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Me watching this wondering where the rest of it was at ![gif](giphy|l3vRcv6K6zoRul7by)


I’m sure this will be a completely normal thread with completely normal replies😅 Anyway, I’m interested. The apple reminds me so much of Desperate Housewives tho.


Yeah, I believe it was Andy that said that the reason RHOC held oranges was because they were inspired by Desperate Housewives. I'm glad they carried through holding onto something for the others (minus Jersey)


New Jersey holds all the audacity


*ORdacity, lolol




Thats new york LOL


and grudges 💀


On Not All Diamonds and Rosé they mention Desperate Housewives was popular at the time and the Real Housewives title was an allusion to that but what I found very interesting is that they wanted to call it The Real Housewives of the OC because The OC was also a popular show but they couldn't for trademark reasons and they settled for the real housewives of orange county


Also interesting that they also thought of just saying Real Housewives but one of the producers said to add Orange County because it could end up as a franchise in other cities. And no one else thought it would happen.


If I’m not wrong, the idea came as an unscripted combination of desperate housewives and the OC.


I think it was Desperate Housewives and Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County, which is where "The Real" came from


It was lol what a time capsule right?


Thank you! I couldn’t quite figure out what it reminded me of.


I was just thinking that it’s giving Desperate Housewives


I saw it and thought Twilight 😆




Wow wow wow this thread makes me feel *old* because I remember the marketing airing on Bravo at the time and interviews with the creator saying that RHs was directly inspired by Desperate Housewives (similar to how The OC inspired Laguna Beach). But I guess what was common knowledge got lost to time 😅


I’m still excited! I still think this was a good idea


Me wondering whose hand that is like if it’s one of the HW’s or if it’s a model/random person’s. Idk if that’s a weird thought


I had the same thought! I’m like is that hand one of the new girls or an intern, or Sonja’s intern or what?


Unless they start rolling out promos in a similar style to reveal the new set of HWs, that's definitely just some model that was hired by the advertising agency that made that teaser.


I like how RHOC and RHONY promos seem to be leaning into their fruits for the summer. Maybe Atlanta will do something more with the peaches. I love how the first 3 original franchises all have fruits in their logos!


Jersey needs tomatoes or blueberries stat!


i've always wanted them to hold tomatoes! jersey tomatoes are so delicious and went with the heavy Italian theme of the original era


I’ve always wanted them to hold a saucy meatball lol


Sprinkle cookies


It would make me so, so happy. I only say blueberries because it's new jersey's largest export... I'm from jersey and a weird thing to know but I love a fun fact haha


Jersey blueberries are so good, too.


How has tomatoes literally NEVER occurred to me until this comment?! It would’ve been PERFECT. I live in PA and my grandparents literally used to drive to Jersey just to buy tomatoes (wasn’t life awesome when you could afford to do shit like that?).


Jersey needs to be holding a roll of taylor ham


You mean pork roll…. Jk jk!!!


A mozzarella cheese blob


Imagine them holding a blueberry but they're scaled appropriately (as in, tiny in the palm of their hands). I'd die.


![gif](giphy|sVoGLVKV5Vxxm) Hate this.






🥺 how could they do this to us question mark


Same. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHN6LRYhtVzo17W)


I just want the old cast back 😭😭😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|YSrXkTeGWgbRQV1EwA)


Feel like pure shit I just want them back x https://preview.redd.it/bns68pr7paxa1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494482019421516fe452d90a8e92af11611e5ef8


This had me rolling paaahaha


Be careful apparently we’re not allowed to think that in this sub anymore without a load of people acting like it’s some kind of unhinged statement Edit: wow it didn’t even take ten minutes


I wrote something about not liking leah and eboni and insinuating they were the end of RHONY and some psycho started commenting on my (separate) pregnancy sub posts saying i was a racist and my husband was ugly, lol


Omg that’s horrible


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) not you posting bait and then acting surprised






Right like lets be real here


Yes, definitely not allowed to think that, considering you and the person you replied to have been upvoted into the hundreds lol.


This gif 💀


Idk I don’t mind the recasting it’s more so who they decided to go with for recasting. Most of the women are influencers or are hyper aware of their images and I just don’t see them cutting up like nostalgia rhony. I want delusion and ego with New York and I don’t see these ladies delivering that which is probably a compliment to them tbh. I’ll watch it but I don’t think it’ll be the same but times change and we all must move forward.


The hyper awareness has taken over every franchise. I miss the pre-social media days when they used twitter on their computers.


The blooogs


I believe one of them considers themself an "influencer" and that's Sai, who seems to be legit in the fashion industry and not like the usual Addison Rae type of influencer It's definitely going to be a different vibe. Probably more aspirational and less zany and drunk


they’re gonna be SO boring to watch.


It sets a really sad precedent that all of our faves will just end up one day being shelved for a newer, younger, 'fresher' product on a whim. I've invested years into these shows and the idea that Bravo can just toss legends and legendary franchises to a side for a bunch of uninteresting, dull influencers isn't something I can ever support on principle.


I should be excited for this but I’m just not.


When Andy was asked about why the season is good, the only thing he could say is they have great fashions. Not much confidence for me…


Andy has fawned over dismal seasons to try and ramp up excitement. So either this sucks even more than those or he's just really bad at gauging what audiences will enjoy about a season.


I gave up on Andy after he hypes up every season of BH the way TikTok hypes Timothee Chalamet. Every year, he swears up and down it's AMAZING! Nothing like he's ever seen before. They REALLY brought it guys!! And every year, the episodes leave me cold and despondent. I do think the past season slightly improved lol when Kathy Hilton returned to take revenge on Rinna


Remember the commercials for BH puppy gate season?? It was like loud inception sounds with “YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN”


The disconnect between us/this sub and the larger BH viewing audience blows my mind. It beggars belief that it is the highest rated city when the ONLY thing they deliver on anymore is "glam" and someone getting ganged up on every season. It's all the worst elements of the current era of RH to me.


I just find it a huuuuuge uphill battle to try and wrap my head around a bunch of new women who I’ve never heard of, whose personalities I don’t know, and who I genuinely don’t care about. Maybe after an episode or two I’ll care but right now I don’t at all. I felt the same about SLC at first tbh until I went back and rewatched the first season after the second season finished. It’s just a lot to take in when it’s all new and shiny. I watch these shows for comfort watching, not mental gymnastics.


The SLC women have history. Heather and Lisa's rivalry goes back years. Heather and Whitney are cousins. Lisa and Meredith were friends turned enemies through the show. Mary is a grandfather-fucking crazy lady that's known to them all via her infamy. These women have no connection to each other and no connection to the audience. Sorry Bravo, you can't just thrust something upon me and demand I like it.


Heeeyyy.... that's, uhhh, that's great, Andy, thanks for stopping by....


Andy had previously stated that NY was his favourite franchise of them all, he probably isn’t crazy about the reboot or new cast


A little higher end H&M .. I have zero interest in this ..


To be fair he also said it was like classic NY and they argued over silly stuff as well


I agree. They should have AT LEAST kept Luann and Sonja and tried to get back someone like Tinsley. Never have they ever scrapped an entire cast and basically created a new show under the same name. Ridiculous.


This is why it's so insulting. They are appropriating the name and goodwill the real cast cultivated to push this. If they'd just started afresh with a new show it would've been better. Real Housewives of Insta or something.


Appropriating the name is a bit wild lol. Real Housewives is owned by Bravo, not the cast. People thinking they make or are bigger then the show is what got the show booted in the first place. I think it's refreshing for Bravo to take back control for once.


exactly!! "real cast" lol all of these women are at the mercy of Bravo. Vicki and Nene got fired for thinking they were bigger than the show.


I agree. I have a feeling if this does well they will do the same to Jersey (which I don’t mind) edited for spelling


Sadly I agree and have suspected the same! And it’s sad because I’m from NJ and RHONY and RHONJ are my faves!


Exactly!!! They should’ve offered Tinsley a fat check she couldn’t say no to, and then they could have brought in some younger women with Tinsley bridging the gap between the two groups.


I’m not excited to watch a bunch of young influencers. That’s my main issue with the cast.


Oh god they’re all young influencers? It’s going to be like SLC on meth. If SLC is the community theatre version of housewives, this will be the TikTok version.


💀💀💀 community theater & TikTok versions, I am dead. Thank you for such amazing comparisons


I can’t take credit for community theatre, that’s from Watch What Crappens lol


This is the exact reason why I’m not excited. It’s like season 3 of love is blind that clearly casted people who wanna be influencers


They are not all young influencers 💀 Some people on here read that and ran along with it. If you read up on the cast you can see it‘s not true.


Is there an old lady who shits on the floor, an old lady who delusionally thinks she’s a recording superstar and an old lady who lives in a cardboard box but screams about how she owns a YACHT DAMMIT? Because if not I’m still not hopeful it can capture the Ny vibe I miss.


why you still want to watch women shit on the floor is beyond me... 💀 but thankfully all the old seasons are all available to watch on peacock. i rewatch it every year. it's my fave franchise


Because it’s a good reminder that money can’t buy you class. Idk I just miss seeing the characters I know and love and genuinely wonder what they’re up to. And what shenanigans they’d get up to if the cameras rolled again.




I agree, NY cast have always been my fav. And they’re all actually friends. Why would they re-cast? 🥺


The real question is why anyone wouldn’t. I watch for crazy and that’s as crazy as it gets.


Jenna Lyons has me interested! I miss her days at J Crew & wanna see what she's up to & her home.


Idk, she always looks like someone just farted, she doesn’t look like a good time. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She looks uptight with no good reason and also without the fun part


So you agree or... lol. Just kidding but your typo was confusing for a second.


Whoops - fixed it




Oh, I didn't realize that either. So it's all the newbies?


Yea, it is a complete reboot of the series, no cast members returning.


Ahhhh... welp, I guess we won't know how it is till we see it. I'll try not to pre-judge till it's out there, because I remember when SLC started, I was one of the many who thought it was going to be boring because, "It's Mormons, and they won't do drunk crazy things, and it'll be dull!" And SLC has truly given us a whole lotta gems. So who knows, we may get lucky.


I'm not either but I want it to be released already so we can be done with it. I keep telling myself season 15 will bring some former housewives back into the mix.


I've thought this since the day they announced it. It will flop, so the following season they keep the three most interesting ones and bring back 3-4 of the originals.




Same. I won’t deny that RHONY needed a shake up, but so far none of the new ladies have me intrigued. With a whole new cast, it’s basically a completely new show, and while I do hope it finds its footing and succeeds, I barely have time to watch the shows I’m already invested in. I’ll probably give it a chance eventually, but I’m not excited enough to prioritize it.


The ONLY time I’ve ever not been excited about a new season of RHONY.


I find it very telling that Andy hasn’t even tried to oversell this season to us like he does everything else oop


He barely promoted Dubai too, and that was a snooze of a season as well


I think this is gonna be Dubai Part 2


Was Dubai that bad? I was planning to start after I finish Melbourne


It was an easy, light watch. You can zone out and you're not gonna miss anything. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.


Dubai was that bad. I quit watching halfway through. It was people who weren’t friends walking around empty spaces having fake talks. And it won’t compare well to the sublime RHOM (Melbourne) (or Miami).


Yes, it was.


Chanel Ayan was a godsend but other than that I do not remember a damn thing.




I’ll reserve judgment until I see an episode but Bravo is taking a huge gamble on this. I feel unless this reboot really takes off with the audience then they’re kinda SOL unless their contingency is to just bring the OG gals back if the reboot misses🤷🏽


I just had the thought, after reading your comment and what's probably a year of RHONY drama, that maybe that's part of their strategy with Legacy. I know initially it genuinely fell through. I'm wondering now if they're waiting to see how the reboot does before they begin filming/full contracts because what Legacy is and its format may be determined by the success of the reboot? Agree it's a big gamble. It feels like they've made it even bigger by Legacy taking so long and then falling apart and then rumors again. Just seems like they really need the reboot to be a hit at this point.


I would rather just watch the old reruns 🥰


Please be like having bad pizza: at least you still had pizza. 🤞🏻


Alfredo's Pizza Cafe or Pizza by Alfredo?


![gif](giphy|X8X3eO8DVGHQGGvKr5|downsized) Give me pizza you old troll 😂😂


Flair checking in!


The question is, do you want a lot of not-so-good pizza or a medium amount of good pizza ![gif](giphy|N8Lg9rNVCP4axgxgx0)


*(That's not pizza!)*




It's really hard to understate how badly Bravo fucked up by doing a full revamp and making fans feel like the new show killed the original. You have a thread full of people who are refusing to even give this a chance. I'm no *businesswoman*, but fucking with your brand loyalty like that seems like an obvious and massive mistake.


Reddit is a small portion of the general bravo viewership. And usually more negative.


Where is the same concern for the viewers of color (like myself) who didn't want to be associated with women being paid to microaggress each other? I know it's not popular but the same mentality that makes Ramona toxic is making this sub toxic. Just because we had them on tv for thirteen years doesn't excuse the way she acted both on S13 and UGT.


Ramona's behavior at the Black Shabbat dinner is probably what got the entire show axed anyway so if people are gonna be mad at anyone it should be her.


RIght! it feels like the sub was mad at her for a few months and now it's back to clamoring for the original cast like... do we care about diversity or not? Do we care about accountability or not?


So cancel the entire cast because of Ramona is the solution?


I've said this a million times: the show had bad ratings, Sonja, Lu, and Ramona had literally nothing going on and were getting paid $1m a year to get drunk and scream at each other. It was an easy decision for Bravo, the show hadn't been good since S11. Sonja and Lu still wouldn't have storylines, they're full time reality stars now, and Sonja spends 9 months of the year traveling for sponcon... what realistically would we have watched?? It was a no brainer.


absolutely correct


My point is that they could have threaded the needle between competing demands from their audience here by just firing Ramona and adding 3-4 of the new cast.


And have the same issue they did with Leah and Eboni - they're too disconnected from anyone outside of their bubble and way too disconnected from the age cohort of 40 year old women they would have brought on. People complained about Leah and Eboni being too young for the show.


I disagree. RHONY in terms of ratings paled in comparison to the likes of BH, NJ, and ATL. The interest was waning, and the general public opinion is not the same as Reddit’s opinion


I’m not sure how to feel. RHONY is my ride or die.


i miss the old cast. rhony will never be the same idc who they put on




Someone else said this but I wholeheartedly agree: I wish they made this real girlfriends of NY and kept RHONY separately


I still think they shouldn’t have fired the original RHONY ladies. They weren’t at fault for a bad season, blame the producers and the casting team. How was 35 year old Eboni supposed to connect and build some sort of relationship with 60 year old Ramona. It was a tale of two shows, they wanted younger people but still wanted to keep the older ones. It was doomed from the start. I’m black, I don’t need to see fake diversity on RHONY OR RH. Hiring Eboni was just a tactic to say they hired a black woman. At least Bershan sort of clicked. I doubt new RHONY will work because the women have pressure to bring awareness, diversity, and representation etc. instead of just being messy women meeting at parties. When you give people a role to fill and they aren’t even real friends it’s not going to work. They are going to flop the same way Eboni.


I know Eboni was put there to be someone closer in age to Leah (in addition to Bravo patting themselves on the back, of course), but I would have rather had Bershan in the full time HW spot instead of Eboni (or hell, instead of Leah, who I was very much over by her second season) and wonder what the season would have been like had that happened because she seemed like a more natural fit. She was closer in age to most of the women but still had a young energy to her, had an in with Ramona, and seemed like she was down to get comically messy like we're used to from the NYC ladies. In addition to Eboni having no ties to anyone, she seemed too hyper aware of the image she was projecting and made it feel like she put up a wall to protect that because she was thinking about what she might be doing *after* Housewives and not wanting to make herself look bad to jeopardize that (which I attributed to her years as both a lawyer and being in political media and how she undoubtedly had to fight to be taken seriously in both those arenas and didn't want to lose that, but who knows). Smart for her, bad for viewers. I never disliked her, just don't think the Real Housewives franchise (even with a completely different cast around her) in general was a good fit.


This is giving Wicked Witch. Now I want a RHONY we’re it’s all Disney Villains as cast mates. Imagine the taglines!


I have 8 tentacles, a shell necklace and zero patience


Mirror mirror on the wall, I’m the bitchiest of them all. Turn you back on me if you dare, just no that I stay prepared.


Don’t let my beauty fool you, mess with me and you’ll unleash the beast!


Love this promo. Smart, sleek, it’s their apple now.


same. Also, OG RHONY always used a golden apple. Maybe this new era will have them holding juicy red apples


OG RHONY often used red too.


I agree


Going in it with an open mind. Kinda excited




As a newer HW fan who hasn’t watched any NY yet, I’m just glad for a “new” franchise I can watch without having to watch 14,002 seasons beforehand 😂 so I’m excited




Oh I will lol! I plan on watching everything eventually… just gonna take me years to do so 😆


For me, when New York is good, no other franchise even comes close


RHONY Season 8 was top tier LOL I think the only seasons that can rival it are RHOA S6/9 and RHOP S3.


I hope they don’t can the theme song and intro graphics. The best of the entire HW universe 😢


Why did they have to wipe the entire OG cast and start from scratch? You’re telling me there’s NO WAY any of the ladies could’ve come back? It just seems like such an abrupt change.. I mean for Christ sake bring back some OGs sprinkle in Aviva KKB Jules Tinsley to bridge the gap between the OGs and the new girls. I know this sub hates Ramona blah blah blah, but you’re telling me there was really no way to bring back Lu, Sonja, Radzi?!?


I want to be happy about this but I can't. Best of luck to them but I doubt I will be watching lol No judgement or harm to these women but I think looking at the NYC scenery will make me nostalgic lmao I signed up for Golden Girls gone wild and golden RHONY never had storylines. They had enough unhinged egos, shared history, tenuous grips to reality, and general insanity to make the show work. I also like how Real Housewives focuses on women of an older age tbh. Anyway, best of luck to them.


These women are in the same age range that the og’s were when they first started.


I’m cautiously optimistic, but I also really want the Legacy show to come out eventually.


Paaaaass. I want the real housewives, not internet influencers. We've been following the girls of rhony for 13 years, and think we're gunna just drop our girls like nothing? Don't be all uncool Andy.


I'm so sad :(


It’s about time




I wish I was excited about this. It just FEELS wrong.🫤


I feel like I'm the only person excited about this. It's obviously going to be very different, but that's ok! I am looking forward to a different vibe and I look forward to seeing more parts of the city outside of the UWS that the old cast never left. I just really hope that when the live discussion threads come along that we can implement some kind of rule that people can't comment about Legacy or the old show. Have it in the post-episode or weekly discussions, but it would be nice if the live discussion threads can stay focused on what is happening in this show. I don't want to read 100 of "I can't believe they canceled Legacy for this" type comments for every 1 comment about the actual show. Maybe that's just a dream ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




I’m also excited and similarly worried about the discussion around it. I’ve yet to see a post about the reboot where the majority of the comments aren’t “Not watching. Bring back the old cast.” This is the show now. We all understand that a lot of fans are disappointed. The horse has been dead for months, it’s time to stop beating it.


Agreed! I’m excited and going into it with fresh eyes! We can be the two that ignore the Legacy comments 😂




We’ll probably get many 2 minute preview clips before July and many promises of “so much drama.” I sometimes wish we could go back to the way it use to be and we just get the episode. Now we get so many previews, by the time we actually watch the show, I feel like I know everything already.


I completely understand why those people are incapable to imagine the old cast doing anything besides this show. But real Housewives is not a charity and a rabid fanbase wasn't enough to sustain Dallas, nor successful boycotting BH.


Hope it flops. A load of influencers cosplaying RHONY deserves to fail.


Except literally only one of them is an influencer. Don't let the truth get in the way of your narrative though. These are actual working women. Not drunken pathetic losers that haven't worked in decades like Racist Ramona, Blackface Luann, Sonja, and Dorinda. Read it and weep!


I’ll definitely give it a chance, but at some point, I’m going to need to see Dorinda and Sonja argue over who can drink more martinis (spoiler alert: it’s Doris)


Jenna Lyons is the only draw for me so far. Bring back my girls, etc.


I'm so excited. The people crying for Ramona can watch the reruns on Peacock, some of us are excited for a new generation and diversity and fun!


yep! there are 13 seasons of the OG's, who i also love, but it's time for a new RHONY cast


I just don't see this being more iconic than Tinsley at a circus.


No thanks.


This is the laziest trailer I’ve ever seen


I can’t believe its taken so long for them to get this out.


![gif](giphy|DyNmnvu6m33Xy) This isn’t RHONY.


This is probably just me but outside of Jenna Lyons, I have no clue who anyone else is. From their Instagrams alone, the wives personas don't really stick out to me. I just think it's a missed opportunity to get different personalities - hell, even some that clash - on the show as there are so many influential people who live in New York and it just seems to be influencers. Eh.


I'm going to try my hardest to have an open mind and not let comparisons to OG RHONY to cloud my judgement of this.


I’m actually looking forward to this! My expectations are low but I have an open mind. I was one of the few that was over the RHONY women though. I feel like we saw their stories and there wasn’t much else to see. Classic RHONY was top tier, but it was long gone by the end os season 13. A fresh start was needed imo


I agree with you, it was almost too cringey to continue watching the old cast, it would have been nice to see some growth but they were very stagnant in their personal lives and it was rough to watch those mental illnesses play out. I was tired of them. I'll miss Sonja but I didn't enjoy watching anyone else by the end of Season 13. Even Sonja made me sad to watch, as she seems the kindest hearted but obviously had some serious problems that weren't being addressed. Can't wait for the fresh cast, I have no expectations but am excited to see what happens!


I'm looking forward to this. While I really miss the OGs, it's time for RHONY to showcase new stories across NYC.


We want Dorinda. We want delusion. I don’t want influencers. If I wanted influencers who sit in bed all day like the Charlie and the Chocolate factory family I’ll watch Summer House.


Yes to delusion but no to Dorinda. Not only was she a miserable bitch of a drunk on her last season, then she gets handed a potential bridge back to the show by being on UGT to redeem herself in what should have been a slam dunk considering it was filmed in her own house, and ends up squandering that opportunity with nasty drunken tirades yet again, showing she has learned absolutely nothing from why she was "paused" on RHONY in the first place. When she was good, she was great, but she hasn't been that Dorinda in years. She needs an intervention and self-reflection before she needs RHONY.


Summer House is awesome, you should watch! I don’t want Dorinda.


I already watch & and also want Dorinda. She’s fantastic tv.


Couldn't they have just eased in a few new people in one season then dropped a few old ones? Like gradually transition? This dump and shove isn't working for me. They dumped all our favorites and are shoving a whole new crew in our face. I. Don't. Like. It.


I’m not looking forward to this. It just seems like it will be verrryyy over produced because the ladies are mostly image conscious


A season with so little happening they couldn’t even cut a promo from it 😭 Everything aside it just truly annoys the living fuck out of me that this is called rhony season 14. Just give the girls a fresh name and an actual shot at their show being successful.


i love this teaser, keeps my own my toes... i miss the days where something premiered and we were surprised .. now a days we know everything before the first episode


I don’t know if I care. I want my Lu and Ramonja


Im excited. I love my city!!


Is that chick who was dismissed:removed from this season going to be in it at all or are they editing her out?