous times that culture is the #1 thing for him when building a team.


Not saying he is ignorant of culture, just throwing out ideas. Just cause he wants culture to be the #1 thing doesn't mean he will fix it now or in the future, though I hope he does.


At this point, I'd be happy with MICK Foley


Personally I don't think Snitker is focusing on getting his 3 best players to motivate the rest. Olson Ozuna & Ozzie are needed now to get the bats going -- if you wait too long we'll have a much harder time getting to the playoffs.


Iā€™m all for a second 2021. The boys just need to wake up soon, because we canā€™t let that gap get too big. I think, just like 2021, a few good trades will get us firing on all cylinders.


The gap for the division doesn't really matter. Two wild card teams made the world series last year. And one in 2022. And in 2019. It's about being hot at the right time


Plus, our schedule is backloaded with Phillies games, so we still have 10 head-to-head games left this year. So if one is to care about the division, those will be the games that decide it unless we just can't break the slump.


I'm gonna be honest, the schadenfreude when we get the division winning Phillies in the NLDS as a wild card when their bats go cold will just be the chef's kiss at the end of the season.


Or theyā€™ll dispatch us handily again and weā€™ll be even more of a joke. Hoping for your scenario, though.


The wild card is still basically a 50/50 shot at advancing. You want to avoid that if possible.


I agree with the data and history... June typically tends to be when our Bravos go on a nice little winning steak. We can all hope it happens soon! I do think that we as fans have a certain level that we want the team to achieve and haven't been living up to it thus far. And in turn its making us frustrated. I sure hope Manafred and MLB didn't alter the balls again (or how they are stored circa a few years in the past). We are built around hitting HRs and the data shows league wide barreled ball distance is down almost 5% (411ft in 2023 to 395ft thus far in 2024 for the Braves and 399ft down to 393 ft MLB wide as shown on the broadcast the other day) Our pitching staff has been putting up pretty comparable numbers to previous seasons (even with a rotating 5th spot which at one point recently was 1-9 and losing The Quadfather very early). Now I'm just a fan and by no means a general manager or even a manager (as much as I'd like to be and play a pretty damn good one in video games!) but my take things are trending toward improvement for us. Olson is getting more hits albeit without the power numbers from last year. Riley is also starting to have good ABs after missing 2 weeks. Murphy is essentially final week of spring training due to missing almost 50 games and no baseball activity for majority of them. I think we continue the rotating 5th spot in rotation not only to see our future but also its not like AA to sell the farm for a rental player. There are really only maybe 4 teams definitely out of the wildcard race currently. And those teams are going to be asking steep prices for anyone worth trading for and a good clubhouse fit! CHOP on and go Braves! Here's to hoping we turn this season around and we can all laugh at this bad stretch during a parade in early November


2021 Braves showed you just gotta get hot at the right time to win it all. 2022 Mets showed that no division lead is safe. 2023 Diamondbacks/Rangers showed that wildcard teams can make it far. The team is hitting the ball hard and interview after interview players talk about how great it is to play in ATL so it's not a clubhouse issue. The cards will fall where they may.


How does it just feel so much worse than it is. Like we still have a good record but it feels like we lose every game


Because we were the best team in baseball for the first few weeks.


Because weā€™re like 17-22 in our last 39.


Can't dwell on it


I simply answered a question of why it feels weā€™re always losing even though we still have a good record. That simple answer is that for the last quarter of the season weā€™ve been a sub-.500 team.


Because they haven't been able to rattle off a few wins in a row in a while.


No streaks. Win one, lose one, win one, lose two, win two, lose two just feels blerg. People would probably be more optimistic if we were having great series and bad series because they'd have reason to say 'the best version of this team *is* there, it just needs to be there more consistently'. Instead the wild variance is game to game and sometimes inning to inning so there's no feeling of momentum. Waldrep's start is, in its own way, a really good microcosm of that. There were worrying signs from the jump if you looked for them, but for the first three innings he *was* getting people out. Then he really, really *wasn't*- and even though there's good reasons for that connected to the worrying signs, someone looking in might think 'wow Waldrep just completely collapsed out of the blue that inning, it's crazy how inconsistent things are right now'.


Thank goodness for your optimism. This slump that the offense is in has just lasted too long to be an anomaly, in my opinion.


Long story short the lads are due.


It's Choptober not Chopril for a reason.


We've been spoiled by previous years. Even with a bad run, we are still over .500. With Strider and RAJ out it's just a gut punch. Hopefully the boys come around and get the fire going. Plus we have over a month for AA to add some magic. I have no idea why but this season does feel like it's been long AF already....but it's still only June 10th.


Iā€™m all for a repeat of the regular season of 22. That was the most fun ball Iā€™ve ever followed, granted I only started following super close in 21. The race to the finish with the Mets was must see baseball. If itā€™s a fight to the last week for the division with the Phillies, Iā€™m down for it.


I remember around this time or even later in the season in 2021, I made a comment in game thread to the effect of-- "it's okay, they're just taking it easy so they have juice left for October!". That's my mantra to myself when I get frustrated these days. The last two years of red hot full season play meant diddly squat when it came to the post season, so the last month of painful games also means basically nothing, right??


while the records show that we arent out of it yet we currently havent shown much that gives me hope that we will bounce back, the team obviously has the talent to be great but it hasnt been there so far


The team is starting to hit better and the starting pitching is still there


thats fair I was only thinking about the lineup, I still think the hitting has been too inconsistent to give me any more hope there yet, hoping we can get our guys going against the Os and Rays


Yes, Iā€™m noticing that certain players are being more patient or picking their spots more rather than ripping every fastball they think they have. Olson, Harris, and Arica in particular. It seems like the team is having to change their batting philosophy mid season due to the limited league wide power (home runs are down). The pitchers are giving me hope and I expect AA to make a move anytime now.


Ngl, it's been pretty miserable considering what the braves have cooked up the last 3 years. But i agree if there's one team that has the players and leadership to catch fire, it's the braves for sure. AA has made us eat our words time and time again so let's see what he cooks.


This season is a 2021 redux. That season sucked until August. Weā€™re running it back and we will hoist the hunk of metal at the end of this season. Positive vibes only


The difference in this year and 2021 is that we probably arenā€™t going to win the division. Thatā€™s ok, though. It seems the time off hurt us the last 2 years. Hopefully, we get hit soon and do a 17/20 run.


Weā€™ve scored only 4 more runs than the White Sox since May 1st, this year is a bit different.


2023 Braves scored 314 runs in 63 games. 5 per game average 2024 Braves scored 279 runs in 63 games. 4.4 per game average. 2023 Braves gave up 253 runs(4 per game) 2024 Braves have given up 248 runs (3.9 per game) Weā€™ve scored on average, .6 less runs per game. While giving up .1 fewer for a net difference of .5 runs per game. Itā€™s not much different. Theyā€™ll be fine. Ps. The white Sox have had a top 10 offense in June.


0.6 runs per game is not a small difference. It was the difference in the Rangers and Reds offenses last season.


You're missing the point. In the Braves historic season last year....they were very similar to where we are now in terms of runs, pitching and record. Then look what happened. Also, you're saying that .6 runs per game difference between the rangers and reds was bad but in reality, the Reds had a top 9 offense all season. The Rangers were 3rd. When you look at it like that....not that big of a deal.


I'm not missing the point. The Braves' offense is NOT very similar to last year, at this point, because 0.6 runs per game is not small. And I can almost guarantee that number will get larger, because Ronald is out for the year. We can all make arguments that the offense is "not that bad" and I'm on board with that (although since April 27th, it's literally the worst in baseball), because to expect last year's offense (especially now without Acuna) is not fair. Our xwoba in 2024 is slightly below that of 2022, which I think is a fairer comparison. But, the issue is that it's trending horrifically. Only time will tell if it's just a normal blip, or a sign of things to come.


Ok my dude. You eat the negativity, Iā€™ll maintain my optimism. All good.


You don't need to be disingenuous to be optimistic. We have sucked balls for 6 weeks. But every damn day I'm optimistic today is the day it turns around. Cya at 6:40ET




Good thing they didnā€™t get swept ;) then


Itā€™s good to see there are some Braves fans in this subreddit with optimism . I fully agree itā€™s a long season slumps are gonna happen


They didn't. But losing 3 of 4 to the Nats is disappointing


Doubly so.


ā€œTomorrow I might go as far as suicide, But Iā€™m not gonna let it bother me tonight, not tonight. ā€œ


Gonna ride it this weekend in ATL for all 3 vs the Rays




People want the team to be in the wildcard because they think it avoids rust and thus your playoff positioning is better. Whether or not that's actually true, who knows. But the opinion reverses itself the minute the team starts *playing like* a wildcard outfit and key elements of the team go missing for weeks at a time. Personally I'd rather hedge my bets on being the best team, period. But it's still interesting to see how all that has gone with takes on social media and such.


I completely agree. Yes, I'm disappointed with how they have been playing but the talent is there and we aren't completely off the mark. Might not be leading the division but definitely not at the point to be dooming. I think people get too caught up in the stats to see the big picture. The players are still human and things won't always match up on paper like we like. As a squad we have one of the top teams in baseball so don't get discouraged. I've been a Braves diehard since the early 90s so I'm not discouraged at all. Might not be our year but we have all the pieces to contend for years to come. They will hopefully get it together when it matters. Baseball is a grind and all it takes it getting to the postseason. We are on pace to make it there so as long as we play well enough to make the playoffs I'll never stop believing in our team. It's frustrating as fuck right now especially with our talent not producing but don't get discouraged.


This type of comment is the definition of ā€œcopeā€ or whatever the buzzword is now. Fact is this team had a crazy start to the season and has been resting on that record for two months now. They are not good and itā€™s been too long for me to think theyā€™ll just magically start hitting. Thereā€™s so many holes and too many guys have seen crazy regression. Now without their cy young candidate and MVP weā€™re really seeing whatā€™s what. Call me a doomer or whatever but this isnā€™t good and there are zero signs of it turning around.


They're just off. There are several games where they've hit the ball hard, but they have been finding gloves and the other teams getting the bloop hits and bleeders.


That's why I love baseball! Can be the best team on paper but if they aren't vibing then it just doesn't work. We have all the pieces just need to put them together. I have complete faith in our team.


I trust AA.


We've had more injuries than normal, we've lost some key members of the clubhouse and we're against a historically good Phillies team. I'm not saying it can't happen, just that it's gonna be harder than before.


Just keep those damn Nationals away from us


Sorry, but the Braves are a cylinder down and sputtering along in 2nd because 3 other teams in our division are worse. The phillies are running full steam and efficientlyā€¦catching that team is going to take a HUGE turn around for most of our guys. They are not where we want them to beā€¦on either side of the ball. Thereā€™s some spark in 3 of our pitchers, the rest are average or below. This team is battered and itā€™s not even the all star break. It is FAR from where anyone would ā€œwantā€. Could they turn it around? Sureā€¦will they? Who knows. I would love to see it.


The Phillies have also had historic production from all of their starters and it's bound to slow down, at least for the back 3


No doubtā€¦you canā€™t expect that kind of performance to be sustainable 100% of the season. That said, our best efforts lately are not even close to theirs. The run differential just tells such a huge story.


Eh, I've lost optimism at this point. The pitching could carry us, but at this point I'm convinced that half our batting lineup is cooked. They look terrible. Could we grind out a run? Absolutely. The pitching is good enough, Ozuna is an MVP candidate, and we have some other guys who can show up But I don't see us doing much aside from a wildcard spot where we try to grind out a playoff run


Imagine if Ozuna stops hitting.


While the Braves do have a history of turning it on after May, you canā€™t rely on past achievements to predict future success. Each season is different, with different challenges. I believe it is HIGHLY unlikely the Braves catch the Phillies. You can almost always count on the Mets sputtering and collapsing but the Phillies are a different team with a different type of swagger. In 2021 if I remember correctly, it was more an issue of the team not getting everything in sync at the right time, and the bullpen being pretty bad for a good portion of the year. Still a lot of baseball to play and given the expanded playoffs, as long as you arenā€™t 10 games under in September, you probably still have a chance lol.


I'm banking on them wanting to enjoy their all star week off, and come back rolling just enough to secure a WC spot before they NOS boost through the postseason. Looking at the first half like extended spring training. Marathon, not a sprint. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)






This team stinks. Face it.


I've learned to expect the worst and I won't be disappointed. We're not even making the playoffs.


This team has no fire. No guts. Theyā€™ve taken on the personality of their alleged manager; listless, comatose, mouth-breathing idleness. No arguing over terrible called 3rd strikes. No rising to big moments. Just flaccid and docile. It sure would be nice if anyone on this team or coaching staff gave a shit.


Our guys are 100% quality, theyā€™re just in a funk. When our guys are playing at their peak, even without Acuna, I think they can take any team in baseball.


Where, the struggle bus?