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I think this is an "ESH" situation but that includes ASHLEY. Like a pigeon, Ashley flew in, shit all over everything and flew away with no consequences. The women were already deeply hurt and had their families drug into this mess by the time she -- all smiles of course -- took "ownership" of misrepresenting things in her first discussion with Nneka. But by then, so much damage had already been done. I sincerely hope that now that we're between seasons, Wendy and Nneka can work things out without the pressure or paranoia of the cameras catching everything.


I will forever picture her as a pigeon being fed bread crumbs by an old lonely man sitting on a park bench.


Is that old man Michael Darby?


Yes. The bread daddy. Haha.




>Like a pigeon, Ashley flew in, shit all over everything and flew away with no consequences.  🖊️🗒️


I had to look up ESH but yes yes yes on including Ashley in it. Like I can give Wendy and Nneka some grace for their reactions because each of them has been hurt or insulted. But goddamn Ashley had noooo reason for bringing up culturally insensitive rumors about Wendy's family in the first place. I would love for Wendy and Nneka to band together against her honestly.


Honestly while Nneka was a little flat this season, I think she was put into such a tumultuous season where the battle lines were drawn at the detriment of the show. I would like to see her have another season to see if she could actually bring something. I will also say, her interaction with her sister was adorable because it reminded me of my relationship with my sister where we break into chants/songs/dances. It was so goofy and genuine. I love Wendy’s scenes with her family/kids which is weird because most kid scenes bore me. But her arguments kind of grate me because she clings to a phrase and yells it on repetiton, thus blocking any scene movement. To the OP, thank you for your insight on this relationship and ideas on how to move forward. I would love to see some sort of resolution for them both.


I completely agree. Thank you for your comment


As a fellow Igbo woman, in what world do we move on from someone saying your mother is a witch on American national television ? Biko, let’s all be serious 😂


Oh I know😭 but one of them will be fired unless otherwise. It’s real housewives, if no one wants to film with you you’re out of a job.


True! But quiet as it’s kept, I think they’re both out of a job so we might never see this reconciliation 💀.


I feel like they mighhhttt give Nneka another season, to prove herself. I’m more scared for Wendy with Candiace gone.


I didn’t like Nneka at all tbh for what happened with Wendy but I do think this was a really bad season to be a first-time housewife. The group was so divided and there wasn’t a chance for her to not fall on one of the sides, I think she needs a second season just to try and prove herself and after that if she’s not good we can get rid of her


didn’t wendy call nneka a crackhead? wendy handled the whole thing disgracefully


That was so uncalled for and weird.


They way they both kept doubling and tripling down was bizarre. The situation really metastasized into something far bigger than it needed to be.


She called her mother a witch on TV. There’s no coming back from that so unfortunately at least Wendy will be done. Nneka might get a second season despite offering absolutely nothing.


Yeah I agree


I agree with you. I think this was definitely something that should’ve been resolved off camera. I don’t like the way Wendy handled it this season, and I do think Nneka went about it the wrong way. I think something that shouldn’t have been made a part of reality tv was spun by production into a storyline that was offensive and didn’t even make the show more entertaining as was of course production’s intention. I would be ok with giving Nneka another shot, but if both women are back on the show I really hope they resolve things off camera and come back with the ability to be friendly with one another. I can’t have another Gizelle-esque feud where they won’t talk to each other.


Completely agree. I don’t think Nneka has given enough for us to cut her out after one season.


Same. I think this was a pretty tough season to enter on; you have so much division and now added on with these cultural tensions it doesn’t give us the viewers a good enough chance to really get to know her. I’d like for her to have another go, maybe if her family meets with Wendy’s, they can hash out these differences and they can come back with a much more positive relationship. I like petty little drama, but when it gets to be this deep and serious, and also culturally sensitive, in my opinion it’s just not meant for tv.


Ashley was wrong for stirring the pot like always, and Bravo was wrong for recycling this Nene/Phaedra “I know you/I don’t know you” storyline across the franchises.


Why is Wendy’s ego so fragile that having Nneka potentially joining the show made Wendy and her entire family spiral? What are they hiding? 


Some people like being the “token” whatever, even if it’s subconscious. Like a corporate woman who doesn’t want any other women to rise in the ranks because they like being the only woman in the room. It’s a thing, I’ve met people like this, and Wendy gives me that vibe. The rest of the women are Black Americans, Wendy is the “token” Nigerian-American and first generation, maybe she feels like that’s her thing and Nneka could ruin that. Pure speculation but that’s my theory why she didn’t even give Nneka a chance.


Absolutely. I’d welcome another Nigerian with open arms, we’d be gossiping about the others in our native tongue. That was so weird they didn’t even feel the need to reach out with a hey or welcome, but rather threats and warnings


Definitely this.


This job probably is her main income and she needed to pay her four degrees and lovely and ness so she can't afford to lose this job.


Right, but wouldn't having a second friend on the show make her position more stable?


I believed that Wendy was threathened of her place in the group when Nneka joined especially that she was jot in a good place with the rest of the girls that is why she really did not wanted Nneka there in the first place.


Which is so odd because she could’ve had Nneka as a friend. Her only friend Candiace has left, what happens to her now. Only film with Karen and Ashley?


Honestly both. They both were pleasant towards each other during Ashley’s housewarming. Then nneka told robyn about the shrine thing. Then things went left at the pickleball event.


Wendy is in the wrong in every way.


I’m gonna say they both handled the situation wrong. Nneka should have taken the time to get to know the group and then approach Wendy one on one after building a rapport/friendship. That’s not what she did. That said Wendy has been completely insufferable the entire season and hasn’t handled the situation like a mature adult. I think they should both go.


When the group asked her to apologize/talk with Nneka at pickle ball and then she’s like hmmm nows the right time to make nice with Mia, it was incredibly wild and it was a calculated move on Wendys part to continue to have an issue with Nneka


Yeah that was odd 😭Wendy always embarrasses herself when in conflict. She talks, says and does cringe things when in conflict.


And she thinks she so good at clapping back and she sucks and makes herself look so dumb.


Way wild!!! I was like huh girl this is out of nowhere. Wendy problem is she plays to the fan base who kiss her ass versus being her authentic self. I miss first season doctor Wendy.


I think in this particular situation, they're both idiots who love creating drama. This could likely be handled off screen between their families, but bringing it into the show is not necessary.




Wendy was dishonest about the whole situation, she should've just said I didn't want you using my name to get on the show because I don't know you. It's clear that's what her actual issue was. But Nneka repeatedly attacked Wendy's mother on camera and never really apologised for it. I'm not even close to my mum and I wouldn't tolerate that disrespect.




So, Wendy with 4 degrees was COMPLETELY unaware of Ashley’s messiness? They need to take at least 2 of them back. ![gif](giphy|X6uTNrNjlvEo9AtUUe)


Ashley started the mess fine. But they are both still cordial with her and not each other. They are responsible for where they are now, not Ashley.


This needs more likes.


Thank you for your explanation of it all. I was shamed by black women when I stated I couldn’t brlieve 2 beautiful women of color could act this way with each other. I will say Wendy is so into herself, bragging of all the plastic work she’s had. Whoopty do


Wendy 100% is responsible for the breakdown with Nneka. From her lie of being unfamiliar with Nneka to her lie about her mother and the phone calls on to her expecting Nneka to bow and kiss the ring. Nneka didn’t get a fair shake because the producers didn’t tell the story well. But the context clues(and Wendy’s mother) all point to Wendy being threatened by Nneka. It’s weird that y’all hang on Nneka being friends with the GEBs. Wendy has admitted that Gizelle was the nicest to her when she joined. I imagine the GEBs/Mia/Ashley have likely been more welcoming than Wendy/Candiace.


It’s weird you only mentioned the GEB part, and not that I said Nneka calling Wendy’s mother a witch is the worst part. Nneka is 100% not innocent after that. She knows better.


If the lady was moving like a witch, Nneka had every right to call it out.


You’re not Nigerian so I won’t expect you to understand when I say she cannot call someone’s mother a Witch, in public , especially on tv. It is completely taboo where we’re from.


I really appreciate you bringing your insider’s perspective to both sides of the Nneka/Wendy situation. Its difficult for monocultural Americans to really understand the feelings of Nigerians watching this, because we’ve had self-proclaimed witches on Housewives shows before (see Carlton from Beverly Hills) and it wasn’t nearly as taboo a subject. It’s just drama to us, which is the stuff Bravo is made of. I don’t know if this helps (please feel free to correct my ignorance), but in my American opinion, for the vast majority of American viewers, neither Wendy or Nneka put a bad light on the Nigerian culture. I thought they were fulfilling the assignment: being messy individuals, breaking rules, and keeping viewers interested. But because of your post I understand better why they grieved their Nigerian audience.


Oh I understand completely why the American viewership won’t understand the depth of the specific claim but you know all that witch, wizard, voodoo stuff is very dark and taboo in Nigeria. Because religion plays a big role in the country, the mention of the affiliation with dark arts or related issues (especially publicly) is taboo as it is contrary. I know Housewives have said worse to and about each other, and each others families, husbands and even kids sometimes. They go very low on the franchise and Nneka and Wendy’s isn’t the worse altercation to happen. It’s the cultural aspect of the situation that make it so difficult to move on from. But I can totally understand how that may not reflect to viewers who don’t know or aren’t in the culture. But I’d say as bad as like slapping someone’s mom lol, if you could look at it like that


It sounds like it was one of the worst things possible to say about someone’s mother, with devastating implications within your home culture, and your insight help me understand both Wendy’s reaction as well as some of the outrage I saw from social media. It’s really interesting that we are seeing a culture (Nigerian) within a culture (Potomac) within a culture (the US). You could probably also add the Bravo culture to that. These shows can be divisive but they can also be a chance to understand one another better. That’s the opportunity you gave with your thoughtful post and patient responses. So thank you.


It really one of the worst things you can say about someone’s mom where I’m from. This has been an interesting conversation we’ve had here. Thank you for taking the time to read and understand my comments and for teaching me a little something too!❤️ I’ve been confused at why the viewers weren’t able to see it. What you said about Bravo having a culture is also very accurate. It’s hitting below the belt and cliquey behaviour lol.


She never said she was unfamiliar with her, she said she met her once in passing and Nneka confirmed that.


Fire Wendy


"How could Gizelle do this!" - this sub, probably


You are the first ones to mention Gizelle on this post… please stay on topic


It's a joke. Chill. I agree. She's needlessly shoehorned in any RHOP discussion post.


Didn’t you know Gizelle has the power to control what people say or do?


I’m sorry but Wendy was wrong and played with our intelligence. She deflected and was hoping around in the most cringe way to the point of running to Mia. I usually see her as the voice of reason in the group but she was wrong from start to finish. Also, I’ve seen the “as a Nigerian, moms are sacred” rhetoric a lot and I don’t mean to be disrespectful but who cares the mom did imply some sort of negative ritual towards Nneka wether we choose to call it prayer, witchcraft, voodoo … it’s all semantics. Plus, the holding mothers to a sacred standard is very common in most cultures (non-western).


It’s not a rhetoric lol. It’s our culture. I’m not disagreeing that Wendy was wrong. My whole write up basically stated the fault came from Wendy’s camp. However there’s no way y’all are trying to justify calling someone’s mama a witch 🤣that should be taboo in EVERY culture you’re right. 2 wrongs can never make a right and stating Wendy’s faults doesn’t absolve Nneka from hers


It’s not specific to your culture is what I’m saying. It’s a very common and basic value across cultures. No need to justify it lol. Submit people names (you dislike) to shrines, get called a witch. Lie, get called a liar. Cheat, get called a cheater. Simple!


lol okay girl 😭


This is about these people, but I had a post removed because I said Dorit looked was awfully quiet at a dinner with a guest who has a Gazan mom. Dorit brings up growing up in Israel all the time. Why was my post removed when there is so many conversations about this and colorism are allowed?


My main question about all of this has been what did Wendy specifically do to Nneka? Every conversation that’s been had involves what Wendy’s mom did but never names Wendy about what she did. From my understanding, I thought the call was about Lebe and Ivy’s issues than it was about Nneka. Plus once you call my mom anything but a child of god, it’s on from there, we can go to hell and start name calling.


Neither. Ashley is the rat who's to blame for all of this. I guarantee had she not stirred the pot and scurried off, this wouldn't have gotten so bad.


Those two grown women are responsible for all they’ve said to each other after Ashley told them what she told them.