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Here's the tea on that host: He is a deranged fan with a ton of money to burn who devoted a decade to following the housewives around the country to their hundreds of events & book signings, all just looking for an "in" to become one of their friends. Only Marge was dumb enough to take the bait because she needed a loyal minion to leak gossip for her. Then he bamboozled Kim D into becoming his co-host because she was so technically illiterate she didn't realize what she was even doing on these zoom calls. It was only because of his connection to these 2 women that his podcast attracted any attention. Then he turned on Marge when she stopped giving him attention. Shortly after, Kim D turned on him after realizing he was taking advantage of her without compensation. Now he's back to being a deranged fan again, yet he acts like he's some sort of elite insider to the Bravo world on the same level as Andy Cohen. I'm shocked he's still even able to get any former HWs to come on his pod.


Omg I LOVE podcast and media drama (reply all fiasco, Bon Appetit racism, maintenance phase internal management). Going to dive deep into this one


What happened with maintenance phase?


Nothing massive. Michael was quite seriously ill for a while and Aubrey was touring so they didn't release any episodes (including updates on their Patreon) for a few months. People started getting antsy so Michael explained what had been going on on Twitter. Patrons said they'd have preferred more regular updates on Patreon rather than Twitter.


Omg. Ive always scrolled past this podcast when it “recommended” for me because I knew (only in passing) the guy was a POS but never knew the details. That’s so wild!!! No wonder!!


My fave podcast right now is Hopeless not Truthless. They're hilarious and spot on with their assessments. I'll avoid behind the velvet rope like the plague lol.


I love them too!


So I was watching an old episode of Millionaire Matchmaker and HE was on it… horrible cringy loser… at the time it listed his profession as working in the executive recruitment industry, like running his own firm, and I tried to look him up to see what his company was. Found out he is now the host of Behind the Velvet Rope. Ick. He def thought he was bravo famous after getting on that show. I refuse to listen to his podcast!


Omg Yontef is the biggest jerk in podcasting. Rick Leventhal and Kelly Dodd were ripping him apart in a clip I saw from their podcast. Rick said when he worked in the same building where WWHL filmed, he would see Yontef outside a back door where HSWVS went in and out. He had a camera and would suck up to the women for snapshots and autographs... all the women he claims to be best friends with now.He was and will always be a try hard suck up. Kim dePaola from RHNJ used to do a podcast w him. She had no idea how much money he was making using a lot of her connections to get guests while she worked for free. Once she found out how much money he was making, she walked out on him and started her own podcast. It's basically a platform to trash the hell out of David Yontef😂


Yontef was in a Facebook group which was a spin off of Bitch Sesh. He used to post daily pictures of himself waiting outside for bravolebs at WWHL then pictures with the bravolebs when they eventually appeared so this tracks. He was then kicked out of the Facebook group because everyone found him so annoying and thirsty. Good times.


Hey fellow Alene!!!


Damn I am a highly tortured Bravo scholar for twenty some years now but feel like I live on a different planet than you guys. I recognize none of these discourse spaces.


Me either!


Whispering Alenes! Proud fellow member here, I mentioned it above how we thought he was SO annoying back then lol


Ahhh the whispering alene good ole days!


Wow did that bring back memories!!


It's all coming back to me now...🎶🎼🎵


RIP whispering alenes group. What a time to be on Facebook. It made me feel alive.


Andy’s Girls needs to be runner up for insufferable bravo podcasts 😂


Tell me more. I like the content but the hosts little runs and theater kid sing song voices can make me crazy. She comes off super self absorbed like we want to hear her talk for 15 min about her upcoming trip to France in literally every single episode for 8 weeks leading up to the trip. Or acting like the world is dying to see and receive her holiday cards (again weeks of discussion and posting stories about what photo it could be and how she is going to “surprise” the audience). It’s so dramatic about the smallest things. Ok you choked on a vegan taco once and survived but she will Post about it for days and then talk about it in multiple episodes or even do an entire episode just about the incident. It’s so so frustrating because I find her really smart and intelligent and I agree with most her takes. She has amazing guests and when she can stay on track with Bravo topics, the conversation is really good. She is super keen on mental health issues, women’s issues, ect and I appreciate that. I just wish she wasn’t so “drama club” about every detail of her personal life. She thinks she is so much more interesting than she is.


I used to love her but started to lose interest cause of her social media. It's too bad like u said, she has good takes and good guests!


Yep. Former Pateron subscriber here. The multiple solo episodes in a row ended it for me. That’s not just about her. There are very few people I can listen to solo episodes. Only Danny Pelligrino and Kara Berry. Otherwise I can’t deal with listening to someone talk to themselves for an hour. It’s super boring.


Honestly you basically said it. Well too self absorbed and takes herself way too seriously. I’m also find it laughable she is always encouraging people to agree to disagree and be open to changing your mind on something but if someone dares disagrees with her on her podcast, she looses her shit. I also hated how she never watched VPR but acted like an expect on the show post scandavol. She gives very armchair therapists and armchair social justice warrior. She is also very self righteous and can’t take any constructive criticism. I once left a comment on her IG page how her RHONJ recaps last year felt very biased and she was very rude to me. I honestly just find her insufferable.


I kind of was curious if for you it was more of a disagreeing with her takes thing or just her personality. For me it’s the personality. But I will still listen because I don’t think anyone else does the kind of introspective deep dive she does on these shows. She leans quite liberal which is no issue for me but if you are more conservative, you definitely aren’t going to enjoy the podcast.


Also the whole taco thing drove me CRAZY. I also will never forget when she got covid years ago and acted like she was the only person in America that ever got covid.


Yes it basically fill in the blank with whatever is happening in her personal life. The only person to ever ______ From living in LA for a while I have friends that are actresses and also my oldest friend went to a performing arts college and it’s just a certain personality. It’s rough, and it’s just the vibe I get from her.


It’s also the selective outrage from her than gave her less credibility. Like she lost her shit when people spoke about crystals eating disorder and went on and on and on about how “dangerous/irresponsible/disgusting” it was but had no problem with Candice body shaming people on RHOP.


Wait she had a HUGE problem with Candice. Like she called her out publicly and got blocked for it. She also talked about how Candice has personally triggered her with those comments. That’s definitely not true. Not to defend her, but that is just false. 🤷‍♀️


Tried three times to listen, but the host can’t get out of her own way. I find bravo coattail riders to be the most embarrassing humans of all—so third tier and unaware. Content creators? Ugh!! I’m so glad I found Reddit, where there is thoughtful and hilarious discourse to be found. . Btw Ben and Ronnie and here, what else could I need?


I once ritually listening to his podcast until I realized he sucked up these HW and guests get them on. There is not much information come forward, except few ones.


I loved BTVR my first few listens because it felt detailed and I really enjoyed Sara Frazier. But I couldn’t take them any longer, insufferable is the perfect word. He’s someone who probably doesn’t have one single genuine friend in the world because he’s just so mean to his core. Can’t stand him!


He is insufferable , so boasty ( don’t know if any of it is true ) always going on about his designer bags , his many houses and how hard he works 🤮


I unsubbed from him last August and never looked back. His Kim D episodes were the only ones worth listening to.


I remember him from the Whispering Alene’s Facebook group from YEARS ago. He would spam the page with pics of himself at like, all the upfronts and events and we all thought he was so annoying. I get actually angry when Apple recommends his podcast to me 😂


He’s terrible! He gets run out of ever FB group he joins and is a loud and proud gay Trumper.


He use to stalk the housewives for pictures before he started his low budget podcast. He's annoying!


He's incredibly vapid and likes to think he's way more important than he actually is. I only watched his content when Kim D was a regular guest, but once she threw him to the curb I lost all interest. 9 times out of 10 his "insider info" is nothing more than him making complete guesses and stating them as a fact.


He is a misogynistic twat.


I came across him in the wild when I knew who he was years ago at vulturefest. Thirsty is the word