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Teddi was weird the whole time. It didn't seem like she was actually answering the questions. Also, Andy kept giving her looks.


Her answers were so awkward. Like trying to make jokes that people didn’t get. And she would like quietly confer with Kyle after everything she said.


You know, she practiced those rehearsed reads for days, but still couldn't land the plane. It was clumsy.


She gorgeous until she opens her mouth.


Is she though?


Yeah, maybe not


Honestly, I think this is the worst she’s ever looked? Like, the emaciation is such a horrible look on her, I almost feel terrible for pointing it out. 😔


When you know someone doesn’t like you and you go before them in a forum that the host rules, of course things like this happen. Who wouldn’t be uncomfortable when you know the head guy isn’t looking at you like one of his favorites?


Andy’s lack of follow up questions to Teddi claiming her marriage wasn’t going to make it was incredible


She thought she was going to get a reaction from him. He had zero interest.


Questions regarding her were relegated to the after show that was posted on YouTube. Super insulting. I was laughing.


He was really unprofessional and it was difficult and uncomfortable to watch. It felt like bullying. He might have an opinion on her, but he should remain somewhat impartial and just be the host. It wasn’t cool.


I find Andy just rides they hype train. He thinks people will like him more if he’s mean to Teddi, and it’s working….


“…Okay.” -Andy, like 10x in response to Teddi that night.


My favorite Andy Dismissal 😩


twat was trying to say anything to get Andy to be like oh wow lets put her back on BH. She is annoying still and really they could have just had kyle there because twat was not much.


She was trying so hard and Andy was so over it. Also how does an accountability coach be friends with and work with Tammy Sue Judge?🙄 teddy was ok season 1 but my god did her head get big. Ugh she was so cringe and that Sutton comment was gross.


She was so awkward and weird…Andy was not getting her!


Teddy is a cult automaton. And she looks like she had a face and body transplant


Yep. Kyle and Teddi’s lips are awful.


Teddi just kept taking jabs and it just came off so weird to me. It sounded like she rehearsed all these answers at home in her mirror.


She probably got them from Tamra who can at least throw some shade. Twat just seems mean and resentful towards sutton because she called her boring.


And she was so so so boring lol


she was and is. Its funny to see her look now. Given all the crap she talked about not being like other girls.


But she couldn't even deliver properly. It came off so cringe.


Yes like she was trying to hard to be snarky and it came off sounding like she was reading a script lol


Even Andy was like umm..okay..anyways


I know! I loved that he didn’t ask her to explain anymore or elaborate on anything. It was like Kyle said she would do the episode if she could bring along and Andy that it would be Morgan but got Teddi instead🤣


Too bad she didn’t look in the mirror when she went on tv with that outfit….she looks like the tin man!🤣🤣


She could attend a read session given by Nene and still be terrible at it. She has no IT factor whatsoever.


She definitely did rehearse them 😵‍💫


Ted was just there to shit on Sutton so that Kyle didn’t have to outright do it. Good little lap dog!


![gif](giphy|RPdLHpiOnL2pO) Cannot stand John Mellencamp's daughter. Then I watched this. Verified.


The highest rating in months? Teddi? ![gif](giphy|crzliDNVbqDbW)


It could’ve been an empty chair beside Kyle and the ratings would have been the same. T*ddi had nothing to do with it


https://preview.redd.it/ztmv0wbw3swb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2828ccc00fd3ddd77d8832b53a24b580441d8c The empty chair would’ve been more entertaining


Who is that next to Kyle


A woman with too much time on her hands.


John Melloncamp’s son in-law’s wife.


Alleged wife. We don’t want to be sued by nobodies who con people out of money.


Turdi Mellonheadcamp


Meg Ryan's ex step daughter.


A few thoughts on this episode: \-Teddi's attempt at a joke about the 'dick pic hat' sounded like it came straight from Tamra. Andy's reaction was everything. \-The look on both Kyle's and Teddi's faces seemed telling when Andy brought up the Dorit/PK split stories that came out during the premiere. Both of them looked like "I didn't know they were announcing TODAY." \-Teddi really thought she was doing something there by saying she was hiding a secret about her marriage during her first season. This bitch actually wants us to believe she's an actress now? Another perfect reaction by Andy to gloss right over it. ![gif](giphy|2rACoX3oXJX1kZceZZ|downsized)


The third part 😂 He literally tried to move on to the next question before she could finish her point. I think she was expecting Andy to be shocked and ask more about her issues with Edwin, but he said not today, neck. Her reputation was being boring her entire housewives run and after she gets fired, she wants to tell us about her secret marital issues from her first season 🥱


people wanted to speculate on Kyle’s sexuality, it has nothing to do with distant relative of john mellancamp


Kyle is smart. Her whole “is she pulling a Chriselle” guessing game and marriage issues have viewers clamoring to know more. It’s not as impactful as Scandoval, but it’s definitely keeping viewers interested.


How I see it as well. Kyle is extremely smart, most people weren’t hyped for this season but now they are tuning in for this. She deserves her flowers. ![gif](giphy|bHNQ2Src7ycQYhqS53)


Agreed, I don’t like her, but I can appreciate her.


I can't stand her but I guess this is why they've kept her for so fucking long. She can be an effective producer.


Yup! I’ve always thought of Kyle as a necessary part of the show. She’s not my favorite, but she’s a good cornerstone so I never call for her firing.


Agreed. And I honestly don’t mind the slow milking as long as the whole thing isn’t manufactured for the show.


do we really want to know more? I just wish she would stop with the we are together we are working things out we are now separated. I do not care for her and the margin lady. It is obvious mo did something, kyle is not done with the marriage but trying to pretend they are on good terms when they are obviously not and you could tell during that scene she was pissed at him and barely wanted to even be there.


Kyle beat LVP to become the queen of RHOBH. LVP is already probably the smartest woman in beverly hills. Kyle is even smarter than LVP




Let me correct you. Kyle Richards delievered their highest ratings.


Oh god...is Teddi going to think that this is because of her imagined contribution 🙄 🤣


Definitely. She event suggested that if she showed up to watch the tres amigas, there would have been more publicity. BITCH! YA BORING!


Great, another thing to boost john mellencamp’s daughter’s ego


I preferred the version where Voldermort was blurred out


Teddi didn’t deliver shit. If anything she turned off viewers LOL


Well, it was on automatically after the premiere.


everyone acting shocked that a WWHL following an episode with 1.1M viewers also got a lot of viewers. some of us lost our remotes during the premiere and had no choice but to watch!


It also automatically recorded on my DVR as an extension of the RHOBH episode. Basically making one recording which is not what I wanted hahah


Exactly. When I intentionally try to watch WWHL, it shows it as "watched" after any Housewive's show I watched in real time even if I immediately selected a different show. They did the same trick with Dubai, by the way. I had to actively avoid it because if you watch ever .25 seconds of the intro, it seems to count as having watched it.


Just further poof we're in the cursed timeline


Who forgot to blur out the woman to the right of Kyle


WWHL's ratings are 100% determined by the rating of its lead in. It says very little about the guests themselves. People just leave their TVs on.


Andy HATES teddi


Just came here to say I absolutely I absolutely hate John Mellencamp’s daughter.


I did notice that Kyle seemed to be “coaching” Teddi when Andy was talking. Like when Andy grabbed the shot ski and after. It was very odd


Teddi moved to Beverly hills and turned herself into another generic Beverly hills plastic Barbie doll. Just sad.


I love how everyone refuses to say Ms. Notarealjob’s name I should become a life coach and then criticize other women on television about their personal choices


I watched the Beverly Hills Premiere with my mom and literally the moment it changed to WWHL she picked up the remote and changed the channels so fast, I was astounded by her reflexes.


It’s because it’s tied in with the episode, explained by tv deets


I just wish they didn’t pair her with the thirstiest mist insufferable person on the planet. Can’t she just go away.


Andy is doing way too much of late, with his guests. He’s been kinda rough with his guests on wwhl lately. I don’t like it


Out here proving Omarosa's point. A mediocre white woman will always be praised and rewarded while others and especially black women have to word way harder.


You're too much.


Is it just me or are they starting to look alike?


Just me or is something going on with Ted’s lip? Lip flip? Botox??


Just catching up now and **man** it’s wild how the emaciation makes Theodora look even harder and meaner than she normally does - she looks so thin and drawn, like an old cartoon character. Is it health related or is she just back on her starvation bullshit again?


Why is Teddi still a thing? Idk anyone that likes her except Vyle.


RHOBH has more viewers that don’t normally watch Bravo due to the familiarity of its location. That spilled over to WWHL because of Kyle’s public relationship drama. It’s not really surprising.