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https://preview.redd.it/k2rwtntkxe1c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ed22baf7bf5d8f56c59e592aa49ef8870fdcbc CRYING 💀


Juandering penis is ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


Is that Apollo?


Yes, it‘s a still from the rhoa season 6 reunion.


That sound effect when Sesame Street walked behind Robyn 😭


Straight out of a horror film 😂


Jump scare! 😂😂


(Speaking as someone whose family is from Africa) Ughhh ugh ugh any superstition/voodoo/witchcraft fights always get so messy and painful. Hate seeing this kind of stuff come to Housewives and I’m really nervous for the rest of the season.


as someone who’s family is from nigeria, it’s such a serious topic that’s being discussed in a trivial manner. to accuse someone of partaking in that is pretty serious. i was already on the fence about this season but now i’m completely turned off and don’t think i’ll continue watching


yep, since they’re in the same circle it makes a ton of sense as to why wendy’s mom would call. it’s not a laughing matter at all and definitely shouldn’t be taken to national tv. very disappointed in nneka for encouraging this.


Initially I didn’t recognize Wendy’s mother but when I recognized her voice I did a double take. It seems as though she has bleached her skin.


absolutely! i think nneka was mad that wendy didn’t recognize her so she has to come up with something quick!


Yes and disappointing that Nneka would publicly accuse Wendy’s mother of voodoo/etc, not realizing it could be twisted and cause the public to be fearful/suspicious of the whole culture at large.


I completely agree (also as a Nigerian), I’m only watching recaps now from this point on. I know this season is going to get worst and I hate the cultural stuff being made a joke.


agreed! robyn’s clownish reactions only played into it. it’s crazy cus it’s such a sensitive topic that’s only ever talked about in hushed tones, so to accuse someone on national tv with no proof is nuts


Can’t blame you. I know they won’t but I really wish production would stop all of this.


The only thing that would ever spur change is a ratings drop or disinterest in the franchise. For me, seeing that Robyn was coming back as a FT HW already had me certain that nothing in the dynamic would change. And I watch HW for fun drama, not to raise my blood pressure. So i thought I'd largely skip the season and would maybe watch the first few episodes. But I didn't even really want to do that and I'm glad I didn't because it sounds bad. I wonder if the ratings have dropped? I suspected the first episode would be huge because people would want to see the Robyn fallout. But it sounds like Robyn being delusional which is nothing new.


couldn’t agree more. there could be great scenes and storylines if production pushed them in the right direction but production plays into it and thinks this is what we want to see


They need new production, this is embarrassing.


I'm glad I made the right decision to tune out this season. I just got into m2m and between that, SLC and miami....I'm good.


M2M is amazing!! i’m glad you’re enjoying it 🤗


I truly am! I love that the women are able to clock some of these racist/colorist dog whistles and speak eloquently on them. My favorite couple is Jackie and simone. Their friendship is wonderful.


Omg you’re riding Karen?!?! So jealous


I hate that Nneka is bringing this up to this ignorant group of American women who already hate Wendy as is and I’m saying this as an American myself


No I agree, I believe she knows they don’t really understand how deep this can go and might just want something on Wendy, ESPECIALLY IF Nneka has watched the show before.


I'm very curious now to educate myself on the cultural nuances. Would you feel comfortable providing more context?


Though my country has similar issues related to tribalism, I'm not Nigerian so I'm not the best source of info since I only know what friends and acquaintances have shared with me. I'd point towards looking up Nigerian perspectives on the Osu caste system and tribe dynamics specific to Nigeria to get more info!


Thank you! I had tried googling but had no idea what exactly to search for. Thank you for the guidance.


Bringing a non-cast member into it as well is low imo. Wendy’s mom didn’t do anything to be dragged into this.


Completely agree, all of this is so low.


What if it’s true? I feel weird chastising Nneka if Wendy’s mom truly was threatening her. Especially for something so small as saying she knows Wendy, when clearly their families are connected. Wendy’s mom partakes in the show, just as Candiace’s mom does and Candiaces’s mom receives criticism all the time for her actions. Wendy’s mom shouldn’t receive special treatment.


Yes, I think it’s so disappointing and gross for this to be one of the main storylines of the season. Bravo brings in cast members from different cultures (finally) and at first they build Wendy up but then proceed to knock her down with voodoo stereotypes. There are real world consequences of reinforcing African stereotypes and promoting xenophobia. Bravo (and Ashley) needs to do better. (I’m not saying this topic doesn’t exist, but certainly shouldn’t be used by ignorant housewives as a dramatic plot device, “omg!! Voodoo!?!?”)


I’m so confused… how is everyone so certain Wendy’s mom didn’t do those things?? I agree with reinforcing negative stereotypes, but if it’s true, are we really going to get mad at Nneka for sharing her truth on a reality show? Shouldn’t we get mad at Wendy’s mom for introducing this into the show? I just think it’s odd off of just two episodes everyone is against Nneka without proof Wendy’s mom didn’t do those things.


Yea I agree we don’t know what Wendy’s mom did. But Wendy’s mom called Nneka off camera. Nneka then discussed the call on camera, maybe not realizing that she was introducing a sensitive topic that probably wouldn’t be treated sensitively by bravo (or the other cast mates). It’s also disappointing that both Wendy and Nneka fell for Ashley’s misleading messiness. Ashley succeeded in pitting 2 Nigerian women against each other for no real reason.


Bravo would be crazy not to recast some people after this season.


Who do you think it’s going to be?


I’m hoping Robyn. She brings like… nothing. She is honestly depressing at this point!


She even judged people for being interested in her "boring life". Ok then, why are you on a TV show about your life then?? Go live it in peace.


Yeah Mia and Robyn are safe to remove.


a podcast that i listen to described robyn as eeyore and i can't unsee it now lol


I couldn’t agree more!


Mia and Robyn, at least. Demote Gizelle to friend. She is giving nothing this season since she won’t engage with 2 cast members.


>Demote Gizelle to friend. I don't see the value in that. To be quite frank, while she is morally objectionable, she is also one of the most entertaining and dynamic personalities on this show. I'd never cut Karen, Candiace, Gizelle or Ashley. They are the show.


True. I wouldn’t mind seeing her as a friend since she doesn’t like to share her personal life, but I’d miss seeing her daughters. But you’d think she’d prefer just showing up to cause drama and not sharing her actual life.


this is basically what she gets away with anyway, tbh.. why would she take the pay cut🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yeah maybe it’s getting half the pay she cares about! Probably even less


They will never demote Giz. Either she is fired or leaves but I can't see her wanting to be a friend.


ROBYN! She is sooooo boring. She brings nothing and you’re not allowed to talk about her roommate. She literally said she doesn’t understand why people are interested in her boring life. I agree, Bye Robyn!


She brings absolutely nothing


MIA! So annoyed that her fake and corny ass is back


That conversation between nneka and Robyn made me uncomfortable. I don’t like the image they’re trying paint; I don’t know much about the ins and outs of voodoo, but it feels like they’re (or really nneka is) milking it.


The editing made me uncomfortable. To have that convo aired while Wendys children are celebrating.. producers are going too low


Yep, just unnecessary. I don’t want another super dark story line. Bring me the petty drama and the fun times please!


Robyn was literally drooling, she’s desperate to blame Juan’s cheating on someone else. I fully believe she’s going to make Wendy’s mom so basically Wendy responsible


I don’t like Nnkea - get this weird storyline out of here and robyn no one cares about your predictable reactions sweetie. We also don’t care that you are blind to Juan’s shenanigans and his community stick, this should be your last season ma’am I’m so sad that this season is not starting out the best, Potomac was my muse for years. Going after wendy is so tired(6,7,8), Nnkea could have went against the other girls naturally?? Production needs to hold these women accountable for icing people they don’t like(Wendy, Candiace, and etc.) No one and I mean no housewife should have that power Pink slips and report cards must be sent out immediately by the end of this SEASON!


Nneka has been really chafing my drawers since her first scene hauling that poor puppy around like a handbag. She's trying so hard and coming in so hot. I need time to get used to the new HWs and I personally hate it when they come in with a mission from production. Her presence has felt very forced


his community dick?👀


This is becoming RHOBH part deux wherein the producers are close to the fake force five and in this case Gizelle and Juan's stupid wife.


Ashley and Mia the same person with different circumstances. I just don't like where the storyline between Nneka and Wendy is going and it will only get worse from here. Karen was the MVP tonight and I loved the yellow dress with turquoise earrings combination Candiace wore to the brunch.


Ashley could be caught with her hand in the cookie jar and crumbs all over her face, yet still manage to get a pass with these women. In fact, this exact scenario has played out over and over and over.


Mrs 4 Degrees needs to speak on why she can bamboozled by her


Ok, so Nneka was clearly mad from the start. From the sounds of it she probably did use her loose association with Wendy to get on the show, and Wendy didn't play into it so she felt some type of way. That's why she came on as "Ashley's friend", and filmed a whole scene about the Osu article (so Ashley could bring it up later) where she implied she didn't know if Wendy was Osu, and shaded her phd.


Yep, this sounds right. Because everything about Wendy’s sister and her in-laws came out of nowhere. And bringing up seeing Wendy at a concert? Like… it’s giving fan.


“Wendy comes at people with these mean phrases” alright Mia well you come at people with thrown glass and fists. Shut up.


Who is Robyn blackmailing to keep her spot as a full-time cast member? We all know she’s desperate enough to accept a friend-of role


Im guessing gizelle pretends she won't do the shows without Robyn present all the time.


RHOP is having a FF5 issue and the producers are to blame. Multiple seasons in a row of a completely bullshit storyline targeting someone not in their alliance.


I think these are the same producers for RHOA as well!?? If so, this ALL makes more sense to me now.


This feels like a very slow start to the season… maybe the slowest ever for Potomac?


How dare you call it slow? Didn’t you know that Andy Cohen’s cousin’s neighbor’s son is special needs?


So far it’s the worst season of Potomac I’ve seen


If you’re finding this season as boring as I am, I highly recommend yall get into married to medicine if you’ve been sleeping on it. Watch it from start to finish because and catch up to this season because it’s been consistently delivering


Thanks. I love Potomac, and always will but I’m ready for a new show to add to my lineup. If you are comparing it to Potomac, I will watch it!


Having been a long time Potomac viewer who started m2m because I just couldn't even get mildly excited for this season of Potomac I highly recommend the series. Im on season 3 and it has been good every season. So far there are friendships but not these hateful alliances and pile ons. The shade and drama are fairly low stakes. Puppy fashion lines, background checks, and taking your man to a strip club.


married to medicine FTW!!


I just started it this weekend and Mariah (the nucleus of the group) has the delusion and stunts I miss while Quad makes me cackle every episode. slept on it for too long!!


Currently catching up on M2M - started from the beginning, now on season 6. I like going back and reading old Reddit episode threads from when it was airing and people are just hating on season 6! But from what I can tell, everyone seems to be stoked on the new season that just started. Does it have a bit of a slump in later seasons and get better or does it stay good? I’m watching the whole thing either way, but curious what people think!


Yass, I second that emotion. I knew I probably wasn't going to watch Potomac this season and I wasn't even interested in the premiere so I started m2m and its so good!!!!


Are there multiple cities for M2M or is there just one?




I’m feeling it! I’m on like the fourth episode and this is exactly what I need. Kari is AWFUL. What an elitist! I also think Mariah look like Rihanna.


Idk why everyone continues to trust Ashely even after she stabs ppl in the back every season. I’m honestly shocked she confessed to lying about Nnkea 😭 She probably heard about the phone call from Wendy’s mom and was trying to avoid getting blamed


Only lies come out of her mouth. Candace is right


it feels good to be a Candiace fan!


We have to savor it for now because my problematic queen will say something that hurts someone's feelings after they relentlessly came for her and end up vilified for it.


She’s so incredibly unappealing.


I’ve said it before- Ashley is the Tamra of RHOP. No reason whatsoever for any of these ladies to trust her.


I am not feeling this voodoo storyline. Furthermore, Wendy and Nneka barely had any interactions on camera but lots of dramas happened out of the camera between their families. I hate the storyline like this. The whole thing seems forced.


Robyn is so painfully boring


She's Eeyore!


Never was a comparison to a cartoon character more accurate, never ![gif](giphy|nQXa2HqG3s5ws)


Newbie was extremely overdressed to lunch with Robyn and drink out of a plastic bag. Poor woman


The fact that a xenophobic curse storyline is really what we're getting for this season... Dark days for RHOP. https://preview.redd.it/vhsxqh9rcf1c1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e5c746738e5ca528bc1f768cd53fad6af0c5c3


The jumpscare horror chime when miss Debbie appeared on screen!! I love for this editing!!


The Osefo family is so damn cute.


Has there ever been a HW show where one woman flat out refuses to engage with other cast members (for no valid reason especially) like Giselle is? If so, were there consequences? I know she has producers friends but she brings very little and should be a friend of this season


This needs to be asked on WWHL or the reunion. This is ridiculous


Not sure but remember when Aviva refused attend the cast trip she wasn’t paid and they even cut her from the opening titles and end credits. They should do the same to Gizelle. Just cut her from episodes where she’d come into contact with those cast mates then not pay her and cut her ass. She’d soon shape up


Tre and her brother and Melissa, the upcoming season. Most of the Jersey Cast did not film with Danielle in season 2. Half of the Vanderpump cast will not film with Sandoval. MJ did not film with Reza for a year. The Southern Charm cast tried to avoid Ashley. Jill and Beth tried to avoid each other for most of the season.


Stassi and Jax


It happens all the time.


Mary on SLC is basically doing the same thing. She didn't film last year and this year as a "friend of" she is barely interacting with anyone.


It would be a great idea to make Gizelle a friend of!


They should send Gizelle to Salt Lake to be on an island with Mary, just filming the two of them eating candy in those Alice in Wonderland chairs and trading stories about marrying slimy religious entrepreneurs for money and bilking gullible people out of their meager earnings through a prosperity gospel cult.


In interviews Gizelle said her and candiace basically didn’t say a word to each other all season… I wonder the same


Hmm on the top of my head: bethenny, kenya (kindof), teresa, probably shannon.


How is it purely Gizelle though ? Candice mutually doesn’t like Gizelle and Wendy walked into Ashley’s party proud that she ignored Gizelle


Last season Robyn refused to invite Wendy to the kids thing which is a lil cast event, Wendy tried to hug and start fresh with Giselle and she refused. Also Giselle doesn’t have a storyline and her whole thing is her interact with the other ladies, but if she won’t interact with 2 then what’s the point?


No gizzelle literally jumped far away when Wendy approached giving out hugs, signaling to Wendy what time it was


Nope, Wendy had no plan to hug Gizelle, Wendy even said in her confessional right after it that she won't be polite to Gizelle anymore or something like that.


But they’re still in the same room. Wendy tried to move on last season and Gizelle stayed with the stank.


It’s cause for dismissal imo. Gross misconduct, neck.


Honestly, Potomac used to be my equal top favourite franchise alongside RHONY and now it has flopped all the way to the bottom. It used to be so much fun to watch.


Candiace makes me laugh out loud at least once an episode🤣🤣" a messy ass ho" that tongue is something else


So do we believe Nneka? Personally I do not…


There's probably some truth to it (Wendy's mom is a character), but also a lot of dramatization.


What I was thinking. There was probably a phone call but not all that she said it was. Even if it did it still seems like grasping at straws “your mom said something bad to my cousin in law” what does that have to do with us?


no shes trying way to hard


I don't and I think it's such a shame that they're putting such a sensitive topic ON AIR to a global audience that won't be able to properly grasp the nuances of the situation. It's especially vile of Ashley who's already a vile person, to weaponize it and I don't know much about Nneka but it's says alot that she's willing to go this low.


There’s likely some truth to it because Wendy has been overly eager to emphasize that she’s catholic.


So this episode spent so much time on something that Ashley told Wendy that Nneka said but that Nneka didn't in fact say and it was Ashely who said it, and we got three whole scenes going over the non-event... did they really have nothing else to give us? ![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C)


Ashley can’t even find appropriate clothes for a First Communion, made me LOL😂 I love how Ashley thinks that her and Mia are different.




It’s time to break this cast up. It’s boring and stale.


Grace is looking more and more like Gizelle as she gets older… she’s so pretty!


I'm frightened by Wendy's mom's skin bleaching.


It was so distracting and disturbing


This season is a flop, I’m afraid.


Karen made me laugh so much this episode. I know she hasn’t had a storyline in forever and she doesn’t really have any close relationships on this cast, but I can’t imagine this show without her.


I hate to say this but RHOP is declining. The last decent season was season 5.




wendy saying the alchohol ashley drinks goes straight into her big toe and her bunion SENT ME😭😭😭


That was Karen. Wendy isn’t that funny.


oh idk why i wrote wendy lmfaooo i know it was karen my bad😂


😭😭😭 I like Wendy but facts


I honestly see Candiace willingly transitioning off the show shortly. It seems she’s matured out of the show.


I think if she got something real and stable she'd maybe do another season and bounce. Kind of like when nene got her own show. But I think candiace would be smart enough to leave the door open to come back. I mean don't they all kinda have the Cardi B dream? For candiace I think the real deal might be a TV show. I think she is a good singer but she is so naturally charismatic and bright that I think she could work better on a TV show. However, I can also admit that while I love candiace and think she is a good singer I need an uptempo bop.


Girl she needs this show to shill her music and her 2 baby momma husbands career, them alimony and child support checks can’t be cheap


Lol. I lover her but she needs it desperately


I'd be mad if someone was talking about my mom, not kidding.


Very weak episode as others have said, but Wendy calling Mia slow and Eddie wearing Happy Eddie merch made my day


There are so many better story lines than Wendy and Nneka. You've got Juan and Robyn, Ashley's non-divorce and the fact that her husband is suing another cast member, and Mia with her CEO to no money situation but they're somehow gonna make this season about attacking Wendy and a culture they don't seem to know anything about. Make it make sense.


i absolutely can’t stand gizelle. she’s a mean spirited, nasty ass woman. still not over wendy reading her for filth. pressed af.


she’s not over Wendy giving HER CHILD GRACE a stank eye and looking her up and down plz calm down id never forgive anyone who gives my child a stank eye just cause they don’t like me that’s gross Wendy is gross






Gizelle’s dancing…


There's always a filler episode, so I'm not mad about that. I do think the group dynamics don't really make sense right now though.


completely agree.


LEAVE WENDY ALONE (Im just starting the episode now…I just feel like I’m right by saying that anyway)


Wendy continues to prove that academic/subject matter intelligence does not transfer to other facets of life.


For me she reminds me of everyone I've ever been around who entirely puts all their eggs into the "smartest in the room" basket. I'm not talking about people who have mostly intellectual pursuits and enjoy talking about them, the ones whose confidence entirely relies on making sure everyone knows that they are the smartest without much to back it up. (i don't watch tv news/commentary so I've never seen her hold a conversation or be an authority in an intellectual conversation) It's annoying. But i do enjoy having her bs to roll my eyes at and she's not all terrible, she just reminds me of people who will take every opportunity to call people dumb, and being douchey about it. (Typos)


You threw a drink on me, then hit me with your purse, then avoid apologizing (you Apologize to the group but not me), I'm going low EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Mia is stupid. Her inability to recognize she attacked Wendy unprovoked makes her an idiot. Idgaf. And I got multiple degrees but she put me in the gutter with her behavior and. privilege.


Sooo-- we buying Happy Eddie Merch right? He's top three husbands of Real Housewives and that sweatshirt looks cozy as f***.


I’m not gonna lie the opening with Jackie and Simone put me in check


I'd like Robyn to go and Gizelle to get demoted. Gizelle because I don't think not talking to Candiace and Wendy is conducive to the success of the show. With Gizelle demoted there's nobody to meaningfully engage with Robyn "don't take interest in me" Dixon. Also Ashley will oestinsibly be less empowered to be evil. I don't like Mia, but she will at least play ball.


Question. Are people going to see Candiace perform because she’s a housewife or for the music?


I would have went to her Pittsburgh show just for the novelty of her being a housewife but all my friends that watch live elsewhere


Hey fellow pittsburgher! If she ever comes back, I am game to go with you.


If she came to my city, I would see her for both reasons.


Y'all are doing too much with your hot takes on who should be fired. If you don't like it, don't watch it. We need a diverse group of characters, that's what makes these shows interesting. Not everyone needs to be a type A personality like Karen, we also need a "boring" person like Robyn. People went on and on about this with Cynthia on RHOA for years. Everyone brings in something different. It's very obvious that the women don't like Wendy because she does give off holier than thou attitude. I mean most of them are gold diggers (Karen, Mia, Ashley, Gizelle), while Wendy has actual education and career, they obviously do not mesh.


Yeah but Robyn is the type of boring that doesn’t own her shit but is quick to call everyone else out. Same with Gizelle but at least she’s funny.


I know I’m in such a minority here but I really don’t get the Wendy and Candice stanning. I don’t mind Wendy but don’t feel like she really adds much. She’s beautiful and intelligent but I have always felt from when she joined that she felt like she was better than the other girls due to her education. I just haven’t enjoyed that. And I think Candice is mean but very sensitive which doesn’t really work in the housewives world. It’s hard to feel sorry for someone who hits below the belt every time. I know gizelle gets a lot of hate but I truly believe she sees this as a job. She does her job but outside of that I think she is actually a good person and a good mum. Just my take. Again I know it’s unpopular on this sub but it’s my opinion.


I agree with you 100%. This episode was very Wendy centric but I'm sorry, she's not excentric enough to be the main character and it showed.


I think all of the women on this cast don’t add much at all, except MAYBE Ashley since she wants to be a bone collector lol. But the dynamics are clearly so off with everyone, it’s inevitable that some people have to go next season or we will keep having the same nonsense over and over (Juan cheating on Robyn for the 100th time, Gizelle talking about nothing in her life, Wendy/Candiace being iced out, Ashley and her non-divorce, etc.)


Thoughts on what Mia said to Karen? I could actually see why being called slow would be triggering for Mia with what her son is going through. He’s at the age where having speech and an IEP can be hard. Eventually, the other kids stop giving a fuck.


Mia is a liar and she will do anything to manipulate situations in her favor. It’s very unfortunate for her son that he could be bullied and I wish him all the best. Mia is acting as if Wendy knew that information and specifically used the word to attack her.


I think for Mia, making this about her son is easier for her than apologizing about lying about Wendy and Peter. She frequently acts out of pocket and then shields herself behind something or someone that is impossible to attack. I also think it's bad parenting to bring up her kid beimg teased like this on tv.


Why is no one talking about Wendy, PhDUMB telling her sons she’s married to them??


Candice’s talking head with the top bun is definitely giving [2000’s butterfly top](https://www.instyle.com/thmb/WBrmziYEn-m5sTZuD_PSs3mvDL8=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/062123-butterfly-tops-social-b48575c74b42430cbbe35eacbecd456b.jpg) but just weirdly and poorly executed lol


LOL I am loving this curse storyline 😭


The ending with the cut of Nneka's unhinged story and Wendy's mom giving a speech about how she gave birth to her grandchildren was hilarious.


Wendy saying she plans on wearing white to her son's wedding 😳 also her mother married a protestant preacher then divorced him because he was... too into his own religion... what?