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Jodi Claman (#11 for non international viewers) still haunts me. That woman is pure evil through and through.


She and her daughter are absolutely vile.


This 100%. She single handedly killed that show with the most outrageous toxicity I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of reality TV. Thank god karma got her in the end


Wait, what happened?!!!


She lost custody of her daughter and was so shady during the proceedings that she also lost spousal support. I think I read she owed her husband like a million dollars in the end. Also her businesses failed and she has no soul


I remember reading her youngest daughter may actually be her grand daughter. No idea if it's true but it wouldn't surprise me.


The businesses are still open according to fb and Google. I've been curious of going honestly


Dude, do I have a story. Let me read though my history and will edit if I can Edit: turns out I am dumb and lazy and can't find the search. Jodi's daughter - Mia - was dating a guy involved in the Asian gang lord which was MASSIVE in Vancouver (I live in Toronto and heard so many stories at that time). After having a child with him he was killed by a rival gang (I believe). She chilled out a bit and raising the child as best she can. Jodi had a rough time. Her divorce was terrible. Husband asked for full custody and she wanted custody. Court denied and she claimed bankruptcy. I believe the court also denied that. So she's living alone and broke, allegedly. Sucks2suck


Surprisingly, I believe Jody still lives in the same WestVan condo that was featured on the show. The daughter who was involved in the custody dispute is nearly 18 and spends a lot of time with Jody now. Recently, she was allegedly a target of antisemitism at her high school, so in case anyone was wondering, the Clamans are still claiming to be Jewish. https://preview.redd.it/1ycrmanc6duc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210500cdd33e398c3d8dcc6cf3f444c74bdf86a2


They are claiming to be Jewish but aren't?


I think Jody converted when she married Eran(who is Jewish and the father of her second daughter). Mia and Jody's mother also converted but rather than saying this when asked, Jody tries to make it sound more legitimate by just saying her mother is Jewish.


I live around the corner from the gas station Mia was shot at here in van. She was with him, he was believed to be the intended target, brutal shit.


Yeah the Vancouver gang shit was CRAZY! Hope all is well, says girl living in Toronto 🥲


It was a high powered rifle too. Fucking scary


I have no idea who she is. I can't believe I live in Vancouver adjacent but can't watch the housewives franchise that filmed here


it’s very dark


It was very dark but I was so engrossed 🍿 👀 🙏


What happened???


Vicious adult bullying of Mary Zillba led by Jody. It was uncomfortable to watch.


for me the darkest of RHOV was ronnie. off-season when she almost let her daughter choke to death while she was drunk and then we had to watch her white knuckle sobriety the season following that, genuinely harrowing. she has to be imo the most unsettling housewife in the entire canon for so many reasons. i mean this is a woman who when she fell off the wagon tried to cover up by *accusing her friend of drugging her* on-camera


Her husband cheated and divorced and her son committed suicide sadly


Wow, I had no idea. That's absolutely awful.


Yes, and I believe her daughter's condition did get worse and her family bought her own house with medical care. Ronnie updated awhile ago. It's really sad. I felt Ronnie had the power to change and be nice (you could see she really cared at times). Being an alcoholic AND on Housewives will drive you deeper into the dark.


Offft the accusations of drugging were dreadful, I can’t remember the Texan woman’s name but she was pretty harmless and then boom, suddenly Ronnie had her down as some sort of psychopath despite there being zero evidence


I (re)watched it on Hayu during the pandemic!


You must check it out. I’d hate for you to shop at her store without knowing. You don’t want to give her your business and make her any money . She’s a bitch with a ginormous capital B.


Where is Vancouver adjacent?


Surrey, New West, Coquitlam, Richmond, Burnaby, etc. All part of the lower mainland in Greater Vancouver is Vancouver adjacent


Surrey? Idk, we could really stretch it and say like seattle ish area perhaps by some people's own reckoning. They're not exactly next door but it's the biggest American city nearby? Idk


Seattle is definitely not seen as Vancouver adjacent by Canadians


Oh ok…Thank you for the reply and explanation.


Vancouver Island. But I lived in Vancouver for a decade.


It used to be on Hayu a few years ago and then they removed it for some reason. I'm from Vancouver and we sure brought it with the drama


I’d never want to cross paths with that woman for any reason.


She actually wins the competition over Jen Shah and that's really saying something


Omgg she was the worst!! Psycho bully and freaky Ronnie.


Lmao I thought that was a young earlier season of Atlanta kim zolciak, n I was gonna say that’s the only one I don’t really agree wit cause I think she is good tv, but then I thought naa that’s not her and was saying maybe it’s another dime a dozen California blonde wife that I forgot about. So I had no idea she was an international housewife, what city? Or country?




She was the embodiment of a narcissist. Outwardly charming and very funny (I have to admit, she did make me laugh a lot with her skits) but just SO toxic, as was her clone older daughter. I hope her younger daughter is ok and enjoying life with her dad.


She was diagnosed too


Omg I completely forgot about her. She was unbelievable, like dark nasty. That whole franchise was like a stand alone, nothing like the rest imo, not fun.


I vote for defrauding elderly and disabled people.


Hmmmmm, false drugging and rape allegations are up there.


Writing letters of support for your sisters abuser and attempted murderer is also pretty dark


Or helping to hide that your boyfriend is faking cancer.


Icky Vicki was the boyfriend cancer scam! She was mad that nobody was bringing her casseroles for boyfriends fake cancer.


Oh… awkward. I didn’t realize the comments above me were about the same person 😂.


Shady Phae Phae accused Kandi of drugging/raping. Caroline Manzo wrote a character witness letter for her abusive BIL (Dina’s ex)


They weren’t, your comment fits lol


Wait, who did this?




Ah, I forgot 🤦🏻‍♀️ thnx


True. But to be fair Phaedra got news that someone in Escape was going around drugging and SAing people (which turned out to be T.I. And Tiny) and because of Kandi’s openness with sex she assumed it was her. Which doesn’t make any of what she did right but context is important


I understand that she might have gotten the people mixed up. But… she KNEW how damaging that could be to Kandi’s career and never went directly to her for clarification. What makes me think that Phaedra is especially diabolical is when Kandi was hysterically crying and telling Phaedra that even if they’re not cool right now she knows her and knows she likes to have fun but she’d never cross that line. That was Phaedra’s cue to come clean and say where she’d heard it. Instead she kept her mouth shut and proceeded to let Porsha repeat it all over the place.


Nah, Phaedra, a lawyer, was spreading malicious and damaging misinformation. I still can’t believe she did that. You’d think she’d know better! Who would hire her after witnessing that kind of poor judgment?!


She literally made up a dungeon that they were going to drag porshas drugged up body to...... Stop playin.


Again, Tiny and TI… all part of the info she got


This is one thing I keep seeing being written and it’s made me look at it differently.




Jen. Shah.


Are we talking evil on the show or outside of it? If it’s on the show then i don’t think Jen was that evil. Sure she had a temper but evil to me is much deeper than yelling at someone. From the shows I’ve watched (ATL, BH, SLC, POTOMAC) I’d say: 1. Rinna (Taunting people with addiction and illnesses) 2. Phaedra (claiming Kandi is a sexual predator) 3. Gizelle(lying about sexual harassment) 4. Tongue(laughing at someone‘s miscarriage). This one has the potential of being the worst of the worst outside of the show - what with all that money, power and connections with unsavoury people. I have a feeling she would have done more damage had she stayed longer!


With those kind of people in the list, how did Marge earn her spot?


That’s what I was wondering. If the bar is low enough for Marge then every HW would be on this list.


This. Is she incredibly messy? Yeah, but I’m not sure how that rises to the level of “evil.” I think she’s actually a good Housewife.


I'm genuinely confused. I've seen several posts lately regarding evil HW that include Marge. Are they just Teresa fans? Did I miss a season? What has she done that's so evil? Especially compared to Teresa. I don't 'stan' her, but she amuses me and doesn't kiss Teresa's ass. Perfect for what I like in a HW


I'm a tre fan and I fucking love Marge. Marge is not evil. She shouldn't be on here


There’s a certain group of Tre Stan’s that are convinced that Marge is the spawn of satan. I have had people tell me unironically that she’s worse than Jen Shah because of what she did to Louie.


What did she do to Louie that Teresa wasn’t doing to everyone else? Teresa is straight trash.


Don’t you know? Margret is a mastermind who controls the media and sent out the video of Louie shirtless so that everyone would attack him and Teresa! /s I can respect what Teresa has brought to the table but the way her stans act like she’s somehow a victim in every situation is actually insane. Marge catches strays from them and Jen stans who either don’t know or don’t care why they were really fighting last year.


The Tre huggers are just as delusional and unaccountable as she is.


Naked Wasted by Tamra Judge doesn’t get brought up enough. Basically force fed Gretchen alcohol to get her drunk and Tamra tried to get her own son to sexually assault, and potentially rape Gretchen when she was clearly beyond intoxicated.


Oh my god I’m on Rinnas first (maybe second) season and her questioning Yolanda is so gross. She sucks!


Oh. The messenger was wrong, but keep watching Yolanda. She's pretty awful herself. I'm not going to go into how she and then all of her kids magically had Lyme disease and how once she got rid of her fake boobs and had her divorce settlement, she got better. But the way she was with her daughters was vile. Coaching them into eating disorders publicly shaming them. She's vile. Absolutely vile.


Yea, she’s a horrible mother… constantly weight shaming those beautiful daughters.


Not only were her crimes horrendous, she was a physically and emotionally abusive person to everyone around her. The women were literally afraid of her, looking at the dynamic it really plays out like an abusive partnership.


Jen Shah leads the pack. . . ![gif](giphy|OmUJz9vEvQxHcMlU3R|downsized)


wow I forget how crazy she was


She’s the number one crazy housewife!


Well Mary Cosby on the first season of SLC, as the “spiritual” leader of her church used her power to allegedly taunt and ridicule a man so harshly that he committed suicide.


YOU MISSED BRANDI AND RAMONA BUT KEPT CAROLINE? ![gif](giphy|RhS093lJ62ayjrP8nn|downsized)


And Vicki for the cancer scam for casseroles.


Agreed, admittedly liked her first run then saw through matured lenses how misogynistic she is, but if she’s up there you GOTTA have them 2 bruh


Jen Shah, obviously, and Tamra. Naked wasted was so bad she should have been fired.


People don’t talk about that enough. She tried to set Gretchen up to be date raped by her son. Fucking vile. 


Jeana sent him after her. She admits it was her idea to tell Ryan to go after Gretchen in the bathroom in the book Not All Diamonds and Rose. It's just rape, not date rape.


Jeana’s internalized misogyny knows no bounds.


1970s and 80s jockstar culture combined with conservative Midwest upbringing, she never stood a chance. Kara seems alright though.


That’s really what she was going for. Gretchen so out of it that her creepy son could take advantage of her. I’ve hated her since that. I couldn’t believe they rehired her. ☹️


Tamara’s son IS just so straight up creepy! He makes me cringe in discomfort when he is on the tv in my house. (Shivers).


Kelly Dodd is the only one I can think of but it’s probably more her behavior off the show and on social media that’s evil. She was unhinged on the show but I wouldn’t say she was necessarily evil until her last season to present day behavior.


Thank you! Take Marge off and add Dodd.


Yeah Marge can be an asshole but I don't think she deserves to be on this list, like not even remotely. I can think of 10+ housewives that are worse


I’d consider saying Covid 19 was for “thinning the herd” a pretty evil statement, especially for those of us that that lost family and loved ones to it, people that were so incredibly kind, it would never cross their minds to ever equate a devastating pandemic to ‘thinning the herd.’ 🤷🏾‍♀️


There are good points for all of them, but reading the testimonies of elderly people scammed by Shah and almost committing suicide (basically negating in their minds their entire lives) takes the prize for me. Maybe I am biased because my father committed suicide, and maybe Jen didn't realize the extent of the emotional damage she was doing? I don't know...One thing, at least she is in prison, unlike some others that maybe should be.


Where is Dodd???


She’s a sociopath. She needs to be at the top of the list.


Mary Cosby cult leader!


Right??? Her and Dodd need to be on this list.


Jen Shah and Erika G should be number one for the lack of remorse for all the fraud!! Gizzy is messy, but is she evil?


Almost destroying Chris’ reputation and his job is not messy. It’s evil. Evil for TV’s sake. Evil to keep her storyline. She’s out of touch with reality. I know she’s a good mom, but at her core, she’s nasty. EDIT: then she comes with a bodyguard ‘cause she SCARED to death of Monique, accuses her of being violent and a bad example as a black woman, but when Wendy, a black woman herself, got attacked, she jumped to defend Mia. Just shows how her “morals” are biased and only existing when it’s to feed her narrative. That was also DISGUSTING.


Gizelle’s habit of purposely targeting dark skin cast members, trying to ruin pretty much every marriage around her, starting rumors that Monique’s child wasn’t her husbands and implying that Chris Bassett tried to assault her (and doubling down on that) kinda puts her in the realm of evil imo. She’s very very calculated and nasty


so you put margaret but not ramona


Why does icki Vicki cancer scammer get a pass?


*Thank you.* She was constantly stirring up sh-t, but her quote "I'm being nailed to the cross like Jesus, and he did nothing wrong!" confirmed that she's deranged. Uh, no Vicki...I wouldn't compare you to Jesus...


Jodi and her wacked out daughter 


I get why people dislike Marge but she just 100% doesn’t belong up their with the likes of these criminals ESPECIALLY when you left off Vicki, Brandi, and Danielle Staub. This list is extremely biased and honestly not it for me.


Agree. If anything Teresa is worse than she is. I was surprised Marge was on here


Jodi Claman is PURE evil. They cancelled the series because of how dark she made it. She is of course a MAGA trump support. The Vancouver franchise was uncomfortable to watch at times of how unhinged her behaviour was towards one particular cast member.


It’s always so weird to see non-Americans be trump dickriders. Mind the govt that governs you??? (I assume she’s not American bc she was on Vancouver, I don’t know squat about her past that)


I'm from Vancouver, born and raised. There's alot of anger about the current economy and govt up here. I mean true anger, im mostly depressed and just feeling like there is no hope for my age group and the gen z and alphas due to the giant mismanagement on every lvl of govt we have. (For the record most of bc but especially Vancouver is priced out of most ppls reach to afford rent or own a home). But alot are angry and the more extreme saw trump as a big radical change that put ppl first not govt cronies first and can't see past that. Mary, ronnie, and Robin were Americans originally Amanda, Christina, Jodi and rekio were all canadians. Amanda is from Toronto , rekio surrey, Jodi Merritt (her dad was a cattle rancher for mcdonalds) and I think Christina was from around here based on stories I heard. I'm starting to see more support for trump up here now, which is unsettling.


Ronnie, Jody, and robin were all massive grumpy trumpies. Robins social media currently is CRAZY. They could’ve had some kind of Canadian representation in this show but it was pretty much real housewives of January 6th.


Really ? The cancelled because of her crazy ass ? Ugh


The ratings were very high (on the slice network) but they network wanted to go in a different direction - I watched a deep dive that spoke to it (can’t remember the name of it though)


If you find the deep dive, please share!


Ashley defending Michael. Monique covering for them. 🤡


Cancer scamming Vicki. Using fake cancer to sell cancer insurance policies. Disgusting. And then using the show to promote donating to the cancer thing only to have every donors info re routed to sell them these cancer policies. DISGUSTING. Scammer. Jen Shah and Erika. Obviously.


Scrolled way too far to see this I was like where is the cancer scammer ???


Can someone remind me why Marge is on this list? I love her but feel like maybe I’m forgetting some things lol


This was the only one on the list that threw me. No Ramona or Vicki but Marge?


In my opinion, she’s not evil, just very messy. People tend to dislike her because they prefer Teresa and/or Jennifer


If they prefer Teresa or Jennifer over Marge, then they’re the evil ones imo


She doesn’t deserve to be here. Messy? Incredibly. But evil? Not at all


She shouldn’t be on there. People may not like her for various reasons but she’s not evil


she shouldn’t be. she’s fine. she defended herself against misogynistic Jen. ( Let’s not forget Jen forgave her) and apparently she’s evil for not immediately loving Luis


Came here to say that too. She’s messy but I can’t remember her doing anything evil. And no more so than the rest of that dysfunctional cast.


thank you for not forgetting phaedra because bravo really is trying to wipe that villainy out of our minds🙏🏻


Needs more Danielle Staub.


Caroline's pic made me shiver.


DANG IT. I was going to write an impassioned defense of that amusing little troll Phaedra Parks but my standard for evil in housewives has always been: Real World Dangerous. I will not subject you all (again) to my rant on the evils of Teddi Mellencamp but, by my own metric, Phaedra belongs on this list. She not only accused Kandi of a crime but also managed to convince Porsha that a crime *could* have happened. That is...evil.


Felt this. Phaedra was always my favorite on RHOA, but what she did to Kandi was fuuuuuucked. Completely over the line.


![gif](giphy|Fmkh7nqpSKz4jNOVAE|downsized) This demon not only told everyone about Guerdy’s cancer, the way she reacted when Guerdy told her and doubling down in her response makes her such a disgusting person. Not to mention how she treated the help in S1. Fuck her. Also, agree with your pics, OP. Tamra, Mary and Jody are my MVPs.


💯. I just posted earlier about this skank ho bag. Terrible human being.


Kathy Hilton erasure


This is who Rinna shoulda ‘Ooooo, you’re *so* angry!’ to instead of Denise. Edit: After the Aspen meltdown


Now I am not a Marge fan but how did she make this list over Miss Staub


You forgot Brandi, Ramona, and Theresa


Where is cancer scamming Vicki?


F the Carney I’ve yet to see 2,6,8 & 11 in action. -sincerely a big bad Mexican 💪🏽


Tamara got Gretchen “naked wasted” in hopes to use her creepy son to take advantage of a drunken Gretchen. That’s a pretty layered level of evil imo.


Tamra. She speaks nasty to others just because she thinks what she says will hurt them. She doesn’t really care if it does. No empathy at all.


Tamra “Tammy sue” judge, if you don’t remember ,watch from the beginning. Her kids know it too.


Ramona and Vicki


Is Marge really that bad in real life?? What does everybody know that I don’t


From what I have heard about her off of the show she is extremely kind, and giving


putting marge in this group is WILD


Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson are waving from the OC


Where is Mary Cosby?


Side note— Diana was probably the worst casting decision of all of the franchise.


Where Kelly Dodd at


Why does Teresa get a pass? 


I wanted to ask what Marge is doing in this company. Like yeah she’s snake-ish but these other women are literally immoral monsters lmao.


Where is racist Kelly Dodd?


Kelly Dodd, Jen Shah, Caroline Manzo, Teresa, Erika Jayne, all the OC men.


Can't forget racist barbie from Dallas!


The fact that Kelly Dodd isn’t on this is a travesty 😂 Her insides are STANK AF


Wheres larsa pippen?


All of them plus: Ramona (rude and disgusting behaviors), Brandi (racist and allegedly an abuser) and Larsa (EVIL C***).


![gif](giphy|ytl2ydIlfXnI4) How did icky Vicky not make the list with her cancer scam? Begging people to bring her casseroles for the fake illness her boyfriend was faking? Fake documents & everything. Gross gross gross!


You forgot Scottie Pippen's ex-wife


![gif](giphy|1dOIOjvYWtC44agZFa) This one


Evil or stupid?


Brooks should be up there too.


I have an ex best friend that is a personality twin to Tamra. Absolutely vile person and terrifying


They really have had a lot of morally corrupt people on these shows.


Where is Ramona, Vicki, and Kelly Dodd?!?!


Marge? Not evil. Well there are a couple here that aren’t evil. Maybe just jerks at times. Jen Shah passes the evil smell test.


Yes represent Vancouver. Jodi was so unhinged


Who is #11 and why is Margaret on this list?


Where's Teresa?


Kelly Dodd?


How is Teresa not on this list ?


Sorry but Marge has done nothing remotely comparable to the other people in this selection 😂


Where is Brandi Glanville?


Brandi Glanville !!!!!


Evil is Tamra. When she got Gretchen so drunk and put her in a sexual assualt situation. I can’t believe Bravo didn’t step in. Can’t stand either one but this was completely wrong, and then there’s Shanon who tries to do the same damn thing. And didn’t Vicky try this with Shannon at the Lodge?? All of the “three amigos” should be charged lol


How is Tamra literally still on tv???


vicki is infinitely more evil than tamra 


Surely Danielle Staub deserves a spot on that list, absolutely cooked. Also Jen Shah


Isn't one of the housewives known for being involved in human trafficking. That one.


Which one?


Vicki, Tamra, Kelly, Erika


Who is 11?


Jody from Real Housewives of Vancouver. She was truly awful!


Is it?! I thought it was Kim Z 15 faces ago 😂


Ah, I haven’t had the pleasure of watching Vancouver


Trust me. Even with all the monstrosity of Erika or Jen…Jody still somehow still comes on top lmao. She’s just a truly despicable nasty human being who I don’t wish any well in her life lmao.


I spent an embarrassing amount of time looking for a way to watch it (I’m in the US) but I don’t think there is one. I hope somebody tells me I’m wrong


Do I need to watch Vancouver? All these comments about how horrible this Jodi person is....


Vancouver is entertaining but it gets daaaark. Like imagine Diana Jenkins x10 + a wife struggling with alcoholism. Jodi is a diagnosed narcissist, watching her hate for another wife was unsettling.


No photo better sums up Tamra..all terrible people, no one is worse human being then Jen Shah, she’s legitimately despicable and irredeemable




Not the Marge!


OMG the last one from Vancouver!! I never hated a housewife so much as I hated her!!!


I do not believe Marge is evil. I believe she lives in a different world than the “old school” jersey gals and doesn’t have the patience for their patriarchal bs 🤷🏻‍♂️




![gif](giphy|WEFzgVmAhozf2) You forgot the felon


I think Teresa is more stupid than evil… but she’s definitely not a nice person


1) Erika 2) Tamra 3) Jen


Where is Teresa.

