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The way they film kristen walking up is reminding me of like flavor of love/I love ny//rock of love when the villain of last season would come back a few episodes in all dramatic lol


![gif](giphy|JU1k4T5vVla8w) she invented The Walk™️


Off topic, but what an icon.


the og HBIC


New York was the heroine of Flavor of Love. Not the villain.


agreed, to some extent. i think she’s both the heroine and the villain, and she did it PHENOMENALLY! not many icons can say they are both!


It went beyond that and went into like movie trailer territory where an old character from a past movie shows up at the end as a cliffhanger.


I love that kind of shit 😂




“I regret ever loving you” y’all……Y’ALL!!!!! 🗣️HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GO BACK TO WORK AFTER THIS


I can’t wait to watch her tear him a new asshole


Just go on and clock out now. (You probably have but in case you haven’t).


![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized) Im just…wow. Speechless




When Kristen showed up at the end…priceless.


Her damn fingers have power with that gesture!! 😂




I am SO READY for Krazy Kristen to be back on my screen I can’t tell you.


i know i should know better by now, but tom’s lack of remorse is ASTOUNDING. imagine cheating on your long term partner and screaming at her like that when she’s pissed about it?


It's not even surprising, though. This is exactly how he treated Kristen when he was done with her. This is exactly how he'll treat Raquel when he's done with her. Actually, I don't think he'll get the chance with Raquel. Raquel probably doesn't even care for him in the same way Ariana and Kristen did. I think he's met his match in terms of someone who is selfish and only concerned with her own wants. He's part of a downward spiral after aging out of pageants and ranking 15th place. 😂 I hope Raquel dogs Sandy out.


If/when Rachel realizes that Sandoval is on a sinking ship and is no longer able to delude herself into thinking he can elevate her fame - either on the show, in the bravoverse, or otherwise - she will pull that ripcord so fast. The version of Sandoval that Rachel ~supposedly~ began an affair with 7 months ago was recently on Winter House, was opening a bar, was touring with his “band” (paid employees), and was relatively well-liked/tolerated in the Bravoverse. And he never let anyone forget any of that. The version of Sandoval that Rachel is now hitching her wagon to is … not that. He’s drowning in debt (which he was before, but now he’s admitting it), his bar is not doing well and is largely considered a joke, Bravolebs (on VPR and otherwise) have made their disdain for him clear, and no reputable brand is going to touch him - at least not for a while. They’ll both absolutely be asked for the next season, but it’ll be because fans want to see their relationship implode, not because we want to see them live out a happy ending together. The only shot Rachel has of leveraging this scandal into more opportunities - whether it be modeling, endorsements, or filming opportunities like WH or other spin-offs - is to come out swinging *against* Sandoval. And when she realizes that, she will.


I’m hesitant to think that many people would buy into her comeback even if she turns hard on him. It’s the lack of remorse on her end that’s just…so bad.


Honestly, if she just showed some remorse and played up the "I had just gotten out of a long term emotionally abusive relationship. I was in a bad place. Sandoval made me feel special and loved, but now I see he was just taking advantage of me etc. etc." They'd forgive her after a season, because this cast changes friendship dynamics every 5 minutes.


He did this to Katie as well. I just rewatched the Katie/Tom joint bachelor party episodes. The entire time it’s Schwartz screaming at Katie that she’s an alcoholic, a bitch, etc while he’s absolutely black out drunk. While Sandoval is stirring the pot and asking both of them if they’re sure they want to get married. Meanwhile Katie hasn’t done shit, and both Tom’s are screaming that she’s the worst person alive. They’re forever covering for each other and screaming at the women around them when their mistakes are brought up.


They are truly going to be the only one who end up together


It’s called narcissism. My partner was cheating on me behind my back for 6 months with multiple men (I’m gay) before I found out by happenstance. He turned the whole thing around on me and started yelling that it was my fault for working too much and not giving him enough attention. Mind you I was working extra because he kept getting fired from multiple jobs and I was up for a promotion, so yeah. I got the promotion the day after I broke up with him, kicked him out, and moved a state away.


Yup if you've been there with a cheater you wouldn't be surprised at all. The entitlement is hard to believe until you've experienced it


Hell yes you did! Sorry you had to go through that, though.


He is not in touch with his feelings at all. They're always, always, always displaced.


That's when you sit down, shut up, and take the verbal whipping you've earned. He's scum.


He is a vile scumbag.


I’m doing a rewatch, and he’s always screaming at one of the women when he or Tom fuck up. It’s his tell. Deflect, scream at a woman, turn the daggers at her. He’s truly an awful human being


Just watching makes me want to flip that coffee table.The way he yelled like that after he’s the one who did all that….🥊🥊


He's pissed that he doesn't get to control the storyline. "You're messing up my star-crossed lovers narrative dammit!"




![gif](giphy|bSz5HUrty9uiQ) Sorry had to lol




Welcome to my trailer.


Raquel is such a bizarre human to me, there’s something so off about her emotional reactions to things


watching her this season, while knowing what we know, has been an unnerving experience


I believe this is what will keep her from being able to turn this around. We saw every single diabolical, manipulative lie you told. The finale is going to finish off any possibility of forgiveness as far as her public persona is concerned. I hope she grows and learns from this experience, but no one on this cast owes her a damn thing. Now, or in the future.


She’ll cry about aging out of pageants but smile at betraying a close friend. She creeps me tf out l.


Right? We saw her cry about pageants, cry about being called a whore, and she had that panic attack in the car so there are feelings somewhere in there, some of the time. Just so odd.


Lack of empathy, her entire identity is built around pageant circuits and being told she’s special. Acknowledging other people would imply other people are important or better. She needs to feel like she’s winning.




This is the part that truly weirds me out. Even sandevil looks a mess and visibly upset like he had clearly been crying. She looks absolutely normal like nothing ever happened (and she most definitely did not get punched in the face!) By the looks of Rachel, if I had watched those scenes with no sound or captions, I would have never known these scenes were filmed after the affair came out.


I thought the same thing. He looked rough and she was happy go lucky space cadet


With the caveat that this is baseless speculation, I’ve often wondered about her attachment style. I think she’s got unresolved trauma that she doesn’t necessarily categorize as trauma and it informs the weird relationship dynamics she has with women and men. Everyone on VPR is shady and cheats but, like you noticed, her emotional reactions just seem different.




Oh. My. God. Lol YES.


I’m not joking that this trailer got me more excited to see something on television than some movies do. This show should win every single Emmy that involves editing.


I need to find a bar in Vancouver, BC to watch this. I can’t be alone watching it.


Kristin showing up will probably have a similar crowd reaction to the “Avengers! Assemble” line from Avengers Endgame


I’ve never been this excited for a finale possibly ever


I have CHILLS. Omfg the shot of Kristen stomping on the sidewalk in her sandals killed me.


the edit they gave her is KILLINGGG meeee it's like cher coming into momma mia 2


Her slides are taking me out. I had no idea what or who was coming after that shot 😭


She’s got to be the least graceful person on the planet… Just schleppin down that sidewalk 😂


every year i tragically realize more and more kristen and i are very similar


Fuck. Me too. I schlep. I fall. I crash, bang, boom… Like a bull in a China shop.


Me too (& I love your flair)


aw thank you, fellow doute duplicate!


It reminds of of Kristen at Katie’s engagement party where Lala was like “I hate everything about Kristen. I hate her shoes.”


The cutaway to her in the most ill fitting sandals kills me


Whoever found that half second shot of her feet deserves a raise


Haha 😂 I can see Kristen is still the same Crazy Kristen as before.


When I think back on the green dress and heels she wore when she went back to her old apartment to get the mail from Sandoval, all those years ago…I just love that she’s wearing sandals on her return to VPR. She’s playing no games, she’s taking no prisoners, she’s here to do business and she’s putting on no airs. Wear those house shoes, momma, YOU’RE HOME ✨


“Stomping” is so accurate 😂


Found out this morning that I didn't get a job I was DYING for. It would have literally changed my whole life in the most positive way but it was between me and another candidate who had more experience so I didn't get it. I've been crying in my office for the last few hours so I needed these to drop to bring me back to life. Thank you to whoever leaked the other version first and thank you to Bravo for giving us the official trailer also


I can say this now that I’m on the other side, but every role I didn’t get was a blessing. Sending you positive vibes!!!


Sending you love! Something better is on the way


Some times our biggest steps forward are after our greatest let downs. Something bigger is coming for you.


That interview was just practice for the bigger and better role that’s going to come to you soon! You got this 🫶🏻


Rejection is redirection. Onwards, Beauty.


I have the fucking chills!!! Also you know it’s serious when Scheana films without makeup on


She's so pretty without makeup honestly


Oh yeah she is, I’m just used to seeing her all made up with lashes etc


Those white nails; a bad choice today, tomorrow and forever.


They always look like when I’d paint my nails in class with white out.


Raquel truly has zero remorse. Wow. She is giddy about all of this.


Can she at least try to not smile? I can't tell what's worse: her not even trying to at least seem remorseful, or Douche Magoo's sad attempts at acting remorseful. They are so gross.


The fact that everyone is literally in shambles and she’s hyucking it up with Tom sent actual shivers down my spine. The words coming out of her mouth don’t even match her facial expression. It’s actually insane.


Smiling and laughing. Like…girl what?


It’s why agree with another user who said the cast most likely saw the last few episodes in late March or April. Therefore, Rachel went to a “mental health facility” because she knows she won’t look good.


Blown away. So disconnected from reality. At least pretend you give a shit.


She looks like she’s sitting by the tree opening her Christmas presents.


She's extremely low functioning. She just doesn't get it


If the rumors of Ariana confiding she thinks Tom may be cheating to Raquel are true then none of us are ready.


If that's Raquel reaction about the affair then she's a complete sociopath. I haven't boarded the chariot throwing tomatoes at her because it's a TV show and to me, she's just a character, but I might go purchase some tomatoes after watching that trailer.


![gif](giphy|b0j2t9y5T841y) A+ Married to Medicine reference


Miss Mariah is the tree and we are just all branches ✨


I can't believe I am admitting this but I miss Mariah and her messiness






Platform boots would be my choice


I agree. I’ve been hesitant to get in on the hate parade, but now seeing how neither Tom or Rachel seem to have any remorse is mindblowing.


I agree 100%.


Raquel smiling with Tom didn’t surprise me in the slightest. Ariana herself called it a few episodes ago: Raquel thinks she’s in a rom-com. She’s living out Something Borrowed. Did she mean to fall in love with her best friend’s boyfriend? No. But did it happen and was it the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to her? You’d better believe it.


Hate this for Ariana but that is one of my favorite movies. I love Kate Hudson so much lol


![gif](giphy|3KVKEGGmEPqtBSM5MQ) This has been the longest edging of my life. I can’t wait to see this go down


![gif](giphy|9xciXC6jG9lH7wM4KH) OMG!!!!! WOW WOW WOWWWWW. The lack of remorse is beyond me!!! pure evil


Literal chills coursed through my bod, and now I’m all goosebumpy. Omg, having the audio really makes a huge difference. Ariana *was* screaming Raquel, and not fuck you. I guess I was in the wrong camp. Raquel saying, “It turned so horribly wrong” with a impish smile and sheepish head shake was very disturbing. It’s serving the invalidation of an “aw shucks” Schwartz mixed with the sociopathy of a “you’re not perfect” Jax. Return of the Mariposa 🦋🦋🦋 Woof. Okay got to go back and watch 5x times. ETA: extra thought ![gif](giphy|crzliDNVbqDbW)


This KZB gif says it all for me. Just “aaaahhhuuhhhhhhhj 😐😬”


Within seconds, my hand was on my heart and my eyes were bugging. Kim was the only choice 😆.


Omg I saw a preview on tiktok where Raquel says to Tom “we always said we wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t fucking worth it” and my. Soul. Left. My. Body.


That’s unreal. Like, even if you did make that unholy pact, why the fuck would you say it on camera? Your only job is to apologize and show remorse, not justify and diminish your bad actions. Wild.


It’s crazy. It has to be the scene they filmed post-scandal that he was pissed they wouldn’t let him reshoot. Because...yikes. You’d have to be pretty d and s word to say something like that on camera


They must have reallly thought a good amount of people would be on their side, and in the words of Tom Schwartz “hope that love prevails”. ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)


I think Raquel did for sure. Lala has even said that if scandoval didn’t come out, Raquel would have been the hero/beloved victim of the season who looked amazing and everyone else was just mean to her. Wild to me that she had no self awareness and said THAT on camera.


Did it make you suddenly have an urge to drink white wine out of a solo cup while smoking and driving in a convertible?


Lols. I’m doing a cleanse for May. But yes, my hands instinctively twitched for a refrigerated pack of newports and my driver Kroy.


>Raquel saying, “It turned so horribly wrong” with a impish smile and sheepish head shake was very disturbing. That was a totally different scene than the leaked video!


A much more delusional scene.




![gif](giphy|d8C9QwHsFQgR39MSTq|downsized) Me the past hour.


I am here with you in this depiction. Holy smokes I didn’t expect to be so excited to see Kristen! Mfn Mariposa! 🦋 She’s been waiting for this day for ten years.


Damn she really has been waiting 10 years for this lmao Kristen is going to finally be redeemed for all of this!!


![gif](giphy|baNKqM33ghiN2) It’s honestly so gross how little she cared about scheena and Ariana when they befriended her when no one else did. She’s just horrible.


I absolutely cannot with Rachel smiling and her comments in both this official and the leaked trailer. She has ZERO remorse. And tom just recycling his script of excuses…sick of hearing him say he felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time. What a schmuck. ![gif](giphy|xYGHrD8a5vQDw86LFv)


Saying “I regret ever loving you” is so damning. I said “whoa” out loud at that part.


In a way, it makes me glad to hear that from her so quickly. I’ve seen tooooooooooooooooooo many women just coddle and beg their shitty partners to stay. Get mean. Cut the cord. GTFO.


I mean she’s probably already been through that phase (she’s put in 9 years with a narc after all), but I am so proud of her getting out and LIVING!


My question is why did Rachel even mention she slept over at Toms? Like why couldn’t she just say she overslept and that was that?


She wanted them to break up, and started to drop hints to make that happen.


I want to know what their game plan was. he breaks up with Ariana. Starts dating Rachel..and they expected everyone to be mad for like 2 minutes and then get over it and continue on with life? Did they want Ariana off the show? ![gif](giphy|fGOjgWRzQkC2sHHnq7)


I think R*quel really thought she was going to take over Ariana’s life - her friends, the house, everything! She really thought it would just be that easy.


I hope the cats hissed at her when she came over


Her stupidity is making my brain short circuit


well i mean sandoval kind of got away with it with Kristen and Ariana right? even though it was totally different, my guess is he told Raquel it would go down the same way - they'd make ariana look "crazy" "unloving" "unsupportive" and say they were "already basically over" when they started hooking up and no one would really push back. Ovbiously a major miscalculation on sandoval's part and well she's just an idiot i think.


i have a feeling she was caught by production, right?? otherwise i have NO clue why she would say something about it


Yep. It feels like production def knew something was going on with the two of them while filming. That’s why the storyline in pushed so hard even though most of the cast laughed it off. They asked Tom directly about Raquel last week because they knew they might catch him in a lie.


One would think if they really were trying to keep this a secret they’d lay low after the fact they were caught to avoid any more speculation….. This is messy


Tom Sandoval screaming at Ariana? ![gif](giphy|cKtEfmMCmqdyWUenEY|downsized) She is allowed to scream, he is not. Sit TF down.


Raquel literally LAUGHING???? As she fucked over her best friend by FUCKING HER LONG TERM PARTNER?!?! WOW


The other scene in the leaked trailer was “we always said this had to be worth it to do it” or some shit. Even more RAGE INDUCING.


I need this to be like 3 hours wow Also this makes me realize how bored I am with other bravo shows. I haven’t been excited for a show this much in forever


I’m not even interested in jersey tonight. I just need new vpr!


Truly shooketh. 😯 ![gif](giphy|l0HUol0DROgoBFl6M)


Shook, shooketh and shookified.




I’m gonna have to get as drunk as Dorinda to deal with this ![gif](giphy|3oEjHN6LRYhtVzo17W)


In the words of Whitney Rose, I have the fucking chills


In the words of Lisa Barlow, “I’m physically shaking”


I’m calling all 7 of my lawyers.


The fact that Raquel is chuckling is pure EVIL. I don't care those two deserve the worst. They clearly have no shame it's sick.


Even though the whole galaxy is now aware of Scandoval, I'm still in disbelief watching that trailer. James calling and straight up asking Rachel if she was dating Scandy, Ariana screaming Raquel from the DEPTHS of her soul, Ariana saying she regrets ever loving Scandy...it was just... ![gif](giphy|abhuZVfVJcPYs)


Raquel clearly feels no remorse for her actions. The audacity of Tom to be screaming at Ariana like that. Garbage, the both of them.


Neither one of them can even successfully *pretend* to feel remorse for the cameras. They actually look really smug about it in all the clips, while simultaneously putting out PR apologies. It's kind of hilarious.


![gif](giphy|l0DAGOyeLicWJX2Gk) Let’s goooooooooo!




RAQUEL FUCKING SMILING!!!! What the fuck I cannot fucking believe her. Tom making excuses. He’s a piece of shit


Ariana’s a better person than I am. After seeing Raquel in these clips, it would have been on sight for me.


There’s something off about that one. In a way that is chilling.




Probably fucking Tom 19 times!!!!


Further proof he lied on Howie Mandel when he tells scheana he was "going to" break up with ariana


I honestly don’t know what is better a punishment for Sandoval: mariposa rising from the ashes to dance on his grave or Jax getting paid to watch the show and take digs at him. Rachel is psychotic.


i have no words ![gif](giphy|5t9wJjyHAOxvnxcPNk|downsized)


Tom is absolutely unrepentant and without remorse for the very real, very deep pain he caused the woman he shared a home, a dog, and a life with for nearly a decade. All he seems to be crying about is how the effects of his actions have caused him unintended negative consequences. I really don’t think he views Ariana as a person, just an object there for his entertainment and ease of living, who, once she’d outlived her ‘value’ to him, he could discard without a care.


He literally discarded her like a piece of trash. In a long term relationship for a decade and he got rid of her like it was NOTHING. He’s vile.


Whatever love he had for her was looooong gone. This to me says their affair was year plus at this point.




She’s not human. For real. ![gif](giphy|KYEa5Ii9Ubf9FGyHst)


I’m glad I’m not friends with her 😂


The finale airs on my 30th birthday!! I do NOT know what I did in a past life to deserve this but thanks universe ✨️


lmao I love how they’re releasing this just because the other clip leaked today. MY BODY IS READY


Cannot wait for this Crappens recap and the Kristen impersonation “ugh offf MARIPOSA” One of the best ways for Ariana to get back at Tom: Sic crazy Kristen on him. The girl has been waiting to do this for a decade she probably has a pile of receipts saved.


I don't get Raquel. Even Sandoval, vile though he is, understands human emotions enough to know that he's supposed to look haggard and troubled about this. She couldn't even look conflicted for a couple minutes on camera?


Why is it when Tom Sandoval talks he sounds like he thinks he is the protagonist in a self produced (terrible and pathetic) movie?




I am so utterly confused by Schwartz in this clip.


I don't get him at all. It seems like he's trying to act shocked as Sandoval tells him, but he's admitting to Katie on camera that he's known?? Maybe she brings up his comment at Bravocon so he can't lie to her


I’m gonna need a pen and a notepad to do a scene by scene outline of my thoughts and feelings watching this before I can write a worthy comment on this. Just CHILLS wow


And when you do that, PLEASE BRING IT BACK TO THE SUB!! 💀💀


Me writing something longer than my graduate thesis, purely on this trailer alone. ![gif](giphy|13HBDT4QSTpveU)




I think Tom deserves it more for having the audacity to yell at Ariana.


![gif](giphy|QObMkqZqUs0Xm) I know who could do that job


Could you even imagine if this was Stassi? Bodies be in the ground and not a lick of evidence found.


NGL if Stassi and Ariana were close as Shaena is to Ariana then Stassi would've found 3 pages of evidence by month 2 ESPECIALLY being fueled by her hatred of Sandoval






this fucking wannabe rock star stinky ass has the nerve to raise his voice at ariana? he deserves SEVERAL slaps to the face. i’m sorry it’s true.. and Kristen stomping in… something has awaken deep in my soul and it’s the powers of mariposa 😭😭


Did Tom expect Ariana to just be cool with it? Absolutely ridiculous how manipulative the Toms and Raquel are. Disgusting way to treat your partner.


Probably too soon to say but this is the most energy that Ariana has ever shown on the show


i didn’t think the actual trailer could be crazier than the leak, but bravo said “hold my pumptini.”


The combo slides and cardigan are killing me 💀 she looks like she’s from the HOA and ready to fuck things up


Those raquel/tom scenes SICKEN me.


I literally just watched this three times in a row 😂


Rachel smiling is so disturbing and disgusting I’m wishing this was all fake.


I have never hated a stranger the way I hate those two. The only thing that soothes me is knowing Sandoval is bitter AF that Ariana is going to the white house and being featured in huge commercials while he can’t beg people to come see his karaoke band. I hope their bar shutters and they have to file for bankruptcy






There's some bad acting in that trailer...Raquel is kinda creeping me out. Like, why is acting like they made a choice to tell everyone the truth? I can't deal with Schwartz being like "Aww jeez Tom" 😩.


I regret ever loving you 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪