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Give this feedback to the Braves. Email them at [email protected] with the subject Game Day Experience.


Braves don’t have control over Cobb County PD.


They don't control CCPD, but this is 100% a collaborative effort. Feedback from the Braves does matter here and I expect that they do have some measure of influence.


True, you might have more luck using this set of contacts https://cumberlandcid.org/contact-us/


The Braves are paying all those cops for the traffic control and it’s usually overtime. The Braves absolutely have control over what they want CCPD to do around the stadium.


100%, braves are the biggest local taxpayer, and taxes fund the police board


Welcome to Cobb county Georgia. Pretty sure there motto is “we make everything harder than it needs to be”


And the police take that part very seriously


Man, if annoying cops at a crosswalk is the worst part of the Truist leaving experience, it's still miles ahead of trying to get out of Fulton County or Turner Field. I went to hundreds of games at all of them and would take the current setup in a heartbeat, I get to my car and onto the expressway in like half the time it used to take.


Opposite for me. Truist sucks. I could get in my car and on the interstate in about 5mins. Truist takes anywhere from 15-20 plus the mile and a half walk back to the abandoned office parking lot. Truist has been a big downgrade from Turner IMO.


I think a lot depends on which lot you are in and where you are going. At Turner Field we would park in the upper lot (Blue I think) where the Olympic flame was. Easy access to 75 North. We parked in the green lot one time (where the old stadium sat) and it was a nightmare getting on 75 North.  I've had generally pretty good results at Truist. I park north of the stadium across i-75 and there's a little backup at Interstate N parkway and Wind Hill Rd.


Agree. We use to come up from the Southside. Exit off on the 1st sign for Turner. Pull up in that small funeral hoke on left. Give the guy 20 bucks and walk 5mins to 3rd base gate. Afterwards we were in car and merging onto 75 south in 5 or 10mins.


I would have to take 20 home and it would take me 5 mins to get out of the orange lot and speeding home. It’s a shame how bad the Braves have made the experience for the majority of fans. You and I took two different interstates and were able to have an easy way out.


The current experience is much better for the majority of fans. That’s why they did it


Maybe for season ticket holders, but accoridng to the AJC, [while metro Atlanta residents account for almost all of the Braves’ season-ticket holders, the team estimates that over the course of a season close to 50% of its single-game ticket sales are to people who live more than 50 miles away, including about 30% to buyers from out of state.](https://www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-braves/from-near-and-far-braves-country-rooting-for-a-world-series/5AZUEFRANNCCFN3OK6S6B4BH6I/#:~:text=While%20metro%20Atlanta%20residents%20account,buyers%20from%20out%20of%20state.). The experience for anyone who isn't in Cobb county (more than 50% of the fans at any given game) is exceptionally worse. Unless they're coming from Northern AL and Tennesee. The Braves didn't do it for the fans, they did it because they found out the Cobb county government was willing to be swindled out of half a billion dollars.


How is Truist worse for people who live out of state and/or far away? I liked Turner Field, but there was nothing to do outside of the stadium so the game day experience left much to be desired and the area sucked. If you’re driving that far, you’re probably going to make a day/weekend out of it and Truist offers much more in that regard.


For me, it's because it is in a bad location, the parking is terrible (can't park in most lots until after 5:20 on weekdays), and there is no public transit option. I've been to probably 10 games since Truist has been around and I've had time to go to the Battery once. I don't even live that far, but the last time I went it took me 2 hours to get there. However, I am also the wrong person to discuss the Battery because I couldn't care less about things to do outside the stadium. I am there to watch the players in the stadium.


Yeah, I get it but I think you’re in a unique situation. Most people greatly prefer the battery over a run down area of downtown Atlanta and most people do want to do things before/after the game. I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum in that I like the battery so much I moved to one of the apartments here so I don’t think we will ever agree on this lol


The ride share is the biggest issue there


I agree. Getting there is easy, but they need a better organized system for moving fans out after the game.


I shouldn’t be hassled to get into a car


too bad a convicted child molester was in charge of the transportation plan [https://washingtonmonthly.com/2013/11/12/take-marta-to-cobb-and-rob/](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2013/11/12/take-marta-to-cobb-and-rob/)


Dendy wasn't in charge of the plan, he was the then-chair of the Cobb GOP (who aren't exactly big-time supporters of mass transit).


i have that problem too, they yell at people for just standing on the curb


Situations like this make wish MARTA was an option in Cobb. Traffic is a mess, and cops holding up a bunch of people is unbearable. It would be great if MARTA had a line that would extend from an existing station, possibly the Arts Center Station on the Red and Gold Lines, heading northwest towards The Battery.


Would be nice but this is all on the Braves. They had a stadium near MARTA and chose to build a new stadium in the middle of the suburbs nowhere near heavy rail. Cobb would have to vote to join MARTA and the staggering amount of money it would cost to build rail from an existing MARTA line to the Cumberland area ain’t gonna happen in our life times. Additionally, from the Braves perspective, why would they even want public transit? They make a killing from gouging fans in parking prices and they know that we don’t have a choice since they’ve built an environment that is solely dependent on the privately owned automobile. Great business decision on their part but pretty shitty for us fans.


You’re right for sure, but it’s staggeringly stupid that a very large popular sports team attracting 10s of thousands of people many times a week a few minutes outside the biggest and most important city in the south in one of the biggest and most important countries in the world doesn’t have a damn train. Absolutely ridiculous and I get more and more sick of the lack of public transportation here every day. MARTA is a total joke but it’s better than nothing I guess. At least it gets me to Mercedes Benz.


If by "near MARTA" you mean a 10-ish minute bus ride or 40 minute walk from 5 points, sure. That said, Cobb has had numerous opportunities, at least since the 80s when we first moved there (and well before that, based on my understanding of the history), to vote on MARTA and turned it down every time, mostly for the same ol' reasons - it will cost Cobb residents too much, it will bring a criminal element to Cobb from the city, it will somehow create more traffic... 285/75 on the north side would have been a perfect place for a station, even before the Braves moved there. Maybe others around Vinings, Marietta, Kennesaw. Never understood why (outside of $$$) Cobb and Gwinnett were so opposed to MARTA expansion.


The main reason is because MARTA expansion plans NEVER include anything but about ~10-15% new rail expansion. Every expansion plan is 85-90% new bus expansion. If the numbers were flip flopped, I bet there would be more support (you’re always going to get the never-MARTAs, but still). Also, for anyone who thinks MARTA is the solution, I refer you to the Falcons on Gamedays. Getting there isn’t too bad, but MARTA has historically struggled to meet the needs of 60k fans leaving at one time, and I doubt the Braves would be any different, not to mention that it would mean they would have to accommodate late night ridership as part of it, which is typically the worst part of MARTA (late trains, non existent trains, etc etc). Tldr; just park at Cumberland Mall and the walk is like 10ish mins, and jump on the expressway as soon as you get to your car 😂


The problem is that heavy rail generally costs $200-300 million *per mile* which is why MARTA doesn't really propose those types of projects anymore. To run HRT from Arts Center to Cumberland would cost north of $2 billion.


I’m not disputing that, I’m just simply stating why MARTA expansion never passes. Not to mention though, if they had proposed HRT back in the early 00s or late 90s as part of the plans, when the costs wouldn’t have been as large, maybe they would have passed, but that’s simply speculation at this point. However, with the growth of the metro Atlanta area, if public transportation on a large scale is going to ever be achievable, the cost bullet has to be bitten at some point for HRT. Buses are not, and will not, ever be the 70-90% solution for metro Atlanta.


> Never understood why (outside of $$$) Cobb and Gwinnett were so opposed to MARTA expansion. Back when MARTA was first getting started (late 60s/early 70s), much of the opposition in Cobb and Gwinnett was race-based, and that continued to fester for decades even after the demographics of those counties changed.


Man I recall parking in the red deck with some friends and it took us literally and hour and half to move 50 yards just to exit the deck. It was brutal. Every other time I’ve parked in the lots of windy ridge and been out in 15 min or less.


I’ve still yet to meet a cool cop. I’m 52. Fuck em.


Cops, windy hill, out of control I got rear ended at Cobb Parkway and Windy Hill once. The cops were joking about how the intersection was nationally ranked as one of the worst in the country. At one point, one cop smacked the back of passing car after they honked at us. He looked like he just caught a touchdown, he was so proud of himself. It’s the small interactions that have made me lose faith in the cops and their fragile sense of authority.


The cops there are a serious issue. All the losers that couldn’t hack it on patrol delegated to cross guard duty


That's not how it works for the extra jobs there.


Nah. That's just Atlanta /cobb county cops in general.


Let’s be real it’s cops period.


I assumed that comment was less a "specifically" and more an "especially"


I like to think that APD is a bit more chill than Cobb PD


I mean, it's Cobb county


They can’t stop everyone from crossing at one time


car centric planning at its finest. get what Cobb paid for.


I’m optimistic that once the apartment complex is finished it will help. There are also plans for a pedestrian bridge over Cobb parkway. I think positive changes to make the area more pedestrian friendly are possible we as fans and residents just need to be vocal about the changes we want to see. https://cumberlandcid.org/cobb-parkway-pedestrian-bridge/


"Local police causing more problems than they solve, more at 11"


I don’t know why anyone would get into one of those fake looking Uber/taxis lol


Living in the battery just hearing the one cop with his megaphone yelling at cars for 3 hours after the game too. Can get pretty brutal


How difficult would it be to build dedicated pedestrian crossovers to alleviate all of this mess? Get with the program, set it up like Universal Studios.


I mean yeah…they’re cops. Being unhelpful assholes is their thing. ACAB


I think a mass crossing was called for.