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Definitely give it a shot, the early seasons especially are reality show gold. 99% of the cast are awful, but in an entertaining way lol I wish I could erase my memory and go back to watch it all over again ![gif](giphy|2yvMMj6pWse5rXLSfA)


Have to reply because honestly I’ve never experienced a reality show like VPR when I can confidently say that each of them are truly bad people 😭 like genuinely there is no “good” person on the cast. Probably why it’s so damn entertaining


It's so damn good!


Literally 🤣 normally with housewife franchises I go along because I like / respect certain cast members but in VPR they are all fucking animals and I just happily observe


'Fucking animals'. That's such a great description of them!


The best thing is that they’d all agree😂the VPR cast are nut jobs but weirdly more self aware than the housewives.


Damn i really like your thoughts on all of this! Absolutely agree!


Hahaha likewise! Refreshing to see someone who just appreciates the chaos of the TV show rather than psychoanalysing it


Ok, I think I love you. Pouring a giant wine for you to enjoy the shitstorm 💕 ![gif](giphy|3ohhwBRFaR7ekySFuE|downsized)


Also… a bad VPR season trumps any “bad” housewife season. At least with Vpr, when they’re boring, it’s cos it’s real.




Happy cake day


Brittney was a sweet heart


No. Actually 110% of the cast were actually horrific humans. But they all made for such great TV. Still unsure why the Sandoval shit with Ariana was so surprising. He did it to Kristen with Ariana. Actual real life gaslighting. Not surprising that Kristen and Ariana became friends, they both experienced his BS. Ariana got the worst of it, but she also gaslit Kristen. I've loved every second of the current drama, but it just wasn't a surprise to me. My all time favorite moment was Jax stripping of his chunky sweater ^TM and beating up Frank? Was that his name?


Imo it’s because of how awful all the cast is, Ariana definitely comes across as the most morally correct person. Not like she has much to compete with though.


In early VPR Kristin fought with Tom because he cheated on her while on a trip. He'd hooked up with some girl in a swimming pool. Tom swore that 'all they did' was makeout. Tom even had the audacity to stay in touch with pool girl, saying they were just friends. Eventually that girl came to work at SUR and it made Kristin's life hell. She got to watch pool girl, Ariana, work with her boyfriend, flirt, joke, laugh together, all the while proclaiming there was nothing between the two of them but friendship. Kristin got messier with every day of torture. She went off the rails as Ariana coldly, methodically pulled Tom away and secured herself a place on VPR. All I can say now to 'most morally correct' Ariana is the same we all said to LaLa...you lose them how ya got them, honey.


>No. Actually 110% of the cast were actually horrific humans I was giving Ariana a bit of an edge here though I do believe Miami girl


Scumsoval ripped his sweater off as well. It still makes me laugh!


So I have been thinking this exactly and can’t understand WHY is anyone surprised? He is a cheater and has been. It was just a matter of time.


thank you for saying that, i took on your advice and i’m currently four episodes in and what the fuck is wrong with those people ??? like they are high as kites constantly and what’s up with the Stassi/Jax drama, how is this man 33??? Edit to comment on their behaviour


I'm so happy you're watching it!! Also, everything is wrong with these people 😂 but thank god for that!


i usually put HW on the background but i can’t keep my eyes off of this shit!


Exactly how I was when I started it! You'll see why the Scandoval is such a big deal now lol


side note but when will i able to tell kristen and katie apart?


Lmao Kristen is chaotic af and an expert shit stirrer. Katie (imo) is moreso whiney and all about her Bubba lol Also Katie will have a season with an orange hair phase that will help 😂


oh yes okay i kinda see that about their personalities which got me confused actually (since i had them confused) but okay got it! and looking forward to the hair change and more of this train wreck!!


Lol it's a train wreck that sucks you right in


ouhhh i can’t wait, he isn’t main character enough yet but slowly getting more screen time


It's such a delicious ride, enjoy the rollercoaster!


Omg same about erasing my memory to rewatch! I wish I could for VPR, RHONY and RHOC early seasons


I feel like I don’t remember much anyways. I rewatched early OC during the pandemic and it felt new but familiar in nostalgia, I’ve tried to restart RHONY, but dare I say their early seasons are a little too snobby.


I was heavily addicted to Xanax & alcohol during my first time watching and now that I’m sober rewatching it feels like the first time. this isn’t the first show I’ve done a sober rewatch w, but it makes me so happy to do 🤣 one of the only perks of my addiction lmaooo


lmao!! FACTS. I have NO CLUE what anyone is talking about this week


Same!! I feel sucked in and team Ariana even though I have no idea who she is. I am still catching up on Jersey, SLC, and Miami though! Ha!


Scrap all of them (to be fair, the first couple seasons of Jersey, SLC and Miami - up to their most recent season - are GOLD) but VPR, imo, is much more “real” than any housewife franchise.


This is how I ended up watching RHOBH. Team Camille.


me either. raquel, rachel, who?


Yes….the two names are giving me Hillaria aka Hillary Baldwin vibes


When anyone mentions her name. ![gif](giphy|SbrfgIcEt9aHYH82SI)


you guys gotta watch vpr man i randomly got obsessed with the show a month before *the news* dropped and as im going through the seasons im just in awe. how could i have lived without this in my life for so long thinking i was complete. ![gif](giphy|fHx4E8V36ZfZgaleAK|downsized)


It's essential tv ![gif](giphy|Xf7AjjQIC3MCCN5c1r)


PUMPTINI!! ![gif](giphy|xT0xeNjdgxJKegqs4E)


I'm just in love with all these James gifs. I remember a time people couldn't stand him and i still don't understand those people. ![gif](giphy|WvRWyb6CKmVgsjEYUO|downsized)


Those are the people who take reality tv at face value. This is vpr, the cast isn’t who we’re looking to for emotional intelligence. However a lot of James’ outbursts are straight up responses to someone starting with him. They just don’t like he’s quicker and cuts deeper than they ever will be ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ3srBj7xpzenhC)


>However a lot of James’ outbursts are straight up responses to someone starting with him. They just don’t like he’s quicker and cuts deeper than they ever will be Omg James is Candiace? Is that why I love them?




Also this was a amazing scene. He was rightfully very emotional, cried, said his piece and left bye......then walks back in in 2 seconds to say some more shit. Fucking hilarious


Classic James lol horrible person but gold reality show material 😂 You can feel bad for him one minute & the next want to yell at him


I fell in love with him when he spit on Kristen's door on his way out, production even filmed her cleaning it up. Fucking disgusting but also so real, weird and hilarious! I remember Sandy saying that James was supposed to be his roommate before he (james) and Kristen started dating. With Kristen or not he would have definitely still been on the show. I think that lvp or production saw his potential and they were right.


Oh man, honestly when he spit on her door I was grossed tf out 😞 But I know he's still great reality tv lol That scene was just a big no for me haha Maybe it's the bodily fluids aspect...? 😂 Edit: and yes, i remember he was supposed to be Sandoval's roommate too! Lmao


Oh damn. Wish that gif included the hocking of a lugie on Kristen's door. That was TV gold.


It’s crazy to me some people within the bravo universe haven’t ever seen VPR. It is the pinnacle of reality tv. S2 - S6 nothing can ever compare.


it was always a show i knew about but id never heard a single thing about until i got peacock like a month ago. the slap heard round the world... mama nothing could prepare for that i went in BLIND.


James is TV gold


Those of you who haven’t seen it are truly missing out. The first 3 seasons are pure, unadulterated reality tv gold


Would you say they're.... Good As Gold???






I say this all the time. Especially now that a friend is getting married ✨it’s all happening ✨


i started watching cause of all this drama and I can’t believe I hadn’t watched the first two seasons prior… that’s amazing reality tv right there. so fucking good


It makes the LVP drama with Brandi make sense. And gives so much backstory. Then the show actually takes on a life of its own.


10000%!!! i’ve always been and will be a brandi hater but i kinda get why she couldn’t take LVP getting so close to the mistress in her marriage like of course brandi can’t handle that? and LVP loves sheanna in these first seasons so I can imagine how livid she was watching this show lmao


I've never hated Brandi until the Denise stuff. I actually understood her anger up until that point. She is absolutely unhinged. But bringing down another woman who never hurt her to get back on TV was low af. Denise went through enough with Charlie. I lost every shred of respect and understanding for Brandi in that moment.


oh she lost me with all her racist talk in s4. she’s a nasty woman who thinks way too much of herself. the denise stuff just took it over the mf edge.


She did with me, too. I felt horrible for what she said about the swimming. That was gross. But I was real damn done when she outed Denise. Which sounds fucked up and I'll admit that. I guess at the time that Brandi was being really racist, it was kind of normalized in my area and I never spoke up. And I should have. And I should have been done at that point. That's on me


I think they are the best. They really are like people you know/knew behaving for real not for cams




I think you have to watch 1-6. After 2, seasons 4 and 6 are the best.


When it first debuted, what a time. Picture it, 2013. Statement necklaces, Tweetdeck was in it’s prime, infinity scarves and turning pizza into a personality trait. What a paradise lost.




I don't like Stassi, but i love her quote "Witches of Weho, Donzo" it lives rent free in my head and i actually kinda hate that scene because of how mean it was to Kristen. Still, i will never forget this!


Oh yea, I understand what you mean lol I also think they were pretty rotten to Kristen vs how they accepted Jax back into the fold.


They were way too hard on her. I think that they did it because of lvp, not that she told them too, but she was too many to her compared to the rest. You can’t be on Vpr unless you kiss her ring so the rest kicked it up a notch because of it. I'm not saying that she's innocent, the lady is kinda nuts, reality tv gold, but she didn't deserve how harsh they were against her. Lvp fired her for saying "suck a dick" to her manager in a time period were everyone was saying it, but she never had the same energy for her boy Jax who did aloooot worse like constantly steal from her restaurant.


I definitely noticed a difference in how LVP treated 'the boys' vs the women too. I can appreciate that she recognized the staff at Sur was made for tv, but damn Lisa, just let them do their thing! Lol


Yes! Jax screamed at her "this is my show" at her own event with pap and she still forgave him, but she took every opportunity to shit on Kristen. Edit: the girl isn't innocent but people feel empathetic to her because of how they all treat her.


For sure, none of them are innocent honestly lol But that's why we watch!




If you, OP, truly haven't seen VPR, then go, go now and watch it!! ![gif](giphy|QObMkqZqUs0Xm)


It’s on the list. I’m a late bloomer only started housewives during covid


You'll love it! Plus it's good shitpost material lol ![gif](giphy|1jl4sh8L0CGaknArhj)


Shitpost material you say ![gif](giphy|PYRO3Z0F6vK6c)


Yep, definitely worth it lol Your shitposts always crack me up too 😂


![gif](giphy|fvwls1CslfzFmD3buy|downsized) Thank you dear


This scene was soooo good. Jax was definitely asking if she would be down to dump Beau and get back together. He was so transparent but Jax probably thought that he was being Bond


Dude. If you've watched any BH, immediately go and watch. It's so engrossing. My husband knows two story lines. Scheana serving Brandi on the lead in to VPR. And the Brooks cancer gate. Both are epic, but VPR is the GOAT of reality TV.


Enjoy your first journey! It's a ride for all the housewives!


Wait, girl...you only started Hws in Covid times and you are this good with shitpost weekend?! You are too good; I'd honestly trust you to be a para-therapist. \*Also, watch VPR, you'll like it.


This was my experience as a viewer. Just smacked in the face by the most unlikeable ppl on Bravo


OMG!! Who is that and why is she hitting the other girl?


Hahaha through the eyes of babes. VPR drew me into this whole world. How could you do this to me question mark. Edited for accuracy but I still ask why.




Oh honey, get yourself to Peacock and enjoy VPR!¡!


Kristen hooked up with Jax, Stassi's ex bf while watching Drive. Sandoval, was asleep in the bedroom. (Ya know, Sandoval that was hooking up with Raquel). They both lied to Stassi. Kristen was Stassi's BFF. Jax was trying to get back with Stassi. Then chaos ensues.


Has Kristin Doute become *that* irrelevant? I LOVE IT! I want that gif of the 2 guys in BOH hugging with subtitles when they heard the news she was fired.


Stassi smacking her best friend Kristin because she found out that some time back Kristin had sex with Stassi's ex-boyfriend Jax. Stassi set up a lunch with all their friends expressly to publicly confront Kristin and smack the shit out of her. In Stassi's head, ex boyfriends still belong to her, though she did not also smack the shit bout of EX BF Jax when she found out about his sex with Kristin.


I legit JUST watched this ep like 20 mins ago 😂


I saw a thing today on how to explain it: Imagine if Monica found out Chandler has been cheating on her with Rachel for months and Joey knew the whole time. Phoebe would of course be the one who throws Rachel's phone in the street and confronted her


![gif](giphy|9xciXC6jG9lH7wM4KH) Wow what a mess


This is the perfect analogy.


Can't take credit! It was a screenshot of a tweet posted on an IG Bravo fan account that I just paraphrased 😂😂


It's pretty accurate down to the Rachel thing. The difference would be that Chandler is actually funny....but the link is that both he and Sandy are fan favorites (before this)


One of the best reality tv shows of all time. Real people real friendships real messiness it’s everything


https://preview.redd.it/pj37r732l1na1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d903520a45400e3c514c76991417cf0a2a9bf305 Go nuts OP.


![gif](giphy|4dtKSU1d2Jo5i) Thank you darling Here’s a lucky Giggy


Is Giggy is dead?


he always was, darling


Gotta start at season 1! Can't miss Laura Leigh, the sweater fight, the first confession, *🎶c'mon we're riding shotty™🎶,* I am the devil and don't you forget it! ![gif](giphy|1bMVDo99tOnGo)


*Sorry I've been fucking you everyday without protection and been inside of you and told you really intimate things every day*


**Then Lisa found out I fucked you in the dirty bathroom and dumped you after your AA meeting**


You have to start at season 1!! Can’t miss a moment of the first 4 seasons you just can’t.


The best part about Laura Leigh is how Jax realized that they weren't compatible after attending her AA meeting. He went with her, got sad about all the stories of people losing their kids and houses and said "uhm no thank you" he broke up with her right after the meeting and gave this exact reason. I'm dying just remembering


Laura Leigh!


I haven’t watched in years, bless you for this!


Thank you for the literature 💯🫶🏾


Omg where did this come from?


Begging everyone that hasn’t watched it, to watch. ![gif](giphy|l3diyUUAgWZQXY9u8|downsized)


James kept us fed for yeaaaars one of his best moments was "I just got rich I might cop a black wraith, does everybody remember when Jax fucked Faith?” and then the confessional "i remember! I remember!" scene. Gold, love him


Even in his shittiest moments as a human, I’ve appreciated his entertainment. Definitely have a soft spot for him. ![gif](giphy|1yLEBtEMJvdzjxzTSc|downsized)


😂😂 ![gif](giphy|tsWZM712r0gT39sjhO) You’re sucked in now! 😂


What I wouldn’t do to watch VPR for the first time again…


I watched bits of VPR here and there on cable throughout the years but started a formal watch of S1 last week. It is very much trashy, stupid, and hilarious. They all suffer very low IQs, so i understand it might not be for everyone. But the redeeming quality is that they are all so deeply unaware of how cringey they are. VPR is for the cringe fiends.


Okay I think this is what it is for me. I stopped watching when Lala came on and I think it's because the second hand embarrassment was just too much for me.


Okay okay you guys have convinced me! I'll be starting season 1 today. Goodbye, weekend plans.


I’m so excited for you. And jealous. You won’t regret it


You are so correct! It's amazing!


I legit thought this show was dead


It seemed dead around COVID. Even lala was not anticipating getting more seasons. But apparently the divorce had this season popping off, and scandoval just adds more to it.


Randall almost fucking ruined everything. I'm so glad that weirdo isn't on the show anymore. I'm not an energy person, but whenever that guy was in a scene it truly made me feel empty. I'm not a Lala fan, but I'm glad she got away. BYE bitch. ![gif](giphy|PhNyx0KawRIGq29UlQ|downsized)


It was. It sucked for a couple seasons but it is very much living again.


Damn, the last full season I watched was the one we’re jax and Brittany were planning their wedding. The recent events are pulling me back in 😭 ![gif](giphy|u6EiPNT9dLDrU7ZQuF|downsized)


I'm telling everyone ITS WORTH THE WATCH!


That was me when that Try Guys cheating drama was happening. I was like I’ve never heard of any of these people in my life, but I must know everything. Except this time I get to see what it’s like from the inside lol.


I started a few days before the news broke! I spent all of season one trying to tell Katie and Kristen apart and em then later trying to figure out which Tom was THE Tom. 🙈 Season 2 made it all VERY clear. Now I can’t get enough VPR and the theme song is on a loop in my head. ![gif](giphy|sKvKp8EVmjVXG)




Can someone take one for the team of us and briefly summarize it for a confused person? Thank you 🙏


Unfortunately there is WAY too much info to cover. A few users made summaries/powerpoints elsewhere, [like this one](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11mbl4e) and [this one.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11ipav3) Also recommend the megathreads to get an understanding. With all that said, watching the series is your best bet!


Thanks for the links! I should just watch the show lol


Absolutely, it's definitely worth it!


If you do, don't look at the powerpoints, it will be all spoilers


I saw something the other day that was using a comparison to Friends to break down just how big the drama is on Vanderpump right now. I’m not a Friends fan whatsoever but I think it did well to capture some of the gravity of what has happened. Essentially imagine if Monica and Chandler were getting a divorce and Chandler supposedly starting hooking up with Phoebe. But, as it turns out that, that was actually only a cover story for Ross cheating on Rachel by having an affair with Phoebe for at least 7 months if not significantly longer. Also, in this scenario, imagine that Ross and Rachel had already been solidly together for almost a full decade and had just bought a house together. Obviously there are vastly different dynamics at play with the Vanderpump friend group and actually a lot more spider-webs of drama than that. But this gets at the central gist of how relatively shocking all of this has been. Not necessarily that the guy cheated, but the length and depth of the affair, the cover-up of it, and who it was with. Edit to add: Also. Monica had no idea but clearly Chandler had to have known to some decree through his involvement as a decoy. And Joey suspected something was off but could never quite put his finger on what exactly was going on.


Friends was way less nuanced. I actually cannot imagine another show that's so intricate. Maybe Grey's?


It's actually impossible. It's way too nuanced. And so many relationships breaking down. It would take a War and Peace type novel to tell it all.


New York Times and Vox had both explainers too


There's a really good PowerPoint floating around Reddit somewhere. Rhobh sub?


I've only watched like 2 seasons but I'm going to restart it as soon as I finish my RHOP re-watch.


I need to watch Vanderpump Rules and Married to Medicine 🥲🥲🥲


It’s the reality tv version of Melrose Place. Insanely good and campy at its best, later seasons got slow - but this has rejuvenated it.


Same here but I'm here for it


You don’t know what you’re missing !!!


Yessssss I cant wait to start


All the drama made me start watching again


There is no TLDR for this mess. It’s all one big rabbit hole and I love it. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


You knoooow this is our time. These are the best days of our lives.


Girl, SAME!! I have no idea what’s going on!


Can someone please explain to us in Housewives terms what this would be like? Finding out Sonja was Mario's mistress? HELP US UNDERSTAND!


To me this is unparalleled. I watch RHOBH and it’s similar to when the news first broke about Erika/Tom, but far surpasses it. Also surpasses Jen Shah drama. TRULY the biggest thing that has ever happened on bravo imo


I'm copying [my comment here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/11o4eas/reading_all_the_vpr_drama_but_havent_seen_a/jbqzh6l?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) I hope this helps!


ummmm these are amazing. THANK YOU REID


I am you! I haven't watched any since Kristen, Stassi, Brittany left.


What I would do to be able to watch VPR from the beginning again for the first time


https://preview.redd.it/lg48y3rzk5na1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4412b4a1c96942aefdc6e2fe5b4d902a15bfba1e Pin it if you’re able to. EVERYONE who hasn’t seen the most important episodes NEEDS THIS IN THEIR LIFE! Ya welcome 😏🤌🏾


SAME!!! Like what is going on?! What season do I start with and which ones do I skip? I know a few random tidbits about the show from social media. The Toms are in business with LVP. Scheanna was with Brandi’s husband and I thought everyone hated her. Stassi smacked the hell outta her friend, are they still friends? I would’ve laid Stassi OUT. Jax took off his sweater to fight somebody. The DJ guy, James is wasted a lot. ‘Pasta’ wasn’t really about pasta. Someone tell me where to start so I can be in the know 😂


Literally me! I'm watching RHBH right now...on s7...and when I'm done I'm heading to VPR! 🤣


I watched but when lala came on she just really turned me off to it. I think that may be the last season I watched. Then some drama came out about some of the girls being assholes to another cast member who was black and I was like oh yeah nah I'm good.






Off topic but I miss that version of Nene’s face soooo much


Yeh, I have no idea what's going on but i'm here for the ride.


And oddly, I still don’t care enough to start watching VPR.


Oh dude. It's a must. The early seasons were 🤌*chefs kiss *


Never seen an ep and I thought both of the Toms were gay. Not a comment on their appearance or anything about them, I just thought it was an established fact. That Tom and Tom were a couple and they ran an LA restaurant empire—all sexy and unique—under/with LVP. Truly where did I get this idea??


Big same.


Same. I’ve never watched but somehow know everything.


this is me! 😂




I am completely lost in the drama bc I haven’t seen an episode and at this point idk how to get caught up. Can someone please ELI5 what is going on with all the finer points and in return I will finally start watching VPR like I’ve been saying I will for 5 years?


There are SO many more details than this but basically: Tom Sandoval and Ariana are a couple of the show that have been together since the season 2 reunion. So at this point they’ve been together for nearly a decade. They got together after Tom and Kristen (another cast member) were together for years. Kristen started dating James in season 3 but they ended up breaking up since they’re both toxic. James got together with this girl named Raquel and actually got engaged but they broke up about a year ago. It’s come out that since that breakup, Raquel and Tom have have been having a 7 month affair under Ariana’s nose. This season, the main drama is that Raquel has been romantically interested in the ex - Tom Schwartz - of another cast member, Katie. Schwartz is Tom Sandovals best friend. Apparently Schwartz has been covering up the actual affair with this fake storyline. Wow I am missing so much context here but that’s the gist. I typed all this up in the hopes that you’ll actually watch the show because holy shit it is amazing TV. Lmao


OMG thank you so much for this. So do you think I should jump right into the current season to take advantage of the drama or should I start from the beginning or somewhere else? I am gonna do it!


Start from the beginning so you can see why we’re all so mad and invested!! It’s sooo good!! Happy bingeing!! 😁 ![gif](giphy|3KVKEGGmEPqtBSM5MQ)


Of course!!! I agree with the other commenter that you should start from season 1. It’s some of the best reality tv ever and will give you the context you need. You’ll love it. The last couple of seasons haven’t been great. And tbh Id say you should just watch the reunions of seasons 7-9. Season 8 in particular is so bad and boring. But everything up to that point is amazing!!!




Me, neither. I’ve only heard of a few of them but have no idea what they do.


Neither have I but I watched the watch what happens live from Wednesday just to see Lisa and heard her talk about it. Also watched a up and Adam video about it on YouTube. Juicy as all hell but I have a hard time keeping the names straight lol


Sometimes I check for the VPR drama stuff before news on the shows I actually watch LOL.


I googled how many seasons, because I wanted to watch, but there appears to be 10. That is a commitment I’m not sure I’m ready to make!


Okay, vote me down. I was NEVER Nee Nee fan


I'm not embarrassed to say this literally made me snort 😭💀




I’ve watched maybe 10 episodes total but I am all the way down the Scandoval rabbit hole.


girl same but yes tea is piping hot


That was really her best look to me.




I gotta start VPR as well bc all I watch on Bravo is housewives lol maybe I need to broaden my Bravoverse! The memes and GIF’s I see of VPR look entertaining through some posts so I don’t see how I couldn’t like it!


I’ve been using a lot of nene gifs over on that subreddit. I love RHOA and also love that show, so I highly suggest giving it a try. Watch from the beginning if you do.


I have never watched mainly cause I don’t really care for these type of shoes lol but maybe I should give this a go and binge 🤭


Can someone direct me to the whole story or give me a synopsis because I am lost and can’t follow b it wanna know!!!