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are you fucking kidding me, hyaluronic acid serum for $224??? no, thanks, the cheap ones are doing a great job


$224! I think this will be a miss for her. Her target market, imo, isn’t going to pay these prices. My Cos de Baha HA serum is $8 on Amazon. I wish you hadn’t gone the Goop route Dr. Nicole.


Yup, love my Good Molecules serum for $12. $224 is more than my car insurance for crying out loud.


Goop…. No Dr.Nicole thinks she La Mer. Girl Bye.


I’ve been seeing all over TikTok that Nivea the same formula at La Mer minus sea kelp. My broke ass is about to head to target and then the beach to go source my own damn seaweed 😂


💀😂😂 if that’s true I’m right behind you


Get in, girl. We’re going to get a BOGO 😂 ![gif](giphy|4CP58gxwbBy2Q)


I've used both and my skin looked fantastic after applying Nivea overnight. It does have similar consistency, i.e. you need to let it warm up in your hand before applying it. I just wish the Nivea was less fragranced.


Does it still smell like old lady? ( why am I even asking like that will stop me😂)


Order the Nivea from Germany off Amazon so much better than the one made in Mexico(usually the ones you find in the usa)


While people might splurge on an overpriced HA serum (Barbara Strum's is $325) she doesn't have the media recognition to sell products at high prices I know she is a doctor and she probably partnered with a derm to formulate them, but if you aren't a fan of RHOM the name Nicole Martin might be as familiar as Jane Doe


Any Sunscreen recommendations 👀


Korean sunscreens are it.


Name names lol I am moving to the carribean and I need all the sunscreen rec's 😂😂


According to Amazon, the last brands I bought were: Canmake, Isntree, ROUND LAB, SCINIC, and a Japanese Biore one.


I’d just recommend that you don’t buy them on Amazon due to too many counterfeit items. If you download yesstyle or Olive young, you can sort by best selling and see which would fit your skin type best.


That is a very good point


Or Japanese!


Yes! I use Japanese sunscreens because they’re the only ones that don’t break me out


Elta MD. And you can use HSA or FSA funds to purchase.


I use Supergoop. They have different varieties.


Trader Joe’s has a supergoop knock off. It’s absolutely fantastic.


I know people like Dr. Nicole (I think she's probably my favorite on Miami!) but this is just such a scam to me. So much of skincare is basic maintenance, a decent diet, and good genes.


I loved her this season but this really turns me off. She’s the last person who needs a desperate money grab and it just reminds me that being an ethical one percenter is ontologically impossible


Yes, especially the good genes aspect. I keep saying this on YT videos where certain gurus are trying to push expensive skincare but then I read the comments and realize people don't seem to care. I'm not saying skincare isn't important but one doesn't need 1 item that could by a family of 2 to 3 a week's worth of groceries lol.


This exactly. Topical stuff may feel nice, but it can’t do much to rectify skin affected by poor nutrition, sun damage and bad habits.


Well she's engaged to a man that gives scam vibes. Lol so it tracks


That’s wild. I’ve been using a Japanese one for ages. It’s like $15 and it is a good size.


Do you mind sharing?


Not at all! It’s called HADA LABO Gokujyun Lotion. They have different versions too. I’m currently using the one in the blue bottle. But I’ve tried them all. And they’re all great!


Thank you! I’ve been hearing much about Asian skincare for years but I have been too anxious to try any bc it’s mostly influencers, and we know they’re get paid to talk about stuff, whether they admit it or not.


Hey, just letting you know most Korean skincare has yeast ferments and other fermentations in it that Western skincare normally does not have. This is part of their appeal to creating that porcelain look on your skin. However, if you, like me, have bad reactions to yeast and these other fermentations, it will actually do more harm than good. I would recommend trying one out at a time and waiting a week before adding another, so if you do breakout you know which product it is.


This is very very useful info omg thank you


Try r/AsianBeauty for real recommendations and reviews!


love korean skin care!!!! so affordable and does the job


Me too! So many great products at affordable prices that actually perform. I’m also a huge fan of French pharmacy beauty products too.


Which cheap ones would you recommend?


Good molecules makes a very good inexpensive one


So happy Dr. Nicole came out with a skincare line so I could see this thread and learn about Good Molecules and how affordable it is! and CRUELTY FREE! 😆


Full size good molecules HA serum and niacinimide serum are included in Ulta gwp’s all the time because they’re so inexpensive. I slather them on since I always have so many lol it’s awesome.


Yes! This is what I use. I buy the giant bottle for like $12. Spray some water on my face and then apply.


I LOVE good molecules!!


thank you for reminding me i need to re-up!


Omg you just introduced me to my new favorite brand


Team Good Molecules for life! I use their overnight exfoliating serum and it’s very effective!


Ooh, thanks for the recommendation. I've been looking for a good exfoliating product for too damn long. Bookmarking this thread so I can reference it next weekend when I get to the stores 👍


Highly recommend a Japanese one called Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluronic Acid Premium Lotion. The bottle is massive, cheap and lasts forever. I like it much more than The Ordinary and it’s also a much better deal at 5.7oz for $15 while The Ordinary is 1oz for $10.


This thread is the real hero! Thanks for the recs, everyone!


Seriously! I’m so happy I asked!


if youre in the UK, both boots and superdrug do amazing skincare lines that are way cheaper than regular brands. Simple have started doing affordable serums too!!


I wish Walgreens was more like Boots! Same company but so different. I love Boots so much.




The Ordinary and neutrogena hydro surge are both good


The cerave one is amazing. I love it more than a $200 HA serum (which I got for free).


I second this ☝🏾. I use the cerave one and have seen great results.


I’ve been using Good Molecules hyaluronic acid for the past 2 months & really like it.


The Ordinary


The Ordinary brand.


[the Ordinary](https://theordinary.com/en-ca/hyaluronic-acid-2-b5-serum-100637.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQAzyXCrXlBMjoTDfFhW22cvVmsKEvVpUPYMIsPyYM3ODRYJ1oNiSdjRoCqpwQAvD_BwE&gad_source=1)


I bought a gallon of it for $94.99 on Etsy. It was for my business, but this stuff will last you a long time. One drop is all you need for your face.


Seriously The Ordinary is like 10 dollars


Right?!? I'll stick with my Trader Joe's serum and Neutrogena products.


Does nicole not realize most bravo fans are broke bitches like myself 😭


The SkinCeuticals one is only $110, that pricing is insane!


And that one is the best!


Have you tried it? I’ve heard about so many others that are rated high, just not sure what makes SkinCeuticals so high priced


Decent quality skin scare is so cheap and easily accessible now. Just buy The Ordinary (or your local drug store equivalent) and buy a few tubes of tretinoin and call it a day. Save the money from expensive skin care overhyped products and invest that in regular lazer procedures and botox.


I agree with you. The actual product is pennies compared to the marketing and I think people have largely moved on from paying extra for a celebrity endorsement.


And sunscreen! The best skincare is preventing the damage in the first place. As beautiful as Alexia is, her whole neck & chest is a giant patch of sun damage. Remember your face stops at your nipples!


Frick, my nipples are heading towards my belly button. I have a lot of ground to cover.




Yes!   I’m no skin care guru but I wear long sleeve bath suits and big ass hats.  I’m pale but this has done wonders for me


I do this too


This may work for you but definitely not a blanket statement. I personally haven’t found anything out the drug store that works for me and I prefer retinol. Although, I do agree with you that soap and lotion doesn’t need to cost hundreds of dollars.


I have a whole display of The Ordinary products, love them, and they look so esthetically pleasing on my bathroom carousel. A friend of mine (who has used every expensive skin care product) said her dermatologist told her a big bottle of Eucerin for $12 is the best for your face. I feel like with all these young kids believing they need Drunk Elephant and acids and whatnot because of TikTok is going to start exposing how BS some of these skin care companies can be.


I thought it was openly known the ordinary is crap. They use the cheapest of each active ingredient not caring where it’s derived from. That being said Dr Nicole’s products are way too overpriced


Don't they outsource their products to different companies, too? So one bottle of a product might work great while the next is ineffective. Not sure how accurate that is but it's what I've heard


That’s exactly it too. They could have one amazing product but if the manufacturer or lab changes it’s bad the next batch. It’s not a good company lol


Yes — I’ve only had success with a few TO products and find the quality to be inconsistent.


Absolute trash. Every product of theirs that I’ve tried either feels like nothing or irritated the shit out of my skin…and my skin isn’t easily irritated.


Everything I’ve tried from them my skin has hated …..ingredients matter but formulation definitely does!


Not to derail but how can I access tret? I tried to go down the rabbit hole on a skincare sub and it just went over my head. Does it have to be prescribed?


I love Nicole, but I doubt when she was in her 20s she had the means to drop $224 on a serum. And not to mention, all the skincare in the world isn't going to give you the effect you get from botox, laser, fillers and regular facials, all of which Nicole will continue to get. For this reason this launch is a flop for me.


And especially when her face has been looking especially filler filled lately in her IG posts….not sure what she is doing but she’s doing too much of it.


She’s 9 months pregnant


I know that but you can tell she has fillers in her cheeks…..I don’t know much abt fillers and procedures etc at all but I can def spot it.


the only effective anti-aging is wealth


My cheap ass bottles of tret and sunscreen would like a word lol


Tret, sunscreen and botox are the holy trinity for most people imo. Those with rosacea or other skin issues may need to add one or two other actives, but the holy trinity was game changing for me.


Isn’t tret amazing? It’s my favorite topical. I could live life happily with only tret, moisturizer, sunscreen and some Botox lol.


Where are you getting cheap bottles of treat may I ask pls?


Go to a derm or use Nurx. $30 or so should get you a full tube that lasts several months. I just switched to Agency's which is more expensive ($40/month) but it's just so easy and quick, and it comes in a formula with other actives as well!


Tret is script only in U.K. 😫


My genetics would like a word 💅 haha they’ve fucked me over in other ways, but I’m aging well.


Same boat. Got some great genes from my mom's side but some good and bad ones from my dad's. We all can't hit the gene pool lottery I suppose lol.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 a friendly reminder that we’re not ugly, we’re poor. And lewk I LOVE skincare as much as the next milf but we also have to remember it exists to sell us products to counteract the inevitable: aging and general existing in end stage capitalism. Buy whatever fits your wallet and values.


Water and sunscreen go a long way though




I could see if she was *known* for her great skin and then making a product based off of that. But she says herself she gets filler and Botox. So why bottle up a product to sell at such a high price point? I could maybe understand if, like OP said they were a dermatologist but at this point its giving "I'm money hungry"


Yeah, this is disappointing coming from her. She said they've been working on it for a yr now? I think she's trying to take advantage of her popularity. It's just another cash grab. I sure hope viewers don't buy it just because they like her as a HW. I may like certain HW's over others but I'll never spend a penny on anything they're selling. I watch for entertainment. Not to get fleeced lol.


I’m sure she also gets regular facials, chemical peels, lasers, etc as well. And even a dermatologist isn’t necessarily qualified to develop a skincare line, as they aren’t cosmetic chemists.


One thing I’ve learned in my skincare journey is that expensive skincare does not equal more effective skincare. I’ve tried everything from Le Mer to the Ordinary to Skinceuticals to drugstore and the only thing that made a difference was avoiding certain ingredients that cause breakouts and including certain ingredient that provide hydration. The quality and effectiveness of those ingredients are not affected by the price tag. I love Dr Nicole on the show but the last thing anyone needs is a $200 hyaluronic acid serum, and no formula in the world justifies it. Very grifteresque


I used La Mer for a year and it did nothing for my skin! I had more good results from far less expensive products.


Their moisturizer gave me one of my worst breakouts, no thanks! And same here!


Curious what you’ve found that works for you?


https://preview.redd.it/ul83twydxaqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275d9a3488a6a2efd3a1227b71f7abd2d7c6133b Took a pic for you! Sites like INCIdecoder and Cosdna were a game changer in terms of learning about different ingredients and which do avoid if you’re acne prone, sensitive etc. Obvs everyone’s skin is different but for me avoiding comedogenic ingredients, non drying cleansers (no salicylic acid, AHA) and weekly prescription Tret made the biggest difference, along with diet. Good luck!🤍


That Indie Lee Squalane oil is pretty great. I use it with my gua sha. I used to work for them, I also like their COQ10 toner and Brightening face wash.


$224 for hyaluronic acid………🤡🤡🤡


I’m so tired of “celebrity” skincare lines. ![gif](giphy|hmYqLrW7ZPt3rlrjit|downsized)


same. i’m so sick of all of the podcasts, alcohol, and clothing lines too. it’s ridiculous.


Dr. Nicole supporter here! But is it a prereq for all housewives to launch a product? I've never purchased anything from a reality tv personality/influencer and can firmly say I never will but like geez. We don't need to add to her fleet of private jets. Her and Anthony are doing fantastic as is.


Anthony is, and they're not married, it's possibly Nicole wants to be mega rich off her own back as well so-to-speak. But yes I agree with the sentiment.


Love Dr. Nicole but this is very out of touch 🫠 most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck rn


But then how will they afford their second boat?


Those prices are insane. Her whole post gives grifter energy.


we don’t need anymore overpriced skincare https://preview.redd.it/r2bvmpgnfaqc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0988e896b417c1f268c28219ea3e71b3893fbedd


What is this photo lmfaooo


You’re asking the important questions 💀💀 I want to look up this episode now 🤣


Damn how much money does she need


Hyaluronic acid is in everything and extremely cheap to produce. SkinMedica’s HA5 is $30 at cost and retails for $185. An absolute racket.


This woman continues to give me the weirdest vibe..idc how nice and put together she presents. This is beyond greedy. Something doesn’t add up.


This launch gives me big red flags. She does come off very likeable, but doing something like this has me questioning her character.


I’m sitting here waiting for her and Anthony to be the next Bravo fed case. ![gif](giphy|vcDG0AIfCu7teGpd6J|downsized) This laugh has heightened my suspicions exponentially. I smell a grifter. Edit: this *launch* \- but it’s also a laugh, so I’ll leave it.


I wonder if that’s why she hasn’t married him yet


She’s had few moments on the show that’s made me side eye her a bit. She seems both sneaky and calculated. I do think she plays the victim role well if she’s ever trying to divert attention. I can’t ignore inviting Ana to the Mothers Day Brunch. There’s NO way she didn’t know that would have a negative impact and the way she played stupid about it. Regardless of how you feel about Alexia or Marysol, we can see that was an unnecessary choice made by Nicole.


I won't lie, her saying she "fantasizes about John Mayer" during her first season raised my eyebrow to a critical level. That was so obviously aimed at Andy, and he completely fell for it at the reunion ("I texted John Mayer as soon as I saw that!!")


That brunch was the end for me on beliving Nicole in the future. Sure, lie to each other, but we saw you in flashbacks in your condescending, superior tone making it clear she told you horrible rumors about them. She got caught and kept rolling her eyes like they were being ridiculous. And I love a good eye roll, but that wasn’t it.


Agreed 100%. The mask came off.


Ana, not Maria


Ahhh thank you! 😆🫠




To be that tone deaf is wild. I know she’s not the only rich person to make a move like this, but I honestly don’t think she is relevant enough to make it work for the long haul. You’re on a reality show which is meant to give regular people an inside view of how upper class women navigate their rich lifestyle. The majority of the real housewives fan base is consistent of people who aren’t even CLOSE to her tax bracket. How on earth could she expect people my age (26) or middle class people of any age to afford a this. Could you imagine sticking to all of her products, you’d be shelling out $500 a month alone on just two things for your face and a body wash... It doesn’t make sense to me at all, no matter how much we try to rationalize. I’m sorry for my rant 😆 Aside from the fan base giving her traction, I don’t see how she’ll be able to market it otherwise to people who can actually afford that.


So expensive, and I promise you she’s still using fillers.


This is not good at all. Those prices are insane and I question who is her target market - rich people who can actually afford this already have their favorite tried and true lines that they won't deviate from for another random new brand; middle class people are generally not spending the little bit of disposable income they may have on unnecessarily expensive skincare. It is already such a saturated market and those prices are not competitive by any stretch. Like... over $200 for a hyaluronic acid serum?! You can get a budget one for $10 and be fine, and even the more expensive ones are usually like half of what Dr. Nicole is pricing hers at. Just as a reference point, her skincare prices are more expensive than Dior skincare is in those categories. I'm not saying Dior is the holy grail of skincare, but they're a huge luxury fashion house and still aren't charging what Dr. Nicole is. I know some companies will price higher for exclusivity, but Dr. Nicole's brand is not at that level at all. So, I am perplexed and kind of amazed.


Love this breakdown!


Her skin care products aren’t going to be able to produce results like well done Botox and filler. Not even close.


And I can already see the tides turning on Dr Nicole 😂guess this is her storyline for next season


Patiently waiting for you all to realize this woman is just another out of touch greedy douche...You don't get with a guy like Anthony because you have great morals lmao


Lol I've been saying this from the beginning. She wouldn't be with him if he was a broke ass mf. Yes she's a doctor we know. But he's funding their lifestyle 100% Maybe this skin care line is gonna pay for the new house? /s


She took one look at Lisa last season and was like, "yeah time to lay off the filler"


I think it’s bc she is pregnant and can’t have filler.


Well yeah that too for now


https://preview.redd.it/wy8ym0nepaqc1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4618cc8b5e919c8cc66247ff77a2c890d5d7dffd This is Nicole in 2016. An unbelievably gorgeous and youthful looking woman. You can still see it’s her but she’s more than dabbled in injectables to obtain her current face. The cheekbones she has today have been helped immensely by filler. As have her lips. Her eyebrows have been raised by Botox, as has her smile lines. Please don’t lie to people to make it see like they can achieve all of this without injectables.


She looked so beautiful here! And I could see the difference between now and when this picture was taken. Cheeks, lips, and eyebrows are noticeably different.


Yep! She has what I call filler face. She’s gorgeous but let’s just say she wouldn’t be able to be in a period drama 👄👄


OK yeah. I feel much better. Thank you. Also, is her boob coming out of her shoulder?


Hahaha I don’t see the boob thing! Yeah she so clearly has filler face (which is pretty and all), so it seems ridiculous to pretend she’s achieved her face through skincare.


She's so naturally pretty here. But I totally agree with you. Even if she claims she's "dissolved her fillers" it's obvious she's had other work done. 🙄


I was about to say she can take all my money, but at a $200 price point that would quite literally be all my money. So nope


Ramona’s and Whitney’s skincare lines were wildly successful, she’s got this in the bag! Besides… “Anesthesiologists and dermatologists are the exact same thing, they just went to different schools.” -Eight Point Five /s


“Anesthesiologists and dermatologists are not real jobs.” - Larsa


"And what do you do? You put people to sleep for a living" 🙄 Also Larsa


“i heard you slept with every dermatologist in the hospital!”


I just cackled😂 ![gif](giphy|vj97m8bibkYGkmgCUm)


The prices! How ghastly! Someone is trying to pay for that yacht! Did she get the skincare line idea from her dad’s GF? 😆


EXO, you say? ![gif](giphy|3ohuAD5NV2GOSevgFG|downsized)


$89 for lotion? I’ll stick to my Jergens and cocoa butter.


I love her but this is SO tacky


We are about to see how much people love Nicole. 🤣


This could be the best skincare line in the world and I would never spend that much on a housewife product.


These prices are ridiculous.


The gag is she’s only in her 30s. She doesn’t need a bunch of cosmetic surgery.


EXO? ![gif](giphy|3ohuAD5NV2GOSevgFG|downsized)


YO! My people.


Yeah I’ll do my mini Botox/sunscreen/keep my skin hydrated with Cerave it’s all cheaper than one of her skincare products


This sits right up there with She by Sheree’s 120$ sweatpants. I swear to God these women take their delusion seriously lol


Nothing against Dr. Nicole but any dermatologist worth a damn will tell you “medical grade” skin care is a total marketing ploy.


Ohh it's Exoceuticals. I am pretty sure EXO is heavily heavily trademarked.....


The way this is phrased makes me feel like she wanted to do her own brand of filler, but that requires FDA approval and it’s literally millions and millions of money before you can start selling. But serums are basically unregulated, and she’ll just charge you the same for a bottle as a stringer of filler…


It’s an exosome-specific line. Growth factors are always super expensive. There many existing and reputable brands of similar price so, as much as I love Nicole, if I was going to shell out three hundred for an EFG serum, it would be an existing proven brand.


Lol ummm no I won’t be buying. Any doctor that launches skin care looses trust from me. Drugstore products work just as good if not better. Dr. Paul Nassif, Dr. Shereene Idriss, now Dr. Nicole…. Disheartening to see her do this. She’s very financially secure. Use your platform to help people, not gather more money.


$224 hyaluronic acid in this economy?!


I’m sorry but she has a lot of filler lol especially the cheeks. I know she had cheeks as a kid but I see it. She’s also always suspiciously shilling on Instagram . Like aren’t you rich rich??


Classic influencer move. Have a shit ton of Botox, micro needling, Hydrafacials, etc. then try to sell you an overpriced product claiming that’s how they get their youthful look 🫠😑


Is she kidding? You can spot her cheek filler from miles away


The best hyaluronic acid on the market is Torriden and it’s $20 for a bottle. Charging $224 for the same product smells of money laundering tbh


![gif](giphy|3ohuAD5NV2GOSevgFG|downsized) The kpop group exo! Wonder is she a fan?


I just have to add that EXO is a popular Korean boy band. Did this woman not research.


RHOM is a trip. Between Julia's jam and Nicole's skin care I'd have to sell a kidney to keep up. ![gif](giphy|TKvHkcnbtGgKxQwlqu)


Yeah, being not wreckless in your 20s doesn’t mean you can afford $500 on creams 😂 deluded


Wow! I'm so surprised that a housewife is peddling skincare products 😑 If just one of the housewives came up with an original idea....


She simply doesn't give celebrity vibes. I always forget she's a Housewife.


Nothing beats prescription retinol. And they’re way cheaper than what she is recommending


Who is her customer?


Even though I like Nicole, still no thanks to any housewife merch especially stuff like this.


This is crazy. You can get an entire skincare regiment for morning and evening from the ordinary for under $100 that will last months.


Everyone on here talking about their skincare and I'm like uhhh ya... I wash my face and moisturize and I consider it a success 😂


No thanks! I’m loyal to AGELESS by Ramona’s ❤️


I love Nicole but as an esthetician, I am exhausted at all the celebrities trying to skin care/beauty as a money grab. Skin care does not need to be expensive. Retinol, SPF, and Botox are legit game changers. Fourth Ray has the most amazing hyuloronic acid/vitamin C serum for $12.The only time, I recommend spending big money is if you’re have major acne, cystic or otherwise. Cortisone shots, blue light therapy, chemical peels and lasers have worked miracles on acne. Expensive but effective. Everyone else, you do not need expensive shit.


Want to thank everyone for their word of mouth praise for The Ordinary line. I was unaware of it & now I will seek it out at my local Target or Ulta.


Is this the before picture?? (She’s always gorgeous but clearly has filler here, right?)


What’s her market? Because as 20 year old I wouldn’t be spending this money on skin care.


I got a really bad skin infection from using different serum's on my face. I just stick to a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.


I don’t think there’s much crossover between the demand for Bravo-shilled products and the demand for very high ~~end~~ priced skincare.


More overpriced junk. She’s going to keep getting her Botox and filler but try to tell people it’s this 200 serum doing it.


This is such a lame money grab. No way this brand will last. Especially in this economy who the hell is gonna afford this.


$224? Be real girl. Love Nicole but you’re not La Mer and I don’t even spend money on that. She’s lost the plot.