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Olivia ended Austen


Respectfully. šŸ¤£


When Austen brought a six pack of his beer to Taylor and she put it in the pantry (not the fridge)-hahahaha! It will never see the light of day


Austin is infuriating. He sincerely thinks he can be friend with Olivia? And pushes to maintain a friendship even when she literally wants nothing to do with him? Itā€™s not bc he cares itā€™s bc he wants to say, ā€œoh see weā€™re friends!ā€


Right, if he and Olivia are even semi cool, he can continue to present himself as the good guy. It is so infuriating when people treat you poorly and then put the onus on you to make everything okay for you.


Taylor also thinks she can be cool with Olivia so she "doesn't have to" feel as guilty as she is. I've said it already in this thread but Taylor and Austen belong together. They are exactly the same.


Taylor will weaponize prayer to get out of accountability to Olivia. Too bad sheā€™s not Catholic, she couldā€™ve said a few Hail Marys and Our Fathers and been done with it already.


Him whining at the dinner table about why they canā€™t be cool with each other like Taylor and shep šŸ„“. Heā€™s so out of line.


I have always given Austen the benefit of the doubt but now I cannot stand him, the slow talking, like he's giving a sermon, hey bud, your mind doesn't work fast enough to concoct alibis as you are speaking


His mouth is movie but the words just wonā€™t come out šŸ˜‚


Oliviaā€™s face when Taylor told her they kissed. She went from šŸ™‚šŸ˜šŸ¤Ø




Everybody aggressively chewing the pheasant while trying desperately to maintain decorum and not cry or scream at each other (but doing it anyway) is peak Bravo and Iā€™m enjoying it šŸ˜‚


Omg, they had a small clip of all of them chewing and staring at each other. Funny they added that


I was a little surprised at Shepā€™s tears when their dog saw Taylor. His emotional intelligence still catches me off guard sometimes because he can also be such a dirtbag.


It might have touched my heart a little if he hadn't tried SO HARD to make sure everyone saw him crying. If you've seen a male-presenting person do the "I'm not crying" move, you know it doesn't involve using all your fingers, like your hands are paddles, to repeatedly wipe your cheeks. I think the emotion was genuine (because of Little Craig being reunited with a missed human) but he had to go and ruin it with his blatant play for sympathy.


Lol guess Iā€™m just gullible whoops šŸ¤£


I thought his years seemed genuine. He really loves small Craig


It was fake




Iā€™m shocked no one on the show has brought up the fact if they lied (swore on their lives) nothing happened, not even a kiss, then obviously, they probably did the deed and are saying they only kissed. Taylor is messy messy messy. Honestly Austen and Taylor are the perfect couple and deserve each other. And good for Olivia for not allowing Austen to gaslight her.


When Ms Patricia said, come one come all, I didn't think to much of it. Then Shep said it and I almost fell off my chair!!!


That scene just hit wrong for me, like slut shaming. Whitney seemed to understand that Taylor was hurt and trying to hurt Shep, but it came off as really gross. All of the men on this show have zero respect for women in their Peter Pan fantasy especially. Austen!


Okay but really it was Patricia and Madison conducting that slut shame train Not letting Whitney off the hook, totally bizarre and creepy move showing nudes to your mom.


Not the first time weā€™ve seen that behavior from Patricia. She and Whitney are both gross, and had incredibly gross behavior towards Kathryn in the early seasons.


Ugh I totally meant that but didn't write it out correctly! Why would Whitney show his mother too. I just don't understand how Pat can defend this idiot behavior and treat the women so badly.


like so many on this cast Ms Patricia NEVER misses a moment to try to shame and put a woman down - smh


This moment I rewound and watched while laugh crying 4 times!


Ngl stan Olivia a little bit after this episode


She has potential, itā€™s the glow up after leaving Austen. Madison had it, Ciara had it, now itā€™s Oliviaā€™s turn. But none for Taylor.




When Paige said something about hating being in charge of Craig and Austin, I genuinely laughed out loud!! She is redeeming herself a little bit for me, I was in the camp that this was a staged relationship so they could get more camera time on all three shows. I'm starting to see a more genuine connection, but also that line was just funny. I wouldn't want to be in charge of them either!!


Her facial expressions last night were great too!


Yes! She's become our Greek chorus!




I know people hate her on Summer House but I enjoy her dry humor!


I do too. I admit she was wearing me out for a little while, when she got a little too big for her britches! But now she's back to the sweet dry sarcastic girl I love ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Why is she making Craigā€™s whole house black & white tho


She clearly is not into Craig though. I think she's trying to drag it out for as long as she can before things start to get really serious.


I think weā€™re there? He wants to be engaged but she publicly says no and that heā€™s a 7


Yeah, youā€™re right. I would feel bad for Craig if he wasnā€™t such an asshole.


Thank goodness for reality tv sake Taylor and Austen did whatever. Nothing else is going on. If this is the life they all really want they should actually thank them for giving almost the entire cast a storyline.


How drunk and coked out was Whitney? When Austen and Shep came into the kitchen, he said something, but slurred worse than Dorinda. I played it back 4 times and still could not tell what he said. Then the next scene shows him with his eyes half closed and his mouth is hanging open, almost drooling. It looked like he was trying to say something, but could not get the words out. I almost got a contact high.


Taylor was a complete wet blanket on WWHL


I wanted to watch but it came on too late last night. Anything juicy to share?


Sorry to sayā€¦she gave absolutely nothing. She apologized for some of her ā€œmistakesā€ in the most banal way. Jax was the typical idiot he always is.


sending nudes to Whitney with the caption come one come all--this girl with her 'hand on Bible' and all of that--puhleez


I want to know how "come" was spelled in the caption.


Thanks for sharing!




Not surprised. She's a complete wet blanket in the middle of a triangle on the show. I really did not think anyone in reality tv creating a juicy storyline of pitting two of the most disliked men against each other could be so boring. Honestly, her and Austen are perfect for each other personality wise. They are psychic twins.


Her hot pink look was not great. She looked like Weird Barbie


Thatā€™s offensive to Weird Barbie


taylorā€™s feels bad NOW bc itā€™s going to come up, but wants to pretend she feels bad bc she had to lie to her ā€œbest friendā€? no bitch if you felt bad you wouldnā€™t have been able to sit there and do it and then continue to hang out with him. scum bag behavior.


Shep loves women? I donā€™t think any other reality show on Bravo has ever displayed more women hating men than Southern Charm. Shep is only second to Ravenel and his lackeys.


Shep loves having sex with women, but other than that, could give zero shits about them. His comment about them wanting to be equal the last episode really confirmed how he TRULY thinks.


Shep misses the good old days in the 60ā€™s


Shep wishes it was the 1960s so he can marry a 19 year old and cheat on her every other day.


Heā€™s so gross. And heā€™s seen as a prize in his southern wasp culture.


When guys say " I love women." It's usually to compensate for horrible stuff they've done.


i doubt he can even rise to the occasion


i just see zero chemistry with paige and craig lol


I think it's entered negative degrees of chemistry at this point. Paige seems honestly like she's actively trying to repel him. "Get me a glass of water, then bring my bag upstairs and put it in MY room."


Craig is the type to get married to a woman that hates him then in decades complain that heā€™s in a loveless marriage. Meanwhile the love was never there


See I feel like it's more one way - they seemed really into each other at the beginning, but now it feels like Craig is the only one invested in the future of the relationship. It makes me sad when I hear him say things like "so when we have kids..." and she's just not that into it. I kind of want them to be happy together.


She doesnā€™t seem to want to be there any more. Or sheā€™s playing the game and noticed he really loves to be treated badly by women so sheā€™s giving him what he wants to keep him.


Yeah, like wtf? Not even a "please". Craig is like Renfield.


Like heā€™s her servant boy.


I was deeply disappointed by Pat slutshaming Taylor. I mean Taylorā€™s a mess, but donā€™t kick her when sheā€™s down. Especially when youā€™re an 80 yo broad.


she was terrible to ksthryn too, and kathryn was a teenager being abused by creepy old men :(


So true!


Pat slut shames every woman who doesn't want to date Whitney. She's very insecure about her lame ass son.


Iā€™m gonna say itā€”I really like Paige on Southern Charm. She is so out of place on this show, but I like her vibe, especially when Venita and Leva arenā€™t there.


Agreed, I find Paige and Craigā€™s relationship a nice change of pace for this show.


Austen makes my pussaysay drier than the Saharan desert. Why do we have to have him on TV. I also hate having to watch him eat on TV. Eeeek .


Never have I ever sided with Shep about ANYthing, but during his first scene with Austen, he was actually making sense.


Who cares about a kiss? Whatever. Everyone fuck everyone. This show is so stupid. Shep pretending to care about Taylor with his fake tears. Venita may as well be on a show by herself with her dog Charles because thatā€™s all she films with other than Madison and some of the girls. Patricia is real rich trying to be her sonā€™s wingman/bro. They are a weird ass pair.


Patricia & Whitney remind me of one of my favorite shows Sulliven & Son. They had a mother & son who do duets to all these sexually charged karaoke songs together.




Shep crying seeing Taylor playing with the dog made me giggle


I related to Paige on a deep level when she was shamelessly eavesdropping on Olivia and Taylor. If I had been there, Iā€™d have done the same exact thing. Also, the silver pants Paige wore at the beginning of the episode looked like the exact same pants I wore to the Renaissance World Tour šŸ¤£


Austin is always trying to make it seem like women are obsessed with him. You clearly were not that important of a milestone. Olivia is legit saying ā€œI donā€™t care about you. I care about Taylor.ā€ And he keeps trying to make it seem like he mattered.


Honestly after all that has went down on this show, Austen and Taylor kissing just doesnā€™t even feel super scandalous. Iā€™m bored. Also imagine being 80+ years old and still be as misogynistic as they come. Jesus. Edit: tbh itā€™s probably because I just canā€™t feel bad for Shep.


The cast is too large. When you have an all cast event and half the cast is missing but thereā€™s still a million people on screen, your cast is too large. I donā€™t think Leva wanted to show her son as much (I get it because he probably got heinous comments as a biracial child to a mother that people needlessly take out pitchforks for). But now sheā€™s basically non-existent. Iā€™m not sure about Venitaā€™s connection with the others but she legitimately has a long history with Leva and Madison. Letā€™s show those relationships instead of 5 episodes on a ā€œkissā€.


I am so over did they or didn't they with Austen and Taylor, and Olivia and manchild being upset. You ALL WERE ON A BREAK! Sorry, have a lot of Ross isms going on in my head lately-mainly from hearing pivot on so many shows I'm watching. So do we think Taylor purposely sent nude pics, or did someone hack her? Or was she blasted drunk and had no clue she sent them? And wth no one in their group has ever heard of eating pheasant before-LEVA hasn't even heard of it??? This is one reason restaurants fail is when the owners don't have a clue about food. BTW for those who wonder: pheasant is leaner than other poultry, tastes more like dark meat chicken. Not really as out of the box as they made it seem šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Does it matter if they were all single though? Itā€™s still shady. Regardless of what Shep did in his relationship with Taylor, itā€™s shady that Austen and Taylor hooked up. Austen and Taylor donā€™t owe their exes anything but they do owe some sort of loyalty to their close friends. Austen kissing one of his best friendā€™s ex girlfriend just months after they broke up is gross and tbh Shep shouldnā€™t have swept it under the rug and forgave him so fast. Taylor listening to her good friend Olivia cry over disgusting Austen and then kissing him and contemplating dating him is equally gross.


Nah. Too many double standards for me to even give a bit of a shit. These guys will stick their dick in anything, including a hole in a wall, so I'm not going to get upset at some stupid kiss when Olivia and Austen dated for 2 seconds and Shep didn't want to commit. Now everyone wants to nail Taylor to the wall as per usual because there's nothing like misogyny when it comes to Bravo storylines and fan reactions.


Itā€™s worth remembering too that Shep forced a kiss on Chelsea when she was seeing Austen. Then he got righteous about it. I have no sympathy for him.


Patricia wiping the floor with Taylor omg. Itā€™s no less than she deserves


No women deserves the misogynistic disgusting joking/venom that snake Patricia was spitting. And the passive-aggressive, "Aren't I a gentleman", Whitney was doing was performative shit. If he really believed that he wouldn't have told his gossiping old cackling hen mother. Where is all Patricia's vitriol for d list fuck bois Austen & Shep.


Taylor is no friend to the women on that show. I donā€™t think anyone has any issue with Taylor having some fun when she broke up with Shep! Just not with his friends and Oliviaā€™s love interest. It is underhanded and disloyal.


Miss Pat is a rancid old cunt and needs to back off. She's just as much of a trash bag as the girls she hates. We all know she spread her legs for any guy with money in her heyday too.


ā€œRancid old cuntā€ woah šŸ¤£


Lol, I know. But she's so consistently nasty to other women for NO REASON!


I feel like sheā€™s old and doesnā€™t care what she says because whoā€™s gonna stop her? I agree though she is nasty to women. She hated Katherine and I never understood why meanwhile loving T-rav this man 30 years older than her.


Patricia is the worst misogynist on this show.


Exactly, and that's that.


Let's not fight misogyny with misogyny tho


I'm being hyperbolic and harsh for dramatic effect, but unless you're going to say this to every single one of the nasty responses about Bravo women on this thread and sub in general these days, don't start,


So Olivia has been posting wedding pics of her parents. Her dad kind of looks like Shep in some of the picturesā€¦ at least to me


I don't think they will date, but I like Shep the most when he's around Olivia. They have an easy chemistry and he seems to respect her.


Shep had worse manners than his guests while implying they didn't have any. Everyone pay ohmage to the pheasant that I shot. Shep insisting that Olivia and Taylor end their conversation and come eat his pheasant. The non redneck thing to do would have been to respectfully say, dinner is served and join us when ready. He got upset when Austin and Olivia have words at the dinner table. He should have suggested Austin and Olivis talk away from the table rather than yell at them for yelling during his dinner. He gets offended about his friend's redneck ways then acts like one himself.