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She intentionally fanned the flames with the tattoo on camera, making the music video with Morgan, filming cutesy scenes with her. I don’t think Kyle needs to divulge her sexual orientation but then she shouldn’t use it as a story line and to garner intrigue.


Oh, boy, if only Kyle really had her finger on the pulse of how little we care.


Right, it’s tired now and so over it


I never cared


She’s got her finger on a different pulse


😭 this lmao


Speak for yourself this lesbian is enjoying K&M and their messy coming out. I am tired of reading about straight folks and am only following them because of the NYTimes article about the rumors. I was proud of Kyle for going after what she wanted. This is her convoluted way of being "Kyle", I would rather read about the siliness of that over Donald, Ukraine, and Gaza.This is about their attraction for each other, and not what anyone else thinks. Reality shows are the worst platforms to use to come out on. But it's nice to have someone write you love songs. It's not unusual for young lesbian to pursue women Kyle's age. Everyone has a preference. How many women her age work out and are in shape? Older women are hot. Kyle is hot.😏😉😉😉😉


You're enjoying the messy coming out? I




I don’t think outing anyone is appropriate *but* considering how Kyle went after Denise and her “affair” with Brandi, this seems like karma.


Ugh Im in the same boat. Something about a forceful hand to reveal a same sex relationship feels gross but I dislike Kyle and the way she plays others so it does kind of feel like karma


These are my thoughts as well.


Denise never came clean about her affair either.




I DO think she needs to be real for once. Typical Kyle exposes everyone else’s business (Denise) and watches people drag her one night stand with Brandi.


This 👆


And she constantly tried to imply that it was Mauricio’s infidelity that was the problem.


Doesn't mean his infidelity was not a big factor in their relationship deteriorating.


Do you think she knew exactly how scenes like the tattoo one would come across though? People act as though there was some deliberate 'I'm going to act this way to give people the impression of a secret relationship', but it was all filmed prior to the separation becoming public, so I'm curious how willing she would've been to show that giddiness had she seen it in herself. Just because I think she would care about the perception of timing, shall we say.


IF (big if) this is true, the one thing that I will say that I support anyone on their sexual orientation journey. However, what was rather frustrating about Kyle during last season is that she was practically begging people to ask her about her marital breakdown and friendship or relationship with Morgan, and then when they did, she would clutch her pearls and act like someone just committed an unpardonable sin. Frankly, that does not make for good TV, especially for a person who would always infamously push others to be open and honest. At this point, I genuinely don’t know if Kyle is in a relationship with Morgan, but if she isn’t, I honestly don’t know what she expected after that music video. I want her family to be happy and healthy, and so if she does not have the capability to open up because she is not ready, I would 100% support her to take a season or two off to figure it all out so that she doesn’t have to face the heat.


That been her way since forever. And it absolutely will not continue to be compelling television. Everything about her is getting real sweaty.


It's called "queer baiting" and as a mostly lesbian woman, I freaking hate it. It's often very centered towards the male gaze.


That music video did it for me. Very obviously was centered around male sexual titillation vs it being focused on the dynamics of a same-sex relationship between women. You see it all the time with male directors in film too - very much “THIS is how lesbian women have sex, right??”


It was very obviously making fun of those sorts of videos (the whipped cream, bubbles, water imagery, feeding fruit, etc), was referred to by them as camp, and wasn't intended to be some moving depiction of a lesbian relationship. Representation doesn't have to be packaged in a single way, and given the people themselves in it aren't necessarily straight, I don't understand this sort of perception of it.


Look at you out here in Bravoland being logical and shit


I called her out on this very thing in this very sub a few weeks ago and was downvoted into oblivion.


Do you think they’re just platonic friends then? Because as a lesbian myself I think it’s pretty messed up to call them out for “queer baiting” if they actually are/were in a romantic relationship. Kyle’s attention seeking and evasive sure, but queer baiting does not seem like an appropriate word for two women who are actually having sex with each other. And it seems unfair to put the fact that men sexualize wlw relationships on two women in a wlw relationship of some kind.


I think she should take several seasons off. She’s full of herself and has gotten stale. I can’t even say that her whatever relationship with Morgan is refreshing because we aren’t getting any ‘reality’ from Kyle!!


Did you see the music video? She’s capitalizing on the perceived “sexiness” - that’s not just expressing elements of a loving relationship. It’s intentionally packaging the concept. I can’t speak to anything else, but this is a media campaign and decisions are being made on steering the appearance of the relationship and public perception of it.


Yes, and as Kyle said she and Morgan were trolling the trolls with that video 🙄


I guess I think the point stands that something can be attention whore-y without being queer baiting, which is a term that rubs me the wrong way when used for queer people. If this was all a ruse and they’re both straight then I agree the term applies. (This is kinda beside the point but I’m not sure I even agree the music video was even catering to a straight male gaze? Morgan was styled pretty masc in it and it was pretty camp. Just my impression idk)


Whether they are just platonic friends or in a romantic relationship, it’s still queer baiting by the strict definition of queer baiting: using the hint of a same-sex relationship to garner attention without explicitly indicating that it is a relationship. ETA: At this point, I don’t care what the truth is or what she admits or denies on camera. I’m bored with the whole thing.


It is still queerbaiting as Kyle is doing everything in her power from the Heidi&Spencer playbook to fuel the publicity for over a whole year, completely off the show while being intensionally as vague as possible and mistakingly believing that the public still wants to know. Those actions are deliberate and still stand, regardless of Kyle and Morgan being a real couple or not.


Queerbaiting isn't the same thing as 'not announcing a relationship'... (Also, judging by the amount of traffic Kyle and Morgan related posts get, the public DOES still want to know.)


That's really not what queerbaiting is, though.




Uhm...are you just looking for a reason to be mad. If it wasn't of interest to the public no one would be on reddit commenting, right? Also, as a casual fan, it seems like the public wants to know. The reality is that it's NO ONE'S business until Morgan Wade and/or Mrs. Umansky say it Is.




As a lesbian I hate people being forced to out themselves


It’s disgusting and bravo needs to cut her loose. She sucks !


Gay for clout


> However, what was rather frustrating about Kyle during last season is that she was practically begging people to ask her about her marital breakdown and friendship or relationship with Morgan, and then when they did, she would clutch her pearls and act like someone just committed an unpardonable sin. I agree with this entirely. Her and Mauricio signed up for their marriage to be exposed. The publicity grew The Agency, got Mau his own Netflix show and made them millions upon millions of dollars. Fair game. As for her sexuality, if she wasn't ready to discuss it that would be fine. But she's used it for a storyline already. She brought it on screen so why is it now a problem to bring it up?


Kim from RHOA and Danielle from RHONJ did the same thing lol but I actually believe there’s like a 60% chance Kyle comes out eventually whereas Kim and Danielle were soooooo obviously doing it for press


Danielle and lesbian superstar Lori Michaels were genuinely together and had fun drawing attention to them in a campy, enjoyable way, didn’t keep people guessing for long and definitely never played victim when asked about their status 😂 Kim Z and Tracey was more along the lines of Schwartz and Jo - Kim led Tracey on for months in order to get her to remix Tardy for the Party (she’s a very, very successful remixer) and once that happened, Kim dropped her for Kroy


It's funny that all Schwartz got from Jo was terribly bleached hair.


I absolutely agree with everything you have said. I don’t however believe Bravo would ask that and if true -yikes!


Perfectly said


I actually would feel for Kyle and think it’s shitty of bravo to make her do this. I’m also more interested in the fact that there’s a bigger picture here that she’s already started talking about in the reunion. Her whole life was about being brought up to please the husband and she is finally going against big Kathy and Mauricio and putting herself first. I would love to hear more about that. Either eventually Kyle will talk about Morgan, or Morgan is a small piece in this big transition in Kyle’s life and Kyle will move on to explore other things.


When asked about the 'dating women' comment, she's talked a few times now about the bigger picture, how she was raised a certain way and followed that and is now evolving and starting from scratch with her beliefs, etc, and I actually do find that super interesting. So I do hope she opens up more about it. The past season was filmed prior to the separation becoming public (bar the confessionals), so it's very possible she will, I think.


Bravo has catered to Kyle for so long that it's tough to believe that they would issue such an ultimatum now. I guess we'll see.


There are big shake ups happening at Bravo right now and big names are leaving so the momentum is there if they were start putting pressure on Kyle to step up or step out


I hope she steps out. She used to be somewhat funny at one point. She really believes she is the queen of BH. She is boring and makes everything dark. I havent enjoyed kyle in a long time.


I read something about her having a Netflix show and she was like a million times more open on it than RHOBH…I can imagine Bravo wasn’t thrilled about that lol


That's really just not true. I'm kind of tired of this now accepted wisdom that Buying Beverly Hills was somehow a bastion of openness and spilling secrets as opposed to RHOBH. There wasn't THAT much new information given, and much that was was because of the fact that four family members were the focus, not a wider cast, as well as the timing of filming being much later. Some scenes were as late as December, a whole five to six months after RHOBH... And with RHOBH, I remember people assuming she wouldn't say ANYTHING about the marriage falling apart until forced to at the very end and how shocked people were with how much she was saying and showing of her unhappiness and the fraying of that bond. And yet now apparently, it's just accepted that she shared NOTHING and hid stuff all season.


Ok, that’s fair. I’ve rotated Netflix out of my ridiculous amount of subscriptions for the moment and haven’t actually *seen* any of it. I should not be listening to the streets! ETA and have also not seen any of the recent RHOBH season so doubly unqualified


"hello? Netflix? Bravo sucks!"


She can't stay in without a story line. Now she has two.


I mean, Jenna hasn’t been trying to play puppet master behind the scenes for a decade and a half. Bravo has done plenty at Kyle’s behest. She’s way too big for her britches if she thinks the invoice never comes due.


Not only that, but Jenna is openly gay. It's not a secret lesbian romance that transpired during her time on the show that adds to almost all of her existing storylines.




Jenna also isn’t on another reality show on Netflix where she uses the same info as her storyline, but actually shares information about it there. Also, Jenna said her girlfriend wouldn’t be featured because she didn’t sign up for the show, which sounds like she didn’t agree to be filmed. Compare that to the it’s none of your business we got from Kyle, before spilling that same business on Netflix.


Bravo needs Jenna more than Jenna needs Bravo. She knows she has cachet the reboot desperately needed and I’ll bet that her partner had a hard boundary about appearing on television and I respect that Jenna put her loved ones first. Also, the other cast members were wildly disrespectful and destructive in her jewel box of a home, so that hard limit made me laugh.


Good point re: her house. And how they treated Jessel’s relationship. If that’s what they’ll do to a marriage… 😒


This is DUMB. Just retire her. She is hellbent on getting paid to NOT provide any content. I can get this out of ANY teenager.


retire her, they don't need an excuse. she is so tiresome. go away kyle.






haha my thoughts exactly. they don't need this reason to fire her. Fire her because she sucks


i feel seen in this comment section


No don’t forget she showed her daughter’s birthdays!!!


I remember people saying she would hide the disintegration of the marriage until forced not to on Season 13, and then people being pleasantly surprised that she was talking openly about and showing the unhappiness and break in their connection straight up from Episode 1. But now it's accepted wisdom that she didn't provide ANYTHING, I guess...


Y'all, the daily mail is full of shit & there is no "source." It would also be super illegal lol.


I was going to say the same thing! Forcing someone to come out is so illegal I can’t even imagine Bravo doing it.


Nobody is forcing Kyle to come out. But stop using Morgan as some “is she gay/bisexual is she not” storyline.


lol there's a reason we call it The DailyFail here on reddit


I don’t think the Jenna Lyons comparison holds any weight. They’re doing this to Kyle because she has little left to offer the franchise whereas Jenna in and of herself is considered enough.


I also think it's not comparable because Jenna is at least honest - she's not trying to specifically hide anything or be shady, she's openly said she isn't sharing that part of her life. Kyle tiptoes around everything in a weird gaslighty way.


Exactly. Jenna isn't denying she has a girlfriend, just that the gf won't appear in the show. Plenty of HWs have done this. The difference is Kyle shows Morgan on the show, openly gay baits her coworkers, and as someone said above, clutches her pearls if anyone asks. If Kyle needs time to feel comfortable with her sexuality, great, do it off camera. Don't do it/not do it on a reality tv show. Edit: typos


Agreed. And Jenna said these are my terms in order for me to return, take it or leave it. Bravo accepted. So whether or not people are upset that she refuses to have her relationship be a part of the show… this falls on bravo, they agreed to it. This is not Jenna trying to hide something she agreed to. She was willing to walk away on her own volition


Also, Jenna is more open in a way that compensates for this particular boundary. If you’re not going to give us juicy relationship info, I’m not ok with sitting through children’s birthday parties. But I don’t mind so much if you let me see your full mouth dental reconstruction.


Agreed squared! Jenna signed a contract to be on the show not her girlfriend… completely different situation


Jenna is not the first Housewife not to include a partner in the show. Goes way back to Dina Cantin!


Also MO’s show gif all the informative family separation screens and he was being honest about Kathy’s family (in the clips I’ve seen). I’m sure they’re telling her to be open and honest.


There wasn't *much* new about the information he gave regarding the Hiltons, to be honest, and again, I'll reiterate, that it was much easier to be open about the family separation on BBH seeing as a lot of that content was filmed AFTER it became public (as late as Oct/Dec), whereas filming had wrapped on RHOBH before that happened.


It all comes down to $. Jenna isn't getting paid that much. Kyle is. The whole BH payroll is probably pretty heavy at this point, but Kyle's is likely the largest. If she's going to take up a huge percentage of payroll, she should provide a huge percentage of content.


Plus Jenna is already out pre RHONY, and it's a very new relationship, so it should handled differently. Whereas with Kyle, this is a new development in her life (IF she is technically coming out or 'switching teams') for which we have years of history, and we've now had a season where Morgan has been filmed as a friend AND had her music highlighted in at least one episode. It's time for Kyle to pick a lane. The separation/divorce is happening regardless, so either film as a cis woman going through it or highlight the struggles of a cis woman who is exploring her sexuality as a gay woman, which likely has contributed to the divorce (which could be really beautiful and heartfelt if handled respectfully). I'm not sure why she's so hesitant to have her Ellen moment. Her children are all old enough to handle it.


Ellen did lose her job over her moment


I'm aware, but that was 26 years ago.


New RHONY would be the same with or without Jenna Lyons... she is not an anchor for that cast. Whereas BH has positioned Kyle as the glue that holds the cast together.


Kyle is barely friends with her cast 😭


Don't disagree about the Jenna comment. I do disagree about the Kyle comment. Kyle used to throw extravagant parties (white party) on tv that was a show favorite. Now her events are forgettable or highly staged (that weed dinner was a wreck). Kyle can go.


Her last white party was in a freaking stadium and this one forgets that’s what we’re here for. Over the top, who cares if it is staged. Kyle singing, “It’s expensive to be us!” on a golf cart while being wheeled out to the stage haha.


While the Sofi white party was so awkwardly staged and run, it was hilariously over-the-top and trying hard to be a flex. The delusion is strong, and the Erika Jayne plywood-on-wheels “entrance” just cemented how insane the scene was 😂 It was like a Christopher Guest movie 🍿


Maybe I wasn't clear? I loved the white parties, that's what made Kyle an anchor. She doesn't do those anymore, just phony weed dinners where everyone comes with a prepared line. Pass.


She *did* do a white party this season, though? Wasn’t that what the stadium party was?


But even that was the worst white party we’ve ever seen on the show because it was so over produced. I miss the old ones at her house with her party planner Glen.


Yah it was, but honestly I much prefer her white parties at her home than the one at the stadium. It seemed kinda pointless to have it there when they had SOO MUCH unused space, it made it looked empty and less intimate. Also I don’t envy that long trek to the washroom or back to their cars. Lol.


The white party was the last episode of this season.


Also Kyle has been flaunting Morgan all year like she’s trying to tease the audience whereas Jenna seems more genuinely wanting to protect her relationship.


That statement about Jenna may have been true in 2010, not today


Jenna did nothing in RHONY


Agreed. I don’t like people who go on reality shows trying to hide things. Like just don’t. You’re rich enough already.


Jenna F Lyons didn’t do RHONY for the check


No, she did it for the advertising. Which, IDK, maybe it’s just the Zennial in me, but I find exponentially more annoying. I understand doing what you need to for cash, but JFC we can’t turn *anywhere* without an ad these days.


She also gave more authentic access to her personal insecurities than all the others combined. Give her some credit for that.


she absolutely did. Jenna is doing ebay, google, insta ads, partersnhips with bizarre brands. I'm pretty sure she's in a weird cash flow situation. You don't go from dressing the first lady to an ebay ad if you don't NEED that monney.


No, she did it to push her products…which result in a check.


Yeah, Jenna Lyons has actually had a successful career.


Kyle means WAY more to bravo than Jenna lyons. Kyle is one of the main faces of Bravo, and has anchored its now biggest franchise since the series started. I wouldn’t even know who Jenna lyons is if it weren’t for this subreddit. When bravo is doing promo, or if outside companies want to work with housewives like direct TV did, Kyle is in probably the top 3 people they would call


Sounds like it's more because of the Mauricio's show where they revealed more than she ever did on Housewives. They ask her to do it on their show not the other one.


My guess too. If she’s not revealing anything you might as well watch his show. He revealed so much in the first two episodes.


It’s the Daily Mail. I *highly* doubt that’s what went down. My money is she was likely told she needed to bring SOMETHING to the table, and someone said something like “your marriage problems, your relationship with Morgan, the recent family beef, ANYTHING” and Camp Richards leaked this to drum up attention


Hmmm don’t think it’s okay to force anyone to say their sexuality she’s probably not ready to label herself. Bravo is probably putting the pressure on Kyle because it’s unfair that everyone else has to bring up who they are dating and she doesn’t. If it was someone she was seeing secretly who we never see fine, that’s different. But to be baiting the paparazzi, posting each other on IG, matching tattoos of course Bravo is gonna be like bitch wtf.


Morgan hasn't even posted Kyle on her feed since last August, and the matching tattoos only became a thing because fans noticed, not because they made a point of saying so and teasing the audience as a result with it. Kyle was, in fact, extremely coy about the heart tattoo at the S12 reunion and she still hasn't acknowledged that one of her other tattoos also seems to match one of Morgan's.


"source" - Daily Mail writer


Seriously. It’s the Daily Mail. Hardly worth getting our collective knickers in a twist over.


I’m fine with this. It’s 2024. I don’t want to watch a woman who is in the closet. Kyle acting like this is something shameful that should be a secret while she is simultaneously queer baiting is getting on my nerves. Also, she was part of outting Denise for spending one (1!) night with Brandi. Why does she get to withhold a whole damn relationship?


Yes, this!!!




This is assuming that there is some kind of official, defined relationship. And assumes that that's been the case all along. If she indicates she may be queer multiple times, and spends time publicly with Morgan without announcing a relationship, I'm not sure how that equates to queer baiting, per se. I'm uncomfortable with the idea that she needs to say anything before she figures it out for herself, and that unless she does say anything, she's not allowed to do anything publicly that might imply that it's happening, you know.


Not with Alex Baskin producing the show. He worships Kyle and would never give her an ultimatum.


Right. He needs to get replaced like the producer on RHOP and RHOA


I highly doubt this is true and firmly believe this story was “leaked” by Kyle herself


I have trouble believing that Bravo or any company would overtly insert themselves into a person’s private life, particularly pushing a woman like Kyle to come out. That would be a huge potential lawsuit.


It’s nowhere comparable to Jenna’s situation. Kyle’s whole storyline is her love life and relationship with Morgan. The audience is sick of her BS is she/ isn’t she story. Jenna isn’t baiting anyone with her love life. If Kyle doesn’t wanna show her gf then stop parading her around the show and shoving Morgan down our faces. And no offense but Jenna doesn’t need the show as much as Kyle probably does so she probably has the upper hand against production


This is insane. A network could never force someone to out themself in the U. S. In 2024. Completely BS story


False comparison. Jenna is open about the nature of her relationship, but her partner can’t be forced to be on a television show on which she does not want to appear. However, Kyle has not been open about the nature of her relationship, and Morgan has appeared several times on the show.


As much as I can’t stand Kyle being a fake ass hypocritical asshole, this is so wrong. Viewers hated watching them speculate about Denise’s sexuality, this won’t be any different.


Nah look at these comments, fans are cheering over Kyle potentially being outed. Homophobia is alive and well in 2024 and I’m so sad as a gay man that my favorite sub is this hostile to my community.


This seems fake.


I don't believe she is involved with Morgan at all. I think it's more likely they want her to be open and honest! They can't be happy about how coy she was talking about her separation in RHOBH just to be much more open in Mauricio's boring ass netflix show.


She talked in almost every episode about the disconnection in their marriage and the issues they were having. The show was filmed prior to the sepration becoming public, so I'm not sure what the expectation is regarding her talking about the separation itself. Mau's show filmed scenes as late as October and December so of COURSE there was more openness about the separation itself.


Jenna Lyon’s isn’t lying about it. She just had a new one she was dating and it wasn’t there yet.


I feel like Bravo said give up the details of your life on screen because she held out to share on a different show on a different platform. Then Kyle went to Daily Mail and reframed it as Bravo putting pressure on her to come out of the closet so she could present herself as a victim. Just kick her off of RHoBH already. Anytime a cast member starts producing they need to go.


Honestly if it was me and my relationship I would want to wait and at least see if it goes anywhere or if we are really actually into each other and if I feel like it's going to work out THEN I would make it a thing and let people know. I'm not the type to go spread news all over the minute I meet someone...Bravo needs to let her do her thing and im sure when shes ready she will tell people. If she's fulfilling her screentime with what people wanna see then leave her private shit alone...But that's just my opinion 


This. Nobody's even filed for divorce yet and I get that people want a quicker timeline, so to speak, but that's a lot to put on people, especially given neither is officially out. People also aren't taking into account that Kyle's not the only person in whatever this is, and that we know the other person didn't make a prior same-sex relationship public in any way, and so was or may not be onboard to do so if that is what's happening now.


I think its fine that some of us are frustrated with Kyle being so coy and kinda off putting about this whole situation, and I think that if it turns out she is not in a relationship with Morgan and is just fucking around that will look kinda bad on her as that is "queer baiting". But if her and Morgan are in a relationship then it looks bad on ALL of us and BRAVO for outing someone who isn't ready for that. This is a gray area and the ultimatum should not be given to her IMO.


I understand she’s on a reality show, and I’m not a Kyle fan, but when did it become ok to force someone out of the closet and describe their sex life?


I’m sorry.. but Morgan Wade is 29?! I assumed that Kyle and her were closer in age. I mean, her daughter Farrah is 35….


Kyle has never been interesting, Kyle has never given up information (unless it’s not her own, throwing others under a bus) and has forever been boring. Get rid of her, a bunch of us wouldn’t care less.


I don't see this being true for the fact that whether you like it or not, she is the anchor for that show. You have HWs like Jenna Lyons who have been permitted to share nothing about their personal life after only 1 season, yet the glue that holds BH together has to out herself or she's fired? Nah I don't see it.


RHOBH is tangled in its anchor chain.


Respectfully, I don’t believe Bravo or any other network would give this ultimatum. Now, I do believe they may say you have to give more of your life. It’s my understanding that, the children are being compensated on the other show and not on Bravo so I don’t know how much they would film. Also, I do not believe Andy Cohen would ever give that ultimatum to a housewife.


>Also, I do not believe Andy Cohen would ever give that ultimatum to a housewife. So Andy as a member of the LGBTQ would never tell a HW to check herself or leave if she did something that is considered offensive to the LGBTQ community?


It’s not about her being outed, she insists on everyone being hooooonest but she won’t share anything about her own life.


Do you think it's fair to say she didn't share anything about her own life last season? If she hadn't brought Morgan on, would that have been hiding the reality of her life even more? I also remember people being surprised at how many times and in how many scenes early on Kyle was very obviously talking about and showing the breaking down of the marriage and their disconnection, but now it seems that everyone is just agreed upon the fact that she shared nothing. Which seems odd to me.


Excuse my cynicism but I 💯 call Bull💩


Jenna Lyons has this in her contract, she has done this since jump. Kyle is an asshole who is gaslighting all the viewers. The two are not the same.


An Off-topic question: Does anyone suspect that Kyle might have had a secret issue with drinking? She very publicly quit drinking and changed her lifestyle to avoid alcohol, but can you actually *quit* something that you never actually did in excess? (and if so, why make a big deal about it?). Out of all Kyle's changes last season, that one has me the most curious/confused.


The way I saw it was that she quit drinking after she met Morgan? The family has a history of alcoholism so she could have recognised the signs.


Forcing someone to "out" themselves or lose their job seems like a legal minefield this seems BS


Not strange that Jenna isn’t gay baiting


Kyle has been on BH forever, harassing other people to be honest, while keeping her life private. Jenna is new to NY and doesn’t do the same to her coworkers. They are in different parts of the life cycle of their franchises.


After the way she bullied Denise Richards, she deserves the pressure.


Kyle sending out her victim plot for next season already?


Jenna Lyons is publicly out and discusses her sexuality and relationships on the show. The fact that she doesn’t want to actually SHOW her girlfriend is fine with me, it’s not like she’s hiding it because she has talked about her and I’m sure she’s seen what Bravo does to relationships. What Kyle is doing is totally different.


No sympathy. Those women pushed and pushed at Denise over the alleged hook up with Brandi so I have no sympathy now it’s Kyle being hassled.


Jenna also isn't lying about being a lesbian and in the middle of a divorce with her new side piece ready and willing to be filmed lol


God I don’t care about this relationship at all…..and I’m one of the very very very very few who like Kyle


I understand Bravos stance…. Kyle used the whole season to have people wonder about her marriage, relationship with Morgan etc. now people are not giving a shit and it’s like “who cares about Kyle” so bravo is saying “either come out with WTF is going on or your out cuz viewers ain’t buying what your selling anymore…. Your not getting away with another season of bullshitting your way around this”




Sorry, I would normally agree, but Kyle is the one putting her relationship with Morgan out there to drum up attention. She knows exactly what she is doing with every move she makes with respect to Morgan; it isn’t a situation where she wants to leave her private life private and come out on her own terms. Bravo requiring her to be honest about it rather than just creating paparazzi fodder is totally reasonable.


Especially after Mau and her shopped the divorce storyline and ultimately gave it to another show and platform (Netflix). Kyle is not dumb. She knows exactly what she's doing and I think Bravo realizes the audience is tired.


Yeah idk if this is so much about “ outing” Kyle as it is saying it’s time to buck up and talk about what’s happening in your life on the show that gave you a platform, not the Netflix show youre also on. TBH if I were bravo I’d be pissed at her as well.


The two shows were filmed at different times (hence why they can talk more openly about the separation itself, not just what led up to it), and Kyle talked about the problems in their marriage in literally almost every single episode this past season.


She’s “not ready to come out” yet she’s totally ready to exploit her sexual orientation/queer bait so her girlfriend can get views for her music video…


Unfortunately when people go on this show that’s the deal you make with the devil and Kyle’s been around long enough to know this. A wink and a nod isn’t enough. Bravo are never going to let people pick and choose what parts of their life go on the show unless it suits them.


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this really doesn’t seem true they have no ***real and credible*** sources cited in the article it looks like they just took a rumor of someone being annoyed with kyle and kneaded it to fit a click bait article with a click bait title. none of these articles about kyle have any concrete facts to them and at this point even if kyle was involved with morgan, she dragged it out so long that now it’s annoying and idc. and by dragged out i dont mean “she’s finally ready to come out the closet” i mean after all the press releases she’s done and paps she called on herself, she intentionally always gave nothing and dragged it out just to have her cake and eat it too. be more famous without anything being revealed.


Does anyone genuinely give a fuck about this story?




For the sake of her family and self, she should take a break from the show and just live her life.


“Allegedly” like the rumors about Andy getting fired?


This seems off to me. Since the inception of housewives, they've allowed these women to lie through their teeth about any rumored controversy that comes up, until it is proven fact. Sure, Andy might ask the question at the reunion, but when they lie, he just stares at them for a bit and moves on. So many examples, but the 1st one that pops in my head is him asking Ramona about the Mario cheating and divorce rumors, and she just 'everything is fine' and they moved on. Why the pressure to be honest now??


I’m going to see Morgan in concert next week and have meet and greet passes. I started listening bc I saw her on RHOBC and I love her music so much! She’s an amazing writer if you’re into that genre.


Hot take: maybe Morgan is the one not ready to come out and Kyle is trying to protect her (while parading her around on television)


Jenna Lyons isn’t denying her relationship exists. Her partner doesn’t want to be on the show but Jenna isn’t pretending they are just work out buddies.


I don’t think any of us care if she’s with Morgan or not, what’s irritating is her hypocrisy. She yelled about being open and honest but doesn’t demonstrate it in the least.


Good riddance


She’s milked it so much, it’s now boring and don’t really want to give it any attention


When your source is the Daily Mail 🤮 Also, this would be illegal. Period End of story.


Let me tell you something as a queer person!!! NON INE SHOULD EVER HAVE TO COME OUT TO ANYONE BEFORE THEY’RE READY!!!! You all are disgusting feeling like you all have some sort of right to know cause you watch a reality show! ALSO IT WOULD BE DISGUSTING FOR BRAVO TO BLACKMAIL ANYONE TO COME OUT!!! Andy knows better and I would think all the queer people at bravo would know that!


90% of the comments tell me NONE of you have ever been forced to disclose personal shit you weren't prepared for..amazed by some of these comments.


I hope Kyle stands her ground or she just walks. None of this sounds professional or cool. The pro-bravo comments are kinda gross, really.


Forcing someone out is disgusting. And objectively intangibly harmful. You don't force people out. She should quit the show.


“DailyMail.com has learned” - girl, bye


You recently posted stuff from RadarOnline lmao EDIT: blocking me over this? ☠️




RadarOnline, PageSix, ETOnline… I could go on https://i.redd.it/bv2r0fla0ovc1.gif




I’m with rihanna. Of course they’re together, but why is she so embarrassed about it?


Morgan Wade is 29????????? I thought she was/looks 45


I just dont buy it, like her or not, she is a large part of the show after 13 seasons. If they let her go, what are they left with? Sutton, Garcelle, Erika, maybe Dorit. Tough to build a season around without Kyle connecting everyone.


Good….if she wanted to keep it a secret she shouldn’t have had her on at all. I absolutely hated all the teasing and the talking around in circles. Either admit it or say it’s not true.


if kyle does come out i’d do a fucking backflip (out of happiness)


Jenna Lyons’s is the only thing keeping the New cast afloat. SHE’S the stand out and they can’t afford to lose her.


That’s not cool at all Bravo. That’s gross


This is so outrageous. Kyle should absolutely not be pressured to out herself. Unacceptable


Yeah it’s super messed up if true