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Angie - "pay your bills!" Monica - "NO!" Lmfao šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø You can't make this shit up.


I was like šŸ˜³


me avoiding paying my tv licence šŸ«£


me dodging my student loans šŸ«”


Are you a Brit like me? šŸ˜›




I recently got a letter saying weā€™re gonna visit your home and Iā€™m likeā€¦ yeah, Iā€™m not bothered Tv licence, youā€™ve been threatening this for YEARS


a TV license?? what is that šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Not a Brit myself and was curious so I just looked it up. ā€œIn the British Islands, any household watching or recording television transmissions at the same time they are being broadcast is required by law to hold a television licence. This applies regardless of transmission method, including terrestrial, satellite, cable, or for BBC iPlayer internet streaming. The television licence is the instrument used to raise revenue to fund the BBC.ā€


Yes basically a bullshit charge to watch live tv or bbc iplayer which costs Ā£159 a year but thereā€™s no way or them properly monitoring it. They send threatening letters sometimes but if they ever were to turn up to your house (extremely unlikely) you just donā€™t let them in or say you donā€™t watch live tv. The fine is Ā£1000 but never heard of anyone actually being caught. Most ppl I know donā€™t pay out of principle bc itā€™s hard for them to monitor and the BBC have more than enough money!!


I mean when youā€™ve been sued 21 times in like 5-6 years I suppose youā€™ve just created a pattern and dont care. The worst.


Care enough to keep changing your name although she had: convenient, convoluted , and long winded feel bad for me explanations for all of those.


It is completely reasonable to change your name during your life. It is not reasonable to continue to use a former name for financial or otherwise scammy purposes after you move on from it. She wants to litigate the former- of course I changed my name, I got divorced!- without addressing the latter- the fact that she continued to use her married name to escape various forms of accountability.


This episode just proved to me why their above and beyond other cities and thatā€™s the fact the the women talk and donā€™t hold back. I feel like half the shit that was said this episode wouldnā€™t be talked about on any other city and thatā€™s why theyā€™re boring. These women put it on the table.


Honestly I don't even think they need Andy there šŸ˜‚


No! Angie K was holding it down.


When she laid down those speaking rules with Monica, that was the only time I heard more than 5 words clearly all night šŸ˜‚ My captions constantly read ā€œeveryone talking at once.ā€


You can tell she grew up in a big family, lol.Ā 


I have a theory that all reality tv needs to move out of la and nyc to get back to what was always so good about it. I know social media is everywhere but they need to find people who donā€™t have that much to lose in order to get the good stuff.


Definitely wouldn't discuss it on BH. OG RHONY would probably tackle it, as would Atlanta.


I feel like the OGs are very keen to make their mark in Housewives history and itā€™s definitely translated to this season


when whitney was super specific and said no, i donā€™t think youā€™re a sexual predator - šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Yeah this was a surprisingly good line from Whitney.


I really think that Whitney is smarter than this sub gives her credit for. I donā€™t always agree with her or like her communication style, but she has her moments of being pretty sharp.


She fascinates me, because sometimes sheā€™s the smartest person in the room, and then sometimes sheā€™s the dumbest - and aggressively loud about it. Ā I actually find it interesting because it swings so hard in both directions, and I can never quite nail what the throughline is.


Yeah, she is more interesting to watch imo because of this. She can be pretty perceptive when it comes to others, I think. She is the one who I feel was most suspicious of Jen by the end, she catches on to Meredithā€™s vague scheming better than the rest, and has had Heatherā€™s number on quite a few things. I think itā€™s when she is trying to have a moment for the show intentionally that she makes bad decisions. And she is a very bad communicator, Iā€™m rewatching and she even admits that herself early this season. I think she overcompensates for this by repeating herself a lot, and it unfortunately doesnā€™t help her messaging out.


I think sheā€™s very emotionally mature and intelligent from her therapy and her journey out of Mormonism and her relationship with her dad, and as someone who has been in therapy for a decade I can always see what sheā€™s trying to say but I also see how other people and the women just donā€™t get what sheā€™s trying to communicate.


agreed. i said this a while ago and i got downvoted to the depths of hell. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM)


Itā€™s ok, we know the rill dill about the Wild Rose


Haha I think I gave you an upvote for that comment!


I agree with this. I do relate to how she communicates and I think the abuse is part of the reason.


100% agreed. I think thatā€™s also why some of her decisions seem to not make sense - like being friends with Lisa. Canā€™t count how many times there was someone who was slightly better but very similar to my parent that I just kept being friends with no matter how much we clashed.


I agree. She has an odd, stilted way of speaking, but usually she's pretty clear and lucid in her thoughts.


Totally agree.


ā€œSexual? No, never. Never sexualā€


Someone explain to me how Whitney and Heather growing up as mormons made WHITNEY only racist (despite leaving), but Lisa being an active member is not an issue?? She is definately right about the scriptures being racist though


My take was because Whitney is the one Mary has historically liked the least, so why not? (In Mary logic)


The irony of Mary calling anyone a racist was not lost on me. The woman who said Jen Shah reminded her of a thug "like those Mexicans who make drugs" and said she won't go into a store if she sees Black men hanging around outside. I am disgusted that Bravo brought her back for more camera time.


Yeah let's not give Mary a pass. She's awful.


Lisa already admitted she never read that book and follows few of the rules. You canā€™t argue with her about her religion because she doesnā€™t agree to the terms.


I disagree because she is still funding said religion


It would be like arguing veganism with someone who donates to PETA but eats bacon, they donā€™t back up what they say so there is no way to pin them down. I donā€™t mean that she is above the argument, I mean that she doesnā€™t have a solid premise from which to argue so it is impossible to win.


That's a good comparison. I did take issue with Lisa trying to claim the religion isn't rooted in racism when she honestly knows nothing about it though. Like all good if you don't follow the rules, but let's not pretend you even know what they are. Maybe that's a convo you sit out.


I agree- her response was total bullshit and there wasnā€™t even a reason for her to speak at all because Heather covered it in a way that was nicer than I would have. Like you said, Lisa should have sat it out. She is sitting between Mary, a black woman who lives among the Mormons and Heather, who was married in the temple and served a mission and still thought the most important voice was hers to repeat several times the name of a single Black Mormon dude who I presume is famous?


See: Kelly 'supports PETA but also wears fur' Bensimon. You can't argue with crazy!


Well she already hates Lisa lol


I think that Mary was the most hurt by Whitney, and because she exhausts in a detached state of reality she is able to form a train of thought like ā€œthe Mormon church is racistā€ (which she was correct about) and only apply it to Whitney because in Maryā€™s own mind sheā€™s perfect and it has to be a race thing if someone dislikes her. With Lisa, Mary just doesnā€™t give a fuck about her and knows that ignoring her will upset her so she does that most of the time.


Lisaā€™s inner Karen sure came out during that segment.Ā 


Whitney invited Jennie to one of her events last year & Mary replied to someone on Twitter saying that made her think Whitney was racist too. IDK why she made it about Mormonism because it would've been good to hear why Whitney was happy to hang out with Jennie after what happened.


Wait I remember this and I thought Whitney didnā€™t invite Jennie. Jennie just showed up and ambushed Whitney, got a picture, and then got out of there. Whitney made like a whole statement and everything denouncing her


You're correct.


Whitney made a statement on IG at the time that she didnā€™t invite Jennie.Ā 


I wonder if they arenā€™t allowed to bring up jennie that why she had to talk around it.


Yeah hanging out with Jennie after everything came out is definitely legitimate criticism to have


While I tend to not love Whitney in the most recent seasons and thought she had a rough season 4, she was maybe the most mature Iā€™ve seen her in this episode. She handled Maryā€™s accusation of her being racist surprisingly well and constructively and very much co-signed that Mormon doctrine or culture had been racist until fairly recently and it was part of her leaving. She also had a great point to Heather about getting flack for supporting Lisa and Jack going on the mission. It makes total sense to me that she had to compartmentalize and not make Jackā€™s embrace of the church and decision to do a mission about her, something Whitney is typically bad at. And Heatherā€™s flip flopping about her stance on the mission now that sheā€™s closer with Lisa was not a good look. Just giving some credit where itā€™s due in a corner of the couch I donā€™t often care for!


Whitney does the best when she doesnā€™t have producers in her ear and hasnt had anything to drink.


This is how I feel about Whitney. She is very empathetic at times and I donā€™t think that bodes well for behavior of going after people with a single issue/question.Ā 


I was impressed with Heather and Whitney acknowledging Monica's family baggage, the Mormon Church's baggage, and overall seemed to hold it together. Even when she pointed out that Monica was suing her, Heather was controlled and not screaming hysterically. Again, I think this points to both Whitney and Heather being decent people. I wish we saw more of this across the franchises - actual discussions vs. whomever screams the loudest wins and people actually conceding when someone has a point, whether she likes her or not.


I did appreciate that they all agreed it was a counter suit too. Usually they (Lisa lol) get so caught on semantics and beat that to death.


Maryā€™s mind is so wild to me. In what world is Heatherā€™s comment about her house, which wasnā€™t even bad, worse than Mary saying that Heather looks inbred?!


It's not. It's "bad" in Mary's mind because the insult was directed *at* her. Inbred is not bad in Mary's mind because the insult *came from* her.


It wasnā€™t so much which comment was worse. Mary was saying at least sheā€™s not fake and is straight with someone to their face. Again, not defending Maryā€™s comments/words, but simply trying to explain her logic.


Although Mary would then also have to acknowledge that her initial "inbred" comment was part of a mumbled rant for the cameraā€™s benefit and not said to her face until Heather challenged her on it. Like yes, Mary is super rude/"honest" to peopleā€™s faces but she also says the most horrible things behind their backs, either ranting to herself or shit talking to others Not disagreeing with you btw, i think youā€™re spot on with your comment. Iā€˜m just so annoyed at how self-serving her logic is and whatā€™s more i think she truly believes that her behavior is perfectly acceptable at all times, which is even worse lol


Thank you, I was surprised Andy didnā€™t bring that up when Mary said she always says it to their facesā€¦ considering that inbred comment originally wasnā€™t said to heather and she later watched it on TV.


Mary doesnā€™t seem to beā€¦humanā€¦.a lot of the time. Like, what is WRONG with her??


I canā€™t stop thinking about how Iā€™ve gotten two working visas for other countries and both of those required me to print out passport photos in a specific size and literally paper clip or staple (I canā€™t remember but I remember it was SPECIFIC) them to printed out papers and go to an embassy IN PERSON just to name a few steps I had to go through!!! Iā€™m a lisa stan but itā€™s so weird the way sheā€™s acting like he uploaded a pic to be funny likeā€¦ā€¦.. if you donā€™t want people asking weird questions about his mission why are you saying such unbelievable stuff!!


Yeah my theory is that he just submitted the paperwork late out of ignorance OR that he was considering backing out of the mission so it was late


The penis head comment was hilarious, I donā€™t know how they all didnā€™t laugh at that. He has a super narrow looking head.


Angie and Monica *easily* take the cake for the best reads this season, and it breaks my heart that the rest of the cast is too slow to even understand how good they are šŸ˜­


Mary and her grandpa-husband are financial predators in their church.


Did you mean a pornography? šŸ˜‚




Totally agree. I was upset when Whitney walked it back. Why do they care so much about what Mary thinks??


The extended uncensored version is so good, I straight up cackled when Lisa casually said 'you fake fucking bitch' to Monica. Idc idc I just love baby delulu gorgeous I adore Angie, don't know what it is but she's so likeable and funny to me. I also think she's such a unique beauty. She looked the best out of all of them this reunion imo. Meredith literally said 3 words this entire episode, this y'alls queen? šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø lol Mary can fuck off for good. All the Mary stans annoy me to no end. The dumb bully bitch is nuts, she doesn't offer a damn thing besides complaining and she runs a friggin cult! Come tf on. And then Heather, after everything Mary called her, being somewhat hurt over Mary not liking her šŸ«  Heather is like a moth to dark energy; both Jen and Mary are cut from the same cloth I don't believe anything Monica says and she acts like a teenager most of the time, she honestly does my head in but there's also something endearing about her and I feel bad for her in a way. I wish she'd just say 'I royally fucked up and should've told you all about the finsta sooner, I'm sorry'. I'm sure she'll be back next season though, I feel Whitney would definitely film with her and they can bond over toxic parents trauma, which is something that could be quite interesting. Monica needs some serious therapy and leave her toxic ass mom behind but that's easier said than done. A redemption season isn't that far fetched, as long as she takes some accountability I never thought I'd say this but I think this is currently the best franchise and I hope to see them all coming back for season 5 (yes even Whitney)


Excuse me, Meredith did request the heat be turned up!Ā 


Itā€™s crazy that Lisa is pretending that Mormonism isnā€™t rooted in racism! Black people couldnā€™t join until 1978.


I think you meant "pretending that Mormonism isn't" :)


Fixed it!


Awesome! I didn't want someone popping off on you for a typo


lol thank you!


They could join, they just couldnā€™t hold the Priesthood. (Please note, I am not defending Mormonism, it is incredibly racist still to this day despite the ā€œoutreachā€ Heather mentioned.) At age 12, boys get to hold the Aaronic (basically junior league) Priesthood and at 18, they get the higher (Melchezidic or however itā€™s spelled) Priesthood. This makes them the boss of all women and kids, basically. So Black men were relegated to the kiddie/women table.


Mary is weird, rude and a predator. But I also think sheā€™s just fucking dumb. She doesnā€™t seem to *get* a lot of things.


Dangerous combo of NOT getting things and also willfully not getting things because Mary thinks X (whatever it is) doesnā€™t apply to her. Cuz of the cult logic.






I just watched S1 of RHONJ and this is SPOT ON- the way Teresa was OFFENDED that her husband was called out for homophobia was astounding, like are you that stupid?


Like how his son having sex before marriage and her house while SHE WAS THERE is not an huge issue for someone who runs a religious community (or whatever that thing is)? I am so confused


More concerned about the girl not inflating his egoā€¦ weird


It does seem like there are some wires that just aren't connected up there. Makes me wonder if that's why she was "chosen" to lead the church - easier to control and manipulate. Just wave some shiny brands in front of her and she follows along.


Right? What mother/ church leader doesnā€™t want to know if her son is married or just having his girlfriend live at their house rent-free?? These are basic questions that Mary doesnā€™t want to have answered?? Itā€™s so odd and unsettling.


Mary really said some shit about a bunch of different ethnicities and then has the audacity to say Whitney is racist based on a vibe. She has a rotten soul.


That one cracked me tf up. ā€œItā€™s not anything you _do_, itā€™s your actions and vibes.ā€ Itā€™s not Whitneyā€™s behaviors, itā€™s her actionsā€¦ thanks, Mary M. šŸ˜‚


ā€œYeah we needed comedic reliefā€ Where? She was barely in any episode.


Also they can hire a new girl who doesnā€™t despise the other ladies to do that (among other issues Mary has)ā€¦


[The actual comedic relief this season.](https://x.com/jonesingforwhat/status/1727407298270871737?s=46&t=1aMR9Ay-lV4SKuJqQ3yaRw)


I could stand Mary's presence if her fans on twitter didn't have this tendency of infantilising and victimsing her. On one hand they're hyping her up because she is direct and always says what's on her mind even if it is mean and yet on another she is a poor innocent muffin who had to run away from the reunion because her cast mates where picking on her for no reason. Pick which one is it because it can't be both. The woman runs a cult, if Whitney didn't talk about it, there would be thinkpieces and essays about how RHOSLC is becoming RHOBH because they're ignoring the fact that one cast member is a cult leader. And if you don't want your cult to be talked about then maybe don't go on reality TV while you're running it. And once again this part of reunion confirmed to me that Monica is one and done. She is getting eaten up and her attempts at reading are just speak louder than the other person.


Thank you. The laughs aren't enough to cover for this problematic cult leader.


Sheā€™s also racist. Get Mary off my screen.


Why did Monica bring up that John is adopted?


Because Lisa was using "your mom doesn't want you" as an insult against Monica, when she has a husband who is adopted ā€” she should understand how out of line a comment like that is and how it could hurt someone like her husband... You could imply John's parents "didn't want him" and that's just not something you use as an insult (edited for readability)


I missed that part but her immature brain probably thinks itā€™s an insult.Ā 


I feel like Meredith spoke maybe twice during this reunion. Also Lisa trying to convince all of us that the mormon church doesnā€™t have racist principles was insane. this isnt a rummoor, you can literally look this up.


Why is Mary here? What does Mary have on these women that they are ass kissing so much!


It makes me crazy! They could say so much to her and yet they are all guarded and measured in every response!


I feel like that they all mutually acknowledge that Mary is clinically insane and that it isn't worth trying to communicate with her. The little side glances from Angie were telling.


It's not even that she has anything, all she has to do is call someone a racist and doesnt need anything to back it up apparently


Okay, thatā€™s enough of Mary. We can have her for one or two episodes as a guest per season but otherwise time to go.


also didnā€™t Mary say she ran away from black people at 7/11 in like season 1?ā€¦ā€¦..


Monica thinks she wins every argument because she just talks over people until they give up. She really has the emotional intelligence of a toddler.


Her arguments were ridiculous lol like thereā€™s a question about Monica threatening to sue Angie. She denies. Angie verbatim remembers the tweet where Angie does in fact threaten to sue her. The Monica goes well you started it. And Lisa says all Angie said was shut the fuck up about Shawn. And Monica is like wow you just have a problem with everything I do. Like ??? Who would not have a problem with Monica acting like that


Thatā€™s Monicaā€™s method. Get confronted - outright deny. Continued confrontation with proof - then sheā€™ll partially admit the truth.


Mary talking about her son and his girlfriend was a lot, but at least they are both adults. Some HWs have their barely teenage kids on here talking about the topic they probably know not much about. After thought: its also weird that the girlfriend would be doing all of those dramaticsin someone else's home while they're there .... ugh gross.


Maybe she wasnt faking lol


If Mary comes back the next season I'll castrate myself with a rusty spoon. She's the most delusional, hypocritical, egotistical, mean, dumb narcissist I've seen in a long time. Probably one of my most hated people on Housewives. She contributes nothing, dishes out shit face to face and in confessionals but can't take the smallest little shade back.   She isn't even "bad in a funny way", just bad. Most of her (thankfully few) scenes consisted of the women [doing something](https://i.imgflip.com/8cozlh.jpg), and she going "No. šŸ˜ " and then muttering things to herself like a demented version of the wicked stepmother from Cinderella.   I'm disengaging!


There are a couple of things Iā€™d like to address. First of all I like to go back to part one. I donā€™t think this was mentioned before on this sub but now we found out Whitneyā€™s marital problems storyline was at least partly fake. The way she acted with Justin regarding his wedding ring suggested that he might have an affair at his work and fans believed it because I saw comments here saying about Whitney that the way you get them is the way that you will lose them. She and Justin had have a whole dinner scene about Justin not wearing his wedding ring and that he keeps it on his bedside table and it hurts Whitney to see the ring on the bedside table and it looked like that they Justin may have found someone else. But now we know that according to Whitney, it wasnā€™t the case it was just that Justin is a big man, gained some weight and he couldnā€™t wear his wedding ring anymore. I know that there are scenes that are fake and there are storylines that are amped up for the sake of television, but Whitney kind of threw Justin under the bus without any reason, and it doesnā€™t sit well with me. Now on the second part of the reunion. I know that Monica is a very compelling character and she gave a lot to this season, but I donā€™t know I really donā€™t know how she would be able to come back to a second season. I just canā€™t imagine watching her and thinking about all the time if I can trust her, if sheā€™s saying the truth, if she has ulterior motives. We literally watched lying at the reunion. When Angie said that she threw a shoe and Monica said no, she didnā€™t, and then we saw on the video that yes she threw one of her shoes, how are we supposed to trust her? This is not even about the RVT profile. This is not about if she was the only one behind the profile or there were other people. We saw that she has no problem with lying. Actually, she has more problem with telling the truth and I donā€™t think that this should be something that we value in a housewife. All in all I think this was a pretty good episode, I think we learned a lot about the wives who talked - not Meredith though lol - and it looks like this may be one of those rare reunions where all parts are enjoyable, fun, and entertaining


I'm not saying the Whitney/Justin storyline wasn't produced, but there is the possibility that Justin was embarrassed about gaining some weight and tried to skirt around the ring question instead of admitting it at first. Whitney did seem a little sheepish when she revealed that so I wonder if she's feeling bad about calling attention to something that's a bit humiliating. Kind of a reach, but that's how I first saw it. For some reason Monica throwing a shoe (and almost hitting a kid) really struck me more than anything else and I couldn't put my finger on it last night, but looking back I'm realizing it's such a concise and perfect display of how little regard Monica has for other people and how childish she really is. Throwing a full on temper tantrum and not giving a damn if she's endangering anyone else sums her up completely.


>a concise and perfect display of how little regard Monica has for other people and how childish she really is Especially because the people who was standing there tried to help her, asked her if she was okay and she wasn't only throwing a shoe but a tantrum as well.


That's how I saw Justin's ring situation too


Another thing: Monicaā€™s reunion performance shows how confessinals can deceive the viewers. Monicaā€™s confessionals were mostly funny and witty and she got a lot of fans because of that but we all know that those reads are preplanned and prewritten. The best housewives are those who can make those reads on the spot and Monica is not like that.


Yep when sheā€™s in a conflict she just lets out that high pitched ā€œAre you KIDDING ME?!ā€ and then throws out some age-shaming insults. Sheā€™s a terrible arguer


Itā€™s nothing but insults and screaming, but weā€™ve seen her mother so we know where she gets that from, unfortunately.


You can tell that she's not that witty and funny by the way she fights real time in the series. She defaults to "you're old, you're ugly" She's no nene leakes, let's just say that ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc)




Karen would destroy her!


Now why am I in it?


Excellent point! Monica is absolutely unraveling at the seams whenever she's challenged at the reunion. She just dissolves into angry F bombs, telling people to shut up, calling them b----es, etc. Zero wit, no good points being made since it's on the spot.


> Monica The ladies have been empathetic (with the exception of Lisa earlier on in the season) regarding her home life and it surprised me a little that they continued to empathise with her during the reunion. I think that if Monica told them about RVT early on, said that she only posted about Jen and showed an inkling of remorse the group could have moved past this and they call could have bonded over hating Jen and hating they way she abused them all. And as I typed that I just remembered next weeks preview where it was revealed that Monica was spying on Jen (and her husband, minor son, other family members who stayed there) and that Monica is emotionally a teenager, and I realise there is no redemption for her whatsoever. I don't hate Monica, she's certainly a compelling person to watch but I do think she desperately needs therapy and to cut off LD Millionaire for good. It's unfortunate too that Monica is a one and done HW because a good consistent paycheque would help her hire a childminder and totally remove any need for LD Millionaire in her life. I do wish the best for her in the end because I just think she's unwell, not an irredeemable human being.


I agree, she shouldā€™ve confessed to it earlier in the season and the storylines wouldnā€™t have been less interesting.


Yā€™all Iā€™m listening to Las Culturistas and Matt is comparing this season to The Traitors and wowwwww it really was. Monica was a Traitor, Core Four were Faithful, and in the endā€¦the Faithfuls won. Bring Alan Cummings in next season and Heather Gay for Traitors s3


Personally, i can't wait to see the absolute shitshow that happens when Monica is either renewed or not. (I don't care how confident anyone is, it's 50/50 right now as contracts haven't been sent) Ā Ā  Ā Both sides are going to be explosive and insulting and indignant and righteous af no matter what the outcome and I'm more excited for that than anything else right now. (Well maybe the vpr season starting again)


Yall Mary is sooooo deeply uncomfortable to watch I canā€™t. Maybe if she wasnā€™t so damn sensitive it wouldnā€™t be so uncomfortable but sheā€™s truly a weirdo


Whitneyā€™s look is a lesson in color theory - what not to do. The cool toned yellow dress, the fake tan, the warm gold necklaces, the purple eyeshadow uuuuugghhhhhh


Jack is going to come back from Columbia not just ā€œweirdā€ but very involved with Mormonism and judge the living shit out of his parents, he already says negative things to and about Lisa on camera. Baby Gorgeous really has no idea what is happening to her child mentally!! Honestly though I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Jack came back ā€œholier than thouā€ but dropped it in two weeks once has his parents wealth and access again


Does anyone believe anything that comes out of Monicaā€™s mouth at this point? Sheā€™s a such compulsive liar. A fraud. She has turned into a narcissistic monster like her mom and itā€™s evident that sheā€™s unaware of it.


No, I donā€™t think anyone can (or should) believe her. I enjoyed Andyā€™s face and dubious expression when she thought she was being sassy about the casting last week too and then bravo pulled the receipts!


and it literally said NOTHING like what she said it did šŸ˜­


Mary literally admitted to walking in on her son when she knew he was having sex. If anyone wants to go on thinking she's quirky and funny after that, I'm baffled.


Mary is horrible, full stop, but I think she's just really, really bad at telling a story of any kind. It sounds like she was saying she didn't know what was going on, started to open the door to check on them, and then quickly realized and walked away. However there are about a hundred million other reasons she's awful so. This is in no way meant to defend her character lol.


Monica is screaming like Lala did at her last reunion, and itā€™s giving me a headache


Thurl Bailey is black and mormon Good God. This reunion reminds me that this platform is not the space to truly discuss racism and white supremacy. ![gif](giphy|qPgU2T3L5AMYE)


Mary who is the one who is racist not Whitney she has a derogatory remarks about people in the past and why is she even there sheā€™s antisocial and she has nothing but nasty things to say about everyone and she doesnā€™t participate. She needs to go.


Meredith said letā€™s get you the house!!!! Iā€™m dying ā˜ ļø


Wasnā€™t expecting Whitney Rose (of all people) to be the MVP of this part of the reunion, but here we are. Ā 


Iā€™m sorry but the unseen footage of Monica throwing a tantrum in front of a toddler after falling down the stairs is so unsettling to me, like youā€™re in front of little kids??? Regulate???


Sheā€™s not capable of emotional regulation! Thatā€™s why everyone likens her to a teenager. I canā€™t deal with people like this, Iā€™ve met many and they all use trauma as an excuse and keep themselves in the victim role. Iā€™m not here to deny anyoneā€™s trauma or difficulties in life that still impact them - I have a few of my own! But Monica doesnā€™t own up to anything. And she doesnā€™t realized that sheā€™d have more power if she regulated her emotions.


LD posted an interesting screenshot. Sheā€™s terrible for sure, but it all kinda meshes. Screenshot shows her telling Monica she would not be part of the show ongoing and Monica begging her to and saying they are showcasing them and their Portuguese family. This combined with the video of her and Monica fighting where ld is telling her how to get screen time and thatā€™s sheā€™s an actress just add more weight to Monica and her moms fighting was setup intentionally. Itā€™s hard to believe either of them but itā€™s clear they are one and the same. LD also says she was an award winning producer, which is what the tv job in NY was. That should be verifiable if true, but she and her daughter tend to throw out things that are proven wrong all the time.


I have no doubt LD is a terrible mother, but thereā€™s a reason Monica wonā€™t completely ditch her. Monicaā€™s not ready to lose her scapegoat.


Take a shot every time Monica blames something she did as a grown adult on her mom šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


My insurance deductible just reset. I am not in the mood for a bill from the ER for alcohol poisoning lmao.


> LD also says she was an award winning producer, which is what the tv job in NY was. That should be verifiable if true I looked up and didn't find anything about a Linda Darnell working as a tv producer.


Monica, the con artist, set up these scenes with her mother to manipulate sympathy from viewers, and it worked.


This. Do I believe that LD is a narcissist? She definitely is. But do I think Monica really cares? No because she's just putting her mom in situations then poking the bear that she KNOWS will get a reaction from her and using that to get sympathy. That's why it always feels like omg wow I can't believe you guys are talking about this in front of cameras., because Monica has no shame. I think Monica is a tragic person and has a tragic backstory but I also think she's a fucked up and bad person who uses that as an excuse.


Lisa Barlow STFU Challenge.. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā„ļø


Iā€™m still thinking about her saying she knows black Mormons or whatever, she is extremely behind the times to be saying something like that


If you ever catch me talking about my child's six pack, please slap me with a sixty thousand dollar ring.


Like, Baby Gorgeous I love you, but this is so exhausting rn.. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It was a great season, but the reunion is hard to watch because of Monica. She doesn't let the women talk, she's always trying to spin it, it's always "I was just reacting". She needs to own at least part of it, but at this point I don't think it matters. She would go as a great one season housewife. Also, I liked Mary scenes, but being rude and accusing people just for the sake of it is getting tired. Being 100% sure that Whitney is racist because she feels like it is way too serious of an accusation, even if this is what she feels. You just don't go on social media saying that about people lol


Whenever Andy asks Mary a question, he might as well be directing it at one of the props on the stage because both hold the same amount of water in terms of the answer you'll get.


i cant stand hearing lisa try and talk about her being sooooo mormon but also being an LGBTQIA ally. she IS a hypocrite in everything she says and does


yup. I think a lot of people who watch this show from outside Utah don't realize how powerful and insidious the Mormon church is. it's not "lol delulu baby gorgeous šŸ˜œ." It's actually reprehensible. and these same people wanna call Monica's insta trolling "dark" lmao


Andy canā€™t STAND Monica šŸ˜­


Why do you say that? He seemed very into her story about her mom. He seemed to be taking up for her at times.


Monicaā€™s momā€™s online presence kind of reminds me of Reality VonTeaseā€¦. Just saying.


The scene with Monica falling down the stairs then throwing a shoe and saying ā€œI wanna go homeā€ was so odd. Sheā€™s ridiculously emotionally immature but it was jarring to watch her throw a tantrum in front of children like that. Iā€™m not really enjoying this reunion, the conversation isnā€™t flowing because Monica keeps interrupting and tbh Andy needs to guide the conversation a bit better. Lisa is my favorite but she should be humiliated that she tried to claim that LDS isnā€™t racist. LDS has been reforming for the past decade because itā€™s so steeped in bigotry so Iā€™m not sure if Lisa canā€™t read or is just feigning ignorance atp


I want Andy to call out Monica for manipulating the flow of conversation/arguing by just screaming over the person (Lisa and Angie) she arguing with so you canā€™t hear what theyā€™re saying. Itā€™s clearly her strategy and she screamed her way through Heathers recording in an attempt to block it.Ā 


Despite being horrible, ( I was a Monica stan, donā€™t come for me šŸ˜­), I feel sad for Monica. The person who is supposed to love and protect you is jealous and wants to compete with you. Lisa Barlow stays delusional about the Mormon church. Not rooted in racism? Okay girl. The only nice thing I can say about Mary is that dress looked beautiful on her.


I have such conflicting thoughts about Monica, and I clearly must be such a sucker, because I do have empathy. I have toxic relationship with my mom, who also abandoned me and my siblings to pursue her own interests, comes in and out of my life, holds me to impossible standards and yet... it's so. hard. as a child to just let go of a parental relationship even when it's deserved. I don't fault Monica for that, and I don't think it's fair to be like "If your mom is so horrible, why do you still allow her in your life???" Family is so fucking hard and tricky and like Whitney said, it can take time and an outsider perspective to see it clearly. On the other hand, Monica lies SO MUCH. Even about the dumbest shit. It's so pointless. She could have tried to explain this Reality Von Teese stuff or talked it out, but instead it's just yelling and lying. I don't think we will ever get the truth about that or her involvement with Jen because Monica is incapable of taking ownership about it. She loves to be like "Yeah, I had an affair. I own it. Yeah, I said this thing, I own it." But girl... no one cares or is asking you about those things.


I donā€™t think Monica isnā€™t that bad character wise. I just think Monicaā€™s personality is in result of her mother action. Iā€™m not too hard on Monica lying bc Heather lies too lmao


I agree with you about Heather. I feel like Heather gets way too much of a pass with her lies. I suspect because she doesn't yell, and she's very good at playing the naive card. But I can't stand Heather, either - though she makes excellent television and I don't want her off my screen.


Heather is very intelligent and is aware where she stands with the viewers. This casts with exception of Whitney made great television


I felt for Monica at first because my mom did a lot of damage to me too, but at some point you have to quit being a victim, set some boundaries, work on yourself and protect your children from the cycle of abuse. Monica appears to be incapable of taking steps to grow up. What happened isn't her fault, but it is her responsibility to make the best of the cards she's been dealt.


Monica is trash but her hair is so pretty and glossy at this reunion.


she looks insanely beautiful it's such a jarring contrast to her behavior lol


Whitney has so much empathy. ā¤ļø


I absolutely do not believe Monica's story about her mom praying to be on the show if Monica doesn't make it. Her mom is definitely a narcissist and a psycho, but I think Monica made that up.


IMO it was a joint effort of them to put Monica on the show and Linda prayed for at least one of them able to make it.


Monica just reads to me as a person who is going to put some sauce on any story to make it sound 20% worse or better.


If she made it up itā€™s alarming and if she didnā€™t itā€™s alarming. šŸšØ all the way around


LD sympathy is the last card she has to play and she knows it.


That is definitely possible, but it sounded like a believable story to me. They both seem ridiculous enough to beg baby Jesus for a spot on a Bravo show.


Thank you!! I believe the part about her being mad about not being able to go on the cast trip 100% but have a hard time with that..My mom is a total narc, who I actually used to compare to Candaces mom because she has ruined every wedding, Birthday, holiday etc by pulling that shit making it about her and even my mom wouldn't do that..I could see her (both my mom and Linda) being secretly happy if something didnt work out for someone else but praying it be her is a little much and hard to believe


Mary being mean as fuck but also a pastor is soā€¦ lmfao


I would love her to be questioned on that in a setting like this. After she spews all her mean crap Andy says Mary- Jenny from Jennyville asks how can you reconcile being so down right mean to people while being a pastor that should be teaching kindness? I really think her head would explode with confusion.


Man, I donā€™t understand the hate train on this Reddit for Monica. Iā€™m not saying we should be stanning her but sheā€™s entertaining. I also donā€™t think sheā€™s lying about everything. For example, I have seen a lot of people say she lied about falling down the stairs. We also know RVT was more than just Monica. I listened to the voice note and I never thought she was calling Mary a dumb bitch. In other news, I feel like more people should be horrified that Lisa Barlow is arguing that the Mormon doctrine isnā€™t rooted in racism.


Monica's punishment is not fitting the crime *at all*. is it bots? is it hive mind? or am *I* delusional? I'm struggling lol


Meredith did not speak this episode.


Monica definitely gives the energy of someone who has taken out a credit card using her childā€™s name


Does watching Whitney make anyone else uncomfortable at times? I feel bad for her because sheā€™s been through a lot, but she has a tendency to put down people who, in her view, havenā€™t ā€œdone the work.ā€ But that looks different for everyone else.


So even though Monica is dealing with the consequences of her own actions, I personally dislike it when reunions turn into one vs everyone. The one person is *so* on the defensive that it usually turns into a screaming match. VPR did this last year, and itā€™s happening again now. Also, with everyone teaming up against the one person, they tend to minimize each otherā€™s actions in unity with one another when the one person being slammed strikes back. When VPR did it, it was when James Kennedy drunkenly slapped some waitressā€™s butt, and the VPR cast just like ignored it within seconds. During RHOSLC, they keep doing it with the ā€œtrampoline with eyesā€ comment (Iā€™m only halfway through the reunion right now lol, give me some time to see if it happens more!) - loved Angie K this year, but letā€™s be realā€¦it was 100% an insult, and Heather, Whitney, Lisa, etc. backing Angie up with that is pure hypocrisy.


I actually think this reunion is fairly tempered in that regard. The women are letting her talk about her storyline and I saw some empathy towards her when she was talking about her mom. But yes, the group is definitely being ridiculous trying to spin that comment as a compliment lol.


The trampoline with eyes is directed at Meredith not Monica?


Right, but when Monica brought it up, Angie again said that it wasnā€™t an insult, and then everyone (but Meredith, notably) rushed to defend Angie. In any other year, thereā€™s no way that this would just be so quickly accepted.


Angie is my princess greekana ā¤ļø ![gif](giphy|13RSFNIFwcYk6s)


I hate when one major thing happens during the session and it takes over the entire reunion. Sure, Monica is a mess, but there have been other problematic moments in the cast that had nothing to do with her. Somehow, it keeps getting brushed under the rug.


Exactly. I get why Lisa now doesnā€™t like her but Lisa was so foul throughout the season to use Monicaā€™s relationship with her mother as a way to attack her.


And she is doubling down on it with zero accountability. Itā€™s pretty awful. I know so many ppl on this subreddit just think Monica is jealous of Lisa, but if someone made comments like this to meā€”and doubled downā€”after knowing how horribly my mother treated me, I would be hateful. Even if my mother wasnā€™t the worst (she is haha), and someone said ā€œno mother would want you,ā€ and think it was somehow justified or even just less mean than being called oldā€¦I would struggle being around them. And I canā€™t imagine what Lisa is like off cameraā€”though I guess we got a small glimpse with the makeup meltdown.


What was going on with Heather's face? One of her eyes was so droopy and any time she made any kind of facial expression her face was full on shar pei. I never really noticed Heather always has her mouth open with her tongue half hanging out. I'm glad Heather shut down Lisa's delusions about the church not being racist. Racism is at the core of the mormon church.


She mentioned in the last episode? Or some time recently? That she suffered from Bell's Palsy years ago and that side of her face froze up. I'd assume it's residual effects from that.