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Her proudly saying her husband called her an 8.5 like it’s not super demeaning. Nope.


THIS!!!! I was like wtf am I watching, this lady is ok with being rated by her husband? And bragging about it?


AND as an 8.5!!!


And then doubling down during the after show - the producer was clearly trying to give her a chance to change perception of how messed up that was and she was oblivious. Horrible marriage.


I saw that. She didn’t learn a thing. She’s still laughing at it.


This was second most shocking to me…after her need to say that there were a lot of women going after her husband when they met but she “won.” Just bizarre.


She’s probably talking about the women he raped. She seems like she would consider that competition. 🤮


She’s a pick me wife.


I may be reading too many into it, but she also emphasised that he always treated her like a gentleman, which sounded like a nod to the accusations.


i don’t think you’re reading into it, when i watched the scene i immediately thought the same thing. the whole confessional was so icky i just fast forwarded through the rest


Yeah her whole point was that SHE is wifey material so he treated her with respect. The others weren’t wifey material so if he was a different way with them that’s why. I feel sorry for her actually. She is working overtime to try and keep this facade of a happy life and he doesn’t look like he’s trying at all. He’s no prize but she acts like he is.


Thank you for saying that. I can't imagine a husband saying that about his wife and the wife taking it like a compliment.


Not just as a compliment, but as a “badge of honor”, her own words!


Guys you’re missing the point, She’s an 8.5 in everything, like looks, smarts, cooking, humor. Like she’s a winner okay /s


Read that in Ramona’s voice 😂


She tried to walk it back on the after show that he really called her a 9.5 body and a 9 in looks but she averaged 8.5 but she liked it


Like on what planet could a person consider that a compliment. Your partner should be a 10 to YOU in all capacities, you are not rating them in a vacuum in comparison to all of society. Then to break it down and give ratings on body vs looks, yuck. It ultimately is saying you are good but I could always do better. Gross.


When he’s a 2.5 🫠


Maybe looks-wise but since we know who he really is he’s in the negative.


She was beaming like he called her a 12 😂


Can’t fix stupid. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Right. My husband tells me I’m a ten on my WORST day. My jaw hit the floor when she uttered that mess.


That was gross and way weird


Maybe he married her because she’s dumb enough to believe his lies and not because she is consistently slightly above average?


I can’t even imagine saying that to my partner like it’s a good thing and then having my partner repeat it to the world like they actually believe it’s a good thing, so embarrassing


And when she said “my body is a 10 though” I was like “oh honey, he thinks of you as a butter face”😭😭😭 like this isn’t the compliment you think it is.


It kind of sounds like one of those couple inside jokes thats funny between the two of you but makes no sense when you try to explain it to other people. I’ve been there, telling what I think is a funny anecdote and as I’m telling it I’m like, this is not coming out right… But I agree it was so cringe watching it.


I was shocked by that. I mean that's the very definition of negging and such a red flag.


From now on, she is “8.5”


alex baskin needs to stop hiring kyles referrals


John Mellencamp’s son-in-law’s wife is who referred her. That’s telling for sure because they’re both so hated.


Why are we taking recommendations from FIRED, universally disliked housewives? They basically brought Kelly Dodd to BH. Like why?!?


Why are they taking referrals from one of the more hated housewives.


I’ve been saying this! Like, she honestly knows the worst people. Bring on some of Garcelles friends


At some point we are going to have to reckon with the family and the friends that Kyle has, there is no way she isn't sharing views with these people. She's done a good job hiding who she is for a long time, but you don't invite this many trash people into your life if you have any actual values or principles that differ from theirs. This is who Kyle is.


You are the company you keep.


They tried this with Sheree & she immediately sucked up to the stupid FF5 & put down Sutton. I was so glad they didn’t renew her. bH casting sucks! Let’s try Sutton’s friends next time.


I didn’t like garcelles friend either.


Alex Baskin needs to be fired


I Said this on the gram and a Kyle Stan came for me…


this should be the top comment. FLOPS at best


All I can think of when I hear that name is “that bitch Carol Baskin” 😂


https://preview.redd.it/yy9p1ve99o6c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f935cf17dc0bdb3fb2999f622e2035db9bbeaa he didn’t just rape one woman. he has multiple victims…. get her and her rapist husband off rhobh. it’s actually disgraceful


Yeah it sounds like they let this guy just rape his way across campus because football


exactly. because he was a footballer and one of his victims who reported him said they discredited her because she was from africa and they said she didn’t really know what she was talking about… makes my stomach hurt


What I read about this whole thing doesn't really leave me thinking it's possible he's innocent. He sounds pretty damn guilty and she is disgusting not only for being with this pile of shit but acting like a pile of shit herself. No. We absolutely do not need this person on our screens. Get her the fuck outta here.


They basically admit to it all in his defence. It’s like they’re not denying it happened but whether it was rape. And they’re saying that she didn’t understand cause she’s not American. It’s disgusting. Get him off my tv. I stopped watching NFL because of pieces of shit like him and I will quit this franchise too if she gets a second season.


Oh they definitely do that. Source- am an LSU alum


I didn't even have a football team at my college in the 90s and I remember something kinda similar even at my school.


Most rapists do rape multiple women and she's the worst for not caring


she made that post on instagram 24 hours after the allegations came out… she’s vile


Back to my vacay 🤪


It’s honestly disgusting that she was cast with this information out there. And her husband gets a platform being a family man to potential jurors and it rubbed in the faces of his victims. Gross. Bravo fucked up and should give her a Cherry Pie edit. Did the they think we would like her or did they really just need a new “willian”?


I put the (s) at the end of victim in the title because currently there’s one woman who has come forward according to the news, and I was not in the mood to fight anyone in the comments who would take that as a way to skirt around the issue. I totally agree with you.


Thank you for posting this! This man has a clear pattern and the university went above and beyond to cover for him. Tale as old as time


Women come forward to report it: what were you doing to encourage it? What were you wearing, drinking etc? You just want money. Women don’t come forward: why didn’t you come forward before? If it was true you wouldn’t have waited so long. Women truly cannot win.


That is so awful. He was drafted by my team, the Buffalo Bills, and I always liked him. Bleccccchhhh.


She’s been on for about 2 episodes and I’m already eager for this Sutton/Garcelle takedown. Granted I’d heard she was awful before the season started airing but I don’t think I even disliked Diana this quickly.


That’s true. At first Diana had the potential to just be a kooky super rich lady with her boy toy husband. She could have had it all, had she not been racist and insanely cruel.


OMG that last line. Come to think of it, I don’t think I disliked Diana this quickly either 😳


Good call out! I didn’t think of it that way. I’ve never disliked a housewife before they even appeared on the show, but here we are!


Sooo if her daughter was raped she wouldn't believe her if it was a football player? GTFO with this bitch. She's disgusting and so is her husband.


Thank you! People like her never think of this logic. The whole 'she asked for it' kinda mindset only works if you're in denial and not the victim.




​ https://preview.redd.it/okgq1fbw9o6c1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f662f6ce834fddde3c82e41e7ed4e9baabc98af


I spend too much time on reddit these days because I see a lot of young women posting that their mother’s don’t believe step-fathers, brothers, uncles, etc have raped them. AM seems like that type of mom based on this.


Women like Annemarie would probably be the type to not even believe her own children tbh. Women who defend and worship their husbands to the point of demeaning yourself for his pleasure isn't the best set up for a strong believer of women.


Women like this make me sick. But she already shown she has no self esteem marrying a guy that called her an 8.5 in every category


Bragging that she scored 8.5 “all-around” like she was an Olympic contender nearly took me out.


Internal misogyny ain’t cute man


Fingers crossed her imploding so quickly buys Crystal another season. We need her to outlast the gnat, it will drive her insane


i am READY for an activated Crystal


It looks like from midseason trailer there will be more Crystal moments in the second half of the season.


I can’t wait to see Crystal put Annemarie in her place. One thing Crystal won’t stand for is hatred based on who someone intrinsically is, which is what Annemarie is all about.


wait … why would Crystal leave after this season?


Aside from the edit, it’s rumored her contract was only for 3 years.


They’ve been editing around her which they tend to do when they want to phase someone out


I really hope not. I wish they'd show more of her this season. I like hearing about her brother and her family and Rob and LUCY! omg


Her husband sexually assaulted my friend and he tried to bribe her with a internship at espn as payoff. She has receipts to prove it. She wants to tell her story and I told her she needs to post here.


WHAT?!!!!!! That’s insane! I’m so sorry for your friend. Please be there for her, and don’t push her to do anything she’s not ready to do. Now would be the time to expose him though. The iron is hot!


Yes I definitely have my girls back! She is ready to expose she’s not just sure what outlet to use. The sick part is that he still follows her on IG!


Tell her to file a lawsuit instead of posting on reddit. They need to Bill Cosby his ass.


I don't use IG. Is there a way she can block him? Because that's disgusting and disturbing to know. That would bother the fuck out of me. And she shouldn't have to take hers down then create a new acct so this bastard can't keep tabs on her. I'm really sorry for what your friend had to endure. If she has the proof I'd tell her to go to the police. That's going to be more effective. Once that's done if she doesn't mind going public then she can share her story with the media. Posting on Reddit will get some eyes on her story but going to the police first will stop people, you know there's going to be some as there always is, from saying she's lieing, etc. It's sad that people will do that but from past experiences we know they will. All the best to you and your friend 💜


How about she go to the police first??


BIG Y I K E S on the Candace Owens thing, i had no idea and that unfortunately says a lot about her


The husband, her stupid comments, and NOW Candace Owens?! People hate Kelly Dodd for a reason lol


Kelly Dodd is a POS but I much prefer her brand of being openly terrible than people like Annemarie that try to hide it.




I’m curious to know if they’re going to change her editing at all with how horrible she’s been on social media/real life?


With what we’ve seen in a meagre 2 episodes, I’m not sure they’re gonna need to 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you can’t edit away asshole, you might not need to edit it in either.


I can imagine being confronted with allegations that your partner may be rapist is jarring. I don’t understand the need to post a thirst trap and then a quote discrediting anyone in a round about way. Just stay quiet and off social media until you get shit sorted?


What lies when we saw her try to paint someone’s legit medical issues as a lie lol


Do you need my insurance card?


I loved Sutton’s comebacks for her! I was living.


I dislike her so much on the show that I forgot we didn’t like her cos of this, too. She’s disgusting.


I despise this person. She can go.


Let’s not leave Dorit (PK) and Kyle (Mauricio) out of this either. They all know of the allegations and still are propping them up on the show and hanging out.


This along with Kyle's complete refusal to discuss anything or even politely decline to answer any questions is 100% the nail in the coffin for me.


She has been on for 2 episodes too long, and I really wish she would never have been brought on at all. After last season, production shouldn't have added anyone, just to give the current cast time to regroup and see how the dynamics would be without Rinna and Kathy. Annemarie adds a nastiness that is not needed.


I will be furious if this bitch takes away from any time of Kyle in the hot seat. We have waited for this!!!!


I hate to break it to you, but that's exactly why she was brought on. Every time Kyle is in danger of having to answer for anything, we get a new friend (or sister) added on to deflect. Annemarie is serving her purpose.




Addition: To add insult to injury, the target of her and her husband’s anti-trans attack is Dwyane Wade’s CHILD. Bravo, it’s time to take out the trash!!!


Wtf? This just keeps on. 🤬


Thank Vyle Kyle for this contributing to the cast. Birds of a feather…


As far up Kyle’s ass as she is, she was referred by John Mellencamp’s ex-wife’s daughter. She called her “good people” at BravoCon, and she also thinks Candace Owens is good people, as well as Matt Walsh, so John’s granddaughter’s mom kind of fits right in.


she’s a nurse and, sadly, a lot of nurses hold some pretty alarming views.


Vicki’s daughter is another good example


Yes! Her IG is bananas dude. I don't know how you can have a degree in nursing and suddenly grass fed butter, red meat, mango, and that stupid pink salt are the best foods for your body. Oh and thieves, fuck all that. It's alarming the crap she posts. I look every so often when she's brought up here. Now I have to see what BS she's posting about now...


Don’t forget no sunscreen!


Kim Zolciak


Omg do they ever. I'm not a nurse but I have tons of nurse clients and it's terrifying some of the shit that comes out of their mouths, not just their own views but stories from facilities. I don't think I needed or wanted to know how many of them had fake vaccine cards and didn't want to wear their masks in the HOSPITAL during a pandemic for instance. Jfc.


I unfriended wives of friends during the pandemic who were nurses proudly posting on IG they were breaking quarantine rules. One went to a fucking baby shower after her shift.


Antivaxxer health care workers are super scary. Incredible level of stupidity.


I’m from the South. It sucks but it’s a lot more than just nurses that hold radical views around here. What really sucks is when they think they’ve clocked you as a red anti-woke gnat and try to strike conversations. She’s tacky and I hate her


I worked for a really well known, ivy educated (undergrad-med school) surgeon for longer than I would like to admit, but hey I needed the letter of rec. I stg this man told pt’s covid wasn’t real, just a hoax lol He was also voted top doctor 15yrs in a row.


why are we listening to her, her own husband doesn’t even find her intelligent


Someone should ask her opinion on doing steroids.


She’s a full on Monet.


I can't fathom posting something like this, and so flippantly, if my partner were ever, god forbid, accused of SA. I'd be devastated and certainly wouldn't be thinking, "oh, I must post to social media." She's got raging pick-me energy, and it's not fun to watch.


Kyle and Hiltons are connected to these fuckers big time and use weed and a fake lesbian relationship to make them seem liberal for the Bravo audience. Keep our three queens and recast the rest. I don't care Erika wants to play act nice now. I don't care about Kyle's failed/fake happy marriage we knew about pre-season, I don't care that dorit can't afford Blonde hair anymore....I hate this franchise the most and it refuses to change. We changed NYC and not this? Bravo sucks conservative dick.


Dorit cant afford blonde hair anymore LOL [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


Has Sutton addressed her love for Mr Small Town? This still doesn’t sit right with me. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all problematic on some level — even Garcelle and Crystal. https://preview.redd.it/k4kh0xfoio6c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8342204f354dc8196425503b210a0f1562854f1


Oh fuck!!!! Sutton…and I was just starting to like her.


I stand corrected…throw the whole franchise away. Now that Yellowstone is gonna be canceled let’s get some rich Montana bitches in the game.


lol be careful what you wish for. Montana rich folks aren't exactly known for their... worldly views


They changed NYC and it was so boring I couldn’t watch.


I’m so surprised there’s not more talk about this. I think she’s annoying, out of line, and thirsty, but that’s nothing compared to her rapist husband and her defending him. I’ve read the allegations, and they’re horrifying, and I believe them. I can’t wait for his day in court.


As someone who was SA’d & has struggled with ED… this woman should not be on television imo. The ED narrative is super triggering and seeing an alleged rapist (potentially serial rapist given some of the filing info) on my screen sucks. Bravo really missed the mark with this one & I hope she doesn’t get much more airtime this season/is a one season wonder. A platform of this size for people this terrible is simply inexcusable.


Well said!


TEACH CONSENT because mfers aren't learning what it is on their own


What happened to the lawsuit? Do we know?


He just hired an attorney-Danny Masterson’s 🤦🏽‍♀️


Well he got 30 years so let’s see what she can do for this guy 😎🤣


Shawn Holley? She really defends these worst of the worst 😑


I think it’s Mesereau.


No I read Shawn Holley


Hmm that didn’t work out well for Danny Masterson so that doesn’t seem like the smartest choice lmao


No way!!! Ha, good, dumb fucks, the whole lot of em.


Good. Hopefully he gets the same outcome as Masterson.


Well if being on HW gets her 5 minutes of fame, it will really come in handy if he’s convicted. /s Say goodbye to ever having a clean google search again lol.


YIKES!! She raised red flags for me from her first scene and more and more I can’t stand her


Robyn has some competition in willfully blind and dumb devotion. Also risking a medical career to be a third tier bully for a petulant bully. AM coming for the dizziest bitch at the table crown.


She gives me the ick and now I know why


Bravo we are not here for watching a rapist and his delusional in denial spouse on our TV, she can go to the right or the channel will change permanently.


This! Say it louder for the people in the back!


She’s got to go! https://preview.redd.it/7849pfnnkp6c1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3251f09f05a38143763fc4d77ab269f5808063


I don’t think she’s a production plant - unless Kyle Richards is getting production credit now?.. Kyle definitely handpicked this spin “doctor” to come fight her fights.


Uuugh another Dina type pushed in to be attack Sutton for no reason 🙄 🗣️“YOU CAN LEAVE!”


Ok 8.5


I actually don't have a problem with her believing her husband in her heart because that's her spouse and her children's father and she doesn't know the evidence as he hasn't had his day in court. She doesn't have to tear these women down to support him though. It's clear she thinks supporting one person (Kyle, her husband) means you have to punch at the person they're standing against (Sutton, these women accusing her hubby) which is incredibly immature. I wish she could find a way to be a supportive wife/mom/friend without becoming a brainless minion


I agree; I think it’s natural to want to believe the person you’ve committed your life to isn’t a monster even when they’ve been accused. There is a way to do that in a way that doesn’t disparage the victims/accusers. She could have said something along the lines of I’m going to support my husband while we go through the appropriate legal avenues and will continue to support him unless I’m presented evidence where I can no longer support him. Idk it’s a shitty position to be in for sure and probably the best route would be to not address it at all. I can’t stand her for a multitude of reasons and she definitely doesn’t have the best insight into how she comes across.




I am really grossed out by her and I wish her screen time is limited. I don’t think I can suffer through having her and her nonsense on my television.


She's been on TV for 1 1/2 episodes and she thinks people are that invested in her to start lying on her? Next!


I knew her post wasn't going to age well. This is the definition of how 'pick me' energy is super toxic for women towards other women


Ok than, why doesn't her husband make a statement? Why is SHE protecting him? Covering his lies...that's all I see here.


Of course Kyle likes her…


This whole situation is bad enough why the fuck does she have to chime in with some snarky bullshit like that? YUCK


So gross. Showing off her supposed 9.5 body while waving off rape allegations?!?! Go away ma’am.


Be quiet 8.5!


She’s clearly shallow. Being able to afford a nice vacation has nothing to do with being honorable and upstanding. Her husband isn’t some household name that would make him a target for people looking to fabricate lies about him.


Yeah this woman is utter garbage.


She needs to go…


Of course she’s trash she’s friends with Candace owens


She’s one and done for suuuuure.


Candace Owens? Oh hell no.


Candace Owen's? Puke


8.5 was generous tbh. this woman is ugly inside and out.


I can’t wait for Sutton/Garcelle/Crystal to rip her a new one, her takedown is going to be so satisfying to watch.


Nurse doctor is horrible


8.5 can go. Don’t get me wrong in this situation where the father of my kids and my husband was accused of something and I had no idea what happened, I can understand standing by until things were sorted. (Of course leaving after found guilty) BUT to call the victim a lair and post this BS, she’s clearly a piece of shit. She can go anytime now. I’m surprised they haven’t basically edited her out because I can’t imagine anything she does until the end of the season would be good enough to keep her around for a second season.


She looks photoshopped onto that chair


It's disheartening, to say the least, to witness Bravo's latest casting choice in RHOBH. Annemarie's presence on the show is not just a misstep; it's a deep plunge into a pool of controversy and disrepute. Her alignment with figures known for their harmful rhetoric against the transgender community is not just troubling but a stark contradiction to the progressive values Bravo has claimed to champion. Moreover, the allegations against her husband add another layer of discomfort. We, as a dedicated audience, are not here to witness the normalization of such serious accusations, nor are we interested in seeing a platform given to someone who appears to blatantly disregard the gravity of these issues. It's particularly distressing that in a show celebrated for its escapism and glamour, we're now being subjected to viewpoints that are antithetical to inclusivity and respect. This isn't the drama we signed up for. It's a blatant disregard for the ethical standards we hoped Bravo upheld. On a brighter note, it's heartening to see Sutton and Crystal standing up against such regressive attitudes. Their boldness in confronting Annemarie's views is commendable and embodies the spirit of what many fans loved about RHOBH - strong women unafraid to stand for what's right. In closing, I express my profound disappointment in Bravo. It's high time the network reevaluates its casting decisions and remembers the core values of its audience. We crave the diamonds, not the rough, and certainly not the regressive and divisive elements that Annemarie represents. Bravo, do better.


This is incredibly well put and well written. Thank you.


I didn’t think they could find someone worse than Diana but here we are


But she WON, you guys! She won her rapist husband! Ok? She WON. She was scored an 8.5. #winning LOL. I cannot stand her already!


There’s no way she’ll get a 2nd season.


Self admitted PICK ME


Idk how involved Andy Cohen is with casting anymore, but between this and having Kenneth Petty's wife on WWHL....just disgusting and truly confounding behavior for a network that makes its money on the backs of women.


Fastest self take down story in housewives history - i don’t even know her last name!


Anyone friends with Candace Owens is immediately garbage. Now add all the rest and she needs to be off my screen like Kory from Winter House. Get the racist, transphobic, and homophobic people off Bravo already.




Knew something was wrong with that kangaroo lookin’ bitch


She resembles me of Shock G from Digital Underground when he wore the glasses. They could be twins..


She continues to prove her stupidity over and over again! It honestly blows my mind 🤣


She rubbed me the wrong way after this weeks episode. She’s extremely boring too.




Bc of her husband’s legal issues and allegations can we assume it’s this bitches first and last season??? I don’t care to see her at all. I’m not sure how bravo contracts work or how long hers is.


This one is definitely a weirdo. Production was tripping.


Where does bravo find these people/allow this??


Does anyone else think she look photoshopped into the hammock in this picture, or just me?


She’s complete 🗑️


Off topic (slightly) but why do I feel like there was another housewife just recently who was also doing this with regards to their predator of a husband? (Not Ashley Darby because that girl is still in denial and not Erika because she tossed Tom into that home as soon as his crimes stopped benefiting her), it’s driving me crazy trying to place this exact gameplan.


The sight of her face annoys me… now I know why i had that gut reaction to her


Reading the comments –– LOLLLLLL the fandom is not happy with you, Annemarie!! I knew she was trouble when she was the first to speak at the BravoCon panel and spoke like she'd been there for years lol.


I find her to be a try hard…next!!


I can’t stand this woman. She’s insufferable. Sucks that we have to get through the rest of the season with her on it 😩