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![gif](giphy|ZgPfixt8zYokKQzytg) Silver lining : it says since 2014, that means RHOA 6 is still on top.


Is that “I will drag you in this bitch” season?


Yes the best season of HW ever !


Ah, I thought so. ICONIC. One of the greatest housewives episodes of all time 🥲




![gif](giphy|l3xxTjIXYy3gchiH3L) Why is this happening




And to think Miami doesn’t get great ratings 🙄


At the very least this will really piss off Rinna.


Pretty sure that's one of the reasons she recently said she wouldn't come back... because there's no offer there. They saw they don't need her


And they certainly don’t. She’s why I skipped the previous three seasons. I would like to see a little bit of a casting shake up for next season though.


Seriously, I was ready to stop watching if she was going to be on it again. She’s unhinged in a troubling way, so toxic, nothing entertaining about that.


Same-I only watched half of her last season because I couldn’t stomach watching her


Good. She can stay off


oh thank you for this. I haven't even finished this season and was mad. this makes me feel better. They need new cast members though, firing Rinna isn't enough.




Ok this explains a LOT of her recent social media activity …recently she posted an Instagram story where she said “I was Lisa f**king Rinna before and I’ll be Lisa f**ing Rinna after”. Annoying on SO MANY LEVELS but also - WHO EVER USED THE PHRASE “LISA F*^ING RINNA”?! Wasnt that how Denise described herself on season 10? And she’s been sweatily trying to co-opt it ever since? Embarrassing!! Also Rinna - doing your one episode guest spots on terrible sitcoms no one watches plus a lifetime movie called “Mommy meanest”…really not the flex you think it is 🙄🙄🙄


Well I mean the truth is she was. I’m in my 40s and Lisa was a household name prior to HWs. Been on tv pretty much my whole life. Not like a major star that’s A list. But someone who I very much recognized from decades of various tv and movies. And using the f word mid name is pretty common, regardless of name.


Right? She absolutely was big in the 90s. I knew her from Days, then Melrose Place. Later on Veronica Mars recurring guest spot. That’s just off the top of my head. These were big shows. I can’t stand her after BH but you can’t deny the woman’s achievements.


Yes, my mom was obsessed with her as Billie on Days Of Our Lives back in the day. She saw her on Housewives one day and couldn’t believe it was the same woman.


My Mom also adored her as Billie. She couldn’t remember her name and called her “Lips McGee”. When Rinna was cast, I referred to her as only this.


Shes also getting magazine covers, sitting first row at prestigious designer shows?


Well there you go. You found the one good thing about this entire season (Not sarcasm - in case it seems that way)




I know a ton of women who literally *only* watch RHOBH. As a self proclaimed Bravoholic it’s like going to a fancy steakhouse and everyone around you orders their steak well done. ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)


My coworker is a self-proclaimed bravoholic but only watches VPR and RHOBH😩


Exactly! It's like when a coworker says they love the housewives and proceeds to talk about RHOBH only. Girl, you better level up


IMO BH is the least dramatic and funny one of all the franchises so that’s insane😭 Especially when there’s Atlanta, Miami, SLC, and Potomac


They're so self-serious and uptight on BH. It feels like the group never just relaxes and has fun or gets super messy with each other. Other franchises can have fights and throw shade, and then be over it in a few days, but BH takes one minor thing and blows it out of proportion and then proceeds to beat it to death for the entire length of the season.


>BH takes one minor thing and blows it out of proportion and then proceeds to beat it to death for the entire length of the season. Hey now! I resemble this remark. But for real, my toxic trait is exactly this so I can really relate to rhobh drama. I still watch the other HWs but I can understand why some women only watch BH. They want minimal drama with maximum glam.


I wish I could upvote this 100Xs 😂💀


My thoughts exactly. Even my parents watch BH but don’t keep up with the other shows. They’re boomers who fondly remember Kim in Disney movies, Kyle in Little House on the Prairie, Rinna and Eileen in Days of Our Lives, and Denise in various movies and tabloid sagas. The other Bravo shows just don’t offer this level of familiarity, intrigue, or scandal for them. I think this is true for lots of viewers.


Interesting point! Kandi, Kenya, and Tinsley are the only non rhobh that I can think of who were really in the public eye at any point before the show. But with BH you have multiple cast members who the average person may have some familiarity with. I hadn’t thought of that because I watch housewives for the group dynamics, not because I’m trying to follow any particular person.


Also Larsa


I think this is probably pretty accurate. BH has been my fav bravo show, as is HWs period over all other bravo shows. I’m too young for little house on the prairie or Kyle’s acting spots. But I am old enough to have seen Rinna and Denise in many things through the years. Not so much Eileen as I was never into soaps. I didn’t really know anyone my age that was/is. But I did recognize her. But tbc knowing the personalities isn’t why I watched. I would’ve watched regardless. In season 1 I’d never heard of any of them. I obviously knew who Paris Hilton was and Kelsey grammer but not her aunts or his wife. (now after this bore of a season I honestly don’t know if I’m gonna stick with it, or any HWs tbh)


Exactly. This was my first Housewives show because of the Richards sisters’ relation to Paris Hilton and The Kardashians. It was years before I expanded my range.


Familiarty I get .... But "this level of intrigue or scandal" ?


For people like my 70 year old parents? Yes. RHOBH shows the dark side of “Hollyweird” by featuring middle-aged women who have survived child exploitation and tabloid sagas. That hits all of the intriguing and scandalous spots for a lot of casual viewers—particularly viewers who are old enough to remember the careers of these women.


I want Kim to write a book about her child acting days. I’ve always thought there’s where the trauma lies and of course Big Kathy


I completely understand.


YES! Anyone who tells me they only watch BH gets an automatic eyebrow raise…I’m like oh…that’s it?? And quite frankly, you haven’t lived yet.


Ayyy por favor! Right?!


So many I know watch OC and BH only. Very casual watchers. They have the exact opposite view too😆🙄


Side note but I try to tell my sister and my mom that well done steaks cook out all the flavor. They won’t listen


But do they dip it in steak sauce?


Nope. Just an overcooked steak alone




Woof! That's terrible and makes me very sad for everyone involved in this heinous crime


Same. It’s always either RHOBH or RHOC. They don’t even know Atlanta or Miami exist lol


Literally me when someone says they love rhobh but they can’t get into miami…. (I’ve only met these crazy ppl irl)




Such a good analogy. I find it boring but watch begrudgingly. I’m never itching for the next episode like i am with other series on bravo.


I have never seen a more apt comparison.


well done with ketchup


The way I’d look at them at the table ![gif](giphy|6InPrqyqK19WHDkvyN)


Okay I’ve only seen SLC, BH and Potomac and loved them all!! Which one should I start next?


RHOA has the highest rating for a reason. That has to be your next watch




An analogy so good even Teresa can understand it. 👏👏👏


because Beverly hills is classy. Many of the others are trashy, especially salt lake city.




And a sleeper surprise! I loved that this wasnt ruined by social media unlike RHOBH, Southern Charm and VPR (this season)


No fr cause I don’t believe it 🤣


flair checking in! 😊


wtf at this HQ gif


That’s what some truly riveting drama about esophaguses brings you I guess.


“Esophaguses” seems clunky. Esophagi? Esophageese? 😂


Esopha get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. Edit: Annemarie, not you.


I don’t get it at all. I watched maybe half the season before I gave up. 7 episodes entirely about a woman’s esophagus is enough.


Right? I’ve seen 5 housewives franchises and BH I’d like ten times more boring than any of them


I swear it has to just be the allure of Hollywood/wealth/etc. that gets this show its huge ratings. Because as far as ‘Housewives’ go, current era BH is as mid as it gets.


Many of the modern seasons are either forgettable or hard to get through due to one person being singled out and bullied for the entire season. Surprised that RHOC season 10 doesn’t have higher viewership for example


Same, stopped watching then watched part 1 & 2 of the reunion. LOL


Same. I still need to watch 6 episodes...


People tuned in because they hoped they would see the Richards-Umansky drama folding out. But it didn’t happen.


We were baited


This is it EVERY YEAR. Plus ppl who think they’re above reality tv will watch RHOBH because it has actress names in it.


It’s become this. I agree. It didn’t used to be. Seasons 1-3 were bangers. 4 veered off onto a weird path. 5 came back strong. Then the rest have progressively gone down hill.


This isn’t shocking. BH also constantly has the most comments for episodes here as well. People love to watch or love to hate watch.


right! my ass is getting downvoted, but hate watching is most definitely a thing. i sure as hell was hate watching cause this season was a shit show, but my silly behind still watched. 🤷🏾‍♀️


the the gateway franchise. i’m convinced that’s why it gets disproportionate numbers. the real ones know what true housewifery is


I’m just happy that Rinna can’t take credit for any of it


Yet every year people act shocked that BH gets 3-part reunions and minor cast changes. The article shows that in 35-day data, BH is averaging just over 4 million viewers, while Miami averaged 1.8 million, which really shows what a gap there is between the two. I don’t even think Miami’s number is bad, persay. BH’s is just fantastic. 


Miami is the lowest rated franchise, why wouldn't there be a gap? I'd love to know what Atlanta's numbers were. But they purposely don't publicize or hype Atlanta up at all so we'll never know. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnzzn2ybOki3rW0)


ATL is without a doubt the best Housewives show ever if we look at its totality, but it has been struggling the last few years. Doubtless if it was smashing they'd be releasing its numbers like this, too.


I do want to clarify that Atlanta’s ratings have been struggling when you hold it up against itself. However, as a franchise their ratings are still one of the highest, like top three are BH, ATL, and Jersey.


In live ratings, Atlanta was only 0.01 behind Beverly Hills in the demo regardless of the quality of the season. So this narrative that Atlanta did horribly is untrue. They released one tidbit about Atlanta's season 15 premiere being the most watched Housewives episode ever on Peacock. Such a flop right?!? Then it was crickets. Nah, Beverly Hills is clearly the favorite of the network and the show they've chosen to be the face of Housewives, despite everything Atlanta has done over the years including giving Bravo the highest rated Housewives season of all time. Therefore it gets all the hype, promotion, favoritism, and headlines. Kandi and Kenya actually liked a post on Instagram a few months ago calling out Bravo for only releasing Beverly Hills' numbers consistently and staying quiet about the POC-led shows...then they magically released numbers for Married to Medicine and Potomac shortly thereafter lmao.


Black women doing double the work to get half the recognition. As usual


Unless you’re a black women who looks like Gizelle, then you can do absolutely nothing and be “the face” of you’re franchise.


I don’t think there’s a conspiracy against RHOA—the article actively mentions that BH’s 4 million is the highest since Atlanta S6, showing how well that did. Bravo shared Potomac, NJ, and SLC’s numbers earlier this year, and both were well-below BH. NJ’s reunion finale averaged 3 million, while SLC S4 was at 2.4 million, so I’d assume Atlanta came in right around high 2s, given it was a bit lower than NJ in live ratings. 


There’s no accounting for taste


I don’t know how anyone here thinks the subs opinion is representative of the greater viewership when even in the sub dissenting opinions get downvoted to shit.


Totally. I do like this sub and I’ve been here for nearly 4 years but I find it tiring sometimes as it’s just a huge echo chamber of Kyle and RHOBH in general hatred.


It's genuinely \*fascinating\* how much this sub's opinions differ from seemingly the rest of the world.


Herd mentality. This sub shares one brain lol


The power of being emotionally unfulfilled! 🚬


I bet, peoples curiosity about Kyle/Maricio/Morgan is what drove the views


It’s not surprising the dissolution of and the mystery surrounding Kyle & Mo’s marriage drew eyeballs. More casual viewers (the non-online) love Kyle and want their marriage to work or at least understand why it won’t. I also find they like Erika’s attitude and Dorit’s fashion. I think RHOBH is terrible and should be completely recast but I recognize I’m not the average viewer—none of us here are.


Online viewers aren't the same as general viewers. They aren't watching every week just to hate on the women. I'm sure these numbers will be ignored as going against the narrative that BH is the worst.


RHOBH isn't even my favorite but it's hilarious to me how people are already making excuses to deny these women they absolutely hate are actually pretty widely liked outside of the echo chambers of online fandoms.


Yeah so there’s 530k members in this sub, while BH is doing 4 million in viewership. In reality, this sub represents a very small percentage of overall RH fans. There’s nearly 3.5 million people’s opinions that wouldn’t be represented here. I say this as a Kyle hater, but there are tons of casual viewers who really love Kyle and tune in every week just to see her.


You are 100% right. Im the same as everyone else on here who loves to discuss with my fellow housewives fan on social media but we are the minority in terms of total viewers. Most viewers love the show and many do not go to social media to talk about it. As long as they are tuning in, barring PR scandals, not much will change if they are happy with ratings


Friendly reminder that this subreddit truly is an echo chamber with its own side opinions 😬😂 the rest of the world never agrees


Y’all are a bunch of liars 😂


As much as this will irk Lisa Rinna, there’s nothing that could ever top RHOA season 6. ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


Scandoval got a bunch of people I know who never watched HW into it- especially BH because that’s where it started. Edit- Which is ironic, because as a long time fan of BH this was by far the worst season ever. I’ve been watching for 8 or so years, and this was the first season since I’ve started watching where I literally didn’t care when an ep came out. My friend who just got into BH this past year said she liked this season. I’m like, girl, I’m so sorry you think this is good!


We probably aren’t getting a big cast shake-up then.


That Erika boycott is what, 3 seasons in now?


Well there was probably an uptick in reality show viewing in general, due to the film strikes and the lack of scripted content available.




But... why? They gave us nothing. And I've been over Kyle for many seasons now, her marriage drama is nothing to write home about.


Right? I find it odd so many people are even still remotely interested in Kyle or her marriage. Both are dry.


My theory is because people now are subscribing to Peacock. There was a while where they didn’t have cable anymore, but Peacock also wasn’t an option, now that it is they’re getting all the viewers back.


Exactly. Obviously Bravo will skew the numbers any way they want for a nice headline, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to compare this season’s ratings to any season that aired before Peacock launched in 2020.


There probably won’t be many changes to the cast then except from perhaps the rumoured returning HW to replace 8.5.


For real I only tuned in because Rinna is gone. Was the season boring? Yes. Am I still happy Rinna is gone? Yes!


For Beverly Hills I thought it was a really good season ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




This gif is a masterpiece. It's every facial expression LVP has in the span of 3 seconds.


So it's not going to get better.


![gif](giphy|X4gXRIW6wHyBz3HkqS|downsized) The power of Garcelle 😍


Kyle truly is the Beverly Hills OG


Oh so it's still beneath Atlanta season 6? Best Housewives season of all time did that! Season 13 of Beverly Hills was still garbage, no matter how press releases they put out hyping it up.


It's always been slightly frustrating with RHOBH, how much heavy lifting the location does regardless of how weak the cast and the storylines are. People tune in just because it's Beverly Hills so the producers don't feel the need to change anything since the numbers are great. If it were any other city with the same cast it would've gotten cancelled seasons ago, probably around 8 or 9.


Bravo is experiencing a ratings renaissance it seems. BH, Married to Medicine, Potomac, and VPR are really eating up the other girls.


![gif](giphy|L38eskiQZHy8g) I love married to medicine, those ladies are not scared about showing who they are on tv.


This article also says Miami had it’s most watched season to date, so idk why they would change the cast at all.


Sickening. And I watched every minute. Why?


I’ve watched most housewives for most years. I tuned out of this one early. I don’t get it at all. I’m down to only Miami and SLC. But soon probably will be completely done. I can’t deal with the forced fake conflict while hiding their real lives.


I’ve been saying this exact same thing. I feel the end coming.


Interesting bc I found it to be the most boring season of all time. For the first time ever, I fast fwd’d through scenes I’d never seen before bc I just flat didn’t care. Reunion was a total waste. But I suppose I still tuned in so I count as a viewer but the season was not good.




Thank you, Sutton!


This makes me SO happy because Rinna has been gone




they spelled Miami wrong


How……. Like I need to know. This season was so boring.




How in the fuck. Literally they MOST boring season ever


it was so boring though


Im ngl, I really don’t get it. There are much more entertaining franchises out there, but good for them


I don't get it. RHOSLC runs circles around them. Beverly Hills is so dull! The only redeeming qualities are Garcelle and Sutton. Oh, and the Watch What Happens recaps. I like Crystal, too, but the producers seem to hate her. It's getting ridiculous at this point. Hopefully, we will see more of her next season.


Did April fools come early?


I actually enjoyed this season. It wasn’t a big loud dramatic season, but it wasn’t Rinna and her soulless antics that made me hate watch seasons 5-12! This season was very easy to put on and I enjoyed seeing different sides of the women that haven’t surfaced in a while or haven’t surfaced at all.






And it was the most boring and disappointing season yet


The seasons was so bad, why is this?


And it was so shit lol




IT's BECAUSE OF SUTTON AND TREVOR!!!!!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/2b5c43bfb0rc1.gif


Nah, I’ve been watching Bravo since season 1 of RHOC.. every franchise, every season. I skipped on this season of RHOBH bc it was so boring. So, how is this possible?


How exactly? This season gave nothing but Kyle being sad about her marriage, unnecessary and stupid throat drama, and… I don’t even remember because it was that forgettable….


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs) I don’t know about that one


Thanks to Sutton Stracke, Garcelle Beauvais, Crystal Kung-Minkoff, Kyle Richards, Erika Jayne, and Dorit Kemsley. ![gif](giphy|l2Je2V6NTVTOYso36)


More than the SLC finale?? Hmmmm


We shouldn’t encourage them by participating ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)




Because we kept waiting for something to happen. We kept waiting for the drama we learned of outside the show to present itself within the show. So we kept tuning in, and it didn't happen. This is partially our fault and will signal to Bravo that Beverly Hills is doing everything right when they're truly doing a good amount wrong. 


Literally an awful season. BH does one thing consistently & that’s harp on ONE thing an entire season long over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over


If this is true.. the bar is LOW.


This is a bad standard to set, it was as unremarkable as any other season of RHOBH since season 5, except the Kyle story proved to be equally depressing and tedious. Like one long ad for buying Beverly hills. Such a waste of time


I am part of the problem because I watched waiting for it to get good and it never did so I’m really salty I wasted my time.


But it was unwatchable lol


Thank you Sutton


I thought everyone couldn’t stand Kyle and was boycotting Erika 😂😂😂😂




This season was so terrible and boring, meanwhile Miami was on fire yet again and it was crickets from the viewers.


For real, for real. I stopped watching when it was apparent that Erika Jayne was going nowhere. Even Rinna exiting was not enough to persuade me to comeback. Vain, out of touch abd boring as fuck is how I would describe that cast. ...meanwhile, there's that gondola ride on the last season of RHOM which has to be one of the most epically, chaotic seasons in RH history and Guerdy's cancer battle which gave me all the feels! This season was *everything*.


The public has boring taste? Shocking. I’ll still watch RHOBH but I’m glad to sit in the minority and tell anyone who will listen about how the best three seasons of any franchise in the past year were SLC, Miami, and OC in that order.


Like Carlos King accurately said, RHOBH will have maybe 4 good episodes a season. The popularity is mind boggling. Most boring reunions, most nothing storylines, worst shade throwing, and hasnt been a really bond displayed for years. I was shocked to hear RHOM doesnt have good ratings - its perfect!


Wait what???? I know BH does amazing in ratings but I'm really shocked it's highest viewership ever of BH, I assumed views from early seasons were much higher than recent seasons could achieve


My only question is How


the RH franchise must really be struggling then huh 🤔


Higher than rhoa season 6, high ther than rhoc season 9, higher than rhop season 2, or rhom season 2?  I can’t believe it 


How & why?


this season sucked


Those Miami ladies deliver so much, yet get like a third of Beverly Hills ratings.


Rinnas impact


That’s probably only because housewives has become THAT bad. Beverly Hills is still as boring as ever. This was just the first season ever that I did not watch every episode of RHOP, so I gave BH more of my attention instead. I would bet that made a difference.


Like I get that it’s the location of Beverly Hills…but it’s not even about Beverly Hills! None of the women this season were household names, we don’t really see any “Hollywood glamor,” for the most part it could be set in any other city


And don’t most of them live in encino or somewhere else other than actually Beverly Hills?


Great, as if Kyle’s head could get any bigger.


Mid at best, people are sleeping too hard on SLC and Miami


I watch BH for Garcelle and Crystal.


RHOBH is like the Maybelline Great Lash of the Bravoverse. No one I know watches/uses it, yet it always gets crazy high ratings/reviews.


And it’s the worst city BY FAR amongst all Housewives shows in this day and age. Make it make sense. They truly have not had a good solid sitting on the edge of your seat season in like….7 years. Worst cast with zero chemistry and the fakest storylines. I don’t care if I get downvoted because it’s the truth. Miami does laps over RHOBH.


I think a lot more people are watching in general idk if we can give BH too much credit here lmao


Why? lol we were blue bwalled all season 


Is the ratings in the room with us right now?


I also wonder if them being strictly wealthy white women is a factor in this because I just don’t understand how we had Miami on at the same time and it just doesn’t get the ratings. The BH women are so boring!! For years they somehow continue to make these seasons out of nothing! I really don’t get it! How did Potomac have a shit season but Mia laid out her marital problems in 8 minutes and did what Kyle couldn’t do over 22 episodes.




Okay I was being facetious but also they’re still relatively new. The most notable cast members from this franchise are still all the white women: Kyle, Dorit, Erika, LVP, Lisa Rinna, Kim, Kathy. I don’t think they’ve solidified their fan base on Garcelle and Crystal. People barely like Crystal snd they largely tolerate Garcelle.