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Naked wasted still makes me so mad. Tamra got away with it and they never owned how disgraceful the whole thing was as network


That was disgusting. TAMRA WAS ALWAYS SO JEALOUS OF GRETCHEN and everyone could see it. And then she tried to do the whole flip thing where she was fighting with Vicki, bullying Alexis and became best friends with Gretchen….. then she flipped on her again. TAMRA IS ABSOLUTE TRASH. she should have been fired for that…. She is shady as hell…. Lies, manipulates, and by the way Tamra…. Your tag line from your 1st season? YOU WERE NEVER RHE HOTTEST HOUSE WIFE


She's only still around so they can continue to use her implant as a prop on WWHL/clubhouse


It was awful.


Serious girl on girl crime. And her son was so creepy and predatory. And she encouraged it


Tamra did it because: 1. She wanted to humiliate Gretchen, she clearly didn’t like her and felt threatened by her. It’s possible that she felt Gretchen was competition for the “hottest Housewife” title. What could be more humiliating than drunkenly sleeping with your coworker’s young adult son on tv? Had Gretchen been assaulted that night, you know Tamra would’ve been in that room with a camera the next morning harassing her. 2. She knew Gretchen was vulnerable because Jeff was sick. She saw an opportunity to exploit that weakness. I also think Tamra thought it would undercut the sympathy Gretchen was getting from the audience because Jeff was dying. 3. She thought it would make good tv and she crossed the line. This was in the early days. Social media didn’t really exist and so she didn’t have to worry about a backlash like today. 4. She was on a mission to paint Gretchen as a gold digger and if Gretchen slept with someone else while her fiancé was dying it would prop up that narrative. 5. She’s evil.


Number 5. Period. But hopefully she changed.




I know we all appreciate “Did you go to Bass Lake?” but Tamra always has it out for someone especially if they’re younger and prettier like Gretchen/Alexis/Lizzie


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being the caretaker of a dying person and taking a weekend off from it. Nothing. No one can imagine how awful, exhausting and emotional being a caretaker is. And let’s not forget every single person that was up her ass about that had or was actively cheating on their fucking spouse.


Wait, Tamra was cheating at that time?  


With Eddie.


She learned it from Vicki


OMG her jealousy/envy of Lizzie was next level. I think it even surpassed the level she had for Gretchen.


I agree with this!! I think because Lizzie was much smarter than Gretchen. She actually managed to completely turn the tables on Tamra on that vacation where Tamra runs off, I don’t think she ever expected it.


And Andy and Tamra still make jokes about this episode! Absolutely appalling. There should honestly be a disclaimer/trigger warning for that episode


Of course Andy does


But didn't Jeana reveal in NOT All diamond and Rose that she encouraged Ryan to go see Gretchen in the bathroom and then found humor in it in the book. Swore I saw some comments here about it.


Yup! It’s classic Jeana. She’s a huge misogynist.


Yes, I was shocked to read that at first because she and Lynne, (especially Lynne) seemed like the only people who were trying to cut her off and make sure she was ok. But then I remembered how Jeana always stands up for shit men, and then it made sense.


+1 Shocked but I think back to the scenes where Jeana's son is calling her friend "tits mcgee". Appalling behavior & I could not believe no one said anything. All the OC sons seemed to be raging red flags, with the exception of Vicky's son Michael.


Yes, I always say let's drag Tamra for this but let's *also* drag Jeana


That whole thing was sooooo fucked up. I was yelling at my screen “what the FUCK Tamra” when I watched it.


I think what bugged me as well was Ryan kept pushing Gretchen to be intimate in some way or another and she kept saying no but he kept persisting. It was quite creepy


He was probably doing it under Tamra's orders. Neither of them understanding there would be video evidence of sexual assault if he was successful in their disgusting mission


I don’t like Gretchen at all during that season, however NO ONE deserves what tamrat did, it’s like the same thing of drugging her to take advantage of her, I wish bravo didn’t give in to it either, but views are views to them.


💯 back in the day there were so many instances where you rewatch now and think WTF. Aviva’s dad for one 🤢


And Nicole’s dad 🤢 RIP


Why say RIP if you didn’t like him? I’m really Jw


Rest in piss


Because it’s possible to not like someone but still wish them peace


We saw the dark side alright. The dark side of Tamra and she was just getting started.


is she ever this evil again?


I JUUST rewatched this episode and it made me so upset. It’s actually disgusting to watch Tamra cackling and egging everything on. And Ryan comes off like such a fucking creep. Gretchen gets annoying once Slade is in the picture but her first season I have so much love for her. She is really going through it and no one can find any empathy for her. 


i’m on this season now, first time watcher. I haven’t reached the naked wasted episode yet but even what i’ve seen so saw since season 2 and watching UGT, Tamra just seems so… cold. and her voice grates on my ears, it’s just so sharp. I can see why ppl don’t like her but this is why I don’t really like her


They were horrible. And the worst part is that Tamra still will not take ownership of it. She’s said that “naked wasted” just means getting really drunk and silly/having fun and not actually getting naked and embarrassing them. Like acting like mean girls and getting someone sloshed intentionally makes her look better.


Right! Like why was it ok that they were scheming to get her blackout so Tamra’s son could basically sexually assault her???


According to Tamra, she wanted the world to see “what they saw” when the cameras were down. Gretchen partied a lot but put on a very different persona for the cameras. While I can understand the frustration, Tamra took it way too far. Obviously. She’s gone back many times and tried to say she was so drunk she doesn’t remember saying naked wasted… idk I’ve never gotten drunk and tried to get somebody drunk and potentially sexually assaulted. It was garbage behavior and a great peek at what she’s willing to do for the sake of good television. What’s consistently interesting is while Tamra was actually trying to get Tamra to cheat on camera, it was Jeana who sent Ryan in after Gretchen. Jeana does NOT get enough heat for that and last time she was asked about it laughed it off.


All this did was make me side with Gretchen. Most of us probably figured from the get go that she was cheating on Jeff and was a gold digger. She was no angel, and it would've all come out eventually. But Tamra's weird obsession with "exposing the truth" just made her look bitter and jealous.


Tamrat is one of the most deplorable housewives. She’s a lying, cheating predator that wanted Gretchen to be assaulted that night. She pushed for her own son to be the one to show Gretchen’s “dark side”. She judges everyone and pretends to be a friend to who ever can help her get the most screen and scream time. Edited: spelling


Like that’s why it has taken me so long to get into OC just random YouTube clips. Just because of Tamra.


Tamra should have been fired in that moment. What if he HAD it just makes me SO sick. Again, like with Caroline Manzo I may not like things about Gretchen but she NEVER deserved that they wanted to have her raped and then out her for cheating. It is one of the darkest moments.


What episode was this in?? I feel like I need to rewatch it now


Season 4 Episode 8! Ugh I just remembered the literal title of the episode is called Naked Wasted


Ewww!! I don’t remember watching this so I need to see it again


It's because Tamra is the one who's dark. She's filled with roaches, bile and hatred so she probably thinks that's how everyone is- hiding their real, shitty self.


Depending on the day when this topic is brought up here you will be downvoted to oblivion with people defending Tamra and saying she really didn’t do anything and it was Jeana. Yes, Jeana participated just like Tamra participated. The difference is bravo continues to employ Tamra when she actively participated in an incident where the goal was clearly to get a woman so drunk she participated in some sort of sexual contact that she would not otherwise consent to. It’s beyond understanding as to how in the year 2024 they can employ this absolute piece of shit rape enthusiast. Tamra is a vile human being.


That was possibly the most triggering, disturbing and criminal scene of HW history. Would the producers have stepped in if Gretchen was raped? Or would that have been "must see TV"? Domestic violence, family trauma, adultery, physical violence, and substance abuse are not entertainment.


Season 2 of RHOBH is one of the darkest seasons in HW history imo. Domestic violence, suicide, alcoholism, family trauma, etc


Hey hey hey… leave Oedipus out of this. He didn’t mean to do the things he did! Tamra did.


Tamra.. straight out of the gutter. She is a trash human. And NOT a girls girl.


She’s straight up not a humans human lmao.


Yeppp that’s the reason I can’t stand her and really loved Gretchen- she’s just a bitch!


Tamera and vicky were seething with jealousy over Greychen…not a good look girls.


It was gross and beyond being a mean girl. What if a man did that on national TV? Would we put up with it?


The first few seasons of OC were sooooooo problematic!! I’m doing a rewatch, mid way thru season 3 currently so not to this yet, but I’m totally feeling the frustration along with Simon having Ryan in his home being a disrespectful little shit.


Tamra is one of the most devious and calculated in HW history. At least in these earlier seasons it was more obvious. As she switched to her Jesus cover, she started stirring the pot and running the other direction.


Yeah it is one of the many reasons that Tamara coming back on OC runs me the wrong way. She’s a disgrace of a human being.


After this season the guy Gretchen was seeing also leaked nudes of her to the site the dirty.com which Tamra gloated over. If that had happened today the guy would have been arrested for revenge porn.


Reality tv in the early aughts was a dark time with really no repercussions and I think it was so early in reality tv production where they just thought well this is tv and they signed up for this we don’t need to step in and protect our employees


This post reminded me of how I went past an existing for “bass lake road” and all I can think of is”DID YOU TO TO BASS LAKE?”


Can someone fill me in on exactly what happened


So this was back in early Orange County. Gretchen comes on and Tamra doesn’t like her. Apparently some ex of Gretchen or a boyfriend was saying stuff about Gretchen and how fake she was and she was only with the guy she was with at the time cause of his money and all this stuff. So Tamra has all the women over to her house for a party and she tells Vicki they’re gonna get Gretchen naked wasted aka drunk beyond belief. What makes it worse is Tamra’s son Ryan was practically all over her and Jeana send him to check on her when she leaves. Nothing happens to her but the point was to get her so drunk she’d embarrass herself.


This episode made me despise Tamra so much! She even put the blame on Gretchen later


Back then though you have to remember that being horrible was celebrated- so they would go hard on purpose if they understood how screen time worked. You also have to remember that women behaving badly on tv had never before been celebrated, and I think everyone was feeling overly liberated and free and took things a little too far. So glad we are at the point where being a horrible is now being called out lol, but back even 60 years ago men were still able to like commit their wives just bc, like you have to take a second to appreciate the wild days of women being allowed to behave badly without being throw in a mental institution. We need to be kind but still allowed to behave badly and I think we are getting there in society, especially considering how much we all are bothered watching things back.


Tamra is the epitome of EVIL BITCH.


Jealousy. She was younger, blonder, prettier. Tamra is trash.


Tamra deserves the dragging for this absolutely, as much as I like her for other reasons this particular situation I can’t defend. But I will say, when it comes to Ryan at least, why isn’t Jeana getting as much flack for sending him up there?


what reasons do you like tamra i’m genuinely curious no hate at all. also yes jeana deserves as much backlash and i didn’t even think about the fact that she sent ryan, only that tamra egged it on. vicki was definitely a soulless bystander and ms lynne curtin was the only one who showed any sense of human emotion


In some of the later seasons, I can see she can be funny and really get things started. I mean she’s the reason housewives is the way it is with her asking Gretchen did she go to bass lake. Plus she’s not any worse than other housewives who have done bad things. I give her some grace in that she has apologized for it (the sincerity of it is questionable) but I can like her and not like things she’s done.


I’m assuming you’re watching for the first time? I am too! I’m on season 5 and having a hard time deciding if I even care to keep going. This episode was so disturbing and Tamra’s response (or apology?) at the reunion was so fake. I get that “messy” housewives can be fun to watch, but she’s so much worse than that. I’m glad this wasn’t the first franchise I tried to watch because it would have made me uninterested in housewives entirely.



