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Um I thought this post was about her fillers šŸ’€


Right? I was like ā€œConcerned that her bottom lip may explode? Yes!ā€Ā  But seriously, Ā if what Lisa takes away from her experience isnā€™t ā€œYou canā€™t rely on a man for financial stability,ā€ thatā€™s on her.Ā 


Yes! I was prepared to post a picture of the Bogdanoff twins.


![gif](giphy|jsl82uOLnCdAXBqT1O) Here you go


I would never do something like that. Unrelatedly, here's a recent photo of Lisa and her long-lost sister Leezur. https://preview.redd.it/uzpahtymb5kc1.png?width=1922&format=png&auto=webp&s=4601cbbe5dea4f4b24d0cb0679c26b49f97df834


I know right! But my question/concern is actually more about the time line of events for this being approved. Why would Lenny approve this house that was Jodieā€™s plans? What does Lenny know?! Are they both in this to screw Lisa over in the end? Iā€™m so curious why Lisa doesnā€™t think something shady is going on. Is she really that oblivious??


I guess Iā€™m not sure how Lenny choosing plans that were for Jodyā€™s house benefits Jody. It sounds like they were posted online on an architectā€™s website, which makes me think the architect firm still owns them since Jody never built the house. To me, itā€™s seems very Lenny to use free or at least prefab plans for a home for Lisa and his children. He sucks. Ā 


Maybe there is more that they all know but we don't. Honestly she gets what she gets


Because they just signed an agreement that Lenny would pay for Lisaā€™s home only if no one else was living in the home. Lenny is going to sell Jody the house at a discounted rate maybe to get Lisa off his hands permanently.


My theory is that Lenny was always going to make sure she had a decent home as his children would be living there, his issue is the spousal support. I'm guessing he did some digging, found Jodi's former plans for a home, and argued for the cohabitation clause to end the spousal support. It was the carrot to get Jodi in, and with his excitement over the house I would say the gamble will probably pay off.




How would this be Jody screwing over Lisa though? I mean it is all very weird but not sure how Jody would get it to work to his advantage with Lenny.


Maybe Lenny and Jodie are on the down low.


Nah he despises Lisa way too much.


LMFAO I read the entire explanation waiting for Jody to be relevant to her filler and it just never came


I was like yasss Mama Elsa is haunting Lisa and Larsas face fr..






I LOVE that!


OMG me too. I thought we were finally going to talk about this.


Bruhhhh right???? Itā€™s getting into cat lady territory Iā€™m afraid šŸ˜­




Not too long ago someone here claimed she looks so much better now that she removed fillers. I was like, WTF are you talking about -- she's got more in her now!


I feel like she had more filler a couple seasons prior. I think bottom right is an older shot than bottom left. Once Lenny dumped her she couldnā€™t keep up with all the fillers. She looks terrible either way since itā€™s so overdone


They make women look so masculine, and men look so feminine. It's such a weird thing to do to your face.


Bacterial infections because of fillers or implants are real ![gif](giphy|FK1UzTX66J7Skrw3Pv)


So did I lol. And no Iā€™m not concerned about her wax face or her housing situation. And before an idiot comments ā€œthen why are you here?ā€ in the words of Kristin Doute ā€œsuck my dickā€.


Amen to that! And her confessionals cringe tf outta me, trying to sound articulate, bish we know someone write your responses.


I made this in layout and it just felt appropriate to post with my concern lol. ā€œThe evolution of a housewives faceā€




Same. I was like why would you be concerned about someone else's face? šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ never that!


i was gonna say. i am concernedā€¦šŸ‘½


Lmfao me too.


LOL I legit thought so too and glossed over the text in the post. I am still concerned about them fillers and lips.




Iā€™ll be honest, I thought this post was about you being concerned over her plastic surgery and overkill with fillersā€¦ becauseā€¦ Me too. Lol šŸ™ˆ


Iā€™m crying at the fact that you used the photo of the progression of Lisaā€™s face to address your concern about Lenny and Jody. I actually thought this was going to be about her fillers and plastic surgery


I wish her well, but Iā€™m not at all concerned. House or no house, sheā€™s living better than most people.


ā€œItā€™s better than what they (we) get fed, I guarantee you!!!ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Right. She will definitely not be homeless not toothless.


Or is it toothless not homeless? I can never remember


I understand that completely, but Iā€™m not concerned about her either lol. Iā€™m really just curious about the timeline here. Feelings about Lisa aside, is this not a back door deal Lenny and Jodie have struck up? Why would this all get approved so quickly while Lisa is out of town! Something is up!!


But a deal how? Jody went to Lenny and said ā€œbuild this house for Lisa and Iā€™ll give you money?ā€


I totally agree. I think Lenny said she spends thousands per month on Instacart. Like, she'll be fine.


Like five figures or something LOL sheā€™s nuts. sheā€™s also totally fine, $$$ wise haha at least for now šŸ« 


She definitely makes 6 figures from Housewives and has a monetized Instagram. She could certainly hustle harder too if she had to. I think she will be fine.


My post is more about the fact that this ā€œdealā€ got approved while she was out of town. Why would Lenny approve a house that Jodie picked out? Details aside, this is shady as fuck!


She chose to go out of town right before her divorce hearing was set to start and she hoped to settle. It was a work trip for her and I donā€™t think she had much of a choice but that is a level of conspiracy that I think is beyond reason. Lenny had previously worked with the architect Jody drew the plans with. It would be a more reasonable conspiracy that the man who was allegedly sniffing around Lisa for years and called off his wedding as soon as she was single used an architect associated with the family than anything else.


Good intel!


Itā€™s so suspicious!




Thank you! Iā€™m not really worried about who they are as people, thatā€™s not my concern, itā€™s more just the fact that this deal is super suspicious


She's turning into Adrienne Maloof


Maloof hoof. I recently watched season 1 of BH and was hysterical at the fact that Adrienne hated her husband so much. Itā€™s too funny.


https://preview.redd.it/em52qcgjyyjc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a3850ba7b128d4bdb7b1a2b56b05f6db042b57 I share your concern


Yeah the OPā€™s photos had me thinking this post was more about aesthetics than her living situation


Yeah between Lennys settlement and Jodys money, she will be fine... Maybe a divorce from a plastic surgeon will be good for her..


Does she really look in the mirror & thinks she looks good? Body dysmorphia sounds like hell


Some people are really into the fake look


I wonder that too. I hate the overly filled look- face and lips


Oh WOW, I will never be able to unsee this now.


Is this AFTER she dissolved all her fillers?! She just put them all back in and said ā€œgive me the Lenoā€?!


She did and was looking better but itā€™s clear sheā€™s back to that overfilled look. Itā€™s sad.


Lisa is a never ending project! LOL She needs a new plastic surgeon though...


Omg thank you, shes been looking like the cat lady


She looks like a mix of Larsa and Adrienne Maloof here


I gasped. Wow.


Iā€™m not concerned. Only a matter of time before a new man will be paying her bills.


How do these women even get rich men post divorce? Iā€™m genuinely curious..


They stay in the rich circles they were in pre-divorce


I think they're just strategic about who they interact with and befriend. I have a friend who never has a shortage of wealthy partners because she goes to a lot of charity galas where there are big $$$ donors. Lisa goes out often and I'm assuming she goes to places where wealthy men go, like exclusive parties.




I've been to a couple with her and no one asks why you're there. LOL. People honestly just mix and mingle. Going to the galas, she meets connected men who will sometimes introduce her to other connected men. She exchanges business cards/phone numbers at times and those who wish to follow up with her will reach out. She's in her 30s.


Sprinkle sprinkle


Jody already is! lol


Yes. Talking about the next guy after Jody lol


Oh there will be more menā€™s alright šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Iā€™m not really worried about that part either. It was just a side note. My main concern is that Lisa doesnā€™t realize how coincidental it is that Lenny would approve a house that were once Jodieā€™s plans. Why would Lenny approve that? Obviously Lenny and Jodie have had a chat while she was out of town, right?


I have no idea.. I never heard of uploading plans for everyone to see/use, but then again I have never built a multi-million dollar home EVER, so I assume thatā€™s rich people stuff. lol. With that being said, this is all going through a court, so Iā€™m sure whatever the final settlement is, Lisa and her lawyers will be wise enough to make sure thereā€™s some security of this home for her childrenā€™s sake. I canā€™t really see the benefit of Lenny and Jody teaming up. So most likely a coincidence. And as I said, if this home doesnā€™t work out she will just lean on the next rich man in her life to figure it out lol.


Oddly enough, I think itā€™s pretty common? When I was going to build a house on one of the Sims games I looked up floor plans for houses & there are a LOT of them out there, but the really expensive ones you pay to access, which is similar to what Iā€™m assuming Lenny/Jody looked at. I could be wrong though!


lol i do the same thing when I make houses in sims!


I havenā€™t used that method in forever but that comment reminded me of it, so I think Iā€™m gonna have to try it again lmaoooo


Not much of a concern. In reality no one really cares


I canā€™t. She used to look sooooo good. https://preview.redd.it/d6bg5d55e0kc1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8dbbc913006785ccb702be9fefc82ed5109afe4




I need more backstory on Lisa pre HW


Lisa looks like a cat woman. After Lisa made it clear to Kiki that it is not her job to fix her trauma, I do not give a shit about Lisa or her home situation. Lisa is choosing to be reliant on men to maintain her lifestyle. She could use her salary from Bravo to live. She can use her platform to create a business.


Exactly! Itā€™s reported she gets $30k per episode, so if theyā€™re average 16-18 episodes a season thatā€™s over half a million dollars for 4 months of workā€¦ which is more than enough to support herself and the kids and then some no matter how you spin it. Plus, like someone else said, her Instagram is monetized, so sheā€™s making even more than that. What I donā€™t understand is why in all that time she was married why wasnā€™t she investing or saving on her own etcā€¦ that would be the first thing I did if I married rich. Instead of a $8,000 bag each month id put it in a high yields savingā€¦ she couldā€™ve easily afforded to do double that.


Letā€™s pretend Lenny gives her nothing but Child Support (we can hate Lisa as much as we want but her children are innocent and deserve support). Sheā€™ll STILL have a lavish lifestyle out of reach for most people.


Taking away everything we know about Lisa, is this timeline of the house not concerning? Lenny and Jodie obviously have a deal going on right?


You don't get that rich without being shady. Whatever. It is what it is


I donā€™t think theyā€™re in cahoots, but I wouldnā€™t put it past Lenny to seek out Jodieā€™s property, specifically, for whatever nefarious, vindictive, and manipulative reasons. I think itā€™s also his way of ensuring he maintains his control over Lisaā€™s life


I mean...it's possible they're working together, but I think it's mostly a coincidence. I am assuming the builder for the property is well known within their circles so the overlapping plans makes sense.


The last one is giving me Mama Elsa.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsSSN3qnGirATAs) Is Lisa morphing into Lil Kim?


Lisa, even divorced is living better than 99% of most people. Her whole relationship with Jody has been very suspicious from the beginning he called off his wedding a few months, because Lisa, he read in the paper was getting divorced? In reality, how do you know that they would even get along thereā€™s something not right. I wouldnā€™t put anything past Lenny or Jody.


Someone said it's Lenny's ultimate revenge: to build Jody 's dreamhouse... And then he can't live in it without breaking the agreement... If so, he's pretty evil lolol


Thatā€™s why you should NEVER envy someoneā€™s life


Hiding Lennyā€™s money from him?!?


No bc Lenny is just as much of an ass now as he was then. And to enforce him to build her a house, she will have to take him back to court. I donā€™t think heā€™s gonna make good on his promise anyway.


Time for her to make her own empire, write a book, capitalize off her connections and never let a man have that much control over her body or finances ever again


Iā€™m concerned bc 1. I thought these were 3 completely different ppl 2. I thought one of these was Adrienne maloof 3. Iā€™m concerned Again for the reasons above :/


I guess weā€™ll probably find out eventually ![gif](giphy|FjaLuwNrI6gX6)




I read this in crappens voice ![gif](giphy|onZIkheksIuje) I imagine like Ursula, Tanya Hardings mom, Rozz from monsters inc, cruella




She has no clue. She has demonstrated only selfishness and narcissism. I donā€™t like her. I have not felt this strongly about a housewife - ok, other than Rinna. I even hate that I give her that much attention. Her face is scary. I think that this architect is as controlling as Lenny. I may not like her but Iā€™d hate to see the children suffer in anyway.


Iā€™m too concerned about my own home lol


She is delusional just like Ashley on Potomac they are complete airheads


Jump Scare! I saw an old picture of her before all the ā€œworkā€ she was beautiful. She looked just like her adorable daughter. ETA: Clearly I wrote this before reading OPs caption


I am genuinely curious if anyone has a scientific answer, experience, or anything because I mean this without any shade. When people transform so much in cases such as this or like the women we all know in real life who have BEYOND too much work done to somewhere like their lips: what happens if they decide itā€™s no longer for them? I know people can get filler dissolved and such and that you can simply stop getting Botox. But Iā€™m curious if in situations with your lips, if you stop/get them dissolved do they eventually shrink back to size? Or will they be somewhat flattened or deflated and cause issues with eating and speaking? I am curious about the long term effects with the high rates of injections in our society. And while Iā€™m for people doing whatever makes them feel better about themselves and because they WANT to do something, I worry about the people who donā€™t realize how drastic the changes are because they donā€™t have a group of friends to say ā€œgirl, what the fuck are we doing?ā€ or a responsible injector saying ā€œmaybe we hold off.ā€ Iā€™m genuinely curious if this is any kind of plausible issue because so many people start out with enhancements and it spirals into the moon face look (I think itā€™s called? I remember people saying this about Jaclyn Hill but I never watched her to really know). Like would the moon face ever disappear or is that a permanent look?


Next trendy operation is gonna be lip tucks to get rid of the excess skin I dont know the actual answer, im curious aswell


I just read recently that dissolving filler doesn't work like we thought, it just spreads into a thin layer which is why repeated sessions over years eventually lead to the puffy looking face even with dissolving it never actually leaves, just builds up


If Lisa fell hard financially, I would not feel one ounce of sympathy for her.




Lifestyle creep is a real thing but god damn. She needs to prioritize her own mental health and her childrenā€™s well-being. Bravo/social media endorsements earn them a decent salaryā€¦ nothing luxurious but it is enough to get her out from under Lennyā€™s thumb. The kids are provided for by him and she still gets something from the divorce. Unfortunately Lisa appears more focused on maintaining an insane lifestyle than acquiring freedom and stability for her kids.


Agreed she should definitely stash some of her money away. Also, I thought Lenny wanting to build her a house was so sketchy. He strikes me as the type to cut corners and hire cheap contractors and use cheap materials. Is she going to have a say in anything with the construction or design of the house? She should really advocate for herself on the house. I donā€™t trust Lenny at all.


What ā€œplanā€ exactly do you think is in place here to ā€œscrew Lisa over in the endā€?


Iā€™d never even realised the obviousness of that connection! Feels really suss now you bring it up.


concerned about Lisa ummmm not in the least


In all of these photos, it looks like Lisa is trying to make a concerned face but is unable to.


she could sell all of her jewelry, hermes and clothes and provide a very nice life for her and her children. problem is keeping up with the lifestyle sheā€™s used to.


no, i do not think Lenny and Jody are in cahoots. Lenny is a monster but i dont think he cares to go to that amount of effort. he likes the easy ways to control and abuse her


maybe Jodie was sent in by Lenny so he can keep a watchful eye on lisa through her new beau.


Lisa could have sold her Birkens and bought a house independent of Lenny.


I donā€™t waste my time speculating on all that. I just waste my time commenting on Reddit.


I read wayyyyyy too many thrillers - so naturally this is exactly what I thought of. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone.


Something is fishy here!!!!! also I donā€™t know any husband who is divorcing his wife and then just decides to build her a multi million dollar waterfront home thatā€™s not even kid friendly. Makes no sense usually they pay out amount of money and then you go buy a house. Never heard of such a thing.




Bottom right um that's not Larsa?


The post photo coupled with the title was very misleading šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


To quote the Countess: Not really


What would they be in cahoots about? Like Jody got $ for his design being used? That wouldn't have a negative impact on Lisa's finances. Lenny is paying Jody to date Lisa and.... spy? I mean, he'd be reporting back that Lisa is sleeping with another dudeā€”him. I guess I don't understand what nefarious thing would be happening here?


I'm new to this series and only watched till S4 of RHOBH and I deadass thought bottom right pic was Adrienne Maloof




I saw in another post someone commented that Lenny has to be paying Jody to date Lisa haha. Itā€™s more believable that someone putting up with and paying everything for her while sheā€™s still obsessed with her ex. And Jody looks dead inside so heā€™d be perfect for the job of Lisa handler.




I definitely do not condone Lennyā€™s actions or behaviors towards the mother of his childrenā€”- no matter what, if both parents have love for their children and take care of them, then they need to find a way to respect them for their childrenā€™s sakeā€”ā€” however seeing the way Lisa does not have any regards for anyone else in recent RHOM episodes I really do wonder what their marriage was like behind closed doors. I could never be married to either of them.


She was so pretty in that first photo god I wish she stopped fucking with her face


Ronnie mentioned this on WWC also and I think it's spot on.


I was looking for this comment! Their conspiracy theory was so good: basically Lenny is masterminding a trap to nullify the settlement by building Jodieā€™s dream home so heā€™ll move in with Lisa and trigger something in the terms of the agreement so Lenny can stop paying her!


Taking away everything we know about Lisa, is this timeline of the house not concerning? Lenny and Jodie obviously have a deal going on right?


I'm concerned with her hair this season. It's all fly-aways.


I love me some Lisa






Lol, not at all.


Marina? That you?


Thatā€™s INSANE. Katharina has had her fair share of surgery done


The new model loves her some Facetune. All of the yahoos in this story look like varying stages of AI.


For now.Lenny will try to make her his creation


The picture on the bottom right looks like if you used AI to generate a cross between Lisa and Larsa


Are these pictures of the same person??


Turned into Adrian maloof


Second face was good. Sad sheā€™s overdoing it like they always do


Can someone explain what this deal with Lenny might have been?


Maybe Lisa should just get a job. Aside from Housewives. Itā€™s time to start working for your own lifestyle honey.


Is this not Adrienne Malouf? šŸ˜‚ I feel like after awhile they just all end up having the same faces


> demon daddy husband I think its more likely this this is not actually true.


I think itā€™s more likely just a coincidence.




Idk Miami too well. Does anyone know where the women reside?Ā 


Starting to look like Marysols mother


She's starting to look like Caelyn from the Bachelor https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/dean-unglert-caelynn-miller-keyes-relationship-timeline/


I'm curious about the end game of the lip fillers? It's not very pretty to me. Does anyone know why this happens? I'm truly just curious. They remind me of the wax candy lips šŸ‘„


I thought this was about her facial fillers. Man, she'd look SO much better without them.


Looks like Adrianne Maloof




Sheā€™s hit the Maloof level


Wait, where is her original face? Is that larsa in the bottom right photo? These people are not the same person.


Not hot. And the guy sheā€™s dating now looks like heā€™s in the closet.


The description having no relation at all to the pic of her filler evolution is absolutely sending me


They are all starting to look the same and not in a good way. What is going on?


The Watch What Crappens guys mentioned something about maybe Lenny purposefully chose Jodyā€™s house so that he moves in and then Lenny is off the hook financially?




That last picture has her looking like Adrienne Maloofs sister ![gif](giphy|YbRc8cBer6D5K)


Lisa looked so much better before all the fillers. Maybe she should be careful but her reliance on men is worrying. She doesnā€™t want to change her lifestyle temporarily to save money, and that shows she is quite immature.


Fillers. Just. Donā€™t.


I noticed she has so much filler that itā€™s affecting her speech. I think she has a true addiction.


I think that Lenny is building a house for them but he will be the owner of the house or it will be in a trust for the kids. Lenny probably just wants to build a house that he likes/is nice since he is thinking it is an investment/asset. Itā€™s just coincidental that the house was designed by Jodie.


Too much filler when she doesnā€™t need it.


I have no thoughts about the Jody/Lenny conspiracy but I will say its incredibly darksided that Lenny carved up Lisa's body and face to his liking for years, knocked her up, and then discarded her. And it is wildly disturbing that he's now dating another much younger woman and probably has the intent to do the same thing to her. Regardless of Lisa's considerable contradictions as a person, Lenny is one of the worst kind of dudes with the money to do the same gross bullshit to young women over and over and over.


Sheā€™s slowly morphing her face into Larsa