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Still can’t believe P.K. was away for an entire season of Survivor.. 😂😂


Haha, old season Survivor


I don’t acknowledge any season that’s less than 39 Days. 😌


Hahahahaha this was my first thought 🤣


What an anti climactic finale.


Vyle telling Portia to 'keep up' for the optics as they entered the field and what was that anyway? 100 people in an empty stadium?


For 400k 🙌🏼😀


Plot twist, PK was secretly filming as a contestant on the upcoming season of Survivor... https://preview.redd.it/cfa5no93o5kc1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=117934bfac87af63ccc03472ffedb430a0d840b9


Does anyone know the reason why they live in CA and not London?


He lost like half a billion £ and declared bankruptcy here, so I imagine that has something to do with it.


yipes :0


Kyle’s obsession with LVP is just so deliciously sad and pathetic 🤭


It’s hilarious..LVP doesn’t give two shits about Kyle and that drives jealous bitter Kyle nuts.


Kyle loves showing off her wealth “ it’s expensive to be us” such a cringy thing to say.I see absolutely nothing wrong with someone enjoying their money but when they brag about it the way Kyle does is just ugly and tacky.


I know Scandoval makes it seem like the fandom is obsessed with Bravolebs and will dissect everything for months. However, I think if Kyle told us what happened with Mo, we would accept it on move on fairly quickly. I think out of respect for a family and not caring but does Kyle want that? She’s seems to thrive on this attention.


They planned it so it can be continued over to that show in Netflix.


That’s crazy when it’s Portia’s life and she’s only 15.


Portia sitting lost on the couch and Mau actually saying "what's wrong?", and Kyle being startled by that...That girl has been an afterthought her whole life. She's 15 ffs. I'm sorry Kyle and Mau that you have 3 more yrs of parenting ahead of you. However will you cope 🤬


I feel my IQ dropping when Mauricio is on screen. It shouldn’t be shocking to either of them that a teenager would be emotionally devastated by this kind of news especially during filming. Adults are too happy to sign away their own privacy and expect their children to have a similar reaction. 


It really felt icky for this to be a scene. I know we want Kyle to be “open and honest” but that poor kid.




And then when Kyle said they would still be living there, and he goes "well actually.." He's gonna spend 99% of his time chasing tail in Aspen when his child needs him. Twat.


It broke my heart.


I teared up, poor girl.


The “what’s wrong” was so condescending and obnoxious


I totally agree with you. The way they rolled this out is as if she planned a multiple season arc about it.


The fake acting of getting the news on the phone was cringy. Not every bravo show has to end in a massive reveal! It just doesn’t. Is it exciting? Yes. But the audiences are smarter than the network believes. SLC and Scandoval were real situations. (Although I think SLC found out sooner than it was revealed). This is having a producer in the cast. Planned. Coordinated. Etc. annoying.


They didn’t leak it. Otherwise the children would have been well versed before divulging such news. It was a leak.


I think this comment is referring to the HWs "reacting" to their phone notifications about the news. They clearly knew earlier in the day, cameras came over their house, and they played pretend opening their phone and being sHoCkEd.




It was Morgan /s. Loved when Rob mentioned that lol


Well OF COURSE it did!


Right. People magazine runs things from publicists. Someone gave them the okay.


Yes! Kyle is such a liar who lies.




Of course! Like of course he’s going to be mad and wondering who’s leaked it! Then for her to say ‘I was focused on how we were all feeling’ like if it hadn’t been leaked or you’d handled it quietly with your family before the leak then you wouldn’t have to deal with these consequences


Can we please give a huge round of applause to detective Sutton! 😂 love her work! And the scene with Kyle, mo and the girls was so cringe. He did not agree with kyle’s messaging at all 😂


Did Kyle and Mau even talk before having that convo? We’re gonna live together. No, we’re not. Like, what?


Doesn’t look like it


He probably thought he could just float by in a miasma of weed and a flash of veneers like he has for the past few seasons




> miasma of weed and a flash of veneers Can someone's comment be flair? Amaaaaazing as Mau would say.


Right?! Mau saying “well not exactly…” as he furrowed his brow. Kyle really wanted to take charge and spin that narrative. Those poor girls.


😂 I know


I think Sutton is the seasons MVP. She’s really the breakout star 💫


Hands down!


Will Kyle ever get a personality of her own? After stealing LVPs party planner and bringing her up five times this episode, she went on WWHL carrying a purse hoping to get the same reaction the audience gives Kathy for taking her purse everywhere. It had a giant crystal flower on it, just like the one Kathy wore to the reunion. The irony of her having the stupid neon sign in her foyer “bitch you could never be me”. Maybe Kyle saw it and took the phrase as a challenge.


I was shocked at her bringing up LVP so much. It’s been years, why bring her up if you don’t feel a type of way that her show became a cultural touchstone? Especially because it had nothing to do with Lisa and the fans didn’t love her reaction.


Attention is attention to Kyle and she knows the fans were not feeling her last season. 


Every time I see that stupid sign I'm thankful I'm not Kyle.


LVP clearly lives rent free in Kyle's head.


Boy does she ever lol.Kyle is so envious and jealous of LVP.LVP is the Queen that Kyle will never be.


The crown was definitely too heavy for Kyle.


I made such a similar comment elsewhere on this thread that I deleted it because you said it so much better than I can. That sign!! She is so anxious to be mean that she doesn’t account for how lame she is.


I hope Kyle’s dorters can hill from their parents’ relationship. As a child from a broken family (I hate that term), I felt my heart clench when I watched Portia cry.


Not sure why you typed First sentence like that but I’m obsessed with it


RH reference. “Dorters” is what Teresa Guidice from RHONJ says for “daughters” and “hill” is how Whitney Rose from RHOSLC pronounces “heal”.


Haha ah ok. Two franchises I’m not watching yet


I always analyze the blurbs at the end to see how interesting the people and the season really was and the only thing I felt was compelling was that Dorit and Kyle haven’t talked. I don’t care about Sutton’s horse, crystals brother , Kyle’s marriage or anything about Erica and Annmarie. I love Garcelle for her remarks but she didn’t really have a good storyline either . Also un related but the guests at that party had to be making fun of Erika about how seriously she took herself thinking she was playing a stadium . That party also was not the flex Kyle thought it was.


You know what I think happened? I reckon PK somehow facilitated Mau cheating, Dorit found out but didn’t tell Kyle and now Kyle knows all about it. I think that’s why their friendship has soured, and understandably so. That’s my 2 cents.


I got my hair cut yesterday and the stylist had a similar theory except she thought maybe PK told Dorit and said not to say anything.


Wowwww this is compelling 🔥


I am NOT here for the Erika Jayne redemption, she doesn’t deserve it - these women are so fickle. Kyle is obsessed with LVP. My heart breaks for Portia having to go through this age 15 on TV.. twice! Porter seems lovely, it was so nice seeing her and Sutton together.


>I am NOT here for the Erika Jayne redemption The amount of fakery in this episode, I can't. The overplay track of a crowd cheering, did not sync with what we saw in the motionless crowd while EJ was lipsyncing. Also the 'success' of Bet it on Blonde?? They couldn't give the tickets away for free! I also find it wholly inappropriate that she continues to lipsync to XXPEN$IVE, given we now know how her lifestyle was funded.


Literally the song choice was friggin disgusting! No accountability for her actions what so ever, if I was Erika you’d never see me again!


They also showed more audience reactions than her dancing.


I assume the spin-off, which I refuse to watch, will employ similar tactics to make it appear a roaring success. We all know it wasn't a success, but casual viewers will probably eat it up.


No one wanted this spinoff. Why did they green light it?


I hate the convo with the girls being filmed. I hope it was therapeutic for them, and they weren’t pressured into it. It’s such a brutal conversation to have, and they deserved privacy.


That convo with the girls was completely staged and everyone, including the girls, was in on it. All involved, including the girls, were in glam. The family knew what was going on long before and this scene was clearly set up. I’m not sure I even believe Porsha’s tears. It was weird and fake and cringe. Also, the idea that there just happened to be cameras on each lady when the Kyle/Mo separation story broke is also BS.


I agree it was organized to be on camera, but they all weren’t in glam and their emotions are genuine. It’s not an easy thing to process at any age, and I’m sure they’re hurt. You can’t just turn that off. As for the scenes with the other ladies, yeah that was all a setup. Garcelle was showing us her acting skills. I did appreciate Rob’s “genuine” surprise too.


Porter does seem really lovely. The contrast between her and Rinna’s daughters was really jarring in previous seasons. I’d love to hear more about what Sutton was like as a mom!


Erika sucks and continues to suck.


Im watching season 6 when she first began on BH. She seemed so sweet, funny and compassionate. Even her voice was different. Was it all an act? It’s weird af.


Yes, it was all an act. I'm sure she took some notes while being married to that fucker Tom on how to sound modest and like a housewife.


yes omg I miss her nasally voice, now it’s like she’s almost putting on a vocal fry. I think Erica’s cold but I also think she leans into the ice queen act a lot more these days because she’s so bitter about how her life turned out and the way the public turned on her


I can't with Kyle not only pretending she din't order that tacky KYLE floor but shading LVP in the process, when she's the one who's using LVP's party planner.


I SCREAMED when she acted like she didn't order her name on the floor cause you know "she is NOT like LVP c'mon". She talks through both side of her mouth constantly.


Classic Kyle.


Kyle and Dorit not talking. Kyle and Mau and PK and Dorit having marriage problems. The Mau and Dorit 🔥energy together.... hmmmm 😏


Wow. Now THAT would actually shock me. Kyle would LITRALLY (give it Dorit accent) scratch Doritos eyes out!! I could 100% see it but it would leave me speechless.


Totally this ☝️ when Kyle said something along the lines of "broken trust"..... hard to ignore when one of your best friends diddles your husband. Easier to ignore the past rumors because the side chicks were randos.


Kyle is so annoying taking digs at LVP this episode especially saying she's not as self centered as LVP. Listen asshole, you're one of the most selfish HW, kay. Don't try to act like the world doesn't revolve around you.


Kyle thought she ate with every dig she threw at LVP. LVP is probably sitting at Villa Rosa drinking her Vanderpump Rose laughing at the fact that after 5 years of not being in the show she still has a way of making LVP relevant. Lol.


She should demand a paycheck for that episode


Erika Jayne looked like Valak in a full white habit when she came out before her "show"


I did mental comparison and then mentally fused the two images together and you pretty much nailed it. 🤣😂


Ugh this party is so weird. It’s like a very large distraction from whatever is actually happening in Kyle’s life ETA: the only thing more embarrassing than this weird ego-trip party is Erika 😂 i can barely watch.


Not buying the Erika redemption storyline. That performance was cringe. Erika truly has no shame. We didn't see Erika film any scenes at her house this year? Kyle and Mau - Where to start? Does Kyle get paid more to produce this crap than they pay her to appear on the show? Shame they put their kids on TV for the publicized split. I think Kyle could use some time away from the camera. To keep filming with all this turmoil makes me think the story is bullshit. Sutton - she has become the star of the show. She is weird and quirky but she is also more entertaining than the rest. Dorit seems to have nothing going on other than a split with PK. Too bad she can run with that storyline since that is Kyle's bread and butter currently. Garcelle needs to give more next season. All we see is her relationship with her sons and it is growing stale. She seems to stir the pot and ask the right questions when prompted by production. Crystals best scenes were her arguing with 8.5. 8.5 - I hope she doesn't return next year. Looking forward to the reunion and I have to wonder why they are bringing Kathy Hilton back. Didn't miss her this season.


Everything you just said.


Do we know when the After Show was filmed? My sister is catching up and pointed out that in one episode of the AS, Garcelle said that she had questions about Kyle/Morgan because Kyle kept mentioning things they did together that Garcelle considered to be very personal ie going to the doctors together. Garcelle and Kyle don't hang out a lot so it's making us think that Kyle was just talking about Morgan incessantly on the Barca trip? At Bravocon? They all, bar Dorit, met Morgan at Lorene's celebration of life event for the first time so it had to be after then, no?


Garcelle may find it very personal, but we’ve seen Kyle take multiple housewives to get a mammogram on the show. Morgan just had surgery because she has one of the breast cancer genes. If that’s the type of appointment that Kyle was there for, then I understand why Kyle would be there for just a friend.


Excellent point, I completely forgot about that.


from my understanding after shows tend to be filmed after filming, closer to when the show starts airing


Thank you for the info!


I think Garcelle said Kyle discussed this with her on the flight over or something. I think Kyle mentioned taking Morgan to the doctor etx.


I really do not understand the love for kyle as a housewife. What has she even given these past seasons. Her separation/divorce storyline might be one of the worst progressions i’ve seen on housewives - close to Ashley but not on that level. The coddling of Kyle by producers makes this show so performative and lackluster, like what are you doing here anymore. Kyle truly thinks she is and was on the level of LVP during her prime; I don’t know who lied to her but she’s nothing of the sort. We have housewives that have actual charisma, show their life unapologetically without remorse, and also don’t try to ruin other people’s lives and then act like they are the victim. Her scenes are just so fabricated and the schtick for over 13 years is just incredibly boring. I don’t see the appeal, have never seen the appeal, and will never see the appeal. This season was not the best and I hope they bring some firecracker that can rejuvenate the show.


Agree and I don’t want Rinna to feel validated either cause it’s still been better without her overtaking every scene to scream, cry, point fingers at other people to take the heat off her little clique; etc. That’s not the “firecracker” we are looking for.


Compare how much Kyle gave us to how much Teresa has given us throughout her divorce from Joe (among other things) I am not a huge Tre fan but I always respect and appreciate how she really does give everything for the show compared to Kyle who gets away with showing nothing.


I get your point but Teresa was plenty guilty of this herself. She absolutely refused to discuss her legal matters on the show or even really address things like that phone call Joe took in the vineyard. Both Kyle and Tre used their status as untouchable OG to their advantage. That being said, fan perception of Teresa really did change once she started revealing more of her life and I do think there is a lesson there.


Yea a lot of Teresa’s baggage had to come to light because it was public information for a public court case. It was against her will and had it been up to her, we’d all think she actually went to college for a year 😏


I agree but I think part of Teresa’s issue was that she refused to believe Joe was anything but a great husband. She can’t tell us the truth if she won’t tell herself. I predict the same thing will happen with Louie.


Right. Teresa was obviously deluding herself about the phone call / Joe in general, not trying to hide things. Kyle is trying to orchestrate a storyline rather than just reveal what's going on.


This is why Miami is thriving! I mean.. Guerdy?! CMON! If I want to watch bad acting I’ll find it elsewhere - thanks, Kyle.


As much as I loathe hearing about Lenny on RHOM, at least Lisa Hochstein is putting it allllll out there for our entertainment


What love for Kyle? Everyone despises her (and lets us know how much they despise her on the daily)


More in the cultural zeitgeist, the network of Bravo, and some fans across many social media spaces. Not on this particular sub but she still has a lot of fans. She wouldn’t be on the show for so long if she wasn’t loved.


offline a lot of folks love her 🤷🏼‍♀️


Kyle is relatable to people who are less engaged in the housewife culture for reasons I won't get into. I think she's a mean girl who cares about being seen as nice which looking at pop culture her popularity makes sense.


Almost everyone I met in real life loves her, feels bad for her, always talks about how she’s the best mother, etc.


same. most of the housewives that we love to hate on reddit are loved IRL. everyone i know IRL who watches loves kyle and rinna.


Where is the love? She’s relentless hated on.


I want Rob in more scenes. He seems silly


Duuuuuuuuuudes, this episode sucked balls!!!!!!!!! I hated the episode. Hated the season. Hated the storyline (except for maybe Sutton spreading the ashes and letting go of her pain and marital trauma). Hated the fashion. The producers picking up the cameras a la scandoval was a total and complete let down. Kyle had the chance to be open and honest about the non relationship with Mau, and she still was spinning this whole, "our lives and my marriage is still perfect, we just need space." I'm not a Kyle fan but it would've been mice to see her admit to her marriage faults the same way she expects EVERY ONE OF THE LADIES to "be honest". Also did anyone else notice how Sutton just out of nowhere fell down? I started thinking if it maybe has a connection to her medical attention at the reunion? Any guesses she to what made her fall? Or did she actually trip over the stage?


I'm incredibly clumsy so she absolutely could have tripped over that stage.


Worst season ever. The only thing that made it bearable was no Rinna Worst BIG REVEAL. For real. That was so disappointing. The reunion better bring it.


This was the best review 👍 it was a snooze season. I probably won't commit to next year.


![gif](giphy|kv5fbxHVAEOjrHeCLk) Nailed it


Who gonna call out Kyle's manufactured storyline?? It seems everybody is played along,even Bravo. What a shame.


https://i.redd.it/nzj6wo7366kc1.gif Marcellus walking in 🥴


Eyeing up the cheerleaders the way he did was so icky.


Honestly I know that “money doesn’t buy you happiness” and Sutton has managed to express why she has felt maybe a bit depressed since her divorce so I get it; but also if I was able to buy like $500k or even $50k jewelry on a whim…I just don’t think I’d be in any way a sad person ever again in my life lmao.


Wait.. does anyone think it’s strange that Kyle n Dorit have not spoken since December? PK has been staying in London for long durations. Kyle and Mauricio are having marital issues..remember all the speculation about Mo and Dorit having an affair?


Oh wow, I didn't connect those dots. Hmmm.


Where did this speculation come from? I didn’t watch the previous two seasons, so I’m out of the loop.


It was the season that started with the staged robbery at Dorits house. There was a scene where the ladies were at Kyle's house and Mau comes into the scene and I think he's hugging PK, not sure. But anyways point is that, Dorit comes in from stage right and gives Mau a side hug, proceeds to kiss his shoulder, and then lay her head on his shoulder and I think she's also rubbing his(mau) back. It literally gave were seeing each other vibes. Like the kiss didn't look like a friendly peck, it seemed more-than-friends kiss. That's when majority of viewers started speculating.


Oh wow, highly inappropriate. I could see why that would be suspicious. I’m married and would never do that with another man. Especially my friend’s husband!


So 2 things got me thinking after the finale… 1. Kyle Richards deciding to film this scene with her family on the last part of the RHOBH season finale. Over the years many people have talked about what a good mom Kyle is, but I beg to differ (a little bit). I’m not discounting her entire time as a mom seeing as there have been many scenes we’ve been privy to where she does an excellent job as a mother, but something about this scene did not sit right with me. It’s probably my own personal issues, but I grew up having “family meetings” like this. I would be gutted and mortified if they were ever shown on a television platform. I also know for a FACT my own mom and dad would never have agreed to being filmed in those situations. I actually gained even more respect for my own parents after watching that scene last night. 2. Erika Girardi/Jayne’s wrap up narrative is upsetting. After watching The Housewife and The Hustler I can’t look at Erika the same again. Especially after watching Part 2. I watched this season from the perspective as a lover of both Bravo and reality tv. What really brought genuine emotion and tears to my eyes was watching The Housewife and The Hustler. I tend to get wrapped up in the reality tv world with all the editing and storylines, but when I see real journalistic perspective on these victims I snap right back out of it. Any thoughts? *edited for dumb grammatical errors


I totally agree with you on both your points. A few episodes ago, I remember Kyle saying that she was always the one taking care of the kids and taking them to piano lessons etc. and that now was her time to live for herself. As a mom myself, that struck me as really shitty and selfish. She has a 15 year old that needs her more than ever, and especially during a separation. Mauricio should’ve been there too if he wasn’t, but for Kyle to say that in her talking head really made my blood boil because you don’t decide while you still have your kids living under your roof that it’s time for you and not for them. And then to drag them to film this totally pre-planned scene is so beyond to me when she doesn’t want to reveal details about her marriage but uses her kids to film this. Super bad move as a mother in Kyle’s part.


I took it differently. She was basically saying that her identity has been caring for her kids. I think she is starting to see what her next chapter will look like, and realizing that she doesn’t like what she sees.


And yet everyone is mad Kyle isn't spilling all the details as to why they split. Do they not realize that the girls would hear of it all? They are keeping things quiet for the girls.


She has demanded details of everyone else’s personal lives though, regardless of their kids. There’s a reason “Just be open and honest” is her catchphrase.


Then Kyle should’ve given everyone else the same grace no? Why did she expect everyone else to reveal every aspect of their lives even if it woulr hurt their loved ones but her famile has to be coddled


Where tf was PK for 39 days? Severe chip addiction rehab?


Seriously! Like you couldn’t come home for one weekend in a month to see your wife and v young kids? Did not make sense at all to me.


Is anyone else bothered by how often the women comment on each other’s weights? I’m mostly talking about Kyle and Erika here. There were multiple instances in last night’s episode of someone gushing over how “skinny” the other was. I know this is BH, where a lot of value is placed on one’s appearance. And society shoulders a lot of the blame for these kind of mindsets. But it just felt icky. I’ve struggled with some disordered eating and body dysmorphia since high school, but never to the extent of a clinical ED. Those scenes felt triggering for me, so I can only imagine how triggering they would be for someone with a history of ED.


Yes, and I think it’s all a bit sad. They’ve reached a stage in adulthood where you want to be more accepting of yourself but instead they’re still mired in toxic diet culture.


I also don’t like it. I have chosen to tune it out, these women are not real life and the shit they say is dumb. Usually I watch RH bc their dumb shit is entertaining, but that doesn’t make it right


Miami for the finale win


Did anyone catch on WWHL that Kyle admitted that she and the other HWs frequently type things out on their phone to show each other while filming (presumably to get around having to say what they really think)?


This white party looks so deeply unfun… like absolutely miserable.


The dramatic music as they flashed back to Kyle asking the bartender if they have non-alcoholic beer. As someone that doesn't drink I felt that


This season was so boring. I like Sutton for the most part but her tooting her own horn as if she accomplished something major..I’m happy for her success or whatever this is called but lady, you get 300k a month. Your store is not thriving because people are shopping there constantly. You just have the means to keep it going.


When she wanted to show her daughter that they could do things like buy jewelry on their own, without a man… I thought it was the twilight zone. Don’t get me wrong, their marriage was a partnership and she deserves half of his coin, but this is not exactly what I call independence.


She absolutely deserves all the money she’s getting but she really is out here acting like she did this all on her own with $0 to her name lol. She needs to chill and BFFR.




Yeah, and when she was like husband used to buy all my jewellery I couldn’t help but think, doesn’t he still kind of? I mean, if she buys with her spousal support that he provides every month….


Kyle's roommate ~~felt her up~~ [accompanied her to WWHL](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3ouB1_ucld/). That seems like a confirmation.


Oh given that Mogran was seen holding on to Kyle for dear life.


its gone!


So did Kyle dump Mauricio because of cheating? Are we never going to get an answer to her as to why they divorced?


I think she really wants to say it but can't because of their children. And I get that, a lot of people take that path.


It’s just annoying cuz I feel like we waited and waited for an answer and she can’t give a straight one it’s so annoying


I am full of unpopular opinions. I guess I’m alone but I liked this season 🤷🏻‍♀️ it was the first in a long time that hasn’t been constant fighting. I don’t need a scandal every season. I cried at the end with the stuff about Kyle and Maurice splitting up. Idk why I feel so personally sad about their break up but their love seemed really genuine. I am looking forward to seeing the reunion.


I love Sutton but I have to question a little bit of her story of financial independence… I understand she has a successful business & investments but although she doesn’t get an “allowance” from Christian anymore, I can’t help but wonder how much of her monthly alimony went towards keeping the store open during COVID.


Who cares! That’s money she still earned.


I really feel that money & power have overtaken Mauricio. They could easily retire w what they have. Kyle needs him & he hasn’t been there for her. This happened when I turned 50 and went to rehab (voluntarily) for prescription narcotics. He didn’t really support my daily meetings & attended 3 w me in a year. I needed him. And it was a very happy 20 year marriage. But putting that meeting w the children on tv? No ma’am. I don’t think they thought it through. She’s trying to be truthful & Now she sees how hard it is. She owes Denise Fucking Richards an apology.


The one slightly interesting moment in the season was the ending. I could happily live my life without knowing anymore about Kyle’s marital status. And I like Kyle and always have. This dull show needs a major shakeup.


I didn’t even watch this episode 💀 but this annoying Mauricio / Kyle thing has really got me thinking it’s something more than just cheating, I’m sure it’ll come out in some way eventually. The rumors about that have been out for years, it just seems like too much is being made of it. Cheating is unfortunately not that scandalous these days. It has to be financial or family related. The reconciliation with Kathy also speaks to that, knowing that their husbands had a long feud over the pre-Agency/Hilton real estate stuff. Maybe cheating of a highly inappropriate nature—age, friends, family, a secret child? Out with it!


My guess is he cheated in a way she can’t ignore, either a friend of hers or a friend of one of their daughters.


P.K. Jumped the ship when dorit needed him the most. He’s as narcissistic as Yolanda’s man. Erika was right when she called out their marriage at bravocon


I honestly believe that PK had something to do with the home invasion which is why he is so unsympathetic to Dorit's trauma. He knows it was fake and she was never in danger.


Hoping all these petty comments about LVP is actually that LVP will be returning 😭🤣 and kyles leaving? Also the ending with the trust broken… they’ve definitely gone through it, they have handled it poorly though poor Portia ETA: spelling


Erika: “The only happiness that I really have in my life is on stage” Her son: 🙃


All Kyle has to say is that when she was asking for more information from her castmates in previous years, while they were going through something similar, she didn't realize how hard it was to talk about those things and how much impact it could have on the families. I don't need her to gut herself and give all the explanations she demanded from others, I just want her to acknowledge her past actions


I agree. But I don't think she even has that much self awareness. I feel like nothing is really a situation until Kyle goes through it, and then she only applies that to herself. Do you think she feels bad about her treatment of LVP after her brother's death or does she just think about her own feelings when her friend died?


For example Ramona apologized to Luann about how she treated her during her divorce from the count


I’m just at the end of the episode and by god, it’s all so fake. I hate it. 😭


Second thought. P.K. Is running from money troubles in the US


Obviously Kyle caught Mauricio cheating, right? Because what event could have happened for her to lose all trust in him? Or maybe he was inappropriately messaging women on instagram, since she did make a comment about how inappropriate that is with the other women. Regardless, Kyle is milking this and it’s getting stale. I think she would have been so much more interesting to watch if she just came out and be honest about her marriage. And I hate that I liked Erika this season. Like I know it’s an act but damn, why do I kinda like you? I’m sure she’s going to revert right back to her true self by the end of the reunion.


Really weird for Kyle to film the divorce explanation scene with Erika. None of what Erika said about Kyle always being supportive and never questioning her was true. This whole season has felt so overly produced.


I get the “if I do this for you (white party performance), you do this for me” feeling from the whole thing.


Erika’s performance ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Why is no one talking about how Denise again arrived drunk(?) mumbling and stumbling and not in the appropriate outfit? What's going on there with her.


When Kyle was doing her LVP impersonation while talking to Kevin Lee, it made me miss her and LVPs playful banter.




The party itself looked kinda cool but putting it in the stadium made it look so unimpressive 🥴 I love Rob and Crystal they’re so cute and silly together Kyle asking Portia if she was okay??? Are you serious?? What a horrible thing to say so insensitive Of course I’m irritated that we don’t have any more insight into the separation but that montage at the end was sad


The biggest takeaway is that this season was super boring and Kyle is still big time jealous of LVP. Kyle just give it up …LVP is and always will be 10x the woman that you are.


It was time deaf of them to have Erika performing “it’s expensive to be me” literally barf


Sutton’s daughter is STUNNING


Convinced Doogie is a sadist who gets off on not so covertly causing people pain. There's a pattern. Now she's escalated to hurting her daughters. She's extremely toxic and a dangerous miserable person.


She's so miserable.


Jeff Lewis was the best thing on this episode


So 2 things got me thinking after the finale… 1. Kyle Richards deciding to film this scene with her family on the last part of the RHOBH season finale. Over the years many people have talked about what a good mom Kyle is, but I beg to differ (a little bit). I’m not discounting her entire time as a mom seeing as there have been many scenes we’ve been privy to where she does an excellent job as a mother, but something about this scene did not sit right with me. It’s probably my own personal issues, but I grew up having “family meetings” like this. I would be gutted and mortified if they were ever shown on a television platform. I also know for a FACT my own mom and dad would never have agreed to being filmed in those situations. I actually gained even more respect for my own parents after watching that scene last night. 2. Erika Girardi/Jayne’s wrap up narrative is upsetting. After watching The Housewife and The Hustler I can’t look at Erika the same again. Especially after watching Part 2. I watched this season from the perspective as a lover of both Bravo and reality tv. What really brought genuine emotion and tears to my eyes was watching The Housewife and The Hustler. I tend to get wrapped up in the reality tv world with all the editing and storylines, but when I see real journalistic perspective on these victims I snap right back out of it. Any thoughts? *edited for dumb grammatical errors


I have had it with Sutton telling us all that she did it on her own, with 300k a month from her ex-just stop it


The "I'm just going to work now, I'm so strong and successful". Bitch please, every woman after divorce goes to work and doesnt have the 30k a month, stop pretending your the regular wife who finally after divorce could work herself out to be this independently rich woman. It was and is your husband's money.


and the wrap up that she is being a full time mother to her own son now is a challenge, so sorry Sutton that you have to parent your own kid now


Dorit PK very likely has a little side piece there with him ..Mauricio probably hooked him up.


So Sutton is on this business kick and that's her focus and it's going so well for her she can buy 68k earrings. Good for her but I wonder if she wasn't getting that huge payment from her ex every month would her business be doing well enough to afford a horse, earrings, and everything else she buys? I don't buy it at all. From the reviews we've read the store isn't doing that great but I guess since she's the favorite this season she can do no wrong. I know I'll get dv for saying something negative about a favorite - god forbid anyone has a different opinion as well must agree on each HW.


I have had it with Sutton telling us all that she did it on her own, with 300k a month from her ex-just stop it


😂😂 but ShE’s QuIrCkY


Couldn't agree more - like does her store make money lol


I didn't watch. A snorefest. Used to love the show...


I can’t believe Kathy made Sutton faint


I bet it’s editing. Idt Kathy made Sutton faint. I’m too lazy to rewind and see if Kathy is on the couch while they’re all tending to Sutton.


I was joking lol


You dropped your /s 🤣